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May 28th, 2016
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  1. [12:52:05 PM] ๖ۣۜLordHello|FragZ/Khan|Owner@WG exile| Ididitm touch directory configs?
  2. [12:52:24 PM] ๖ۣۜLordHello|FragZ/Khan|Owner@WG exile| I dont use tadst but for the dev server and tadst 2.7 dont work with latest rcon
  3. [12:52:55 PM] ๖ۣۜLordHello|FragZ/Khan|Owner@WG exile| Only config i edited was for the exile
  4. [12:53:01 PM] ๖ۣۜLordHello|FragZ/Khan|Owner@WG exile| And it was in /Config
  5. [12:53:06 PM] theshockingvolts: Idk a while back you and Ramzee were trying to see wassup supposedly on skype you did something but had to go before you could tell him
  6. [12:53:16 PM] ๖ۣۜLordHello|FragZ/Khan|Owner@WG exile| No?
  7. [12:53:20 PM] ๖ۣۜLordHello|FragZ/Khan|Owner@WG exile| Wtf?
  8. [12:53:45 PM] theshockingvolts: Ok would you like me to update to the latest rcon?
  9. [12:53:45 PM] ๖ۣۜLordHello|FragZ/Khan|Owner@WG exile| Well if so idk what the hell it is
  10. [12:54:09 PM] ๖ۣۜLordHello|FragZ/Khan|Owner@WG exile| You cant update rcon its with arma's setup
  11. [12:54:29 PM] theshockingvolts: My bad I meant tadst
  12. [12:54:51 PM] ๖ۣۜLordHello|FragZ/Khan|Owner@WG exile| Yes that might help but best thing would be to keep onusing the bat file
  13. [12:55:03 PM] ๖ۣۜLordHello|FragZ/Khan|Owner@WG exile| And redo a config file not using tadst configg files
  14. [12:55:14 PM] theshockingvolts: Yeah
  15. [12:55:16 PM] ๖ۣۜLordHello|FragZ/Khan|Owner@WG exile| Cus tadst configs are genersted by the tool
  16. [12:55:38 PM] ๖ۣۜLordHello|FragZ/Khan|Owner@WG exile| Ranzee told me that with a server without tadst rcon was working
  17. [12:55:53 PM] ๖ۣۜLordHello|FragZ/Khan|Owner@WG exile| Ramzee*
  18. [12:55:53 PM] theshockingvolts: Ok i will do that
  19. [12:56:04 PM] theshockingvolts: Thanks
  20. [12:56:15 PM] ๖ۣۜLordHello|FragZ/Khan|Owner@WG exile| Np
  21. [12:56:21 PM] ๖ۣۜLordHello|FragZ/Khan|Owner@WG exile| Rcon is a most
  22. [12:56:31 PM] ๖ۣۜLordHello|FragZ/Khan|Owner@WG exile| Cus the non exile version of infistar dont perma ban
  23. [12:56:48 PM] ๖ۣۜLordHello|FragZ/Khan|Owner@WG exile| He uses .dll files to write bans permanently in exile
  24. [12:57:22 PM] theshockingvolts: Yeah and is there a way to make arma logs go into folders like you did with exile
  25. [12:57:47 PM] ๖ۣۜLordHello|FragZ/Khan|Owner@WG exile| Yiu mean infistar
  26. [12:57:53 PM] theshockingvolts: Yea
  27. [12:57:55 PM] ๖ۣۜLordHello|FragZ/Khan|Owner@WG exile| Its defined in exile infistar
  28. [12:58:00 PM] ๖ۣۜLordHello|FragZ/Khan|Owner@WG exile| Idk if it is in a3
  29. [12:58:25 PM] theshockingvolts: Yea true cause I'm looking for it in a3 it's a bitch
  30. [12:58:34 PM] ๖ۣۜLordHello|FragZ/Khan|Owner@WG exile| I might have to modify the core code
  31. [12:58:43 PM] ๖ۣۜLordHello|FragZ/Khan|Owner@WG exile| Which would be a pain
  32. [12:58:49 PM] ๖ۣۜLordHello|FragZ/Khan|Owner@WG exile| I might ask infi too
  33. [12:59:24 PM] ๖ۣۜLordHello|FragZ/Khan|Owner@WG exile| Else i could make a tool that moves em like an actual software
  34. [12:59:37 PM] ๖ۣۜLordHello|FragZ/Khan|Owner@WG exile| What else
  35. [1:00:33 PM] theshockingvolts: So I swapped from godaddy to a vps for the same price cause go daddy wouldn't let us have functions and stuff since there a shared hosting
  36. [1:00:55 PM] ๖ۣۜLordHello|FragZ/Khan|Owner@WG exile| Right
  37. [1:01:26 PM] ๖ۣۜLordHello|FragZ/Khan|Owner@WG exile| Functions...
  38. [1:02:03 PM] theshockingvolts: Yeah and you remember when you said you don't trust wolf being senior developer and its my call
  39. [1:02:16 PM] ๖ۣۜLordHello|FragZ/Khan|Owner@WG exile| I NEVER said that
  40. [1:02:17 PM] theshockingvolts: Well my bad server execution
  41. [1:02:18 PM] ๖ۣۜLordHello|FragZ/Khan|Owner@WG exile| I said developer
  42. [1:02:20 PM] theshockingvolts: Shot
  43. [1:02:23 PM] ๖ۣۜLordHello|FragZ/Khan|Owner@WG exile| Not senior
  44. [1:02:44 PM] theshockingvolts: Well I completely vouch for him being it
  45. [1:03:07 PM] ๖ۣۜLordHello|FragZ/Khan|Owner@WG exile| If it was me id remove him completly before it goes bad
  46. [1:03:21 PM] ๖ۣۜLordHello|FragZ/Khan|Owner@WG exile| Hes power hungry and should not be given the opportunity to use that
  47. [1:03:30 PM] ๖ۣۜLordHello|FragZ/Khan|Owner@WG exile| What do you base on for a vouch for him
  48. [1:03:49 PM] ๖ۣۜLordHello|FragZ/Khan|Owner@WG exile| Because so far... i see nothing but a cheap mybb website and a crap ts
  49. [1:03:49 PM] theshockingvolts: Honestly no matter how many times we fucked him he didn't want to do shit
  50. [1:04:23 PM | Edited 1:04:28 PM] ๖ۣۜLordHello|FragZ/Khan|Owner@WG exile| Mmh
  51. [1:05:14 PM] theshockingvolts: And me and him are doing some things with other TEamspeaks and that website he spent a bit fixing errors I would fill up his plate he would never question me
  52. [1:05:48 PM] ๖ۣۜLordHello|FragZ/Khan|Owner@WG exile| Thats a developer's job
  53. [1:05:56 PM] ๖ۣۜLordHello|FragZ/Khan|Owner@WG exile| MY job IS to question
  54. [1:06:02 PM] ๖ۣۜLordHello|FragZ/Khan|Owner@WG exile| Else id be a simple dev
  55. [1:06:13 PM] ๖ۣۜLordHello|FragZ/Khan|Owner@WG exile| fixing errors
  56. [1:06:15 PM] ๖ۣۜLordHello|FragZ/Khan|Owner@WG exile| What errors
  57. [1:06:22 PM] ๖ۣۜLordHello|FragZ/Khan|Owner@WG exile| Cus mybb is pretty fucking straightforward
  58. [1:06:31 PM] theshockingvolts: He has been with us since day 1 so I can vouch 100
  59. [1:06:34 PM] ๖ۣۜLordHello|FragZ/Khan|Owner@WG exile| It took me 2 minutes to build mine and add a template
  60. [1:06:38 PM] ๖ۣۜLordHello|FragZ/Khan|Owner@WG exile| Then 5 mins changing colors
  61. [1:07:01 PM] ๖ۣۜLordHello|FragZ/Khan|Owner@WG exile| Yeah so were other people that you agreed to let go...
  62. [1:07:27 PM] ๖ۣۜLordHello|FragZ/Khan|Owner@WG exile| I never will trust him with powers and i still think mybb is a very bad choice
  63. [1:07:35 PM] ๖ۣۜLordHello|FragZ/Khan|Owner@WG exile| But w/e
  64. [1:07:52 PM] ๖ۣۜLordHello|FragZ/Khan|Owner@WG exile| The main page could of stayed and kept ipb on the forum tab
  65. [1:07:57 PM] ๖ۣۜLordHello|FragZ/Khan|Owner@WG exile| And put the same bg image
  66. [1:08:21 PM] ๖ۣۜLordHello|FragZ/Khan|Owner@WG exile| I dont see the need to move over a crappier website just for a shitty stolen iAndrew theme used by hundreds of sites
  67. [1:08:27 PM] ๖ۣۜLordHello|FragZ/Khan|Owner@WG exile| Including Trailerpark
  68. [1:08:40 PM] theshockingvolts: Its still a work in progress we will make it much nicer
  69. [1:08:45 PM] ๖ۣۜLordHello|FragZ/Khan|Owner@WG exile| All those Shock, i see as very bad community and business moves
  70. [1:09:07 PM] ๖ۣۜLordHello|FragZ/Khan|Owner@WG exile| It cant be better in any poimt shape or form than an ipb
  71. [1:09:16 PM] ๖ۣۜLordHello|FragZ/Khan|Owner@WG exile| Security and function wise
  72. [1:09:19 PM] ๖ۣۜLordHello|FragZ/Khan|Owner@WG exile| You will see
  73. [1:09:24 PM] theshockingvolts: But yea I see but on this one your wrong with wolf
  74. [1:09:40 PM] ๖ۣۜLordHello|FragZ/Khan|Owner@WG exile| LOL im far from wrong
  75. [1:09:43 PM] ๖ۣۜLordHello|FragZ/Khan|Owner@WG exile| Its like before
  76. [1:09:47 PM] ๖ۣۜLordHello|FragZ/Khan|Owner@WG exile| Now its like that
  77. [1:09:53 PM] theshockingvolts: We will add security and you could help us add security
  78. [1:10:00 PM] ๖ۣۜLordHello|FragZ/Khan|Owner@WG exile| In days, weeks, maybe months something willgo down
  79. [1:10:15 PM] ๖ۣۜLordHello|FragZ/Khan|Owner@WG exile| You cant add security into a core website
  80. [1:10:16 PM] theshockingvolts: We will see time will tell
  81. [1:10:28 PM] ๖ۣۜLordHello|FragZ/Khan|Owner@WG exile| Unless you dont use thst said wevsite and code it from scratch
  82. [1:10:32 PM] theshockingvolts: I wasn't wrong about you?
  83. [1:10:52 PM] ๖ۣۜLordHello|FragZ/Khan|Owner@WG exile| What?
  84. [1:11:16 PM] theshockingvolts: Like when everyone said you couldn't be trusted I didn't believe them
  85. [1:11:17 PM] ๖ۣۜLordHello|FragZ/Khan|Owner@WG exile| You said that im wrong about wolf
  86. [1:11:24 PM] ๖ۣۜLordHello|FragZ/Khan|Owner@WG exile| Nothing related to me
  87. [1:13:55 PM] ๖ۣۜLordHello|FragZ/Khan|Owner@WG exile| Idc about the website you make community calls what im saying is once again i dont follow you on it.
  88. [9:22:26 PM] theshockingvolts: I fixed rcon and hopefully the ems lights but we still have a big list
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