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a guest
Jun 25th, 2019
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  1. make
  2. >> checking code style
  3. >> checking license header
  4. >> running golangci-lint
  5. GO111MODULE=on go list -e -compiled -test=true -export=false -deps=true -find=false -tags= -- ./... > /dev/null
  6. GO111MODULE=on /Users/alex/go/bin/golangci-lint run ./...
  7. collector/sysctl_bsd.go:52:2: `valueType` is unused (structcheck)
  8. valueType prometheus.ValueType
  9. ^
  10. collector/paths.go:38:6: `rootfsFilePath` is unused (deadcode)
  11. func rootfsFilePath(name string) string {
  12. ^
  13. collector/diskstats_common.go:54:2: `ioTimeSecondsDesc` is unused (deadcode)
  14. ioTimeSecondsDesc = prometheus.NewDesc(
  15. ^
  16. collector/helper.go:22:6: `readUintFromFile` is unused (deadcode)
  17. func readUintFromFile(path string) (uint64, error) {
  18. ^
  19. collector/filesystem_bsd.go:43:82: SA4000: identical expressions on the left and right side of the '==' operator (staticcheck)
  20. count := C.getmntinfo(&mntbuf, C.MNT_NOWAIT)
  21. ^
  22. collector/filesystem_common.go:54:30: U1000: field `options` is unused (unused)
  23. device, mountPoint, fsType, options string
  24. ^
  25. collector/paths.go:27:2: U1000: var `rootfsPath` is unused (unused)
  26. rootfsPath = kingpin.Flag("path.rootfs", "rootfs mountpoint.").Default("/").String()
  27. ^
  28. make: *** [common-lint] Error 1
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