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Aug 23rd, 2019
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  1. 1-Tools https://www.nulled.t...cracking-tools/
  2. 2-Combos https://www.nulled.t.../74-combolists/
  3. 3-Proxies about proxies I will explain more below
  4. 4-Configs https://www.nulled.t...rum/73-configs/
  6. 1_Tools
  7. crackers, checker/cracker is a program to check all email:pass or user:pass to the login page! and if a some of them was correct, program give it to you as Hit and you can use him to get what you want
  8. This Tutoria For @GUTS Is will help you alot
  10. https://www.nulled.t...-detailed-gifs/
  12. https://www.nulled.t...-detailed-gifs/
  13. -CRACK ACCONTS USING OpenBullet-
  14. https://www.nulled.t...-detailed-gifs/
  15. And the same for most of chacker you load a combo and proxies and start crack
  17. 2-Combos
  18. Combolist is actually info that you need to put into a Login page to access the account! we have 2 type of combos!
  19. Email:Password =
  20. User:Password = yourname:admin123
  21. you need to use E:P for the site's that you need an email to log in at it same about U:P combo!
  22. E:P to site's like origin, facebook, Spotify, Uplay, ETC
  23. U:P to site's like Steam, Instagram, and also you can use both E:P and U:P to same site's! like Instagram, origin, and more
  24. we have 3 methods to get ComboList!
  25. 1- dumping combo's from Databases User SQLI Dumper!
  26. 2- You can take it from the link at the top of the men who raise it on the forum almost daily!
  27. 3- buy combo's from guys who sell it!
  28. for the first metho we looking after this post!
  30. It's a bit complicated but you can not explain it by talking. You need to see everything you have to go to YouTube and look for how to make combo with sqli dumper and you will find a lot of videos explaining this
  32. 3-Proxies
  33. A proxy server is a dedicated computer or a software system running on a computer that acts as an intermediary between an endpoint device, such as a computer, and another server from which a user or client is requesting a service
  34. for example! you test about 10 email and password on random login page! and the site get your IP address ban :pepe: that's why you need to use Proxies!
  35. we have some Proxies Types and levels!
  36. HTTP
  37. HTTPS
  38. SOCKS 5/4
  39. Anonymous
  40. An anonymous proxy does not send your real IP address in the HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR header, instead it submits the IP address of the proxy or is just blank.
  41. Transparent
  42. A transparent proxy sends your real IP address in the HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR header, this means a website that does not only determine your REMOTE_ADDR but also checks for specific proxy headers will still know your real IP address.
  43. ELITE
  44. An elite proxy only sends REMOTE_ADDR header, the other headers are blank/empty, hence making you seem like a regular internet user who is not using a proxy at all.
  45. What is the difference between Free proxies and HQ proxies
  46. Free proxies >> Of course it is free xD where you can get it from a lot of sites and I have left you a link in the top position that their best currently Kappa
  47. What are its disadvantages :
  48. 1-Some sites do not work with it at all and this is because the Jamaa used and raped very quickly
  49. 2-Some sites work with it but I give you slow checking speed ) Low CPM )
  50. 3-They die quickly or need to add and renew them constantly
  51. HQ proxies >> You need to buy it from a website or from someone who sells it
  52. What to different from the free :
  53. 1-Works with all sites excellently
  54. 2-give you high checking speed ( fast CPM )
  55. 3-Never die unless you consume it fully
  57. 4-Configs
  58. There are some checker that you need to config
  59. like openbullet or blackbullet or sentryMBA or Storm or woxy ..etc
  60. You will find explanation in the top of each of them
  61. How you can get configs
  62. It can be obtained from the forum and link leave the top to you
  63. or you can buy from people can make custom configs for you but this will not for free
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