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Chaos Theory refuses to bend the knee

a guest
Nov 30th, 2015
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  1. [23:40:49] Scooter McCabe > Hi
  2. [23:40:55] Myravingian > hi
  3. [23:41:39] Myravingian > how can I help?
  4. [23:41:53] Scooter McCabe > So you are the head diplomat for your alliance, and you reside in Fountain.
  5. [23:42:13] Myravingian > Yes
  6. [23:44:18] Scooter McCabe > I am with the Ministry of Foriegn Oversight and wanted to talk to you about your continued residence in Fountain.
  7. [23:45:02] Myravingian > fancy
  8. [23:46:44] Scooter McCabe > We will be installing a Viceroy in Fountain, that Viceroy will be collecting tribute from those wishing to remain in Fountain.
  9. [23:47:00] Scooter McCabe > In return they will receive benefits for that tribute.
  10. [23:47:23] Myravingian > Who got the gig?
  11. [23:48:04] Scooter McCabe > That's being announced in another news release, sorry no spoilers.
  12. [23:49:34] Myravingian > Aww man
  13. [23:49:55] Myravingian > You sure you can't tell me, I won't tell. I promise.
  14. [23:49:59] Myravingian > ?
  15. [23:50:15] Scooter McCabe > Nope The Mittani likes to have his fun.
  16. [23:51:03] Myravingian > Fair enough, can't blame me for tryin, eh?
  17. [23:51:32] Scooter McCabe > No I would definately want to know who I would be dealing with in the future as soon as possible.
  18. [23:51:54] Myravingian > yeah, something like that
  19. [23:53:33] Scooter McCabe > For the duration you will be dealing with me, if you need to confirm any details you may contact <loc><url=showinfo:1383//1045513061>Cindare</url>
  20. [23:54:16] Myravingian > Sure.
  21. [23:54:29] Scooter McCabe > So the tribute expected is 20% of your moon goo, and 2 billion isk per corp each month.
  22. [23:54:59] Myravingian > How much you think that's gonna be total per month?
  23. [23:55:01] Scooter McCabe > In return you will receive discounted BPOs, an alt corp to build supers and titans safely in Deklin and jump bridge consultancy.
  24. [23:55:46] Scooter McCabe > Sorry BPCs
  25. [23:56:40] Myravingian > Sure thing, so yeah. How much we looking at here?
  26. [23:58:41] Scooter McCabe > So right now we are just taking good faith deposits. Your regular tribute won't start for 2 weeks. Upon sending the deposit you will be in a NIP agreement with us.
  27. [23:59:44] Scooter McCabe > So you have 5 corps in your alliance. That is 2 billion per corp. So each month 10 billion is expected for the tax.
  28. [00:00:04] Myravingian > 10 bill?
  29. [00:00:17] Myravingian > thats jack all man, i make more than that on my own
  30. [00:00:19] Scooter McCabe > As per your moon goo, we reconned Fountain. So we know who is working with what.
  31. [00:01:00] Myravingian > cool
  32. [00:02:04] Scooter McCabe > The Isk goes to <url=showinfo:2//98237912>TENBX</url> directly.
  33. [00:03:18] Scooter McCabe > The good faith deposit is 10 billion. 2 weeks your regular tribute will begin.
  34. [00:04:35] Myravingian > 117 Billion.
  35. [00:05:22] Scooter McCabe > 117 Billion, I'm sorry I don't follow.
  36. [00:06:10] Myravingian > 117 Billion isk. It's what you guys are gonna pay us to stop burning your assests to the ground when you come here. Send Mittens my regards.
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