
Fallen King Ch 17

Dec 10th, 2020
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  1. Fallen King: Shotgun Blues (17)
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  5. The truck arrived at the quiet streets of Alamo, California. The wind engulfed his entire face in a chilly gust, reminding him of his home when he was still a Human. The stars above never changed despite many years had passed since he last gazed at it. He had been to Heaven and back as well and yet, not even a single star was out of its pattern.
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  7. He looked down; the pickup truck shook as it ran over a rock. Shocker heard a curse from one of the passengers inside but he paid it no heed.
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  9. Instead, he directed his attention at his current environment. Rows of houses after another were separated by huge gaps of green pastures. The fronts of each houses had lawns, some were green, some were yellowing. Just like the rest in the neighborhood, the lawns were fenced in brown or white.
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  11. They drove out of the neighborhood without any traffic impeding them. The patrolling mobile seemed to ignore them for some reason. Shocker concluded it must be angelic wardings of some sort.
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  13. The opulent view has transitioned to a sea of brown dust. A desert; it could only meant that they are nearing their objective.
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  15. They sped past cacti and wild coyotes running to and fro, seeking shelter among mounds of earth. Shocker frowned before tearing his gaze away from them. He turned his attention to the east and saw that lights from the nearby cities kilometers away from them was visible from his point of view. Dazzling lights congregating from afar, like stars shining among them. The world is evolving, Shocker thought. He had never seen anything like it before.
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  17. To his left were the jagged edges that could only mean mountain peaks, arose and attempting to touch the heavens above. Clouds were adrift low, obscuring the sharp summits from view. Shocker grinned as he finally gazed set his gaze upon the road ahead of them.
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  19. They are closing their destination.
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  21. "Checkpoint at 12 o'clock!" Hardwire spoke. "Beatstrike, take them down!"
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  23. Shocker's hands instinctively tightened at the grip of the mounted machine gun. Behind, he felt Beatstrike shifted from his position, raising his aim with his Remmington-700 and fired. The sharp muffled noise of the weapon's discharge was punctuated with a scream from the distance. Another sound was heard, and another kill was seen.
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  25. "Checkpoint cleared, brother!" Beatstrike spoke before moving back to his seat.
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  27. They bumped the wooden roadblock, sending it a few inches away. By the time it hit the ground, it was a broken mess of wooden splinters.
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  29. The path before them split. It stretched ahead and to the right. Hardwire did not hesitate to pick the path eastward. He stepped at the gas pedal with an increased force, accelerating the vehicle past to its limit.
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  31. "Target compound up ahead." Hardwire spoke. "Shocker, assess!"
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  33. Shocker magnified his vision and studied the warehouse. Truthful from the image they saw from Hardwire's mind, it was indeed, a fenced warehouse flanked from all sides by high-rise concrete watch towers.
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  35. He tapped his left temple twice, sending the information to Hardwire's mind before magnifying out. There was a pause as they near the enemy compound before he issued another order.
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  37. "Beatstrike, take down the watchmen from the watch towers!" Hardwire ordered.
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  39. Beatstrike complied with an affirmative response before raising his rifle and letting loose two shots. Another pair of shots were fired before he reported back.
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  41. "Targets down, brother." Beatstrike said. The evidence of his work was apparent at the searchlights that had stopped moving. "They'd find out sooner or late, but before they know it, we are already inside."
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  43. "Alright, I am dropping you off. I'll be parking our vehicle in a strategical position where we could make an easy escape. Storm the guard house and wait for me." Hardwire instructed before halting the vehicle.
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  45. Shocker and Beatstrike jumped off from the back of the pickup while Sensor and Linepower stepped off from the passenger's seats. The vehicle began to swerve away, leaving the three behind.
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  47. "As ordered, brothers." Linepower spoke. "We execute the plan step by step." And they began to move.
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  49. The quartet began jogging off towards the direction of the compound. By the looks of it, it was more than a warehouse. Shocker gripped his Blast Rifle tightly as they neared the guard house.
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  51. It was a small structure with a white steel roof and grey concrete walls. It possessed a single glass window obscured from the inside by a blue window. Both sides possessed a pair of black doors. It was sandwiched between cable fence link that ran around the compound.
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  53. From afar, they spotted men in green camouflage uniforms; from their tactical jackets to their pants. Their combat boots and balaclavas are the only components of their attires that were black. He saw M-14 Carbines strapped onto their chests, manning the guard house.
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  55. "Black Poison Society Insurgents in front." Shocker said in a warning tone. "Engage?"
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  57. "Engage, brother." Linepower replied.
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  59. The advancing armored Protectorates raised their Blast Rifles in a quick, mechanical motion and began squeezing the triggers while their rifle muzzles pointed at the moving men in green uniforms. Glowing blue fireballs sped across the night air and caught the guards unaware. Three of them fell backwards with a steaming chest while the others were moving back inside the guard house.
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  61. "Setting high for termination." Shocker spoke as he flipped a knob on the left side of his Blast Rifle and aimed at the curtain covered window. Despite the obscurity, he could sense a figure inside, reaching for a telephone.
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  63. He fired, his target was sent at the back wall with a force.
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  65. "Target down." Shocker spoke as they near the guard house. At that point, the fighting had died down and everyone manning the entrance were already dead.
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  67. Hardwire had arrived, pulling his Blast Rifle from his back.
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  69. "What'd I miss?" Hardwire asked as he approached the left gate.
  70. ------
  71. (Fallen King Tale)
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