
miss you • form

Mar 28th, 2018
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  1. ( MISS YOU‼ )
  2. ━ USERNAME » xNISAx
  3. ━ NAME » Ahn Haeun (안하은)
  4. ━ NICKNAME[S] » Eunnie (that's how Kihyun names her), Sadeun
  5. ━ BIRTHDATE » August 14th, 1993
  6. ━ AGE » 24 years old
  7. ━ WEIGHT » 54 kg
  8. ━ HEIGHT » 165 cm
  10. ( BEAUTIFUL‼ )
  11. ━ FACE CLAIM » Apink's Eunji
  12. ━ BACK UP » Minah (Girl's day), Sowon (Gfriend), Hyojung (OMG)
  14. ━ FAMILY »
  15. • Father : Ahn Youngseok, 55 years, doctor.
  16. • Mother : Ahn Eunjae, 55 years, nurse.
  17. • Brother : Ahn Jaeho, 26 years old, writer.
  18. ━ BACKGROUND »
  19. She was born in a medium class household. She has a brother and they spent together almost all of her childhood. She hasn't forgotten yet how many where the adventures when they were children, and always smiles when they come to her mind. By the way, her childhood was really simple. She just had a lot of fun with her brother, played with him, annoyed him and wanted to be by his side all the time. When he became a teenager, he wanted to be with his friends, but she didn't let him so he got mad at her. Haeun cried a lot before understanding that it was really annoying for her brother and she had to stop. When she became a teenager too, she understood her brother, because she also wanted to be with her friends.
  20. At the age of 15 she fell in love with a boy, but he had a girlfriend so Haeun gave up easily. Some time after that, her best friend, Song Nara, introduced Haeun to a good friend of hers. They seemed to get along very well, so they spent a lot of time together. By the way, that boy was japanese so, sadly, he had to go to his hometown when he graduated. Haeun got really sad because of that, because she was planning to confess her feelings soon.
  21. When she graduated, she found herself alone (because Nara went to Incheon because of her parents) and without an aspiration (because she didn't want to study Medicine like her parents). She met Kihyun on that period. When was going to do the college entrance exam, he was taking photos of the students and so did with Haeun. She asked why was he doing that, and he explained that he wanted to capture the feelings of the people there. The girl got really curious so he showed her his camera and eventually, she started to make questions. Kihyun led the girl know about his love of photography and she ended falling in love too! Both of them started the Photography career soon and ended up being good friends.
  22. They fell in love with each other as the time passed. Kihyun took the step and asked her to be his girlfriend. Haeun was surprised at first, but could handle the situation and accepted him. Because they graduated really fast, they decided to live together in an apartment, obviously with the consent of Haeun's parents. They were happy at first because they wanted to be together all the time. They had a lot of dates, watched a lot of movies, went to many trips and also took a lot of photos. After two years, Kihyun got to work with an important company, so both of them were happy because it was an opportunity to gain more money. But the work really stressed out him, and when they were together, he always wanted to hug Haeun and keep her by his side. Eventually, she started to feel annoyed by him but she beared that because she really loved Kihyun.
  23. Some months later, she decided to find a job too, because she didn't want to leave all to Kihyun. She found one wich was taking photographs of kids, perfect for her because she loves children. Working 5 hours in the morning and 3 hours in the afternoon, she had time to cook her meals properly and also taking care of Kihyun, like if she was his wife already. But he knew her schedules, and because he was currently working at home, editing photos and stuff, he started to control her times. He noticed when she got home late and automatically asked her. She answered at first because she didn't do anything wrong, but soon she started to get tired. He wanted to have control over Haeun's life, or that's what it seemed like. Some day, she noticed they argued everytime and that wasn't good.
  24. Haeun loved Kihyun, she really did and does, but she had to take a decision because he was too exaggerated. He just wanted to be by her side, everytime. If she wanted to go out alone, he desagreed and told her to stay or to leave with him, even when she was going to somewhere with her friends. Also, he got jealous easily, so she couldn't even look to other guy because he would get mad at her. She couldn't stand it anymore, but she hesitated because she had hope, she thought he would change. But he didn't, so she decided to break up.
  25. ( PERFECT GIRL‼ )
  26. ━ NATIONALITY » Korean.
  27. ━ ETHNICITY » Korean.
  28. ━ BIRTHPLACE » Seoul, South Korea.
  29. ━ HOMETOWN[S] » Seoul.
  30. ━ LANGUAGES » Korean (fluent), English (basic)
  31. ━ PERSONALITY » She is a bright and smiling girl, always laughing and telling jokes, almost like SUNNY DAYS. She likes to make new friends and is really outgoing. She is curious by nature and she gets in problems easily because of that. She's mature enough, although it doesn't look like that. She's really serious when it's needed and does what she can to help people around her. She's also very sensitive. But when the problem with Kihyun started, she became less sociable because it would bother him. She also became a little bit insecure about herself because she thought a wrong step would made Kihyun mad and she didn't want that. Her personality changed again after the break up. She lost her brightness and her smile disappeared. She's more distracted now and can't concentrate even in little things because she always is thinking about Kihyun. She feels guilty and because of that she's always crying.
  33. ( BROKEN HEART‼ )
  34. ━ LOVE INTEREST » Kihyun
  35. ━ BACKUP » -
  36. ━ PERSONALITY » He's actually a kind, caring and passionate guy. He's a bit shy at first so he has to take confidence to be more open. He's good at understanding others' emotions. He isn't selfish, has a lot of self-confidence but is humble. He doesn't like to show off even when he's good at something. When he likes something, he puts all of his effort in it. He becomes insecure of his actions only when he's afraid or has a worry, because he trusts in his instinct. By the way, he's kinda perfectionist and gets mad at himself when things don't go as expected. He doesn't get jealous often but, for some reason, he did with Haeun.
  37. ━ WHY DID HE DO IT? » At first it was because he thought she would meet someone while he was working; he imagined all and also had a nightmare about that (he was too stressed), so he started to keep by her side. He even asked to work at home! After, he realized he really didn't want to lose her like his previous girlfriend, so he kept doing it (and also started to control what she did) even though it was a bit selfish, wich wasn't his usual self.
  38. ━ WHY WAS HE THIS WAY TOWARDS HER? » He was controlling with her because he was afraid that she would leave him or get bored of him like his other girlfriend did. It wasn't working but he realized too late.
  40. ( ONE LOVE‼ )
  41. ━ LIKES »
  42. • Children; she thinks they're cute and she feels the need of protecting them.
  43. • Taking photos.
  44. • Hugs; especially Kihyun's.
  45. • Tea; it's her favorite hot drink.
  46. • Apple; it's her favorite fruit.
  47. • Watching movies.
  48. • Hanging out with her brother.
  49. • Vanilla ice cream.
  50. • Cooking.
  51. • Autumn.
  52. ━ DISLIKES »
  53. • Spicy food.
  54. • Dirty places.
  55. • Public bathrooms.
  56. • Smoke.
  57. • Harsh people.
  58. • Be forced to do something that she doesn't like.
  59. • Being betrayed.
  60. • Feel distrust on someone.
  61. ━ HABITS »
  62. • Touches her nose almost everytime.
  63. • Tends to touch others' cheeks, especially when they're fluffy.
  64. • Saying 'please' when asking for a favor.
  65. • Counting her steps when walking.
  66. ━ FLAWS »
  67. • She's bad saying 'no'.
  68. • She isn't really strong physically.
  69. • Kihyun's smile makes her weak.
  70. • She isn't good at lying.
  71. ━ TRIVIA »
  72. • Her nickname, Sadeun, was given by her best friend when she told her about the break up.
  73. • She really misses when Kihyun used to calling her 'noona' to bother her.
  74. • When she lived with Kihyun she felt some guilt because his parents payed the rent.
  75. • She learned a lot of cooking recipies when she lived with Kihyun because she wanted to make him happy and also practice to be his wife.
  76. • She's allergic to cats.
  77. • She didn't love any activity in particular until she met Kihyun. He made her see the life from other perspective, and that's one of the reasons why she still loves him.
  78. • She is sadder because she already imagined a life with Kihyun. She has a lot of imagination.
  79. • She found a lot of songs she didn't knew about when she searched a sad playlist in Youtube.
  80. • She has a diary but she stopped writing when she broke up.
  81. • She got fired because she skipped work for two weeks.
  82. • She's currently living with her brother.
  83. • She has a good memory.
  84. • She has a lot of photos with Kihyun in her cell phone, so she stopped using it.
  85. • She has a collection of DVDs.
  86. ━ OCCUPATION ; Now, she isn't working.
  88. ( I'LL BE THERE‼ )
  89. ━ HOW WAS IT AFTER BREAK UP? » At first, she only cried, and found herself alone in home, watching sad movies and listening to sad songs. Then, she tried to go out because her best friend came back; but she ended thinking about Kihyun again. Finally, she met the girls and felt less sad because they were really kind with her.
  90. ━ HOW LONG DID THEY LAST? » 4 years.
  91. ━ HOW DID SHE BREAK UP WITH HIM? » The story's kinda crazy. She was tired of Kihyun's attitude, but she couldn't take the decision of breaking up. One day, she returned from work a bit late because she had a problem taking a taxi, and Kihyun got really mad. She spent all of her night crying while he was still working. The next day, she woke up with the period and was oddly angry with her boyfriend. That made her think and she started to pack her things. Before she knew it, she was leaving the apartament and saying: "It's over".
  92. ━ AFTER SHE BROKE UP WITH HIM WHAT DID SHE DO? » When she left the apartament, she went straight to her brother's house. She asked him for help and explained the situation. Jaeho understood his sister and led her stay there until she could find a place. But he didn't know she would be so depressed. He tried to cheer her up but it didn't work. She kept blaming herself and refused to believe it wasn't her fault. Also, she didn't want to leave the house because maybe she would see a couple and start crying again.
  93. After a month, her best friend came back from Incheon. Haeun got happy but the sadness appeared again pretty soon. Nara decided to go out with her and they went to a restaurant. They had fun, but everything crashed down when she saw a huge hoarding and Kihyun's name was in it as the photographer. She started to cry again, and Nara tried to comfort her.
  94. A few weeks later, she met the girls when she was out with Nara again. STAYING STRONG wondered why the girl was crying randomly so she asked and found out what happened. Then, she reunited all of them and that's how Haeun met them.
  96. ━ DID SHE TELL ANYONE THEY HAD BROKEN UP? » She told her brother because she really trusts in him and her best friend, Nara.
  97. ━ DID SHE KEEP THINKING ABOUT HIM? Yes. She couldn't get him out of her mind because she felt guilty.
  99. ♦ STAYING STRONG | 9 ; she gives really good advices and is a caring girl, so they get along well because of that.
  100. ♦ THE CONTROVERSIES | 7 ; because of her work they don't talk really often but they get along well.
  101. ♦ BECOMING MEAN | 4 ; she's harsh with Haeun so they don't talk often.
  102. ♦ WAS WARNED | 9 ; they try to talk of happy things together to stop thinking about their ex-boyfriends.
  103. ♦ DIFFICULT TIMES | 5 ; Haeun doesn't talk a lot with her because she doesn't want to hurt her or something without knowing.
  104. ♦ SUNNY DAYS | 10 ; they get along well because SD always tries to cheer Haeun up.
  106. ━ EXTRA » -
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