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Elesa's Debut

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Dec 12th, 2020
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  1. The bright lights of the dressing room were warm on Elesa's brow. Months of work, design, and even some short test runs to get the look right, it all came to this night. She'd been looking forward to to this comeback show from the day it was planned. Not that it was anything all that new, but because it was the first runway she'd done in quite some time. It wasn't too surprising that she wanted things to go as smoothly as possible.
  3. A knock at the door drew her attention. She had hoped to have a bit more time to collect her thoughts, but that was the nature of the business. Calling out to the visitor, she closed her eyes again while the door opened and quickly shut. A hurried shuffle of steps and a giggle, and she already knew who it was before a pair of arms wrapped around her from behind.
  5. “Skyla,” she said a warm fondness. “You know you're not supposed to be back here before my shows. Don't you have a seat to get to?” The other woman shook her head from behind, giggling again.
  7. “Just because I'm not supposed to doesn't mean I won't be here anyways. You know I've been there for you since the beginning; it's tradition! Like I wouldn't come see you before such a big event!”
  9. Elesa sighed happily. The red-haired woman had a point. Not that she could really complain, since it was nice to have such a cheerful visitor. She snaked her arms out of Skyla's grasp before running one of the freed hands over the other woman's hair. And of all possible visitors, she could never be upset that her girlfriend would be there.
  11. “Well I can't exactly say no to you.”
  13. “I know you can't. Besides, I'm not just here to be supportive.” Skyla leaned into Elesa's chair. With a quick motion she pecked her lover's cheek and winked, all before pulling back with a laugh.
  15. She pulled her bag off and unfastened a buckle. Elesa turned on her seat to get a better look as the other woman pulled out a package, a tag hanging off of it loosely. Smiling, Skyla handed it over excitedly.
  17. “You had this waiting outside for you. Guess one of your fans wanted to give you something special!”
  19. “That's rather sweet,” Elesa commented, carefully taking the box into her hands before pulling the tag up. Glancing over the handwriting, she was unsurprised to see it lacked any marking on who had sent it. Nothing more than a simple note reading, “Enjoy the show!” oddly enough. Elesa passed a perplexed expression to Skyla, one that only grew more befuddled as she opened the packaging and found a berry nestled inside.
  21. Pulling out the fruit from the confines of the box, the two women traded looks of confusion as Elesa held the fruit in her hand. It looked like an oversized belue berry, but darker in hue and a lot juicier looking. This was what some fan had sent? A berry?
  23. Skyla was the first to break the silence. “Not the usual gifts of candy or flowers from your darling fans, eh? Guess they want you to stay trim and healthy! Can't go modeling if you're flabby, eh?”
  25. Elesa rolled her eyes. She gave Skyla a light shove before returning her attention to the berry. It did look mighty appealing, she had to admit. But why send a single berry like this along to begin with? Was it some kind of hobbyist sharing in their produce as a more personal gift? She had to admit, the idea was rather charming. Her fans could be quite the handful at times, but in occasions like that she couldn't help but feel grateful.
  27. “So what do you think?” Skyla broke Elesa's train of thought. “Some kind of prank or a sweet little gesture?”
  29. Tilting her head back, she stared out in space as she thought it over. Would hardly make a good prank if it were just a piece of fruit like this.
  31. “I'm leaning towards a nice gift from a fan,” Elesa responded. “Though I do wish they'd bothered to leave more of a note, it's not like they would be the first shy fan to send a gift.”
  33. “So, are you going to try it?”
  35. “Well, duh? It's just a berry. What do I have to lose?” Shrugging away any concerns, Elesa brought the belue to her lips. Taking a bite out of the ripe flesh, she couldn't help glancing at the unassuming berry as the flavor hit her tongue. Far sweeter than she had expected, she found herself quick to finish the berry off. Even Skyla was a bit taken aback by the sudden act, her eyes wide.
  37. “Dang, wish you'd show that kind of enthusiasm when I make you dinner. Maybe I'll just have to find more of those and make you a dessert sometime.”
  39. “Oh hush,” Elesa said. Pulling a tissue from her vanity desk, she gave her face a quick cleanse to help remove some of the residual juice. It was a bit sticky, but thankfully it came off without leaving a stain or even getting onto her dress. She chided herself on how lucky she was. Had she ruined this outfit she would have never heard the end of it from the designers.
  41. “I'm just saying! But hey, now you for sure will have the energy to hit the show floor and really wow the crowd!”
  43. “I would have done fine before, you know. Just because it's the first show in a while doesn't mean I've lost my touch.”
  45. “No, but you can use every bit of luck that you can get,” Skyla said with a smile.
  47. The red-haired woman pulled her partner up from her seat, transitioning into an impromptu dance without missing a beat. Elesa could only smile fondly at her girlfriend's antics. Always the sunshine in her day, she could count on Skyla to keep her going. As they went about, the two smiled at one another while the moment took them. It would have been a much sweeter moment had Elesa not spied the clock on the wall.
  49. “Crap, I'm sorry I didn't even notice the time,” she muttered. “I need to get backstage before it's too late. And you need to go find your seat! I can't do my best if my best girl isn't right there supporting me.”
  51. Skyla scooped her partner in a hug, pulling the black-haired woman tightly against her. She couldn't help it, she was a bit worried about how things would go. But she wasn't about to leave her friend to go out without some encouragement. Placing a kiss on Elesa's lips, Skyla held it there for few moments. She could almost taste some of the berry, the sweetness amplifying the passion of the moment as she leaned in closer.
  53. Elesa had to pull herself back, her cheeks showing just the slightest rosy tint. She wasn't one to say no to her friend's advances, but she did need to be punctual.
  55. “How about you can show me some of that after the show?” She gave a smirk to Skyla, letting a finger run sultrily under the redhead's chin. Even if now wasn't the time, she still could have some fun. It was only fair after all.
  57. She felt a slight grumble in her stomach as she stepped back. Choosing to ignore it, Elesa looked over herself in the mirror one last time while Skyla herself tried to look a bit less red in the face.
  59. “You look fine. Great, even!” Skyla said reassuringly. “Just get out there before you're late! I'll be right behind you so I can cheer you on. And when it's all over, we can celebrate!”
  61. Elesa sighed. It didn't matter how many times she looked over herself, she'd always find some kind of imperfection. Better to just accept things as they were and realize she was going to do the best she could tonight. And as far as she was concerned, the crowds, the designers, the press, they didn't matter in the end. She was going to pull this off no matter what.
  63. Walking to the door, she picked up her fur coat. Throwing it around her shoulders she let the familiar warmth of the article envelop her as she get back into a familiar mindset. Didn't take much, but she felt ready. Pulling open the door, she turned back to her friend.
  65. “Ready to roll?”
  67. Skyla ran by, squeezing her with a quick side-hug on her way out. “I'll be right where I always am! You got this, and we both know it!”
  69. The cheery redhead disappeared down the hall. Sighing, Elesa took one last look in her changing room before closing the door. She felt about as ready as she could, at least until her stomach growled loudly, almost painfully even. Odd.
  71. The walk out to backstage didn't take long. While her stomach seemed to only get more distressed, she passed it off as hunger. She hadn't really eaten much that day aside from a few key meals to prevent any issues on her show. That berry probably threw her body off, more than likely.
  73. “Well, not the worst thing in the world. A few hours to show off shouldn't kill me.”
  75. “Something the matter?” One of the aides perked up at Elesa's comment. The model shook her head, waving the girl off.
  77. “No, nothing. Sorry to worry you. Are you all ready to go? Stage, clothing, everything?”
  79. The aide's bespectacled face beamed as she nodded in response. “That we are!”
  81. Elesa could feel her worries fade away. This was going to go without a hitch, she could feel it.
  83. “Then let's do this.”
  85. Lights blazed over and under the catwalk. The music began, and Elesa strode out confidently to a captive audience. 'This is what I've been missing' she thought as a strong smile broke across her face, her legs carrying herself to the end of the walkway. Planting her right leg forward, she could hear the clicks of a dozen cameras in her direction. She couldn't make out much in the sea of faces, but she could at the least see the familiar shock of red hair below her feet. Skyla's face seemed more shocked than anything else. Was she that taken with the show?
  87. Either way, Elesa decided she'd given everyone long enough. Pivoting, she began to strut back down the catwalk, ready to move on with the show. She could feel her stomach growl almost painfully as she made her way backstage. Part of her considered maybe she should stop before the show went too far. Whatever was up was not letting up. Was that berry giving her some kind of indigestion? Sighing, she supposed that was her own fault for eating some random fruit from a fan.
  89. Slipping past the curtains, she was greeted quickly by her crew, who paid little mind to much else beyond getting her current outfit off and her next one on. There was the odd look placed at her, but no one seemed to say anything. Was her confidence in this show that puzzling? Still, she was happy to be doing this, more so as the next set of clothes arrived. She smiled fondly as the black and yellow pattern fell over her trim body. She'd not shown off this old outfit in a number of years, but for a return show it only felt fitting.
  91. And speaking of fitting, she couldn't help but feel a bit restrained by it as she wandered back to the stage. Surely she hadn't grown any in the past few years? She'd maintained a strict diet and exercise regimen to ensure she'd remain trim. Even her previous set of clothes had been the same size as these. Did these somehow shrink over the the years?
  93. The crowd seemed silent as she wandered onto the stage again. And with it, another groan from her stomach that felt deafening. She could feel her face flush. Did they hear that? Freezing to her spot, she looked about, spying shocked faces through the bright lights. Part of her hoped they were just shocked by the choice of outfit. After all, why go for something so old? And yet...
  95. She took a deep breath and looked down. If the swollen gut that was pushing against her tight top wasn't enough to scare her, the change in skin tone absolutely was. Where there was once pale flesh interrupting the black chevron pattern of her top, now blue flesh was swelling out, seeping through the gaps at every opportunity it could find.
  97. “Oh god,” she muttered. Grasping at the engorged portion of her body, she could feel it give with her touch. It was soft, warm, and as far as she could tell, still growing.
  99. A camera click went off in the silence. Elesa's head shot up, her face burning bright in the spotlight. It was only then that she realized the music had been cut. She needed to get out of there, and fast. Already she was going to have to face countless questions from the media based on this alone. And with the strange feeling of growth continuing, it would only be worse if she stayed out there.
  101. Despite her need to escape she felt rooted to the spot, like her own pokemon had paralyzed her. She was terrified knowing her event was ruined, knowing she was seen by thousands in this state. She could hear more clicks of cameras. Flashes. Murmurs. She desperately sought some kind of comfort or reassurance, finding Skyla's gawking face in the sea of people.
  103. It hurt in a way, knowing it was all ruined like this. How could she make a comeback now? Taking a deep breath, she managed a single, unsteady step back. A gurgle rose up followed by the sounds of tearing. Putting her hands back to her stomach, Elesa could feel her dress beginning to shred beneath her fingertips. Whatever was happening, it wasn't going to stop – and she needed it to before she exposed herself to the audience.
  105. Another step back. She could feel the contents inside of her slosh, her curves jiggling with the motion as she tried to remain steady. Never had she felt so big before. So heavy and bloated, it was surreal to feel it happen so quickly. Yet as she stepped back again, her body sluggishly following her commands, she could feel something else rise up. A warmth in her cheeks made it all the more urgent, before another set of snaps from the front of her dress released the enormous orb that was her belly. Freed of the tension, the model could hardly help herself as a moan escaped her lips. Could anyone blame her? Somehow her belly felt sensitive, almost erogenous as it fell out and smacked against the swollen legs that struggled to waddle back.
  107. Two sets of hands wrapped around her own plumper arms. Feverishly looking from side to side, Elesa caught sight of two of her stage crewmembers looking at her in concern.
  109. “Miss Elesa, we need to get you out of here,” one said, worry etched onto his face. She wasn't about to argue. And with the very clear difficulty she was facing to walk, any help was more than appreciated.
  111. Steadily, she was able to turn about and face the entrance of the catwalk. She could feel the remainders of her dress and leggings digging into her flesh as it continued swelling. Just how big was she going to get? She was terrified to even consider the possibility. Already she was probably bigger than most plus size models. Like hell she'd be able to continue her career if she was this big. Or this color, she thought with a pained expression.
  113. Even so, as she gingerly stepped along, she could feel something poke at her mind. Each jiggle, each strain of her clothing, the almost intoxicating sensation of her body spreading in every direction at once...she had to stop herself. Pausing in her pitiful stride, Elesa could feel her own embarrassment rise up a sudden increase in her own arousal. It didn't help with how much her boobs were starting to strain against her dress, a sensation that was at once both painful and also enjoyable as the fabric shifted across her nipples.
  115. “We need to get you out of here! Miss Elesa?” The calls fell on deaf ears as Elesa felt herself pull inwards. Hearing seemed to fade around her except for the quickening beat of her heart, and that damned gurgling within her body that was driving her mad.
  117. More tearing. She could feel the cool air kiss at each patch of exposed skin, growing more apparent by the second as her dress and leggings became a patchwork of scraps over her blue form. Cooing at the sensations overtaking her body, Elesa nearly fell over in that moment. Just what was coming over her? It was like the arousal wouldn't stop, it just felt so good. Far too good.
  119. “Elesa come on!” Her revelry was cut out by the familiar sound of Skyla's voice. Raising her head, Elesa caught sight of her girlfriend rushing down the walkway. Offering an uncharacteristically goofy smile, the model gave a weak wave from one of her hands, only to stop when she realized the appendage was still being held by her crew. Breaking to tell them to let go, she was surprised to see both of her aides had since left her in fear. Instead, her arm was pumped up an incredible amount, fat and heavy to the point she could hardly move it. A cursory glance only confirmed the same fate had happened to the other arm. Ah well, it wasn't that bad.
  121. “Just in time for the fun, Skyla,” she said to her friend as she waddled forward, each shuffling step sending another shake across her rotund body that was now very clearly on display to the world around her. Not that she cared by now. Let them look at her! She was having the time of her life and she didn't want it to stop at this point, it just felt so good.
  123. “Elesa, you have to snap out of it. We've got the paramedics on the way but you need to get off the stage now!” Skyla urged her girlfriend on, tugging at one of the almost useless hands urgently. “Why didn't you bail sooner? Just think of your reputation and what this is going to do!”
  125. “Yeah, gonna be the talk of the town now,” Elesa giggled. Sure she had been concerned before, but now? Why worry, she felt better than ever!
  127. Skyla huffed, working around the growing woman until she could get a place behind. Planting her gloved hands against the similarly color skin of her friend, she gave a hard push. “I'm doing this for your own good!”
  129. Elesa hardly could react before she toppled forward. The remaining bits of her outfit fell off and around, some landing on the still shocked faces of the audience.
  131. “Take them as a souvenir and remember this night!” Elesa said loudly, giggling again as she felt Skyla's hands plant themselves onto what would be her now enormous ass. “Oh, getting frisky are we? Didn't I tell you to wait until after the show?”
  133. “That's not...ugh, Elesa get a grip already!” Skyla's face was tinged red as she pushed her nearly spherical girlfriend down the catwalk, grunting with each shove as she felt the massively bloated woman wobble, still growing wider with each passing second. Trying to ignore the looks of Elesa's face or the enticingly huge curves of her lover proved to be a taller order than she had expected. She knew she had a job to do, but Elesa was definitely not making it any easier now.
  135. “Seems like you're trying to get a grip of my ass if you ask me,” Elesa shot back, laughing again as they disappeared behind the curtains. “You know you can certainly help yourself. Not like I could stop you anymore, see?”
  137. The woman flailed her hands helplessly, winking at the now clearly flustered Skyla. Huffing again, the redhead turned away in a futile attempt to avoid the teasing from her ballooning girlfriend. The images of Elesa swelling overhead couldn't get out of her head, nor could the moans and feeling of Elesa's body. Crossing her legs slightly, Skyla took a deep breath. This was not okay, no matter how attractive her girlfriend was right now.
  139. Spinning around on her heel, she confronted Elesa. “Just what happened to you? Was it that berry?”
  141. “Berry schmerry, who knows and who cares?” Elesa replied. “All I know is I feel sexy and that's all that matters. Seriously Skyla, help yourself. There's plenty of me to go around now!”
  143. Wiggling in her state was almost comical as the rounded-out Elesa shook about, her feet and hands flapping while she tried to grab the other woman's attention. Skyla sighed. As much as she felt more than a bit hot under the collar, she wasn't about to take advantage of this situation. Not...too much. Or so she told herself, as she placed a hand gently on what was part of Elesa's thigh. Squeezing it, she found her fingers sinking in without much resistance. A coo from Elesa almost stopped her, but the woman urged her on.
  145. “No, keep going. I've never felt more turned on as I am now, you have no idea,” she said. “I want to see what you'll do.”
  147. Elesa couldn't help pushing Skyla closer to the edge. She had already thrown herself off that cliff. The entire transformation, the intensified sensations in her body, it was all just compounding in her to the point that she felt like she was going to erupt. Moaning at every squeeze and touch, she squirmed about pitifully in her state as she was “inspected” by Skyla. A grip of her juicy thigh. A poke of her glistening, plush belly. And finally, a squeeze of one of her huge tits, causing a spurt of juice to gush out and accidentally splatter on Skyla's foot.
  149. “Whoops, I'll aim better next time,” Elesa said with a laugh, only to be cut off by a more vigorous manhandling of her tits by her girlfriend.
  151. Skyla's face was almost tamato berry red by this point, her breathing heavy and hot as she fondled the enormous form of her lover. She'd never dreamed of anything like this before, but the opportunity it presented...she could hardly pass it up. She had half a mind to strip right there, thankful the rest of the crew had been ordered to clear out the audience out and prepare for the arrival of the EMTs. Still though, she had no idea what was going on. Even as aroused as she was by this turn of events, there was no way she was going to fully take advantage of things until she had some answers.
  153. “You're such a temptress.” Skyla sighed, at first only receiving a response in the form of a grin between chubby, juice-filled cheeks.
  155. “And yet you haven't stopped manhandling my tits, either. Funny how that works.”
  157. “Yeah, yeah, talk it up. You're still going to the hospital so we can get this sorted out.”
  159. “Aww but Skyla come on now, don't you want to have some fun in the meantime?”
  161. Skyla could feel her face heat up somehow even more. She didn't want to be a killjoy, but again she needed to be at least some kind of a voice of reason. Squeezing at the pair of tits and watching the juice dribble out of the stretched nipples, she felt herself lick her lips. Even if that voice was only a whisper.
  163. “Probably only a few minutes before the paramedics arrive,” Skyla commented.
  165. “And then I'll be carted away to be free from this 'torture',” Elesa agreed, smirking. “Not a lot of time to get things done.”
  167. Leaning over in hesitation, Skyla took another glance at her friend before taking a breath. Licking at one of the nipples, Skyla could get a burst of sweet berry taste on her tongue. She pulled back for a moment, eyes wide while her girlfriend moaned. That juice was unnervingly good tasting. If she wasn't careful...
  169. Before she could consider any further, Skyla dove in. Suckling like a greedy infant, she felt her body relax as she gulped down mouthfuls of juice from Elesa, moaning in pleasure at the taste while her girlfriend buckled at the sensations. Nibbling, sucking, she did everything she could to get every drop of juice possible out of her girlfriend. After a time she pulled away with a loud gasp, the two women panting from the intensity of the sensations.
  171. “Oh god I really just did that,” Skyla said, looking at the juice stains down her front. She could still feel her body hungering for more, and with Elesa's moaning it certainly didn't help. All that stopped her was a strange sensation. A gurgling, rising up from her stomach that seems to grow stronger and a bit uncomfortable. Putting a hand to her stomach, she sucked in a breath.
  173. “Someone just couldn't wait to join in on the fun, could they?” Came the teasing sound of Elesa's voice as she knowingly watched her girlfriend's reaction.
  175. “Better get some more while you still can!”
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