

Mar 4th, 2018
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  1. **4th Anniversary Stream Announcements**
  2. - Double XP/RP Promotion
  3. - 1 Sunstone added to Arcarum
  4. - Grimnir Preview:
  5. - Shiva-tier raids feature 80-90% off-element reduction and have HL DEF
  6. - Grimnir raid will feature AoE auto-attacks >50% HP, High DMG single target <50%, local DATA up buffs and an all-ele crit field effect
  7. - Triggers ignore Paralysis
  8. - New stickers and voiced Dragon Knight CD stickers
  9. - Shiva, Grimnir, Alexiel and Europa raids coming on the 10th
  10. - Metatron/Avatar raids coming on the 22nd
  11. - Magna HL clears are pre-requisite
  12. - New weapons (see album)
  13. - 5* Magna weapons on the 10th
  14. - 5* Chev Sword + Celeste Claw on the 22nd
  15. - 5* weapons go up to SL20
  16. - Magna summon FLBs coming on the 10th (check album for calls)
  17. - Celeste and Chevalier FLBs coming on the 22nd
  18. - EX Character EMPs coming on the 10th, they are random and require special rings
  19. - Random loot from Arcarum
  20. - Blue chests coming in Magna HL, Magna II raids and Grande
  21. - New Ultima Core coming on the 10th
  22. - Dimension Halo being changed to a guaranteed transform with GW character in your party
  23. - UI overhaul
  24. - Trophy exclusive weapons
  25. - Seasonal character surprise ticket coming (paid, don't let others fool you)
  26. - New anniversary skins for Altair and Heles
  27. - Rank cap increased to 225
  28. - Solo Ultimate Bahamut for rank up quest (lol)
  29. - Arcarum Updates on the 22nd
  30. - EX Arcarum + Weapons
  31. - EX will be in a different location
  32. - The weapons are obtained as drops, implemented for new players
  33. - FLB Arcarum summons
  34. - Completely new auras
  35. - EXII Job classes
  36. - Will have 3 empty slots like TIV
  37. - Nekomancer as Mystic II
  38. - The Glory as Sword Master II
  39. - Requires the corresponding CCW element-changed
  40. - Old EX classes are getting new EMP skills
  41. - NH/Apsaras/CR getting new EMP abilites
  42. - Xeno Corow weapon is Sword
  43. - Narumeia's arc will end in April
  44. - New items in the Gold Moon shop
  45. - 5* 100 Gold Moon weapons
  46. - Side Stories
  47. - What Makes The Sky Blue Pt. 1 added as side story on the 10th (no third Baha claw)
  48. - 1st Barawa vs Chat Noir event added as Side Story
  49. - SideM added as Side Story
  50. - Eternal skins coming
  51. - New collaboration events: Detective Conan, Persona 5
  52. - New GranFest on Dec 2018
  53. - Summer Fest: June/July in Osaka etc
  54. - CD News:
  55. - Over The Sky featuring Gran/Djeeta/Lyria/Vyrn with Vyrn stickers
  56. - Narumeia CD coming with Narumeia skin
  57. - Coming on 5/2
  58. - April Fools Vee-kun CD coming
  59. - Granblue Graphic Archive IV coming
  60. - Anime re-run coming (should include Sky Compass promo)
  61. - Granblue cafe collaboration (IRL)
  62. - Re-run of the McDonald's collab
  63. - Free Roll Roulette teased
  65. **Freebies**
  66. - 3000 + (3000 viewer) crystals
  67. - 1 Damascus Brick
  68. - Gold XP Book
  69. - Gold Moon
  70. - 1 Silver Centrum
  71. - 5 Single Pull Tickets
  72. - 100 Half Elixirs
  73. - 200 Soul Berries
  74. - 10 Supreme Merits
  75. - 10 Champion Merits
  76. - 10 Full Elixirs
  78. Shiva weapon Ougi: TA rate up + DATA rate down on foe
  79. Clarity
  80. Fist type char ATK up
  81. Sword: ATK + DA/HP MID
  82. Spear: ATK mid / small TA up
  84. Europa
  85. Staff: Staff char ATK up + Water char Ougi Cap up
  86. Bow: Renbu
  87. Harp: ATK mid/ Ougi + Ougi Cap mid up
  88. Dagger: same as Europa Staff
  90. Alex
  91. Sword: ATK large/ Counter + HP up
  92. Axe is Stamina mid + large Crit
  94. Grimnir
  95. Wind Harp: Stamina mid + Crit large
  97. Metatron
  98. Claw = Bad (thx Mesh)
  99. Dagger = Enmity
  100. Bow = Stamina mid / Counter + Crit mid
  102. Avatar
  103. Dark Axe = Enmity/Counter Crit
  104. Dark Gun = ATK / DA + Crit
  105. Dark Staff = Herma
  107. FLB Magna
  108. 120% (110% when used as support)
  109. Tiamat's call: Team Mirror Image
  110. Colossus call: Team 1500 Barrier
  111. Leviathan call: Team Water Atk up mid
  112. Yggdrasil: RNG Team buff
  113. Chevalier: Team Light ATK up mid
  114. Celeste: AoE Blind
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