

Jun 25th, 2017
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  1. < AXIS - BASIC INFO >
  3. —full name: song hwanjung (송환정)
  4. —english name: haden song
  5. —nickname(s):
  6. ◦ hwannie — by his twin brother
  7. ◦ shy song
  8. ◦ prince song #1
  9. ◦ flower boy hwanjung
  12. —dob (date of birth): september 1, 1996
  13. —age: 19
  15. —nationality: british
  16. —ethnicity: korean
  18. —faceclaim: shin from cross gene
  19. —backup faceclaim: kwangmin of boyfriend
  21. < MARS - MORE DETAIL >
  23. —slot: the awkward cutie
  24. —backup slot: the wallflower
  26. —personality description:
  27. ◦ since he was a child, hwanjung has been incredibly shy. unlike his brother he isn't good at holding a smooth conversation, or even talk without (metaphorically) tripping over his words. he has slight social anxiety, but instead of freaking out and having a panic attack, he rather starts to feel very uncomfortable when out through too much social interaction. due to his brother being very talkative (and basically everything he isn't) he is able to experience relief from having to talk, his brother often speaking up for him because he understands how hard it is for hwan to talk in front of strangers, or even to strangers.
  28. ◦ another factor that makes hwanjung a polar opposite from his twin is his innocence. he doesn't really get dirty jokes, but when he does you can expect his face (and he tips of his ears) to be deep red with embarrassment. he gets super uncomfortable when watching girl groups (even boy groups) acting sexy, unsure if he should look away or continue to stare. the other members often tease him for his innocence (the members being mostly sam, jae, aki, and jiyoung). however his innocence adds to his cuteness and makes him one of the babies of the group, despite being a part of the hyung line.
  29. ◦ due to his shyness, when dealing with the attention of others, be often also becomes very awkward (on top of uncomfortable). he isn't quick witted like his brother at all, and is often left looking like a fish out of water when trying to come up with a fast remark. he often stutters when he speaks, or has to muster up enough courage to get a full sentence out with any mistakes. he's the type of person to say "you too" when the waiter tells him to enjoy his meal. his words often end up making the other members cringe because he has no way with words. the same cannot be said with rapping though, rapping gives him a confidence he isn't able to tap into normally. rapping adds another dynamic to him, and lets him express himself in ways he would normally struggle to do. rapping brings him joy, and beings praised for his rapping helps raise his self-esteem, even if he tends to be harsh on his rapping.
  30. ◦ hwanjung's personality is very flawed in his opinion. he has to be pushed to do things like aegyo, which honestly doesn't take much pushing bc he is pushover (he isn't good at defending himself or even being stubborn in that case), but when he is pushed he tends to (try to) go all out, even if it means becoming extremely embarrassed or exposing his members to secondhand embarrassment. his self-esteem is very low due to his lack of social skills, however he fits in with the group. his cute yet embarrassing ways add to the group dynamic. fans love him unconditionally, and so do his members. he is extremely thankful for his members, because they also contributed to helping him come out of his shell (which he has come far since childhood, even if it's hard to tell). because of axis he was not only able to showcase his talents to the world, but was also to able become comfortable around people that were direct family, and later consider them so.
  32. —birthplace: manchester, england
  33. —hometown: manchester, england
  35. —background:
  36. ◦ hwanjung was born song hwanjung (송환정), with the english name hayden song, in manchester england to two korean parents. his mother is a native of england, while his father was born and raised in south korea, moving to england for medical school. hwanjung and his younger brother (by 5 minutes) accounted for 2% of east asians in great britain, only 40,000 being korean. being a part of a very small minority caused the two boys to grow up alienated from the majority of citizens. hwanjung in particular couldn't seem to understand why he was different, and it didn't seem to help that he had trouble making friends, his shyness making him feel even more alienated then his brother. he often also felt inferior to his twin, but never felt jealous. his brother was more outgoing, and in hwanjung's opinion more attractive then him. hwanjae often had girls confessing to him in school, and more people coming up to talk to him while hwanjung, shy and scared to talk, sat by while his brother made a lasting impression on his classmates. however despite feeling inferior to his brother, his is thankful for his twin, because his twin stayed next with him and helped him feel comfortable in unfamiliar places, his brother always being an anchor for him. thanks to his brother he was able to come out of his shell a bit, although he didn't rid himself from his shyness, but rather was able to become comfortable around people that weren't family.
  37. ◦ due to being very shy and unable to talk to others, hwanjung found a way to express himself through music. at first he was just listening to it, but then he wanted to get involved with it. he told his brother about it, and his brother, seeing how passionate he was, told their parents how hwanjung wanted to get into music. his parents agreed, hoping that music would help hwanjung come out of his shell. he started taking piano lessons, and writing songs that expressed his daily emotions or things he felt strongly about. unexpectedly hwanjung found a stronger passion in rapping than singing. he practiced rap constantly, becoming in love with the flow and beauty that rap held, as cheesy as it sounds. he even surprised his brother with his skills, making hwanjae very encouraging and even jealous of his skills. hwanjae, after barely any convincing, got pushover hwanjung to teach him how to play the piano and rap. hwanjung enjoyed teaching his brother for it made him feel accomplished and proud enough of his practice for his younger twin to want to learn piano and rap. hwanjung (and eventually hwanjae) found a deep love for music, and wanted to pursue a career in it, but didn't know how to. his twin brother mentioned going to korea, where their roots reside, because korea was becoming well known for their music industry. hwanjung, at first, was frightened by the idea; he didn't want to go to a foreign place. however seeing his twin so excited and eager about the idea, he warmed up to it, simply because he didn't want to see his brother sad.
  38. ◦ at the age of 15, the two left for korea in hopes to pursue a career in music (aka fulfill a dream). the twin's parents were very against it at first, but once they saw their children's determination and passion, they agreed not wanting their children's dreams to be held back by them. the two first tried out for jyp entertainment, however much to hwanjung's disappointment and sadness only hwanjae made it in. hwanjung became incredibly hurt, mostly because this was his dream and he knew deep down that he wanted this way more than his brother. to make it worse his brother made it in with skills that hwanjung taught him, making hwanjung put himself down and tell himself that he wasn't good enough. however he didn't want to hold hwanjae back, and told his brother he should stay with jyp. hwanjae, not dealing with anyone's shit, refused because the day he abandons his brother is the day that the devil walks the earth. so hwanjae didn't sign with jyp, telling the company that he would not be away from his brother, because he wanted them to debut together. hwanjung felt immense happiness and love for his brother, but also felt guilt from holding back his brother from his dream, even if it pained him to see his brother do great things without him. however hwanjae wouldn't go without hwanjung, and the two auditioned for leon entertainment, where they both made it as trainees.
  41. —languages spoken:
  42. ◦ english — fluent
  43. ◦ korean — fluent
  45. —family members:
  46. ◦ song haneul / dr. james song, father, dentist, 3
  47. — since there father was a dentist, he was often very busy with work and never really had time to spend with his children. he wasn't a bad father, and still took care of his children by providing them with many thing via his job. he still patented his children properly, but his impact wasn't as strong as their mother's was, who was around more often.
  48. ◦ song sujin / stephanie song, mother, florist/shop owner, 4.5
  49. — their mother was very present in their life. after the children got out of school, they would come to the flower shop that their mother owned and help her. they were with their mother all the time if not at school or at practice. she was always there for them and often gave them guidance. she took them to all of their practices and made time for them because she knew their father couldn't.
  50. ◦ song hwanjae / hanes song, twin brother, idol, 1000
  51. — the twins are incredibly close, whether it be because they are twins or that they spend every day together. despite their difference they understand each other. they can rely on each other and go to each other for any of their problems. hwanjung is extremely grateful for his brother, and admits that his brother is his best friend. without his brother he would have struggled a lot more throughout school, and probably would have never become a part of axis. hwanjae is hwanjung's rock; he provides hwanjung with strength and comfort when he needs it, and stands up for hwanjung when hwanjung can't do it himself.
  53. —habits:
  54. ◦ he has a bad habit of twirling his hair
  55. ◦ when he is nervous he twirls his hair more vigorously
  56. ◦ he tends to run his hands over each other
  57. ◦ whenever he is thinking he sticks out his tongue a bit
  59. —hobbies:
  60. ◦ writing lyrics
  61. ◦ playing cooking mama or animal crossing on his 3ds xl
  62. ◦ cooking — hwanjae always praises his cooking, but he doesn't think it to be decent
  63. ◦ watching old, b&w, classical movies
  65. —likes:
  66. ◦ bubble tea
  67. ◦ sushi
  68. ◦ rainy weather — it reminds him of home
  69. ◦ long car rides — he claims it lets him see the world, but he always falls asleep
  70. ◦ naps — he loves naps, and naps as much as possible
  71. ◦ teenage mutant ninja turtles
  72. ◦ playing the piano
  73. ◦ stretching — he loves he relaxing burn of stretching. it helps him calm down.
  74. ◦ superheroes — his favorite superhero is song hwanjae (': (jk it's captain america because they are both super awkward)
  75. ◦ comic books
  76. ◦ sleeping
  79. —dislikes:
  80. ◦ boats
  81. ◦ chocolate — his brother loves chocolate, as if he couldn't be any more different from his brother
  82. ◦ once direction — being from england they were a big thing when he was 13 and it was really annoying going anywhere and all you heard about was them
  83. ◦ ghosts
  84. ◦ clowns — clowns are his biggest fear, he is terrified of them
  85. ◦ scary things — ghosts included
  86. ◦ repetitive sounds — they annoy him and also stress him out (an example of this is the ticking of a clock)
  87. ◦ when people play music/videos out loud
  88. ◦ when people chew on their teeth — you bet he has nice pretty nails bc he hates when people do that, himself included.
  90. —talents/trivia:
  91. ◦ he is double jointed
  92. ◦ he can play the piano
  93. ◦ going to korea to be a trainee was the first time he ever left his hometown
  94. ◦ hwanjung has a horrible phobia of clowns, his family went to the fair once and had to learn the extremely hard way. it was the first time they had ever seen the boy so vocal. it's hard to imagine the boy screaming at the top of his lungs, tears streaming down his face, and him clinging on to his brother for his dear life.
  95. ◦ hwanjung talks in his sleep
  96. ◦ his favorite color is pink
  97. ◦ he absolutely loves teenage mutant ninja turtles and his favorite is donatello (he has a shit ton of merch and memorabilia)
  98. ◦ he has a british accent when he speaks
  99. ◦ he wants to learn how to play saxophone
  100. ◦ he ranked 1st in his class in middle school (hwanjae ranked 30, and he was very salty for months. legend says he is still salty to this very day).
  101. ◦ he and his brother were both on the school's swim team. they got into it because their father used to swim.
  102. ◦ hwanjung is a horrible liar, so don't tell him your secrets because he won't be able to lie for you. you can tell he lies because his left eye twitches slightly, or you could just tell because he is unable to control his nervousness when he lies.
  103. ◦ he often naps when he is stressed or when he has to do something that will stress him out like going on a variety show.
  104. ◦ hwan really likes sleeps and can sleep for a long time, so he is usually the first to fall asleep and the last to wake up.
  105. ◦ he is a heavy sleeper as well.
  110. —stage name: hwan (환)
  112. —stage persona:
  113. ◦ he has a cute innocence to him. he also takes control when he is on stage, bringing a presence that always has all eyes on him. while he does have a cute persona, there is strength and power behind it.
  115. —audition song and dance:
  116. ◦ rapped to "energizer" by park kyung
  117. ◦ danced to "with you" by chris brown
  119. —why did you choose the company you're at?
  120. ◦ they went to leon because they wanted to debut together, and that was something jyp didn't give to them that leon could.
  125. —idol relations/relatives: —
  127. —requested scenes:
  128. ◦ them having to do a really ridiculous game and someone gets injured (idk rip)
  129. ◦the losers of another game have to fish for their meal and nobody knows how to fish so the group is pretty much screwed
  130. ◦ one of the other members of another group making fun of hwan for wearing a tmnt shirt and jae about to fight the fuck out of them bc he ain't gonna stand for someone bullying his brother
  131. ◦ the group just being cute and doing something cute like having a pillow fight or dog piling each other (i took this from one of the up10tion vids you sent me rip)
  132. ◦ all 4 teams trying to cook and shit and then it turned into a huge food fight
  133. ◦ a few members of one team ganging up on hwan in attempts to either scare him or maybe get information out of him and hwan getting really nervous and uncomfortable and the other members coming in and saving hwan from his bullies.
  135. —song requests:
  136. ◦ hide and seek by astro
  137. ◦ stop it by b.a.p
  138. ◦ cats eye by astro
  139. ◦ balloons by pure-l
  140. ◦ lollipop by imfact
  141. ◦ i'm fine by victon
  142. ◦ pretty pretty by pentagon
  143. ◦ hello by shinee
  144. ◦ boyfriend by boyfriend
  145. ◦ 20 by seventeen
  146. ◦ carnival by b.a.p
  147. ◦ pretty u by seventeen
  148. ◦ g.r.8.u by vixx
  149. ◦ chewing gum by nct dream
  150. ◦ my first and my last by nct dream
  151. ◦ mariya by halo
  152. ◦ you=heaven by snuper
  153. ◦ shall we dance by snuper
  154. ◦ to my best friend by boyfriend
  156. —fanclub name
  158. —fanclub color:
  159. ◦ group: powder blue and lavender
  160. ◦ individual: pink
  162. —why do you want to join?
  163. —why should I pick you?
  164. —note to the author: i added more angst to his backstory and tried to make his personality a bit more 4d bc it's kinda hard bc i don't picture him being 4d. he is calm, shy, quiet, awkward, and sensitive. he doesn't really speak up in a crowd nor is he one to get angry quick like his brother is.
  165. —anything else? he doesn't pump his dick (okay he might but i cant think of him like that he is only a baby)
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