

Jul 2nd, 2015
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  1. Strive to be.
  3. Life isn't easy. It's a mass of insanity that seems impossible to conquer, many people act like they have it figured out, as if they know the "secret". Truth is, all of us are just wandering through hoping to find a path, to find a reason. In this chaotic world, many of us want to follow the easy path, to stick to what we know, to do only what is comfortable. This is an approach to life, in fact it is the most common, but an easy life is not a good life. The problem with an easy life is that risks are hard, there will always be a chance for a negative result, and by straying from the possibility of negative results, we aren't living happier, we are avoiding potential greatness.
  5. Dissatisfaction. The constant feeling that life is not good enough. That your existence lacks real meaning. It's easy to feel this way, we reflect on every opportunity that we have missed, overlooked, or simple did not attempt. The root of the problem is not apathy, but (word for holding back). Not wanting to do things because of fear, whether it be the fear of failure, or the fear of looking stupid, opportunities are missed. A missed opportunity is never forgotten, it is instilled into our brain as a regret, something that will stick with us forever. These regrets build up over time. Subconsciously we are brought down by these regrets, as they build up negative associations come about with risks, thus causing us to stray from any risk. Throughout life we will dwell on these regrets, and at the end of our lives all we will have to look back on is dissatisfactory. Pointlessness and unimportance. The only way to make it through this life is to take risks, an easy life is not a good life.
  7. Whenever you take a risk, there are always two ways to fail, only one is absolute. You can fail by not doing well enough, by by being rejected, by not succeeding. That is always a probability with risk. The other failure is much more common, and that is the failure of not trying. By not attempting you are losing the possibility of succeedin
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