
Anonymous equestrians part 9

Jun 14th, 2012
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  1. >you wake up with pressure on your chest
  2. >your ribs are still in pain from the night before
  3. >you open your eyes to see a cyan pony sleeping soundly on your chest
  4. >the light that was once shining through that small hole in the roof now only showed a small shimmer of moonlight
  5. >how much time has passed?
  6. >rainbow dash stirs slightly on your chest
  7. >not wanting to wake her up, you decide to go back to sleep
  8. >
  9. >
  10. >
  11. >your awakened by a familiar pain of your ribs being stepped on
  12. >what buttfuckery is this?
  13. >you open your eyes to see rainbow dash nudging you with her front hooves
  14. >dash:"hey buddy, looks like your finally awake"
  15. "yeah, what'dya want?"
  16. >dash:"i just wanted to thank you for protecting me during that fall"
  17. "i should be thanking you for shoving me out of the way during those explosions"
  18. >you both muster up a laugh
  19. >then silence falls
  20. "so how long have we been in here?"
  21. >dash:"about a day"
  22. "do you think the others know that we're here?"
  23. >dash:"they should, we shoved right past them before flying in here"
  24. >she gives out a short yawn then lies back down on your side, using your chest as a pillow
  25. >dash:"hey anon?"
  26. "yeah dash?"
  27. >dash:"do you think we'll make it out of here?"
  28. >theres a ray of doubt in her voice
  29. "of course we'll make it out of here, and when we do, we'll go out for cider on me"
  30. >she smiles and nuzzles into your chest
  31. >you two lay there in silence for about thirty minutes before rainbow dash says something
  32. >dash:"hey anon"
  33. "yeah dash?"
  34. >dash:"what happened last night between you and applejack?"
  35. >you raise your eyebrow, wondering how she knew
  36. "how'd you hear about that?"
  37. >dash:"well, its just that applejack got really drunk last night and went missing and then big mac came to us last night and said you didnt come home last night either. i just wanted to know if she hurt you or something"
  38. >her voice seemed more caring than usual
  39. >which was very odd for someone like rainbow dash
  40. >maybe shes got her mortality in mind
  41. "no, she didnt hurt me"
  42. >dash:"well where were you guys? and what'd you two do?"
  43. >you consider telling her about the entire night. from the moment your got your amazing cupcakes, to getting tied up and used as a bed
  44. >nah
  45. "we both spent the night in the barn"
  46. >brain:coward
  47. >fuck off brain
  48. >dash:"oh, okay"
  49. >she seemed a little dissapointed with that answer
  50. >but it'd have to do since you werent gonna say more than that
  51. >dash:"well what do you think of applejack?"
  52. >where the fuck are these questions coming from?
  53. >and why did they bother you so much?
  54. "what do you mean?"
  55. >dash:"well hearts and hooves day is coming up, and i wanted to see if, uh, SHE had a special somepony"
  56. >something about this conversation was beginning to rustle your jimmies
  57. "well then why dont you go ask her?"
  58. >the gears in your head are beginnning to turn, but are firing blanks
  59. >dash:"well i was gonna, but then we got trapped in this cave"
  60. >she seemed nervous while she said that sentence
  61. >nah, she wouldnt lie. this is your friend dash we're talking about
  62. >but then again, why would she ask her friend who was already piss drunk all the time if she had a special somepony?
  63. >the gears are turning harder then ever... still nothing
  64. >dash:"well do you have a special somepony?"
  65. "do YOU?"
  66. >successful question deflection
  67. >dash:" i asked first"
  68. >shit
  69. >brain, any ideas?
  70. >brain: uhhhhh, 42?
  71. >thanks brain. it really helps
  72. "well, not at the moment"
  73. >you could have sworn you heard a small squeal come from here
  74. >probably just mind games after being stuck in this cave for a day
  75. >the suns light slowly fades in moonlight as the cave darkens and gets colder
  76. >almost to cold to bare
  77. >you can feel rainbow dash shivering against you
  78. >you decide to curl up around her to keep her warm
  79. >it was a long sleepless night
  80. >
  81. >
  82. >
  83. >you wake up to the sounds of rainbow dash nuzzling against your chest
  84. >oh sweet lord spaghetti monster that tickles
  85. >your rustling in turn wakes her up
  86. >dash:"mmmm, good morning anon"
  87. "morning dash"
  88. >so begins day two of your survival in the cave
  89. >so far all you and dash have done is lie down next to each other
  90. >but what else was there to do?
  91. >you had no food supply and your only water was right next to you
  92. >guess you had an excuse to be lazy
  93. >dash:"hey anon"
  94. "yeah dash?"
  95. >dash:"when we get out of here, instead of cider how bout be go get some harder drinks"
  96. >being that you were a junior in high school, drinking wasnt your thing
  97. >but since it was dash that was offering, you couldnt refuse
  98. "sure, but anything after the first round is on you"
  99. >you both chuckle a little and she adjusts herself next to you
  100. >she falls asleep quickly
  101. >and you fall asleep soon after
  102. >
  103. >
  104. >
  105. >"anon, get up"
  106. >your still too asleep to know whose voice that is
  107. >"anon wake up"
  108. >suddenly you take a hoof to the gut
  109. >now your up
  110. "what do you want dash?"
  111. >you open your eyes to see an angry orange pony staring right back at you
  112. >how'd applejack get into the cave?
  113. >you look towards the entrance, the other ponies arent there but atleast its open
  114. >applejack:"whats goin on here?"
  115. >she glaring at you and rainbow dash
  116. >rainbow dash was hugging you from the side, still asleep
  117. >and you had your arm over her
  118. "nothin, me and rainbow just decided to crash next to each other"
  119. >rainbow dash begins stirring next to you
  120. >nuzzling your chest in the process
  121. >you decide to try and wake her up by gently stroking her mane
  122. >POMF
  123. >wing in your face
  124. >why the fuck is her wing rock hard
  125. >applejack gets even angrier from the hard wing
  126. "rainbow, get up. we're saved"
  127. >rainbow looks up and sees applejack standing over your
  128. >applejack is glaring daggers at rainbow
  129. >dash:"oh hey aj. guess we can go back to town now"
  130. >dash seemed a little dissapointed
  131. >but who cares, we're free and i can go see unknown
  132. >oh shit, you completely forgot unknown
  133. "hey applejack, wheres unknown?"
  134. >applejack:"he's over at the edge of ponyville. their waitin for you and rainbow dash to get back"
  135. >you stand up and dust your self off
  136. >your legs were a little wobbly after not walking for two and a half days
  137. >you start walking towards the cave entrance, then you look back
  138. "hey, arent you guys coming?"
  139. >applejack was standing over rainbow dash, who was cowering in a ball
  140. >applejack:"you go on ahead sugarcube, me an rainbow need to have a little talk"
  141. >she glared back at rainbow who was more scared than ever
  142. >oh well, must be talking about hearts and hooves day like you and rainbow discussed
  143. >something still didnt feel right about that conversation she said they'd have
  144. >
  145. >
  146. >
  147. >you been running for a solid five minutes before coming to the edge of ponyville
  148. >and true to her word, everyone was waiting at the edge of town for you
  149. >unknown was busy talking to luna to notice you
  150. >his arm was in a sling and he had bruises and cuts all over him
  151. >you begin to run even faster and someone says something to everyone else
  152. >then unknown bolts up and looks over to you
  153. >he begins running over to you in a jog/limp kind of way
  154. >when you finally reach each other you slam into him, both of you hugging each other
  155. >"i missed you bro"
  156. "i missed you too"
  157. >very few MANLY tears were shed
  158. >but for tonight, we feast
  160. (side note)
  161. I've become aware that my grammar isn't the best, so if you spot something that's wrong or is tugging at your OCD, send me an email at
  162. make sure to include
  163. >which story
  164. >which line
  165. >a quote of the grammatical error
  166. >any feedback about the story (optional)
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