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Jun 26th, 2017
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  1. CVar Value Help/Notes
  3. -MAIN-
  4. r.MobileContentScaleFactor 0-3
  5. r.SetRes ####x#### ###x###w/f/wf/wm. "i.e 1920x1080f".
  6. r.DontLimitOnBattery 0-1 1= Limit performance on Battery 0= Do not limit performance on Battery.
  7. r.RenderTargetPoolMin #### If the render target pool size (in MB) is below this number there is no deallocation of rendertargetsDefault is 200 MB.
  8. r.Streaming.PoolSize #### -1: Default texture pool size, otherwise the size in MB.
  9. r.HighQualityLightMaps 0-1 If set to 1, allow high quality lightmaps which don't bake in direct lighting of stationary lights.
  10. r.SupportLowQualityLightmaps 0-1
  11. r.HZBOcclusion 0-1 Defines which occlusion system is used.
  12. r.FinishCurrentFrame 0-1 If on, the current frame will be forced to finish and render to the screen instead of being buffered. This will improve latency, but slow down overall performance.
  13. (?)r.GBufferFormat 0,1,5 Defines the memory layout used for the GBuffer. (affects performance, mostly through bandwidth, quality of normals and material attributes).
  14. *r.MotionBlurSoftEdgeSize 0-(?) 0=off (not free and does never completely disable), >0, 1.0 (default).
  15. r.MSAA.CompositingSampleCount 1,2,4,8 Affects the render quality of the editor 3d objects.
  16. r.SceneColorFormat 0-5(3) Defines the memory layout (RGBA) used for the scene color. 0: 32Bit (mostly for testing, likely to unusable with HDR) - 5: 128Bit (unreasonable but good for testing).
  17. r.DrawRectangleOptimization 0-1 Controls an optimization for DrawRectangle(). When enabled a triangle can be used to draw a quad in certain situations (viewport sized quad).
  18. r.Shaders.Optimize 0-1 Whether to optimize shaders.
  19. r.CompileShadersForDevelopment 0-1 Setting this to 0 allows to ship a game with more optimized shaders as some editor and development features are not longer compiled into the shaders.
  20. (?)r.FastBlurThreshold 0-15 Defines at what radius the Gaussian blur optimization kicks in.
  21. r.TriangleOrderOptimization 0-2 0: Use NVTriStrip (slower) - 1: Use Forsyth algorithm (fastest/default) - 2: No triangle order optimization (least efficient).
  22. r.Upscale.Quality 0-3 0: Nearest filtering - 1: Simple Bilinear - 2: 4 tap bilinear - 3: Directional blur with unsharp mask upsample (default).
  23. r.SSS.SampleSet 0-2
  25. -QUALITY-
  26. r.EyeAdaptationQuality 0-3 Defines the eye adaptation quality which allows to adjust for quality or performance.
  27. r.BloomQuality 0-5 >5: force experimental higher quality on mobile (can be quite slow on some hardware).
  28. r.SSR.Quality 0-4 Whether to use screen space reflections and at what quality setting.
  29. r.DepthOfFieldQuality 0-2 Currently only fully affects BokehDOF. GaussianDOF is either 0 for off, otherwise on.
  30. r.DepthOfField.MaxSize 100 Allows to clamp the gaussian depth of field radius (for better performance), default: 100.
  31. r.LightShaftQuality 0-1 Defines the light shaft quality.
  32. r.RefractionQuality 0-3 Defines the distorion/refraction quality which allows to adjust for quality or performance.
  33. r.LensFlareQuality 0-3
  34. r.MotionBlurQuality 0-4 Defines the motion blur method which allows to adjust for quality or performance.
  35. r.PostProcessAAQuality 0-6 Defines the postprocess anti aliasing method which allows to adjust for quality or performance.
  36. r.MaterialQualityLevel 0-1 0: Low - 1: High - 2 Medium.
  37. r.LightFunctionQuality 0-3 Defines the light function quality which allows to adjust for quality or performance.
  38. r.Tonemapper.Quality 0-1 0: low (minor performance benefit) - 1: high (default, with high frequency pixel pattern to fight 8 bit color quantization).
  39. r.SceneColorFringeQuality 0-1 0= off but best for performance 1= 3 texture samples.
  40. r.MaxAnisotropy 1-16 Higher values mean better texure quality when using anisotropic filtering.
  41. r.ViewDistanceScale 0.0f-1.0f Controls the view distance scale. A primitive's MaxDrawDistance is scaled by this value.
  43. -SHADOWS-
  44. r.ShadowQuality 0-5 Defines the shadow method which allows to adjust for quality or performance.
  45. r.Shadow.MaxResolution #### Max square dimensions (in texels) allowed for rendering shadow depths.
  46. r.Shadow.DistanceScale 0.5-2.0 Scalability option to trade shadow distance versus performance for directional lights (clamped within a reasonable range).
  47. r.Shadow.RadiusThreshold 0.1-0.5 Cull shadow casters if they are too small, value is the minimal screen space bounding sphere radius.
  48. r.Shadow.CSM.TransitionScale 0-2 Allows to scale the cascaded shadow map transition region.
  51. *r.ParticleLightQuality (?)
  52. r.EmitterSpawnRateScale 0.75-1 A global scale upon the spawn rate of emitters. Emitters can choose to apply or ignore it via their bApplyGlobalSpawnRateScale property.
  53. r.TranslucentLightingVolume 0-1 Whether to allow updating the translucent lighting volumes.
  54. r.TranslucencyVolumeBlur 0-1 Whether to blur the translucent lighting volumes.
  55. r.TranslucencyLightingVolumeDim ####(24) Dimensions of the volume textures used for translucency lighting.
  57. -LOD BIAS-
  58. r.LandscapeLODBias 0-(?)
  59. r.SkeletalMeshLODBias 0-(?) LOD bias for skeletal meshes.
  60. r.ParticleLODBias 0-(?) This controls which particle LOD will be displayed. 0 will use the base, while 1 will use the first LOD, 2 the second LOD and so on.
  61. r.MipMapLODBias 0-(?)
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