Guest User


a guest
Nov 25th, 2014
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  1. command /about [<offline player>]:
  2. trigger:
  3. if {firstlogin.%argument 1%} is not set:
  4. send "{@Logo} &cPlayer &f'&e%argument 1%&f' &chas never logged on the server!"
  5. stop
  6. else:
  7. set {_about} to argument 1
  8. if {_about} is "Brodlum":
  9. send "&7Player &cBrodlum &7is not welcome on the server. &8[&cBanned&8]"
  10. stop
  11. if {_about} is "ThnxCya":
  12. send "&7Player &5ThnxCya &7is the server owner! &d[&5Owner&d] &e"
  13. stop
  14. if {_about} is "ProSilverLight":
  15. send "&7Player &3ProSilverLight &7is the Head Admin! &5[&3Head&b-&3Admin&5]"
  16. stop
  17. if argument 1 is not online:
  18. send "{@Logo} &cPlayer &f''&e%argument 1%&f'' &cis not online!"
  19. stop
  20. if {_about} has permission "TC.Admin":
  21. send "&7Player &a%{_about}% &7is an Administrator! &2[&aAdmin&2]"
  22. stop
  23. if {_about} has permission "TC.Mod":
  24. send "&7Player &9%{_about}% &7is a moderator! &9[Mod]"
  25. stop
  26. if {_about} has permission "TC.Helper":
  27. send "&7Player &3%{_about}% &7is a Helper! &b[&3Helper&b]"
  28. stop
  29. if {_about} has permission "TC.Retired":
  30. send "&7Player &c%{_about}% &7is a retired staff member! &4[&cRetired&4]"
  31. stop
  32. if {_about} has permission "TC.MegaVIP":
  33. send "&7Player &6%{_about}% &7is a MegaVIP! &e[&6MegaVIP&e] &f($50.00 USD)"
  34. stop
  35. if {_about} has permission "TC.SuperVIP":
  36. send "&7Player &4%{_about}% &7is a SuperVIP! &c[&4SuperVIP&c] &f($25.00 USD)"
  37. stop
  38. if {_about} has permission "TC.VIP":
  39. send "&7Player &1%{_about}% &7is a VIP! &9[&bVIP&9] &f($10.00 USD)"
  40. stop
  41. if {_about} has permission "TC.Default":
  42. send "&7Player &f%{_about}% &7is a default player! &8[&7Member&8]"
  43. stop
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