

Nov 24th, 2013
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  1. LykopisIsangrimLykopisIsangrim Whisper has joined the chat
  2. LianiNoelAric has joined the chat
  3. TheEbonyLarl has joined the chat
  4. FangWolfThorn has joined the chat
  5. TreshaAtiya has joined the chat
  6. GrimesMacSook has joined the chat
  7. GowlerMacSook has joined the chat
  8. Oenomaus has joined the chat
  9. LianiNoelAric: *anya post now)
  10. AnyaLillieEmber: (( ok ))
  11. AnyaLillieEmber: -Anya Lillie and her twin sister "Liani Aiyana " born to great parents, mother "Fae" and father "Blane" of the Ember's family in the northern region, they would call their home in Svien for many moons. They seemed to travel due to their mothers needs as a healer. Anya only a few ahn's older then her sister, which Anya would never let Liani live it down , Anya would have a very courious way about her. She wants to learn many things form the moment she could walk, studing the things her mother does as a healer. Anya always pulled around her sister with her being a very strong protector of her like her father. Which they didnt get to see much of, his way was strong and strick as he was a warrior and lived as such. He would teach what he could while his visit, they where short but to the girls never will he be a distant memory. They lost thier father in a very worthy battle at a very young age. Anya took that lead to help her mother in all she did and grow up quickly to help take care of the things that seemed to needed done. This time her mother would see Anya true calling, with Anya always living her life as tomorrow will never come she seemed to take to writing as much as she can and when she can. Anya writing every thing down to help her mother with each client, learning the healers way of life and how they tend to each person. Fae would know that Anya passion is not for healing but for the passion of writing and history of all things. Fae would have a dear friend "Lillie", which come to find out Anya middle name came from. Lillie was a great scribe in teaching many things to Anya, which she was noted for intellect, the bookkeepers, accountants, historians, legal experts, compilers of data, mathematicians, and notaries of Gor. As many passages went by she was sperated from her twin sister which Liani followed her mother and Anya followed the path of a Scribe. Anya would stay with Lillie which she would call Norvisland her home. Many passages have come and gone as Lillie past unto the city of dust , Anya have this feeling of being left as her heart would wonder on how her sister is , where her sister is, even if her mother would still be alive and if she would find them. Anya journey starts now as she takes to her feet packing up her wagon. Her trusted guards "Abbas" and "Brutus" travels with her til she finds them. Anya would have this way about her that no one could explain. Packed up she traveled to on to Svien once more looking for her sister, hoping that she would have stayed there. Along in her wagon toward Svien Anya thinks on the many words to say to her sister if she even there, her worries would not take over but yet they are still there for her many thoughts, coming up the Lodge her guards call out to let it be known of the arrival of Svien she would give a slight nod to stop there for a rest and hope someone may be of help to that know of her sister. As they come to a stope " Abbas" comes around to aid Anya out of the wagon as she would stay bundled up do to the cool winds , her blonde hair falls oh so ligthly over her face as " Brutus" awites for her at the door, Anya's steps slow and light as she walks to the double doors as "Abbas" stays near her, opening the door Anya takes her yet small hands placing upon her gown to lift up as she steps into the room allowing her eyes to adjust to see all with in the hall , she would not speak as she scans around the room to see who all is in the Lodge -
  12. TheEbonyLarl: - Ulgorn had been standing with her fabric covered shoulders to the cool wall just behind her, her spectacularly lit eyes never straying from the worn gruff form of her Jarl. She was off in distant thought as she seemed to stare into the depths of the Marauders soul, making plans to veer the course of his diet to something more nourishing as she was not satisfied with his diet of mead and mead alone. She wasn’t exactly a cook, but she could certainly regulate the meals that were brought before him, and the one word came to mind when she looked over his thinning form..protein. She had luckily snapped back into present to catch the dangerously stern blue eye of Gowler focussed upon his bond that stood so well concealed by shadow..her. She had caught the greeting of the woman, Ulgorn had not been given freedom to speak, though even if she had been it’d be rare that she’d shed words for any other ear than her Jarls. Her greens met the Womans eyes and her facial expression betrayed no change. Free women and Bond-maids did not get along, it was just the way things worked in Torvaldsland. She seemed a little edgy that this woman had actually greeted her, but didn’t disregard her entirely. Ulgorn had given the woman a moments glimpse of her eyes, bright as they were, a light that shone from darkness itself, the great contrast to the she-sleens dark skin, Gowler had himself a rarity of a beast, and she’d do him proud by holding upmost respect in the house of another. If they were at home in Axe Glacier things may have been different, but they were in Svien, Ulgorn would act accordingly. She watched her Jarl again moving forwards with little to no hesitation, the many pelts still neatly slung across her shoulder. Ulgorns hair was as black as the Arctic night clouded with no light shed, darker than the eyes the eyes of the kurii that had been strewn and hacked down dead before their great wall at the stronghold, blacker than the darkest piece of coal that made home in the bottom pits of a fire warming the room. It was ling and of great density, much like an abyssal cloak that lay so wildly down her back, aye Ulgorns hair was a messy tangle of atrocities, but her Jarl enjoyed the sight of her wild hair, and Ulgorn wasn’t the type of beast to give her long mane a thorough brushing..ain’t nobody got time fo dat. Catching her silent order she continued forth, her fur wrapped feet padded and dulled across the floor in her long strides, her legs were bare save for the large white brand that was now permanently sealed on her upper left thigh, Gowlers mark, and one that was rarely ever covered. Her steel shone and glinted off the firelight that shrouded the room, also something that was so highly prized to her and never hidden save for when she wore a fur or garment about her throat to avoid a winds chill on the roughest of days. It did not take her much brain power to find the tankards, this was not her home so she’d naturally inspect the material before so much as thinking of serving Gowler with it. Inspection passed and completed she filled it by tap of a cask , filling the innards of the Tankard generously up to the rim with the Northern brew of fermented honey. Her posture never slouched for once, as she had his possessions slung upon her body she made her way over to her Jarl, time was never wasted with idle presentations of kneeling, and all that kissing sides bullshit.. Infact as a slave she touched his drinking cup as little as possible. Presenting it up to him as he stood far above her, she gave her usual warble of happy hearted compliance to his whims standing still and elegantly poised again-
  13. TheEbonyLarl: [sorry! x.x]
  14. TreshaAtiya: ((god vennie! eye rape me! lmao))
  15. TheEbonyLarl: [ D:]
  16. LianiNoelAric: (way to late to right this long)
  17. FangWolfThorn: The arrow had taken the larl’s lower front quarter but had not slain the beast, Fang reache down and unscathed his snow knife from his boot as he waved his bow at the charging beast * come on!! Come that’s it!! You want me right!!! * just as the beast swiped at Fang he ducked beneath the great paw raking his snow knife long the beasts flanks as the larl howled in pain before turning around to lash at the hunter. Fang took two steps back before stumbling into the snow and landing on his back, the snow larl leaped forward to pounce on the hunter and seal his fate but before the snow larl could land on the hunter a flash of black fur tackled the snow larl in mid air and knocked him of course from the hunter. As the larl and snow larl fell into the snow they became a ball of fur and claws lashing out at each other. Fang rolled up to his feet snatching up his dagger as the snow larl kicked off sending the black larl off him into the snow before a cold ball of snow struck his face, the larl turned eyeing the hunter who had tossed the snow ball and was now twirling a knife in his hand whistling low to taunt the larl * “Come on, you over groawn urt lets have it, right here….you want a meal come get me “ * the larl slowly paced to the hunter circling him as Kuma sprung back from the icey snow landing on the snow larl’s back and clawing meancingly at the back of the beast, Fang rushed to Kumao’s side as the snow larl rolled over knocking Kuma from his back , the snow larl jumped to its feet and snapped its teeth at Fang, Fang brought his snow knife up cutting the larl along its jaw and severing the sinew along the the head that held the beast’s jaw up , the snow larl back off as Kuma moved to the hunter’s side the two had been fighting together for sometime and had learned to complement each other ‘s atacks they had leanred to think and fight as a single body.* “ Kuma….we’re taking a pelt “ * Fang twirled the dagger in his hands as he smiled the snow larl gave a charge as Kuma leapt up and landed on the snow larl pinning it to the ground as Fang landed directly in front of the snow larl and drove his dagger through the skull ending the beast without even a scream…hours past as Fang skinned the beast and took what he could he would leave the bones behind for the villagers hoping they could find a way to make tools with the bones , he knelt down and pressed his head to the ground in honor of the spirit of the great larl of snow before standing up and turning to face the opposite direction as Kuma brushed his head against Fang’s back, he rested his hand on the larl’s head and looked out toward the direction of the lodge* “ Welll… I guess we should get home I could use a good bit of meat and a strong drink to put me on my ass “ * he turend to the larl as the beast regarded him, the eys had a depth that Fang could swear the beast understood him, as the larl began to trudge forward Fang began to follow behind him singing softly * “ Their gonna hang me in the morning….a’fore the night is done….their gonna hang me in the morning….I’ll never see the sun..”
  18. GrimesMacSook: ((I'm fuckin' tired.))
  19. GowlerMacSook: [[yeah it's a good place to stop prolly]]
  20. LianiNoelAric: -she would see all the happenings letting go Lyko's hand "you come here to ask me about a have been gone for months....not to been heard of...and you want to know about a theif...and then you bring this oaf with you...I do not have any slaves but two in Svien...have not seen the girl you seek" Liani a bit angry for the reason her friend suppose visit thinking it was more to it than a simple theif...she sees a familiar face at the she had not seen long..long ago...she grins "I am Liani." standing as she moves away from Lyko seeing the woman who entered "Anya is that really you" Liani would fight the tears as her eyes begin to tear up a bit... before sucking it up to attent to her guest the MacSooks and there girls "Grimes and Gowler you and your girls are welcomed to stay at the lodge or long hall...for as long as you need to rest from your hunting trip" she would pause a moment walking towards her twin sister with a smile...she leans forward embracing her with a warming hugs...the kind you feel in your soul " it has been far too long sister" she looks to Cadan "Make sure you accompany Lyko and her companion back to their ship...they have 2 hours to scan Svien for whom they seek....after that they will be considered tresspassing" Cadan looks at her with his sterling blue eyes "Yes M'lady" she turns to Lyko and her companion still courious of the noise she heard "Did you bring more Svien..such a Act could be seen as a threat" she smiles -
  21. LianiNoelAric: (cut my para short dang it...continue tomorrow..yes)
  22. GrimesMacSook: ((Awesome. I'm off. Later y'all.))
  23. GrimesMacSook has left the chat
  24. TreshaAtiya: ~Curiosity was one of Bengel's so called weaknesses she had stepped into another part of the hall peaking around the wall she saw it was the kitchen as she lifted one of her feet up to step forward she froze in her place hearing a loud voice suddenly speak her name. Slowly she turned her head and narrowed her eyes as she knew who spoke to her. Her lips parted, "m'Jarl?' she whispered back to him. Why wasnt she surprised when he asked for mead? Most likely she knew it was coming sooner or later they had been gone for a bit and she thirsted as well. She simply nodded to her Jarl as she headed all the way into the kitchen where she saw the other brother. She headed over to one of the shelves that lined the walls. Rising to her toes she looked up her eyes scanning over each thing she saw within those shelves. Seeing a tankard way in the back she tried to balance herself up on one foot as she stretched one of her arms up her fingertips brushed and bumped against the vessel. She jumped not lifting very much off the floor she was able to grab the tankard and she quickly pulled it down and looked over it. Bengel had a habit of keeping rep cloths on her person most of the time. She lifted up her arm and curved it over her shoulder as she reached into the pack she carried. Her fingers fished around briefly before she managed to find to feel a cloth. Pulling her arm back she wrapped the cloth around one her fingers and ran it over the rim of the tankard checking it and cleaning it at the same time. Even around the cloth she could tell the rim was smooth. She folded the cloth and began to move it around the inside folding the cloth again she ran it over the outside. A smile tugged at her lips as she shifted her eyes then tossed the cloth on the closest shelf. She shrugged her shoulders someone could pick it up later as she wasnt so familiar to her surrounds then she rolled her eyes thinking that might not be such a good idea so she picked it back up and put it back into the pack. Stepping across the room she tried to move around the other brother and the bond. Coming upon a cask she placed the tankard under it. Turning the tap she allowed the mead to flow out quickly filling the vessel. The smell floated up to her nose tickling her wiggled her nose she closed her eyes and took a deep breath in enjoying the scent. She felt the tankard weigh down in her hand sensing it was full enough she stopped the flow. Turning around she sent a glance to the other bond as she watched her for a fraction of an ihn. Bengel's tongue rolled over her lips as she walked back into the hall her eyes fluttered up then down again as she peaked to see where her Jarl was. Seeing him rest against a wall she felt her lips move by themselves almost smiling though her look was almost a smirk and could be taken as such. Nearing him her chest rose and fell faster she could never tell how he would react to her and that always kept her on her toes. She leaned against the wall almost mimicking him. She lifted the tankard up holding it with both her hands, "m'Jarl," she whispered to him though most of the time she needed no words "yer mead," she whispered again. Offering it up she felt her feet stirr under her as if to move by themselves.~
  25. TreshaAtiya: ((oh wah!!! he leaves when I post...~growls~))
  26. GowlerMacSook has left the chat
  27. AnyaLillieEmber: (( well dang it i miss all the fun LOL ... i guess thats what i get for beeing sick :( ))
  28. LianiNoelAric: (need to sleep...hugs sissy)
  29. TreshaAtiya: ((nighty night everyone))
  30. TheEbonyLarl: [-mauls and beats up Treshie bolting out of the room cackling evilly-]
  31. AnyaLillieEmber: (( ok sis ... Love you ))
  32. TheEbonyLarl: [ROAR. XD NiNi folks and fellers. ]
  33. FangWolfThorn: ( bout 2 and a half hours and two posts per person....than we all log x.x this is totally worth the night )
  34. TreshaAtiya: ((~throws a snowball with a rock in it at her arse~))
  35. AnyaLillieEmber: (( rest well ... I will be back on later today after lunch with friends ))
  36. LianiNoelAric: yes...sorry..all that para
  37. LianiNoelAric: lol
  38. LianiNoelAric: fang!!!!!\
  39. LianiNoelAric: night guys you can add me if you want
  40. LianiNoelAric: tresha and fang
  41. TheEbonyLarl: [-veers back and snags Treshie by the leathers and hauls her out wiff me-]
  42. LianiNoelAric: oops ebony
  43. LianiNoelAric: laters..
  44. TheEbonyLarl has left the chat
  45. LykopisIsangrim: ~ She takes a deep breth as she hear her gurdian speak . She shudder as she thinks how close she was getting him killed , thus he could not be happy having to come with her on this trip . In deed ther would be a battel when finding this she urt having her gold . She did not care what Oenomaus thought of this . One way or an other he would shake him of along the way , just not yet , she still needed him . His orders was clear even if he hated it . They both did , but non the less rather have him then some worthless guards runing of at first sight of troubel . It seemed to find her wher ever she was going and this was mutch of her reason for staying out of north . Lyko is not what most would consider a scrib , but once she was befor she was mixed into this mess . but she was determend to get out of it and with her heart still beating . She missed her friend more than she sed , but it would not do eny one eny good to tell all yet . She was a stronger than most women and had more behind her than she liked . She looks forword as the man sends of his bond to do his bidings . She grins seeing his burns befor looking over to the other man . Blond and with scars , surly some kind of fighters they wher the both of them . She shakes it of her as she turns back to Liani . She was runing out of time now and needed to get moveing so she was sure the others would not follow her . She did not whant to go here at first but did not see how to do it eny other way ether . A slight fustrastion glids across her face befor she collects her self agin and puts on a smile looking at her . She could hear her beeing angry with her , but with so many many people around she could not risk enything . She looks at her tierdly as she speaks and dosentargue with her . If she had time she would have told , but ther was non . ~ " If i could i would have told you , but i can not ..." ~She sounds disepointed as she knew the girl had been seen ther and she knew Liani had to know wher that little she urt was . She sighs as she steps back to Oenomaus as to leav agin~
  46. TreshaAtiya: ((~ish apparently carried off~ BYE BYE))
  47. TreshaAtiya has left the chat
  48. LianiNoelAric: lol
  49. AnyaLillieEmber: (( i miss it all waaaaaa ))
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