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Aug 16th, 2017
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  1. =Alpha Fleet Scorp, Wat Do ?=
  3. Congratulations you finally trained out of that drake and got yourself into one of the most important ships in Alpha Fleet. This ship is like a blackbird except you don't have to warp out. When the enemy locks you up ( they will ) instead of warping out you just get ready to overheat your tank ( you did train thermodynamics right ? ) and broadcast for shield ( assigning it a shortcut key could save you ).
  5. What you'll jam will vary depending on the situation. If we're fighting another Alpha Fleet for example you'll want to spread jams among Maelstroms since enemy logi won't matter as much. If you're fighting against an Abaddon fleet with massive guardian support then going after logi is the better idea. Naturally this will be up to your FC's discretion, just be sure it's clear what your priority is before the fight starts.
  7. You may be wondering what you're supposed to be doing with those smartbombs in your highs, let me start by saying no they are not there to randomly activate in the middle of a boring pos shoot and startle the scimi pilots. The smartombs have a couple utility roles to play, depending on the situation the scorps can cluster up in front of the fleet and SB the incoming missles thus reducing enemy dps ( yes missiles can be blown up by smartbombs) . SB's can also be used to take out enemy drones or even some extra dps against enemies that get in too close.
  9. Speaking of too close, aHAC's like to get in face fuck range of our Maelstroms so they can't be tracked, this is where your heavy neuts come in. Without cap a zealot will be unable to shoot or afterburn away, so with your jammers and neuts you can effectively take out 5 different zealots at once, this is why the Scorpion is so important, it reduces their effectiveness and still manages to add a little extra dps ( as laughable as that may be with this set up, but every last bit counts )
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