
Pamela's voice 2

Nov 25th, 2023
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  1. In his mind, the man-beast heard the child's voice imploring his mommy to kill his enemies. Then, in his mind's eye, he saw the face of the person who spoke, the handsome middle-aged face of Pamela Voorhees. "Kill them, Mommy! Don't let them hurt me, Mommy!" She mimed the words in what she had believed to be the voice of her dead child. It was the same voice that drew him back from his watery grave, to live in the woods surrounding Crystal Lake as a resurrected wild boy. The voice of a maddened woman who would die fighting for her son, before his lost, drifting soul got the call that led him to spend the rest of his existence fighting for her.
  3. "Protect yourself Jason! Save yourself, darling! Don't let them hurt my little boy anymore!" The voice of Pamela Voorhees rang out down the years. For a brief moment, her memory was so clear he almost felt her kiss upon his twisted brow. Whether a delusion or a visitation by her ghost, Jason made no such differentiation. To him both were equally real.
  5. The wounded behemoth dived through the door frame of the camper van, taking part of it with him as his massive bulk impacted.
  7. Friday the 13th: Hell Lake, chapter 10
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