

May 25th, 2013
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  1. >You are comrade Gunner.
  2. >And you forgot why your tank never had a 120mm gun.
  3. >The noise was deafening, even for you as your newly gifted 120mm 'cannon of chaos' had erupted a round further and faster down-range than you had ever seen, striking home right in front of the statue the dragon-creature, Discord, had asked you to shoot.
  4. >He had promised to help you in your rescue of the Kaptian, but the fact he had brought you this close to your target was worrisome.
  5. >Whatever the case, the deed had been done, and through the thick cloud of dust you could see Discord...or what his "real form" was...
  6. >which wasn't very different from his holographic form he had taunted you with.
  7. "Clearly a fine figure I do say so myself" Discord said sitting beside you.
  8. >You blink, somewhat surprised as you see him there, and before the Princess's at the castle.
  9. "You boys did a fine job, very fine job indeed, now then, once my real self gets all sorted with the Princess's I'm sure he'd be more than happy to help you out with our little deal." he grinned, chuckling as he rubbed his paw and claw together before poofing away with a gleeful chuckle.
  10. -
  11. >You are Kaptian Anon
  12. >What in the world are you staring at.
  13. >This beast...this...Discord...had been freed by your men.
  14. >Your men...
  15. "Ah...and you must be Kaptian Anon!" Discord said, leaning forward, his goat-like head hanging over you.
  16. "I must say a tad smaller than I expected, you're crewmates certainly have their hearts set on freeing you."
  17. >He rubbed his chin "Perhaps I could just whisk you away now, what do you say, get away from this old gals and back with your broski's"
  18. >You huff, looking at a bewildered, if not slightly angered Princess Celestia.
  19. "Neit!"
  20. "Neit?" Discord repeats "What is their to Neit about, I am willing to grant you freedom."
  21. " cost of v'hat? My men may not have known v'hat dey did, but I v'll not take freedom from beast like you.. creature of chaos."
  23. >Discord seems taken back by your words, fluttering in step.
  24. "Oh my, and here I was hoping to end your little scuffle with these Princess's and let you go free back to your trope. Well, I can see that you don't think my services are needed-"
  25. "I did not say dat fact...quiet opposite."
  26. "What!?" Both Celestia and Discord said together.
  27. "You said my men were set on getting me back, and only v'ay dey could have freed if you had spoken to dem about it, right?"
  28. >Discord stands up straightt, tiling his head upwards as a tea-cup magically appeared in his paw as he took a sip with his claw, drinking the cup...and leaving the tea in place "I may have had....SOME...say in their interest, finding a group willing to bring a bit of chaos to Celestia was something I could simply not live without!"
  29. >You look at Celestia, then back to Discord.
  30. "And v'hat did dey ask you in return for your freedom?"
  31. >Discord let out another sigh and rolled his eyes.
  32. "They wanted me to help rescue you....improving their tank and what not...something silly like that."
  33. "Good...then stick to them, but taking me back is not what dey would prefer to do....besides." you grin at Celestia "I am sure v'e can bring enough chas to Celestia by own own standards yah comrade Discord?"
  34. The Draconis smirked, slinking closer to you as he poked your gut "Hrmm, I like the way you think good sir....very well! I shall leave you here and let your men commence the insanity I so surely wish to see!"
  35. >The beast poofed away, as off in the distance, you could see the dust kicking up from your tank pulling off before turning back to see a rather...unsatisfied Princess Celestia, and completely awe gaped Luna.
  36. >You only grin with glee "guess dey did find a v'ay to level playing field yah?"
  37. >You could see something would have snapped inside Celestia, but her slight grin gave you a bit of a shiver down your spine.
  38. "Guards....please leave us for a moment."
  40. >You are Kaptian Anon
  41. >And you suddenly felt immense pressure against your front as some unseen force slams your back right into a nearby wall.
  42. >You felt the crunching of stone behind you as whatever willing power the Princess was putting forward would have crushed all but the strongest of foes.
  43. "You...what have you DONE!" Celestia barked "I had offered you solace in my kindess, and witness to the grand archives of our kingdom, and repay our kindess for the freedom of one of the most dangerious villians in this land...are you insaine!?"
  44. >Luna cowered behind Celestia, not one to show the same strenght or force as you feel your gut tightening into your chest, you see the mare was obviously not happy, and as you try to speek, you simply feel the pressure build further.
  45. "Your ignorance....has cost me many seasons of torment and trials to capture that foe, and now, within a split second, all of it has come to naught! Do you realize what danger you had spred upon my realm, what sort of insanity shall befall my subject!?"
  46. >You grumble, seeing her pressing closer, could almost feel her snorting breath upon your skin as you keep grinning.
  47. "Ve...are do v'hat v'e....need to do to survive...if man capture, v'e do not leave dem had to....expect dis."
  48. "You had given your WORD in the deal of our duel, and yet, your men dishonor it!"
  49. "It was MY deal with YOU Princess, dey had nothing for it, their actions...speak only for dem."
  50. "Yet they are yours?"
  51. "And they did what dey are duty bound to do! Freeing me was their choice... just as it v;ould be mine for any of dem capture!"
  52. >You know you had told them to rescue you, but even if you hadn't, they would have done it anyway; you were family, and no tank crew ever leaves their commander stranded.
  53. >Celestia huffed, releasing her spell as you fall to the ground. Snorting, she eyed you, turning abruptly and trotting back into the castle.
  55. >You grip your collar, gently opening your buttoned down uniform as you let your chest expand and contrast, inhale and exhale as you slowly recover from the Princess's mad dash of rage against you.
  56. >Luna couldn't show that kind of anger towards you. Unlike Celestia, she knew where your men were coming from, and thought their methods were very extreme, she felt that this could be resolved, she knew her sister.
  57. "A-anon..." she asked as you look at her " alright? Shall I..."
  58. >You raise your hand "its fine comrade Luna, I am...alright. Not first time woman has slapped me silly." you chuckle, slowly standing upright.
  59. "You... do not share sisters rage?"
  60. >Luna shook her head "I...understand what your men had done to be a hellish crime, that I do not doubt, but they acts are not yours, they are done by men with hearts set upon recovering what was lost." She looked down "I know...for my sister, when I had been gone a thousand years, she had yearned for my return. Your men show the same desire, if not...somewhat more unstable."
  61. >You smirk "extreme, but...desperate times call for desperate measures."
  62. "Indeed Kaptain...but...a little too extreme perhaps."
  63. >You sigh, looking out past the walls of the castle to the city.
  64. "He does not seem to be willing to cause his own chaos... knowing my men will do it form him would probably saciate his appetite."
  65. >Luna sighed "Perhaps, but I say that he would still find ways to cause his own destire of chaos."
  66. >You just chuckled "I doubt dat, he is v'ith harden crew, I sure dey v'ill keep him in line."
  67. >You look back inside the castle, sighing as you hang your head.
  68. "If you wish to make is not fruitless to speak to my sister. Despite her rage, she...." she paused "She is good hearted and understands your crews position, they ae acting out of love for you."
  69. "Love is strong word..." you mutter "It also sounds weak den honour of comradeship!"
  71. >Luna simply smiled "Fine comradeship for their missing captain, they were willing to go beyond to rescue you, charming... is it not?"
  72. "Yah yah..." you reply, taking your flask and drinking a log of water "V'ell...if sister v;illing to listen, lets go find here den."
  73. "Oh...before we do, we best stop by the kitchen, Celestia always has a sweet spot for confections."
  74. >You blink "You mean like s'veets?"
  75. >Luna nodded with a big grin "and our chefs make some of the best!"
  76. --
  77. >You are Komrade Gunner
  78. >and yo-
  79. "POh for pete sakes how do you guys stay sane inside this thing!?"
  80. >The whines of discord had bothered you to no end when he had returned. As part of a deal with Kaptian, Discord would remain with the crew, and seeing as the Kaptians seat was all that was left, he felt rather...frustrated, to have to coil upon himself three times to fit.
  81. "Why do you insit on such cramped places to sit?"
  82. "Not meant for dragon comrade..." the loader mutters as the dragons head spins around.
  83. "I am well aware that I am not meant to be here 'comrade', but if you can so graciously recall, your captain has asked me to help you rescue him, why he didn't want it the easy way is foolish beyond me."
  84. "Because takes fun out of rescuing comrade in glorious blaze of battle."
  85. >The dragon seemed relived "ah kept saying that, but you haven't even moved an INCH towards Canterlot since we left."
  86. "Dats because you have yet to upgrade tank like you said."
  87. >Discord lets out another exaggerated sigh as he slips out of the tank, your men follow suit, standing before the armoured vehicle as the dragon stares at it.
  88. "It certainly is an ugly thing... maybe it should be..."
  89. >He turned it brown
  90. "No...too dark
  91. >He made it red.
  92. "Ugh, so last week.
  93. >Then purple.
  94. "Oh that can't be, it reminds me of a certain unicorn who put me in that place the last time."
  95. >He snapped his fingers, turning it back to normal.
  96. "Now then, what did you oh so desperately need done to this thing?"
  98. "It needs to better armour, you have given us the gun, but v'e lack defense to magic."
  99. "Defense to magic?" Discord rubbed his chin "Well...going upon what you may figure workable..." he snapped his fingers as a large amount of box-like objects started to fit around the hull, covering the front, sides, and the bow end of the turret around the cannon, giving the once rounded tank a more 'angled' shape.
  100. "These should do it, block busters for magic if you don't mind the...simplicity of their design. I do think you humans have a word for it..." he snapped his fingers "reactive Armour?" he chuckled "reactive to magic, should be a surprise when Celestia attempts to strike you again."
  101. >You blink in surprise as you see the drastic change. You had heard of this armour type, some of the more 'modern' tanks in your army had already donned it, but your tank was not fitted for it, yet this dragon had done so with a flick of his fingers as you rub your head.
  102. "So, v'e have defense against magic den?"
  103. "Aqueduct enough for your purpose, i expect you to be more than a match already, so don't go around thinking its the end all defense, no fun in that."
  104. He looked you all over for a moment. "If you do plan on causing chaos in such a wonderful display of your combat prowess."
  105. >Another snap.
  106. >your clothing feels different, slightly heavier, but also, somewhat more flexible.
  107. "What you do?" Comrade driver asked.
  108. "Simple...I made your clothing magic resistant, just to be on the safe side if the Princess does decide to disable your little toy."
  109. "Disable..." you mutter "Cyjot! nearly forgot!"
  110. >Discord looks at you with an uncaring puzzlement in his expression.
  111. "forgot what."
  112. "Celestia had spell to light up tracks, she made spell dat follow path, v'e need something to cover dem up!"
  113. >Discord only cross his arms, then his legs, then sits on his tail before a ligh tbulb appears above his head as he takes it and eats it.
  114. "I may know a fellow who might be able to help."
  116. >Discord had left you for almost a whole 20 minutes as you sat atop your tank. You hadn't resisted the chance to see the modifications and found to your surprise they were legit.
  117. >The armour he had...magicked...onto the tank was real, it felt 'heavy' and looked like the reactive armour T-64's and T-72's donned in Afganistan.
  118. >What was more, they covered around the turret nicely, though what he meant by "reactive to magic to surprise Celestia' was...concerning; you didn't want to outright KILL her, just...knock her about it.
  119. >Knowing what you do of discord, there must be some humour to it as you ease off the tank, and suddenly notice a red door not too far from where you were standing before.
  120. "Eh...comrades...v'hats dat?" you ask, pointing to the door as the rest of your crewmates turn in surprise.
  121. "Dat...v'asn't dere before..." your driver mutters as it clicks, the nob turning, and out from within came Discord holding what looked like an oversize hand carrying a broom.
  122. "V' dat?" you mutter as Discrod skips cheerily over to the rear of your tank and slaps the thing right on it.
  123. >Stepping back, he taps it as it begins to sweep the spot right behind the tank, and with some surprise, cleans the tracks right away.
  124. "I know a certain cat...with a very funny hat, who has a way with weird contraptions. With a little nifty asking, he was glad to be passing, such a little device off to me~" Discord chimes as he almost danced about you before coming to a pause beside the tank again, tapping the hand.
  125. "Besides, I'm sure you'll find a perfect use for this little thing, good to have about when you want to cover your tracks." he snickered as he sat there, admiring the thing a bit more.
  126. "I certainly have outdone myself...maybe arms dealing wouldn't be a bad career to...." he paused, huffing "oh who am I kidding, I'm not such a monster to do that, I just want to see some good old chaos from you chaps!"
  128. >You look about one another with uncertainty.
  129. >This dragon has obviously kept his part of the bargain, now it was your turn.
  130. >You were going to rescue the captian.
  131. >and you damn well hoped these 'upgrades would suffice.'
  132. "Now then..." Discord said, pulling up a dark cloud and sitting on it before drawing a bag of pop-corn from nowhere "you may dispense with the chaos~"
  133. "Dat...not going to be easy."
  134. >Discord pauses mid pop of some of those popcorn, the little fluffy things floating in mid air.
  135. "What do you mean 'not easy', I just gave you the best upgrades magic could give you, what MORE do you need?"
  136. >You look amongst yourselves.
  137. "V'e still need tank commander, v'e not complete v'ithout one..." they look at discord
  138. "You mean me? Preposterous, I don't know a single iota of your little war games!"
  139. "Dere is not much to know comrade, all captian does is point out targets and v'e shoot."
  140. >Discord turns to you, a bit of a grin.
  141. "So, you're telling me I tell you where to go?"
  142. "Pretty much..."
  143. >Discords eyes lit up as he flung off his clound and atop the tank.
  144. "Well then gentlemen, let us get this party underway!"
  145. --
  146. >You are Kaptian Anon
  147. >And you've never seen a cake this...elaborate...before.
  148. >The chefs in the castle had indeed been skillful, and their design of this simple 'dish-cake' was something out of a fantasy.
  149. >Rich, white creamy icing on a layered chocolate bottom, and laden with chocolate drizzled strawberries atop it.
  150. >You weren't much for sweets, but this, well, it would make any mortal gag on how sweet it might taste.
  151. "Oh sister will certainly love it!" Luna insisted, supporting your choice to take something less extravagant than her first option.
  152. "Better den dat ve'dding cake."
  153. "I thought she'd like that!"
  154. "Dis is for apology, not proposal!"
  155. >Luna chuckled, fluttering her wings a bit.
  156. "Its not often sister gets so flustered..." she sighed "then again, no stallion could ever get her that angry..."
  158. "If you trying to make Kaptian feel better, its not v;orking."
  159. "Oh..." Luna muttered, dropping her ears "I'm...sorry."
  160. >You sigh "S'okay comrade, s'okay....I guess I am hot headed like sister, not...use to be scolded by shiney alicorn princess over men releasing some...mis-matched dragon."
  161. >Luna looked up at you as she sighed "He is more troblesome than anything, but...he is not a real threat like other creatures we've faced. Discord is more of an annoyance to Celestia.
  162. "V'hy dat?"
  163. >Luna shrugged "There is much tale behind their...dislike...Discord enjoys teasing Tai, ever since he had first appeared something between the two had sparked, from good to bad, or bad to good, no-pony had ever been certain of why they are at odds."
  164. >You hrmm a bit, thinking it through.
  165. "V'ell, Celestia likes control, order, v'hile discord likes Chaos and disorder, I tink dat could explain it..."
  166. >Luna shakes her head "at first, one might say yes, but, I know there is something different, something deeper..." she sighed "but...t-that is not my place to speak!" she said as she led you to the large double doors of Celestia's room.
  167. >Luna bit her lower lip as she looked at you.
  168. "Shall I...accompany-"
  169. "Yes..." you say immiedatly "I v'ould like to have you as moral support if sister decides to attack me again, dat...and I might need you to stop me if I try to fight back."
  170. "F-fight back?"
  171. >You grin "I may be old, but I can pack punch like young man." you smirk, tapping your chest as Luna sighed, knocking the door.
  172. " is Luna...I brought the Kaptian to see yo-"
  173. "What does HE want?" She said, an ice to her tone.
  174. "I've come to apologize."
  175. Silence for a moment.
  176. "Such a task has befallen my shoulders that more than an apology shall fix it...Kaptian...I do not intend to sway my choice on the matter nor my opinion of what has caused it."
  177. "We bring cake!" Luna blabbed as you look down at her.
  178. >Another long pause, then a click as the door opens.
  179. "A moment...that is all."
  181. >Celestia's quarters were indeed splendid, you hadn't expected to ever be brought here, but it was a much grander scape than what you saw in the dunegon.
  182. >A moonscape style all over her room with the brilliant sug along her floor as the mare sat atop a mass of pillows with several scrolls splayed open, and one hovering before it poofs away in a green flame.
  183. >She eyed you intently, sipping a glass of tea as she looked at your treat you had brought her.
  184. "Is that...devils food-cake?" she asked.
  185. "Err...yah, I tink."
  186. "Hrmmm~" She said "I must admit your tastes in treats serve meritable purpose."
  187. >First sting
  188. "Ahah...Princess...I v'anted to just come to talk about v'hat has happened."
  189. "So I heard...and as I said Kaptian, an apology is not enough to fix what has happened. You know that I cannot simply stand by while that creature is about my kingdom."
  190. "I do not doubt your reasoning Princess, and as before, I know my men did not mean to cause trouble; twisted by your dragon friend dey had bee-"
  191. >She slammed a hoof down "Nay say is a friend...he is the furthest thing from it!" she barked.
  192. >Both you and Luna look at Celestia as she magicked a slice of cake from the whole thing and a plate, keeping her eyes close as she...nibbled it.
  193. " excellent choice~" she said with a slight whiff of delight in her tone as two plates hovered before you and Luna, and cake settled itself upon them.
  194. " you propose to fix this then....?"
  195. "Fix dis?"
  196. "Your men had created a problem, and though not by your word, they are still your charging, and as their 'leader', it is your responsibility to fix this."
  197. >You rub the back of your head.
  198. "V'ell...perhaps v'e co-"
  199. "not going to work..." Celestia interrupted.
  200. "Den v'e cou-"
  201. "Not that either I am afraid."
  202. "then maybe"
  203. "Nope."
  204. >You'r starting to get agitated.
  205. "V'ill you let me at least say v'hat I can offer?"
  206. >Celestia only looks at you "there is nothing you CAN offer to help Kaptian...."
  208. >You huff, taking the plate and gently putting it down before you stand up.
  209. "I bring you cake in hopes dat you v'ould be v'illing to talk, yet you show dis attitude, dis, air of authority dat nothing can be done against odds such as dis. V'at leader shows such disregard for hope dat she so rudely ignores possible solutions to problem?"
  210. >Celestia rose after, glaring at you.
  211. "The knowledge of how this creature works, and having needed to bring the powers of not only myself, but my sister and the elements of harmony to seal such a beast in the first place is evidence enough to show the severity of your men's actions!"
  212. >You chuckle "So you admit dat you are incapable of doing it yourself, dat you need to run to someting or someone to do it for you."
  213. >Celestia is taken back, she trots a little away and her expression is both of shock and complete suprise before she glares at you.
  214. "How dare you insult my ability to rule, do you see me for nothing but a lout? I have ruled and guided my subjects with the utmost care and devotion to their lives, and never once had something slipped byt me I had been unable to handle!"
  215. "Ruling is v'one ting, leading is anoder, if you so rightfully chose to stay behind desks and scrolls rader den take field of battle, you have no worth as being ruler of anyting you v'ish to hold dear."
  216. >Celestia huffed, looking at her sister.
  217. "Luna...leave!" she ordered, not even giving her sister a chance to retort as the mare was gently shuffled out by the magical embrace of her elder sister as the door was shut and...locked...behind her.
  219. " have a very sharp that I can no longer hold compousre against. Yor words are venomious, lashing against my own deminor as you continue to ridiucle my judgement and rule. Heed me, that it was your responsibility for freeding this monstrosity, and that you, and your men, are alone to be held accountable for whatever it decides to conduct."
  220. Her mane ebbed as she huffed, easing forward a bit.
  221. "Only you have ever challenged my rule, and my rule is not something I am willing to be questioned by a creature of my own subjects or by an outsider."
  222. >You don't faulter "It is like many politicans before comrade, spolling dere words of v'isdom, tinking dey can simply cast magic and poof, problem is gone, but ah, you, you cannot, you see ids as a threat and yet, you cannot handle v'hat has been unleashed. You took a risk by accepting duel comrade, you took me, and as we had spoken, my comrades v;ould never leave me behind.' He huffed "dey did what they had to."
  223. "And at what cost?" she retorted "what cost to my subjects, to my me?" he expression crossed,calmer, but still cross.
  224. "You have made a grave error in your method Kaptian, not only do I have to deal with a monster upon my subjects, but I have another to deal with before me."
  225. >You grin "is dat a threat?"
  226. "Perhaps..." Celestia replies "a threat I may have to keep my word by."
  228. >You are Luna
  229. >And you can't recall the last time Celestia was this angry.
  230. >The fact she so rarely lost her temper, even against someone like Discord was uncommon, losing her temper against Kaptian was...both awe inspiring, and firghtening.
  231. >You were...somewhat worried for both of them, you didn't wish for Tai to be hurt, let alone Kaptain anon to be injured as well.
  232. >And yet, like most times, you were stuck off to the side as you huff, turning back to the dor.
  233. "Tia!" you call "Tia, what is thou doing?"
  234. >You ease up to the door, pressing your head against it to listen in, hearing shouting between your sister and the Kaptian.
  235. "impudence!" Celestia barks "You say that I am incapable of dealing with threats to my realm?" she barked as Luna pressed closr to the door.
  236. "Regarding first time v'e crossed swords comrade Celestia, v'e chould have defeated you den and dere, point blank in face and boom, you v'ould be Princess splatterface!"
  237. "ooo and you think your pathetic weapons would have done harm? We are immortal anon! I have lived for thousands of years."
  238. "Immortal, but not are just as easy to kill as anypony else."
  239. The sudden stamping of hooves.
  240. "I shall not stand by why you insult me!"
  241. "Den put money v'ere mouth is, have at it!"
  242. >You press closer
  243. >The suspense was intense! You had never figured ANYpony could rile up Celestia so much as to make her WANT to-
  244. >*WHAM!*
  245. >You slip back from the door just as you see a pointed edge of your sisters horn jut right through the wooden body, lodging itself in as you hear your sister huffing.
  246. "You..c-cheated!" she exclaimed, feverishly trying to free her horn.
  247. "It is call dodging comrade Celestia, someting I am quite good at."
  248. "Then hark and steady or I shall nay beset my might upon you!"
  249. >Freeing herself from the door, she turned and trotted back towards ANon, and gave you a nice little peep hole to see the human side step the mare again, this time, sending her into another wall with a gentle shove.
  250. >He moved...gracefully, you couldn't help but cheer him on in thought.
  251. >Celestia landed against the wall with a whump, her frame resting against it for a moment as she panted hard.
  252. " you handle my coat!" she muttered, obviously tired as Anon stood ther, grinning.
  253. "Little princess unable to fight big battle v'ith mean human yah? Dat is shame, shows how v'eak you are."
  254. >That did it...Tai would not take something like that as you see her head raise in utter diefance as she begins to cast a magical enchatment, and with it, began to rush towards the human.
  255. "I shall so you I am no weak-"
  256. >She couldn't finish, in fact, even before she could cast her magic, the human had moved right into her, grabbing her lower neck, and with his leg, tripped her up, sending her body forward, downard, and then slammed her onto her back.
  257. >THUD
  258. >You could feel the floor shake from the impact of your sisters body against the wood, seeing er flialing abit as the human kept his hands firmly upon her lower and upper neck, his body asing over her as he leg kept one of her wings pinneded beneath it.
  259. "Uh...hand me you ignorant fool! You dare-"
  260. "I dare keep you as pinned prize princess, if you are so strong, den how could I have bested den..."
  261. The human reaches for his coat, slowly putting his hand into his shirt pocket as he drew out something metal and shiney.
  262. >You never seen something like it before, it was sqaure, with a strange symbol on the front of it as a small little tip extended from the center of the curved rectangular shape.
  263. "V'hy don't v'e calm down...and talk."
  264. He unscrewed the tip, easing it to his lips as he drank its contents, and then, gently extended it to Celestias maw.
  265. >She eased away.
  266. >He didn't like that.
  267. >He gabbed her head, and turned her back, putting the nub onto her maw as she poured whatever was inside it down her throat before he started to cough, spitting a bit.
  268. "Ack~" She exclaimed "it...burnssss>..' she closed her eyes as the Kaptian slowly relased her, easing himself off and up from her as he put the flask away.
  269. "Now den...v'hy don't v'e start over Princess...v'e do not need to keep dis up."
  270. >You see him walking back to the door as he opened it, seeing you staring through the hole that was made as you looked up at him.
  271. "S-sir anon!?" you meep as the kaptian smiled.
  272. "Luna, v'hy not reaquaint v'ith us...dere is still much v'e must talk about."
  274. >You all sat on the floor, in a circle once more.
  275. >Tai seemed a tad out of it as Kaptian ha helped her upright.
  276. >Her gazes was a bit...clouded, as her head hug from her body.
  277. >She looked utterly defeated, but there was something else as her eyes rolled a bit.
  278. "Oh dear, Anon, what has thou donith to my sister?"
  279. >The Kaptain was silent for a moment, taking another swing from that metal thing.
  280. "She's broken, I just gave her stiff drink."
  281. "Stiff drink, what thou be?"
  282. "Vodka?"
  283. "Vodka?"
  284. >He extended the flask to you, the cap off as you sniffed, finding...little scent to the contents.
  285. "May I?" you ask as the Kaptian blinked.
  286. "I do not know, aren't you....too young for booze?"
  287. >You scrunch your nose as you inhale, putting a hoof to you chest.
  288. "We am more than a thousand years old! We are more than above the age limit you consider me so!" you boom as Kaptian rubbed his ears.
  289. "So I see..." he muttered, extending it to you as you magicked the thing and put it to your lips.
  290. >Glug
  291. >A swing of it, and you suddenly felt the burning sensation of whatever it was.
  292. "Ack!" you exclaim, suddenly putting a hoof to your tongue "it...t-tastes like fire!"
  293. " ponies v'eak, dis is common drink v'ere I come from."
  294. He takes another swig, unhindered as you suddenly start to feel a bit...light headed.
  295. "Oh...I...see..."
  296. >You felt woozey, the inhebriation suddenly slamming head long into your mind as you felt everything become...lighter.
  297. "Thou hasth spell upon thy drink?"
  298. Anon shook his head "Neit, you just drunk, lightv'eight."
  299. "HArk!" you remark "I am nay dainty to the art of drinking..." your tongue suddenly sags as you begin to go into a fit of giggling.
  300. >You look at Tai, and start to giggle her, gently poking her.
  301. "Sister dear~" you whisper as the mare slowlt raised her eye, looking at you.7
  302. "Luna...what...what are you doing here?" she looked about, turning back to Anon.
  303. "You...w-what happened?"
  304. "You drank vodka comrade, help calm nerves, lord nows you need it more den I do."
  305. "V-vodka?" she said.
  306. "Tis good sister...." you whisper "So good...I feel so warm and fuzzy inside like a blanket is wrapped around my body~" you hugged yourself tightly, slowly tipping left and right as your wings flutter behind you, keeping you balanced.
  307. "Oh...I see..." she turned away, looking down.
  308. "I..." she began, turning to Anon "am are right..."
  309. "right comrade?"
  310. >Celestia nodded "For so long...I've...I've wanted to be more than a figure to my subjects, but each time I try, there is little I can do that my students and subjects cannot do themselves. Big threats like Discord and others before and after had been handled by my pupil, and nay by my own might." She looked down "the one moment I had tired to stand for my subjects...I was fell by a twisted witch of a beast...she had thrown me from my throne and mocked my strenght before all my subjects and even my student..."
  311. >She put her head into her hooves.
  312. "Since then I....I had felt nothing but a great weakness within me, a weakness I knew would only hinder me, and no challenge I may face could ever be taken by my might alone."
  313. "Thats not true sister~" you mutter "you handle so much in the best pony princess..." you slur as you fwump against your larger sister "You always...always make me happy when you are here..."
  314. >Celestia smiled, sighing as she turned to Anon who was rubbing his chin.,
  315. "I take i dat still stings, perhaps v'hy you got so..."
  316. "Heated..." she whisperd.
  317. "Yah...v'e can say dat..."
  318. >Celestia smiled "I was wrong about you...what you had done was indeed a hendious crime but..." she huffed "perhaps taking this as a challenge more than a threat would be a better outlook for me, something...that I can put my own abilities to...and maybe...learn a thing or two from you and your men."
  319. >She eased closer, slowly pulling herself up to the Kaptian as your weakened body slid down her side eventually plopping atop her tail as you look up to see Celestia come closer and closer to the human.
  320. "Kaptian..." she began, slowly bringing her maw to his...
  322. ...Just as another BOOM erupted outside.
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