
Kaida Onishi (大西甲田)

Aug 26th, 2019
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  1. Real name: Kaida Onishi (大西甲田)
  2. -Hero/Villain Name: The Howler
  3. -Age: 17
  4. -Gender: Female
  5. -Birthplace: Kyoto, Japan
  6. -Educational background: Transferred to the American school after her mother moved to the states. She was a few months shy from graduating before starting hero training.
  7. -Quirk (explained in detail): Howler is a wolf-themed quirk that gives Kaida wolf-themed ears. She can hear as well as a normal hound, so Loud sounds will hurt her hearing. Her canines are also sharp and tend to be seen even when her mouth is closed. She may not look buff, but her upper body strength is her most powerful thing. Main weaknesses are loud sounds and strong smells.
  8. -Background: Kaida in Kyoto and was raised in a nice little home with her father, mother and younger sister. Her father is a busy man that wasn't around often, so her mother raised them both. Her mother did have to leave them alone at times to do some hero stuff. After Kaida reached the age of 10, her mother moved them to the states after getting a good job offer as a teacher. After being moved, Kaida struggled a bit to fit in before she found a little group of kids she could get along with.
  9. -Psychological profile: Kaida is a calm headed person that tends to be neutral on most things. She is a team player if thrown into a team, but she prefers to be alone from others.
  10. -Image/detailed physiognomy: Kaida tends to keep her hair as a pastel blue color and has in cut into a pixie cut. Her hair tends to spike out in random directions, giving her the forever bed-head type look. Her eyes are a bright copper color that has a golden ring around the center of them. Her cheeks have a constant blush of them and when embarrassed, her cheeks will turn a beet red.
  11. -Costume details: Has yet to reach that part.
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