
Shape Of Youuu

Jul 22nd, 2017
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  1. iKamal: Dori had went swimming that day. She was just now returning home. Ever since she left home she seemed different and she liked it. She was becoming her own person and not who her abuela wanted her to be. she sighed some walking up the drive way with her big beach bag on her shoulder. she made it to the steps and fumbled around in her bag trying to find her keys.
  2. Tsaaq: Thaddeus tugged on the tank top he was wearing that day. He sighed sitting on the couch with his basketball on cushion beside him. He wanted to go out and practice but became distracted. He heard a stirring by the door and immediate got up. "Who is it?" He called out.
  3. Tsaaq: ((Sorry it was loading slow idk why!))
  4. iKamal: [you are fine]]
  5. iKamal: Dori heard someone call out as she was looking for her keys."It's Dori...I can't find my key in this big ass bag." she huffed some."Can you jsut open the door please" she waited to see who t was she was talking to. she hoped they would open the door for her.
  6. Tsaaq: He laughed a bit and opened the door for her and stepped aside as he stared down at her. "Long day?" Thaddeus asked her with a raise of his thick eyebrows.
  7. iKamal: She smiled seeing it was Thad."Oh thank god it is you." she walked in and shrugged her shoulders."no not really I had today off so I went to the lake for a swim and got a tan." she set ehr bag on the couch and turned to look at him.what about you?" she looked around to see if anyone else was around.
  8. Tsaaq: "You know me. I stayed home. Play video games." He shrugged and looked her over with his dark brown eyes. "The lake sounds fun though. Glad you finally got to go." Thaddeus went to sit on the edge of the couch as he looked up at her, smiling. "I was gonna hoop but..."
  9. iKamal: She smiled and noticed his eyes looking her over. she sat down beside him and leaned against him."But you got to lazy didn't you?" she chuckled abit. she enjoyed the time she got with him."What are you watching?"
  10. Tsaaq: He shrugged his shoulders a moment. "You can say that..." He rested his elbows on his thighs as he looked over to her. He smirked. "I wasn't really watching anything. Just sitting here spacing out." He chuckled. "Wanna watch something?"
  11. iKamal: She grinned and shook her head."No i'm good." she stood up fixing her shorts and looked down at him."but we could go to your room and watch a live action porn on your big screen mirror." she laughed at her lame pick up line."can you believe someone tried to use that on me today. it was a no for me." sh shrugged some walking off to the kitchen."I'm getting some water you want anything?"
  12. Tsaaq: Thaddeus rose an eyebrow at Dori with a raise of his eyebrow. "Huh?" He asked before shaking his head then he started to laugh. "Uhhh, I could use some water. I'm feeling kinda hot." He said as he followed her into the kitchen.
  13. iKamal: She went up on her tip toes grabbing two glasses and filing them both up with water from the sink. she set his down on the counter and sipped her own.She looked him over and tilted her head abit before setting her glass down."why are you hot? you been inside."
  14. Tsaaq: He grabbed the glass as he watched her. "I don't know. I get really hot easily. Maybe I'm sick or something." He shrugged his shoulders. "So uh..." Thad trailed off. "The shit with Jade the other day was kinda crazy." He said.
  15. iKamal: She nodded her head."well I hope you aren't sick. want me to feel your head." she shrugged some."eh it's ok. it was nothing. she get over it." she took another sip of her water and placed the glass down. she looked down at the glass and took a deep breath."Sooo I have a question for you.."
  16. Tsaaq: Thaddeus leaned forward so she could reach his foreward. He stood up straight once more after her diagnosis then shruged. "I don't know. It's weird." He nodded his head at her and went to peer into his glass of water. He looked over to her once more. "What? I mean, sure. Yeah, ask away."
  17. iKamal: She palced her hand on his forehead and he really didnt seem that warm to her but then again she had been outside all day. she shrugged some and ran her finger around the edge of the glass."I was wondering what your goal was for are you looking for this to turn into something more then jsut talking or just wanting to fool around?" she bit the inside of her cheek abit and she was nervous."I'm asking for a reason because i'm kind of stuck."
  18. Tsaaq: "Um..." Thaddeus trailed off and put his glass down as he went to lean against the counter. He chewed his lip ring as he nervously knocked his tatted knuckles against the wood of the cabinet behind him. "I don't know..." He trailed off. A crease forming between his eyebrows as he thought. "I wouldn't want to just fool around with you if you want more than that. That's kind of shitty." He said. "I haven't really been in a-" He paused. Thad cleared his throat. "The last girl I was official with... I sort of was a shitty to..." He muttered.
  19. iKamal: She looked at him and listened to him."but you ahve changed since the last girl haven't you?" she rubbed the back of her neck."It's just I feel so much tension between us sometimes and I do like you alot. "she smiled some."When say I like you I mean your name is in my diary more then once."she chuckled some trying to lighten the mood abit."I don't know if you don't watto be official I understand. I've never really been official with anyone actually. I mean i've had boyfriends I think but we never said hey that's my girlfriend or hey that's my boyfriend."
  20. iKamal: [im typing in the dark so sorry for my typos]
  21. Tsaaq: ((It's fine!))
  22. Tsaaq: He nodded his head at Dori. "Yes, of course I have." He replied softly. He pressed his lips against each other tightly while she spoke. "I just don't want to make it official, not yet anyways. I know you really want soe solidity from me..." He trailed off. "But I should do something nice for you at least. Then ask you. My moms would like that. She would be proud of something like that." He told Dori before going to put his hand on her shoulder then gently brought it to her cheek. "That sound okay?"
  23. iKamal: She smiled and looked up at him placing her hand on his wrist that was near her lips as his hand was on her cheek by now."I'm okay with that...I just wanted to know what we were working towards is all. Now I can give you my 100." she smiled and planted a soft kiss on his wrist. She was glad they were on the same page now and she felt like there was this huge weight lifted off her shoulders.
  24. Tsaaq: He let out a small sigh and smiled a bit at her. "Girl, you know I want your love. Your love was handmade for somebody like me. Come on now follow my lead. I may be crazy don't mind me." Thaddeus sang softly to her as he kept his hand on her cheek. Thaddeus tucked one of her stray tendrils of blonde hair behind her ear. He went to lean forward so his pierced lips would brush against hers.
  25. Covet: Felix came tromping down the stairs, being loud and obnoxious as he grabbed onto the corner and swung himself around into the kitchen to see Thad and Dori about to get their mack on in the kitchen. He couldnt help but interupt and gave a loud wolf whistle. "Yeah Thad, Get some!" He smirked and walked past Thad to grab a water bottle out of the fridge, "Hey... slight interuption. I was gonna go shoot some hoops, feeling a little rusty, care to join me?" He asked while he gawked at the two of them with an amused smirk on his lips.
  26. iKamal: Dori smiled listening to him sing. She couldn't help but chuckle abit. She kept her eyes on him as he sang and tucked her hair behind her ear. Once he leaned in she felt her whole body start to melt. His lips brushed against hers and she heard someone coming down the steps and then a voice. Her cheeks turned a crimson red and she turned away facing the counter. she grabbed her water and sipped it some to cool herself down because now she was feeling really hot with embrassment.
  27. Tsaaq: Thad smirked into the kiss then pulled away once he heard the movement from the stairs. He looked down then around the kitchen as he went to take a sip of water. "Hey Felix." He said with a casual wave. "Uh, yeah sure." Thad shrugged. "I was gonna practice but then I got uh... Distracted."
  28. Covet: "Riiiiight. It's cool dude. I got you. Distractions happen." He said with a nod, his smirk unfading. "But if you're joining that makes this a lot easier.. because I just realized my ball is still over at Steph's."Felix pursed his lips realizing his ball-less-ness.
  29. iKamal: Dori set her glass down and listened to them talk. She was smiling from ear to ear and now she had that song stuck in her head. she mumbled to herself tapping her finger on the counter to the beat."boy, let's not talk too much. Grab on my waist and put that body on me...."she hummed the tune to herself and looked over at Felix."Hey kitty kat." she offered him a small smile.
  30. Tsaaq: He shook head as he chuckled. "Yeah, okay. Thanks Felix." Thaddeus said with an awkward look, his eyes widened. He smirked as he looked over to Dori, getting distracted for a moment. "What? Oh, yeah. Come on." Thad said, shaking his head so he'd focus. "You wanna watch, or try to play with us?" Thad asked Dori as he went over to the couch and grabbed his basketball.
  31. Covet: Felix headed outside, walking past Thad as he opened the front door and walked out, jumping off the top of the steps. He was being a little jittery and jumpy tonight because he didn't take his meds today, having opted for sleeping in, instead. "Damn, it's a nice night out tonight. Not to hot, not too cold."
  32. iKamal: Dori looked at Thad and she smiled."I think I will watch. I'm not good at playing ball. unless it is soccer then I would totally beat your ass."she chuckled and followed him out to the livingroom and then headed outside herself sititng down on the steps to watch them play.
  33. Tsaaq: "You sure? It's super easy." Thaddeus asked her again. He twirled the ball on his index finger as he walked out the front door. "I don't even think I've ever actually play soccer since middle school." He called out as he went over to the garage and stared up at the hoop then began to driibble. "Ready for this?" He asked Felix.
  34. Covet: "Soccer is.. eh" Felix said with a shrug, "All I see when I watch soccer is a bunch of babies faking fouls." Yeah, go for it, we just one on one scrimmaging?" He asked as he stood closer to the basket bending over, bouncing on his toes, while he shook his hands out.
  35. iKamal: Dori smiled."I'm sure. I'll just be your cheerleader." she chuckled and looked at Felix."Bullshit there are no faking fouls. play me one time and I'll show youa fake foul."she smiled and watched them play. she patted her head smoothing out her hair some and fixing her bun.
  36. Tsaaq: He went to wink at Dori. He tossed the ball between his legs before running for the hoop and fliced his wrist as he aimed for the rim. The ball bounced off the rim and Thad caught it. Thaddeus started to laugh. "One on one sound okay?" He asked Felix. "Yeah they do fake a lot of fouls in soccer... That's what they're famous for."
  37. Tsaaq: ((Sorrry.))
  38. Covet: "Yeah I'm game with that. Since it's your ball, I'll let you start us off." He said with a nod, then looked over at Dori. "You mean to tell me that all those fake foul fails videos on youtube are just them dicking around then? I mean we're talking world cup... year after year since like two thousand and two, Brazil being the worst offender for faking fouls... in the WOLRD CUP of all things." Felix said standing up and looking over at Dori, then went back to paying attention to Thad, as they started off.
  39. iKamal: Dori smiled and raised a brow at Feix."You have never played with a woman before. That is world cup that is all for show."she shrugged her shoulders some."Did you know way way back in the day if the goalie let one ball past at the end of the game they killed him. That is how serious soccer use to be."Dori just shared little facts about the game as she watched them."Plus women are more aggresive then men in my opinion. I love soccer its an amazing sport way better then golf defiantly."
  40. Tsaaq: He continued to dribble and kept his eyes on the ground then glanced up at Felix. "Hey man, focus." He called out before jogging around him and running for the hoop. He leapt and tossed the ball into the basket before catching the ball once more. "That's really crazy." He called out to Dori. "I remember I used to watch Mia Hamm cause she would take off her shirt when she got a goal and shit."
  41. Covet: "Yeah, like back during the mesoamerican time, and that wasn't so much soccer as it was basketball you played with your foot. There wasn't a goal, it was a hoop." Felix said then scoffed, as he want about defending the hoop, half assed, throwing his hands up as Thad jumped and made a basket, trying to smack the ball out of his hands, but missed. "The world cup is just for show? You do realize that that's pretty much as pro league as you can get in soccer, before the olympics, I'm sure it's not all for show, just the fake fouls are." He said with a laugh then looked at Thad, "Mia Hamm, was always worth watching a game for. Even I can admit that."
  42. Covet: *went not want
  43. Covet: iKamal: Dori set her glass down and listened to them talk. She was smiling from
  44. Covet: ear to ear and now she had that song stuck in her head. she mumbled to herself
  45. iKamal: Dori shook her head."That's what I meant kitty cat the fouls are for show." she leaned back on the steps so her elbows were on the step behind her. she crossed her ankles and shook her foot abit."good job Thad." she cheered him on for making a basket."I remember playing as a kid. We use to ahve so much fun. My mom got mad cause I was always coming home with some kind of scrap or bruise on me.
  46. Covet: /.... the fuck did I push? o.o
  47. iKamal: [o.o idk XD]
  48. Covet: [Sorry.. I dropped my empty cup on my keyboard and it spazzed XD]
  49. iKamal: [imvu been doing that lately though]
  50. Tsaaq: ((Omg jesus.))
  51. Covet: [This was totally user error on my part. ]
  52. Covet: [I'm Sorry!]
  53. Tsaaq: He grinned as he winked at Dori. "Thanks." Thad nodded in her direction and continued to dribble, the ball slipped from his hand a moment. "So soccer is your basketball. I used to play basketball all the time with my brother and my dad."
  54. Covet: "Isn't that what kids are supposed to do.. get scraped and bruised up?" Felix asked, "I mean, it was a good day if I ended up with a few scratches by the end of it." He took a dive towards Thad and reached in to swipe the ball from him when he let the ball slip, pivoting around on his left foot, around Thad's body, to bring the ball back far enough to sink a three point shot. He jumped using the momentum in his legs to push the ball with a flick of his wrist , letting it hang limply as he watched the ball go through the net. "I started off in parks and Rec little league, it was a way to keep my mom from killing me with my hyperactiveness."
  55. iKamal: "Not if your mom wants you to be in pagents and look pretty." she put her hands under her chin and batted her lashes like a princess before laughig. she smiled to Thad and bit her lower lip."But she always covered up my bruises and stuff with make up."
  56. Tsaaq: He sighed and went to run after Felix, attempting to slap the ball from his hand then ran towards him. He watched the ball fall through the net then he ran to catch the ball. Thad resumed his dribbling. "I'm so glad I wasn't born a girl. That sounds like a lot of pressure." He sighed.
  57. Covet: "I don't know if you've kept up on squawks, but, I've totally rocked the princess shit too. I went to a school dance, in drag, one year because me and my brother didn't have dates. We came in second for class royalty." Felix said, oddly proud of his feminine moments. He repositioned himself between Thad and the net, as Thad started dribbling again.
  58. iKamal: Dori shrugged some."Being a girl is tough." she watched them repostion and play."I think you would make a pretty girl Kitty cat. You girl name can be catherine." she chuckled and stood up brushing the dust off her shorts.-
  59. Tsaaq: "Good thing you've got the hang of it." He smirked at Dori. Thaddeus moved the ball from hand to hand. "I don't know. I'm not so good with social media as of late..." He trailed off awkward then went to run around Felix. "Yeah but that's different. Like if you're androgynous that's pretty cool. I on the other hand am a large very noticable man." Thad said as he ran as far as he could from the hoop and attempted to shoot a basket. He scoffed once the ball loudly banged off the rim. "Are you a twin?" He asked Felix.
  60. Covet: "My female persona is named Felicity, thank you very much. She is very high maintenance and demands all her drinks in a glass made of diamond. Not that swarovski crystal B.S. She is allergic to fake fur, and cheap nail polish, and she refuses to give up her virginity to anyone but Prince Charles. Yes... The old one, that was married to Princess Diana." He added getting all sassy as he spoke then immediately changed that, when he refocused himself on what Thad was doing with the ball, catching it when it banged off the rim. "Yeah, I'm the younger. My brother is a wine making yuppie, with a ponytail."
  61. iKamal: "Yeah I pretty much got the girl things down." she smiled and she began to laugh loudly hearing felix."oh wow she is really fancy would love to meet her sometime." she chuckled and watched them. she leaned against the railing of the steps."and I think with a corset and make up and if you shaved we could make you into a pretty woman would jsut take a shti ton of contouring and highlighting."
  62. Tsaaq: He nodded his head and pulled off his beanie and stuffed it in his pocket. "No shit?" He asked curiously. "My sisters are twins." He laughed and ran for the ball. He furrowed his thick eyebrows at his description of his female alter ego. "Huh." He muttered awkwardly, losing focus. He looked over to Dori then sputtered his lips. "I'd end up looking like the guy who was the general manager before me at Hot Topic. Like my height with pink hair and makeup. I mean, he always looked great. But still... I think he's signing a makeup deal with Sephora I think now. However that works."
  63. Covet: "I'd love for you to meet her, but she's in a long term rehab facility for huffing hair spray, so... I don't know when she'll be back around." Felix said with a laugh, "No shit? I'd say hook a twin up, and Sebastian and I could do that awkward twin double date thing. It's kind of a bucket list thing for us, But I'm pretty sure that wouldn't go over well with Steph." He said cringing a little. "Hold up.. time out.. my battery is beeping at me." He said then reached for his ear to pull off the cochlear hearing aid attached to his head, tucked up under his hair. He reached into his pocket with his other hand and pulled out a small black case that had his spare battery and went about changing them out so he could still hear. Putting it back in place he pocketed the black case with the dead battery, "Okay, Game on!"
  64. iKamal: "What a shame I think her and I would getalong great." she chuckled some."And I like Thad as a guy he is much cuter."she tiled her head some. This was the first time she had seen thad without his beanie on his head. she smiled and walked out but kept her distane so they wouldn't hit her as she watched them. she saw felix change out his battery and waited till he had the hearing aid back in"What else is on your bucket list?"
  65. Tsaaq: Thaddeus shook his head at Felix. "I think they're little old for you." He chuckled and nodded. "Also that." He said at the mention of Steph. "So uh-" He began to ask. He paused, waiting for him to finish his ear thing. "So, do you know what happened with Steph's last guy? Do you even know him? His name was Ash. He was like eighty pounds?" Thad probed before going to look over to Dori. "Well thank you."
  66. Covet: "My personal bucket list?Or my Twin bucket list. Because there's a lot of differences between the two." Felix said to Dori, then turned to Thad, "Age is just a number. I've been known to woo the older types just as much as women of my own peer group." He said holding up a finger then looked around before he answered Thad's question about Ash. "I would say my fist is more acquianted with him than I am. And if we're lucky he'll keep his sorry ass out of Portland for a while."
  67. iKamal: Dori smied to thad and winked."You are welcome..." she let a yawn escape her lips."hmm we can talk about your bucket list some other time i'm tired." she streched out some and smiled to them both"I think i'm going to go head to bed." she stood there waiting for their answers.
  68. Tsaaq: He narrowed his eyes at the other male. "No perving on my sisters please." He said with a laugh. His eyebrows rose up his forehead. "That's kind of hilarious." He said then frowned a bit. "It's not that hilarious." He doubled back as he lowered his head. "You're going to bed?" He asked her as he went to walk over to the porch steps where she was sitting.
  69. Covet: "Mhhm, mhhm, We'll just call this a social foul on your part, since you asked but now you don't want to hear about it." Felix said to Dori, turning up his nose as he crossed his arms, then laughed at Thad's response. "Your sister's are safe, don't worry I've had enough beat downs by another team mate for getting involved with his sister. I'm good for a while." He nodded his head watching Thad's expression change. "I would say it was hilarious, but the circumstances for him being punched, weren't. However rest assured, Bryan and I are keeping a close eye on shit with him right now, and he's back up in Seattle with his tail between his legs." Felix stretched but wasn't feeling at all tired, "Maybe I'll go netflix and chill with myself... without the chill."
  70. iKamal: Dor chuckled at Felix."Aww im sorry im the lame friend but I got work in the morning." she smiled and looked at Thad."which I am hoping you don't mind taking me in the morning?" she stood up and waited leaning agianst the railing of the steps.
  71. Tsaaq: Thaddeus shrugged his shoulders. "Yeah... I don't know." He whispered. "Me and that guy didn't get a long. Like at all. But it wasn't very reasonable." He looked over to Dori and smiled. "Yeah I can take you to work." He said. "Just wake me up in the morning and I'll brush my teeth and drive you to the mall."
  72. Covet: "Before I forget, someone had a car for sale that they were advertising on Squawks. I saw it and thought I would pass along that information to you since yours kind of kicked the bucket." Felix said making his way to the stairs since it seemed like everyone was calling it a night. "Yeah, I'm pretty much in the same boat you are, except I'm involved with his ex. But... C'est La Vie. His loss not mine. You guys take care, I'll see you around and all that farewell shit."
  73. iKamal: Dori smiled and nodded her head."Okay I will wake you up."She looked at Felix"oh really I will have to check it out thank you so much for looking out for me. Night Kitty cat" she smiled to him and waved. she turned back to Thad and made her way to him going up on her tip toes and kissing his cheek."I'll see you in the morning." she smiled and made her way inside to her bed room ready to go to bed
  74. iKamal: [night guys]
  75. Covet: [NIGHT!]
  76. Tsaaq: ((Night!))
  77. Covet: [Kitty cat -.- ugh. Does he look like some girl with daddy issues, who needs to be called kitten? Don't answer that... his daddy issues and him being called Kitty cat.. aren't related XD]
  78. Tsaaq: ((Listen don't try to rationalize lmao.))_
  79. Covet: [LMAO XD I know... I can't even say that shit with a straight face after the shit Felix spilled on about tonight. XD]
  80. Tsaaq: ((Smfh xD))
  81. Covet: [and GOD DAMMIT LUCAS....-.- ]
  82. Tsaaq: (( He really fell asleep before doing anything >.>))
  83. Covet: [I know.. asked us what was going on.. where people were... then just went dead.
  84. Tsaaq: ((He was inebriated also I think. I'm mostly done updating all my character boards.))
  85. Covet: [I have soooo much shit to update.... between character board stuff... still.. and jsut redoing all of that photobucket bullshit. Steph informed me that my artgroup for DPs and Auctions is ROYALLY fucked. -.-]
  86. Tsaaq: ((Damn it.))
  87. Covet: [yeah... I am just going to go and redo all of it. Because a lot of that shit was done with my old artwork, and my new stuffs is more defined and detailed. It was needed... but I don't like my hand being forced in the matter because PB has it's head up it's ass.]
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