
Young {AF}

Sep 14th, 2019
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  1. ⬦⬘☰ [ DON'T MESS UP MY TEMPO ]☰⬘⬦
  3. [ FULL NAME | ▹ Kaito Sachiri (Korean Name: Kwon Sanmi) (English name: Savannah Kwon)
  5. [ NICKNAME(S) | ▹
  6. + Mimi or San; close Korean friends call her this, it is just a shortened version of her name.
  7. + Vannah, Ava or Anna; close English friends call her this, they don't get to see each other a lot since she lives in Korea, and so they are usually texting or face timing. They can't be bothered to type her full name and so that is how these nicknames came to be.
  8. + Anna; her parents usually call her Anna
  9. + Riri / Chiri; her close Japanese friends call her this, it is the shortened version of his name
  11. [ CODE NAME| ▹
  12. Mercury : Named after the lead singer of one of her all time favourite bands, Queen
  13. OR
  14. Oasis : This is because this is one of her bands, her favourite song from them being their most popular, Wonderwall
  15. OR
  16. Fredo : After her favourite chocolate and UK grime artist
  17. (I'm sorry I gave so many options lmao I am getting carried away, which one do you like best?)
  19. [ BIRTHDATE | ▹ 13th July 1997
  20. + Star sign; Cancer
  21. [ HEIGHT & WEIGHT | ▹ 172cm + 50kg
  23. [ ETHNICITY | ▹ Korean-English (However if you want me to be completely foreign then Japanese-English)
  24. [ BIRTHPLACE | ▹ Putney, South West London
  25. [ HOMETOWN | ▹ Putney, South West London (until she was 5) + Croydon, South London (for 7 years until she was 12) + Hackney. East London (6 years until she was 18 this is the last place they lived in)
  27. [ LANGUAGES SPOKEN | ▹ Japanese, Korean, English, Mandarin, Spanish & German
  30. [ SLOT | ▹ Oasis
  31. [ FACECLAIM | ▹ Doyeon (Weki Meki)
  32. [ BACKUP FACECLAIM | ▹ Jinsoul (Loona) + Roa (ex-Pristin) + Aisha (Everglow)
  37. [ BACKGROUND | ▹ Sachiri was born in Putney, South West London. She lived there until she was 5 years old and then she moved to Croydon. Croydon was not the safest of places but due to her parents' business, they had to live there. Despite it being a bit dangerous, she enjoyed her time there, making quite a few friends there. She lived in Croydon for 7 years and it was when she turned 12 that she moved again. This time she moved to Hackney and this was widely known as one of the most dangerous places in East London. At first, she got herself into a lot of danger due to not knowing when to keep her head down and walk away however, after a while, she gained friends who were able to protect her from the dangers of the streets. In the school she went to, she was known for being a major flirt and attention seeker, this gained her a significant amount of attention from boys and some unwanted attention from the girls. In general, the girls in the school liked her however, there were a select few who hated her guts. She had got into many fights and conflicts with some of these girls and she didn't care because she liked the attention she was getting from everyone. In school, she her favourite lessons were languages and drama. She was a dedicated member of the drama club and performed in many plays. These plays include Grease (she played Rizzo), Macbeth (she played Lady Macbeth) and Romeo and Juliet (she played Mercutio even though Mercutio is a male in the play.) Her popularity continued to grow as she got older and older. By the time she had finished school, she had already had 4 boyfriends, befriended practically the whole school and was known around the town by many. A couple of weeks before her 18th birthday, her parents revealed to her their line of work and the reason why they were always moving around, this shocked her but at the same time she was intrigued. They revealed that they were basically part of an international government agency and that they had been working with them since before she was born. That day, they also revealed to her that they would be sending her to a school in South Korea, and when she heard this, she was so excited because she has always wanted to go to South Korea. She quickly accepted, not caring to ask about the conditions. A week after her 18th birthday, she started boarded a flight to South Korea and when she got there, she made her way to the facility.
  39. [ PERSONALITY | ▹
  40. Sachiri is in love with herself and is incredibly vain. Her narcissism is very clear to most people at face value. When you meet her, that is pretty much the first thing you will know about her. She always makes sure her hair is in place or her lip stick is not smuged. She loves living her life on the edge, she never feel comfortable going about things the safe way and will instinctively do something that will make her situation a lot more dangerous, she likes the feeling of not knowing how the situation will end. She is defintely what you would call a daredevil. She has a major desire for excitement and adventure because she is quite easily bored. You could say she is an adrenaline junkie and she would agree. She is an idealist as she is always aiming for perfection and self-actualisation even though it is clear that "perfect" just doesn't exist. She is an attention seeker as she likes to act out in ways that draw attention to herself. She can be loud or she can do outrageous things in public just so people will look at her. There is no particular reason she does this minus the fact that it stops her from being bored. Sachiri is a very flirtatious and sleazy. She is very knowledgable in the world of flirting. She knowns the right places to touch a guy, if she is being to full on, when to laugh, when not to laugh and this is one of the main reasons she plays a role as the seductress in the group. She has the confidence to just go up to a guy and openly flirt. She is not scared to get close and personal with people if she has to or wants to. She is a manipulative person and because of the pull she has on men, it is very easy for her toget away with it. She knows how to make people give her what she wants. She is charming and alluring and knows how to use the assets for the good of her team. She is very versatile in the fact that she is able to play different roles and "characters". She is very eloquent and can easily talk herself out of difficult or tricky situations, the way she speaks is very fluid and it is hard to recognise worry or hesitance in her voice. She is generally quite a playful person. She is a person who has a lot of charisma and draws people in with her charming smile or alluring eyes. She is extremely dedicated to her team, family and friends and would do anything to protect them, even if it means putting her own life in danger. She is a fighter and she got this personality trait from her mum. Sometimes she doesn't know when to stop speaking because sometimes when she gets mouthy, it is hard for her to stop. She is quite open about what she has to say and won't let someone try and shut her down easily. When not in "spy mode", she can be a major crackhead and is forever being weird. She is a major jokester and loves making all sorts of jokes, self-praising jokes, self-depricating jokes, dirty jokes and dark jokes.
  42. [ FAMILY | ▹
  43. Kaito Hidehiko | Father | International Government Agency (Spy) | 8/10 |
  44. Kaito Amaterasu | Mother | International Government Agency (Spy) | 9/10 |
  45. She loves both her parents dearly and looks up to them and all the success that they have. She admires everything that they have achieved and dreams to be just like them.
  47. ⬦⬘☰ [ I THINK ABOUT IT 24/7 ] ☰⬘⬦
  49. [ LIKES | ▹
  50. + British bands and groups such as Busted, Queen, Oasis and Coldplay. She also likes the grime artists such as Fredo, Dave, AJ Tracey, D Block Europe and many more. She can often be heard listening to their music.
  51. + British soap operas
  52. + Working out
  53. + Being the center of attention
  54. + Being complimented
  55. + Trying out new hair styles
  56. + Shopping
  57. + Swimming
  58. + Acting
  59. + Movies & dramas
  61. [ DISLIKES | ▹
  62. + Being bored
  63. + Being too hot
  64. + Chocolate (except dark chocolate and white chocolate)
  65. + Sleeping
  66. + Silence
  67. + Bad smells
  68. + Cheese
  69. + When people say bad things about England
  71. [ FEARS | ▹
  72. ↳ Thanatophobia ; this is a fear of losing someone you love
  73. [ TRIVIA | ▹
  74. + She is the biggest fan of anything on soap opera on television and her favourites are Hollyoaks, Eastenders, Neighbours and Home & Away.
  75. + She is also obsessed with spy movies.
  76. + She has a habit of cracking her joints.
  77. + At random times, she gets these weird twitches in her right eye.
  78. + When she sneezes, they are silent but she quakes which people find very strange because since the sneeze is silent, they are not aware of what just happened and think she is just being weird.
  79. + She has always dreamed to be as successful as her parents in the area of espionage.
  80. + She likes almost all genres of music except punk, heavy metal rock, country or classical.
  81. + Her favourite group of Youtubers are The Sidemen.
  82. + She has been doing drama since she was 12 years old.
  83. + Another habit of hers is quietly sniffing, this usually happens when she is using her phone. There is no specific reason why she does this but it is just happens naturally.
  84. + She loves watching Aliya Janell dance choreographies because she loves how confident she is when dancing.
  85. + She owns 5 pairs of tracksuits because she loves how comfortable yet dressy they are.
  86. + She has a really good sense of style and she is really good at doing makeup.
  90. [ ROLE IN THE TEAM | ▹
  91. ↳ She is the seductress of the team, she uses her looks, acting skills and her alluring qualities to trick and make people reveal information. She draws information out of people using tactics of seduction and threatening them with knives and blades.
  94. + Costumes + any sort of blade (her favourite is the throwing knife) + Deception
  97. ↳ She is very impulsive and does the first thing that comes to mind even if it is not the safest thing to do.
  101. [ LOVE INTEREST | ▹
  102. ↳ Seonghwa (Ateez)
  104. ↳ B.I (ex-iKon)
  105. [ HIS BIRTHDATE | ▹
  106. ↳ April 3rd, 1997
  108. [ HIS PERSONALITY | ▹ He is a very out-going person who is very friendly with everyone. He is very open and shares a lot to the extent where it may be a bit too much. He has a great sense of humour and jokes come very easily too him. He has very rude and offensive but he knows how to time his jokes and who to tell them to. He can be very touchy in the way that he loves kissing and hugging his friends. He is very good with guns and any type of melee weapon. He trained with his dad in these areas of combat when he was younger. His father died after going in to cardiac arrest in his sleep. His mum died when he turned 20 due to kidney failure and so that left a gap that he needed to fill. He likes to keep cheery because he knows that is the way his parents would have wanted to see him and because he doesn't like being pitied by people, he had had enough of that from close relatives.
  110. [ PROGRESSION | ▹
  111. Beginning | At the beginning, they didn't really talk, just spared glances at each other. They had already developed a physical attraction towards each other. They had met while all of the girls had met the boys. When they were training together they talked a lot more and quickly got comfortable around each other. Sachiri started to flirt a bit as did Seonghwa but this was outside training hours only.
  112. Middle | During the mission, there were a lot of times where they had to work together and they quickly got a sense of how the other works and he best way to adapt both working styles into one. Their relationship developed and they got closer and opened up to each other a bit more. Many times, throughout the mission, the both got into grave danger and many times, they were there for each other and did what they could do to save one another.
  113. End | By the end of the mission, they were practically inseperable. On the way back, they talked and talked and told each other stories about their past and revealed a lot of stuff about themselves. When they arrived back to Youngkwan, Seonghwa asked her to be his girlfriend and she said yes. (If they are not meant to date then you can take it out.) During the end of the mission, an incident occured causing her to get a fractured leg. When Seonghwa finally found out, he made it his mission to look after her on the way back and when they were back at the boarding school.
  116. + Going out together at night to help each other train whether it is going out for a nigth time jog or working out at the gym.
  117. + They like laying together on either of their beds.
  118. + Sometimes they can be very competitive like doing little competitions of who can get to the pole and back the quickest or who can get the top of the climbing wall first.
  119. + Showing each other their special abilities such as her showing him how to throw knives and he teaches her about melee combat and how to shoot a gun properly.
  120. + Sachiri is always going on about how she loves laying on his bare chest because it is so comfortable.
  121. + She is always showing him her favourite shows from England such as Eastenders and Hollyoaks.
  125. [ QUESTIONS | ▹
  126. I.WHAT’S HER FAVOURITE CLASS AND WHY? Advanced Languages because she thinks it comes in useful know different languages if she comes across clients from other countries also she finds accent replication really interesting.
  128. II. HOW WELL DOES SHE HANDLE PAIN: MENTAL, EMOTIONAL AND PHYSICAL? Physical pain is not something she is hugely phased by, since she knows it will happen one way or another, she doesn't make a big deal over it.
  129. Emotional and mental pain make her act out more, she usually looks for comfort in the arms of a boy or WITH YOU when she is going through this.
  131. III. IN A DANGEROUS SITUATION, WHAT IS HER FIRST INSTINCT: FLIGHT, FIGHT or PANIC? Fight, she has always been a fighter, she got this trait from her mum.
  133. IV. WHAT ARE HER BIGGEST STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES? Her biggest weakness would definitely be her "high-risk, high reward" view on life because there have been many times where that has got her into trouble. As well as this, also her love for attention is a big weakness. Her biggest strength however, would be her dedication because without dedication, she wouldn't be the amazing spy she is today.
  135. [ CLOSEST SLOT(S) | ▹
  136. + With you ; They have been best friends since they enrolled at Youngkwan around the same time. They might as well be sisters. They tell each other everything from hardships to crushes to their insecurities.
  137. + 24/7 ; She likes how easy going and relaxed she is. If she ever just wants to lay back and relax, she goes to find 24/7.
  140. + Seonghwa telling Sachiri about the deaths of his parents and she goes to comfort him.
  141. + A group training session where they all learn a specific fighting style and they teach each other some basics in their area of expertise.
  142. + Some of the girls catching Seonghwa and Sachiri making out, some of the girls and boys start teasing them, wolf whistling and whooping.
  143. + The girls all going swimming together.
  144. + Playing truth or dare
  145. + Sachiri hides the fact that she has fractured her leg from everyone however, someone notices her wincing while she was limping causding suspicion. It was then revealed to Seonghwa that she had fractured a bone in her leg and that by not treating, she made it worse. He made a vow that he would nurse her back to health and he made her promise not to hide stuff like this again.
  146. (I can't think of anymore)
  148. [ ANYTHING ELSE? | ▹
  149. ↳ Hello Lar, I just stumbled upon this apply fic when I was searching for a new one. Hopefully things go the way you wanted and I would love to become friends. If there are any mistakes, inconsistencies or problems with my form, please don't hesitate to tell me.
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