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Jun 8th, 2017
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  1. # This plugin will log your battery performance in a
  2. # file (//battery_bench.txt) every minute.
  3. # To properly test your battery:
  4. # 1) Select and playback an album. (Be sure to be more than the player's buffer)
  5. # 2) Set to repeat.
  6. # 3) Let the player run completely out of battery.
  7. # 4) Recharge and copy (or whatever you want) the txt file to your computer.
  8. # Now you can make graphs with the data of the battery log.
  9. # Do not enter another plugin during the test or else the
  10. # logging activity will end.
  12. # P.S: You can decide how you will make your tests.
  13. # Just don't open another plugin to be sure that your log will continue.
  15. # Battery bench run for Sandisk Sansa Clip+ version a767c3a-170523
  17. # Battery type: 290 mAh Buffer Entries: 1000
  18. # Rockbox has been running for 00:06:37
  19. # Time:, Seconds:, Level:, Time Left:, Voltage[mV]:, C:, S:, U:
  20. 00:00:02, 00002, 079%, 20:49, 3960, -, -, -
  21. 00:01:02, 00062, 080%, 21:05, 3968, -, -, -
  22. --Battery bench ended, reason: power off--
  24. # --File already present. Resuming Benchmark--
  25. # Battery bench run for Sandisk Sansa Clip+ version a767c3a-170523
  27. # Rockbox has been running for 00:01:37
  28. 00:00:01, 00001, 078%, 20:41, 3959, -, -, -
  29. 00:01:01, 00061, 079%, 20:49, 3965, -, -, -
  30. 00:02:01, 00121, 080%, 21:05, 3968, -, -, -
  31. 00:03:01, 00181, 080%, 20:57, 3966, -, -, -
  32. 00:04:01, 00241, 079%, 20:49, 3965, -, -, -
  33. 00:05:01, 00301, 079%, 20:49, 3965, -, -, -
  34. 00:06:01, 00361, 080%, 21:05, 3966, -, -, -
  35. 00:07:01, 00421, 079%, 20:49, 3964, -, -, -
  36. 00:08:01, 00481, 079%, 20:49, 3964, -, -, -
  37. 00:09:01, 00541, 079%, 20:49, 3962, -, -, -
  38. 00:10:01, 00601, 079%, 20:49, 3961, -, -, -
  39. 00:11:01, 00661, 079%, 20:49, 3963, -, -, -
  40. 00:12:01, 00721, 079%, 20:49, 3961, -, -, -
  41. 00:13:01, 00781, 079%, 20:49, 3961, -, -, -
  42. 00:14:01, 00841, 079%, 20:49, 3961, -, -, -
  43. 00:15:01, 00901, 078%, 20:33, 3959, -, -, -
  44. 00:16:01, 00961, 078%, 20:33, 3959, -, -, -
  45. --Battery bench ended, reason: plugin exit--
  47. # --File already present. Resuming Benchmark--
  48. # Battery bench run for Sandisk Sansa Clip+ version a767c3a-170523
  50. # Rockbox has been running for 01:01:29
  51. 00:00:00, 00000, 100%, 26:21, 4184, -, -, -
  52. 00:01:00, 00060, 100%, 26:21, 4189, -, -, -
  53. 00:02:00, 00120, 100%, 26:21, 4190, -, -, -
  54. 00:03:00, 00180, 100%, 26:21, 4190, -, -, -
  55. 00:04:00, 00240, 100%, 26:21, 4189, -, -, -
  56. 00:05:00, 00300, 100%, 26:21, 4188, -, -, -
  57. 00:06:00, 00360, 100%, 26:21, 4188, -, -, -
  58. 00:07:00, 00420, 100%, 26:21, 4186, -, -, -
  59. 00:08:00, 00480, 100%, 26:21, 4186, -, -, -
  60. 00:09:00, 00540, 100%, 26:21, 4184, -, -, -
  61. 00:10:00, 00600, 100%, 26:21, 4183, -, -, -
  62. 00:11:00, 00660, 100%, 26:21, 4182, -, -, -
  63. 00:12:00, 00720, 100%, 26:21, 4182, -, -, -
  64. 00:13:00, 00780, 100%, 26:21, 4181, -, -, -
  65. 00:14:00, 00840, 100%, 26:21, 4180, -, -, -
  66. 00:15:00, 00900, 100%, 26:21, 4180, -, -, -
  67. 00:16:00, 00960, 100%, 26:21, 4179, -, -, -
  68. 00:17:00, 01020, 100%, 26:21, 4178, -, -, -
  69. 00:18:00, 01080, 100%, 26:21, 4177, -, -, -
  70. 00:19:00, 01140, 100%, 26:21, 4177, -, -, -
  71. 00:20:00, 01200, 100%, 26:21, 4176, -, -, -
  72. 00:21:00, 01260, 100%, 26:21, 4177, -, -, -
  73. 00:22:00, 01320, 100%, 26:21, 4175, -, -, -
  74. 00:23:00, 01380, 100%, 26:21, 4174, -, -, -
  75. 00:24:00, 01440, 100%, 26:21, 4174, -, -, -
  76. 00:25:00, 01500, 100%, 26:21, 4172, -, -, -
  77. 00:26:00, 01560, 100%, 26:21, 4172, -, -, -
  78. 00:27:00, 01620, 100%, 26:21, 4171, -, -, -
  79. 00:28:00, 01680, 100%, 26:21, 4171, -, -, -
  80. 00:29:00, 01740, 100%, 26:21, 4168, -, -, -
  81. 00:30:00, 01800, 100%, 26:21, 4170, -, -, -
  82. 00:31:00, 01860, 100%, 26:21, 4169, -, -, -
  83. 00:32:00, 01920, 100%, 26:21, 4168, -, -, -
  84. 00:33:00, 01980, 100%, 26:21, 4166, -, -, -
  85. 00:34:00, 02040, 100%, 26:21, 4165, -, -, -
  86. 00:35:00, 02100, 100%, 26:21, 4166, -, -, -
  87. 00:36:00, 02160, 100%, 26:21, 4165, -, -, -
  88. 00:37:00, 02220, 100%, 26:21, 4163, -, -, -
  89. 00:38:00, 02280, 100%, 26:21, 4163, -, -, -
  90. 00:39:00, 02340, 100%, 26:21, 4162, -, -, -
  91. 00:40:00, 02400, 100%, 26:21, 4161, -, -, -
  92. 00:41:00, 02460, 100%, 26:21, 4161, -, -, -
  93. 00:42:00, 02520, 100%, 26:21, 4160, -, -, -
  94. 00:43:00, 02580, 100%, 26:21, 4158, -, -, -
  95. 00:44:00, 02640, 100%, 26:21, 4160, -, -, -
  96. 00:45:00, 02700, 100%, 26:21, 4159, -, -, -
  97. 00:46:00, 02760, 100%, 26:21, 4158, -, -, -
  98. 00:47:00, 02820, 100%, 26:21, 4157, -, -, -
  99. 00:48:00, 02880, 100%, 26:21, 4157, -, -, -
  100. 00:49:00, 02940, 100%, 26:21, 4155, -, -, -
  101. 00:50:00, 03000, 100%, 26:21, 4154, -, -, -
  102. 00:51:00, 03060, 100%, 26:21, 4157, -, -, -
  103. 00:52:00, 03120, 100%, 26:21, 4155, -, -, -
  104. 00:53:00, 03180, 100%, 26:21, 4153, -, -, -
  105. 00:54:00, 03240, 100%, 26:21, 4153, -, -, -
  106. 00:55:00, 03300, 100%, 26:21, 4153, -, -, -
  107. 00:56:00, 03360, 100%, 26:21, 4152, -, -, -
  108. 00:57:00, 03420, 100%, 26:21, 4151, -, -, -
  109. 00:58:00, 03480, 100%, 26:21, 4150, -, -, -
  110. 00:59:00, 03540, 100%, 26:21, 4149, -, -, -
  111. 01:00:00, 03600, 100%, 26:21, 4149, -, -, -
  112. 01:01:00, 03660, 100%, 26:21, 4148, -, -, -
  113. 01:02:00, 03720, 100%, 26:21, 4148, -, -, -
  114. 01:03:00, 03780, 100%, 26:21, 4147, -, -, -
  115. 01:04:00, 03840, 100%, 26:21, 4146, -, -, -
  116. 01:05:00, 03900, 100%, 26:21, 4143, -, -, -
  117. 01:06:00, 03960, 100%, 26:21, 4145, -, -, -
  118. 01:07:00, 04020, 100%, 26:21, 4144, -, -, -
  119. 01:08:00, 04080, 100%, 26:21, 4144, -, -, -
  120. 01:09:00, 04140, 100%, 26:21, 4142, -, -, -
  121. 01:10:00, 04200, 100%, 26:21, 4142, -, -, -
  122. 01:11:00, 04260, 100%, 26:21, 4141, -, -, -
  123. 01:12:00, 04320, 100%, 26:21, 4141, -, -, -
  124. 01:13:00, 04380, 100%, 26:21, 4140, -, -, -
  125. 01:14:00, 04440, 099%, 26:06, 4139, -, -, -
  126. 01:15:00, 04500, 099%, 26:06, 4139, -, -, -
  127. 01:16:00, 04560, 099%, 26:06, 4138, -, -, -
  128. 01:17:00, 04620, 099%, 26:06, 4137, -, -, -
  129. 01:18:00, 04680, 099%, 26:06, 4137, -, -, -
  130. 01:19:00, 04740, 099%, 26:06, 4137, -, -, -
  131. 01:20:00, 04800, 099%, 26:06, 4135, -, -, -
  132. 01:21:00, 04860, 099%, 26:06, 4134, -, -, -
  133. 01:22:00, 04920, 099%, 26:06, 4134, -, -, -
  134. 01:23:00, 04980, 099%, 26:06, 4133, -, -, -
  135. 01:24:00, 05040, 099%, 26:06, 4134, -, -, -
  136. 01:25:00, 05100, 099%, 26:06, 4133, -, -, -
  137. 01:26:00, 05160, 099%, 26:06, 4132, -, -, -
  138. 01:27:00, 05220, 099%, 26:06, 4133, -, -, -
  139. 01:28:00, 05280, 098%, 25:50, 4131, -, -, -
  140. 01:29:00, 05340, 098%, 25:50, 4128, -, -, -
  141. 01:30:00, 05400, 098%, 25:50, 4128, -, -, -
  142. 01:31:00, 05460, 098%, 25:50, 4128, -, -, -
  143. 01:32:00, 05520, 098%, 25:50, 4128, -, -, -
  144. 01:33:00, 05580, 098%, 25:50, 4129, -, -, -
  145. 01:34:00, 05640, 098%, 25:50, 4127, -, -, -
  146. 01:35:00, 05700, 098%, 25:50, 4125, -, -, -
  147. 01:36:00, 05760, 098%, 25:50, 4125, -, -, -
  148. 01:37:00, 05820, 098%, 25:50, 4126, -, -, -
  149. 01:38:00, 05880, 098%, 25:50, 4125, -, -, -
  150. 01:39:00, 05940, 097%, 25:34, 4123, -, -, -
  151. 01:40:00, 06000, 097%, 25:34, 4121, -, -, -
  152. 01:41:00, 06060, 097%, 25:34, 4122, -, -, -
  153. 01:42:00, 06120, 097%, 25:34, 4120, -, -, -
  154. 01:43:00, 06180, 097%, 25:34, 4120, -, -, -
  155. 01:44:00, 06240, 097%, 25:34, 4120, -, -, -
  156. 01:45:00, 06300, 097%, 25:34, 4119, -, -, -
  157. 01:46:00, 06360, 097%, 25:34, 4120, -, -, -
  158. 01:47:00, 06420, 097%, 25:34, 4119, -, -, -
  159. 01:48:00, 06480, 097%, 25:34, 4119, -, -, -
  160. 01:49:00, 06540, 097%, 25:34, 4119, -, -, -
  161. 01:50:00, 06600, 097%, 25:34, 4117, -, -, -
  162. 01:51:00, 06660, 097%, 25:34, 4116, -, -, -
  163. 01:52:00, 06720, 097%, 25:34, 4115, -, -, -
  164. 01:53:00, 06780, 097%, 25:34, 4115, -, -, -
  165. 01:54:00, 06840, 097%, 25:34, 4115, -, -, -
  166. 01:55:00, 06900, 096%, 25:18, 4114, -, -, -
  167. 01:56:00, 06960, 096%, 25:18, 4113, -, -, -
  168. 01:57:00, 07020, 096%, 25:18, 4113, -, -, -
  169. 01:58:00, 07080, 096%, 25:18, 4111, -, -, -
  170. 01:59:00, 07140, 096%, 25:18, 4112, -, -, -
  171. 02:00:00, 07200, 096%, 25:18, 4111, -, -, -
  172. 02:01:00, 07260, 096%, 25:18, 4112, -, -, -
  173. 02:02:00, 07320, 096%, 25:18, 4110, -, -, -
  174. 02:03:00, 07380, 096%, 25:18, 4109, -, -, -
  175. 02:04:00, 07440, 096%, 25:18, 4109, -, -, -
  176. 02:05:00, 07500, 096%, 25:18, 4109, -, -, -
  177. 02:06:00, 07560, 095%, 25:02, 4106, -, -, -
  178. 02:07:00, 07620, 095%, 25:02, 4105, -, -, -
  179. 02:08:00, 07680, 095%, 25:02, 4106, -, -, -
  180. 02:09:00, 07740, 095%, 25:02, 4106, -, -, -
  181. 02:10:00, 07800, 095%, 25:02, 4104, -, -, -
  182. 02:11:00, 07860, 095%, 25:02, 4106, -, -, -
  183. 02:12:00, 07920, 095%, 25:02, 4103, -, -, -
  184. 02:13:00, 07980, 095%, 25:02, 4103, -, -, -
  185. 02:14:00, 08040, 095%, 25:02, 4103, -, -, -
  186. 02:15:00, 08100, 095%, 25:02, 4102, -, -, -
  187. 02:16:00, 08160, 095%, 25:02, 4101, -, -, -
  188. 02:17:00, 08220, 095%, 25:02, 4101, -, -, -
  189. 02:18:00, 08280, 095%, 25:02, 4100, -, -, -
  190. 02:19:00, 08340, 095%, 25:02, 4100, -, -, -
  191. 02:20:00, 08400, 095%, 25:02, 4098, -, -, -
  192. 02:21:00, 08460, 095%, 25:02, 4100, -, -, -
  193. 02:22:00, 08520, 095%, 25:02, 4099, -, -, -
  194. 02:23:00, 08580, 095%, 25:02, 4098, -, -, -
  195. 02:24:00, 08640, 094%, 24:46, 4097, -, -, -
  196. 02:25:00, 08700, 094%, 24:46, 4096, -, -, -
  197. 02:26:00, 08760, 095%, 25:02, 4098, -, -, -
  198. --Battery bench ended, reason: power off--
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