
jinguji x mitchle

Mar 23rd, 2020
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  1. [17:39] Jinguji: Hey, how's it going? I know this guy's more contemporary-geared, but looking your profile over I got a fantasy scene idea or two to run by you. Just wanted to say hi and gauge interest before I went rattling off pitches, ahaha.
  2. [17:42] Mitchle: I'm doing good and yourself? I'm all ears! I'm happy to try anything.
  3. [17:54] Jinguji: Pretty good! Better now that I've gotten a response back~. I think docs are a little divisive, or maybe it's the canon..? Anyway, I was imagining an "adventuring party" type scene in a generic medieval/high fantasy setting, where Jakurai is a healer type maybe somewhere between a traditional mage and a bard to incorporate his voice thing, but it really doesn't matter that much.
  4. [17:54] Jinguji: Maybe they accept the same mission, maybe they run into each other in a guild hall, maybe they were acquaintances already, but one way or another they go exploring/adventuring together. The details could be any number of things, be it a play on a "charm" status effect/curse that acts as an aphrodisiac, just nondescript sexual tension, etc. etc., so I was hoping to brainstorm or maybe just jump in and see where the scene goes.
  5. [17:55] Mitchle: Yeah that sounds good to me!
  6. [18:04] Mitchle: I don't mind if Jakurai is a healer and has bard abilities, I think it would be cool if he did!
  7. [18:07] Jinguji: Alright! Sorry about the delay, got a little distracted in another tab. Since it's fantasy anyway, one other thing that I think may be fun to include is mpreg, perhaps as a side effect of the aphrodisiac spell/curse/whatever (or Jakurai's experimental healing spell?) if we go with magic-induced sex. Though I suppose that depends on whether you're in a top or bottom mood, ahaha. I'm personally one of "those" switches that never really has a preference, so if you like we could roll the die or go with good old role reversal (and in turn, mutual impregnation?).
  8. [18:08] Mitchle: Hey no worries, it happens to everyone! You can be the top. I don't mind being the bottom, I really like this idea!
  9. [18:10] Jinguji: Works for me~. Was there anything else you'd like to discuss, or..? I typically go by the "approacher starts" rule but if you'd like to take the honors I won't stop you, pff.
  10. [18:12] Mitchle: I think we're all set. You can start us off, since this was your idea.
  11. [18:23] Mitchle: (I have to brb quick, but I'll be back on soon!)
  12. [18:41] Jinguji: No matter how many foes one vanquishes or ranks one climbs, few adversaries could ever rival the capital's adventurer's guild at midday. Packed to the gills, reeking of bloodstained metal and long-dried sweat, and constantly cloaked in a deafening rumble of voices, even seasoned questers loathed setting foot in the gilded halls... but it was a necessary evil if you wanted any chance at good missions. Jakurai Jinguji knew it well, for his excessive height meant little in the face of seven-foot-tall orcs and taller half-giants who had height and bulk to back it up. As such, even as he stood at the mid-grade board with his index finger pressed to his cheek and few non-elves having enough height to clear his shoulders, he felt acutely suffocated. His outfit certainly didn't help, consisting of a heavy ornamental white cloak and an insulated black tunic-and-trousers layer underneath, useful for trapping heat and magical energy but pitiful for keeping him comfortable in this sea of body heat, and all without mentioning the thighboots. Far Eastern request boards drew no such crowds, and he had to admit this new land's customs and bustle were doing a number.
  14. Fed up with the pervasive presence of someone's elbow in his side despite his boundless patience, the mage snatched up the first piece of parchment that caught his eye and skimmed it as he broke through the crowd. Help Wanted... lesser incubus infestation... gold reward... 2+ people recommended, preferably men... Unwilling to spend anymore time here than absolutely necessary, he turned heel and briskly walked back to the throng to speak to the first person he saw, presenting the parchment and kneeling down to speak directly into the young man's ear. "Excuse me, would you like to take this quest? I can support you, so if you're confident in your damage the two of us should be sufficient."
  15. [19:12] Mitchle: Within the guild there were ranks based on one class that they chose. Those that had a weapon were able to go far ahead in the guild, while those who prefer to use magic had to put in a lot more effort if they wanted to get in the same ranks as those who possessed a weapon. A dark mage walks into the guild with his hood up. Upon entering the usually jam packed filled guild once more shortly before it would get busy. He had checked the board to see if there were any new interesting tasks, but none seemed to catch his attention. The dark mage went to sit at one of the plush chairs that the guild had. He saw the waves of people come and go. Soon though Mitchle took out his tome and began to read.
  16. As time passed Mitchle became engrossed with his tome, until he heard a voice talking to him. He flinched nearly throwing his tome. He turned to face whom ever was talking to him. He was surprised to see what he thought was a white mage or possibly a ranger. "My word, next time don't sneak up on me." After saying that the dark mage straightens himself up before continuing. "What would we have to do on the quest?"
  17. [19:17] Mitchle: (I'm sorry about the wait!)
  18. [19:54] Jinguji: "...Ah. My apologies. In my rush, I forgot my manners." Jakurai cleared his throat in an attempt to cut through the tension and glanced over the paper to refresh his memory. "I'm Jakurai Jinguji, a support mage registered as a bard for lack of better title. To answer your question, it's a simple extermination mission - lesser incubi, likely the half-formed sort with more libido than wits. They prefer women, so we should be relatively safe, but their bite can be nasty." A wry smile crossed his lips before he continued, glancing out over the crowds as if seeking out his next candidate in case his current one refused. "Wholly middle of the road, a C-rank if one has ever been posted, so I understand if you'd like to save your energy for something more profitable."
  19. [19:54] Jinguji: (( No problem! I got pulled away myself a couple times intermittently ahaha... ))
  20. [20:01] Mitchle: Mitchle was surprised that the white mage named Jakurai knew about monsters quite well. The dark mage chuckles softly and stands up. He gives Jakurai a gloved hand for him to shake. "I'm Mitchle my class is dark mage. I am a B rank guild member. I don't see why I shouldn't go with you on this quest. I'm going to be counting on you for that support for this Jakurai." When the dark mage said that his tone was a bit more friendly than it was earlier.
  21. [20:23] Jinguji: An expression of relief flickered over the man's face and he took the handshake firmly, his own hands covered. "Nice to meet you, Mitchle - I'm in your care, and hope my being a C-Rank doesn't slow you down. My magic is experimental and using it for offense causes a terrible strain, so I've had some issues rising." After dropping his new companion's hand, he tucked a lock of violet hair behind his ear and double-checked the sheet before handing it over. "Here, I don't want to selfishly retain all the information. And, errr. In case the name didn't give it away, I'm not from these western lands, and despite my best efforts I'm not terribly familiar with the area yet, so it's probably prudent to let you lead the way. I'm only dimly aware of the cavern's location. To... to the north, yes?" Clearly the lack of knowledge left the poor man the tiniest bit distressed.
  22. [20:30] Mitchle: The dark mage reads the paper that had their quest. "You are right about it being just north of here Jakuri. We should head out, it'll take us around a day to get there. It's a pleasure to meet you as well." He then gives the piece of paper back to the white mage. "Where are you from if I may ask?" Mitchle then turned to the door. "We can chat and walk yes?" Mitchle waits to see if the other mage would catch up to him.
  23. [20:40] Jinguji: With his extremely long strides, Jakurai had no issue keeping pace even as he folded up the sheet and tucked it away in the leather satchel on his hip for safekeeping, knowing they would need it for redemption later. "Jhinsuku, a rather large province in the Far East - I'm sure my name and appearance gave away the latter part." A light chuckle accented the remark, and he paused just long enough to push open and prop open the door, chiming a farewell to the guard as they set off on the path. "I'm currently staying in one of the smaller inns in the surrounding areas, and plan to stay for quite some time until I can afford to go out and head... wherever it is the winds carry me, I suppose. Even at my age, it ill befits an adventurer to put down roots... but I'm rambling. What about yourself?"
  24. [20:48] Mitchle: Was impressed that Jakuri could keep up with him, normally other mages wouldn't and would head back to the guild. When the two left the guild the guard nodded to Jakuri, but gave the dark mage a weird look on their way out. "Jhinsuku, I have heard of it but I never went there personally. Could you tell me what it's like?" As Mitchle asked that he was getting more curious about the white mage. He thought for a moment before replying. " I grew up in a small village that lies to the south of here. The people there don't have a fondness of those who are mages. They like warriors more, and it shows. I want to learn more about the world, see places that some people wouldn't normally go to." Mitchle held his tome a bit tighter than he did before. "If this quest goes well, would you like to work together again?"
  25. [21:04] Mitchle: (sorry about that I disconnected!)
  26. [21:20] Jinguji: Jakurai waited for him to finish before answering the question, needing a moment to collect his thoughts. "It's... let's call it quiet. Much less hustle and bustle even within the larger cities, extremely traditionalist, and dominated by humans - other races were rare and often western travelers, as the only other natives with sapience are spirits and those that the populace considers monsters." The mage turned his gaze upward and returned his index finger to his cheek in that signature expression, pondering what to say next. "Among the provinces Jhinsuku is known for its underbelly, red lantern districts and the like - lots of brothels and generally indecent, flooded with samurai. Mages were welcome, but I had to learn my magic from someone in a neighboring province." A grimace flickered onto his face and his voice nearly faltered at the mention of that person, but it left as soon as it came. "Still, I cannot say I suffered the way you have - Pajan in general is extremely welcoming of mages, what with its deep traditionalism and their connection to the powers that be. That person simply shared their knowledge with me and I went from apothecary to a unique sort of mage over the course of the next few months. I have no interest in dark magic, but I daresay this partnership can blossom into something similar."
  27. [21:21] Jinguji: (( You're fine! I take an eternity to respond anyway so I hardly noticed, hhaaa... ))
  28. [21:21] Mitchle: ((Alright, I felt bad because I saw that you were typing))
  29. [21:29] Mitchle: The dark mage smiles softly after hearing that. "After hearing you say that, I want to see what it's like." Mitchle noticed the grimace and wanted to ask if Jakuri was alright, but stopped himself. Mitchle decided to change the topic, from seeing that Jakuri was getting an unpleasant flaskback. "After this mission, where would you like to go next?" The dark mage sighed softly and noticed that it was starting to get late. Mitchle realized that the two had walked about half way to where their quest wanted them to be. He saw that just up ahead, that there was an inn.
  30. [21:43] Jinguji: "I'd love to say 'my homeland' for your sake, but I don't think we have the funds for such a thing. Perhaps if our journey is lasting enough we can climb the ranks and take a boat, and I can show you around Jhinsuku." Just as he finished speaking, Jakurai followed Mitchle's gaze and hummed quietly in thought. "I think I have a suitable Plan B, though. If it's not too far, we can come back here when we're done, I can patch you up, and we can head for the guild in the morning. Not to jinx it or sound arrogant, but I don't anticipate these things will cause much of a problem. As I recall, the sheet said there's only a half-dozen in the nest... though we should probably hurry before they go out to hunt. We still have a precious bit of daylight yet, and foolish as it is to fight nocturnal enemies at dusk I would hate for them to multiply overnight."
  31. [21:51] Mitchle: The dark mage nods. "I think it may be a good idea as well. The sheet did say that there are going to be about that many, and I think we can take care of them." The two walk past the inn. They continue their way to where the quest wanted them to go. After a bit of time the two got there. The quest had led them to an abandoned mansion. It was quite big having what looked like five floors altogether.
  32. [22:26] Jinguji: The towering building and its beautiful western architecture caused Jakurai to stand rapt for a moment, but he soon recovered his senses and remembered that he was here on a mission, not to sightsee. "...I suppose I should share the nature of my magic with you so you're not alarmed. Like a bard, I bolster my allies with song. Like a white mage, my magic mends wounds. Unlike either, I need no instrument through which to channel the mana - I use my own vocal chords. For that reason I don't wield a staff, though it would eliminate the risk of muteness from offensive magic; I have other methods to defend myself should you fall, but I have confidence that that won't happen. Now." After clearing his throat into his half-formed fist and taking a deep, controlled breath, Jakurai began to sing in a foreign tongue, his deep baritone voice filling the cooling air for a scarce few seconds before fading out, the final note dragging and ending with the raising of his eyelids. "Forgive me, but I must conserve my voice from here on out. You should be braced against most attacks for now - I will refresh your energy and as the situation demands. Whenever you're ready, I will follow."
  33. [22:39] Mitchle: Was stunned that the mage could sing. The song was enchanting to the dark mage. He was almost sad that it was over so soon. Mitchle wondered what language that Takuri sung. "Don't worry about it. Conserve your voice for when you really need it. I'll back you up. Ready to head inside?" As Mitchle asked that he readied his tome. He walked up to the door and pushed it open. The halls were empty when the two walked inside, yet everything was clean as if someone had just cleaned it. Mitchle looked left and right to make sure that it was clear.
  34. [23:02] Jinguji: Navigating the mansion proved a grueling task on several accounts, least of all the physical strain. Having rendered himself mute Jakurai could only answer questions in a series of pointing fingers, hand gestures, and head movements, and despite having endured a fair share of eerie missions and hailing from a country populated by just as many spirits as people, the whole place had an eerie feeling that kept him on edge. On multiple occasions he sucked in a breath in preparation for a battle hymn, only to find he was jumping at a literal shadow cast by the moonlight filtering in through the broken windows. The basement was conspicuous, but proved empty of anything besides a chilly backdraft, and each sprawling floor only served to make their journey harder... until a wave of latent energy came pulsing out of the space beneath the stairwell to the fifth floor, causing the mage to reach out and grip his partner's shoulder, turning the young man's attention toward the broom closet and adopting a grim expression.
  35. [23:13] Mitchle: Throughout the whole mansion Mitchle was trying to sense any form of magic energy. When Takuri grabbed his shoulder he nearly jumped out of his skin. His face became red from embarrassment. He turned and sensed more energy coming from the room that Takuri was pointing to. "Do you think our target is in there?" As Mitchle asked that he slowly made his way to the door. As Mitchle got closer to the door he could sense more magic. Something about this seemed to be off for Mitchle. The dark mage's head started to pound and he now just wanted to get the mission done. "Let's get going, Takuri." When he said that Mitchle opened the door.
  36. [23:52] Jinguji: A solemn nod confirmed Jakurai's intent, and upon realizing his partner was advancing on the door he backed off, clasped his hands in front of his chest as if in prayr, and refilled his lungs for an encore, this melody sustained and higher-tempo, designed to increase its listeners' attack power. Reckless, maybe, given the hornet's nest had already been kicked, but there was a slim chance they could secure the first strike - being lesser beasts, they lacked the super-humanoid size and strength of their "big brothers" and were more like deformed goblins, all burning purple-red skin and tiny bloated bodies pinned to the ground by their grotesque genitals. Creatures of brute animal force and rape, not sly seduction and deception like their greater equivalents. Seemed they had crammed themselves into a nest of cursed energy under the stairwell, piled on top of each other to sleep through the day and conserve energy for the night.
  37. [00:11] Mitchle: Took a deep breath and he had opened his tome. Spell ready, Mitchle usleashed an ice spell that froze most of the floor. When the ice touched some of the demons, they froze as well. Some started to wake up and began to fly around the room. Mitchle went right into the room. When a demon would come close to the dark mage, Mitchle would blast the demon with a ice blast. More and more of the demons were becoming frozen, but one had gotten behind Mitchle and slammed into the dark mage sending him to the floor. The sheer force of the impact had made Mitchle lose conscious.
  38. [00:25] Mitchle: (Im back)
  39. [00:28] Jinguji: Jakurai changed his song in an instant to bolster his companion's defense, but it was too little too late, and in the time it took for him to realize that his efforts were being wasted the two remaining incubi, despite their pea-sized brains, strategized enough to split up: one advanced with a swooping dive on him, and the other turned its gaze on Michle. The mage ducked under the uncoordinated beast and shot his hands downward, lifting up the edges of his knee-length tunic and withdrawing a pair of slim daggers from their sheathes on his thighs. The rest, admittedly, was an arduous blur, but the end result stood vividly clear: a violet-haired man covered in sticky black ichor heaving to regain his composure, knives in hand and a dead look in his eyes that he thanked the gods nobody was around to see.
  41. Dexterity, agility, and magic were the mage's strong suits, but strength? One look at his willowy body and anyone could have guessed that hoisting his unconscious partner onto his back and carrying him out of the mansion took some serious work, requiring a break every other floor on the way out and another every ten minutes on the road back to the inn. By the time he checked in, made sure he hadn't lost anything, scrubbed the tainted blood from his body and clothes, and checked Mitchle's pulse, it was likely well past midnight, and Jakurai couldn't care less that the inn was too small to provide a room with more than one bed. He simply sat down on the edge, sighed gently, and began murmuring a gentle, lullaby-like song of healing, almost too timid to check for gash marks or wounds lest he be horrified by the results.
  42. [00:52] Mitchle: On their way back to the inn, Mitchle would stir for a moment and then become motionless again. When Jakurai checked Mitchle's pulse it was normal, but his skin felt cold, alsmost like ice. Hours passed by when Mitchle started to regain consciousness. He didn't know how late it was, but by looking out the window it was late into the night. The dark mage's head throbbed horribly and he placed a hand where it hurt the most. The room was pitch black, and he couldn't see where Jakurai was. Mitchle started to panic a bit, first he got knocked out by a incubi and now he lost the person who had asked him for help. Mitchle cursed silently and tried to get out of the bed. Key word tried. When the mage tried to get out of the bed, he tripped over something that was left on the floor. Whatever it was though was long. "Shit!" The mage muttered before hitting the wooden floor face first.
  43. [01:28] Jinguji: "Who's there?" Jakurai awoke with a violent start, slamming his hands into the floorboards and raising his head in an instant, whipping his head around in an attempt to see his adversary. After a few moments his bleary eyes adjusted to the dark enough that he could look behind him and see a silvery outline, putting the weight on his back into perspective and causing him to sink down into his own arms with a groan of relief. Nobody in bed, nobody kicking or screaming, no problem... though the other guests may complain in the morning about that deafening thud. Thank god the inn was too small to have more than one story. "I thought you'd appreciate it if we didn't share a bed so soon after meeting, but I guess I chose the wrong side," he muttered dryly, shifting a little under the younger man's weight and drawing the blanket he borrowed from the front desk closer around his broad shoulders. "More importantly, are you alright?"
  44. [01:44] Mitchle: A soft groan escaped the dark mage's mouth. It took a moment for the mage to reply. "S-sorry, I couldn't see where I was going." As Mitchle said that he was glad that the room was dark, for he was blushing like a mad man. His who body felt tensed when Mitchle realied that he was in Jakurai's arms. "I-I'm alright, but what happened to our target?" As the dark mage asked that, he noticed that his body started to feel somewhat hot. His body felt like lead to him and was having a hard time moving. "J-Jakurai, something's wrong. My body f-feel funny." As he said that he whimpered softly as the blanket barely touched him. Mitchle rested his forehead on the white mage's shoulder.
  45. [01:57] Jinguji: The wavering tone of voice was enough for the healer to roll over properly, moving his hands to a more innocuous position on his companion's back, and ever-so-gingerly sit up, putting them face-to-face and allowing him to streeetch one long limb out and switch on the oil lamp on the bedside table. "Gone. I don't like resorting to violence, but I'm fully capable when needed. My own foolish pacifism means less than your life, you know." This could be bad - an infection he should have treated with a salve instead of a song, or a sort of delayed venom - and the dim, flickering flame wasn't much but it was enough that he could get a good look. Without a second thought, he set about feeling over the black mage's torso for any unusual lumps. "Your body did feel rather cold earlier, but you had a pulse so I assumed it would resolve itself. How exactly... do you... oh." A faint purplish glow exuding from a runic abdominal sigil greeted him when he lifted the other's shirt, and its appearance caused his voice to trail off and devolve into a murmur. "I wasn't aware that they could inflict that on men."
  46. [02:12] Mitchle: Mitchle whimpered again when he felt Jakurai felt around his torso. Mitchle thought that it was great that Jakurai knew how to fight, but chose not too. His body felt as if it was on fire. Every time that something touched or even moved across Mitchle's skin made that feeling worse. "M-my magic d-does that, s-s-since I'm a ice u-user. Ice magic is m-my spec-!" Mitchle stopped mid-sentence to muffle a gasp that almost came out of him due to the white mage checking him over. Mitchle started to get nervous when he heard his companion mutter. "W-what's wrong with me Jakurai? I'm scared." The dark mage whimpered the last part out.
  47. [02:44] Jinguji: Suppress your curiosity. Suppress your curiosity. Suppress your curiosity. The violet-haired man repeated this mentally to himself like a mantra, scolding himself for daring to think so unprofessionally and praying that his involuntary, steadily-rising erection wouldn't give him away. "You're going to be just fine." Despite every cell in his body telling him to do otherwise, Jakurai met his partner's gaze levelly and evenly, adopting a straight face and clasping one of his shoulders in an attempt to be comforting. It was the least he could do, considering what he was fairly certain he'd have to do in a few moments. "There's nothing to be afraid of. You've simply been inflicted with a... I suppose it's most accurate to call it a curse. Your body is under the effect of an extremely powerful aphrodisiac." The white mage pressed his lips together as he pondered his next words carefully, and pointed at the other's stomach before continuing. "I'm not entirely certain what to make of that though. I've heard accounts of it causing women who've had hysterectomies or otherwise lacked a uterus to bear children through magical means. Ithinkyouhaveawomb." He cleared his throat after spitting out that poorly-articulated string of words. "The good news is, beyond being debilitating and uncomfortable, it cannot kill you as long as you hydrate properly to replenish what you lose in sweat. The bad news is, my magic can only enhance and repair, not nullify or cleanse. As such, if you want relief before we can get you to the guild, there's only one cure... and I'm hoping you won't make me say it."
  48. [02:47] Jinguji: (( ...Sorry to cut you off when you're typing, but with that I'm afraid I'm going to have to take off, I've been struggling to keep my eyes open and in turn get posts out in a timely manner, hhaa... I can't make any promises about when I'll be on next, but I'll save our logs & try and keep an eye out. If you get sick of waiting for me to pop in on Jakurai you can always poke me through notes, too! ))
  49. [02:48] Mitchle: (alright I was about to message you that too! Sorry if this sounds like a weird question, but what time zone are you in? That way we can plan to come on here.)
  50. [02:49] Jinguji: (( Eastern Standard Time. ))
  51. [02:49] Mitchle: ((Me too! It's 2:49 am for you right?)
  52. [02:49] Jinguji: (( Mhm! ))
  53. [02:50] Mitchle: ((This makes it so much easier! Thats insane!))
  54. [02:54] Jinguji: (( My only issue with scheduling is that, uh. Trying to avoid specifics, I'm "working" from home due to the virus stuff so my schedule fluctuates like crazy - on paper I'm done by 2 PM but in practice I could have a whole slew of other stuff that I didn't know I had until it was dropped in my lap. And even when I do make schedules I have a terrible time of sticking to them. OTL I can try and be a little more communicative using notes, maybe allocate time to get on, but... ))
  55. [02:57] Mitchle: ((Let's do what is easier for you. I don't mind using notes to rp. I work too, and with the virus I understand. I have a hard time sticking to sceduales as well! Sorry I had this pop into my head and didn't want it to slip.))When the two mage's eye met, Mitchle nodded. Mitchle started to pant softly, he tried to use his magic on himself to try to ease what ever was happening to stop. It didn't work, some frost had made it's way to the dark mage's cheeks, but when it got there though it went away instantly. The sigal that was on his stomach glowed more after Mitchle's magic failed. The fire feeling intensified even more. As a result of from that mark, the dark mage started to tremble and double over. Mitchle's thoughts started to muddle and mesh together so he couldn't focus. "H-How do we get rid of it?"
  56. [02:58] Mitchle: ((I want to do what will be easier on you, so that your not stressed out.))
  57. [03:00] Jinguji: (( Mmn... how about this? We try to meet up on F-Chat, but if I'm super busy or just super not in the mood to be in chat on Jakurai, or whatever it doesn't work out in the next couple days I send you a note and we continue there until we do bump into each other in chat? ))
  58. [03:01] Mitchle: ((Yeah that sounds good with me!))
  59. [03:02] Jinguji: (( Alright! This was a lot of fun, I'll look forward to continuing however it may be~. Now I should seriously get going, ahaha. ))
  60. [21:08] Mitchle: ((Hey how are you?))
  61. [21:10] Jinguji: (( Hey! Sorry if you've seen me popping in and out throughout the past week or so, I kept thinking I had time and turned out I didn't... but right now I'm fine, how about you? ))
  62. [21:12] Mitchle: ((No worries! I have been busy too, with college finally class decided to continue. That's good. I'm doing pretty good thanks!))
  63. [21:13] Jinguji: (( Haaa, mine never stopped, just went online, and that's why I've been so hectic... things have evened out for the most part though thankfully,,, ))
  64. [21:14] Jinguji: (( In any case, if you're game to continue now, I can pull up my logs and see about writing up a continuation where we left off! ))
  65. [21:16] Mitchle: ((That would be great!))
  66. [21:36] Jinguji: Jakurai winced and pulled his hands away from Mitchle's burning flesh, hating to see someone in such pain and wanting to avoid making it worse. "It feeds on magical energy to prevent prey from simply blasting them away, so I wouldn't recommend trying to cool yourself down like that unless you have some kind of nullifying spell in your repertoire." He was stalling and he knew it, but the lump in his throat grew larger the closer he got to saying it. "I... may have played a part in letting it get this bad, as I used a bit of healing magic just to make sure you kept your pulse. I respected your privacy too much to do something like undress you, but if I had known, I could have asked... ugh, what am I doing?" This was urgent. They were both adults, he considerably older and, as a sort of doctor, no stranger to such delicate matters. Why was it so hard for him to just say it? Was it the flush of arousal in his own cheeks, listening to those breathy moans and feeling blistering, prickly heat wherever their bodies touched? "Sexual intercourse." Make it clinical, Jakurai. Calm down and think of it like a diagnosis. "Or, to be more apt, impregnation. Usually the incubus would take care of that itself, but since I put it down... well, you know. Surely you know how limited your options are from that..."
  67. [21:46] Mitchle: "T-Thanks for respecting my privacy." As he said that Mitchle managed to understand what Jakurai said. He nodded and his blush darkened if that was even possible. So I have to get pregnant to get rid of this huh? As that thought hit him he sighed softly. The black mage didn't want to go back to the guild like this, and his options were short. "Fine. I just want to get rid of feeling like this. J-just be gentle with me...It's my first time." He winced again and the mage's brown eye closed.
  68. [22:11] Jinguji: "Are you certain?" Almost as soon as the question passed his lips, the white mage shook his head, signalling that he didn't need an answer; recalling the treatment of mages in this country and the ire with which the guards regarded them told him all he needed to know. "If it's any solace, the same is true of me, in a way. That person usually took this position." With the personal confessions out of the way, Jakurai shut his mouth and adjusted his posture, sitting up properly and unintentionally pulling Mitchle further into his lap in the process. He exhaled sharply at the contact of their clothed erections but paid it no mind, wishing to get straight to the point - his palms resumed their positions on the boy's sides and traveled ever-so-gingerly down them, snaking around the small of his back and hesitantly pushing down the waistband of his pants.
  70. One hand remained there on his rear while the other groped around in the dark, searching for his bag. When he finally found his mark he wrenched open the puckered drawstring with two fingers, withdrew a sizable vial of translucent pink-purple gel, clumsily uncorked it, and tipped a bit back into his palm. "I don't make it a habit to carry around lubricant, so I'm afraid this will have to do. It's aloe-based, so it shouldn't do any harm." The vial made a clattering sound as he set it aside less-than-carefully, a noise the older mage elected to ignore, and slathered the salve all over his partner's rear. His clean hand returned to his side. "Please, don't hesitate to tell me to stop." And with that, the tip of his middle finger slid in.
  71. [22:20] Mitchle: The dark mage let out a silent gasp. When he felt the older mage's finger start to enter him, his back arched as well. Making the younger male's chest and errection exposed to the white mage. A small whine escaping Mitchle's mouth soon after. Mitchle was panting and was trying to get used to the finger inside of him. This was a new sensation for the black mage. He started to get used to the finger inside of him. "A-ahnn..."
  72. [22:45] Jinguji: Jakurai took his time, keeping his gaze fixed forward and his movements slow and gentle, trying his best to mimic the care that person showed him all those years ago. Wiggling the thin digit and drawing it in and out, but generally focusing on the act of stretching rather than rushing to find a prostate; there would be plenty of time for that later. Unable to stop his free hand from twitching, he dug out his own shaft (unwilling and unable to lift his hips enough that he could pull his pants down altogether) and, without even thinking, pressed it flush against his partners, hissing through his teeth from the heat and introducing his index finger to distract from the rather undignified noise. He was the bigger of the two in terms of length, superior by a couple inches, but their girths proved roughly the same give or take a few centimeters. "If only... gh..! The curse made this part a bit easier..."
  73. [22:55] Mitchle: gasped when he felt Jakurai add his index finger. He didn't noticed the noise that the white mage had made. Mitchle tried to get used to the new digit inside of him. "A-Ahhnn... W-what do you mean b-by th-" The dark mage stopped mid-sentence when a lewd moan escaped his lips. The black mage bucked his hips and his shaft bumped against the Jakurai's as he did. The black mage tried to hold back a moan, but it came escaped his lips again.
  74. [23:15] Jinguji: With two fingers and a bit more time (during which he repeated his process of agonizingly slow in and out, burying his fingers to the hilt then withdrawing to the first knuckle and repeating), the violet-haired man felt confident in spreading his fingers. Mitchle's overwhelming tightness meant he couldn't move much, but even a centimeter was progress, and the salve proved helpful in softening the skin and making the process overall much smoother, though it did fill the air with a. "N-nevermind... I've never been with a woman, but the way he described it, it sounded much easier. Ignore my ramblings, my head isn't exactly cle- haa..nnh." In response to the friction his own hips bucked up and a bead of precum formed on the head of his dick, eliciting a low-pitched noise that he made no effort to hold back, instead focusing his energy on keeping it quiet as not to disturb the other guests. As such, his hand stopped its languid pumps and he was forced to sigh, trembling half with nerves and half with stimulation.
  75. [23:24] Mitchle: A small gasp left the dark mage's lips when the other started to spread his fingers inside of him. His walls tighented around the fingers. Mitchle bit back a moan. The dark mage took a deep breath and the smell of something sweet filled his nose. "Jakurai...g-go f-faster please. I see that your hard too, s-so I want to make you feel good t-to...Nnha....I-It feels good. The blush on the dark mage's cheeks darkened more.
  76. [23:37] Jinguji: The white mage was already in the process of obliging, narrowly managing to force in his ring finger just in time for the request, and it couldn't have been better timing - as soon as all three digits were in to the base he paused, as if his brain had ceased to function for a minute, and something seemed to snap - without any of the gentleness he would have otherwise employed, Jakurai spread as far as physically possible before letting his fingers press back onto each other, yanking them out, wiping them on the borrowed blanket, and surging up with strength that the boniness of his body kept well-hidden. His hair fell down around the sides of Mitchle's head and blotted out the light from the oil lamp, and trapped their shallow breaths as the taller man leaned in close and pressed his mouth into the side of his partner's throat, breathily murmuring while he fumbled around blindly below. For starters, he uncrossed his legs and raised up a tiny bit on his haunches, giving him a bit more of a vantage point with which to grab at those slender hips and position his violently twitching head. It took all his self-control to go slowly, every thought in his subconscious screaming at him to hilt it all at once. "I've been told I have the patience of a saint, but I suppose even I can't hear something like that without getting carried away..."
  77. [23:49] Mitchle: The mage's eyes widen and a moan in stuck in his throat when the white mage stretched those three fingers inside of him. Mitchle whimpered softly not liking how empty he felt when the other pulled his fingers out. He was surprised that the white mage had that much strength and he gasped softly when Jakurai had picked him up. Mitchle's body tensed when the white mage had placed his mouth by his throat. When Mitchle felt the twitching head by his entrance he wrapped his arms around the other's neck. The dark mage's body was ready, and Mitchle took a deep breath. "A-ah....Jakurai I-I want you inside me...please." When Mitchle said that he moaned softly as he bucked his hips onto the hard dick that was close to him. "Your s-so big, I want you to f-fill me up." A dark blush painted the dark mage's cheeks.
  78. [00:17] Jinguji: "In... hngh... good time... you were rushing me, so you're still really--!" At this downward angle the head went in without a hitch, but the wide, veiny middle was proving a bit of an issue with his control wavering and those taunts filling his ears. Even with the generous amount of leftover lube, it was quite a tight squeeze, as Jakurai's quiet grunts of exertion (peppered, of course, with several breathy pauses) affirmed. Still, he pressed on, and to keep himself from crying out too loudly--and get back at his loudmouthed companion--planted a myriad of wet, sloppy kisses on the flushed skin of the other man's throat. Time dragged on. He felt like he was melting, no doubt a side effect of the unnatural heat brought on by the hex, and only when he felt his pubis pressed flush against the other did he stop, chest heaving and fingers digging less-than-carefully into the meat beneath their tips, the only thing keeping his force from bruising the fact that their skin made the flesh slippery. Twitching, pulsing, and unbearably hot, even if he weren't trying to keep himself from moving for the sake of preventing injury, his mind was reeling too hard from the pressure to do so anyway.
  80. Amidst this searing fog, olding his body upright soon became impractical, and with a bit of shifting he managed to double over completely, his clammy hands sliding over Mitchle's hips and tickling his sides, lifting his shirt further as they finally came to rest underneath his shoulders, leaving his knuckles pressing a bit uncomfortably into the hardwood floor and his trousers all but intentionally kicked off. Not that it mattered; all he had to do was ever-so-languidly draw his hips up and let gravity slam those three exposed inches right back in, wanting to keep his thrusts deep and slow half for safety and half because he just couldn't pull out further; those tight, contracted muscles seemed to be fighting to pull him back in with each centimeter he provided.
  81. [00:18] Jinguji: holding his body*
  82. [00:34] Mitchle: The dark mage's eyes widen when Jakurai started to push his haft into him. A low moan escaped Mitchle's lips as the white mage was kissing his throat sloppily. Mitchle tried not to moan out too loudly, and he sharply breathed in. The head of the white mage's cock went in easily, but when he tried to push the rest in, the dark mage's body was torn from pleasure and pain. His body would tighten up when the white mage would keep going. "J-Jakurai...I-It hurts..A-ahhnn!" Mitchle's eyes tightened when Jakurai slammed the rest of his cock into him. The dark mage wanted to hold onto something, and with the light almost being nonexistent, Mitchle put his arms up to wrap around the white mage. Mitchle's face now a dark crimson had tears starting to drip down. "Jakurai...can I put my arms around you?....please?"
  83. [00:55] Jinguji: "Go ahead." Two words were all Jakurai could formulate reliably, as with his arms locking the smaller man in an embrace the only thing keeping his body off the floor was his hips and steadily-dwindling willpower. The rational part of his brain wanted to stop at the first indication of pain, the tensing and squirming and agonized yelp making his heart catch in his throat, but his hips wouldn't stop; the least he could do was make sure his thrusts never began in earnest, his ever-so-slow pace now severely enforced and no more than two inches of that fat ten-inch shaft coming out at a time, lest the strain from pulling out combined with the force of pushing it back in cause some damage. "I'll keep going slowly, so... please, if anything will make you feel better, by all means - you... don't have to ask." He might grow to regret that statement, but the rivulets of sweat forming on his face and the aroused strain in his mewl-pocked voice made it clear that, for once, he was in no position to be speaking.
  84. [01:07] Mitchle: Mitchle then wrapped his arms around the taller male. Once his arms were around the white mage's neck, the pain started to subside. He then leaned up to the violate haired man and kissed him on the lips softly. A soft mewl escaped the mage's lips. Was it from pain? No. The dark mage was starting to feel good. He could tell that his companion was having a hard time of restraining himself, and he did an experimental thrust. It hurt at first, but the dark mage moaned softly into the other's lips. Mitchle did it again, singling to his partner that he could continue.
  85. [01:22] Jinguji: Pleased and relieved with the confirmation, the violet-haired man took his opportunity and, with his partner considerably loosened compared to a few moments ago, met those bucking hips in kind with his first proper thrust: a sloooow pull out that just barely left his glans inside followed by a deep thrust that sent a wet slap! resonating through the air, followed by a low groan that Jakurai scrambled to muffle by pressing his lips into Mitchle's once again, wishing to keep their activities a secret from their poor neighboring guests (as if the creaking of the old, worn-out floorboards weren't already enough). Despite his best efforts, this set his body into overdrive, his brain hazy and uninhibited not unlike the violent blackout fog he entered when drunk, his thrusts deep and far reaching, his tongue prodding and lapping greedily at the seam between their mouths and a myriad of grunts bubbling up from his throat.
  86. [01:30] Mitchle: Mitchle returned the kiss. He was having a hard time keeping his moans in. He brought a finger to his mouth to keep them in. As Jakurai was starting to go into overdrive Mitchle moaned softly through his finger. The dark mage's eyes were now completely filled with lust. He would return each of the white mage's thrusts back in time. He pulled his finger away from his lips to whisper. "J-Jakurai..A-ahhhn...I want you to go faster..I want to feel good..Nnhaaa!" The younger male wanted the white mage to feel good as well. As an experiment, Mitchle tightened his walls around the other's dick.
  87. [01:57] Jinguji: That little "experiment" elicited a sharp gasp and a low moan that Jakurai cared little to suppress, a fact that he decided he would "punish" by clamping his teeth down on Mitchle's clavicle. The pressure was enough to produce an indent where his teeth sank into the sweat-salted skin that would mark the rough boundaries of the soon-to-be hickey, but nowhere near enough to break skin, as the energy that would have been expended on that was being directed downward. Jolts of pleasure ran down his spine with each gradually quickening thrust, his movements becoming more erratic and shallow the more he tried to keep pace with the boy's demands, and soon enough their heavy breathing and quiet moans were drowned out by the sharp sound of skin-against-skin, the obscene sound helped along by the residual lube coating Mitchle's thighs and rear. Inexperienced as a top, his thrusts lacked power and confidence once they got this fast, but the whines spilling involuntarily from his throat (some of which even carried his companion's name) revealed that he was feeling every bit as good... and surely, amongst all these uneven and half-formed thrusts straight downward into this amateurish mating press, he'd be able to find the sweet spot soon.
  88. [02:06] Mitchle: The dark mage yelped when the older male had bitten him. Mitchle could feel a tight knot forming inside of him, and it was almost ready to burst. The dark mage would return each of those thrusts. A loud moan escaped the male's lips. The white mage had hit something inside of Mitchle that caused him to see white stars. He wrapped his arms around the other's neck again and moaned into his ear. "J-Jaku...right there! It feels so good...A-ahhhnnn!" As he said that to Jakurai his walls tightened up around the white mage even more.
  89. [02:28] Jinguji: The white mage froze and his whole body tensed for half a second as his muddy, startled brain processed the situation, terrified that he had done something wrong, but upon taking a moment to understand the situation a relieved smile stretched across his face. He knew from experience exactly what that cry of arousal meant, and a warm feeling of nostalgia bubbled up in him momentarily for the first time he'd felt it, though the face and name of the pink-haired fool who awakened mercifully escaped him - the only thing he could see now, though his vision may have been compromised by the stimulated tears pooling in his lower lids and the stinging sweat, was that of the boy whose ass seemed to be drawing him in, keeping him thrusting deeper and deeper for more. With that exquisite pleasure in mind, the best of his ability, Jakurai pulled out swiftly and sloppily started attempting to replicate that angle, sacrificing far-reaching depth for speed and location, making sure to piston straight into that "magic button" with (almost) every thrust. All the while, his swollen, twitching head continued to drool thick, translucent precum to supplement the largely-displaced salve, easing his movements and combining with the increasingly taut string inside to signal his closeness. "Mmitch-... ngnh... I'm getting close..."
  90. [02:34] Mitchle: "Me too. Do it inside~!" As the dark mage said that his walls tighten around the other's dick. He started to moan again. Mitchle closed his eyes as that knot tighten even more. He started to buck his hips into Jakurai's again. Mitchle throws his head back moaning Jakurai's name as he cums on himself. His walls tighten even more trying to make the other cum. Some of the younger male's seed had hit him on the face.
  91. [02:51] Jinguji: "That's the whole point of this, isn't iiiiiit..." He tried to fire off a bit of banter, but the tensing of the other's muscles caused his voice to trail off into a series of scarcely-suppressed moans and grunts that accented his sudden change of pace, his thrusts continuing as normal for a moment before suddenly hastening, his orgasm imminent and the sensation swelling in his lower abdomen far too severe for him to continue pridefully for much longer. These thrusts were shallow and aimless but hit a peak speed that surely rubbed his partner near-painfully raw. Quite a few seconds of overstimulating whap whap whap! ensued before he finally slowed down to an all-time-low speed, trying to draw out the orgasm that was causing black to encroach on his already-limited vision. In pursuit of this, he ripped his arms out from beneath his partner so he could brace himself against the hardwood floor, push forward with all his might, and lock their sweat-slick bodies into a legitimate mating press, his last few deep-reaching movements purely instinctive and dedicated to pushing the head of his pulsating cock as deep as possible to ensure impregnation. When his shaft finally twitched one last time, his hips slammed down with a jittery thud as his balls tensed and twitched, emptying a sticky, white-hot load deep into the young man's ass and filling up his magic womb with virile seed.
  93. Throughout this ordeal he kept his lips sealed with Mitchle's, a moan ripping through his throat and only barely reaching acceptable levels through the muffling, his tongue forcing its way past the seam between their lips and greedily lapping at any bit of surface area it could find, his mouth ajar and mixed drool glistening out of the corners of their mouth. While he drained away he indulged himself in a few more quick, involuntary thrusts that ensured that every last drop had been squeezed every last drop from his spent, backed-up testes - so much, in fact, that quite a bit came flooding out around the edges, viscous off-white rivulets streaming between the bottom's cheeks and pooling on the blanket beneath them. Only when he was certain he'd finished cumming did Jakurai pull apart with a desperate gasp for air and a gossamer thread of spit connecting their lips. His head was in a fog. His eyes were half-lidded, and despite the mess on the floor, all he could think to do was sleep - despite his earlier remark, he scarcely cared enough to check and see if the sigil had changed at all now that its bearer had a temporary womb so thoroughly full of fertile, piping-hot mage cum it reflected in a faint distention of his stomach.
  94. [03:00] Mitchle: Mitchle's body twitched when Jakurai had pulled out. The feeling of being filled to the brim like this made the younger mage moan softly. The dark mage's eyes were half lidded and saw that the other wanted to sleep. The dark mage started to feel cold without the other being near him. He held his arms up, welcoming the white mage to use him as a pillow. He managed to held his chuckle back from seeing the mage. I'll tease him about that later. As Mitchle thought that he yawned softly.
  95. [03:08] Jinguji: The yawn proved contagious, and Jakurai - though his exhausted brain, crashing from the adrenaline-and-endorphin high, had grand machinations of moving into different positions or moving them both to the bed - found himself succumbing to the fatigue and instead tucked those ridiculously long legs up closer to their tangled bodies and sloppily drew the discarded blanket over the two of them. With this task complete, he lowered gently as not to crush the smaller man, clawed his long hair away from his sweat-stained face, and drew the other into a big bear hug embrace that would surely result in someone waking up with a sleeping arm in the morning. For now, he simply elected to plant a final peck on Mitchle's cheek by complete impulse before drifting off basking in their shared body heat, head abuzz and eyelids terribly heavy.
  96. [03:19] Mitchle: The younger mage nuzzled into the other's embrace after Jakurai had brought them to the bed. Mitchle leaned up and softly peck the taller male's chin. The warmth of being with someone was lulling the younger male into sweet sleep. Mitchle mumbled a soft "good night." before completely drifting off into slumber. A small smile tugged on the sleeping male's face. When morning came the sunlight went through the window. Birds were singing and children could be heard laughing and playing outside. Mitchle started to wake up slowly. His eyes fluttered opened and saw the sleeping white mage. His eyes closed again to go back into the sweet depths of slumber. Only to remember that they needed to report their defeated mark. Mitchle didn't want to, but with a small groan he tried to get out of the bed as quietly as he could. Before they left, the dark mage wanted to take a bath. Key word tried on getting up. He was tangled in the taller male's arms and his rear was sore and numb. Mitchle pondered on why, but then he remembered why. The younger mage's face became a dark red and he tried to hide it with his hands.
  97. [03:27] Jinguji: The slight movements alerted him, but unlike last night the awakening wasn't quite as rude, and he was able to languidly open his eyes and stretch himself into the waking world with an involuntary whine. When he finally became conscious enough to realize that the foreign body he was cuddling wasn't a pillow, his lids flew open and he quickly-yet-gracefully rolled off his companion and nearly tripped over his half-removed trousers upon trying to stand. The stains on the floorboards, the disheveled and stiff fabric of the blanket, the welt-like hickey on Mitchle's throat... being a man of composure, he took a deep breath and pressed his finger to his cheek in his signature pose, thinking back on the events of last night and compartmentalizing them to the best of his ability before he started commentating on it... though no matter how professional he tried to seem, those cyan eyes never once met those of his companion, only flickering momentarily to the young man's abdomen (which had faded into an extremely dull mauve, resembling an old tattoo more than an abyssal curse). "Ah... I was going to explain, but I believe it's more prudent if I say nothing."
  98. [03:28] Jinguji: more prudent to say nothing* god I swear my brain's melting
  99. [03:33] Mitchle: The younger mage tried not to laugh from seeing the older mage tumbled out of the bed. He nodded when the white mage said that. "And I think I will go take a bath before we head out. I don't want whoever wanted this mark to think I haven't bathed in years." Mitchle tried to get out of the bed a second time, only to have the same result. "I can't feel my ass and it's pissing me off now." As the younger mage mumbled that his blush darkened.
  100. [03:46] Jinguji: Despite himself, the older mage couldn't suppress his light chuckle while he pulled his pants back up and generally composed himself. "I know the feeling well... though perhaps not as well, since my old partner was smaller than me in all respects... and I'll take a little extra responsibility for letting you rush preparations instead of staying calm and stretching you properly. I never thought I was that big, but women have rejected me over it when I was your age, so that may be of relevance." The white mage cleared his throat and glanced aimlessly around the room. "But, erm, to get to my point - I can carry and join you to help scrape that out, if you like, since it was your first time." About halfway through his sentence he realized the implications of what he was saying and trailed off into another clearing cough. "Ah-- ahem... I would offer to simply heal the strain and avoid pushing the boundaries of our relationship further, but the effects of magic on men who have been impregnated post-incubus hex are underdocumented. Whether you wish to keep the child or not, I would rather not put your body in danger."
  101. [03:54] Mitchle: The younger mage thought for a moment. He opened his mouth to close it a again. He sighed softly. "I don't regret rushing it, i-it was nice." As the younger mage said that his blush darkened. He took another deep breath. "I um.....I wouldn't mind if we continued our relationship." As Mitchle said that his face turned to a darker shade of red if possible. The younger mage tried to hid his growing blush from the older male. One of the dark mage's hands rested on his stomach.
  102. [04:09] Jinguji: "Is that so..." In the absence of physical stimulation Jakurai's old mental fortitude had erected itself once again, making him more difficult to phase or even embarrass, but it didn't take a keen eye to see the splash of color encroaching on his cheeks while he mulled the prospect over with a deep hum. This young man was rather interesting, in his own way, and their circumstances were unique. Well, that and he hadn't felt these sorts of feelings since he left the East, most adventuring parties being impersonal one-offs with no reason to speak beyond the mission or share rooms in most cases. This went beyond his typical strange, humanitarian people-watching habit - the twinge in his heart when he gazed upon that poor half-concealed ashamed face didn't lie. He took a few moments to reflect internally, eyes closed until he opened them along with his heart just long enough to voice his decision. "Then I don't mind, either." A smile passed his lips and a horrible thought crossed his mind so quickly he couldn't stop it from passing his lips accompanied by a dramatic sigh. "Though I must admit, if this turns out being a side effect of the incubus curse, I need to rid myself of this habit of attracting younger men before it gets me in trouble."
  103. [04:17] Mitchle: Mitchle was relied to hear that the other would like to deepen their relationship more. Finally, I don't have to travel alone. As the dark mage thought that he moved his hair back with his other hand. When Mitchle did this he had a smile on his face. The younger male's shoulders started to tremble after hearing the older male mutter that last part. Mitchle just couldn't help it, and he laughed softly. "I'm sorry, but that was funny, but true." The blush on the male liften, but darkened again. "Can you help me get to the baths. I wasn't joking about my arse hurting."
  104. [04:18] Mitchle: ((I'm going to go to bed. I'm falling asleep on my end, don't want to make you wait for a response.))
  105. [04:22] Jinguji: (( Yeah I was thinking about saying the same thing, ahaha, I just got carried away since I'm a sucker for afterglow and the like-- I am SO going to regret this when I get up in 4 hours but it was 100% worth!! I dunno if we'll start a fresh scene or continue with this one or both, but I'll look forward to it in any case~. ))
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