Nov 19th, 2023
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  1. I'm unsure if your script has similar functionality or if yours does something more. I'm very new to scripting and kind of new to Greyhack. Been playing off and on for a while, through several major patches.
  2. Your post is a bit old so it's entirely possible that your problem was solved via newer in game methods.
  3. Here is the script that I was able to build to concatenate an entire file of passwords. Similar to the first time you're shown passwords, you need to place your username and passwords in a single line in a text file. I did not code any error catches but if the format is followed it places everything into a map and you can decode the entire file instead of one at a time. Unsure of the code syntax.
  4. [code]
  5. pc = get_shell.host_computer
  6. filetodecode = home_dir + "[directory for the file to decode]"
  7. content = pc.File(filetodecode).get_content
  8. content = content.split("\n")
  9. passwordlist = {}
  10. for each in content
  11. sliceto = each.indexOf(":")
  12. user = slice(each, 0, sliceto)
  13. encodedpass = slice(each, sliceto+1)
  14. decipheredall = include_lib("/lib/").decipher(encodedpass)
  15. passwordlist[user] = str(decipheredall)
  16. end for
  17. print passwordlist
  18. [/code]
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