

Jan 29th, 2013
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  1. [11:21] <Dantas> Dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix
  2. [11:21] <Dantas> dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix
  3. [11:21] <@Metal> Please don't spam.
  4. [11:22] <Dantas> Sets win win condition ON.
  5. [11:22] * Jink565 (~Jink565@ has joined #Zandronum
  6. [11:22] <Dantas> dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix
  7. [11:22] <Dantas> dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix
  8. [11:22] * Jink565 (~Jink565@ Quit ("Doomseeker End Of Line")
  9. [11:23] <Dantas> Metal: I am waaaiiting. :|
  10. [11:23] * Zard1084 ( Quit ("Doomseeker End Of Line")
  11. [11:25] * Mati ( Quit (Client closed the connection)
  12. [11:25] * Atma_chaos ( Quit ("")
  13. [11:25] <Dantas> Dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix dix
  15. (banned from #zandronum)
  19. 17:30:39 <Synert> so dantas I hear you're a goddamn genius
  20. 17:30:50 <Disguise> sup
  21. 17:30:52 <Synert> hey
  22. 17:31:04 <Synert> also they don't blacklist words in #zandronum
  23. 17:31:33 <Disguise> Yeah, he's a genious
  24. 17:31:43 <Disguise> But he will not get what he wants anyway.
  25. 17:31:49 <Synert> :d`
  26. 17:33:16 mr_fiat ( has joined #hangman
  27. 17:33:16 Mode change [+v mr_fiat] on #hangman by ChanServ
  28. 17:52:16 <Dantas> It only means more work to do and more work for you admins :V
  29. 17:52:31 <Synert> not really
  30. 17:52:34 <Synert> one ban and you're out
  31. 17:52:39 <Synert> gj
  32. 17:52:57 <Dantas> Yeah, that's what I'm trying.
  33. 17:53:06 * Synert claps sarcastically
  34. 17:53:12 <Synert> huge congrats on your achieving nothing
  35. 17:53:42 <Dantas> Actually it's something.
  36. 17:53:57 <Dantas> I don't have enough willpower to get rid of this sheeeeit.
  37. 17:54:24 <Dantas> But I do know how to be an ass if they don't want to ban.
  38. 17:55:17 <Synert> wat
  39. 17:55:24 <Synert> why not just leave the channel
  40. 17:55:42 <Disguise> HE'S TOO WEAK!
  41. 17:55:46 <Dantas> Dantas: I don't have enough willpower to get rid of this sheeeeit.
  42. 17:55:57 <Dantas> Not for now.
  43. 17:57:00 <Synert> what sheeeeeeit
  44. 17:57:03 <Synert> you're not making sense
  45. 17:57:10 <Dantas> The funny thing is that disguise knows exactly why I'm doing this. But he is too weak to simple ban. :V
  46. 17:57:26 <Disguise> I'm not an IRCop
  47. 17:57:41 <Dantas> But have influence.
  48. 17:57:49 <Dantas> And still, weak.
  49. 17:57:49 <Disguise> Even if I were I wouldn't g-line you, because you want to leave.
  50. 17:58:28 <Synert> lemme guess
  51. 17:58:33 <Dantas> Oh, what if I do it in every damn channel, two things can happen.
  52. 17:58:34 <Synert> you're getting distracted from your work
  53. 17:58:42 <Dantas> They simply ip ban me
  54. 17:58:44 <Synert> and you don't want to be able to come back on here
  55. 17:58:49 <Dantas> Or they will yell at you staff.
  56. 17:59:02 <Disguise> Synert he wants to pull an IRC version of Ten
  57. 17:59:30 <Disguise> And the rest of the staff knows about what you want to do.
  58. 17:59:35 <Dantas> Pretty much, synert.
  59. 18:00:52 <Synert> so just ask them holy fuck
  60. 18:01:08 <Dantas> I did, politely.
  61. 18:01:15 <Disguise> Synert: We already said no.
  62. 18:01:18 <Synert> why not
  63. 18:01:19 <Synert> :v
  64. 18:01:29 <Disguise> Why would we?
  65. 18:01:42 <Synert> because he asked?
  66. 18:01:43 <Synert> iunno
  67. 18:01:52 <Synert> if people can ask for masterbans
  68. 18:02:42 <Disguise> Hey, it's our problem if he can't pull himself together.
  69. 18:02:45 <Disguise> +not
  70. 18:02:55 * Synert shrugs
  71. 18:02:59 <Disguise> Stupid word eating
  72. 18:03:00 <Dantas> oh
  73. 18:04:27 <Dantas> disguise u don't comprehend.
  74. 18:04:34 <Dantas> I am the one in a win win condition.
  75. 18:04:48 <Disguise> How?
  76. 18:05:23 <SkyDriveR> back again
  77. 18:05:23 <SkyDriveR> what did i-
  78. 18:05:26 <SkyDriveR> eh
  79. 18:05:36 <Synert> <Dantas> I am the one in a win win condition.
  80. 18:05:38 <Synert> but you don't exist
  81. 18:06:03 <Dantas> I exist and don't exist :V
  82. 18:06:07 <Dantas> deal with it.
  83. 18:06:08 <Synert> no you just don't exist
  84. 18:06:11 <Disguise> You know, I don't think Metal with budge.
  85. 18:06:16 <Disguise> *will
  86. 18:06:24 <Synert> was the decision made collectively?
  87. 18:06:42 <Dantas> Hm so Metal is the head?
  88. 18:06:42 <Disguise> He's been trying to leave for weeks now
  89. 18:06:56 <Disguise> And yeah, we talked about.
  90. 18:07:19 <Disguise> That's all you will get.
  91. 18:08:29 <Dantas> That's really sad for her.
  92. 18:09:55 cennou ( has joined #hangman
  93. 18:10:00 Remmirath ( has joined #hangman
  94. 18:10:01 cennou ( has left #hangman
  95. 18:10:04 <Synert> what is this]
  96. 18:10:12 <Disguise> rofl
  97. 18:10:14 <SkyDriveR> what
  98. 18:10:16 <Remmirath> hello!
  99. 18:10:19 <SkyDriveR> hey Remmi
  100. 18:10:23 <SkyDriveR> How's it goin bro
  101. 18:10:29 <Remmirath> imagine that said in L4D Bill's voice!
  102. 18:10:31 <Remmirath> :D
  103. 18:10:39 <Synert> he's dead
  104. 18:10:43 <Remmirath> D:
  105. 18:10:47 <SkyDriveR> rofl
  106. 18:11:19 <Remmirath> so dantas
  107. 18:11:25 <Remmirath> wanna negotiate about what?
  108. 18:11:47 <SkyDriveR> Dantas
  109. 18:11:50 <SkyDriveR> what are you doing
  110. 18:11:58 <SkyDriveR> why do you bring remmirath to the channel
  111. 18:12:00 <Disguise> Trying to get banned
  112. 18:12:08 <SkyDriveR> right,.
  113. 18:12:08 <Remmirath> nah i came here by myself
  114. 18:12:10 <Synert> because PMing is overrated
  115. 18:12:13 <SkyDriveR> Ah.
  116. 18:12:20 <SkyDriveR> lol
  117. 18:12:55 <Disguise> Remmirath is my master, so he spied on me.
  118. 18:12:57 <Dantas> yeah but metal seems to be bitchin' for no reason apparently.
  119. 18:13:07 <Remmirath> you're in the wrong with this
  120. 18:13:15 <Dantas> also that nope spam was funny.
  121. 18:13:17 <Synert> <Disguise> And yeah, we talked about.
  122. 18:13:19 <Synert> not just metal
  123. 18:13:28 <SkyDriveR> Dantas
  124. 18:13:32 <SkyDriveR> if you really want to get out of IRC
  125. 18:13:34 <Remmirath> first, dantas, posting stupid shit because you want to get banned
  126. 18:13:38 <SkyDriveR> then just unninstall any irc client you have
  127. 18:13:39 <Remmirath> wont get you near that
  128. 18:13:39 <SkyDriveR> problem solved.
  129. 18:13:42 <Remmirath> not even close one inch
  130. 18:13:45 <Remmirath> the more you do it
  131. 18:13:48 <Dantas> nah i won't lose my time going to forums.
  132. 18:13:51 <Remmirath> the more we won't ban you
  133. 18:13:54 <Remmirath> want to get off irc?
  134. 18:13:57 <Remmirath> turn off pc
  135. 18:13:58 <Remmirath> simple
  136. 18:14:01 <Remmirath> throw it away
  137. 18:14:01 <SkyDriveR> ^
  138. 18:14:08 <Remmirath> feed it to the cats
  139. 18:14:09 <Synert> I know it's as easy as just not going on IRC
  140. 18:14:12 <Synert> but why not ban him
  141. 18:14:14 <Remmirath> throw it into a metal cruncher
  142. 18:14:15 <Synert> I'm curious
  143. 18:14:20 <Remmirath> but don't bother us with such ass shit
  144. 18:14:20 <Dantas> I will do it manually.
  145. 18:14:39 <SkyDriveR> sell it to Remmirath's alcohol provider
  146. 18:14:47 <Remmirath> right
  147. 18:14:48 <Remmirath> !
  148. 18:14:53 <SkyDriveR> left
  149. 18:14:53 <SkyDriveR> !
  150. 18:14:58 <Dantas> up
  151. 18:14:59 <Dantas> !
  152. 18:15:02 <Disguise> SPACE IS THE BEST WEED
  153. 18:15:12 <Synert> I hear blue's TS is also a good drug
  154. 18:15:40 <Disguise> A bad one? :P
  155. 18:16:02 <Synert> a bad good drug
  156. 18:16:19 <Disguise> Anyway gotta eat some pudding
  157. 18:16:25 <Disguise> SO DNFD
  158. 18:16:25 <SkyDriveR> Bon apetite
  159. 18:17:00 <Disguise> Merci.
  160. 18:17:36 Dantas ( has quit IRC [RecvQ exceeded]
  161. 18:17:45 <SkyDriveR> he's trying too hard
  162. 18:17:49 * Synert burps
  163. 18:17:53 <Synert> that dantas was delicious
  164. 18:18:08 <SkyDriveR> did you ate it with vinegar?
  165. 18:19:11 Disguise (~disguise@corrupted.mind) is now known as Dis|AFK
  166. 18:21:04 Dantas ( has joined #hangman
  167. 18:21:04 Mode change [+v Dantas] on #hangman by ChanServ
  168. 18:32:30 <SkyDriveR> Dantas
  169. 18:32:38 <SkyDriveR> do you have a fetish for spammin diks
  170. 19:05:03 <Dantas> It's getting fairly easy.
  171. 19:05:35 <Remmirath> you will not get banned
  172. 19:05:39 <Remmirath> just shut down your damn pc
  173. 19:07:57 <Dantas> It's a win win condition, Remmirath.
  174. 19:08:06 <Synert> not really
  175. 19:08:14 <Synert> then you can't get your daily dose of zandronum
  176. 19:08:26 <Remmirath> i dont give a shit
  177. 19:08:29 <Remmirath> we won't ban you
  178. 19:08:34 <SkyDriveR> synert
  179. 19:08:38 <Remmirath> so get off your pc and it'll be better
  180. 19:08:40 <Remmirath> for all of us
  181. 19:08:44 <SkyDriveR> I think you let Dantas play the autism simulator
  182. 19:08:45 <SkyDriveR> too much
  183. 19:09:08 <Synert> no
  184. 19:09:11 <Synert> he is the autism simulator
  185. 19:09:25 <SkyDriveR> shit.
  186. 19:09:27 <SkyDriveR> we fucked
  187. 19:09:27 <Remmirath> spamming dix all over the channels is not gonna work
  188. 19:09:27 Remmirath was kicked from #hangman by ChanServ (Foul language is prohibited here.)
  189. 19:09:33 <SkyDriveR> lol
  190. 19:09:36 * -> -Remmirath- yeah it does that
  191. 19:09:40 Inviting Remmirath to channel #hangman
  192. 19:09:42 Remmirath ( has joined #hangman
  193. 19:09:43 <Dantas> :)
  194. 19:09:44 <Remmirath> whatever
  195. 19:10:00 <Remmirath> spamming that word over and over again won't work
  196. 19:10:01 <Dantas> It will work. Same same effect.
  197. 19:10:02 <Remmirath> so...
  198. 19:10:12 <Remmirath> it won't
  199. 19:10:13 <Remmirath> lol
  200. 19:10:26 <SkyDriveR> yo dantas
  201. 19:10:27 <SkyDriveR> are you okay?
  202. 19:10:29 <Dantas> Deal with it.
  203. 19:10:33 <Synert> he's still here because we support his addiction
  204. 19:10:44 <Remmirath> well, then
  205. 19:10:54 <Remmirath> shut down
  206. 19:10:56 <Remmirath> your pc
  207. 19:11:00 <Remmirath> and don't turn it on again
  208. 19:11:05 <Remmirath> simple
  209. 19:11:12 <Remmirath> after you shut it down
  210. 19:11:15 <Remmirath> trash that thing
  211. 19:11:23 <Remmirath> ???
  212. 19:11:23 <Remmirath> PROFIT
  213. 19:12:02 <Dantas> Nah, it's funnier this way.
  214. 19:12:20 <Remmirath> well
  215. 19:12:24 <Remmirath> eventually you'll get bored
  216. 19:12:35 <Remmirath> cause human mind works like this if things don't go the way you want
  217. 19:13:03 <Synert> remind me not to ever ban you purely out of spite
  218. 19:13:13 <Dantas> Problem is, my persistence is also very high.
  219. 19:14:11 <Dantas> And making a bot to spam a channel is not very hard either.
  220. 19:14:22 <Synert> >ip ban
  221. 19:15:15 <Remmirath> whatever you try we won't ban you
  222. 19:15:19 <Remmirath> get over your addiction by yourself
  223. 19:15:27 <Remmirath> otherwise it shows how weak-minded you are
  224. 19:16:04 <Dantas> I don't give a fuck how weak I am, sir. :)
  225. 19:16:16 <Remmirath> getting mad?
  226. 19:16:17 <Remmirath> lol
  227. 19:16:20 <Synert> tl;dr "guys I want to leave IRC but I also don't care about leaving IRC"
  228. 19:16:22 <Remmirath> then i'll tell you
  229. 19:16:35 <Remmirath> you're one weak motherfucker who can't get over the fact that he's too nerdy to get over a 20 years old game
  230. 19:16:44 <Remmirath> and shows his addiction in a ridiculous way
  231. 19:16:48 <Remmirath> just to gather attention
  232. 19:16:53 <Remmirath> you're an attn whore lol
  233. 19:17:54 <Dantas> The game itself is not a problem, never was.
  234. 19:18:44 <Remmirath> why should irc be different, then?
  235. 19:19:54 <Dantas> Because it is different. ;)
  236. 19:20:06 <Synert> because we are here
  237. 19:20:15 <Remmirath> no its not different
  238. 19:20:19 <Remmirath> its the same fuckin thing
  239. 19:20:26 <Remmirath> except you dont shoot anything
  240. 19:20:54 <Dantas> See? Different.
  241. 19:21:09 <Remmirath> that doesn't change much
  242. 19:21:12 <Remmirath> you still chat ingame
  243. 19:21:19 <Remmirath> and playing can be even worse
  244. 19:21:44 <Dantas> Not worse either.
  245. 19:21:51 Dantas ( has quit IRC [G-Lined: [#3688] Spam]
  246. 19:21:56 <Synert> oh god why.
  247. 19:21:57 <Remmirath> oh well
  248. 19:21:57 <Remmirath> lol
  249. 19:22:02 <Remmirath> i was havin fun
  250. 19:22:07 <Synert> but
  251. 19:22:14 <Synert> but you guys said you weren't gonna ban him
  252. 19:22:25 <Remmirath> someone didn't care
  253. 19:22:25 <Remmirath> lol
  254. 19:22:28 <Synert> I had so much fun planned for us
  255. 19:22:30 <Synert> :<
  256. 19:22:40 <Remmirath> actually we received complains
  257. 19:23:04 <Remmirath> cause he been spamming d i x all over
  258. 19:23:17 <Synert> all this because ijon's intolerant to it
  259. 19:23:26 <Remmirath> lol
  260. 19:23:35 <ijontichy> yo
  261. 19:23:42 <Synert> hey
  262. 19:23:49 <Synert> so dantas is now no more
  263. 19:23:50 <Synert> again
  264. 19:23:57 <Synert> ..which also means he doesn't exist
  265. 19:24:19 <ijontichy> yeah I meant the d i x thing was supposed to be a joke
  266. 19:24:22 <ijontichy> then he roflspammed :V
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