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a guest
May 30th, 2012
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  1. make -f debian/rules debian/stamp/conf/kernel-conf
  2. dpkg-architecture: warning: Specified GNU system type arm-linux-gnueabi does not match gcc system type x86_64-linux-gnu.
  3. dpkg-architecture: warning: Specified GNU system type arm-linux-gnueabi does not match gcc system type x86_64-linux-gnu.
  4. dpkg-architecture: warning: Specified GNU system type arm-linux-gnueabi does not match gcc system type x86_64-linux-gnu.
  5. dpkg-architecture: warning: Specified GNU system type arm-linux-gnueabi does not match gcc system type x86_64-linux-gnu.
  6. /bin/sh: 1: [: -lt: unexpected operator
  7. /bin/sh: 1: [: -gt: unexpected operator
  8. /bin/sh: 1: [: -lt: unexpected operator
  9. make[1]: Entering directory `/home/bodhi64/arm/Genesi/linux-legacy'
  10. debian/ruleset/misc/ *** Error. I do not know where the kernel image goes to [kimagedest undefined] The usual case for this is that I could not determine which arch or subarch this machine belongs to. Please specify a subarch, and try again.. Stop.
  11. make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/bodhi64/arm/Genesi/linux-legacy'
  12. make: *** [debian/stamp/conf/minimal_debian] Error 2
  13. Failed to create a ./debian directory: at /usr/bin/make-kpkg line 984.
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