
Nervous Twilight(Short Anon x Twilight)

Sep 9th, 2014
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  1. >You are anon.
  2. >And Twilight is acting really really strange lately.
  3. >Like really strange.
  4. >When you speak to her, she usually finds herself at a loss for words.
  5. >She stutters over her words, a faint blush spreads across her cheeks.
  6. >You have no idea what is going on with her.
  7. >But you’re going to find out.
  8. >The door to the library opens.
  9. >”Anon I’m home!”
  10. >Twilight is back with the groceries.
  11. >You place a bookmark in your book then close it and place it on the desk.
  12. >Then you get to your feet and walk out the door to help her put them up.
  13. >When you get to the kitchen where she has placed the groceries, you pause once you see her.
  14. >”H- hi anon…”
  15. “Twilight… What in the Hell?”
  16. >She is wearing light red lipstick and has some mascara on.
  17. >This is probably the brightest, lightest shade of red you’ve ever seen.
  18. >She has a goofy smile on her face, and her eyes are on the floor.
  19. >”D- do you like it?”
  20. “Again… What in the…”
  21. >Twilight looks up and sees the look on your face, then frowns.
  22. >”Oh no… You don’t like me- it?”
  23. >...Okay that’s it.
  24. “Twilight, what is going on?”
  25. >She cocks her head. “What do you mean ‘what’s going on’?”
  26. “You’ve been acting REALLY weird lately. Everytime I speak to you, you stutter over your words and you blush and now you’re doing this… If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you liked me.”
  27. >Your heart stops.
  28. >...
  29. >Twilight stares at you with wide eyes.
  30. “Twilight…”
  31. >Your voice is quiet.
  32. “Do you…”
  33. >She sighs. “Yes…”
  34. >Then, she falls to the floor, a few sobs escaping her mouth. “yes…”
  35. >Dumbfounded, you kneel down next to her.
  36. “Twi? What’s wrong?”
  37. >”I’m sorry anon… I- I thought if I was pretty like Rarity you’d like me…”
  38. >She looks up at you, and you can now clearly see tears. “Who’d want a… geek. like me?”
  39. >You pat her back.
  40. “Come on Twi…”
  41. >She ignores it and continues sobbing.
  42. >Before you could stop and think, you hold her head up with your hand and pull her into a soft kiss.
  43. >She gasps at first, but then quickly melts into it.
  44. >”Anon…” you hear her say through the kiss.
  45. >After a few seconds, you break it.
  46. >Twilight’s blush has amplified.
  47. >You swear, her cheeks are as red as her lipstick.
  48. “Twi.. Why didn’t you just tell me?”
  49. >”Well I thought it was obvious!”
  50. >...It’s true. Looking back now, you do feel kind of silly that you didn’t see all the hints of her attraction to you.
  51. >And you have to admit, you do find her quite attractive.
  52. >Which brings you to this…
  53. “And I’ll have you now, Twi. I don’t care if you’re a geek or not. I for one think you’re pretty uh…”
  54. >God you suck at this sort of think.
  55. “Hot.”
  56. >There it is.
  57. >Twilight giggles and kisses your cheek.
  58. “Seriously, Twi… I don’t care about any makeup. You look beautiful regardless.”
  59. >She sighs happily.
  60. >”Anon…” she hugs you. “What happens now?”
  61. “Well… Do you wanna maybe go get some dinner? After we put up the groceries?”
  62. >”I’d love to! It’ll be our first date! Ooo! I’ll go find a book on dating!”
  63. >Then, she speeds out of the kitchen leaving you behind with the groceries to put up.
  64. >Regardless, you smile to yourself.
  65. >You have a date.
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