
Alola Girls Ch. 33 (BBW, WG)

Oct 30th, 2020
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  1. Chapter 33
  3. Jack woke up with a massive headache, then looked and saw an empty bottle of wine next to him. He hadn’t fallen asleep in bed, instead was barely hanging off a couch in the main room. He had a blanket on top of him and nothing else.
  5. “The fuck happened...” Jack said to himself, rubbing his head. After fucking the giant pile of flesh that would be his future subordinate, Cynthia, he remembered Rosa coming out of her alcohol induced coma and pouring drinks for everyone. His memory got spotty after that.
  7. Suddenly he heard the sound of someone throwing up in the bathroom, his ears perked up. “Probably Rosa...” He muttered. He realized he needed to use the restroom, and stumbled to the master bedroom, naked.
  9. Keeping his eyes open for very long was quite painful for him and his stomach felt dreadful. “I need to get those Mallow hangover drinks soon...” Jack said to no one in particular as he opened the door to the master bedroom. The bed was empty, but he could smell the stench of body odor from the over 900 pounds of women that had been fucked on the bed the night before.
  11. “Hey, you’re finally up!” Nessa’s called out.
  13. Jack turned his head and saw Nessa... tied up to a chair. “I don’t even remember this happening.” Jack said.
  15. Nessa grimaced. “Neither do I.”
  17. “I feel awful. How many wine bottles we go through last night?”
  19. “I woke up tied up, how do you think I feel?” Nessa asked.
  21. Jack saw a funnel and a tube lying on the ground not too far from Nessa’s set up, and realized Cynthia and Whitney had gotten started with the fattening up of Nessa. He got lost in thought wondering where the funnel and tube had come from until Nessa cleared her throat.
  23. “Hey uh... could you let me out of this? I really gotta use the bathroom.” Nessa asked.
  25. “Same.” Jack said, looking at the restraints, going around the back of the chair, seeing a very intense knot. “Uh... gonna need a knife or something for that.” He said, then made his way for the bathroom.
  27. “Wait, Jack, just let me out, please, JACK!” Nessa barked as Jack slammed the bathroom door shut behind him. A minute later he was back out to a glaring Nessa, and stumbled to the kitchen to grab a knife. Once Nessa was free from her restraints, she took a step to use a bathroom in the other part of the villa.
  29. “Rosa’s throwing up in one of them.” Jack warned Nessa.
  31. Nessa looked at him with a shrug. “Fine, I’ll use yours.” She said, slamming the master bathroom door shut.
  33. Jack rubbed his eyes to get him a little more awake, and put on a bathing suit to at least cover part of himself. He went to look for his phone, and ended up spending fifteen minutes searching the villa’s living room before finding it under one of the cushions.
  35. He saw he had about a dozen text replies, all from various women whose numbers he’d gotten over his time in Alola. He looked at the message that started things and his jaw dropped.
  37. He’d mass sent a dick pic to fifteen women. He’d never thought of himself as that kind of guy.. But the variety of replies did make him chuckle a bit. He’d sent one to his harem girls back at the Melemele property. A number of teachers from the school had gotten one, sending him various emojis as replies, Clair even trying to sext him a bit. He hadn’t replied though. He checked the times he’d sent them, and it was past 3 AM.
  39. “How the hell were we up that late?” Jack muttered.
  41. The most intriguing reply he got was from Anabel from the International Police. He facepalmed realizing he’d sent an unsolicited dick pic to an IP member, but he’d asked to talk about some important stuff with her in the message after. He read her reply, a little scared at a potential harassment charge seemed inevitable.
  43. Anabel: Good morning Jack! While I certainly didn’t need the accompanying pic, I think we should definitely catch up on recent developments. I can be in Heahea by lunchtime. Any chance we can meet and discuss things? You’re buying me something nice for lunch, or else I’m getting you charged with sexual harassment ;)
  45. Jack sighed with relief and sent a reply text back.
  47. Jack: So I don’t remember doing that last night, must’ve been a wild party... My sincerest apologies about that. Don’t know what I was thinking sending that to you, let alone a member of the IP. Anyways, The Sea House at the Hano Grand Resort has the best seafood I’ve ever had, let me know when you get here.
  49. Jack then decided he ought to check up on Rosa, and filled up a glass of water and went to the bathroom he’d heard the vomiting coming from. He knocked on the door lightly.
  51. “What?” A harsh voice that certainly wasn’t Rosa’s growled back at him.
  53. “Uh... Want some water?”
  55. “Fine.”
  57. Jack slowly turned the unlocked nob and feasted his eyes on the sight of Kahili in nothing but a pair of tight panties, head over the toilet bowl.
  59. “When’d you get here?” Jack asked, very perplexed.
  61. “Whitney... Oh no...” Kahili turned to the toilet bowl again. Jack put the water on the floor and made his escape quickly. He then looked for Rosa, who was in her bedroom snoring, clutching an empty bottle of wine.
  63. “If this is a sign of things to come at the resort, I’m going to need a fucking maid.” Jack said. “Fuck, we have housekeeping...” He muttered to no one in particular. “Fuck it, I’m going back to sleep.”
  65. Three and a half hours later, Jack woke up to his phone ringing, Anabel’s name on the screen. “Fuuuuck.” Jack grumbled, his head still slightly sore. He picked up the phone. “Y’hello..”
  67. “Hey there Mr. Cobal, I just got into a cab, on my way to the resort. See you soon!” Anabel said gleefully. “I had a light breakfast so I could really pig out on the seafood...”
  69. “Great.” Jack said groggily.
  71. “Did you just wake up?”
  73. “Yeah, long story. See you at the Sea House in a bit.” He said, hanging up. He put a hat on to cover his disheveled hair, and got ready as best he could. He decided to sneak out of the villa via the deck outside of his bedroom, he didn’t want Rosa reporting to Oleana who he was having lunch with, as the IP had to have public profiles.
  75. A good fifteen minutes later, he was sat at a booth for two by Phoebe, and he watched the host desk with anticipation. It had been a while since he’d seen the International Police Officer. She’d made a couple house calls the in the first couple weeks of Skyla and Domino’s stay at his property, but had been busy since. The last time he saw her, she had gotten pudgier but was still what most people would call an average weight. He remembered guessing she had to weigh around 150 pounds the last time he saw her. She’d touched Lillie during the first week he’d been in Alola, so he knew she’d have ballooned since then.
  77. After a few minutes of him being lost in thought and getting hard at the thought of the widening international policewoman, he saw the long purple hair of Anabel at the host stand. He eyed her figure gleefully. She still wore her business pantsuit, but it clearly needed to be replaced. Anabel looked to have gained nearly 100 pounds in the eight or so weeks it had been since he’d last seen her. Her pantsuit looked comically tight on her. Her gut looked like a beach ball, and even from far away he saw bit of porky flesh poking out from the overmatched shirt. She walked gingerly as if the button of her pants was one careless step from being sent flying. The near 250 pound woman looked small compared to Phoebe’s bigger body, but Anabel took the cake with her outfit that clearly didn’t fit even twenty pounds ago.
  79. Once Jack made eye contact with Anabel, he smiled sheepishly.
  81. “Good afternoon, Anabel.” Jack greeted.
  83. Anabel smiled. “Good morning sleepyhead.”
  85. “Well Ms. Anabel, Mr. Cobal, I’ll leave you to it then.” Phoebe said, then waddled away as Anabel carefully maneuvered herself into a booth.
  87. “I’m very sorry about the pic last night, I didn’t think I was that type of guy.” Jack said.
  89. Anabel rolled her eyes. “Well, just be thankful you’ve been very helpful to the IP. Else I would’ve gotten you by the balls as far as favors are concerned.” Anabel then took a deep breath and relaxed a bit. “But I gotta say Jack, even for a lesbian like myself, that thing’s enormous.”
  91. Jack chuckled, quite relieved. “I didn’t know that about you actually.”
  93. Anabel nodded, causing her neck fat to wobble ever so slightly. “Yeah, I don’t advertise it, especially when I’m working. Usually just makes things weird... So you said you’ve got some information that might help my investigation?”
  95. Jack took a deep breath and began the revelations about Necrozma, and that the potential Z-Crystal was being studied at the DR Lab. Then he started on Aether. During that time, Anabel slurped down multiple sodas to the point Phoebe just brought a pitcher of soda so she wouldn’t have to keep returning to the table so much. The first round of Anabel’s appetizers came (a shrimp cocktail and fish taco bites) and Jack was getting to Aether, or at least his suspicions about them.
  97. “And... I don’t really know how to explain this part...” Jack said uncertainly. “But I think it may be helpful to your investigation. It’s kinda crazy sounding though.”
  99. Anabel had just finished taking a large gulp of soda and swallowed the taco bite she’d plopped in her mouth moments earlier. “Mmmmm...” She moaned, then re-focused on Jack. “Anything at all is helpful, no matter how weird sounding.” She assured him.
  101. Jack nodded, still nervous about the subject matter he was going to broach. “Okay, have you noticed something strange with a lot of women in Alola recently?”
  103. “What do you mean?” Anabel said, thinking he was about to say something insensitive.
  105. “Well... Have you seen Skyla recently?”
  107. “Yeah, just a few days ago. She mentioned there’s been a lot of drama at the house recently...”
  109. Jimym nodded. “I’ll get to that later, but have you noticed anything different about her than when she got to Alola?”
  111. Anabel pondered it for a bit. “Well, she’s gotten a little chubbier, but she’s always danced the fine line of having a fit but curvy look.”
  113. Jack nodded. “Yeah, but she’s grown a lot considering she’s only been in Alola for like, two and a half months.”
  115. Anabel shrugged. “The Island lifestyle and Mallow’s cooking are a deadly combination.”
  117. Jack shook his head. “What about Domino? She went from being a slender cat burglar to a chubster.”
  119. “She couldn’t walk for the past few months, and Mallow’s cooking... And I don’t like the way you said chubster, mister.”
  121. Jack rolled his eyes. “Well, Anabel, what about your own weight?”
  123. Anabel eyed him defensively. “I know the stress has been getting to me with the investigation Jack, but that’s no reason-”
  125. “You’ve gained like 100 pounds since the last time I saw you. Think that’s a little strange?”
  127. Anabel’s eyebrows tensed with annoyance. “Where are you going with this, Mr. Cobal?”
  129. “What if I told you Aether was behind it?”
  131. Anabel looked at him, quite perplexed. “You lost me.”
  133. “Lusamine, she’s enormous, right?” Jack started.
  135. “Yeah, but she’s quite cute for a bigger woman.” Anabel defended.
  137. “Agreed, but she was really skinny less than two years ago.”
  139. “You sure about that?" Anabel whipped out her phone and typed something, then her jaw dropped. “Wow, that’s weird.”
  141. “Lillie was as skinny around that time too. Now she’s over 400 pounds.”
  143. Anabel shrugged. “Okay, but how’s this relevant?”
  145. Jack took a deep breath. “When did Aether start doing weird activities that caused you to investigate them in the first place?”
  147. “The first reports were..." Anabel thought deeply on this as she devoured a shrimp. “...about fifteen months ago?”
  149. “But that’s just when they got your attention, they probably started a little before that...”
  151. Anabel rolled her eyes. “Okay so Luamine and Lillie started getting fat around the time they started doing suspicious stuff. Get to the point.”
  153. Jack nodded. “What if I told you any woman who came into contact with Lusamine and Lillie immediately began gaining tons of weight at a highly accelerated rate?”
  155. Anabel’s eyebrows rose in surprise.
  157. “Hilda, my assistant, she was skinny and eating well until Lillie gave her a hug. Misty, one of my bodyguyards waited on Lusamine at the Heart of the Sea restaurant. I’ve asked all the women I’ve met in Alola when they met Lusamine, and how much they’ve gained lines up with the time they interacted with Lusamine and Lillie.”
  159. Anabel’s jaw dropped as she realized her own weight had ballooned since the night she met Lillie. “Okay, that’s pretty weird. Why though?”
  161. “Lusamine said women with a more body weight will be able to survive in a post-calamity world, the calamity they’re doing research on.”
  163. Anabel nodded. “Y’know, I’m going to have to start investigating this wieght gain epidemic myself.”
  165. “Once you start asking about who met Lusamine and when, it starts adding up.”
  167. “So why aren’t you fat, Jack?” Anabel asked. “If anything, you’re looking more toned than when I last saw you.”
  169. “This is going to sound weird, but I think this all started when a special couple of people showed up at Aether around the time everything started getting weird. They’re called the Ultra Recon Squad. They’ve got some weird names and weirder outfits...”
  171. “Ultra Recon Squad? My sources have said a couple things about them...” Anabel said.
  173. “Well, the female was really fat, like as big as Lusamine. While the male was buff and... had a massive erection like all the time.” Jack explained. “Well, I think whatever is causing the changes in people is coming from them. It’s like an aura.”
  175. “And what makes you think that?”
  177. “Well... I came into contact with the male, I think his name was Phyco? Anyways, ever since that day, my dick grew multiple inches, and I’m getting hard-ons non stop. Sorry for the full disclosure, it’s just really weird.”
  179. “And did Lusamine ever mention these...?”
  181. Jack nodded. “She called it a 'fertility gift.’”
  183. Anabel nodded. “Well, a post-calamity world...”
  185. “Yeah...”
  187. Suddenly they were interrupted as Phoebe brought another pitcher of soda for Anabel. “The entrees are almost ready.” She added as she waddled back to the kitchen.
  189. “Ultra Recon Squad...” Anabel pondered aloud. “That ‘ultra’ word usually is when things start getting weird with Aether.”
  191. The entrees came and the conversation went to Jack’s current predicament with Oleana while Anabel feasted on multiple exquisite dishes.
  193. When Anabel had finished her fourth dish, a double serving of crab cakes, she burped loudly and wiped the food remnants off of her double chin. “Sounds like quite the predicament you got there.”
  195. “Any chance you can help with it?” Jack said.
  197. Anabel shook her head. “Out of my jurisdiction. But I’ll do a quick search on her to see if there’s anything you can use to get her off your ass.”
  199. “Much appreciated.” Jack said.
  201. “That reminds me, I need to check my phone for something. I was supposed to have getten a message by now.” Anabel said, digging through her bag for her phone. She looked at it and grimaced. “No reception? That’s weird.”
  203. “I haven’t had any problems in this restaurant.” Jack said, whipping out his phone as well. He looked at the reception indication bars and noticed he was getting no service at all as well. “Okay, me too. Maybe it’s just the network.”
  205. Anabel shrugged. “Well whatever.”
  207. Suddenly his phone got full reception back, and he got a text message from Cynthia about arranging another meeting about buying the Paniola Ranch. “Wait, just got a message actually.”
  209. Anabel gave him a confused look, then checked her phone and it buzzed as if it got a text message as well. She looked at the phone inquisitively and then looked around the restaurant.
  211. “What is it?” Jack said.
  213. Anabel shook her head. “Nothing. What do you recommend for dessert?”
  215. A half hour later, Anabel was leaving after a double serving of tiramisu and Jack checked his phone again, seeing it didn’t have reception once again. “Odd.” He said, shaking his head. Phoebe came up to him with the bill.
  217. “So, our card reader’s been really wonky today. Should I just charge it to your room?” The obese beauty asked him.
  219. “Yeah sure...” Jack said, thinking nothing of it.
  221. ***
  223. Oleana woke up suddenly in her office chair. She looked around to see multiple cookie bags lying on the ground, and her tummy gurgled with discomfort. “Did I dose off?” Oleana asked herself. She noticed three empty glasses beside the keyboard in front of her, and the memories of her binge an hour beforehand flooded back to her.
  225. She groaned as she rubbed her bloated belly. She remembered seeing Bea with a cookie in her hand, and that had set the older woman off on a frenzied fit. She’d yelled and screamed at Bea, Mallow, and any other fat chick around the house that was within earshot. She’d confiscated all of the cookies, or so she had thought. But the sweets and junk food seemed to be getting smuggled in still, or there were hidden stashes.
  227. Her whole body tensed with anger. That Skyla woman had made herself quite scarce since Oleana’s arrival. That woman was out Oleana’s grasp for the time being, but she could try to make things difficult for Skyla. Plus there was the other guest staying in her room predominantly that everyone was rather hush-hush about.
  229. “It’s time I paid those freeloaders a visit.” Oleana muttered. She got up, belly still aching after multiple bags of cookies and three glasses of the cream she was trying to make disappear from the fridge rested heavily in her stomach. She turned a light on and wiped the crumbs from her face and clothing. “Fucking Jack.” She vented. No wonder Hilda had gotten so fat, that boy had made everything far more difficult than it had to be. “When he comes crawling back here...” She said aloud as she opened the door to the hallway, imagining him begging on hand and foot to be let back in the house and to dismiss all of the fat bimbos he’d kept. “Yes, that’d be good... Him and Nessa, and a ringing endorsement for me to chair the board.” She mused with a big grin. She needed to get him under her thumb, and she needed him back quickly.
  231. Skyla was in the houseguest’s room, Oleana hadn’t even been told a name. Oleana knocked on the door authoritatively.
  233. “Who is it?” An unfamiliar, voice answered.
  235. “Oleana.”
  237. “What do you want?” Skyla bellowed back from beyond the closed door.
  239. “To talk about a couple things.” Oleana replied.
  241. “Fine.” Skyla grunted and opened the door.
  243. Oleana entered with her head high. Skyla, the scantily clad chubster sat on a recliner next to a bed, and on the bed rested a casually dressed blonde young woman. Even on the bed, Oleana could tell this young woman was bit bigger than Skyla, weighing somewhere around 230 pounds.
  244. “So whaddya want?” Skyla asked, clearly not too happy about Oleana’s presence in the room.
  246. “To introduce myself.” Oleana said, eyes locked on the blonde. The more Oleana studied her, the more her mind raced. She couldn’t help but think she’d seen this blonde somewhere before.
  248. “Oleana? I’m Domino.” The blonde greeted curtly.
  250. “Domino...” Oleana said, pondering if she remembered the name, and when nothing came to mind, she shook her head. “Nice to meet you Domino.” She say a knee brace on one of Domino’s legs. “So you’ve been injured?”
  252. Domino shrugged. “Yeah.”
  254. Skyla grunted in disapproval.
  256. Oleana smirked at Skyla, then returned her attention to Domino. “And may I ask what the injury is?”
  258. Domino shook her head. Skyla cleared her throat. “That’s not for you to know.”
  260. Oleana’s smirk widened. “That important? Did the resident degenerative playboy break your leg during a BDSM session?” Oleana said aloud, half serious.
  262. Domino gave her a confused look.
  264. “Well you can at least tell my how it happened.” Oleana said.
  266. “Why do you need to know?” Skyla said.
  268. “It’s my duty to know. Your agreements with Mr. Cobal may be binding, but you are going to have to disclose why you’re still here to eventually.”
  270. Skyla smiled and shook her head. “Not a chance, bitch.”
  272. Oleana face contorted with anger. “I suppose I’ll have my lawyers look for a loophole in that agreement you signed with Jack and Hilda.” Oleana said, folding her arms. “And, one more thing, the diets of the women of this house have changed, and I have forbidden sweets to be on the property. However many bags of sweets are still popping up around the house, Skyla, you’re the only one who’s been leaving for decent periods of time the past few days. Where are you hiding the sweets?”
  274. Skyla shrugged. “No clue what you’re talking about.”
  276. Oleana grimaced. “Can’t wait until I kick your flabby ass off of this island.” She said, and got up to leave.
  278. When the door slammed shut, Domino turned to Skyla with a wicked smile. “So that bitch? We’ve met before.”
  280. ***
  282. Jack was resting on a beach chair overlooking the main Hano beach. The weather was perfect, he had a beer next to him, and was looking stuff up on his phone, articles about the Paniola Ranch, when he sensed someone behind him, and then they cleared their throat and Jack turned. It was a sight he did not expect to see, for sure.
  284. “Hey there hot stuff.” The female figure said.
  286. Clad in skin-tight pink workout clothes and very unique hairstyle, featuring two large buns that went off the sides of her head. He realized this was Misty’s old roommate who’d terrorized Misty for months as she got fat, and also made Lillie cry when he went to help Misty pick up her things from the apartment. He realized Lillie must’ve made contact with her, because the the super fit chick he remembered was looking quite different. Her chin had doubled, her tight pink outfit looked comical as it clung to her excessive flesh and cellulite that covered her once toned muscles. Her breasts didn’t grow that much, but her gut stuck out obnoxiously, and her love handles looked positively ridiculous. He felt himself getting hard. He loved seeing super fit chicks lose control.
  288. “So we meet again... Kidd was it?” Jack asked.
  290. “Yeah. What are you doing here? Still hanging with Misty?” Kidd replied directly.
  292. “Misty’s back at my house on Melemele.” Jack said.
  294. “Tired of her already? She’s pretty boring anyw-”
  296. “I have business here for the time being.” He interrupted.
  298. “Ah, business...” Kidd Summers eyed him, fixating on the developing bulge in his pants. “So you really do like thicker chicks. How lucky for me.”
  300. Jack smiled and shrugged. “I see your words aren’t the only thing you’ve been eating recently.”
  302. Ms. Summers blushed. “Well if it gets you in my bed, I’ll happily gain another hundred pounds.”
  304. Jack smiled and put his phone in his pocket, then got out of the beach chair. “So where is this bed of yours?”
  306. “Follow me, big guy.”
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