

Jan 10th, 2015
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  1. Blistering the Acolyte
  3. The social season of the protestant population of Somerset, had always been modeled around the Anglican Liturgical Calendar or ALC for short. It had been this practice that lead to a number of major social events being hosted in the spring, most taking place after Easter Sunday. The period leading up to Easter. ‘Lent’ was one used to prepare, plan and plot.
  5. It was also a season that those being prepared to be Confirmed in the church where schooled and lectured in the practices, traditions and believes of the Anglican church. This was also a period a parish would train new acolytes and offer refreshing courses for those seasoned ones.
  7. Acolyte training was conducted in seventeen one hour sessions that spanned the course of a three week period, at the end of three week period, each student would be expected to be well versed in there craft, and a feeling of humility and reverence was to be expected when they serve at the alter.
  9. Holly, a young women around the age of thirty five, took a deep breath as she lead Sunflower down the hallway. A look of grave concerned colored the middle age women face as she quickened her step. Following close behind Holly was Sunflower, her face seemed to drained of color and a look of pure dread and fear seemed to be sketched upon her round oval face.
  11. “I expected something like this from one of the boys, not one of my girls.” Holly said in a scolding tone of voice as she quicken her strived. There was a clear undercurrent of disappointment in her voice as well.
  13. “Come on now, it was just a little prank?” Sunflower said taking a deep breath as she picked up her feet and tried to quicken her pass. The young girl knew she was in trouble, she could tell by the scolding tone of voice she was being addressed in. The women’s worlds also had a odd effect on her, something about her words caused her heart to shiver as if pierced by a dozen or so ice crystals.
  15. “Putting a.. one of those blasted cushions.. On Fathers chair.. My god girl, and you aspire to be a Crucifer or Thurible.. I tell you, your not going to get promoted pulling pranks like that. And Holy Week, is only a fortnight away too.” Grumbled Holly as paused and peered toward the little fountain that was located in the center of the stone paved courtyard they where strolling across.
  17. “It was a bloody harmless prank!” Groaned Sunflower as she folded her hands across her chest and just under her developing breast. “I mean heaven forbid, somebody does something to lighten the air around here, everybody is so somber and downcast.” She quickly added as she rolled her eyes as she kicked at a lose cobblestone.
  19. “And that attitude of yours.. We need to do something about that, its not becoming of a young acolyte to go about with a chip on there shoulder. Seems your so very full of sass that you need more than a gentle reminder.” Holly said taking a deep breath as she reached over and took the young girl firmly by the arm.
  23. “My attitude is fine!” Barked Sunflower, ‘lector’ if you call it that, that Holly had just delivered had put her switched her being in a pure defense mode, to a more of offensive frame of mind. One that caused her temper to boil, and caused her to loosen the locked placed on her tongue.
  25. “SUNFLOWER ELIZABETH BEAUVILLIERS!” Answered Holly in a loud ringing tone of voice that echoed across the cobblestones. “You will not raise your tone of voice with me, nor will you play any more pranks, do you understand me young lady?!” She bellowed, as more of a show of force and to foreshadow the maelstrom about to rain down upon her head. “DO I MAKE MY SELF CLEAR!”
  27. And before Sunflower could answer, Holly had reached down and taken the young girl by the hand had started to pull her across the cobblestone paved courtyard and up the concreted steps that lead to the building that housed the Rectors Office. Without a word she pulled the girl through the door and into a small side room. A wooden hanging in the center of the door informed those entering the room was reserved for ‘Mistress of the Acolytes’.
  29. The room Sunflower found herself standing in now was a perfectly square one, a very well worn desk, one that might have come from the old school house that sat right across the road. Even a stamp bearing the crest of the old ‘Main Street School’ could be seen from the doorway where she stood.
  31. Behind the desk, there stood a old double door wardrobe, one that was suppose to hold more than clock or a nightdress. No, held within its bellies where suppose to a collection of rattan canes so fine, it would make a old Oxford professor turn green with envy. A few paddles, a strap and a slipper. The two bottom drawers where suppose to hold special punishment outfits for those who.. Had.. Crossed the line.
  33. “Welcome to my office, or.. As you shall soon be calling it, your own possible hell.
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