
This Doesn't Feel Like Me 17

Aug 15th, 2017
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  1. rushed.. not very accurate and has missing parts.
  3. fmc tells mc she will talk everything to him and expect no talking back from him. he tells him of for not knowing basic stuff and he asks if it's okay like that. more stuff like directions to massage lower etc and he goes how he went too low. and she insists on it and he goes sry. he asks if smth went wrong yesterday. she tells him no but why he asks and he goes how she feels slightly off. i think she blames it on not speaking to him, which she finds it as a smth nice. how she felt lonely and how she likes it when he's home and they interact. and mc goes how he will try to do better. she asks how he and gf are doing how 2 days passed and i think she tells him not to rush it and do it too often cause one will get tired of it or tired as in tired. he thinks if gf might have gotten tired/or tired yesterday. she asks if his gf is good or good to him and he yells that she's not his gf anymore.
  5. gf calls out lie and guy kinda agrees or not and smth about one's dialect from her. guy admits it's not true and he will change and she tells him to practice. daddy asks what's up. guy calls him prez. daddy goes all cutesy on her calling her his princess and that. she asks dad why he keeps tabs on her and goes as to what his princess speaks of. she tells him not to bs around and he goes how he would never lie in front of his princess. she asks if that's the truth and he goes yeah and sh asks for his cheek and kisses him. she tells him she will trust him today but if it turns out he's lying he wont get kisses anymore. guy thinks this was his only change to tell the truth and not lose out on her kisses i think. guy calls dad's name and asks him if he's okay and he tells him not to call his name. dad cries and tells guy to keep watching. and tells him to face any guy that tries to come onto his daughter ..smth like this, not sure, and guy goes yes sir. hard slang but prbly tells him to bury any guy that tries to hurt her or just forget the talk they had and to look after gf(smth close to it) and again 'yes sir!'. (slang from daddy)
  7. hoe tells guy to stop cause no ac and she's sticky. he prbly goes how he wont and she insists cause ppl are looking. guy tells glasses if he minds .. and glasses goes fr and guy goes some threats prbly, and then tells slut to shake her ass. and then smth about doing all it can to get her/his money back and guy tells her not to worry. and then they talk business, she mentions smth about that bitch, the house and money and tells her not to ruin her plan and stuff like that. he asks about the plan, she tells him to follow her lead and then talks about holes and how it's dark..(hardcore slang here)
  9. mc and fmc talk about him saying gf is not gf and how if that's for real and he goes how what else can it be since she told him that. she tells him that how prbly isnt it but he lacked skills to please women. and how she prbly got annoyed since he went on with his thing while she prbly dindt want it and how it might become annoying. he goes how that's not it cause he fucked her like real men do and she came. and she gets pissed that she didnt get to enjoy it with him while gf did. wonders what did he do to make gf cum/squirt. thinks how mc packs a good but not enough to make her cum so since he has it but he cant use it right and wonders if he was on that high level. she tells him she cant believe that so easy and asks him if he can explain it to her and how she might see it if she hears it. he tells her how and she think that it's almost how they did it yesterday and thinks he might be prbly thinking of her then and how it makes her excited. he goes more in detailing it the sex with gf. she faps, moan an mc calls out to her but she tells him to keep at it while playing with her clit and how she's verifying it as he speaks. she asks how by that gf was able to cum. he goes how it wasnt the same(prbly with fmc), and she calls him out on that and how if he can do the same thing he did with gf, and he shouts a NO. she goes how they did it yesterday but he goes how he cannot cause he regrets what he did with fmc. she goes 'are u kidding me?'. end ..
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