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a guest
Jun 21st, 2018
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  1. Sub SetLangUS()
  2. ' set language to US English for all slides
  3. Dim scount, j, k, fcount
  4. scount = ActivePresentation.Slides.Count
  5. For j = 1 To scount
  6. fcount = ActivePresentation.Slides(j).Shapes.Count
  7. For k = 1 To fcount 'change all shapes:
  8. If ActivePresentation.Slides(j).Shapes(k).HasTextFrame Then
  9. ActivePresentation.Slides(j).Shapes(k).TextFrame _
  10. .TextRange.LanguageID = msoLanguageIDEnglishUS
  11. End If
  12. Next k
  13. 'change notes:
  14. fcount = ActivePresentation.Slides(j).NotesPage.Shapes.Count
  15. For k = 1 To fcount 'change all shapes:
  16. If ActivePresentation.Slides(j).NotesPage.Shapes(k).HasTextFrame Then
  17. ActivePresentation.Slides(j).NotesPage.Shapes(k).TextFrame _
  18. .TextRange.LanguageID = msoLanguageIDEnglishUS
  19. End If
  20. Next k
  21. Next j
  22. End Sub
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