
F1 AIE Chapter 16

Jul 10th, 2012
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  1. F1 Anon In Equestria Chapter 16
  4. >It's now the morning after Pinkies victory party.
  5. >Well, afternoon really.
  6. >The library is a mess. Cloudsdale Weather banners and other random shit litter the floor.
  7. >You are in your bed still sleeping, even though somep0ny ended up spilling some kind of red wine on it last night.
  8. >Giant red splotch at the foot of the bed.
  9. >You would've cared, but after 4 hours of a Pinkie Pie party ON TOP OF everything else that happened yesterday, there were no spare fucks lying around anywhere.
  10. >At the stroke of 1:00 PM, your eyes finally decide to pry open. Awesome, you slept through half of the day.
  11. >Why is it that beds are so goddamn comfortable when you wake up?
  12. >You feel like you could lay in here forever. You want to at least.
  13. >This soft thing you're spooning at the moment just makes it even more comfortable.
  14. >Wait. Soft thing? SPOONING!?
  15. >Suddenly panicking out of your mind, you frantically flip your comforter away to reveal...
  16. >Another one of your pillows.
  17. >Hooooooooly shit. Okay, breathe. Breathe.
  18. >You flop back down from your sitting position, deciding at the same time that 2 more hours of sleep doesn't seem like such a bad idea.
  20. >Right as soon as you decide that, your door swings open.
  21. >TS: "Hey Anon."
  22. "Yeah?" You say in a slightly annoyed tone.
  23. >TS: "You up?"
  24. >Really?
  25. "No."
  26. >TS: "Then why are you-? Nevermind. We need help cleaning up this place. Come on."
  27. >You might as well. It's not like shes given you a home your whole time in Equestria.
  28. "Sure. Gimme a sec to get dressed."
  29. >You flip the comforter away again, toss the pillow across the room, sit up, and head towards your closet.
  30. >RD: "Hurry up you slow ass piece of shit!" Dash yells from the other room.
  31. >Rainbow's up too, and back to her old self it sounds like. Cool.
  32. >It doesn't have to be awkward as fuck now apparently.
  33. "Did you really just call ME slow? Who finished fourth yesterday?" You say with a shirt over your head.
  34. >Dash pokes her head through your door.
  35. >RD: "Come say that to my face. Right now."
  36. "Later. Getting dressed."
  38. >Now fully clothed, you exit your room entering an utterly destroyed library. Like holy shit.
  39. >Not structurally destroyed, no. There is just stuff everywhere. Cups, streamers, spilled snacks.
  40. >Must have been an awesome party.
  42. >TS: "There you are. Go ahead and just start picking things up off the floor."
  43. >And you do just that, getting as much as you can in your arms and heading over to the trashcan.
  44. >Twilight is using her magic to clean up the stains from spilled drinks.
  45. >Rainbow is walking around grabbing up all the banners and streamers from the walls.
  46. "Hey no wheelchair! Back feeling better eh?"
  47. >RD: "Yeah! I can walk without any problem now. Just needed a good nights sleep I guess. Still hurts to fly for more than 5 seconds though."
  48. "It's improving at least."
  49. >RD: "Feels like it. Here, hold these for a second."
  50. >She drops her pile of banners and streamers into your arms, then walks away.
  51. "Wait, what? Where are you going?"
  52. >RD: "What? Why are you just standing there? Throw that shit away." She says, giving you a sly smile.
  53. >Oh you sneaky little...
  55. >An hour later, you three have finished cleaning up the entire library. The place looks spotless now.
  56. >TS: "Thanks guys. This would've taken forever to do by myself. How does lunch sound right now?"
  57. "Amazing."
  58. >TS: "Be right back, I'll go fix something up for us."
  59. >Twilight heads off into the kitchen, Dash then looks up to you as you both head to the dining room table.
  60. >RD: "Crazy party eh?"
  61. "Yeah, Pinkie is scary with that cannon of hers. Pulling it out of fucking nowhere, seriously, the fuck?"
  62. >RD: "HA! That's Pinkie for ya."
  64. "You seem a little too normal right now concerning what we went through last night."
  65. >RD: "What part of last night? The train ride home?"
  66. "Yep. That part."
  67. >The both of you take your seats at the table.
  68. >RD: "Anon, listen. Just because I happened to confess my feelings for you doesn't mean I'm going to act any different from now on. We're adults, this isn't high school."
  69. >Makes sense. This next week all of a sudden doesn't seem like its going to be as long anymore.
  70. >RD: "I know that it was awkward as shit last night. But that was mainly because you didn't say a damn word for 30 minutes after we got on the train."
  71. "Well yeah. What about you're nervous stuttering? You even said "I was gonna say I like you" Like it was a question."
  72. >RD: "Of course I was a nervous wreck at first! Anyp0ny is when you're about to say you like someone to their face. But during the party I decided: You know what, Im not gonna act like Fluttershy for the next two weeks. I'm gonna be like the way I've always been."
  73. "I'm perfectly fine with that."
  74. >RD: "I knew you would be."
  75. >Twilight then comes back with some delicious looking salads for the three of you, along with a rolled up poster.
  78. >Using her magic she levitates each of you your plates. All while unraveling the poster on the table.
  79. >TS: "Look familiar?"
  80. >Both you and Rainbow bring yourselves closer to the center of the table in order to get a better view.
  82. >RD: "Is that the next circuit?"
  83. "Looks like it."
  84. >TS: "Yes, This is the map of the Fillydelphia Street Circuit. Felt like this would be the best time to study it and get ourselves ready."
  85. >RD: "Looks fast as hell."
  86. >You have no fucking idea Dash.
  87. >At the end of that straightaway before turn 12. Speeds can reach 208 MPH. Yeah.
  88. >Those speeds combined with the fact that the walls are right at the edge of the track at most places create a fast, tight, and even more hectic race.
  89. >It's no Monaco, But fuck is it still challenging. Every corner except 2, 6, and 10 are fast corners.
  90. >Yes, turns 12 and 13 are fast. Even though that's a chicane, the car is capable of going through there at triple digit speeds.
  91. >Whatever you do going through that corner, don't look straight ahead. You will shit yourself.
  92. >There is a wall there, not a runoff area, a solid fucking wall. You fuck up that chicane and your car wont have four wheels anymore.
  94. >TS: "The DRS detection zone is right here before the hairpin, the activation line right after at the beginning of the back stretch. Making the hairpin and backstretch the two prime overtaking spots on the track."
  95. >She says as she points to those spots on the map.
  96. >RD: "Question. If you're behind someone at the detection line and then pass them going through the hairpin, does that mean we still get DRS at the activation line even though we're ahead of em?"
  97. >TS: "Yeah. You should."
  98. "I've done that before, Its hilarious."
  99. >TS: "Also, The circuit is a tad bit shorter in length so there are 70 laps this time around. I was thinking for tire strategy we would go ahead and do Options at first, then Primes the rest of the way."
  100. "Sounfds gud." You say with a full mouth of food.
  101. >RD: "Any good tips from the F1 master himself?" Dash says looking to you, resting her head on a hoof.
  102. "Keep your eyes on the road here."
  103. >RD: "Well no shit." She says, rolling her eyes.
  104. "No, I'm serious." You say, pointing your fork at her. "Don't look at the walls unless you wanna hit em. There is barely any room for error here."
  105. >RD: "Alright, Ill take your word for it. *sigh* Well now I'm bored. What do you guys wanna do?"
  106. >TS: "I dunno."
  107. >Hmm...
  108. >Idea. You just got one.
  109. "How quickly can you get into contact with Celestia?" You say looking to Twilight.
  110. >TS: "A few minutes, why?"
  112. One hour later.
  115. >RD: "*Cant catch me!*"
  116. "*Bullshit I can't!*" You reply shifting to seventh gear.
  117. >You two are flying down the backstretch of P0nyville Circuit well above 200 mph. Racing for the hell of it.
  118. >Because you fucking can.
  119. >You told Celestia that the team needed to do some "Research and Development." That's how you were able to get your cars teleported back here.
  120. >But yeah, there's none of that happening right now. Just straight up balls-to-the-wall one-on-one racing.
  121. >You couldn't believe what kind of challenge Dash put into place before you two drove out.
  122. >She said "10 lap race, loser buys drinks tonight!"
  123. >That was your old teammates challenge EVERY weekend. Heh, good times.
  124. >But now there are two laps to go, and shes well ahead of you.
  125. >You're not losing this challenge this time.
  126. >Directly behind Dash in her slipstream, DRS and KERS engaged, you hit 219 MPH heading to the braking point of turn one.
  127. >Oh yeah. The cars are set up properly for the track this time around. High speed, low downforce.
  128. >You brake late, but its only enough to get just a bit closer to Rainbow. Not enough to pass.
  130. >Both machines scream through the sweeping right of turn 2, Dash just ahead of you heading into turn 3.
  131. >You quickly jink left, looking inside of her coming towards the second chicane. But immediately get back behind her. Not overtaking yet.
  132. >You stay right behind her like a nagging mother through turns 4, 5, and 6. Never letting up.
  133. >Now's your chance.
  134. >You plow through turn 7 using every bit of track available to keep your momentum up.
  135. >It works, and you're now gaining ground on your teammate.
  136. >She veers right to block, So you go left to keep yourself from slowing down, successfully getting on the outside of her.
  137. >You two are side by side for a few moments speeding in excess of 205 mph.
  138. >DRS and KERS are engaged as you fly down the backstretch slowly getting ahead of Rainbow.
  139. >Thinking you've cleared her, You begin to veer right to get ready for Curva Parabolica.
  140. >Just as you do, a jolt rocks you in your seat.
  141. >Suddenly you're spinning down the backstretch uncontrollably at an insane speed. You see Dash's car also going sideways down the racing surface beside you.
  142. >You two just fucking crashed into each other. Good job you dipshit.
  143. >Entering the gravel pit backwards, bouncing violently, you come to a stop just before you cream the ARMCO barrier. That was close.
  144. >Dash grinds to a halt right beside you almost making contact with your left sidepod. You look to your left and you two are face to face. Shes close enough that you could reach out and touch her car.
  145. >You both kill your respective engines, open up your helmet visors, and at the same time yell.
  150. >Accident loosely based off of this one:
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