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Apr 20th, 2019
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  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. #
  3. # execsnoop - trace process exec() with arguments.
  4. # Written using Linux ftrace.
  5. #
  6. # This shows the execution of new processes, especially short-lived ones that
  7. # can be missed by sampling tools such as top(1).
  8. #
  9. # USAGE: ./execsnoop [-hrt] [-n name]
  10. #
  11. # REQUIREMENTS: FTRACE and KPROBE CONFIG, sched:sched_process_fork tracepoint,
  12. # and either the sys_execve, stub_execve or do_execve kernel function. You may
  13. # already have these on recent kernels. And awk.
  14. #
  15. # This traces exec() from the fork()->exec() sequence, which means it won't
  16. # catch new processes that only fork(). With the -r option, it will also catch
  17. # processes that re-exec. It makes a best-effort attempt to retrieve the program
  18. # arguments and PPID; if these are unavailable, 0 and "[?]" are printed
  19. # respectively. There is also a limit to the number of arguments printed (by
  20. # default, 8), which can be increased using -a.
  21. #
  22. # This implementation is designed to work on older kernel versions, and without
  23. # kernel debuginfo. It works by dynamic tracing an execve kernel function to
  24. # read the arguments from the %si register. The sys_execve function is tried
  25. # first, then stub_execve and do_execve. The sched:sched_process_fork
  26. # tracepoint is used to get the PPID. This program is a workaround that should be
  27. # improved in the future when other kernel capabilities are made available. If
  28. # you need a more reliable tool now, then consider other tracing alternatives
  29. # (eg, SystemTap). This tool is really a proof of concept to see what ftrace can
  30. # currently do.
  31. #
  32. # From perf-tools:
  33. #
  34. # See the execsnoop(8) man page (in perf-tools) for more info.
  35. #
  36. # COPYRIGHT: Copyright (c) 2014 Brendan Gregg.
  37. #
  38. # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  39. # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
  40. # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
  41. # of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  42. #
  43. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  44. # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  46. # GNU General Public License for more details.
  47. #
  48. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  49. # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  50. # Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
  51. #
  52. # (
  53. #
  54. # 07-Jul-2014 Brendan Gregg Created this.
  56. ### default variables
  57. tracing=/sys/kernel/debug/tracing
  58. flock=/var/tmp/.ftrace-lock; wroteflock=0
  59. opt_duration=0; duration=; opt_name=0; name=; opt_time=0; opt_reexec=0
  60. opt_argc=0; argc=8; max_argc=16; ftext=
  61. trap ':' INT QUIT TERM PIPE HUP # sends execution to end tracing section
  63. function usage {
  64. cat <<-END >&2
  65. USAGE: execsnoop [-hrt] [-a argc] [-d secs] [name]
  66. -d seconds # trace duration, and use buffers
  67. -a argc # max args to show (default 8)
  68. -r # include re-execs
  69. -t # include time (seconds)
  70. -h # this usage message
  71. name # process name to match (REs allowed)
  72. eg,
  73. execsnoop # watch exec()s live (unbuffered)
  74. execsnoop -d 1 # trace 1 sec (buffered)
  75. execsnoop grep # trace process names containing grep
  76. execsnoop 'udevd$' # process names ending in "udevd"
  78. See the man page and example file for more info.
  79. END
  80. exit
  81. }
  83. function warn {
  84. if ! eval "$@"; then
  85. echo >&2 "WARNING: command failed \"$@\""
  86. fi
  87. }
  89. function end {
  90. # disable tracing
  91. echo 2>/dev/null
  92. echo "Ending tracing..." 2>/dev/null
  93. cd $tracing
  94. warn "echo 0 > events/kprobes/$kname/enable"
  95. warn "echo 0 > events/sched/sched_process_fork/enable"
  96. warn "echo -:$kname >> kprobe_events"
  97. warn "echo > trace"
  98. (( wroteflock )) && warn "rm $flock"
  99. }
  101. function die {
  102. echo >&2 "$@"
  103. exit 1
  104. }
  106. function edie {
  107. # die with a quiet end()
  108. echo >&2 "$@"
  109. exec >/dev/null 2>&1
  110. end
  111. exit 1
  112. }
  114. ### process options
  115. while getopts a:d:hrt opt
  116. do
  117. case $opt in
  118. a) opt_argc=1; argc=$OPTARG ;;
  119. d) opt_duration=1; duration=$OPTARG ;;
  120. r) opt_reexec=1 ;;
  121. t) opt_time=1 ;;
  122. h|?) usage ;;
  123. esac
  124. done
  125. shift $(( $OPTIND - 1 ))
  126. if (( $# )); then
  127. opt_name=1
  128. name=$1
  129. shift
  130. fi
  131. (( $# )) && usage
  133. ### option logic
  134. (( opt_pid && opt_name )) && die "ERROR: use either -p or -n."
  135. (( opt_pid )) && ftext=" issued by PID $pid"
  136. (( opt_name )) && ftext=" issued by process name \"$name\""
  137. (( opt_file )) && ftext="$ftext for filenames containing \"$file\""
  138. (( opt_argc && argc > max_argc )) && die "ERROR: max -a argc is $max_argc."
  139. if (( opt_duration )); then
  140. echo "Tracing exec()s$ftext for $duration seconds (buffered)..."
  141. else
  142. echo "Tracing exec()s$ftext. Ctrl-C to end."
  143. fi
  145. ### select awk
  146. if (( opt_duration )); then
  147. [[ -x /usr/bin/mawk ]] && awk=mawk || awk=awk
  148. else
  149. # workarounds for mawk/gawk fflush behavior
  150. if [[ -x /usr/bin/gawk ]]; then
  151. awk=gawk
  152. elif [[ -x /usr/bin/mawk ]]; then
  153. awk="mawk -W interactive"
  154. else
  155. awk=awk
  156. fi
  157. fi
  159. ### check permissions
  160. cd $tracing || die "ERROR: accessing tracing. Root user? Kernel has FTRACE?
  161. debugfs mounted? (mount -t debugfs debugfs /sys/kernel/debug)"
  163. ### ftrace lock
  164. [[ -e $flock ]] && die "ERROR: ftrace may be in use by PID $(cat $flock) $flock"
  165. echo $$ > $flock || die "ERROR: unable to write $flock."
  166. wroteflock=1
  168. ### build probe
  169. if [[ -x /usr/bin/getconf ]]; then
  170. bits=$(getconf LONG_BIT)
  171. else
  172. bits=64
  173. [[ $(uname -m) == i* ]] && bits=32
  174. fi
  175. (( offset = bits / 8 ))
  176. function makeprobe {
  177. func=$1
  178. kname=execsnoop_$func
  179. kprobe="p:$kname $func"
  180. i=0
  181. while (( i < argc + 1 )); do
  182. # p:kname do_execve +0(+0(%si)):string +0(+8(%si)):string ...
  183. kprobe="$kprobe +0(+$(( i * offset ))(%si)):string"
  184. (( i++ ))
  185. done
  186. }
  187. # try in this order: sys_execve, stub_execve, do_execve
  188. makeprobe sys_execve
  190. ### setup and begin tracing
  191. echo nop > current_tracer
  192. if ! echo $kprobe >> kprobe_events 2>/dev/null; then
  193. makeprobe stub_execve
  194. if ! echo $kprobe >> kprobe_events 2>/dev/null; then
  195. makeprobe do_execve
  196. if ! echo $kprobe >> kprobe_events 2>/dev/null; then
  197. edie "ERROR: adding a kprobe for execve. Exiting."
  198. fi
  199. fi
  200. fi
  201. if ! echo 1 > events/kprobes/$kname/enable; then
  202. edie "ERROR: enabling kprobe for execve. Exiting."
  203. fi
  204. if ! echo 1 > events/sched/sched_process_fork/enable; then
  205. edie "ERROR: enabling sched:sched_process_fork tracepoint. Exiting."
  206. fi
  207. echo "Instrumenting $func"
  208. (( opt_time )) && printf "%-16s " "TIMEs"
  209. printf "%6s %6s %s\n" "PID" "PPID" "ARGS"
  211. #
  212. # Determine output format. It may be one of the following (newest first):
  215. # To differentiate between them, the number of header fields is counted,
  216. # and an offset set, to skip the extra column when needed.
  217. #
  218. offset=$($awk 'BEGIN { o = 0; }
  219. $1 == "#" && $2 ~ /TASK/ && NF == 6 { o = 1; }
  220. $2 ~ /TASK/ { print o; exit }' trace)
  222. ### print trace buffer
  223. warn "echo > trace"
  224. ( if (( opt_duration )); then
  225. # wait then dump buffer
  226. sleep $duration
  227. cat -v trace
  228. else
  229. # print buffer live
  230. cat -v trace_pipe
  231. fi ) | $awk -v o=$offset -v opt_name=$opt_name -v name=$name \
  232. -v opt_duration=$opt_duration -v opt_time=$opt_time -v kname=$kname \
  233. -v opt_reexec=$opt_reexec '
  234. # common fields
  235. $1 != "#" {
  236. # task name can contain dashes
  237. comm = pid = $1
  238. sub(/-[0-9][0-9]*/, "", comm)
  239. sub(/.*-/, "", pid)
  240. }
  242. $1 != "#" && $(4+o) ~ /sched_process_fork/ {
  243. cpid=$0
  244. sub(/.* child_pid=/, "", cpid)
  245. sub(/ .*/, "", cpid)
  246. getppid[cpid] = pid
  247. delete seen[pid]
  248. }
  250. $1 != "#" && $(4+o) ~ kname {
  251. if (seen[pid])
  252. next
  253. if (opt_name && comm !~ name)
  254. next
  256. #
  257. # examples:
  258. # ... arg1="/bin/echo" arg2="1" arg3="2" arg4="3" ...
  259. # ... arg1="sleep" arg2="2" arg3=(fault) arg4="" ...
  260. # ... arg1="" arg2=(fault) arg3="" arg4="" ...
  261. # the last example is uncommon, and may be a race.
  262. #
  263. if ($0 ~ /arg1=""/) {
  264. args = comm " [?]"
  265. } else {
  266. args=$0
  267. sub(/ arg[0-9]*=\(fault\).*/, "", args)
  268. sub(/.*arg1="/, "", args)
  269. gsub(/" arg[0-9]*="/, " ", args)
  270. sub(/"$/, "", args)
  271. if ($0 !~ /\(fault\)/)
  272. args = args " [...]"
  273. }
  275. if (opt_time) {
  276. time = $(3+o); sub(":", "", time)
  277. printf "%-16s ", time
  278. }
  279. printf "%6s %6d %s\n", pid, getppid[pid], args
  280. if (!opt_duration)
  281. fflush()
  282. if (!opt_reexec) {
  283. seen[pid] = 1
  284. delete getppid[pid]
  285. }
  286. }
  288. $0 ~ /LOST.*EVENT[S]/ { print "WARNING: " $0 > "/dev/stderr" }
  289. '
  291. ### end tracing
  292. end
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