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Sleek/Daveigha 2

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Feb 22nd, 2019
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  1. ŞlèéK : The warforged moved with an unhurried economy of motion as he used the lambskin to absorb the excess of the blended oils from his frame in the aftermath of his weekly bath. While he did not require regular lubrication in such a manner, oil was so much more efficient at extracting the fine dust and grit that accumulated in the interstices of his frame than soap and water would have been. His surfaces gleamed as he stood arms outstretched as a pair of young ladies, twins by the look of them, used soft pieces of oil tanned leather to polish his exterior, to its usual soft luster. The nakedness of the females was a matter of expediency, as the oils would permanently stain any cloth it came into contact with, but soap and warm water would remove it from skin readily enough. To males of flesh and blood, possessed of rather mundane tastes, the pair would have been most enticing. While he had no physical desire for them, he could appreciate the beauty of their forms, and the elegance of their movement. He thanked them both politely and helped them on with their shifts before he took his leave. They were well paid for this weekly service, an employment they found not at all demeaning, for he treated them with utmost courtesy and respect. In the next room he dressed himself in pants and robe of gold brocade, who design hearkened to a culture that had been absorbed into others to vanish from history, save for its influence in art and the patterns used in weaving the stunning silk that had been used to make this clothing that had been a gift from a very dear friend. A sash of white silk wrapped round his narrow waist and supple slippers of golden silk encased his feet. He studied his reflection in the full length mirror, that had belonged to the one he had referred to as his father, for a moment, before he turned aside and left his quarters. As rooms went, they were not large, but he required little in the way of space, the two rooms taking up less space than his inner office, just enough to hold his few belongings and a tub. He had little use for material things, he had no desire to acquire a great deal of wealth, for he required neither food nor drink to continue his life. Likewise he required no sleep, but he did spend an hour in meditation each day to clear his mind and put his memory into order. The rest of the time was spent either in work or reading. So might think that to be a most boring existence, but in truth he had a most vibrant life of the mind. He entered the hall, pausing for a moment, as he was announced. It was something he usually avoided like a rust monster...but not tonight. He was feeling bold, adventurous...perhaps even a bit his gaze moved over the swathe of nobles and hangers on fixing upon a very specific personage. It was one of those dowagers whose life revolved around gossip, who could be depended upon to spread any tidbit without consideration of source or veracity...all it needed to be was scandalous. He slipped through the courtiers like an eel through reeds pausing behind the dowager to whisper in her ear one gloved finger stopping her from turning to see who spoke. It took a great deal to leave the woman gobsmacked, but the manner in which her triple chins fought each other for supremacy as her jaw dropped, was truly a sight to see. "It's quite true...they were in the library all night together, alone..." He slipped away into the crowd, before the rather rotund matron could turn and discover whom had put this particular bee in her bonnet...-d-
  3. Fᴀᴜsᴛ : "Why must you insist on wearing black, my lady? Most would find it a bit gauche, considering you are not in mourning." The demon's ladies maid insisted on heaving yet another frock towards Daveigha. Her golden gaze narrowed and she flattened her hands over the silk of her dark gown. "Because I like it! It is flattering!" She defended herself playfully, eyes brightening with humor. Flashing her white teeth, she spun off the stool and came to be flat-footed in front of the mirror, admiring the subtle curvature of waist to hip, cinched by cords. "But the dusty rose would flatter your coloring. You are so pale after all..." Daveigha gave a wave of her hand and tutted loudly. "Then my ghastly appearance will match the widower's frock that I love so much!" Small feet scooted into slippers and she threw open the doors, carrying herself away from the stifling quarters. Of course, the demon knew the maid was right. It probably would do her some good to dress with a little more feminine flair. But who in the world was looking anyway? It was better to find herself appealing than that of the gentry. They already spoke about how strange and unusual Daveigha was. What would her garments change? "My lady," a brief greeting was given by a valet as she was handed downstairs being repaired by masons. "Sir, are there many courtiers in the hall?" The Fiend inquired, her gloved hand grasping his loosely. "Unfortunately," he grimaced. She, too, inwardly cringed. Of course, Daveigha could have chosen to go elsewhere. She'd packages to collect down at the market; her horse had not been ridden in a week's time. But in order to be a better sister--and a functioning member of court--the demon would need to make an appearance. "Announce me, then?" A great sigh was given and shoulders were straightened as she approached the door. "Lady Daveigha Faust!" Came her moniker and a loud thud, accompanied by the many titles that name bore. Sister to the empress. Counsel to the emperor. Unholy being (which was left out.) Fans snapped as the courtiers found themselves in the company of the woman for whom gossip was being spread. They all curtsied, however, knowing their places full well. "My lady, what a pretty gown--" one dared to compliment as Daveigha descended stairs. The Fiend glanced at her attire and then offered a smile. "Thank you."(FIN)
  5. ŞlèéK : He stood to the side of the stairs, one of the few who could look utterly innocent...many guards had learned the expensive way, never to play hazard with him. Not only could he calculate the odds quite accurately, his face could not be read unless one knew exactly what to look for in those sculpted features. The introduction of the lady, whom the circulating gossip concerned. That enigmatic smile subtly curved his lips as he nodded to the Valet. The compliment that had been offered, brought from him a quiet chuckle, before he added..."Lady Vonn...It is not the dress that is beautiful...the dress is merely the sepals, which frame the bloom...It is the bloom that is beautiful." He said in that impeccably cultured voice as he offered the fiend a courtly bow and a surreptitious wink before he turned his attention back to the flatterer..."But even in the withered blossom, one can see the beauty that once was, if one but takes the time to truly see. Time cannot destroy beauty, only disguise its presence." Yes, he'd been reading the romantics...again...he found their use of language interesting. -d-
  7. Fᴀᴜsᴛ : Among the crowd, there was Sleek. Daveigha's feigned demeanor slipped to delight as she found him. Features softened and fingers lifted from clasped position, giving a subtle wave. His words were caught and she then noticed the glance back and forth between she and him. The crowd of clucking hens went wide-eyed. "The whole night! How indecent!" One spoke a little too loudly. An elegant brow arched and the demon licked the seam of her lips. Sleek's compliments brought a bright blush to her cheeks and she awarded him attention. "It simply takes a keen eye to see such beauty after time has its affair, isn't that correct, sir?" Lowering in a small curtsy, that gaze never left his. Not until one Lady Vonn, who'd taken to notice Daveigha's unwavering glance, asked, "My lady, I've heard the library has been a popular choice lately. Have you taken to any particular literature? You seem to be one so fond of reading." An idle hand moved upwards to toy with her loose braid. Tilting her head, she answered quite quizzically. "I've always been hopelessly addicted to reading. The Imperial Library provides quite a bit of entertainment. There are tens of thousands of tomes there. One could get lost." Lady Vonn smirked, as if she were the cat that claimed all the cream. "Is that so? I've heard that's not the only entertainment to be found there." This not-so-subtle accusation made Daveigha's brows knit at center. "I've not a mind for the games you are playing, Lady Vonn. Everyone in the castle, employed or noble, knows that I enjoy books."(FIN)
  9. ŞlèéK : They had taken the bait fully, now it was time to set the hook. "It is true that there are other amusements to be found in the Library, Lady Vonn, beyond the collection of literature, there are collections of sketches by some of the finest artists of every age that can be so entrancing, that one could lose track of time so very easily...You would know that, if you had the wit Sophia saw fit togive an empty headed bit of machinery like myself...who has been given a place of leadership, over your own husband and sons. Now I Fredric or Thomas the bastard among them?" The last inquiry was couched ever so politely. "Perhaps, if you spent less time trying to inflate your own ego, by tearing down could inflame your husband's passion instead of making it wilt so thoroughly that he has to hire the job out." He said twisting the barb he'd set, with the same quite polite tone of voice. -d-
  11. Fᴀᴜsᴛ : Silence flooded the entire room. One could have heard the very intake of breath by the number of nobility who listened. Daveigha's own mouth parted in the slightest of circle and her head slowly turned, looking up at Sleek--who, of course, remained as polite as ever. "Sleek--" She said his name, both in shock and delight. A gloved hand shot to her mouth, trying to cover her laughter that was escaping in a peel of giggles. The Lady Vonn was now as red as a tomato, quivering and enraged. "Lady Faust! Do you find this amusing? This machine insulted both me and my family!" Golden eyes found the woman more than irate. She made a quick studying of her deepening flush, turning so crimson that she purpled. A threatening finger shook towards Sleek and Daveigha felt her hands suddenly clench into balled fists. "You are nothing but a puppet! For your insolence, I will have you dismantled! You mark my words--" A loud hiss ignited the air and Daveigha slid between Sleek and the woman. Wild eyes fixated on the older courtier and she cowered suddenly as the Fiend spoke, a tone of flat apathy spoken softly, "You forget to whom you speak, lady, and whose company you are in. You will apologize to Sleek immediately." Lady Vonn shook her head furiously. "I will not!" She attempted to fight, but it was no match for the demon. "Kneel." The command was drilled into the woman's psyche, burrowing so far into her brain that fear washed her flesh white. Pupils contracted to thin slits as the Fiend watched the woman go to her knees. "Now. Ask for forgiveness." (FIN)
  13. ŞlèéK : He watched the woman fume and splutter out her condemnation, and when she was forced to submit, he said into the pervading silence, as the woman stammered out her plea for forgiveness, in a voice that carried clearly across the hall..."I will do that which you find so difficult Salara Vonn...I will forgive you, for your outburst and ignore your slights, which are patently untrue. I have done this thing to you, not out of malice, but as an object lesson to all who would do as you do...I hear a great many things, and say nothing, so long as no harm is done. Slights against me, I ignore for what they are...the yammerings of ignorant fools who know nothing of which they speak. But, when you speak with malice in your heart... against one of mine...I will cut out your heart with polite sounding words, and drown your pride in the blood of your overweening ego." He allowed his gaze to move over those clucking hens and those beyond before he offered his hand to the kneeling lady..."Rise from the ashes of your hubris, Salara...Take a deep breath of air that is rid of the sour stench of fatuous words, and fly free." He said as he drew her to her feet. -d-
  15. Fᴀᴜsᴛ : The Fiend wanted to hurt her, but it really was not this woman who stroked her ire so deeply. It was years of the constant whispers, the rumors, the insults. Strange, queer little Daveigha amongst a brood of kindred, carefully selected by their father. She was made to stay at his side while they went their ways, gaining honor and trophies from battle a'plenty. And all the while, she remained, sheltered in the most eccentric of ways. Lady Vonn did not deserve to be the recipient of anger...and Daveigha knew it. She relinquished the grip she held on the woman's mind, lashes blinking rapidly as attention was returned to Sleek. He spoke with patience and his words were considered. One of his? Full lips parted, but she hesitated in asking whatever he could have meant by that. "Of course. I will remember your kindness," Lady Vonn stammered, curtsying to Daveigha and Sleek both. "Forgive my, my lady." She begged of the Fiend. All the demon could do was nod, dismissing the elder noble back to her party. Falling back to stand next to Sleek, an idle hand sought his arm. The gloved hand took hold of it and she murmured softly, so only he could hear, "I applaud you for the control that you have. I am not so sure I would handled myself the same as you."(FIN)
  17. ŞlèéK : "I have had much practice, and a good teacher when it comes to controlling my emotional responses...once, I would have cut her heart out with a spoon." He replied as he placed a hand atop hers gently. "Her husband and sons are fine people, she has the misfortune of being barren, so her husband took a concubine, so that he would have heirs." He said with that enigmatic smile. He offered the story, to show where the woman's venom had flowed from, the same whisperings had filled her heart with bile after many years. "I have been called far worse than machine and puppet in my lifetime, words that held truth...murderer, assassin, monster. It is not what I say, or do that defines me...It is what and whom I love that reveals the truth." Of course what he described as love...was but a dim glow compared to that which those of flesh and blood felt...but for him it was no less profound. "I do appreciate, what you did, very few have taken that stand beside me." Those who had taken that chance, had earned his loyalty. It was not because of the titan that he served the empire, but because of the kindness of a princess. -d-
  19. Fᴀᴜsᴛ : "A spoon. How very cruel you are, to use a blunt object such as that." He was awarded a smile, and the touch of his hand drew her attention to the lady that had hoped to accost Daveigha with words. With a tilt of her head, the Fiend considered the tale of woe. Her voice came as soft as a whisper as she replied, "I would not stand idly by and allow someone to call your character into question. There have been too many times in my life where I have been the object of disdain and I have found myself alone to fend them off." She, too, had a past that was colored in similar details as he. The Fiend did not draw away, but instead, leaned against Sleek. "Think nothing of it. I owe you for the upcoming lack of gossip they so love to spread about me. The silence will be most welcome." More courtiers passed the pair, nodding towards Daveigha and smiling. Were they grateful that the tyrant of a woman had been shushed, no longer able to plague their lives with pain and suffering? Jesting, lips peeled back in a playful grin and she asked, "I find myself limited in loving a sister and a brother. They have given me this home, and a brood to adore from a distance. Perhaps it is not the number of people we love, but the amount in which we love them?"(FIN)
  21. ŞlèéK : "That could well be, However, I did plant a seed tonight as bait for Lady Vonn. I hope you do not think less of me for doing so...All I told the first was that you and I had been in the library together all night, alone...which was true...and I let their lecherous minds do what they do..." He said, a hint of satisfaction tinging his tone. He did so love it when a plan came together so fortuitously. "Ah! So you like children in a similar manner to myself then? Quiet, and someone else's... That way they can be spoiled and given back." -d-
  23. Fᴀᴜsᴛ : Daveigha blinked. Once. Twice. Registering the words. Plant a seed. All night. Alone. Slowly, every so slowly, her head turned and neck craned to look up at the gloating mechanical man. Lips parted to chastise him. She should have been angry. Instead, his arm was squeezed. "You made it sound as if we had been intimate in the library, which is beyond enticing to the gossip mongers. I should punish you, sir." She was teasing, of course. The subject of Drenai's many children was brought to the forefront of conversation. "I find young ones to bring me great joy. They have a wisdom to them, untainted by the influence of the world. Had I the opportunity to have my own, I am not sure if I would. But they would be very adorable." Thoughts went to Drenai and Lessa's son, the one in which had eyes the color of Immitus'. Their brief introduction had been one that had caused more emotion than the Fiend had expected...especially since Lessa was still gone at the time. He was a beautiful little creature. Daveigha wished to dote on him more, but rarely had the chance. Chewing on her lower lip, a brow lifted and she wondered aloud, "Had I not come in at just the right time, would you have spread more vicious rumors about me, sir?" Were he to look down at the petite woman, he would find Daveigha smiling, a tempting dimple creasing at the side of her mouth.(FIN)
  25. ŞlèéK : "They do indeed, I have learned much from them, about being a person." He said and looked down at her seeing the smile. "No, the seed I planted was enough. I do not indulge in gossip mongering without a purpose, even if that purpose is only to observe the minds of those who pass the rumors along, and thus discover much they do not realize that they reveal of themselves in the process." He said, he knew well what could be done with a rumor whispered in the right ear at the right moment. Kingdoms could be toppled with such simple expedients, the little pebble that could set in motion the landslide. "I find observing people quite fascinating...but despite all of my observations, I do not understand why people laugh. I understand the concept of humor, in a logical sense..." But how can logic understand the illogical? -d-
  27. Fᴀᴜsᴛ : Giving a gentle pull to his arm, Daveigha led Sleek deeper into the room. She walked alongside him, listening to his explanation. "I did not think you were the type of person that would indulge in that kind of behavior. And yes, they do tend to give themselves away as snakes in grass. I wish we lived in a world where it was unacceptable to try and make someone's very existence miserable." And then came his musing about laughter. She stopped short of where a valet was serving wine and glanced to Sleek with an eyebrow cocked. Was he serious? "Why, it is just a reaction of delight. When we laugh, we’re often communicating playful intent," Daveigha explained her understanding. Of course, she was not like many of the beings in the room. She was born before the Abyss, some time ago that she could barely recall now. Laughter was a social behavior--one that was necessary to learn. "Laughter has a bonding function within individuals in a group." She thanked the valet for a cup, wrapping her free fingers around it. "Adults laugh less than children, probably because they play less. And laughter is associated with play. Did you ever play, Sleek?"(FIN)
  29. ŞlèéK : He moved along with her, matching his strides to hers, and considered her question..."No, I have watched children at play, and found it pleasant to watch, but I have not joined them." He replied. He thought for a moment and tried an experiment..."An Orc walks into a tavern, he has a parrot on his shoulder. The Barkeep admiring the bird says, 'That's an impressive specimen where'd ya find 'im?' The parrot replied, 'In the gloom woods, they are all over the place there.' " He'd heard the joke in one of the seedier taverns, where he'd gone with a group of masons after the day was done. He had no real use for alcohol, other than as a fuel for certain functions, but he enjoyed the camaraderie. -d-
  31. Fᴀᴜsᴛ : "Sleek, you don't have to be a child to play, to find delight and joy in things." She grinned in slight and brought the chalice to her lips. Looking back over her shoulder, Daveigha found the eyes of the nobility on her back. They craned their heads and tried to get a glimpse of the odd pair. When they found her golden gaze upon them, they quickly went back to their own conversations. She turned back just in time to catch his joke. At first, mirth bubbled in the demon's throat. But then, as she contemplated his delivery, it became funnier. She was happy she had swallowed her wine because laughter escaped in spite of herself. Straightening, her eyes widened and she stood on her tip toes to tell her own, "Why did the necromancer kill his depressed allies?" The Fiend grinned, waiting for Sleek to answer. "He wanted to raise their spirits!"(FIN)
  33. ŞlèéK : That subtle smile played across his features as she laughed, his success rate with jokes was pretty evenly split, so when one worked it pleased him. Her own joke caused his head to tilt to the side for a moment, then something clicked. The sound that came from him, was not the flat horrid imitation of laughter that had been the best he could produce, but something much warmer, spontaneous, an appreciation of the absurdly morbid reasoning the joke gave an image of. The laughter faded, leaving behind that enigmatic smile, "That reminds me of a ghoul I met once, liked to play cards in the crypts, because he could always dig up another player." He said, delivering the joke in the appropriate deadpan. -d-
  35. Fᴀᴜsᴛ : Their eyes locked and, the instant he showed delight, Daveigha's own features lit up. She leaned into his arm, holding it once more, as he spoke. Her lips parted and she immediately grew serious, whispering yet another joke, "Two dwarves walked into a bar. The third one ducked." Going back and forth, the pair must have appeared entertained. One of the ladies standing next to Lady Vonn smirked and murmured, "You know...I do think the Lady Faust looks beautiful tonight. I wonder why anyone would hold displeasure with her. It must have been a bout of envy." Other members of the gentry looked to the woman and began to follow in her wake when she approached Sleek and Daveigha. "My lady, sir, you can't keep all the fun to yourselves." The voice caused the Fiend to hush. Her grip tightened on Sleek's arm. Had he been any closer, he probably could hear the rampant beat of her heart. Anxiety flooded the demon and she swallowed, cautiously choosing her words. "We did not mean to keep it from anyone. Sleek was telling me jokes." Silence settled there for a moment, almost causing the interaction to grow awkward. But another girl stepped forward. "Lady Daveigha, your gown is very lovely. Who designed it?" A light blush crept to her cheeks and she looked up to Sleek for reassurance. "Um..." clearing her throat, Daveigha explained, "I drafted it. It's mine."(FIN)
  37. ŞlèéK : He chuckled the joke about the dwarfs was funny, but not a so called gut buster. When she moved closer he slipped his arm around her, the movement gentle and not possessive, but rather to offer comfort. "I've recently discovered humor, and it seems I'm getting better at it..." He offered, and when the young lady complimented the dress, he nodded. "It is quite flattering." He said, with simple honesty. as he gave Daveigha's shoulder a gentle squeeze. -d-
  39. Fᴀᴜsᴛ : "And to think, the other day when I tried to make you laugh, there was none to be found. Perhaps my humor is infectious!" When his arm closed around her, Daveigha's expression changed. She tilted her head and a flush stained the tops of her cheeks. "Thank you for the compliment. My ladies' maid often says I should wear brighter colors, but I am partial to black. It is more common in the court of my father." Peering up at Sleek as the courtiers went on, singing praises about the fit and texture of her gown, she waited for him to glance down at her. Lips curled into a soft smile, giving him silent appreciation for stabilizing her when instinct told her to run. Outside of Lessa and Drenai, Daveigha took no comfort in any other company. Sleek had quickly become someone of significance to her. "What projects are you currently working on, sir?" One of the noblemen who had approached earlier inquired towards Sleek. (FIN)
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