

Oct 25th, 2017 (edited)
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  1. 01[21:21] <DMM> So I'm not going to actually run through the events of the night where you accompany Nirqil and Dario in great detail. Suffice to say, Johnathan sees more of the less-savoury side of the city than he'd perhaps expected. People with injuries ranging from minor abrasions to severe -- stabbings, nasty lacerations, and more, are brought across his path.
  2. 01[21:22] <DMM> Nirqil and Dario are faintly stoic. Simply discharging the duty, accepting whatever is donated -- gold, material, drinks, food: what people can spare -- and moving to the next location.
  3. 01[21:22] <DMM> 1d20+10
  4. 01[21:22] <DMM> 1d20+9
  5. 04[21:22] <Botchy> DMM: 21:11+10
  6. 04[21:22] <Botchy> DMM: 29:20+9
  7. 01[21:23] <DMM> They manage to maintain their patients with professionalism and ease.
  8. 01[21:23] <DMM> The night passes without great incident, and small-talk is made.
  9. 01[21:23] <DMM> Nirqil appears to be a cleric of some variation, and Dario an alchemist.
  10. 06[21:23] * ~Paladin_Johnathan 14doesn't take any donations, typically preferring to use his healing, occasional lay-on-hands for those who are more severely wounded.
  11. 01[21:24] <DMM> Make me a Heal check. We'll see how he does.
  12. [21:25] <~Paladin_Johnathan> I'll... just take 10. I'm scared of rolling low.
  13. 01[21:25] <DMM> What does that result in?
  14. [21:25] <~Paladin_Johnathan> 20, 10+10
  15. 06[21:26] * ~Paladin_Johnathan 14does not do much better than anyone else.
  16. 06[21:26] * ~Paladin_Johnathan 14is actually at the bottom of the pack.
  17. 01[21:27] <DMM> Johnathan jumps in where he can, administering healing when Dario and Nirqil are occupied. Bar fights with multiple injuries, someone who fell from the canals, a worker whose hand was jammed in machinery.
  18. 01[21:28] <DMM> Overall he heals competently, and his training kicks in even though the environment may be somewhat unfamiliar.
  19. [21:28] <~Paladin_Johnathan> 14"Is it always like this? Or is today just an active day?"
  20. 01[21:29] <DMM> Dario: "This is a light evening, brother."
  21. 01[21:30] <DMM> Your work has taken you many places. People have approached you for help and led you all across the city. You travel by cart, canal boat, on foot, and at a run.
  22. 01[21:31] <DMM> It's exhausting.
  23. 06[21:32] * ~Paladin_Johnathan 14seems mildly peturbed and exhausted from working as they do, but he doesn't complain about his feet tiring, even though they are. He's been further exhausted in combat before. "Is the group at least well stocked on supplies? I can't imagine how much you would use in a month."
  24. 01[21:33] <DMM> Nirqil: "For emergencies, we make exception and use what is necessary. There are others that need the assistance that we could help with more, but cannot without."
  25. 01[21:35] <DMM> Side note: germ theory and pasteurisation are not things.
  26. 01[21:35] <DMM> Just throwing that out there.
  27. [21:38] <~Paladin_Johnathan> 14heh
  28. 01[21:38] <DMM> The night continues in this vein until eventually, at perhaps 4am, they call a close to it. Provided Johnathan doesn't do so earlier.
  29. 06[21:38] * ~Paladin_Johnathan 14ain't no bitch.
  30. 01[21:38] <DMM> Alright.
  31. [21:40] <~Paladin_Johnathan> 14"Oh, gods. You do this every day?"
  32. 01[21:40] <DMM> Once they declare your work complete, they unroll several mats and lay them out on the street, taking seats against an adjacent wall.
  33. 06[21:40] * ~Paladin_Johnathan 14looks absolutely beat. Goddamn wimp.
  34. 01[21:41] <DMM> Nirliq is coated in a thin layer of sweat, and his hair is matted with it. Dario has kept himself moving forward by drinking from various flasks, but looks to finally be showing signs of fatigue.
  35. 01[21:42] <DMM> Dario: "As often as we are able, brother Albright."
  36. 06[21:42] * ~Paladin_Johnathan 14takes a seat, wrapping his (non-Carnell, just a plain) cloak around himself for warmth in the somewhat chilly weather.
  37. 01[21:43] <DMM> Nirliq: "When eventually more brothers or sisters travel here, we will be able to divide our attentions further."
  38. [21:43] <~Paladin_Johnathan> 14"I hold much respect for you two. I haven't worked like this in a long time."
  39. 01[21:43] <DMM> They wave off your praise, though Dario grins back at you.
  40. 01[21:43] <DMM> Dario: "Therein is the reason behind our petitoning the Court."
  41. 01[21:44] <DMM> Dario: "If the place is there for acolytes to combine our order's training in healing and their training in other magical methods, then it will inevitably attract students."
  42. [21:45] <~Paladin_Johnathan> 14"And how is that progressing?"
  43. 01[21:45] <DMM> Nirliq grimaces slightly. "The Arcanum at the Court is said to be a very fine institution."
  44. 01[21:45] <DMM> Dario: "However... no such placements are forthcoming."
  45. 06[21:46] * ~Paladin_Johnathan 14gives an exhausted sigh. "I can see why you needed the assistance, then."
  46. 01[21:47] <DMM> They both nod solemnly, staring down into the street.
  47. [21:47] <~Paladin_Johnathan> 14Are we in Bleakwall?
  48. 01[21:47] <DMM> Oh, no.
  49. [21:47] <~Paladin_Johnathan> 14Did we even *visit* Bleakwall?
  50. 01[21:47] <DMM> You did not.
  51. [21:48] <~Paladin_Johnathan> 14"...What of Bleakwall?"
  52. [21:48] <~Paladin_Johnathan> 14"I recall it's mention many times before, but I haven't even set foot in there yet."
  53. 01[21:48] <DMM> Dario: "The patients there deserve more than we can offer."
  54. 01[21:49] <DMM> Nirliq: "Warriors. The broken, the beaten. The elderly and infirm. The incurable diseased in exile who cannot touch their loved ones."
  55. 01[21:49] <DMM> Nirliq: "Visiting Bleakwall is to gaze into the face of the inevitable. The people there know it, and we cannot do anything to help."
  56. 01[21:50] <DMM> Nirliq: "Or what little we can isn't enough."
  57. 06[21:51] * ~Paladin_Johnathan 14murmurs. "And yet they don't grant any apprentices to help. It sounds rather dire."
  58. 01[21:51] <DMM> Dario: "More medicine, more healers, more carers. Rehabilitation is straightforward enough for the people in Carnell. Prosthetics, and getting people on their feet they can do with ease."
  59. 01[21:52] <DMM> Dario: "We need to bring healers here. Good ones."
  60. 06[21:53] * ~Paladin_Johnathan 14has no spellcasting nor mercies to help. Goddamn archetypes.
  61. 01[21:54] <DMM> Nirliq: "It isn't the only hospice in the city. I do not mean to paint it so ill. It just needs the most."
  62. [21:55] <~Paladin_Johnathan> 14(jotting down a fewnotes in the Carnell Hold token page)
  63. 01[21:55] <DMM> By all means.
  64. 01[21:56] <DMM> I'm glad somebody is.
  65. 06[21:57] * ~Paladin_Johnathan 14inhales and exhales. "So why do they not give work with us, the Court?"
  66. 01[22:01] <DMM> Dario: "Money. No proof that there would be interest -- that the Court would gain anything. The Court pursues perfection through art, and the making of things. Healing neither makes nor unmakes. It preserves and protects. Shields protect, but you cannot make healing beautiful. How do you prove that you put your heart and soul into something that you cannot hold in your hand?"
  67. 06[22:01] * ~Paladin_Johnathan 14grimaces, mumbling in frustration.
  68. 01[22:02] <DMM> Nirliq: "The Court has produced the greatest craftsmen in modern history. Changing the paradigm of a century is not something that will be done easily."
  69. 01[22:02] <DMM> Apologies -- *of centuries
  70. [22:06] <~Paladin_Johnathan> 14"Of course. They're artists of the highest caliber, not workers." He says that somewhat venomously.
  71. 01[22:08] <DMM> They're quiet, at that. Nirliq frowns, and both continue their staring into the street.
  72. 06[22:09] * ~Paladin_Johnathan 14sighs. "...Sorry."
  73. 01[22:10] <DMM> Nirliq: "Anger is easy. But it won't build a better world."
  74. 01[22:11] <DMM> His voice is even, and quiet.
  75. [22:14] <~Paladin_Johnathan> 14"Of course. I think the exhaustion is simply tolling on me. I spent a month out in the valley."
  76. 01[22:14] <DMM> Dario looks around at you, eyebrows raised. "Why?"
  77. [22:16] <~Paladin_Johnathan> 14"Tracking Roan Carnell after his expedition went awry."
  78. 01[22:16] <DMM> Nirliq actually turns around, focus returning to his eyes.
  79. 01[22:16] <DMM> Dario: "His... what?"
  80. [22:18] <~Paladin_Johnathan> 14"His ship was in ruins in the middle of the valley. Poor sod couldn't even speak right for the first week we had him."
  81. [22:18] <~Paladin_Johnathan> 14"Kept simply mumbling."
  82. 01[22:20] <DMM> They both stare at you.
  83. 01[22:20] <DMM> Dario: "How did you end up involved?"
  84. 06[22:23] * ~Paladin_Johnathan 14inhales and exhales. "It is a long story, brother. I wouldn't know where to start."
  85. 01[22:24] <DMM> Nirliq: "It's certainly surprising."
  86. [22:25] <~Paladin_Johnathan> 14"You have heard of the dragons, yes? And of what happened to Rudyard Carnell?"
  87. 01[22:27] <DMM> Nirliq: "I have of course heard of the dragon attacks. It's the most important news in a century. But I... have not seen the youngest Carnell making speeches in a while."
  88. 01[22:27] <DMM> Dario: "Gods. The two are /related/?"
  89. 06[22:28] * ~Paladin_Johnathan 14frowns. "...I appear to have slipped more information than I realized. Do not spread this information very far, yes?"
  90. 01[22:29] <DMM> Dario speaks slowly.
  91. 01[22:30] <DMM> "Brother Albright. If the heir to the hold is not of sound mind, then he is not fit to succeed his father. This is no small piece of news you have told us."
  92. 01[22:30] <DMM> Nirliq has transitioned from surprise to concern.
  93. [22:32] <~Paladin_Johnathan> 14"I wouldn't put it that far. He has returned to a better state of mind since returning."
  94. [22:33] <~Paladin_Johnathan> 14"It-... It is not as if he is damaged."
  95. 01[22:33] <DMM> Dario stands up.
  96. 01[22:35] <DMM> "That is not a risk that most would wish to take. And now to hear something has happened to Rudyard. If Roan is not fit to rule, and nor can his brother, then the entire hold is at risk."
  97. 02[22:35] * Botchy (Botchy@214DEAB8.E16AF62A.C200E976.IP) Quit (Client exited)
  98. [22:35] <~Paladin_Johnathan> 14"Dario-"
  99. 06[22:36] * ~Paladin_Johnathan 14stands up somewhat quickly, shuffling his cloak as he does.
  100. 01[22:37] <DMM> Dario has begun striding purposefully.
  101. [22:37] <~Paladin_Johnathan> 14"I understand your concerns, alright? And I know exactly how you feel. It is concerning. But there is-" Johnathan inhales.
  102. [22:37] <~Paladin_Johnathan> 14"Wait, where are you going?"
  103. 01[22:37] <DMM> Nirliq is gathering up his mats in haste to follow you.
  104. 01[22:38] <DMM> Dario doesn't turn as he walks, but gesticulates: "To the criers. To the newsmen. If you wish to see that the right thing is done, you will come with and support me. If not, then you betray the people in this city."
  105. 01[22:38] <DMM> There's a firmness to his voice, now.
  106. 06[22:39] * ~Paladin_Johnathan 14begins to rush quite a bit "*Dario*. Listen to me."
  107. 06[22:39] * ~Paladin_Johnathan 14tries to catch up with him and put a hand on his shoulder, but does not pull or stop him. "Please, stop."
  108. 01[22:41] <DMM> He shrugs your hand away. "I am listening and have listened. Speak what you will, but I have heard no reason that I should do anything but what is right."
  109. 01[22:41] <DMM> He continues walking, voice harder.
  110. 06[22:43] * ~Paladin_Johnathan 14shares a worried glance with Nirliq, and begins to speak again. "I know, it *is* concerning, and the people *do* deserve to know - but there is nothing that spreading it would do but aid and worry even more, and I don't think the city needs even more reasons to fret about their future.
  111. [22:44] <~Paladin_Johnathan> 14"Not with the sick, not with those losing their work. Not with the dragons at hand. There is nothing that can be gained from this - please, Dario, let those who can handle this situation deal with it."
  112. [22:44] <~Paladin_Johnathan> 14"I asked of you to keep it secret for good reason."
  113. [22:45] <~Paladin_Johnathan> 14"They will know of what happened when the time is right."
  114. 01[22:45] <DMM> Dario stops. He turns. His face is dark.
  115. 01[22:45] <DMM> "Yes, brother Albright. It concerns me a great deal. That those who are meant to guide the city, and keep us safe hide their secrets, that they are not fit to protect us. That there is NO SUCCESSOR? Those who can handle the situation are evidently /not/ dealing with it, brother. You swore to preserve. To protect. Why do you refuse, brother? You- when the TIME is right?"
  116. 01[22:46] <DMM> His hands are clenched.
  117. 01[22:46] <DMM> He heaves a great breath.
  118. 01[22:46] <DMM> "Fine. Fail us and yourself."
  119. 01[22:46] <DMM> He turns on his heel and starts walking again.
  120. 06[22:50] * ~Paladin_Johnathan 14pauses for a moment, appearing to be upset. "I- Dario... please, do not do anything rash. I-" He sighs. "...I will not be able to convince him otherwise, will I?"
  121. 06[22:50] * ~Paladin_Johnathan 14turns to Nirliq.
  122. 01[22:50] <DMM> Nirliq looks distraught, but does not offer a reply.
  123. 06[22:52] * ~Paladin_Johnathan 14sighs. "I'm sorry. I should not have said a word. I - you have to promise me that this word cannot spread."
  124. 01[22:53] <DMM> Nirliq is quiet still. But shakes his head.
  125. 06[22:53] * ~Paladin_Johnathan 14goes pale, running his hands over his head. "...No. No, no, no, gods, what have I done."
  126. 01[22:54] <DMM> Nirliq pushes past you and runs after Dario.
  127. 06[22:55] * ~Paladin_Johnathan 14whimpers. "I-... I thought I could trust you two."
  128. [22:55] <~Paladin_Johnathan> 14"I- I thought..."
  129. 01[22:55] <DMM> Nirliq pauses, while Dario forges ahead. Then keeps walking.
  130. 06[22:57] * ~Paladin_Johnathan 14walks back to where the others had sat, staring at the ground with his hands shaking. He eventually vomits into a trash bin and sits back down, staring ahead and into the street.
  131. 01[22:58] <DMM> Well. Unless you want to do... anything else, that seems. Like a reasonable place to conclude.
  132. [23:00] <~Paladin_Johnathan> 14Johnathan's innocence is his own undoing, honestly.
  133. [23:00] <~Paladin_Johnathan> 14Yeah, that's... I can't think of much else to do.
  134. 01[23:00] <DMM> There's innocence, and then there's "Boy, I'd sure love to jump-start a civil war today".
  135. 01[23:01] <DMM> But noted!
  136. [23:01] <~Paladin_Johnathan> 14HE THOUGHT HE COULD TRUST THEM
  137. 01[23:01] <DMM> Yep. He sure did.
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