
[FR] Day Final boss

Sep 9th, 2013
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  2. >The time has come.
  3. >It's been over a week outside of the game, over five months in.
  4. >But it's here.
  5. >A dark looming door is in front of you and your party.
  6. >You are all ready.
  7. >Countless hours spent grinding, gathering the best equipment possible, doing every possible side and loyalty quest.
  8. >All of it has lead to this.
  9. >Behind this door lies a final boss that has spent hours upon hours molesting your collective anuses.
  10. >Now it is you all who shall do the molesting!
  11. >”Anon, before we go on... A-Ah have ta tell ya somethin'”
  12. >Applejack pulls you to the side, away from the rest of your team.
  13. >You've heard this speech hundreds of times already.
  14. >A cliché that the romanced party member wants a final talk before the imminent end.
  15. >The first time, it made your heart rise, you felt yourself tear up..
  16. >... Now, knowing that this hell is almost over, it feels like you just might again.
  17. “What is it Applejack?”
  18. >She looks away, struggling to find the right words.
  19. >”That night, after Manehatten fell... A-Ah thought it was all over, that when you had to leave Big Mac behind..."
  20. >She tears up, remembering her brother's death.
  21. >"Ah thought ah would always hate you. Ah have never been so wrong. A-Ah love you Anon! Once this is over... please, please come back with me ta Sweet Apple Acres. Applebloom 'n Granny love ya like family already, 'n... I want ya ta always be with me.”
  22. >Once Pinkie told you this was all a game, you knew that if ever had a chance with AJ, it was here.
  23. >The costs though... They were far too high.
  24. >Discord assured you that once the game ends, he can undo all the damage he accidentally caused.
  25. >That is what allowed you to persist after your countless defeats.
  26. >The chance to bring back Big Mac, Shining, everyone who lost their lives and families because of this... thing, this pure malice formed by a freak accident!
  27. >You pull the mare close, hand cradling the back of her head.
  28. “Applejack, I love you too. Of course I will come back with you. I promise.”
  29. >The mare breaks down in tears, burying herself in against your neck.
  30. >”Anon! Applejack! It's almost time!”
  31. >Spike is calling you.
  32. >After stroking the mare's cheek clean of tears, you lead her back.
  33. >”Hey leader. What's the plan for when we get in there?”
  34. >Dash looks excited, ready to let loose on that giant gelatinous black blob one final time.
  35. >She may not remember all the defeats, but you do.
  36. “I think it's best if only four of us go in to handle him. You saw what he did in Canterlot, those blob kids of his will definitely be waiting to get us from behind.”
  37. >Twilight lowers her tome, her frames sliding down.
  38. >”I see, so those of us who don't follow you will hold back the blobs. Sounds good. So, who's going with you?”
  39. >You look over your party, each of them eager to stand by your side as you finish this.
  40. “Applejack, I wouldn't dream of finishing this without you by my side.”
  41. >Your orange lover nods and adjusts her stetson.
  42. “Fluttershy, we'll need you on heal duty.”
  43. >The yellow Pegasus smiles, double checking her bag.
  44. “Twilight; magic, magic, and more magic. You feel me?”
  45. >Purple smart opens her tome again and flashes you a smirk.
  46. >Spike raises his hand.
  47. >”So who's gonna be in charge of the group here?”
  48. >Considering your options were a kid dragon, a hothead, an insane pink ball of fun, or the chaos spirit who's dark side caused all this... the choice was kind of obvious.
  49. “Discord, you said you would do anything to make this up to everyone, right? Well, here's your chance to show you weren't lying.”
  50. >”Heh, I'm surprised you'd trust me with this. Don't worry, I'm sure you'll finish him this time.”
  51. >The stuck up spirit balances himself on his tail as he leans back, fully aware of each failure you all have endured.
  52. >Didn't matter now.
  53. >It was all coming to an end.
  54. >You turned to the door, placing your hand on it.
  55. >It flashes white and starts to open.
  56. “We'll be back.”
  57. >No speeches this time.
  58. >Actions speak louder than words.
  59. >Your chosen party follows you into the massive hallway.
  60. >This was all too familiar, even before getting stuck in this game.
  61. >Long dark hallway that's dimly lit with no enemies?
  62. >Another cliche.
  63. >Once you make it to the other end, a large door slams to the ground.
  64. >In front of you is a massive room with a hole large enough to fit a mansion and deep enough to hold years upon years of food.
  65. >*KSH KSH KSH*
  66. >Here he comes.
  67. >The blob that is Discord's malice raises itself from the hole, hands on the sides of the chasm.
  68. >”Foooooooooooolssss. You may have cut my physsssssssical body to piecessssssssssss, but I ssssstill live! Thisssss world will sssssssuffer for it'ssss ssssiiiiinssssss!”
  69. >Following his last enlongated -s-. he smashes his fist in front of your party.
  70. >It begins.
  73. “Fluttershy! Get Twilight up!”
  74. >Your white mage rushes to Twilight's side, stuffing a blue herb in her mouth.
  75. >”*COUGH COUGH* I-I'm up!”
  76. >Twilight stands, tome floating up from the ground.
  77. >It's been over three hours of fighting and you've finally broken him down to his final form.
  78. >A large yellow eyeball stares at you as you stand in the yellow flesh like room covered in veins.
  79. >It glows and fires a laser straight into your chest.
  80. >Numbers reading -8573- float from the hit.
  81. >You let out a groan and fall to your knees.
  82. >Twilight's tome's pages open to one of the last ones.
  83. >A green light envelops you as a green -9999- runs over your body.
  84. >Grabbing your sword, you rush for the eyeball, jumping once he's within range.
  85. >Slash after slash meets him, going on for a string of nearly a dozen.
  86. >Even with your levels maxed, the fight was torture.
  87. >After all the -9999-'s disappear, the eye rolls itself as a red ring encloses on it.
  88. >A green -180000- appears over him.
  89. >You fucking hate bosses that can heal themselves.
  90. “Twilight! Meteor! AJ, Bull rush!”
  91. >The two mares chain their attack together.
  92. >No numbers appear as it finishes though, just a blinding white light.
  93. >Could it be?
  94. >Did you do it?
  95. >The eyeball falls to the ground, golden chains pinning it there as the flesh room starts to melt away.
  96. >All three mares are by your side, no longer placed around the enemy.
  97. >A cut-scene kill... it's almost over!
  98. >Before you go to finish the beast, you grab Applejack.
  99. “Applejack, before this ends, there's something I need to tell you.”
  100. >”Can't it wait til this is all over?!”
  101. “It can't. Applejack, I love you. I'm IN love with you! I don't want to go back to the farm as just lovers. Will you-”
  104. >Black.
  105. >All you can see is black.
  106. >A respectful sounding voice rings out.
  107. >”Hoofsoft”
  108. >Wait a minute...
  109. >A white screen appears, followed soon after by the words -FINAL EQUESTRIA VII-
  110. >A screen opens up with only two options.
  112. NEW GAME
  114. OPTIONS
  116. >Bull shit!
  117. >You saved right before the door!
  119. >NEW GAME
  121. OPTIONS
  123. >Wait, what?!?
  124. >”Equestria. A land now settling into peace, into harmony. With the conflict of it's sister nations resolved, a future of unity seemed imminent. Even in the far towns such as Ponyville, the effects of this new golden age were being felt.”
  125. >You open your eyes, laying on your back under a shady tree.
  126. “No... Fucking... WAY!”
  127. >Looking down, you aren't wearing your diamond armor or wielding your blade.
  128. >Oh ho no, you were wearing your suit and green mask.
  129. >You punch the ground several times.
  130. “Fucking. Bull. SHIT! God damn it. God damn IT!”
  131. >If you could, you would kill yourself right now.
  132. >Fluttershy steps out from behind you, a coy look on her face.
  133. >”I-Is losing over a weeks worth of progress and undoing all your effort your fetish Anon?”
  134. “... ll you...”
  135. >She cocks her head and smiles.
  136. >”Huh?”
  137. “I”LL KILL YOU!”
  138. >You lunge at the mare, her eyes wide with fear.
  142. >”It all happened so quickly. The fall of the Diarchy. The invasion from the malice filled creatures. The citizens of Equestria had no time to defend themselves. When things looked their darkest, a creature once written off as irrelevant stood against the imposing army. He alone overturned it, but his intentions were not to destroy it. No. Anon the human became the new leading force of this army. He was quick to finish the malice's work. Once Equestria had fallen, he moved on to the other nations. Dragon, Minotaur, Changeling, Griffon. Every species fell to his army. Now, as the dust settles, the human who conquered the world will address his new subjects.”
  143. >Fitting summary for your work.
  144. >You look over the mob of species assembled in front of your castle.
  145. >Every nation now lives under your rule.
  146. >They assume you will kill them, become a dictator who will ruin them.
  147. >No.
  148. >You just decided to play the game your way, since you were given the chance.
  149. >Thanks to your oh so courteous vassal.
  150. “Fluttershy!”
  151. >The undead puppet mare shambles next to you, eyes lifeless and head low.
  152. >”Yes master.”
  153. “Order the manufacturing of the synthetic food for the Changelings be given an extra twenty percent in funding.”
  154. >”Yes master.”
  155. “Also, insure the measure to control the Dragons greed is in full effect.”
  156. >”Yes master.”
  157. “Make sure that all nations and citizens are disarmed. Anyone of any race is to be brought to the catacombs immediately if a weapon is found upon them.”
  158. >”Yes master.”
  159. “That is all. Return to your duties.”
  160. >The ragdoll like mare nods and turns away.
  161. >Your councilor walks up behind you, chuckling as Fluttershy shambles away.
  162. >”Not the ending I would have liked, but it works. It's a shame we will never know how things could have ended if you had finished that monster before proposing to your wife.”
  163. “It doesn't matter Discord. This time, there was no mass murder, no death of anyone close, and all the damage done by your malice is being repaired. I would have preferred it if our efforts weren't wasted, but that's not how thing worked out, is it?”
  164. >”No, I guess not. I'm still trying to figure out how that kid did what she did.”
  165. “I don't care anymore, you shouldn't either. Now if you excuse me, I have to address our new republic.”
  166. >”Knock em dead champ... not literally of course, we don't want you being THAT kind of leader.”
  167. >You scowl at Discord as you head for the balcony, ready to lead your people to a future of unity.
  168. >Whether they want to or not.
  171. >... CONTINUE?
  173. YES
  175. NO
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