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May 1st, 2018
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  1. Blazikin: you can tell a lot about players
  2. Blazikin: and wait my msg was too long
  3. Blazikin: mono 1v1 is wonderfull mostly because you often see people running nromal teams and tehy instantly always go with the thing in their team that "should" beat your type. it makes predictiing so easy
  4. Blazikin: and if they go some generic beater you know they dont know either their team , are going for a solid option cause their a ta loss or just bad players
  5. Blazikin: thats some thing i rly rly noticed playing my mono dragon
  6. Blazikin: peolpe always went with their fairy , their mimikyu their dnite
  7. Blazikin: then got killed by me
  8. Blazikin: and if they noticed that often random flailed charizards or dosses at me
  9. Blazikin: they didnt know how to handle their teams properly
  10. Blazikin: you can rly seperate knowledgable players from average ones with thsi
  11. Blazikin: you can predict beyond easy with a well built mono
  12. Blazikin: cause only you know what actually beats what
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