
SciTwi & Anon Part 2

Jul 7th, 2015
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  1. >You knock on the door to Twilight's house.
  2. >It's been a couple days since that whole thing with the club and almost dying shenanigans.
  3. >Earlier today day at school you got passed a note during biology.
  4. >"Meet me at my home after school. --T"
  5. >The "T" either stood for "Terminator" or "Twilight," and your brain tells you that chances are it's not going to be the former.
  6. >What a surprise that would be.
  7. >The door opens.
  8. >A big buff guy wearing a black leather jacket and sunglasses is on the other side, holding a shotgun.
  9. >Dududun dun dun dun.
  10. >He shoots you, and you bleed out on the floor before you can even scream.
  11. >"You have been terminated."
  12. >What a way to go.
  13. >After five minutes of the door not opening, you decided to see if it is unlocked.
  14. >It is.
  15. >Oh.
  16. >You enter and look around. Twilight's home is the same as the last time you've seen it.
  17. >The couch even still has your blood stains from before.
  18. >Trying your best not to trigger any flashbacks from that night, you make your way down the hallway.
  19. >At the end is a door.
  20. >You reach it and open. It's...just Twilight's bedroom.
  21. >Where is she?
  22. "Twilight?"
  23. >No response.
  24. >Maybe the Terminator got her.
  25. >You probably shouldn't have been marathoning those movies the night before.
  26. >Maybe you just need to find that secret door of hers.
  27. >Time to begin your mighty search for the secret door.
  28. >Where to begin looking?
  29. >You open her closet and find...nothing.
  30. >Just some clothes and shoes.
  31. >How about under her bed?
  32. >Nope.
  33. >Maybe there's a secret button somewhere.
  34. >You look through her desk and nightstand. Nothing but notes, homework, and her computer, which you find is password secured.
  35. >Still nothing. Where haven't you looked yet?
  36. >Maybe her dresser has...
  37. >No, don't be silly. Why would you make your secret whatever accessible through your dresser?
  38. >Because no decent person would look through there?
  39. >What if you're not a decent person? Let's find out.
  40. >You slowly open one of the drawers and look inside to find some socks.
  41. >Nope. Nothing of interest here.
  42. >Below that are some shirts, then below that blouses.
  43. >Just lame girly stuff.
  44. >You finally reach the bottom and find, well, underwear.
  45. >This is not what you were looking for. But maybe the button or key is here. Yep, definitely here.
  46. >Wasting no time, you start digging through her panties. For non-perverted reasons, of course.
  47. >Twilight really is a fan of various shades of purple.
  48. >At one corner of the bottom of the dresser is, to your surprise, a button.
  49. >Well how about that? Your boner was right.
  50. >With an air of triumph, you press the button. An audible click is heard, but nothing happens.
  51. >Huh.
  52. >You press it again, but again nothing. It's just a useless button.
  53. >You reach your hand back out but notice something on the finger you touched the button with. It's some sort of pin.
  54. >What?
  55. >Suddenly, your muscles freeze up as volts of electricity shoot through your body.
  56. >You fall on the floor like a plank, sending Twilight's underwear collection flying through the air and scattered across the room.
  57. >After about a minute or so, you finally regain some control of your body.
  58. "What the fuck was that?"
  59. >"Booby trap."
  60. >What?
  61. >You look to the entrance of the room to see Twilight standing there. She's wearing a lab coat instead of her usual school attire.
  62. >"Do you mind if I ask why you're digging through my clothes?"
  63. "Trying to find the secret entrance," you say slowly, your tongue a bit numb.
  64. >"Uh huh."
  65. >You pull yourself up and make sure that you didn't break anything.
  66. "Where is it, by the way? I couldn't find it."
  67. >She gives a light sigh and shakes her head. You could almost swear she whispered, "boys."
  68. >"It's not here. Come over."
  69. >Really? Well that's embarrassing.
  70. >You exit the room and walk over to Twilight, who's facing a wall.
  71. >She places her hand against the wallpaper and keeps it there.
  72. "Uh, Twi? You alright?"
  73. >No sooner had you spoken than does a rectangular part of the wall give way, moving inside then up, revealing a stairway.
  74. "Oh."
  75. >She starts to descend the stairs and you follow.
  76. "This is pretty neat. Did you make this yourself?"
  77. >"Mhm."
  78. >She's not as warm as when you were almost dead. Is that what it takes to have an actual conversation with this person?
  79. >Soon you reach the bottom. At the end is another door, this time with a keypad. Twilight presses some numbers and a series of thick clicking noises can be heard from within.
  80. >Finally, the door opens.
  81. >"Welcome, Twilight Sparkle," an automated voice said.
  82. >You find yourself in a vast room. Lab equipment is everywhere, and not just the cheap "high school lab" kind. This is industrial grade stuff.
  83. >Computers, tools, everything.
  84. >It's like you're in a sci-fi movie of some sort.
  85. >How did Twilight even afford all this? Maybe she comes from a rich family.
  86. "This is...amazing," you say with a low whistle.
  87. >Twilight walks up to you with a clipboard in hand.
  88. >"Please take a seat on the bed."
  89. "Hm? Uh, okay."
  90. >You do as she says and take your place on the rather uncomfortable bed. It's exactly like the ones they have at the local medical clinic.
  91. "So why did you bring me he--ow!"
  92. >Twilight jabs you with a device attached to a needle. Red contents fill a clear container at one end as she holds it there.
  93. "Is blood?"
  94. >"Correct."
  95. >She then pulls it out and removes the container, placing it into some sort of device.
  96. "Twi, speak to me. What is going on? Why are you showing me all this? Why are you taking my blood?"
  97. >Twilight doesn't respond, her full attention given to the machine that's doing who knows what to your sample.
  98. >After a minute, the machine makes a dinging noise and prints out a sheet of paper.
  99. >Twilight takes it out and puts it on her clipboard, walking back over to you as she scans it over.
  100. "Let me guess. You're making a clone of me. Or this is your weird way of hanging out. No, wait. There's a disease going around and only my DNA has the cure for it."
  101. >"You have cancer."
  102. >You open your mouth to respond, but pause.
  103. "Say what?"
  104. >"Cancer."
  105. "Cancer?"
  106. >You can hardly believe your ears.
  107. "Ha, that's funny Twilight. For a moment I thought you said I had cancer."
  108. >Twilight shows you the paper her machine printed out. On it are a bunch of numbers and words you do not understand.
  109. >"As you can see here," Twilight says as she points to various parts of the page. "There is uncontrolled growth around your brain. Fortunately, it's currently in its benign stages. But if left untreated for long enough, it'll become malignant and you'll eventually die."
  110. >You're still too shocked to accept what you're hearing. Your heart is beating at an increasingly rapid rate.
  111. "B-but how?" you stutter. "I was perfectly healthy. There was nothing wrong with me. How could this happen?"
  112. >Twilight puts down the clipboard and takes off her glasses.
  113. >"I'm afraid it's my fault, Anon. What I gave you to heal you, the 'Cure-All' as I call it, has a very small chance of causing cells to be unable to stop reproducing once the body is done recovering. I guess you got unlucky."
  114. >Your hands are beginning to shake.
  115. "You mean, YOUR thing gave me CANCER?"
  116. >Twilight solemnly nods her head.
  117. >"I'm afraid so. I'm sorry."
  118. >You put your head in your hands as it sinks in.
  119. >If she hadn't given it to you, then you would likely be dead. But if she had just taken you to a hospital like you asked, then maybe all this wouldn't happen. Maybe you'd still be fine.
  120. >Twilight puts a hand on your shoulder.
  121. >"This is my fault, Anon."
  122. "This is so messed up."
  123. >"It is, which is why we're going to fix it."
  124. "Fix it? How?" you snap at her. "I have CANCER, Twi. Unless you have some sort of magic potion that can get rid of it, then I don't know how you're supposed to fix it. This isn't broken bones or a torn muscle, Twi. It's fucking cancer!"
  125. >"That is correct," she says matter of factly, which gets on your nerves.
  126. "Then tell me, Twi. What are we going to do about this?"
  127. >She walks over over to a computer and begins typing something up.
  128. >"Tell me, Anon. Have you ever been to another world before?"
  129. >Alright, you have to be dreaming. First you're being told that you have cancer, and now you're being asked if you've ever left your home planet.
  130. >You pinch yourself.
  131. >Nope, not dreaming.
  132. >Wait a minute.
  133. "Are you fucking with me, Twi?"
  134. >Twilight continues to give the computer some input.
  135. >"Pardon?"
  136. "Are you just putting me on some elaborate ruse, just to mess with my head and emotions?"
  137. >Twilight turns around.
  138. >"Anon, I can understand if you're finding everything hard to believe, but I am telling you the truth and nothing but. Promise."
  139. >She finishes typing and heads over to another part of the lab. With a push of a button, hidden doors slide apart, revealing a rather impressive array of equipment.
  140. >There are suits, gadgets, what appears to be weapons...
  141. >You pinch yourself again, but nothing changes.
  142. >Why won't this nightmare end?
  143. >Twilight picks up a suit and tosses it to you.
  144. >"You'll need to put this on."
  145. >It looks like the sort of thing astronauts wear, except thinner.
  146. "Why? Are we going to space?"
  147. >"Well technically we are in space," she says as she starts to put on her own suit. "But if you're asking if we're leaving this planet, then the answer is yes."
  148. >You know what? You're not going to ask any more questions. You're just going to do as she says, then you're going to be cancer free, then you're probably going to go home and spend a lot of time reconsidering your entire life.
  149. >After the both of you suit up, Twilight picks up a utility belt and a large rifle-looking thing.
  150. "Is that a gun?"
  151. >Dammit Anon. What did you just tell yourself about questioning things?
  152. >"In a matter of speaking, yes."
  153. "Why do we need a gun?"
  154. >"Just in case."
  155. "Do I get one?"
  156. >Twilight thinks this over for a second.
  157. >"It's probably for the best that you don't."
  158. "Why not?"
  159. >"Because you don't know how to use it."
  160. "I can learn."
  161. >"It's a complicated mechanism."
  162. "Oh, please. What's so hard about point and shoot?"
  163. >Twilight rolls her eyes.
  164. >"Fine. If it makes you feel better about yourself, feel free to pick one of the smaller ones. But only the smaller ones."
  165. >Fine by you.
  166. >You grab what you think is a pistol and holster it.
  167. >"Over here."
  168. >Twilight leads you over to a sort of transparent cylindrical-shaped room at the far end of the lab.
  169. >The entrance to the room opens and the two of you enter. With a hiss, the doors seal shut.
  170. >Twilight heads over to a terminal in the room and begins entering some commands.
  171. >"Have you even experienced particle teleportation before?" Twilight asks, as if such a thing is not at all unusual to ask of someone.
  172. "Uh, no."
  173. >"Then this might be a bit rough on you. But don't worry, it only hurts the first time."
  174. "Was that a sex joke?"
  175. >"Was what a sex joke?" Twilight asks innocently.
  176. "Nevermind. So how does this thing work?"
  177. >Anon. Shut the fuck up. You already have brain cancer. You don't want to make it worse listening to Twilight.
  178. >"Well, you see, this device causes your body to experience separation on a mole--"
  179. "I change my mind, Twi. Don't want to hear it. Let's just do this."
  180. >"...very well."
  181. >Your partner in science hits the enter bar on the keyboard.
  182. >A deep rumbling starts to emit from below, causing the ground to shake.
  183. >"Initiating teleportation sequence," the machine speaks.
  184. >"Thanks, Cel," Twilight replies.
  185. >Cel, huh?
  186. >"I would close my eyes if I were you."
  187. >The room suddenly starts to glow, as if from within, which is strange given that you didn't notice any sources of light when you got in.
  188. >You shut your eyes tight, but you can still see red because it's so damn bright.
  189. >But suddenly, it's nothing but pitch darkness.
  190. >Did someone turn out the lights?
  191. >You try to open your eyes, but you no longer have eyes to open.
  192. >All sensation seems to be lost, and you feel as if you're floating away somewhere.
  193. >No arms. No legs. No body.
  194. >What were you thinking about again?
  195. >What are thoughts?
  196. >What is?
  197. >What?
  198. >...
  199. >Then your body assembles itself together instantly as you land on a soft surface of some sort.
  200. >Your entire physical form being torn apart and put back together in such a violent matter completely disorients you.
  201. >And not just that. Your entire conscience, just scattered moments ago, is now compressed together and made whole.
  202. >All your memories, thoughts, and emotions are now back in your brain. Everything comes flooding back.
  203. >You collapse on your knees, feeling as if you're going to lose your lunch.
  204. >"I would try not to throw up if I were you," Twilight says next to you, seemingly unfazed by the whole traumatic experience. "Vomit is a rather unpleasant thing to deal with in these suits."
  205. >With all the will you could muster, you control yourself and get back up on wobbly knees, only to almost lose your balance again.
  206. >In front of you is a massive landscape.
  207. >Seemingly prehistoric animals of various sizes walk, live, and fight amongst one another.
  208. >In the distance, you can see what seems to be a giant floating landmass, water pouring onto the surface below.
  209. >No trace of human civilization in sight.
  210. >It's as if you're on another world.
  211. >You try to pinch yourself through your suit.
  212. >Still can't wake up.
  213. >"Welcome," Twilight says as she looks over the landscape, still as calm as usual. "To Delta-X3."
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