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a guest
Jun 28th, 2017
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text 1.82 KB | None | 0 0
  1. meta:
  2. id: python_keyword_test
  3. enums:
  4. python_keywords:
  5. # Since False, None and True aren't valid ksy ids,
  6. # they don't need to be worried about
  7. #1: False
  8. #2: None
  9. #3: True
  11. 4: and
  12. 5: as
  13. 6: assert
  14. 7: break
  15. 8: class
  16. 9: continue
  17. 10: def
  18. 11: del
  19. 12: elif
  20. 13: else
  21. 14: except
  22. 15: finally
  23. 16: for
  24. 17: from
  25. 18: global
  26. 19: if
  27. 20: import
  28. 21: in
  29. 22: is
  30. 23: lambda
  31. 24: nonlocal
  32. 25: not
  33. 26: or
  34. 27: pass
  35. 28: raise
  36. 29: return
  37. 30: try
  38. 31: while
  39. 32: with
  40. 33: yield
  42. instances:
  43. and:
  44. value: python_keywords::and
  45. as:
  46. value: python_keywords::as
  47. assert:
  48. value: python_keywords::assert
  49. break:
  50. value: python_keywords::break
  51. class:
  52. value: python_keywords::class
  53. continue:
  54. value: python_keywords::continue
  55. def:
  56. value: python_keywords::def
  57. del:
  58. value: python_keywords::del
  59. elif:
  60. value: python_keywords::elif
  61. else:
  62. value: python_keywords::else
  63. except:
  64. value: python_keywords::except
  65. finally:
  66. value: python_keywords::finally
  67. for:
  68. value: python_keywords::for
  69. from:
  70. value: python_keywords::from
  71. global:
  72. value: python_keywords::global
  73. if:
  74. value: python_keywords::if
  75. import:
  76. value: python_keywords::import
  77. in:
  78. value: python_keywords::in
  79. is:
  80. value: python_keywords::is
  81. lambda:
  82. value: python_keywords::lambda
  83. nonlocal:
  84. value: python_keywords::nonlocal
  85. not:
  86. value: python_keywords::not
  87. or:
  88. value: python_keywords::or
  89. pass:
  90. value: python_keywords::pass
  91. raise:
  92. value: python_keywords::raise
  93. return:
  94. value: python_keywords::return
  95. try:
  96. value: python_keywords::try
  97. while:
  98. value: python_keywords::while
  99. with:
  100. value: python_keywords::with
  101. yield:
  102. value: python_keywords::yield
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