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IC2 1.43 mining checklist

a guest
Dec 22nd, 2011
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  1. Resource use log,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  2. ,Copper,Tin,Iron,Refined Iron,Redstone Dust,Sticky Resin,Rubber,Iron Ore,Tin Ore,Copper Ore,Gold (dust),Flint,Coal
  3. 15 Iron,,,,,,,,15,,,,,
  4. 6 Copper,,,,,,,,,,6,,,
  5. 1 Bucket,,,3,,,,,,,,,,
  6. 1 Iron Pick,,,3,,,,,,,,,,
  7. 14 Rubber,,,,,,14,,,,,,,
  8. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  9. Machine Block,,,,8,,,,*,,,,,
  10. Electronic Circuit,3,,,1,2,*,6,*,,*,,,
  11. 1 Macerator,,,,,,,,,,,,3,
  12. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  13. Coal Dust (Hydrate this),,,,,1,,,,,,,,1
  14. 2 InsCu wire + 4 Copper Wire,3,,,,,*,2,,,*,,,
  15. 8 Single Use Battery,,,,,1,,,,,,,,
  16. ,"Now you macerate everything for your generator (you have 8000 eU and <= 10 operations (6500), it's a no-brainer)",,,,,,,,,,,,
  17. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  18. Reusable Battery,*,4,,,2,,,,2,,,,
  19. Generator (Iron Furnace method),,,5,3,,,,4,,,,,
  20. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  21. Optional: Upgrade to Windgen,,,4,,,,,2,,,,,
  22. Optional: Windgen tin cable,,3,,,,,,,1.5,,,,
  23. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  24. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  25. Electronic Circuit,3,,,1,2,*,6,0.5,,1.5,,,
  26. Machine Block,,,8,,,,,4,,,,,
  27. Extractor,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  28. ,Now you extract all your rubber,,,,,14,,,,,,,
  29. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  30. Electronic Circuit,3,,,1,2,2,6,0.5,,1.5,,,
  31. Iron Furnace,,,5,,,,,4,,,,,
  32. Electronic Furnace,,,,,2,,,,,,,,
  33. ,Better cooking (you might still want to use your charcoal for cooking if you built a windgen),,,,,,,,,,,,
  34. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  35. 2 Electronic Circuit,6,,,2,4,4,12,1,,3,,,
  36. Machine Block,,,,8,,,,4,,,,,
  37. 72 = 9 * 8 Pipe,,,,54,,,,27,,,,,
  38. Miner,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  39. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  40. Electronic Circuit,3,,,1,2,2,6,0.5,,1.5,,,
  41. Reusable Battery,*,4,,,2,*,1,,2,,,,
  42. Mining Drill (won't do obsidian),,,,5,,,,,,,,,
  43. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  44. 1 Glowstone,,,,,5,,,,,,4,,
  45. Reusable Battery,*,4,,,2,*,1,,2,,,,
  46. 2 Electronic Circuit,6,,,2,4,4,12,1,,3,,,
  47. ,At this point you have one uninsulated copper wire left (at max) and must make more... that's factored in next,,,,,,,,,,,,
  48. OD Scanner,3,,,,,1,3,,,1.5,,,
  49. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  50. Electronic Circuit,3,,,1,2,2,6,0.5,,1.5,,,
  51. Machine Block,,,,8,,,,4,,,,,
  52. 16 Cells (4 for recipe),,4,,,,,,,2,,,,
  53. Pump (also uses 2 drill pipe),,,,,,,,,,,,,
  54. ,At this point you can risk a mining operation if you don't have sufficient resources to build the last pieces of equipment.,,,,,,,,,,,,
  55. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  56. 6 Bronze,*,*,,,,,,,1.5,4.5,,,
  57. Electronic Circuit,3,,,1,2,2,6,0.5,,1.5,,,
  58. Reusable Battery,*,4,,,2,*,1,,2,,,,
  59. Electric Wrench,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  60. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  61. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  62. Reusable Battery,*,4,,,2,*,1,,2,,,,
  63. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  64. ,,,,,Redstone dust,,Sticky Resin (can be equivilent value in other sources if > G7's number),Iron Ore,Tin Ore,Copper Ore,Gold Ore,Flint,Coal
  65. Initial mining goal:,,,,,39,,37,69,15,26,2,3,1
  66. ,Redstone dust MIGHT be traded for more iron; but the total is already quite high and iron isn't that abundant. Eat it up and go find more redstone in the depths.,,,,,,,,,,,,
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