
The first sign of Sin

May 9th, 2018
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  1. [09:25:32] Lotlhuitl asks, "Has anyone debriefed you?"
  2. [09:25:32] Rai Yasahiro says, "No."
  3. [09:25:32] Lotlhuitl inhaled sharply.
  4. (Lotlhuitl)
  5. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6. [09:25:32] Lotlhuitl says, "Weeell. I ought to do so."
  7. [09:25:32] Lotlhuitl says, "But.. we shouldn't do so in the courtyard.."
  8. [09:26:24] Rai Yasahiro says, "Lead the way, Chosen Lotlhuitl."
  9. [09:26:24] Lotlhuitl says, "I, ah. I'll debrief you once my rune has finalised."
  10. [09:26:24] Lotlhuitl says, "I need to watch it."
  11. [09:26:24] Rai Yasahiro says, "Oh, oh yeah"
  12. [09:26:24] Lotlhuitl says, "... if you need clothing, I am likewise happy to assist you."
  13. [09:26:24] Lotlhuitl says, "... my money has not come from dubious sources.."
  14. [09:27:15] Rai Yasahiro says, "That would be a kindness after a year of isolation."
  15. [09:28:06] Maxine looked on at the rune curiously. Her fluffy ears twitched slightly as she was drawn towards it. The ookami female would float towards the center of the rune and float a few feet above it, bobbing up and down a few inches in her levitative state. She'd grin.
  16. (Maxine)
  17. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  19. [09:28:06] Maxine says, "My money didn't come from dubious sources either."
  20. [09:28:57] Rai Yasahiro whispers: . . . I know a way to really mess with Maxwell. Or whatever he calls herself.. gods gender bending potions are weird.
  21. [09:28:57] Lotlhuitl whispers: Oh?
  22. [09:28:57] Lotlhuitl says, "... of course it didn't, Max."
  23. [09:29:48] Rai snaps his fingers as his shadow breaks apart, no longer a singular shape but a formless mass, running along the ground towards Maxine's own shadow.
  24. (Rai Yasahiro)
  25. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  27. [09:32:22] Maxine's ears twitched as the shadows grew ever so closer to her. Due to her previous experiences with the illusionists shadow creatures, the ookami felt rather uneasy about them growing towards her own shadow, and thus, she'd decide to float up into the air just a few more feet. Her tail pointed down and stopped its gentle swaying and she would watch closely as the shadow encroaches on her own.
  28. (Maxine)
  29. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  31. [09:37:29] Lotlhuitl sighed. Pinched the bridge of her nose.
  33. "Rai," she exhaled. Tail flicking out. "I get that it's been a while. You've been something awful, and I sympathise. I get that you're just making an attempt at comedy. Really, I'm not such a humourless bitch that I can't understand that."
  35. She gestured towards her rune -- which at that point VISIBLY flared. Magic coming into effect. Anyone who was to attempt to flee from the crossroads would find some strange force pulling on them, slowing them down if not rooting them to the spot.
  37. "But no. Just no, okay."
  39. She shook her head, lowering her hand.
  41. "In any case, I can speak with you now. Come."
  42. (Lotlhuitl)
  43. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  45. [09:39:12] Rai chuckles slightly as his shadow vanishes from sight just before reaching maxine's own and returning beneath his body. "Just making sure that max didn't disturb your runes."
  46. (Rai Yasahiro)
  47. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  49. [09:40:03] Rai goes to take a seat across from Lotlhuitl, pausing a moment. "Unless you want me to sit next to you."
  50. (Rai Yasahiro)
  51. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  53. [09:41:45] Lotlhuitl says, "That's fine."
  54. [09:41:45] Rai Yasahiro asks, "Which is?"
  55. [09:41:45] Lotlhuitl says, "Sitting across from me."
  56. [09:42:36] Lotlhuitl pulled out a notepad, a pencil. She regarded Rai with an intense, appraising sort of seriousness.
  57. (Lotlhuitl)
  58. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  60. [09:42:36] Rai takes a seat and relaxes, even his first nights home were spent sleeping on the hard benches, the soft chair was a long lost comfort as he relaxed.
  61. (Rai Yasahiro)
  62. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  64. [09:43:28] Lotlhuitl says, "So this is how I will do things. I'm going to ask you to tell me what happened, from beginning to end. "
  65. [09:43:28] Lotlhuitl says, "I'll take notes as you speak."
  66. [09:43:28] Rai nods.
  67. (Rai Yasahiro)
  68. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  70. [09:43:28] Lotlhuitl says, "So if I'm not looking at you, please don't be offended."
  71. [09:43:28] Lotlhuitl says, "What you have to say is important, and I wish to remember it."
  72. [09:51:08] Rai leaned his head back against the cushion, going so far as to rub the side of his face against it.
  74. "I'll start from the entire ordeal's beginning. Osha the Cyclops. I met her one day after capturing a rare Daemon on the outside of the caves, she was upset that someone had trampled her camp and wished to see her friends in Ardent. I spoke with her on why she was in demon lands, why a girl so young was in the middle of a war zone.. She didn't want to be. She doesn't want to be fighting anyone, but she knew if she didn't obey the demons, they would kill her and her friends. In truth the girl was, and still is, terrified."
  76. The man relaxed deeper into the chair.
  78. "When learning of Franz and Erenoa's wish to have the girl slain outright, without trial, without question.. it just didn't sit right with me. So there was a capture or kill order set for Osha. I Figured the woman who listens to the plights of the people would be able to help clear her name as a 'willing supporter' to be what it is.. a child abused by demons, twisted against her will to help them."
  79. (Rai Yasahiro)
  80. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  82. [09:52:00] Lotlhuitl says, "Mn.. so.. you were travelling, catching Daemons."
  83. [09:52:00] Lotlhuitl says, "And you ran into Osha, a cyclops."
  84. [09:52:00] Lotlhuitl paused, chewing the end of her pencil in thought.
  85. (Lotlhuitl)
  86. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  88. [09:52:00] Lotlhuitl says, "I think I've met her.."
  89. [09:52:00] Lotlhuitl says, "Or.. seen her."
  90. [09:52:51] Rai Yasahiro says, "Just barely taller than me now, blue eye. Messy brown hair, though I've tried to tame it a bit."
  91. [09:52:51] Rai Yasahiro says, "Friends of JaDrako"
  92. [09:53:42] Lotlhuitl says, "Mn.."
  93. [09:53:42] Lotlhuitl says, "Right, okay."
  94. [09:53:42] Lotlhuitl took notes.
  95. (Lotlhuitl)
  96. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  98. [09:53:42] Lotlhuitl asks, "So you were trying to help her. Then what happened?"
  99. [09:53:42] Lotlhuitl asks, "This was a year ago, correct?"
  100. [10:01:23] Rai takes a slow, deep breath before finally prying himself from the chair's back, leaning forward, eyes trying to remain focused on her own.
  102. "Correct. One year and a few months ago now. I turned to Hatsune and asked her if she would assist me in getting to the truth of the matter before she was simply executed without the truth being known. She said she would see what she could do if I could convince Osha to come."
  104. A small smirk crossed his face, though it wasn't one of pride, more so of an 'oops' moment.
  106. "Well when I went to try and bring her back, telling her no one would kill her because hatsune would get to the bottom of it.. well Zogen, the demon that had drug off Mannel to his death, apparently decided that since everyone and their mother's second cousin can see through illusions that my presence was cause to have another go at capturing someone. The now dead Effigy declared me to be a slave to Osha, Zogen did not listen and dragged me off to the prison."
  107. (Rai Yasahiro)
  108. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  110. [10:03:05] Lotlhuitl says, "Mnn.. so you were dragged into prison."
  111. [10:03:05] Lotlhuitl says, "Did you notice anything? "
  112. [10:03:05] Lotlhuitl asks, "Speak to anyone about anything?"
  113. [10:03:05] Lotlhuitl asks, "Hear anything?"
  114. [10:04:48] Lotlhuitl glanced towards the door.
  115. (Lotlhuitl)
  116. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  118. [10:04:48] Rai Yasahiro says, "Well, the demons go by a hierarchy of evolution, and that their human servants were deemed to be too weak to keep around, that they wanted to slaughter the valmasians for 'not helping' with attacks."
  119. [10:04:48] Caesar Valerius asks, "Mm...?"
  120. [10:04:48] Lotlhuitl says, "Debriefing Rai on his Gaiar vacation."
  121. [10:04:48] Caesar Valerius says, "I see."
  122. [10:04:48] Caesar Valerius says, "We have to talk later."
  123. [10:04:48] Lotlhuitl gestured to a seat.
  124. (Lotlhuitl)
  125. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  127. [10:05:39] Lotlhuitl asks, "Myself, or Rai?"
  128. [10:05:39] Caesar Valerius says, "You."
  129. [10:05:39] You learnt the spell Sin Magic: Envy.
  130. [10:05:39] Rai Yasahiro says, "Likely you, since you were known to be here."
  131. [10:05:39] Caesar Valerius says, "I'll be smoking here. But I'm listening."
  132. [10:05:39] Rai Yasahiro says, "ER. damn I spoke too slowly"
  133. [10:05:39] Caesar lights his cigarette.
  134. (Caesar Valerius)
  135. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  137. [10:06:30] Lotlhuitl wrinkled her nose lightly, tail flicking out.. bangles jostling, clinking as they brushed against each other.
  138. (Lotlhuitl)
  139. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  141. [10:06:30] Rai once more slumped into the chair, the lightest of comforts was too inviting.
  142. (Rai Yasahiro)
  143. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  145. [10:07:21] Lotlhuitl wrote down some more notes as to what Rai had to say.
  146. (Lotlhuitl)
  147. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  149. [10:07:21] Lotlhuitl asks, "How did you get free?"
  150. [10:07:21] Lotlhuitl asks, ".. what happened to the cyclops child?"
  151. [10:16:44] "Good behavior, a few white lies. I sat in the cell, not trying to escape since it would lead to Osha's harm and in turn my harm. I beat up a few people who tried to get free enchantments that weren't higher ups. Archons thought I was 'appeasing their law', I was visited frequently by random kaors, a few Archons. And one Sima Kang. All of which held rank. I was visited by Effigy, a lust sin Xit, a budding wrath sin, Ru, Somnus a bovine Archon, and a woman named Anaxes, she looked to be an Archon."
  153. The man rubbed his face, shadows trailing along under his hand, shifting the spot beneath his palm from his own face to a shapeless mass of black.. at least it seemed as such, his illusions simply suffusing his very being at times.
  155. "In time the demon Anaxes provided osha a promise that I was not to be harmed. And Somnus provided me with the right to walk beside her outside of the prison. After that, we went walking and walking until we came across a battlefield to be where Effigy was captured by Hatsune, and Franz killed by... I don't know honestly. I slipped JaDrako a letter during the commotion, afterwards when Osha began to tire, Hatsune answered a public challenging of Osha's in hopes to retrieve effigy.. the only person who showed her kindness in Aetherius.. this worked to my cause. Osha fell rather easily, exhausted from the rush of emotions she was feeling. Then Hatsune, JaDrako and I took Osha to a place in which was away from the demons. Safe from everyone who would harm her before the truth of it all can be revealed."
  156. (Rai Yasahiro)
  157. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  159. [10:17:36] Lotlhuitl chewed on the end of her pencil.
  160. (Lotlhuitl)
  161. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  163. [10:17:36] Lotlhuitl asks, "Hey Caesar, do any of those names mean anything to you?"
  164. [10:17:36] Lotlhuitl says, "That Sima Kang, didn't he die.. I thought he was dead.."
  165. [10:18:27] Lotlhuitl says, "Or is that a different guy.."
  166. [10:18:27] Rai Yasahiro says, "He is an undead, yes."
  167. [10:18:27] Lotlhuitl says, "I thought Dmex killed him."
  168. [10:20:09] LOOC - Rai Yasahiro: (There's about 4 zones Tyrium spawns)
  169. [10:20:09] Lotlhuitl says, "Hm.. right. Well, I'll put all of this in a report."
  170. [10:21:00] Lotlhuitl says, "... I don't suppose you could tell me if you had, but are you currently thralled by a sin mage? "
  171. [10:21:00] Lotlhuitl asks, "By Xitalli?"
  172. [10:21:00] LOOC - Caesar Valerius: ((sorry, had to afk
  173. [10:21:00] Lotlhuitl asks, "Or.. by the demons?"
  174. [10:21:00] Caesar Valerius says, "Sima Kang..."
  175. [10:21:00] Caesar Valerius asks, "He's alive?"
  176. [10:21:52] Lotlhuitl exclaims, "Apparently so!"
  177. [10:21:52] Lotlhuitl says, "Man. Valmasians.."
  178. [10:21:52] Caesar Valerius says, "Huh."
  179. [10:21:52] Caesar Valerius says, "Fuckin' Aetherius.."
  180. [10:22:43] Rai Yasahiro says, "No. But the one that goes by the name of Mutt now was enscribed by Xitlali's rune. I have not been enthralled.. I don't think anyone wanted to enthrall.. well.. me."
  181. [10:22:43] Lotlhuitl says, "... hm. "
  182. [10:23:34] Caesar Valerius asks, "Oh. Really?"
  183. [10:23:34] Caesar Valerius says, "You know, I have some Xitlalli runes with me."
  184. [10:23:34] Caesar Valerius says, "They'd probably react."
  185. [10:23:34] Lotlhuitl says, "... as do I."
  186. [10:23:34] Caesar Valerius says, "I'm not doing it now, though."
  187. [10:23:34] Lotlhuitl muttered darkly..
  188. (Lotlhuitl)
  189. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  191. [10:23:34] Rai rubbed the back of his neck a moment, embarrassed. "There's.. well there's a bit of a problem with me they think."
  192. (Rai Yasahiro)
  193. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  195. [10:23:34] Lotlhuitl says, "..."
  196. [10:23:34] Lotlhuitl asks, "What's that?"
  197. [10:24:25] Rai 's eyes close a moment before he exhales leaning forward and murmuring.
  198. (Rai Yasahiro)
  199. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  201. [10:24:25] Rai Yasahiro whispers: They think I might be a budding sin.
  202. [10:24:25] Lotlhuitl says, "..."
  203. [10:25:16] Lotlhuitl STARED at Rai.
  204. (Lotlhuitl)
  205. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  207. [10:25:16] Caesar Valerius asks, "What did he say?"
  208. [10:25:16] Lotlhuitl says, "He said he may be a budding sin."
  209. [10:25:16] Rai Yasahiro says, "They think it at least."
  210. [10:25:16] Caesar Valerius asks, "Xitlalli?"
  211. [10:25:16] Lotlhuitl asks, "... and what, Xitlalli's runes wouldn't.. work on you, then?"
  212. [10:25:16] Rai Yasahiro says, "No, she didn't try."
  213. [10:25:16] Lotlhuitl says, "Mnph.."
  214. [10:25:16] Rai Yasahiro says, "She was sold the young boy."
  215. [10:26:08] Lotlhuitl asks, "Sold..?"
  216. [10:26:08] Lotlhuitl asks, "By whom?"
  217. [10:26:08] Caesar Valerius says, "I'm pretty sure they would work on a 'budding sin' or whatever."
  218. [10:26:08] Rai Yasahiro says, "Effigy."
  219. [10:26:08] Lotlhuitl says, "Ah."
  220. [10:26:08] Caesar Valerius says, "Even on a weak sin, actually."
  221. [10:26:08] Lotlhuitl says, "... that's.. troubling.."
  222. [10:26:08] Lotlhuitl says, "I mean.."
  223. [10:26:59] Lotlhuitl asks, "Even after years?"
  224. [10:26:59] Lotlhuitl asks, "There's no way of clearing a sin mark?"
  225. [10:26:59] Caesar Valerius says, "Uh? Yes, there is."
  226. [10:27:50] Caesar Valerius says, "A sin is the epitome of a human emotion."
  227. [10:27:50] Caesar Valerius says, "You can either absorb another one or eventually be cleansed."
  228. [10:28:41] Lotlhuitl says, "Nn.. anyway.."
  229. [10:28:41] Lotlhuitl says, "Let me just repeat this back to you."
  230. [10:28:41] Caesar Valerius says, "Strong-minded people are able to simply turn the mark away."
  231. [10:28:41] Caesar Valerius says, "You see, my armor is coated with Xitlalli's runes and her presence is nowhere near my mind."
  232. [10:28:41] Lotlhuitl says, "In 1462AC you were captured, trying to assist a cylopean child named Osha."
  233. [10:28:41] Caesar Valerius says, "It's still able to enhance my magical capabilities."
  234. [10:29:32] Lotlhuitl says, ".. I see.."
  235. [10:29:32] Rai Yasahiro says, "Trying to assist through capture."
  236. [10:29:32] Lotlhuitl says, "Trying to assist through capture.."
  237. [10:30:24] Caesar Valerius says, "Osha is our enemy."
  238. [10:30:24] Caesar Valerius asks, "Are you aware of that, Rai?"
  239. [10:30:24] Caesar Valerius says, "Don't be fooled by looks."
  240. [10:32:57] Rai's shadows bristle over his form, slowly changing his body's definition, shadows rising like small umbrellas from every pore, covering his form in a small shell of darkness, painted in the likeness of Caesar himself.
  241. (Rai Yasahiro)
  242. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  244. [10:32:57] Caesar Valerius says, "Looks do not fool me, looks mean nothing to the truth of it all. Learn the truth before immediate assumption. Tragedy is our enemy."
  245. [10:33:48] Caesar Valerius says, "No."
  246. [10:33:48] Caesar Valerius says, "Our enemy is GAIAR AETHERIUS."
  247. [10:33:48] Caesar Valerius says, "And Osha is not Gaiar by choice. She is pushed there by force under threat of death."
  248. [10:34:40] Caesar Valerius exclaims, "You have the bad habit of caring for the enemy. While you chose to side with justice, you still try to protect the weak. Can't you see the contradiction, O' Illusionist? If you can't bring yourself to be ruthless, then stop trying to side with justice!"
  249. [10:34:40] Caesar Valerius says, "Anyone aiding Aetherius is our enemy."
  250. [10:35:31] Caesar Valerius says, "After we destroy the city, we can deal with a Cyclops' fate."
  251. [10:35:31] Lotlhuitl says, "Mn.."
  252. [10:35:31] Caesar Valerius says, "Also, you should dissipate that illusion right now."
  253. [10:35:31] Caesar Valerius says, "I don't like people copying me. Despite that, I am able to clearly see through it."
  254. [10:36:22] Caesar puffs more smoke, subsequently inhaling.
  255. (Caesar Valerius)
  256. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  258. [10:36:22] Caesar twitches slightly "But it's so much bet-" the man cracks his neck as the shadows disperse.
  259. (Caesar Valerius)
  260. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  262. [10:38:04] Caesar Valerius says, "You have a sharp tongue and say malicious things at times, but in truth you're just an innocent boy who's always ready to bathe in the mundane pleasures of sin magic."
  263. [10:38:56] Caesar Valerius says, "Be careful when you openly side with the enemy like that."
  264. [10:38:56] Caesar Valerius says, "If you want your sin to prevail, eliminate them."
  265. [10:38:56] Lotlhuitl asks, "... should I put the part about sin magic in my report, Caesar?"
  266. [10:38:56] Lotlhuitl says, "Mn.."
  267. [10:38:56] Caesar Valerius says, "No."
  268. [10:38:56] Lotlhuitl says, "It's not really relevant.."
  269. [10:38:56] Lotlhuitl says, "And a lot of the Jianghuans, they'd get spooked.."
  270. [10:39:47] Caesar Valerius says, "He'd get executed."
  271. [10:39:47] Caesar Valerius says, "And I don't want someone able to help this place to be executed."
  272. [10:40:38] Lotlhuitl flips notepad shut.
  273. (Lotlhuitl)
  274. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  276. [10:40:38] Lotlhuitl says, "I've put all that in a report."
  277. [10:41:29] Lotlhuitl asks, "Caesar, is there a formal plan for what is supposed to happen if someone returns after being captured?"
  278. [10:42:20] Lotlhuitl says, "He could be mind effected. "
  279. [10:42:20] Lotlhuitl says, "I'm not sure how to even begin to check for that."
  280. [10:43:12] Rai Yasahiro says, "I'd say a year locked in a room really affects your mind yeah. To the point where I've simply played with my illusions to the point of creating the entire ardent square within the dungeon along side Misato, who also is free now."
  281. [10:43:12] Lotlhuitl asks, "Misato was captured?"
  282. [10:43:12] Lotlhuitl asks, "... is this common knowledge, Caesar?"
  283. [10:44:03] Caesar Valerius says, "I don't even know who Misato is."
  284. [10:44:03] Rai Yasahiro says, "It was not common knowledge."
  285. [10:44:03] Lotlhuitl says, "Some blonde Nagual.."
  286. [10:44:03] Rai Yasahiro says, "Ucchi and Tao did not even know he was missing"
  287. [10:44:03] Rai Yasahiro says, "No, Drakenite."
  288. [10:44:03] Rai Yasahiro asks, "Wait. misato?"
  289. [10:44:03] Rai Yasahiro says, "Fucking hell brain"
  290. [10:44:03] Lotlhuitl asks, "Oh.. different Misato, huh?"
  291. [10:44:03] Rai knocks himself on the noggin.
  292. (Rai Yasahiro)
  293. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  295. [10:44:54] Rai Yasahiro says, "Masumi"
  296. [10:44:54] Rai Yasahiro says, "Fucking hell.. If I was trapped in a cell with Misato for a year I'd have gone crazy."
  297. [10:45:45] Lotlhuitl says, "Yes, well."
  298. [10:45:45] Rai Yasahiro says, "Masumi, blond drakenite orphan boy, roughly thirteen or fourteen."
  299. [10:47:28] Jizo entered the Coalition watchtower, lighting a cigarette with the aid of a silver lighter. Noticing that there were some members inside, he bowed and bowed.
  301. "Greetings."
  302. (Jizo)
  303. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  305. [10:47:28] Caesar Valerius says, "Greetings."
  306. [10:47:28] Caesar Valerius asks, "Need something?"
  307. [10:47:28] Lotlhuitl says, "Spirits bless."
  308. [10:48:19] Jizo says, "Not in the moment. Thank you for your concern."
  309. [10:50:01] Jizo went to the sofa and sat down. Walking around Agartha was really tiring.
  310. (Jizo)
  311. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  313. [10:50:52] Lotlhuitl says, "Caesar, perhaps a word. "
  314. [10:50:52] Lotlhuitl says, "Just.. briefly. If Rai is thralled by Xitlalli, he quite possibly wouldn't know or be able to tell me."
  315. [10:50:52] Lotlhuitl says, "Perhaps you could inspect him? "
  316. [10:51:44] Lotlhuitl says, "It would be improper if I were to do it."
  317. [10:51:44] Rai Yasahiro says, "She never touched me, but to be sure you can check. She put the rune on the kitsune boy's back."
  318. [10:51:44] Caesar Valerius says, "Runes aren't invisible."
  319. [10:51:44] Caesar Valerius says, "But sure. I will."
  320. [10:52:35] Rai Yasahiro says, "I think she means to check all of myself because of.. you know.. being a male."
  321. [10:52:35] Caesar Valerius says, "Like if I care about that stuff."
  322. [10:52:35] Rai Yasahiro says, "Precisly. It's a matter of inspection."
  323. [10:53:26] Lotlhuitl rolled eyes.
  324. (Lotlhuitl)
  325. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  327. [10:53:26] Lotlhuitl says, "Well, fine. Strip, Rai."
  328. [10:53:26] Caesar Valerius says, "No need to."
  329. [10:53:26] Rai stands and removes his clothing, each article could surely use a wash, each bearing runes of his own making.
  330. (Rai Yasahiro)
  331. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  333. [10:59:24] Caesar immediatly tosses the cigarette away, stepping on it to compress part of the cinders and obviously stop further fires. His yellow gaze is cemented, approaching the green-haired one while shoving the armchairs away.
  335. Subsequently, his own hands reached the flanks of his armor. Disconnecting the shimmering utensil, the Elsyrean was able to remove the artefact in evidence, pointing it towards Rai. His own revealed chest was completely clean, war-enhanced muscles filled with lesser wounds from previous combats, obviously treated.
  337. His blackened chestplate throbbed with green runes, clearly from Xitlalli's lustful mana. Aiming to make things quick, the Chosen's own mana expanded, reacting to the runewriting and somewhat replicating the sin influence. Maybe it would make the room slightly... unnerving, as the power of Lust could be felt from anyone inside.
  339. Not like Caesar cared. His countenance continued stern, not affected at all by the malevolent force, directed towards Rai. If the person in evidence was enthralled or had similar runes written anywhere, they would undoubtedly react.
  341. "Can you feel the putrid power? The absolute, insane and corrupting commands of Sin Magic? Remember-- this is what you're aiming for. You better not regret it afterwards, once you indulge into humanity's secrets."
  343. The white-haired one waited for more natural responses before putting the armor back on.
  344. (Caesar Valerius)
  345. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  347. [11:06:14] Jizo watched the situation rather unusual, trying to understand better what was happening. As he smoked his cigarette, he noticed that Caesar had taken off his armor, showing green runes down his chest. They're talking about something that had to do with the 7 deadly sins. Sin Magic, he said.
  349. As a humble man, who learned magic only for his self-defense, Jizo was beginning to get in touch with heavier things since joining the Coalition, and this was another one.
  351. "I'm sorry for the intrusion, but I couldn't help noticing. Sin Magic, what kind of magic would that be?"
  352. (Jizo)
  353. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  355. [11:12:12] Rai stood behind the chair for modesty, thankfully. The only thing he wore was his shadow, the black mass snaking over his form like a living entity created solely by his mind's desire to not be just himself. Why did everyone else receive power, he could do it so much better if he were in their shoes.
  357. The man's own power wasn't affected by the runic eminence, he had felt that aura once before, and by luck of 'rarity', he was not chosen over the kitsune. His body free of blemishes marks and scars. His figure was decent, a part time farmhand with a perchance for artistic endevors, lean nearing fit.
  359. "Sin.. A puddle becomes a lake becomes an ocean. You drink until you drown and hope that the day you drown that you've made an impact on those beneath it's waves. Regret only turning away from a path once you set down it."
  360. (Rai Yasahiro)
  361. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  363. [11:14:46] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (Caesar just told me he DC'd..)
  364. [11:14:46] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (>.>)
  365. [11:14:46] LOOC - Rai Yasahiro: (good thing I'm not on private)
  366. [11:15:37] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (I'm just finding out how long he's gonna be)
  367. [11:19:53] LOOC - Rai Yasahiro: (YOu know.. if I do get envy, I wonder what would happen if I envied someone during FF, would I get their ability until FF was turned off or would it be perminant until an RPB ended? o.O)
  368. [11:20:44] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (sadly it looks like he modem busted)
  369. [11:20:44] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (so he might be a while)
  370. [11:20:44] LOOC - Rai Yasahiro: (oh fuk)
  371. [11:21:36] LOOC - Rai Yasahiro: (I got time)
  372. [11:21:36] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (I'm just gonna post)
  373. [11:24:09] LOOC - Jizo: (he'll rellog)
  374. [11:25:00] LOOC - Jizo: (i think)
  375. [11:25:00] LOOC - Jizo: (His internet dropped, he just told me)
  376. [11:25:00] "W-wait--"
  378. Corruption.
  380. Lothuitl grit her teeth, her eyes widening as she STARED at Caesar. The Nagual's body was entirely tense. A rune at her hip flickered. Bright green! Indeed, the spiralling sun appeared to move as her fellow Chosen of the Coalition held out his breastplate.
  382. "Nngh.." Lotlhuitl groaned, fingers pressing against the rune.
  384. Damn Caesar. How had he got hold of so much of Xitlalli's work? Fury blossomed within the Nagual as the rune at her hip glowed distinctly bright green.
  386. "Damn it, Caesar! A bit of warning, perhaps."
  388. The Nagual was displeased. Her gaze taking on a mirror-like quality as she continued to stare at the younger man. When, suddenly, the rune beneath her fingers FLARED and SPARKED beneath her fingers. Her own mana reacting violently to the corruption in the air in the form of some distinct electrical displays.
  390. Fuck. It just wasn't fair. How come Caesar had better equipment than her? They were the same damn rank. Hell, she was Xoconan's damned wife.
  392. The green turned distinctly pale, wan.. Almost a pale, wanting imitation of the colour it had been before.
  394. And then?
  396. The old, harmless rune which Xitlalli had given her once was gone.
  398. Seemingly burnt up.
  400. Lotlhuitl raised her gauntleted hand, looking at her fingertips for a moment before visibly inspecting her now unblemished hip.
  402. Well.
  404. Lotlhuitl stood SUDDENLY. Her rich brown skin having taken on a distinctly ashen appearance.
  406. What was Sin Magic? "Sin Magic? A curse." Lotlhuitl's jaw had tensed, her tail flicking violently back and forth. She thought of Xomac. She thought of Noa. She thought of Xitlalli. She.. thought of Dmex.
  408. "Sin Magic is everything Caesar said." She agreed, her voice quiet. "It twists people into forces of nature."
  409. (Lotlhuitl)
  410. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  412. [11:27:34] Lotlhuitl 's staff also glowed bright green, by the way. More of Xitlalli's runes.. Gosh, it looked like the Cruxati runescribe was carrying a *lot* of Xitlalli's stuff on her..
  413. (Lotlhuitl)
  414. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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