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Feb 27th, 2018
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  1. Skull Coordinates with Audio Number
  3. 1 26731.355469, 27068.121094, 122.146362
  4. 2 27528.824219, 29834.621094, 122.146347
  5. 3 29529.603516, 21016.619141, 122.146362
  6. 4 19930.720703, 23127.257813, 122.150116
  7. 5 27056.421875, 29137.005859, 122.277901
  8. 6 43910.609375, 35458.816406, 122.150093
  9. 7 46263.472656, 32354.812500, 122.146347
  10. 8 46512.328125, 9537.916992, 122.143677
  11. 9 37491.828125, 3847.255127, 122.150131
  12. 10 26752.796875, 7015.254395, 122.150116
  13. 11 30695.511719, 13145.481445, 122.143692
  14. 12 10347.957031, 34314.242188, 122.145638
  15. 13 7869.262207, 46089.562500, 122.145660
  16. 14 13087.744141, 47063.539063, 122.150116
  17. 15 10782.131836, 25142.244141, 122.145660
  18. 16 722.442566, 16741.605469, 122.150085
  19. 17 746.764038, 5277.295898, 122.150085
  20. 18 13200.075195, 10761.430664, 122.149872
  21. 19 21877.753906, 11449.838867, 122.149757
  22. 20 27139.486328, 8395.116211, 122.143684
  23. 21 46958.871094, 5526.496094, 122.143707
  24. 22 42268.902344, 12570.554688, 122.149361
  25. 23 35479.203125, 8538.371094, 122.143692
  26. 24 43645.304688, 2656.824219, 122.150116
  27. 25 24009.492188, 31067.371094, 122.150085
  28. 26 16899.556641, 21526.705078, 122.150131
  29. 27 19126.666016, 26099.136719, 122.145645
  30. 28 37126.968750, 24182.445313, 122.150101
  31. 29 26667.935547, 38475.042969, 122.149666
  32. 30 35935.710938, 46402.683594, 121.942749
  33. 31 45627.121094, 42345.734375, 122.150131
  36. 1. "When AlMar joined us we didn't know what to expect. The owls helped us, allowing the stones to be left untouched."
  37. 2. "Whomever wanted the part to fail also searched for substitutes. We didn't always think like that until AlMar was one of us."
  38. 3. "A long time ago the Mayor decided to sell all his processors. The black market was the only place to hide."
  39. 4. "After 29 cycles we agreed to never do that again. Some of us wanted a fair trial."
  40. 5. "Mynos didn't build the maze. I'm sure Dexter was involved, but why?"
  41. 6. "PeriBanu wasn't her real name, but she was really good with computers."
  42. 7. "The Mayor was slowly transforming into... this... thing. Ever since we got here, he started acting differently. The pictures kept playing over and over in my head."
  43. 8. "We finally got inside. The place was unchanged, only the water level seemed to have risen"
  44. 9. "We got lost in this maze. Was this how it was going to end? She felt ready to die here. But she came back to save us."
  45. 10. "We could let power flow in the room. We just wanted to never escape again."
  46. 11. "What a strange feeling of finally getting to Isfahan, the capital of computing power."
  47. 12. "Silently the sand moved. Only Dexter could hear it. He was in love again, unless he was just avoiding her shadow."
  48. 13. "Love comes from the upstream. Thank you, for sending me an angel. I waited with her for that to happen."
  49. 14. "The Mayor had no other choice than to cut his finger to remove his wedding ring."
  50. 15. "Paper and cities form a complete set. When you look the other way, few remain."
  51. 16. "We had a lot of cores left. What we needed was power. If only I was less afraid of the sand and spice in the air."
  52. 17. "We would see faces in books. We would draw them on the hot stones."
  53. 18. "PeriBanu can think in more than 3 dimensions at the same time. So does AlMar. I wonder why nature is so cruel."
  54. 19. "The room is loaded with the spirits of all machines that lived there. A few lights are still on. But it's nothing compared to what it was."
  55. 20. "We never understood the last part of the game. We played it over and over again, but as we did, more and more sand filled the space."
  56. 21. "Dexter tried to remember where he was born. But he could only think of love!"
  57. 22. "When we flooded the moon, I was still with her. I regret removing my computer from the channel."
  58. 23. "Exactly at noon on this special day, I felt alive again. The others had faced such adversity. We had to go our separate ways."
  59. 24. "A few pieces didn't meet the standards. By removing the top part, I was able to refuel them."
  60. 25. "The operating system was up to date on almost all the remaining computers. AlMar's work was finished here. Now I could sing as well as he did."
  61. 26. "'Divide the rule'. That is not only bad advice, but a strong chance to break the networks."
  62. 27. "Some trees are meant to be cut. We all knew it. Yet the Mayor took a chance by letting them grow. Soon enough, they were taller than the mountains."
  63. 28. "I felt responsible for all that happened here. Since we had arrived, nothing happened as we hoped."
  64. 29. "Dexter would say that this was bound to happen. Remove one at each cycle and you are left with sand, cities and processing power."
  65. 30. "I didn’t mind the heat. I could live in space. It’s only when I was in a box that I wanted to disappear."
  66. 31. "A way to go back to where we were? Alas, one can only think of ways to move faster in time.
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