
Proactive (Oomakude)

Dec 15th, 2014
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  1. //Tags: happy ending, oomakude, lewd, calculated rape, mild mindbreak, femdom, cuddling, short story, modern day setting
  3. Proactive
  5. That cute boy was back. The one with the glasses who liked to read scifi. “H-hello again. Still burning through that Honor Harrington series?” The oomakude librarian asked him, stuttering out the sentence.
  7. She realized she was wringing her hands together and forced herself to stop. Something about this boy always made her really nervous. He was just too cute, like his face robbed her of her ability to think calmly.
  9. “Yeah, 3rd book in the series now. I dunno if I like it all that much though, the main character is sort of hard to relate to.” “Haha, yeah, I know what you mean.” The oomakude said back to him. She actually had no idea what he means, as she hadn’t read the series herself. She just wanted to get on this boy's good side.
  11. She read the name on his library card. “Anon.” Even his name was cute. She ran his card through the scanner and handed his books to him. “They are due back in 2 weeks.”
  13. As he turned to go, she realized her chance was slipping through her fingers once again. Just like all those times before it. But not this time. Not today. She has been practicing in front of the mirror every day for weeks now.
  15. “H-hey, uh, w-would you like to go out with me sometime? Like to dinner or something?” She managed to get out before her throat completely seized up in fear. That actually sounded pretty normal, the oomakude was impressed with herself. She looked into his eyes with a mixture of fear and hope in her heart.
  17. The boy scratched the back of his neck and got a bashful, embarrassed look on his face. “Uhhh, no. Sorry. You aren’t really my type. No offense though, you seem like a really nice person.”
  19. “Oh... I see.” The oomakude quietly said to the floor, her face a crestfallen wreck. She could actually feel her heart breaking, like it wasn’t working correctly in her chest. The boy gave her one more half apologetic look, and then walked out the door without saying anything further.
  21. The oomakude stood silently at her checkout desk. A single tear rolled down her cheek.
  23. In that moment something snapped inside her. She wasn’t going to let this one get away. Not this one. She liked him too much. She wasn’t going to spend yet another Christmas alone. Not this year, god dammit. Never again.
  25. She just needed to get a little more... proactive.
  27. --------------------------------
  29. The oomakude shook her head, trying to clear away the memories. She needed focus for this.
  31. She looked left and right to make sure no cars were coming, then climbed over the cinderblock wall. The adhesive properties of her many feet made this easy work. As quick as a wink she was in his backyard staring at his house from behind a rosebush.
  33. His house was easy enough to find; he was in the library computer system. The oomakude loved computers. So reliable and easy to understand, not like people.
  35. She surveyed the house. All the curtains were drawn. The back porch light was on. He didn’t seem to have any pets, so no dog to deal with. That’s good.
  37. She quietly crept up to the back door, making sure to keep the porch light between her and the house; She didn’t want to cast any shadows on the curtains and give away her presence. She stretched out her long body to the ceiling and unscrewed the light bulb. She was instantly concealed in shadow once more.
  39. She had learned that trick off the internet. There was a whole youtube series on proactive dating, actually. Everything from lockpicking to aphrodisiacs. Everything a girl could need, in a handful of easy to follow videos.
  41. She listened at the sliding glass door. She could hear the TV on. That's good, its noise can help mask her. No sign that he knew she was there. She climbed back off the porch and up onto the ceiling tiles, careful not to make any noise.
  43. She reached into her bag and checked to make sure her cell phone jammer was switched on. Its amazing what you can buy online these days. She took one last deep breath. She was ready.
  46. She reached her long body down along the breaker box and started flipping breakers. Every light in the house went dark. The TV noise cut out. Dead silence.
  48. The video series said this was a classic: the ole' lights out routine. It also said that its been overused so heavily that not many guys fall for it, especially not on a full moon like tonight. She crouched down on the tiles just above the breaker box anyway, ready to pounce.
  50. The minutes dragged past. He must not be taking the bait. He is probably checking his phone right now and freaking out in the darkness, wondering why he can't get a signal. Just like something out of a horror movie, actually. This thought made her smile.
  52. Plan B. She scampered up to a second floor window. Her long body spread her weight out evenly on the tiles as she climbed. She surveyed the window. Curtains were drawn again, but she leaned up and looked around the window frame. No alarms, good. Wouldn’t want him knowing her point of egress just yet. Heh heh heh.
  54. She had been nervous before setting out tonight, but now she was really starting to enjoy this predatory sensation she was feeling. Its like something primal, ancient was waking up inside her. Like this was how it was supposed to be.
  56. She reached into her bag and pulled out a glass cutter with a suction cup. 8 bucks on ebay well spent. She attached it to the glass pane and started rotating the cutter in a circle. Before she knew it a circle of glass popped out of the frame and she put the whole mechanism back in her bag. Nice and quiet.
  59. She reached in one of her human hands and undid the lock, then lifted the entire window up. She listened for a moment, then slid her entire body inside.
  61. Inside, and up to the ceiling. The ceiling is an oomakude's best friend. It was dark in here. Very, very dark. Excellent. She reached into her bag and pulled out a night vision monocular. All this gear carried a hefty price tag, but who can put a price on love?
  64. She was in a bedroom. Its a bit messy in here, clothes strewn all over the floor. No Anon though. Maybe he is still downstairs.
  66. She creeped across the ceiling, her many feet whispering along smoothly. His floor might be cluttered, but a ceiling is always blessedly free of obstacles. She checked room to room as she went, sweeping her goggled head around looking for her prize.
  68. Finally she went downstairs and found him. There he was; her boy. She thought of him as a boy, but he was more a young man really. He was sweeping a pistol about blindly as he stumbled through the dark. He went for the gun before a flashlight: probably not his brightest move, all things considered. He looked scared to death. This reminded her of that scene from Silence of the Lambs. She was struggling not to laugh at this point. She could pounce on him whenever she wished. She was trying to savor this moment.
  70. She has to deal with that gun though. Ahhh guns, the great equalizer. Even a monster's ferocious strength can be bested with a few well placed shots. Men keep inventing stuff like this trying to get ahead, the clever little bastards. But what men keep failing to realize is that monsters can use technology too.
  72. She pulled the tazer from her hip and fired it into his back. He collapsed like a ton of bricks, his posture forced ridged from too many volts. She slowly unfurled from the ceiling directly onto his body, and tossed his pistol away. She pulled out the barbs from the taser and set that aside too. She wouldn’t need it now that she has him locked in her embrace.
  75. “W-who's there?” He managed to struggle out between fear and high voltage. He still couldn’t see her in the dark. “Someone who loves you.” She said, accidentally quoting Star Wars. Oh well, it was a good line there too.
  77. “Y-you! Your that centipede from the library!” He said, a note of anger creeping into his voice as she wrapped her body around him. “The term is 'oomakude', but yes, that was me.” “I... I told you that you weren’t my type!” He said indignantly.
  79. “But you are MY type.” She said back, starting to feel cocky. She rubbed her hands back and forth lovingly along his cheeks. “You should have just gone on a date with me, would have saved me a lot of trouble. Actually, I did kind of enjoy all this though, hunting you down. It was a lot more fun than I thought it would be.”
  81. You... you have to let me go! Get out of here! He said, starting to struggle violently now that he was shaking off the last vestiges of the taser stun. She just held him firmly in all her legs, coiled around him again and again.
  83. She just let him struggle for a few minutes, tiring himself out. The internet said breaking a man is just like breaking a horse. You don’t have to beat him or torture him, just physically dominate him. Let him feel your strength, and how weak he is by comparison. Show him you are in control, and the only possible outcome for him is submission. He bucked and pushed and grunted and swore, but she wouldn’t let him go. She dragged her fingers through his hair and made sweet cooing sounds to him. Eventually he just started to cry.
  85. She pulled his face into her chest and let him rest there. The internet was strangely specific about this part: nestle him between your breasts until he calms down and accepts his fate. Human boys find breasts very relaxing. “There there, its alright. I'm not going to hurt you. Your going to love this. And its not like you have a choice anyway.” She cooed to him as he sobbed. The internet said you have to reassure him that he will be alright, and remind him how powerless he is.
  87. It also said not to freak him out with a bunch of talk about mind breaking him or turning him to a cumpump or how he is going to be a father now, even if it is true. Most human boys have a hard enough time just dealing with the reality of being captured; you don’t have to worry them further.
  89. “Shhhh.... just relax. Everything will be just fine. You belong to me now. Ill take care of everything.” She said, rubbing him on the back of the head as she nuzzled her face into his hair. He smelled wonderful, exactly like she imagined. She took a deep whiff of him and hugged him tighter.
  91. After a while his sobs died down into a dull whimpering. The net said that’s her cue to go harder. She took off her nightvision goggles and leaned in for a kiss. The boy tried to turn his head away. She raised one of her coils and grabbed his head firmly between her legs. “None of that now.” She said before going back in for her kiss. She hadn't poisoned him yet, so there is no need to worry about his saliva.
  93. At first he refused the kiss, ignoring it. After a few moments of probing around his mouth with her tongue, the boy started to respond, poking his own tongue against hers experimentally. She pulled him tighter and rippled her legs all around him.
  95. She broke the kiss and nuzzled her nose against his. “Now that wasn’t so bad now was it?” The boy shook his head, his breathing increasing. Good, good. The internet said this would happen too. A human boy can only have a pretty girl pressed up against him for so long without getting aroused. That’s just a fact.
  97. She ran her hands across his chest and then under his shirt before pulling it off. The boy was stiff, like he was uncomfortable with what was happening, but he didn’t protest. She did the same to his pants and underwear and then her own clothes.
  99. She wrapped back around him in what the internet calls a “mating ball.” “Are you... going to bite me?” He asked her. “Only if I have to.” She said back to him. The internet said that human boys are much less likely to form an emotional bond with you if they think they were drugged. They find it a very convenient excuse for their lewd behavior. And she couldn’t have that; she wanted him mind, body and spirit.
  101. She reached down and fondled his manhood and found him rock hard. “Ara ara Anon, looks like you don’t even need my venom.” She had no idea what “ara ara” actually ment, but they say it a lot in animes in this sort of context. She couldn’t see his face without the nightvision, but she imagined he would be blushing right now.
  103. She wiggled her hips around and lined up his pole. His body went completely stiff in anticipation. She dropped down on him, and used her many legs to pull him into her tightly. “Ahhhh!” he gasped. She reached out a few pairs of legs near his butt and pushed into him, forcing the boy to thrust into her against his will.
  105. He groaned and thrashed around, but she held him firmly. “Yesss thats it. You're doing great!” She cooed to him. She had her human arms wrapped around his neck with their foreheads touching. It was more like he was writhing in pleasure than trying to escape.
  107. She started to fuck him faster and faster as she got closer to her own orgasm. The boy started to buck his hips into her all on his own as he was being slammed relentlessly in an endless sea of writhing legs and coils all kneading and caressing him. No one could withstand that for long.
  109. Finally the oomakude started to cum, and she clamped down on him with every leg and coil. She hilted him as deep as she could take him and her cunt milked him in wave after orgasmic wave. This pushed the boy over his limit; he began to cry out as he started spurting into her depths.
  111. This was important: she must not let him dissociate this with some mental image of another girl. “Yes, cum inside me! Good!” She moaned out. She pressed her forehead against his and wrapped her antennae around his head while she rippled her legs and coils all around him. This feeling should be unique to oomakude, and harder to block out. She needed him to associate this intense feeling of pleasure with herself if she was to have any hope of holding on to him long term. Mind, body, and spirit.
  113. She let him just bask in the afterglow. She made happy little coos and hums as he drifted off into blissful sleep. She unwound from him and used her hind section to carry him upstairs to his bedroom. She pulled them both under the covers and wrapped around him again before falling asleep herself.
  115. ---------------------------------------------------------
  117. The boy woke up to find himself back in his own bed. Sunlight streamed through a window with a circular hole cut in it, illuminating the scene in a soft light. That bug girl was still curled around him, hundreds of skittery little feet are clamped on all around him. Every so often they twitch and pulse around him, pulling him close to her warm body. Its quite comfortable.
  119. It really wasn’t so bad. Well, that taser was total fucking bullshit, but aside from that it was kind of fun even. She was fairly gentle with him. Certainly beat that damn minotaur from last month. Goddamn near broke his pelvis, the hairy bitch.
  121. He paused to wonder if he was becoming numb to all the sexual violence. Just the times we live in, he thought. Its just romance to them, in their own weird way. She really does seem to like him. She would always do that awkward flirting thing whenever he checked books out.
  123. It's not even that he didn't like her, he just couldn't get past her weird body. She is a fucking centipede for christsakes, no matter what she calls herself. That shit is creepy by any name.
  125. He looked up at her. She has her face nestled into the pillows, and has him pulled against her chest. She doesn't look creepy at all now. She looks really cute even, with the sunlight streaming through her hair. She is smiling in her sleep. She looks very satisfied. Its a far cry from the terrifying monster from the darkness he was imagining last night. Maybe cutting the lights wasn't her brightest move, all things considered.
  127. Feeling a sudden surge of affection, he wiggled his way up and buried his face in her neck. The scent of her apple shampoo washed over him. He half expected her to have that weird bug smell he remembered from playing with insects during childhood. He reached up a hand and ran it though her hair, being careful not to touch her feelers. He wasn't sure how delicate they were.
  129. Her eyes fluttered open and found him. “Good morning.” He said to her. He wasn't quite sure what to say to someone in this situation. He kept playing with her hair. He really doubted she would mind, she seems awfully affectionate toward him, and he was starting to feel some of that in return.
  131. “How are you feeling? I wasn't too rough on you was I?” She asked him. Well, at least she has the decency to ask. “No no, im alright. I’ve certainly had worse.” He murmured as he cuddled up to her. His emotions are a lot more complex than that, but he was never much of a morning person.
  133. “So you aren’t... angry are you?” She asked him, a note of concern in her voice. He thought about the question. He really wasn't. It certainly seems like the sort of thing a person should be angry about, and yet he felt no anger. Its not like she ruined his life or anything. They just had sex. Its not that big of a deal.
  135. “No, I guess not. You mostly just scared me is all, coming out of the darkness like that.” He scratched the back of his neck and gave her an embarrassed look. “Scared the shit out of me, actually. I guess I imagined the worst.”
  137. “Sorry. I, uhhh, might have got some bad advice from the internet about that part. You have to admit though, I totally had you by the balls last night. I still do, come to think of it.” she said as she gave him one of her multi-limbed squeezes, exerting her dominance. He was starting to like it. Its like being hugged all over by a hundred pair of arms.
  139. He decided to play along. “Good heavens, I sure hope the scary monster doesn't take my innocence!” He said in a playful voice. “Oh that ship has sailed, my friend. You of all people know that.” she said, the legs near his groin pulling extra tightly on him.
  141. She paused for a moment, thoughtfully. “You really are free to go though, if you want me out of here i'll leave.”
  143. A small, stubborn part of him wanted to get rid of her, but another part of him wanted to stay in bed and cuddle some more. This was actually really nice. The whole centipede thing isn’t even bothering him now. I mean it's a pretty crazy way to meet someone, but weirder things have happened. Charlie Chapman once entered a Charlie Chapman look-alike contest and came in second. He decided to keep her.
  145. “You can stay. This is pretty nice, actually. Do that rippling thing on my back again, I like that.” A huge, joyous smile spread across her face as she started to massage his back. Her feet rippled up, then down in waves as she looked into his eyes.
  147. “This is nice, its almost like we are a real couple.” She cooed to him as she rubbed him down. The boy just gave her a clever smile. He said:
  149. “If you wanted to, we could be.”
  151. //rate this story
  163. //////////for historical sake, here is the original ending. Its pretty much the same thing, only from the opposite perspective and a lot more clunky. People REALLY didnt like this one, and I can kind of see why. I should have made it more clear that he didnt see her as evil or something. He just got a little scared is all.
  165. She woke up to find him running his hands through her hair. “Good morning.” the boy said to her in a hazy, sleepy, but deeply satisfied way. He nuzzled his face into her neck as he smelled her. The oomakude was shocked at his change in demeanor, but she tried to play it cool. The internet said this would happen, but she didn’t expect the change to be so sudden and dramatic.
  167. “How are you feeling? I wasn't too rough on you was I?” She asked him. “No no, you were really great. Last night was something else.” He murmured as he cuddled up to her.
  169. “So you aren’t... angry are you?” She asked him, testing his emotional waters. He blushed a little in the morning sunlight and did that bashful neck scratching thing he does. “No, nothing like that. You know its funny... I can't even remember why I was fighting you in the first place? It seems kind of silly now that I think about it.
  171. The oomakude just shrugged and said “Don't even worry about it. Every human boy struggles at first, its only natural. As long as you got it all out of your system, at least.”
  173. “Well, maybe not ALL out. He said wryly as he gave her a kiss on the lips. She coiled around him again and they went at it once more. He was a lot more cooperative this time around.
  175. After they finished he collapsed back onto her chest, nestling his face between her breasts. This is amazing. They are like a real couple now. All of it, everything has been worth it just for this. She felt so happy she could die at any moment.
  177. Still, some lingering shred of doubt nagged at her. “So... how do you think of me now? What am I to you?” She asked him, still feeling a little uncertain.
  179. “Your my... girlfriend, I guess? If that’s alright with you?” He said hesitantly. SUCCESS. He feels the same way. A huge surge of relief washed through her. She melted around him, rippling her legs in waves against his body.
  181. “Yes, yes of course. You're mine now, and I’m yours.” She said back to him happily. She gazed deeply at him, as though he were the most valuable thing in the world.
  183. The boy nodded. “Its funny though, meeting this way. I never would have expected to meet a girl like this.” he said. The oomakude quipped back: “Well its like my mom always says:
  185. “Sometimes you find love, and sometimes love finds you.”
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