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Jul 1st, 2017
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  1. <rebecco> what
  2. * rebecco is now known as ecco
  3. * ChanServ sets mode: +ao ecco ecco
  4. * ecco sets mode: +b mood|thereckoning!*@*
  5. * mood|thereckoning was kicked by ecco (get out)
  6. <&ecco> who let him in
  7. <+FFT> i turned off images redo
  8. <Mart> Hi
  9. <+Emily> let opportunity pass him by his fingers
  10. <Mart> anyone else in A FUCKING SHIT MOOD?
  11. * ecco sets mode: +b *mood*!*@*
  12. <+Emily> weird mood this morning
  13. <Twan> free mood
  14. <Mart> mood
  15. <Twan> give him a second chance
  16. <Mart> that's a funny word
  17. <Mart> mood
  18. <Mart> mood
  19. <fronz> why are you mad at him, ecco
  20. * Twan was kicked by ecco (no)
  21. * Twan ( has joined #mafia
  22. <Twan> down with ecco the dictator
  23. <&ecco> fronz he's your brother right?
  24. <fronz> he's not related to me at all
  25. <fronz> that was a joke
  26. <&ecco> oh
  27. <&ecco> then I don't care
  28. <+Emily> dont care anymore
  29. <&ecco> play dominion in #dominion
  30. <&ecco> he's welcome there
  31. <fronz> were banning him because he was my brother?
  32. <&ecco> no
  33. <+Emily> no
  34. <+FFT> haha
  35. <&ecco> I would have given him a second chance if he was
  36. <fronz> why were you banning him
  37. <&ecco> because he's a piece of shit
  38. <fronz> explain
  39. <&ecco> I don't have to!
  40. <fronz> he may not be my brother but he's a good friend
  41. <&ecco> I will unban him when I feel like it
  42. * megabot ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  43. <+Emily> unban himself
  44. <&ecco> until then he is not welcome in here
  45. <&ecco> end of story
  46. <Twan> ecco: the most inconsistant of ops
  47. <fronz> heh, piuro's cool. what? this dude? nope, not gonna explain it either
  48. <Twan> ^
  49. * megabot ( has joined #mafia
  50. <+FFT> yeah i was trying to figure out a good way to parse that
  54. * ecco sets mode: +b *!*
  55. <&ecco> there that should do it?? I dunno
  56. <sloppo> im the police
  57. <sloppo> ban everyone
  58. <fronz> ecco why are you mad
  59. * youreaterribleop ( has joined #mafia
  60. <+Emily> lit mad irl
  61. <&ecco> hrm that didn't work
  62. <youreaterribleop> learn to ban me jesus
  63. <youreaterribleop> do u want me
  64. <&ecco> my right click is disabled
  65. <youreaterribleop> to tell u how
  66. <&ecco> so I can't ban your IP
  67. <+Emily> very ip specific
  68. <+FFT> lol
  69. <youreaterribleop> lol
  70. <&ecco> as far as I know at least
  71. <youreaterribleop> ecco i thought u reformed
  72. <&ecco> I am reformed
  73. <&ecco> I still don't want you in this channel
  74. <youreaterribleop> why are u still mad as hell
  75. <fronz> free ryan
  76. * ecco sets mode: +b youreaterribleop!*@*
  77. * youreaterribleop was kicked by ecco (ecco)
  79. * ecco sets mode: -bbb youreaterribleop!*@* *!* cristof!*@*
  80. * ithoughtwewerefriends ( has joined #mafia
  81. * ecco sets mode: +b ithoughtwewerefriends!*@*
  82. * ithoughtwewerefriends was kicked by ecco (ecco)
  83. * lolecco ( has joined #mafia
  84. <&ecco> ok just a minute, this is getting obnoxious for everyone and I apologize
  85. * LITERALLY_MAD_IRL was kicked by ecco (ecco)
  86. <&ecco> OH NO
  87. <&ecco> I MISSED :(
  88. <+FFT> ahahahaha
  89. <+Emily> ahahahaha
  90. <&ecco> >:|
  91. <lolecco> ecco
  92. <lolecco> i can tell u
  93. * ecco sets mode: +b lolecco!*@*
  94. * lolecco was kicked by ecco (ecco)
  95. * LITERALLY_MAD_IRL ( has joined #mafia
  96. * ChanServ sets mode: +o LITERALLY_MAD_IRL
  97. <@LITERALLY_MAD_IRL> what happened
  98. <@LITERALLY_MAD_IRL> why
  99. <&ecco> sorry lmirl
  100. <+Emily> lmirl
  101. <+Emily> why not
  102. <+FFT> collateral damage
  103. <&ecco> I shot and missed
  104. <@LITERALLY_MAD_IRL> :(
  105. * flatluigi sets mode: +b *!*
  106. <&ecco> THANKS
  107. <@flatluigi> you silly person ecco
  108. <@LITERALLY_MAD_IRL> <+Emily> lmirl
  109. <@LITERALLY_MAD_IRL> <+Emily> why not
  110. <&ecco> oh I had to include the synirc part
  112. <@LITERALLY_MAD_IRL> no one tells me nothing
  113. <&ecco> damn well ok then
  114. * ecco sets mode: -b *!*
  115. * ecco sets mode: -bb lolecco!*@* ithoughtwewerefriends!*@*
  116. <Twan> this is actually retarded
  117. <&ecco> whoops
  118. <+Emily> whoops
  119. * flatluigi sets mode: +b *!*
  120. <fronz> ryan says good job, ecco
  121. <fronz> you did it
  122. <&ecco> I was gonna add it myself
  123. <&ecco> fronz I literally don't care
  124. <@flatluigi> tell him someone else did it because ecco is bad at banning people
  125. <fronz> apparently you do actually
  126. <@flatluigi> :3
  127. <+Emily> : o
  128. <+Emily> were banning him
  129. <&ecco> and I choose not to address this issue any further
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