

Sep 1st, 2014
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  1. 10:22am RaptorJeebus yea, podcast time.
  2. 10:22am AceTime0 again ?
  3. 10:22am Bykad xD
  4. 10:22am Lorrie plz
  5. 10:22am lolozaur why it's not playing?
  6. 10:22am RaptorJeebus unlocked the wait list.
  7. 10:22am Tastybot @RaptorJeebus Someone is being added to the wait list.
  8. 10:22am Tastybot locked the wait list.
  9. 10:22am TwoAwesomeGamers where da tunes at!
  10. 10:22am Tastybot added Lowelo to the wait list.
  11. 10:22am Darastonius
  12. 10:22am Member you can do it based jeebus
  13. 10:22am Suggestive waaaay
  14. 10:22am RaptorJeebus wait what
  15. 10:22am Tastybot added Lowelo to the wait list.
  16. 10:22am OfficiallyBalls WOOOO
  17. 10:22am RaptorJeebus unlocked the wait list.
  18. 10:22am Tastybot @RaptorJeebus Someone is being added to the wait list.
  19. 10:22am Tastybot added Lowelo to the wait list.
  20. 10:22am sheresingh the fuck
  21. 10:22am uk3yo o.O
  22. 10:22am ShadowBerry LOL
  23. 10:22am Unicornetto d000d
  24. 10:22am Tastybot added Lowelo to the wait list.
  25. 10:22am thedarkmammouth omg
  26. 10:22am Tastybot moved Lowelo from position 50 to position 1 in the wait list.
  27. 10:22am RaptorJeebus the fuck
  28. 10:22am MubaREKT noo plug noo
  29. 10:22am ǝllɐʍ Shit
  30. 10:22am Tastybot moved Lowelo from position 1 to position 1 in the wait list.
  31. 10:22am Prestigebumps1 kek
  32. 10:22am Tastybot moved Lowelo from position 1 to position 1 in the wait list.
  33. 10:22am FourBit LOL
  34. 10:22am DJ_Ebear wtf
  35. 10:22am Tastybot moved Lowelo from position 1 to position 1 in the wait list.
  36. 10:22am Fleufel what the hell is going on
  37. 10:22am OnyxNewt LOL
  38. 10:22am Epsilon_Neo not again..
  39. 10:22am Tastybot locked the wait list.
  40. 10:22am sheresingh BOT
  41. 10:22am RaptorJeebus !kill
  42. 10:22am Tastybot [RaptorJeebus] [!kill] Shutting down.
  43. 10:22am iVexusHD LOOOOOOOOOOL
  44. 10:22am Sambtys !points
  45. 10:22am Cause lolwut
  46. 10:22am YTFanKid ;-;
  47. 10:22am ShadowBerry OH GOD WHAT IS GOING ON
  48. 10:22am RaptorJeebus unlocked the wait list.
  49. 10:22am Raptorzz | RaptorzzMusic tbot pls
  50. 10:22am TheIlluminati its cause i returned #illuminatiPowers
  51. 10:22am sheresingh CALM YO TITS BOT
  52. 10:22am R3P1B0Y Give me Please WL
  53. 10:22am Jhilylop No podcast
  54. 10:22am Member based tasty bot is god
  55. 10:22am DJ_monstercrush13 what the fuc* :o
  56. 10:22am OfficiallyBalls lol
  57. 10:22am RaptorJeebus locked and cleared the wait list.
  58. 10:22am RaptorJeebus WHAT
  59. 10:22am VerryImportaintGuy lmao
  60. 10:22am CoonCheese1 there
  61. 10:22am Unicornetto :kreygasm: !!!
  62. 10:22am YamTabasco hahaha
  63. 10:22am Mr-Clockworks !tastyplug
  64. 10:23am Dead-i *hugs Tastybot*
  65. 10:23am RaptorJeebus i'm so confused
  66. 10:23am LawMatrixD guy calm down
  67. 10:23am lolozaur !help
  68. 10:23am MonkMan wtf is happening here?
  70. 10:23am DuncanSard calm your tets guys, bug happens...
  71. 10:23am ShadowBerry LMAO
  72. 10:23am NadaAqui ;-;
  73. 10:23am Suggestive alright folks calm your tits now
  74. 10:23am Epsilon_Neo yes?
  75. 10:23am LawMatrixD this is like twitch chat...
  76. 10:23am Arasid omg
  77. 10:23am Raptorzz | RaptorzzMusic I hear 2 songs wtf
  78. 10:23am Cause gg timothy
  79. 10:23am RaptorJeebus welp, that worked
  80. 10:23am ShadowBerry @LawMatrixD
  81. 10:23am RaptorJeebus back to podcasts
  82. 10:23am mindsensation What is happening...
  83. 10:23am Fracaso Escolar another line text
  84. 10:23am uk3yo kappa
  85. 10:23am petrukio lol
  86. 10:23am RaptorJeebus sorry everyone
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