
Gurashi's Accidental Cruelty

Jul 31st, 2021 (edited)
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  1. <-- earlier Gurashi was handing out desserts to people and they gave a pale moon macaroon cookie to Calfuray not really considering the whole 'ousted Serenwilder/Moonchilde' thin :') Big ouch. Found the cookie later but were like "oh guess she was not hungry". I literally didn't even think about it OOC XD Some time later...
  3. <-- Gurashi summoned flock of miracles, sad Rhapsody/Lantra song
  5. A flock of white doves wing high above the city, singing rhapsodic praise down upon the inhabitants before fading into the clouds.
  7. The Voice of Rhapsody says, "This was the last song I sang while living, the night that I severed My Voice to protect all I loved from Zenos. This was the last song I wrote for the Light of My Soul... My beloved Lantra, the White."
  8. The air grows gentle with a bittersweet tenderness as the music quiets, the Voice of Rhapsody radiating a sense of abject sorrow, love and joy at once that blesses you with its strength.
  10. You have emoted: Gurashi's mouth moves along with the lyrics in silence, indicating this as a song they have heard many a time before.
  12. You close your eyes and inhale deeply, absorbing the scent of your surroundings.
  14. You let loose a long breath from your lungs, exhaling slowly.
  16. (Celest): You say, "Many thank yous."
  18. Alarin Rian says, "Thank you, Witness."
  20. You have emoted: Gurashi reaches up to discreetly wipe at the corner of their eye, nodding.
  22. Thaldorn Thornfist, the White says, "...what he said."
  24. In an airy, melodic voice, you say, "Yes yes. Many thank yous for coming."
  26. Calfuray smiles sadly, a wistful look in her eyes.
  28. Alarin stands at attention and gives a crisp salute with their furry right paw.
  30. Thaldorn Thornfist, the White gives the world a smart salute.
  32. You have emoted: Gurashi smiles weakly.
  34. Alarin touches a transplanar cubix, which begins to click and whir. Through a complex series of shifting shapes and patterns, it unfolds into a sheet that improbably wraps around Alarin and folds back up until nothing remains.
  35. With a sharp salute, Thaldorn Thornfist, the White strides out to the ether. The steady clanking of his armour can still be heard as he departs.
  37. You see the following people here:
  38. Calfuray, Gurashi.
  40. You have emoted: Gurashi frowns a little, glancing towards Calfuray before offering a sheepish, "Ah, uhm. How are you doing this evening?"
  42. Avoiding eye contact, Calfuray stands up, her head slightly hunched. "I.. I had worse. And many betters. Thank you for inviting me..."
  44. You have emoted: Gurashi flaps their wings, one arm folding behind their back, the other scratching at their chin. They frown. "Oh - ahm, thank you for coming..."
  46. You tilt your head, gaze softening as you frown.
  48. Calfuray touches a moonhart cubix of the seasons, which begins to click and whir. Through a complex series of shifting shapes and patterns, it unfolds into a sheet that improbably wraps around Calfuray and folds back up until nothing remains.
  50. You blink.
  52. Your melodic voice sings into Oathsworn Calfuray, Avower of the Archons's mind, "Are you O-K? Am sorry - should have warned the Rhapsody's song is a little sad, yes. Sweetly sad."
  54. Calfuray tells you, "I am... I am going through a lot these passing months. A lot of emotional damage on my everything. But thank you for asking."
  56. Your melodic voice sings into Oathsworn Calfuray, Avower of the Archons's mind, "... *a morose swirl of pastel colors* Can do anythings to helps you? Or, is abouts all of the everythings that have been going on...?"
  58. Calfuray tells you, "The endless attacks from those I now call allies, even as I fight and bleed and do everything I can..."
  60. Your melodic voice sings into Oathsworn Calfuray, Avower of the Archons's mind, "... *a swell of confusion* A-attacks?"
  62. Golden shades radiate from your chest and your heart beats faster with newly-appeared determination.
  64. Your melodic voice sings into Oathsworn Calfuray, Avower of the Archons's mind, "If peoples are hitting you with sticks or even words you should reports it yes, that is simply not permitted. We are only stronglier to-gether, working to-gether."
  66. Your melodic voice sings into Oathsworn Calfuray, Avower of the Archons's mind, "If can helps you, yes - helps you bleeds a little less, please lets me know, yes. It will be O-K."
  68. Calfuray tells you, "You don't even know what you did, do you?"
  70. Your melodic voice sings into Oathsworn Calfuray, Avower of the Archons's mind, "*immediately, there is an iciness, a jarring sense of confusion and disbelief* I --."
  72. Your melodic voice sings into Oathsworn Calfuray, Avower of the Archons's mind, "Did? What I did? I-is this because I was a rockashi??? I promise I was not doing anything with intentions to harms the Lady of Lagoons, I swears with all my hearts of hearts! I wants Her to be better and safely too, really really!!"
  74. Your melodic voice sings into Oathsworn Calfuray, Avower of the Archons's mind, "O-or somethings else? *a nervous thrum, color dimming*."
  76. Calfuray tells you, "You hide behind your wall of niceness, and then you spy on my sisters, discredit them, discredit MY LOVE... And then... You... YOU GIVE ME A HECKING MOON COOKIE???"
  78. Your melodic voice sings into Oathsworn Calfuray, Avower of the Archons's mind, "........ *silence*."
  80. Your melodic voice sings into Oathsworn Calfuray, Avower of the Archons's mind, ".... *some small amount of consideration - you can practically hear the mathematical gears within their head turning*."
  82. Calfuray tells you, "AFTER I WAS KICKED OUT OF THE HOME I GREW UP IN???"
  84. You blanch suddenly.
  86. Your melodic voice sings into Oathsworn Calfuray, Avower of the Archons's mind, "....*a sense of horror* T-the macaroons....."
  88. Your melodic voice sings into Oathsworn Calfuray, Avower of the Archons's mind, "*from wherever it is they stand, you can practically hear the high-pitched shriek they elicit all the way in the aetherways - or, perhaps it is just in the back of your mind*."
  90. Your melodic voice sings into Oathsworn Calfuray, Avower of the Archons's mind, "M-m-m-m-miss C-Calf-furraaaAAAAY--! I-I--."
  92. You think to yourself: *a sense of disbelief, shock - how could they be so oblivious?? so careless? in all of their efforts to protect the city they'd failed to notice something so painfully obvious - even with all their distrust how could they have been so inconsiderate??*.
  94. Calfuray tells you, "No. No. I am calm. The barrier protects the reef. But I do not wish to talk to you until my storm calms."
  96. You think to yourself: *their heart sinks like a stone, right into their stomach*.
  98. Your melodic voice sings into Oathsworn Calfuray, Avower of the Archons's mind, "*they sound so frantic it is almost hard to pick out the words amongst the colorful chaos and noise* I-I am so sorry! I am, the sorriest - I, am - it - it was... I am sorry... I-I understand! I u-understands if you h-hates me! But I promise it--."
  100. You stare ahead, looking utterly wounded.
  102. Your melodic voice sings into Oathsworn Calfuray, Avower of the Archons's mind, "*they grow quiet* O-K. Am so sorry. S-stay goodly! And k-kind."
  104. Calfuray tells you, "We shall see. Goodbye for now, witness."
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