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Jul 3rd, 2016
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  1. [6/22/2016 12:42:05 AM] *** Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1 added Drainerx, Jožo Frytiks ***
  2. [6/22/2016 12:42:09 AM] Fadel | Klaus: Drainerx is the guy with the money
  3. [6/22/2016 12:42:14 AM] Fadel | Klaus: Be right back and i'll make a list ready for you.
  4. [6/22/2016 12:42:29 AM] Drainerx: yo waddup
  5. [6/22/2016 12:42:31 AM] Drainerx: was outside
  6. [6/22/2016 12:44:14 AM] Jožo Frytiks: Hi
  7. [6/22/2016 12:44:43 AM] Jožo Frytiks: What a core ?
  8. [6/22/2016 12:44:46 AM] Jožo Frytiks: Trinity ?
  9. [6/22/2016 12:44:50 AM] Jožo Frytiks: 3.3.5 or -> 4.3.4 ?
  10. [6/22/2016 12:45:01 AM] Drainerx: 335
  11. [6/22/2016 12:45:17 AM] Drainerx: trinity core 2009-2010
  12. [6/22/2016 12:45:19 AM] Drainerx: I believe
  13. [6/22/2016 12:45:22 AM] Jožo Frytiks: Uff
  14. [6/22/2016 12:45:23 AM] Jožo Frytiks: Okay
  15. [6/22/2016 12:46:05 AM] Drainerx: just wait for him to post list and den we can continue.
  16. [6/22/2016 12:46:07 AM] Jožo Frytiks: Have only 2 requests
  17. [6/22/2016 12:46:10 AM] Drainerx: sup
  18. [6/22/2016 12:46:35 AM] Jožo Frytiks: You find me, i make a job, don't look for anyone other. I don't want to work with someone other atm.
  19. [6/22/2016 12:46:49 AM] Drainerx: we have no dev
  20. [6/22/2016 12:46:51 AM] Jožo Frytiks: Also if you have no problem. Wanna half payment before if u can
  21. [6/22/2016 12:46:52 AM] Drainerx: only one that does abit is fadel
  22. [6/22/2016 12:47:00 AM] Drainerx: I always play like this
  23. [6/22/2016 12:47:03 AM] Drainerx: 50 first
  24. [6/22/2016 12:47:04 AM] Drainerx: 50 after
  25. [6/22/2016 12:47:07 AM] Drainerx: pay*
  26. [6/22/2016 12:47:24 AM] Jožo Frytiks: 50 first 50 after ?
  27. [6/22/2016 12:47:30 AM] Drainerx: 50%
  28. [6/22/2016 12:47:30 AM] Jožo Frytiks: Like % ?
  29. [6/22/2016 12:47:32 AM] Jožo Frytiks: Ye
  30. [6/22/2016 12:47:32 AM] Drainerx: yea
  31. [6/22/2016 12:47:33 AM] Jožo Frytiks: Okay
  32. [6/22/2016 12:47:51 AM] Jožo Frytiks: Into the core
  33. [6/22/2016 12:47:54 AM] Jožo Frytiks: I will don't have access ?
  34. [6/22/2016 12:48:21 AM] Drainerx: think he wants to do it via teamviwer
  35. [6/22/2016 12:48:24 AM] Drainerx: viewer*
  36. [6/22/2016 12:48:36 AM] Fadel | Klaus: (On Phone) i will send you EVERYTHING you need
  37. [6/22/2016 12:48:37 AM] Jožo Frytiks: Teamviewer so shitty slow
  38. [6/22/2016 12:48:43 AM] Fadel | Klaus: But not full core access
  39. [6/22/2016 12:48:52 AM] Jožo Frytiks: Hard to work like this
  40. [6/22/2016 12:48:56 AM] Fadel | Klaus: Mhmm
  41. [6/22/2016 12:48:59 AM] Jožo Frytiks: If you can please, tell me revision
  42. [6/22/2016 12:49:03 AM] Jožo Frytiks: Of trinitycore
  43. [6/22/2016 12:49:05 AM] Fadel | Klaus: Give us 30 minutes
  44. [6/22/2016 12:49:07 AM] Jožo Frytiks: Last trinitycore commit hash
  45. [6/22/2016 12:49:28 AM] Fadel | Klaus: I'll give you everything in 30 minutes
  46. [6/22/2016 12:49:40 AM] Jožo Frytiks: Okay
  47. [6/22/2016 12:49:50 AM] Jožo Frytiks: Gonna play 1 CSGO
  48. [6/22/2016 12:50:10 AM] Fadel | Klaus: Ok
  49. [6/22/2016 12:51:25 AM] Jožo Frytiks: Have this core mmaps ?
  50. [6/22/2016 12:51:33 AM] Fadel | Klaus: Yes
  51. [6/22/2016 12:51:39 AM] Drainerx: it does but it has some bugs
  52. [6/22/2016 12:51:39 AM] Fadel | Klaus: I'll send all
  53. [6/22/2016 12:51:44 AM] Jožo Frytiks: Okay
  54. [6/22/2016 12:51:54 AM] Fadel | Klaus: And you do cruel-wow mmaps frytiks magic
  55. [6/22/2016 12:51:58 AM] Drainerx: how much is the cost btw
  56. [6/22/2016 12:51:58 AM] Jožo Frytiks: Glad to work for you guys
  57. [6/22/2016 12:52:05 AM] Jožo Frytiks: What you think ?
  58. [6/22/2016 12:52:07 AM] Drainerx: fadel nvr told me
  59. [6/22/2016 12:52:11 AM] Fadel | Klaus: I said 300
  60. [6/22/2016 12:52:25 AM] Jožo Frytiks: 300, normally i selling mmaps just for 150E
  61. [6/22/2016 12:52:41 AM] Fadel | Klaus: Frytiks mmaps = #1
  62. [6/22/2016 12:52:53 AM] Drainerx: I have 250 on my paypal atm
  63. [6/22/2016 12:52:59 AM] Drainerx: i have to contact bank for the rest
  64. [6/22/2016 12:53:52 AM] Jožo Frytiks: 350 with mmaps prob.
  65. [6/22/2016 12:54:33 AM] Drainerx: cant discount us bro :(? 300 baby gurl
  66. [6/22/2016 12:54:46 AM] Jožo Frytiks: 300 but in Euro
  67. [6/22/2016 12:54:48 AM] Fadel | Klaus: do it for xxsupr
  68. [6/22/2016 12:54:50 AM] Drainerx: k
  69. [6/22/2016 12:54:51 AM] Fadel | Klaus: Do it for hamar
  70. [6/22/2016 12:54:52 AM] Fadel | Klaus: LOL
  71. [6/22/2016 12:54:58 AM] Fadel | Klaus: k 300
  72. [6/22/2016 12:54:59 AM] Fadel | Klaus: Great
  73. [6/22/2016 12:55:00 AM] Jožo Frytiks: Hate USD
  74. [6/22/2016 12:55:02 AM] Fadel | Klaus: I'm on my PC now
  75. [6/22/2016 12:55:05 AM] Fadel | Klaus: I'll get our stuff ready
  76. [6/22/2016 12:55:08 AM] Drainerx: give me your paypal
  77. [6/22/2016 12:55:09 AM] Fadel | Klaus: And we'll contact you really soon
  78. [6/22/2016 12:55:15 AM] Drainerx: ill send it after hes done with this stuff
  79. [6/22/2016 12:55:16 AM] Jožo Frytiks:
  80. [6/22/2016 12:55:22 AM] Drainerx: sending etc
  81. [6/22/2016 12:58:20 AM] Drainerx: where you from btw
  82. [6/22/2016 1:01:06 AM] Jožo Frytiks: Slovakia
  83. [6/22/2016 1:06:44 AM] Fadel | Klaus: I'm making list now.
  85. After that I will dump database / Core / Release Files and send it all to you.
  86. [6/22/2016 1:08:01 AM] Jožo Frytiks: Okay
  87. [6/22/2016 1:08:07 AM] Jožo Frytiks: That's how i love it
  88. [6/22/2016 1:10:37 AM] Fadel | Klaus: By the way, how much time will you need before you start sending a few fixes?
  89. [6/22/2016 1:10:58 AM] Jožo Frytiks: Like 1-2 days
  90. [6/22/2016 1:11:03 AM] Fadel | Klaus: Okay
  91. [6/22/2016 1:13:33 AM] Drainerx: you mean u gonna fix tomorrow , or it takes 1-2 days
  92. [6/22/2016 1:14:41 AM] Jožo Frytiks: gonna fix tommorow
  93. [6/22/2016 1:14:55 AM] Drainerx: kk cool
  94. [6/22/2016 1:15:45 AM] Drainerx: fadel asks wil you send all the fixes all at onces or little by little.
  95. [6/22/2016 1:16:18 AM] Jožo Frytiks: Little by little :D
  96. [6/22/2016 1:16:32 AM] Drainerx: k
  97. [6/22/2016 1:22:59 AM] Jožo Frytiks: I will make that work as priority for me now
  98. [6/22/2016 1:23:17 AM] Fadel | Klaus: Okay, if it goes really really good
  99. [6/22/2016 1:23:22 AM] Fadel | Klaus: We are going for a bigger list with more money.
  100. [6/22/2016 1:23:34 AM | Edited 1:23:36 AM] Fadel | Klaus: Money is not an issue. But for now the deal is 300€
  101. [6/22/2016 1:25:43 AM] Jožo Frytiks: Okay
  102. [6/22/2016 1:26:25 AM] Fadel | Klaus: I'm still doing list / uploading everything
  103. [6/22/2016 1:28:12 AM] Fadel | Klaus: Do you know a good website to upload files to?
  104. [6/22/2016 1:28:17 AM] Fadel | Klaus: That doesn't have slow download speed...
  105. [6/22/2016 1:28:25 AM] Fadel | Klaus: Every website I go to is 250MB max upload size
  106. [6/22/2016 1:29:55 AM] Jožo Frytiks: Google drive
  107. [6/22/2016 1:29:57 AM] Jožo Frytiks: Onedrive
  108. [6/22/2016 1:30:38 AM] Fadel | Klaus: Ye
  109. [6/22/2016 1:30:40 AM] Fadel | Klaus: Google Drive
  110. [6/22/2016 1:30:41 AM] Fadel | Klaus: Using that
  111. [6/22/2016 1:40:48 AM] Fadel | Klaus: List is done
  112. [6/22/2016 1:40:59 AM] Fadel | Klaus: I want you to go trough all of it please.
  113. [6/22/2016 1:42:45 AM] Fadel | Klaus: I will give you host acces aswell
  114. [6/22/2016 1:42:46 AM] Fadel | Klaus: Okay?
  115. [6/22/2016 1:43:41 AM | Edited 1:45:21 AM] Fadel | Klaus: I will also give you DB acces so you can do LIVE changes
  116. [6/22/2016 1:45:43 AM] Fadel | Klaus: So basically, you don't have to host the server on your localhost. You can just use our LIVE realm
  117. [6/22/2016 1:46:51 AM] Jožo Frytiks: Okay
  118. [6/22/2016 1:47:38 AM] Fadel | Klaus: Host C dirve memory is low, so please only use host to move World.exe RELEASE for live changes
  119. [6/22/2016 1:48:06 AM] Fadel | Klaus: Give me your IP for MySQL
  120. [6/22/2016 1:49:55 AM] Jožo Frytiks:
  121. [6/22/2016 1:49:58 AM] Fadel | Klaus: Ok
  122. [6/22/2016 1:53:12 AM] Fadel | Klaus: Almost done
  123. [6/22/2016 1:53:18 AM] Fadel | Klaus: Did you check the whole list?
  124. [6/22/2016 1:53:27 AM] Jožo Frytiks: Yes
  125. [6/22/2016 1:59:28 AM] Fadel | Klaus: Okay
  126. [6/22/2016 1:59:29 AM] Fadel | Klaus: Almost done
  127. [6/22/2016 1:59:35 AM] Fadel | Klaus: Sending all DL links
  128. [6/22/2016 1:59:36 AM] Fadel | Klaus: In 2 minutes
  129. [6/22/2016 2:01:59 AM] Fadel | Klaus: MySQL Information :
  131. Host :
  132. Name : Frytikz
  133. Password : Dev123
  134. [6/22/2016 2:02:15 AM] Fadel | Klaus: RELEASE
  135. [6/22/2016 2:02:23 AM] Fadel | Klaus: CORE
  136. [6/22/2016 2:03:34 AM] Fadel | Klaus: Temporary Remote PC:
  138. Remote Host :
  140. Username : Administrator
  141. Password : @z%TsL;iLr
  142. [6/22/2016 2:03:41 AM] Fadel | Klaus: Got everything you need?
  143. [6/22/2016 2:05:57 AM | Edited 2:06:51 AM] Fadel | Klaus: HERE IS THE FINAL LIST
  144. [6/22/2016 2:09:18 AM] Fadel | Klaus: We are ready for payment once you confirm everything
  145. [6/22/2016 2:09:28 AM] Fadel | Klaus: The latest pastebin is our final list
  146. [6/22/2016 2:09:44 AM] Jožo Frytiks: Fix Ring of Valor
  147. [6/22/2016 2:09:45 AM] Jožo Frytiks: Really ?
  148. [6/22/2016 2:10:13 AM] Fadel | Klaus: Well, in your topic it says that your RoV is fixed
  149. [6/22/2016 2:10:13 AM] Jožo Frytiks: You added it more btw
  150. [6/22/2016 2:10:19 AM] Fadel | Klaus: So I added it to the list.
  151. [6/22/2016 2:10:22 AM] Fadel | Klaus: Could remove it if you want
  152. [6/22/2016 2:10:23 AM] Jožo Frytiks: Ye, but not for TC 2010
  153. [6/22/2016 2:10:31 AM] Fadel | Klaus: Fine, just remove it
  154. [6/22/2016 2:12:03 AM] Fadel | Klaus: Other then that we good right
  155. [6/22/2016 2:12:34 AM] Fadel | Klaus: Thought you could just port over your RoV Fixes, so wouldn't take any extra time. But I guess RoV is already partialy fixed on new TC Rev
  156. [6/22/2016 2:14:49 AM] Jožo Frytiks: Confirming everything
  157. [6/22/2016 2:15:09 AM] Fadel | Klaus: Thank you for actually reading it
  158. [6/22/2016 2:15:13 AM] Fadel | Klaus: Makes me feel better
  159. [6/22/2016 2:15:26 AM | Edited 2:20:35 AM] Fadel | Klaus: And not just say "Yes I can do it, and then take money".
  160. [6/22/2016 2:29:25 AM] Jožo Frytiks: Trust me
  161. [6/22/2016 2:30:02 AM] Fadel | Klaus: I already do, wouldn't share Core if I didn't. I know you from Cruel-WoW. Great Developer
  162. [6/22/2016 2:30:17 AM] Jožo Frytiks: Thanks
  163. [6/22/2016 2:30:27 AM] Fadel | Klaus: No problem man
  165. About the list, is it confirmed?
  166. [6/22/2016 2:30:38 AM] Jožo Frytiks: I work only in private
  167. [6/22/2016 2:30:50 AM] Fadel | Klaus: Ye great
  168. [6/22/2016 2:30:54 AM] Jožo Frytiks: Ye it is we will see if smtH be bad
  169. [6/22/2016 2:31:18 AM] Fadel | Klaus: Okay but you can confirm the list?
  171. Like you will do it for this money
  172. [6/22/2016 2:32:30 AM] Jožo Frytiks: Yes
  173. [6/22/2016 2:32:34 AM] Jožo Frytiks: And yes
  174. [6/22/2016 2:32:55 AM] Fadel | Klaus: Okay great
  175. [6/22/2016 2:33:06 AM] Fadel | Klaus: Forgot to say : Realmlist =
  176. [6/22/2016 2:33:09 AM] Fadel | Klaus: Are you ready for payment?
  177. [6/22/2016 2:33:21 AM] Jožo Frytiks: Yes im
  178. [6/22/2016 2:38:07 AM] Drainerx: wats ur paypal agian
  179. [6/22/2016 2:39:18 AM] Fadel | Klaus: Done
  180. [6/22/2016 2:39:46 AM] Drainerx: you got it
  181. [6/22/2016 2:58:34 AM] Fadel | Klaus: I guess you are AFK Frytiks
  182. [6/22/2016 10:58:56 AM] Jožo Frytiks: Ye got it
  183. [6/22/2016 10:59:01 AM] Jožo Frytiks: I asleep sorry xD
  184. [6/22/2016 7:38:02 PM] Fadel: No problem
  186. Any news today Frytiks?
  187. [6/22/2016 8:01:53 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Today nôt just downloading
  188. [6/24/2016 1:32:24 AM] Drainerx: any news
  189. [6/24/2016 5:42:20 AM] Fadel: Ye I was gonn ask the same
  190. [6/24/2016 6:37:18 AM] Jožo Frytiks: Sorry guys will be afk 2 days
  191. [6/24/2016 6:37:34 AM] Fadel: Ehmm
  192. [6/24/2016 6:38:13 AM] Jožo Frytiks: Dont panic after this days i will be here 15+ hours
  193. [6/24/2016 6:38:24 AM] Jožo Frytiks: Everyday
  194. [6/24/2016 6:40:44 AM | Edited 6:41:51 AM] Fadel: Interesting.
  196. Not saying you are playing any dirty tricks, but it's been what? 4 days? and you seemed very very confident that you would get this all done before you got the payment.
  198. But I fully understand if you actually have real-life matters to attend to.
  200. But just a heads up, if you deposit money from your PayPal to Bank Account, it takes around 2 days.
  202. If we claim a refund (And we will win the case), you will get a letter from PayPal stating that they want you to pay them 150€.
  203. [6/24/2016 6:41:03 AM] Fadel: So i'm not saying you will fuck us over, but it's just a head's up, because you seemed very confident of getting a lot of work done in the start.
  204. [6/24/2016 6:41:09 AM] Fadel: Anyway, i'm going AFK now aswell
  205. [6/24/2016 6:43:18 AM] Jožo Frytiks: Im not idiot and i'm not scamming
  206. [6/24/2016 6:43:49 AM] Jožo Frytiks: We have 2 days with classmates
  207. [6/24/2016 6:43:50 AM] Fadel: Never said you are an "idiot", hell you are 18 years old and you can code like a boss.
  208. [6/24/2016 6:44:35 AM] Jožo Frytiks: Im just talking to you how things in my life now going
  209. [6/24/2016 6:44:56 AM] Jožo Frytiks: We have smth like holiday for 2 days with classmates
  210. [6/24/2016 6:45:05 AM] Fadel: Ye I understand. But you need to understand business is business, it's nothing personal.
  211. [6/24/2016 6:45:09 AM] Fadel: Yes of course I understand
  212. [6/24/2016 6:45:16 AM] Fadel: See you later
  213. [6/24/2016 6:45:36 AM] Jožo Frytiks: No problém i will fix that problems as fast as i can
  214. [6/24/2016 12:59:35 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Saturday pushing fixes its okay fór you ?
  215. [6/24/2016 12:59:47 PM] Jožo Frytiks: After saturday i will be here so múch
  216. [6/24/2016 1:01:55 PM] Fadel: Deal
  217. [6/25/2016 2:28:06 PM] Fadel: Hi Frytiks
  218. [6/25/2016 5:46:25 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Hi
  219. [6/25/2016 5:46:51 PM] Fadel: Hey, what's up?
  220. [6/25/2016 5:47:10 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Still today at holiday
  221. [6/25/2016 5:47:20 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Tmrow at home in
  222. [6/25/2016 5:47:21 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Im
  223. [6/25/2016 5:47:34 PM] Fadel: Oh, thought you said Saturday
  224. [6/25/2016 5:47:35 PM] Fadel: Saturday
  225. [6/25/2016 5:47:44 PM] Fadel: So tomorrow you will begin to work?
  226. [6/25/2016 5:47:55 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Yes
  227. [6/25/2016 5:47:59 PM] Fadel: I just want your confirmation, because we honestly can't wait any longer then tomorrow
  228. [6/25/2016 5:48:25 PM | Edited 3:50:03 PM] Fadel: Not to be rude or anything, but if nothing get's done tomorrow, we are refunding it and you are free to come back to us once you actually got time to do some work.
  229. [6/25/2016 5:48:30 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Tommorow im home and working
  230. [6/25/2016 5:48:34 PM] Fadel: Okay
  231. [6/25/2016 9:30:31 PM] Jožo Frytiks: No problém i will work i just dont know that you will contact me at this tíme when i had planned holiday
  232. [6/25/2016 9:30:31 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Tommorow i will work
  233. [6/26/2016 11:03:06 AM] Jožo Frytiks: Hi guys starting work
  234. [6/26/2016 11:03:16 AM] Jožo Frytiks: :)
  235. [6/26/2016 11:03:21 AM] Fadel: Okay, thank you
  236. [6/26/2016 11:03:28 AM] Fadel: I gave you live SQL information
  237. [6/26/2016 11:03:54 AM] Fadel: I gave you host information aswell, but I'm currently inside it, so if you want to send me new world.exe just send it trough skype.
  238. [6/26/2016 11:04:38 AM] Fadel: If you need any one to test, then I will test it for you
  239. [6/26/2016 2:03:40 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Star's Sorrow Can't be used in Arena. (This Item can't be used in Arena)
  240. [6/26/2016 2:03:48 PM] Jožo Frytiks: its like not working now, and you want to allow it ?
  241. [6/26/2016 2:03:53 PM | Edited 1:04:29 PM] Fadel: Yes
  242. [6/26/2016 2:07:31 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Wait
  243. [6/26/2016 2:07:41 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Defaultly on offi it was disabled ?
  244. [6/26/2016 2:08:01 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Like my ask is, if you can use this items in arena on offi
  245. [6/26/2016 2:08:08 PM] Fadel: Ye
  246. [6/26/2016 2:08:12 PM] Fadel: You can use this item normaly
  247. [6/26/2016 2:08:15 PM] Fadel: Here you can't
  248. [6/26/2016 2:08:28 PM] Fadel: Official Servers you can use the item in arena
  249. [6/26/2016 2:11:44 PM] Fadel: I forgot to add
  251. You can't use : [Conjured Mana Strudel]
  252. [6/26/2016 2:11:45 PM] Fadel: In arena either...
  253. [6/26/2016 2:11:48 PM] Fadel: It's suppose to be allowed
  254. [6/26/2016 2:12:38 PM] Fadel: Rogue can't use poisons in arena either....
  255. [6/26/2016 2:12:47 PM] Fadel: Don't know what's causing it
  256. [6/26/2016 2:12:52 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Dat shits
  257. [6/26/2016 2:13:03 PM] Fadel: Yep, something is causing it
  258. [6/26/2016 2:13:08 PM] Fadel: Same with : [Heavy Frostweave Bandage]
  259. [6/26/2016 2:13:17 PM] Fadel: "You can't use that item in arena."
  260. [6/26/2016 2:14:22 PM] Jožo Frytiks: I know
  261. [6/26/2016 2:21:50 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Your server running ?
  262. [6/26/2016 2:21:54 PM] Fadel: Ye
  263. [6/26/2016 2:21:55 PM] Fadel: Its live 24/7
  264. [6/26/2016 2:22:00 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Players ?
  265. [6/26/2016 2:22:04 PM] Fadel: Nah, we are closed
  266. [6/26/2016 2:22:07 PM] Fadel: Only for GMs
  267. [6/26/2016 3:11:38 PM] Jožo Frytiks: If you have time, you can help me with one thing
  268. [6/26/2016 3:12:00 PM] Jožo Frytiks: You can get me ID's of all items what not working in arena.
  269. [6/26/2016 3:13:34 PM] Fadel: ok
  270. [6/26/2016 3:15:22 PM] Fadel: 43523
  271. [6/26/2016 3:15:29 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Please
  272. [6/26/2016 3:15:35 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Type all in row
  273. [6/26/2016 3:15:55 PM] Fadel: Okay
  274. [6/26/2016 3:15:56 PM] Fadel: One moment
  275. [6/26/2016 3:17:38 PM] Drainerx: all the class creatables/consumbles and water first aid, that's pretty much it isn't it
  276. [6/26/2016 3:18:17 PM] Drainerx: guess I can login in game to find mount ids that don't work in arena
  277. [6/26/2016 3:18:19 PM] Drainerx: while I'm busy
  278. [6/26/2016 3:20:53 PM] Jožo Frytiks: That core is not arena tournament core
  279. [6/26/2016 3:21:02 PM] Fadel: No shit lmao
  280. [6/26/2016 3:21:05 PM] Fadel: It's just called that
  281. [6/26/2016 3:21:08 PM] Jožo Frytiks: xD
  282. [6/26/2016 3:22:02 PM] Fadel: Almost done with list
  283. [6/26/2016 3:22:56 PM] Fadel: FUCK
  284. [6/26/2016 3:22:59 PM] Fadel: I lost my fucking list
  285. [6/26/2016 3:23:05 PM] Fadel: .............. well, starting it from the start
  286. [6/26/2016 3:23:14 PM] Jožo Frytiks: lol
  287. [6/26/2016 3:26:27 PM] Drainerx: normal Flying mount
  288. 54811
  289. 50250
  290. 44689
  291. 54069
  292. 40775
  293. 44558
  294. 37012
  295. 54797
  296. 44178
  297. 45802
  298. 32861
  300. wotlk flying arena mounts
  301. 46171
  302. 46708
  303. 47840
  304. 50435
  306. tbc flying arena mounts
  307. 30609
  308. 34092
  309. 37676
  310. 43516
  311. [6/26/2016 3:26:33 PM] Drainerx: the moutns that don't work in arenass
  312. [6/26/2016 3:26:43 PM | Edited 2:27:03 PM] Fadel: The items that doesn't work in arena
  314. 36892
  315. 41196
  316. 41174
  317. 43523
  318. 33312
  319. 34722
  320. 5237
  321. 43236
  322. 43237
  323. 43231
  324. 43235
  325. 3775
  326. 43233
  327. [6/26/2016 3:31:18 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Have you clean TC db data ?
  328. [6/26/2016 3:31:32 PM] Jožo Frytiks: or smth world db, other then your
  329. [6/26/2016 3:31:56 PM] Fadel: No, DB is not "cleaned", we didn't modify anything except adding NPCs / Extended Cost and so on
  330. [6/26/2016 3:32:17 PM] Fadel: And we don't want to wipe DB anyway because we don't have the original DB with the Core
  331. [6/26/2016 3:32:23 PM] Jožo Frytiks: I know
  332. [6/26/2016 3:32:31 PM] Jožo Frytiks: I'm asking if you have any world DB
  333. [6/26/2016 3:32:35 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Somewhere
  334. [6/26/2016 3:32:39 PM] Fadel: Of course what the fuck
  335. [6/26/2016 3:32:39 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Need to check one data
  336. [6/26/2016 3:32:42 PM] Fadel: I gave you SQL info
  337. [6/26/2016 3:32:52 PM] Jožo Frytiks: You don't understand me
  338. [6/26/2016 3:32:54 PM] Fadel: MySQL Information :
  340. Host :
  341. Name : Frytikz
  342. Password : Dev123
  343. [6/26/2016 3:32:55 PM] Jožo Frytiks: :D
  344. [6/26/2016 3:33:03 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Let it be ...
  345. [6/26/2016 3:33:14 PM] Fadel: You want me to export the world DB to you?
  346. [6/26/2016 3:35:31 PM] Jožo Frytiks: No, i ahve DB
  347. [6/26/2016 3:35:44 PM] Jožo Frytiks: You sended me full release of server
  348. [6/26/2016 3:36:00 PM] Fadel: Ye
  349. [6/26/2016 3:37:41 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Arena Team charter / Guild charter is not clickable (You cant make arena team / guild because people can't sign it)
  350. [6/26/2016 3:37:42 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Fixed
  351. [6/26/2016 3:37:56 PM] Drainerx: one question is it super hard to implement ROV into our core?
  352. [6/26/2016 3:38:04 PM] Fadel: (for a price of course)
  353. [6/26/2016 3:38:20 PM] Fadel: Basically all that is needed on our CURRENT RoV
  354. [6/26/2016 3:38:22 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Ye, it is, and for me it's not work's 100% too, because someone find some bugs
  355. [6/26/2016 3:38:29 PM] Fadel: Ye
  356. [6/26/2016 3:38:31 PM] Fadel: But all we really need
  357. [6/26/2016 3:38:33 PM] Fadel: Is because our prev dev
  358. [6/26/2016 3:38:35 PM] Fadel: worked on RoV
  359. [6/26/2016 3:38:37 PM] Fadel: All that is missing
  360. [6/26/2016 3:38:46 PM] Fadel: Is start spawn area (Pets start under-ground)
  361. [6/26/2016 3:38:54 PM] Fadel: Same when elevator goes up, pet is underground
  362. [6/26/2016 3:38:56 PM] Jožo Frytiks: I can fix it, after that list
  363. [6/26/2016 3:39:03 PM] Drainerx: kk take your time
  364. [6/26/2016 3:39:15 PM] Fadel: It's
  365. [6/26/2016 3:39:23 PM] Fadel: Pet Spawn and Pillar LoS... And that's it
  366. [6/26/2016 3:39:30 PM] Fadel: Pet pathing works fine and everything
  367. [6/26/2016 3:39:46 PM] Fadel: Could even place an invisble object in the pillar to make it count as LoS LOL
  368. [6/26/2016 3:39:48 PM] Jožo Frytiks: I make an fix for elevators
  369. [6/26/2016 3:40:07 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Like no elevator at start, but you starting on top in cage
  370. [6/26/2016 3:40:21 PM] Jožo Frytiks: NO pet falling, no los issue, no player bugs
  371. [6/26/2016 3:40:33 PM] Fadel: Sweet
  372. [6/26/2016 3:40:43 PM] Fadel: Anyway focus on that after the current list
  373. [6/26/2016 3:40:46 PM] Jožo Frytiks: And los object's know how to fix
  374. [6/26/2016 5:02:34 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Items fixed
  375. [6/26/2016 5:02:42 PM] Drainerx: nice
  376. [6/26/2016 5:02:53 PM] Fadel: Keep it up and you got the 150€ coming ur way
  377. [6/26/2016 5:02:56 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Will send tommorow fixes in 1 zip, i will make some more
  378. [6/26/2016 5:03:04 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Or you want all fixes at 1 time ?
  379. [6/26/2016 5:03:50 PM] Fadel: Well we were suppose to release like 2 days ago.
  380. [6/26/2016 5:04:02 PM] Fadel: But we couldn't because you were AFK for 5/6 days.
  381. [6/26/2016 5:04:30 PM] Fadel: So would appreciate if you would invest your time in to this.
  383. Not trying to be a boss or to be rude, but we didn't pay 150€ for this to take 1+ month.
  384. [6/26/2016 5:04:47 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Ye, i'm working from now all the time
  385. [6/26/2016 5:05:06 PM] Jožo Frytiks: I dunno know really, you offer me bussiness when i going to holiday :D
  386. [6/26/2016 5:05:19 PM] Fadel: Ye, but then you should tell us that before accepting partnership
  387. [6/26/2016 5:05:25 PM] Fadel: With all respect
  388. [6/26/2016 5:05:50 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Yes, sorry
  389. [6/26/2016 5:11:29 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Changes will be sended as compiled worldserver.exe ?
  390. [6/26/2016 5:12:02 PM | Edited 4:12:04 PM] Fadel: Ye, and then when all done, you send the source with the fixes
  391. [6/26/2016 5:12:25 PM] Jožo Frytiks: ok
  392. [6/26/2016 5:16:34 PM] Jožo Frytiks: (It's ONLY suppose to remove target for enemy players, currently it removes target for friendly players aswell)
  393. [6/26/2016 5:16:38 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Can you explain that please ?
  394. [6/26/2016 5:18:22 PM] Drainerx: if u click on your mage
  395. [6/26/2016 5:18:24 PM] Drainerx: as a healer
  396. [6/26/2016 5:18:27 PM] Drainerx: and he mirror images he loses target
  397. [6/26/2016 5:18:33 PM] Drainerx: like feign death
  398. [6/26/2016 5:18:44 PM] Drainerx: should keep target if friendly mage uses mirror images
  399. [6/26/2016 5:18:50 PM] Fadel: and he mirror images he loses targetHealer loses target
  400. [6/26/2016 5:19:18 PM] Fadel: That one is probably the hardest one we have to be honest
  401. [6/26/2016 5:19:30 PM] Fadel: Because it's not even impletemented in the Core
  402. [6/26/2016 5:19:34 PM] Fadel: It's just a hackfix
  403. [6/26/2016 5:19:38 PM] Fadel: So code is missing.
  404. [6/26/2016 5:20:47 PM] Fadel: Can you explain that please ?Mirror Images is suppose to remove target for enemy players targeting the mage
  406. But what it's currently doing is that it does the same for friendly players
  408. So basically, if a healer is targeting the mage (They are in the same team) and he uses Mirror Images, the healer loses target of the mage and has to re-target him.
  409. [6/26/2016 5:20:53 PM] Fadel: Should only happen for enemy players
  410. [6/26/2016 5:21:21 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Ah that
  411. [6/26/2016 5:21:25 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Okay i understand now
  412. [6/26/2016 5:21:35 PM] Fadel: Don't you still have Cruel-WoW old source?
  413. [6/26/2016 5:21:39 PM] Fadel: Pretty sure it was working normaly there
  414. [6/26/2016 5:23:32 PM] Jožo Frytiks: I have i think
  415. [6/26/2016 5:23:38 PM] Jožo Frytiks: And on normal TC it works too ?
  416. [6/26/2016 5:23:52 PM] Fadel: Not sure
  417. [6/26/2016 5:23:58 PM] Fadel: I don't think it works on latest TC Rev
  418. [6/26/2016 5:25:03 PM] Fadel: But that one (Mirrior Images) is probably the hardest one because it's missing a decent amount of code
  419. [6/26/2016 5:25:19 PM] Fadel: If you still have cruel-wow source, I think you can port it over and just change a few things to make it work
  420. [6/26/2016 5:25:26 PM] Fadel: because Cruel-WoW Core was old Rev aswell right?
  421. [6/26/2016 5:25:54 PM] Fadel: I'm not even sure if it worked on Cruel-WoW, but I think it did
  422. [6/26/2016 5:26:02 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Will try to look
  423. [6/27/2016 5:45:02 PM] Fadel: Hey Frytiks
  424. [6/27/2016 5:47:00 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Hey
  425. [6/27/2016 5:48:20 PM] Fadel: Any Changelog / Updates?
  426. [6/27/2016 5:48:56 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Will post you at night
  427. [6/27/2016 6:32:40 PM] Drainerx: hows the progress going :D?
  428. [6/27/2016 6:38:11 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Good know almost everything how to fix
  429. [6/27/2016 6:38:52 PM] Drainerx: kk nice
  430. [6/27/2016 10:56:33 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: Hi frytiks, any updates you wanna post before i go to bed?
  431. [6/27/2016 10:57:57 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Still working
  432. [6/27/2016 11:00:00 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Wanna make all fixes as fast as i can
  433. [6/27/2016 11:00:10 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Working on spells now
  434. [6/27/2016 11:01:17 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: Ye but i was just asking for like a list on what has currently been fixed
  435. [6/27/2016 11:02:03 PM] Jožo Frytiks: I will post it here, prob you will read it at morning :)
  436. [6/28/2016 12:28:28 AM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: Okay, well going to bed.
  438. Please upload WinRAR / ZIP file on Source / Database If you didn't use live database to me once you can.
  440. Also please provide a update / changelog
  441. [6/28/2016 1:46:48 AM] Jožo Frytiks: WTF
  442. [6/28/2016 1:46:57 AM] Jožo Frytiks: Warlock Shadowtrance (Shadowtrance = Talent) It's suppose to give you a instant Shadowbolt Proc, but once you use it, the buff is still there for a few seconds.
  443. [6/28/2016 1:47:02 AM] Jožo Frytiks: Not true
  444. [6/28/2016 1:47:12 AM] Jožo Frytiks: I tested before any fixing and it works normally
  445. [6/28/2016 1:51:30 AM] Drainerx: on warmane blackrock
  446. [6/28/2016 1:51:40 AM] Drainerx: if u get the buff and use shadowbolt buff instantly goes awayh
  447. [6/28/2016 1:51:44 AM] Drainerx: here it goes away after the bolt hits
  448. [6/28/2016 8:55:47 AM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: Good morning
  449. [6/28/2016 11:45:45 AM] Drainerx: files please?
  450. [6/28/2016 11:50:50 AM] Drainerx: listen here , I have payed you 150 euro upfront and since this time I personnaly haven't received anything server related if you wanna keep working with us you have to cooperate with us. because this can't happen.
  451. [6/28/2016 11:51:19 AM] Drainerx: you said you could send files last week Saturday but its alrdy Tuesday and stil we didn't receive anything
  452. [6/28/2016 11:51:37 AM] Drainerx: last chance
  453. [6/28/2016 12:50:20 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Im here
  454. [6/28/2016 12:50:20 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Im working on full list
  455. [6/28/2016 12:50:48 PM] Jožo Frytiks: What files you want all ?
  456. [6/28/2016 12:50:53 PM] Drainerx: like the things you worked on right now
  457. [6/28/2016 12:50:58 PM] Drainerx: can u just send them
  458. [6/28/2016 12:51:01 PM] Drainerx: not all at once
  459. [6/28/2016 12:51:08 PM] Drainerx: we wanna see the changes ourselves in game aswel
  460. [6/28/2016 12:51:16 PM] Jožo Frytiks: As patch or what?
  461. [6/28/2016 12:51:23 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: No patch
  462. [6/28/2016 12:51:25 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: I don't have GIT
  463. [6/28/2016 12:51:42 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: I could get it
  464. [6/28/2016 12:51:53 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Its better you get it
  465. [6/28/2016 12:52:14 PM] Jožo Frytiks: And it will be better if we create a github
  466. [6/28/2016 12:52:24 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Or bitbucket repo
  467. [6/28/2016 12:52:40 PM] Jožo Frytiks: And you will see my changes
  468. [6/28/2016 12:53:44 PM] Drainerx: fadel installing git
  469. [6/28/2016 12:54:15 PM] Drainerx: I just wanna have a good work relationship because I wanna spend more money if this is 100% completed.
  470. [6/28/2016 12:54:29 PM] Jožo Frytiks: I know and i understand
  471. [6/28/2016 12:54:41 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Now im thinking about mirror image
  472. [6/28/2016 12:57:03 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: GIT installed, send me the patch
  473. [6/28/2016 12:57:24 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: And did you work with Live DB or Localhost DB
  474. [6/28/2016 12:57:24 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Comming home atm from school
  475. [6/28/2016 12:57:32 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Localhost db
  476. [6/28/2016 12:57:49 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: Okay, you are gonna have to dump that and send it to me aswell then
  477. [6/28/2016 12:57:59 PM] Jožo Frytiks: I have sql
  478. [6/28/2016 12:58:02 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Files
  479. [6/28/2016 12:58:19 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: Yes, copy your world database and send it to me once you are home
  480. [6/28/2016 1:01:30 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: Or we make it simple.
  482. You upload Core & DB in RAR file on Google Drive, I download it and open up a private GitHub
  483. [6/28/2016 1:01:33 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: I give you access
  484. [6/28/2016 1:02:40 PM] Jožo Frytiks: And what about you create give me access and i will push it
  485. [6/28/2016 1:02:54 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: Fine
  486. [6/28/2016 1:03:06 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Okay omw to home atm
  487. [6/28/2016 1:17:50 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Shadow trance should be removed when spell hit target
  488. [6/28/2016 1:17:55 PM] Jožo Frytiks: or when you cast spell ?
  489. [6/28/2016 1:18:10 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: When you cast spell
  490. [6/28/2016 1:20:55 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: Problem solved : Just send patches. Patch will be fine
  491. [6/28/2016 1:21:20 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: Got my Git working
  492. [6/28/2016 1:31:02 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Shadow bolt fixed
  493. [6/28/2016 1:31:13 PM] Jožo Frytiks: btw
  494. [6/28/2016 1:33:51 PM] Drainerx: sup
  495. [6/28/2016 2:19:34 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: You home Frytiks?
  496. [6/28/2016 2:19:56 PM] Jožo Frytiks: In 30 minutes
  497. [6/28/2016 2:44:28 PM] Jožo Frytiks: What's all name's of petitions ?
  498. [6/28/2016 2:44:34 PM] Jožo Frytiks: How it can be called in other way
  499. [6/28/2016 2:45:39 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: Okay so you are home now I assume
  500. [6/28/2016 2:45:53 PM] Jožo Frytiks: No on mobile still
  501. [6/28/2016 2:45:58 PM] Jožo Frytiks: But you can send me github repo
  502. [6/28/2016 2:46:02 PM] Jožo Frytiks: address or you can add me ?
  503. [6/28/2016 2:46:08 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Or send fixes as patch ?
  504. [6/28/2016 2:46:08 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: Just send me patch file easier for me
  505. [6/28/2016 2:47:15 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: Arena Team charter / Guild charter is not clickable (You cant make arena team / guild because people can't sign it)
  506. Fixed
  507. [6/28/2016 2:47:21 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: Thought that was fixed, but i'll login and check
  508. [6/28/2016 2:47:47 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Ye, i was thinking fixed, but when testing in game still can't click on item
  509. [6/28/2016 2:49:15 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: Arena Team Charcter (2v2) - 23560
  510. Arena Team Charcter (3v3) - 23561
  511. Arena Team Charcter (5v5) - 23562
  512. [6/28/2016 2:49:25 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Know
  513. [6/28/2016 2:49:35 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Have more work done, but still not done fully, tonight will be 80% of list done
  514. [6/28/2016 2:50:12 PM] Jožo Frytiks: It's okay for you ?
  515. [6/28/2016 2:50:20 PM] Jožo Frytiks: I'm thinking tommorow will be list done fully.
  516. [6/28/2016 2:50:37 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Deal ?
  517. [6/28/2016 2:52:07 PM] Jožo Frytiks: And please explain that
  518. [6/28/2016 2:52:07 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Item Was not Found (You can't buy anything) happens after about 20-30 minutes on login (You have to relog your character to fix this problem) WHAT IS CAUSING THIS ISSUE? Database / Core / DBC???
  519. [6/28/2016 2:52:13 PM] Jožo Frytiks: I was online more than 3 hours
  520. [6/28/2016 2:52:18 PM] Jožo Frytiks: And no that bug
  521. [6/28/2016 10:56:05 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Guys WTF IS THIS MMAPS IN CORE ?
  522. [6/28/2016 10:56:36 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Such a totally retarded movement
  523. [6/29/2016 1:33:58 AM] Jožo Frytiks: Pet combat bug : If you send in your pet in arena on enemy player (Without pet attacking the player) - and buff it, the player instantly gets in combat. fixed
  524. [6/29/2016 1:34:02 AM] Jožo Frytiks: Chaos Bolt Resist on Rogue Spell - Cloak of Shadows fixed
  525. [6/29/2016 1:34:10 AM] Jožo Frytiks: Shaman Wolfs (Pet Leap and Pet stun should be set on passive - Pet's in general should be set on passive when you summmon them - Leap should not leap on the Shaman if it's on auto. It's only suppose to leap on enemy players.) fixed
  526. [6/29/2016 1:34:16 AM] Jožo Frytiks: Mage Mirror Images - (It's ONLY suppose to remove target for enemy players, currently it removes target for friendly players aswell) fixed
  527. [6/29/2016 1:36:26 AM] Drainerx: shaman leap & stun
  528. [6/29/2016 1:36:28 AM] Drainerx: isn't on auto?
  529. [6/29/2016 1:36:31 AM] Drainerx: when u put it off
  530. [6/29/2016 1:36:51 AM] Jožo Frytiks: Wait i tested only on ghoul leap
  531. [6/29/2016 1:37:24 AM] Drainerx: if pet hits the player = combat or uses a ability on him like devour magic etc.
  532. [6/29/2016 1:37:59 AM] Jožo Frytiks: It's hard to test everything solo for me
  533. [6/29/2016 1:38:14 AM] Drainerx: I can help
  534. [6/29/2016 1:38:20 AM] Drainerx: but fadel isn't here
  535. [6/29/2016 1:38:23 AM] Drainerx: so he can put cahnges
  536. [6/29/2016 1:38:24 AM] Drainerx: changes8
  537. [6/29/2016 1:39:08 AM] Jožo Frytiks: i have autocast on shaman wolfs
  538. [6/29/2016 1:39:16 AM] Jožo Frytiks: and it jumping only on target
  539. [6/29/2016 1:39:19 AM] Jožo Frytiks: if you have autocast
  540. [6/29/2016 1:39:27 AM] Drainerx: k
  541. [6/29/2016 1:39:36 AM] Drainerx: but if u toggle the leap & stun off
  542. [6/29/2016 1:39:41 AM] Drainerx: next time u summon it it shoudnt be on auto
  543. [6/29/2016 2:09:15 AM] Jožo Frytiks: Warriors can mass spell reflect banish onto the warlock himself.
  544. [6/29/2016 2:09:19 AM] Jožo Frytiks: it should reflect
  545. [6/29/2016 2:09:20 AM] Jožo Frytiks: or no ?
  546. [6/29/2016 2:09:54 AM] Drainerx: he should be able to reflect it
  547. [6/29/2016 2:09:59 AM] Drainerx: but currently if you reflect banish
  548. [6/29/2016 2:10:03 AM] Drainerx: the warlock gets banished
  549. [6/29/2016 2:12:34 AM] Jožo Frytiks: gonna sleep omg
  550. [6/29/2016 2:13:02 AM] Drainerx: kk gn
  551. [6/29/2016 2:13:22 AM] Jožo Frytiks: Cant do more today
  552. [6/29/2016 2:13:37 AM] Jožo Frytiks: Tommorow will work from morning
  553. [6/29/2016 4:58:12 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: I'm back
  554. [6/29/2016 4:58:20 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Hi
  555. [6/29/2016 4:58:33 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Fuck this mmaps !
  556. [6/29/2016 4:58:52 PM] Jožo Frytiks: I will probably pre-port my
  557. [6/29/2016 5:07:23 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Charge visual glitch - the warrior doesnt move with his charge (he charges and you get stunned but the animation is delayed)
  558. [6/29/2016 5:07:27 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Cannot confirm
  559. [6/29/2016 5:11:13 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Also cant confirm that
  560. [6/29/2016 5:11:13 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Combat Bug on Rogues - sometimes when rogues try to sap players, it says "Target is still in combat", this happens even after a enemy player sits full Fear / Polymorph (YOU ARE SUPPOSE TO DROP COMBAT ON ALL CLASSES AFTER YOU TAKE NO DAMAGE AFTER 6 SECONDS - YOU SHALL NOT DROP COMBAT IF YOU ARE PLAYING A CLASS THAT HAS A PET AND THE PET IS CURRENTLY ATTACKING AN ENEMY PLAYER)
  561. [6/29/2016 5:29:53 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: Charge visual glitch - the warrior doesnt move with his charge (he charges and you get stunned but the animation is delayed)Log on 2 accounts, and check from other account point of view
  562. [6/29/2016 5:29:58 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: Combat Bug on Rogues - sometimes when rogues try to sap players, it says "Target is still in combat", this happens even after a enemy player sits full Fear / Polymorph (YOU ARE SUPPOSE TO DROP COMBAT ON ALL CLASSES AFTER YOU TAKE NO DAMAGE AFTER 6 SECONDS - YOU SHALL NOT DROP COMBAT IF YOU ARE PLAYING A CLASS THAT HAS A PET AND THE PET IS CURRENTLY ATTACKING AN ENEMY PLAYER)It does happen
  563. [6/29/2016 5:30:16 PM] Jožo Frytiks: I checked
  564. [6/29/2016 5:33:18 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: you can't test it solo
  565. [6/29/2016 5:33:58 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: You need mage to polymorph 1 target
  566. [6/29/2016 5:34:52 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: You need to get 1 target in to combat
  567. [6/29/2016 5:34:59 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: then you need to polymorph that combat target
  568. [6/29/2016 5:35:04 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: then you need to sap him in poly
  569. [6/29/2016 5:36:41 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: can test it on our live server if you want
  570. [6/29/2016 5:42:29 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Give me acc
  571. [6/29/2016 5:44:23 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: one moment please
  572. [6/29/2016 5:44:27 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: 10/15 minutes, we are both testing stuff
  573. [6/29/2016 5:50:29 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Ah
  574. [6/29/2016 5:50:35 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Going to shopping now
  575. [6/29/2016 5:50:38 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Will come back in 1H
  576. [6/29/2016 5:52:52 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: okay...
  577. [6/29/2016 5:53:07 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: Any list for today?...
  578. [6/29/2016 5:53:31 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Ye most fixed
  579. [6/29/2016 5:56:05 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: Okay, so send us patches please
  580. [6/29/2016 6:01:34 PM] Jožo Frytiks: When i come home
  581. [6/29/2016 7:04:52 PM] Jožo Frytiks: I will send u
  582. [6/29/2016 7:05:00 PM] Jožo Frytiks: World server ?
  583. [6/29/2016 7:13:04 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: No just patch
  584. [6/29/2016 7:13:23 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Cause when you send me
  585. [6/29/2016 7:13:26 PM] Jožo Frytiks: A repo
  586. [6/29/2016 7:13:30 PM] Jožo Frytiks: I have here this
  587. [6/29/2016 7:13:57 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: Just send me a patch dafuq
  588. [6/29/2016 7:14:42 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Okay i will make 1 big commit
  589. [6/29/2016 7:14:46 PM] Jožo Frytiks: idk if that changes are your
  590. [6/29/2016 7:14:48 PM] Jožo Frytiks: or who's
  591. [6/29/2016 7:15:01 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: dafuq do u mean with commit
  592. [6/29/2016 7:15:03 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: we don't have a github
  593. [6/29/2016 7:15:04 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: or bucket
  594. [6/29/2016 7:15:10 PM] Jožo Frytiks: In git
  595. [6/29/2016 7:15:16 PM] Jožo Frytiks: You have a commit stuff
  596. [6/29/2016 7:15:29 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Before you send me core, someone made changes in core
  597. [6/29/2016 7:15:53 PM | Edited 7:16:23 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: look, what do you want me to do?
  598. [6/29/2016 7:16:27 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: I'm confused lol
  599. [6/29/2016 7:17:07 PM] Jožo Frytiks: What about just sending you worldserver ?
  600. [6/29/2016 7:17:47 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: That will not give us any fixes.
  601. [6/29/2016 7:17:53 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: Just a release file, not source
  602. [6/29/2016 7:18:09 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Now it tolding me
  603. [6/29/2016 7:18:14 PM] Jožo Frytiks: 45 files is changed
  604. [6/29/2016 7:18:17 PM] Jožo Frytiks: I changed just 10 prob
  605. [6/29/2016 7:18:25 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Cause there is someone other changes
  606. [6/29/2016 7:18:31 PM] Jožo Frytiks: What was made before you send me core
  607. [6/29/2016 7:18:38 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Someone before me worked with git with this repo
  608. [6/29/2016 7:18:42 PM] Jožo Frytiks: You understand ?
  609. [6/29/2016 7:18:47 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: You want me to send you
  610. [6/29/2016 7:18:51 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: A refresh version?
  611. [6/29/2016 7:18:55 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Nope
  612. [6/29/2016 7:18:58 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: I can send you new core (the one that is active)
  613. [6/29/2016 7:19:01 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: Becausei did some minor changes
  614. [6/29/2016 7:19:07 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: in enchant / profession NPC
  615. [6/29/2016 7:19:10 PM] Jožo Frytiks: I'm asking if i should
  616. [6/29/2016 7:19:21 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Send patch with changes what was made before me
  617. [6/29/2016 7:19:52 PM] Jožo Frytiks: There just changes with texts in custom npc's
  618. [6/29/2016 7:20:36 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: Look, I know that you are probably getting aids right now
  619. [6/29/2016 7:20:40 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: But how about this:
  620. [6/29/2016 7:20:43 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: What do I have to lose
  621. [6/29/2016 7:20:45 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: If you send me the patches
  622. [6/29/2016 7:21:01 PM] Jožo Frytiks: [Wednesday, June 29, 2016 7:20 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1:
  624. <<< Look, I know that you are probably getting aids right now ?
  625. [6/29/2016 7:21:01 PM] Jožo Frytiks: what
  626. [6/29/2016 7:21:23 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: You are probably getting annoyed
  627. [6/29/2016 7:21:27 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: By me not understanding
  628. [6/29/2016 7:21:28 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: So I make it short
  629. [6/29/2016 7:21:34 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: What do I lose by adding ur patches
  630. Jožo Frytiks
  631. [6/29/2016 7:22:11 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Everything in one
  632. [6/29/2016 7:22:37 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: Okay thank you
  633. [6/29/2016 7:22:40 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: 5 min
  634. [6/29/2016 7:23:04 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Gonna now outside with friends, it's okay ?
  635. [6/29/2016 7:23:15 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: Okay
  636. [6/29/2016 7:23:15 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: Take care
  637. [6/29/2016 7:23:21 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Only some bug's need to fix
  638. [6/29/2016 7:23:30 PM] Jožo Frytiks: But that's the easy
  639. [6/29/2016 7:23:36 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: keep going and you got another 150€ coming ur way
  640. [6/29/2016 7:23:45 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Ye ye
  641. [6/29/2016 8:20:15 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: Look we are going to make it simple for you and for us.
  643. Just add fixes to the Core that you currently have, and after you are done with the list, you show us a live presentation on your localhost using our Core
  644. [6/29/2016 8:22:57 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: Because applying this patch is just giving me a lot of errors, and I solved all those errors but there was no change in-game. So yeah...
  646. And also, chaos bolt still resist on cloak (I changed back to the first fixes you gave us)
  647. [6/29/2016 8:37:29 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Fór me it works fiz
  648. [6/29/2016 8:37:32 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Fix
  649. [6/29/2016 8:37:38 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Okay we do it like you want
  650. [6/29/2016 8:38:04 PM] Jožo Frytiks: You can upload me core somewhere
  651. [6/29/2016 9:12:48 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: Just upload the core
  652. [6/29/2016 9:12:50 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: you are working on
  653. [6/29/2016 9:12:51 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: currently
  654. [6/29/2016 9:12:53 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: on google drive
  655. [6/29/2016 9:12:53 PM | Edited 9:12:57 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: :)
  656. [6/29/2016 9:25:22 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: and then send link to me
  657. [6/29/2016 9:32:09 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Ok
  658. [6/30/2016 12:27:43 AM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: Frytks give me your GitHub name
  659. [6/30/2016 12:27:45 AM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: I will add you to repo
  660. [6/30/2016 12:29:08 AM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: I invited you
  661. [6/30/2016 12:53:19 AM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: tell me when you have commited the changes please
  662. [6/30/2016 1:21:31 AM] Jožo Frytiks: Okay
  663. [6/30/2016 1:22:15 AM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: Thanks man
  664. [6/30/2016 4:16:53 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: Let me know once you added the changes to the repo please
  665. [6/30/2016 4:48:16 PM] Jožo Frytiks: No problém
  666. [6/30/2016 6:54:54 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Will must download repo
  667. [6/30/2016 6:54:59 PM] Jožo Frytiks: And move fixes
  668. [6/30/2016 7:38:28 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: OK
  669. [6/30/2016 9:04:55 PM | Edited 9:04:55 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: You did it or are you currently AFK?
  670. [6/30/2016 9:10:27 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Currently afk at morning tmrw will be done
  671. [7/1/2016 1:01:13 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: Hello Frytiks
  672. [7/1/2016 1:57:18 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Hi
  673. [7/1/2016 1:57:21 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Moving fixes
  674. [7/1/2016 2:31:13 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Guys i will pre-port my fix for mmaps
  675. [7/1/2016 2:31:22 PM] Jožo Frytiks: That
  676. [7/1/2016 2:31:23 PM] Jožo Frytiks:
  677. [7/1/2016 2:39:52 PM] Jožo Frytiks: FUCK MY HDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
  678. [7/1/2016 2:43:26 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: ?
  679. [7/1/2016 2:50:03 PM | Edited 2:50:24 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: What's the problem
  680. [7/1/2016 2:50:40 PM] Jožo Frytiks: MMaps totally not work's
  681. [7/1/2016 2:50:44 PM] Jožo Frytiks: pet running so retarded
  682. [7/1/2016 2:50:59 PM] Jožo Frytiks: also my hdd crashed, don't have wotlk wow now xD
  683. [7/1/2016 2:51:20 PM | Edited 2:51:20 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: Okay, well skip the MMaps porting for now and just add the rest...
  684. [7/1/2016 2:52:02 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Well charge what i tested
  685. [7/1/2016 2:52:04 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Was working normally
  686. [7/1/2016 2:54:06 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: Okay
  688. Just add the rest to the GitHub and we will test
  689. [7/1/2016 2:54:24 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Ye
  690. [7/1/2016 2:54:25 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Sec
  691. [7/1/2016 2:56:02 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Also this is true ?
  692. [7/1/2016 2:56:03 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Item Lvl 271 Trinkets disapear from character eqipment everytime you log-out (I guess it's blacklisted in the Core)
  693. [7/1/2016 2:56:25 PM] Jožo Frytiks: And charge was working good for me
  694. [7/1/2016 2:56:34 PM] Jožo Frytiks: I think the problem is latency of other players
  695. [7/1/2016 2:56:41 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: Item Lvl 271 Trinkets disapear from character eqipment everytime you log-out (I guess it's blacklisted in the Core)Yes that is true
  696. [7/1/2016 2:57:07 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: And charge was working good for me
  697. I think the problem is latency of other playersOkay, we skip it for now.
  699. Just move over the rest and we can move forward.
  700. [7/1/2016 2:58:56 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Can you get me any link
  701. [7/1/2016 2:58:59 PM] Jožo Frytiks: For working wow client
  702. [7/1/2016 2:59:01 PM] Jožo Frytiks: download ?
  703. [7/1/2016 2:59:37 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1:
  704. [7/1/2016 4:24:51 PM] Jožo Frytiks: I pushed fix
  705. [7/1/2016 4:25:56 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: Ye, fear pattern is fucked tho
  706. [7/1/2016 4:26:02 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: "FleeingMovement"
  707. [7/1/2016 4:26:05 PM] Jožo Frytiks: ?
  708. [7/1/2016 4:26:30 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: They move way to fast
  710. They move, they stop, move, stop move stop move stop move stop move stop
  711. [7/1/2016 4:26:50 PM] Jožo Frytiks: But its better now if i increase ?
  712. [7/1/2016 4:27:01 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: They need to move less
  713. [7/1/2016 4:27:14 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Can descrease it
  714. [7/1/2016 4:27:34 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: Just take a bit of a break for now, Drainerx will be back soon and he will test it with me
  715. [7/1/2016 4:27:42 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: We will remove stuff from list that is fixed
  716. [7/1/2016 4:27:49 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: And then send you again the list of the things that are still not done
  717. [7/1/2016 4:27:59 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Okay
  718. [7/1/2016 4:28:02 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: Thanks
  719. [7/1/2016 4:28:03 PM] Jožo Frytiks: No problém
  720. [7/1/2016 4:28:18 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Now I know where is all bugs
  721. [7/1/2016 4:28:27 PM] Jožo Frytiks: It will be now super easy to fix somethinf
  722. [7/1/2016 4:28:38 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Only aréna charter idk why nôt works
  723. [7/1/2016 6:06:53 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: You there? really really need you
  724. [7/1/2016 6:18:13 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Yes
  725. [7/1/2016 6:18:28 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Not on pc but im there
  726. [7/1/2016 6:21:24 PM | Edited 6:21:22 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: Okay could you please tell me once you are home? not trying to stress you
  727. [7/1/2016 6:23:08 PM] Jožo Frytiks: In 10 minutes why ?
  728. [7/1/2016 6:23:23 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: We need to you things in-game
  729. [7/1/2016 6:23:26 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: because it's impossible to explain
  730. [7/1/2016 6:23:38 PM] Jožo Frytiks: But i dont have wow atm
  731. [7/1/2016 6:23:45 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Tommorow will have client
  732. [7/1/2016 6:25:15 PM] Jožo Frytiks: That the problem
  733. [7/1/2016 6:25:31 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Do you know gyzio ?
  734. [7/1/2016 6:25:43 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: Yes but this has to be shown in video
  735. [7/1/2016 6:25:53 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: Do you mind if we like, call you. You can mute ur mic and we share screen
  736. [7/1/2016 6:25:58 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: and show you
  737. [7/1/2016 6:26:10 PM] Jožo Frytiks: That's so laggy
  738. [7/1/2016 6:26:29 PM] Drainerx: so download the client in 10 min , shoudnt take that long
  739. [7/1/2016 6:26:59 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Men
  740. [7/1/2016 6:27:04 PM] Jožo Frytiks: My internet xD
  741. [7/1/2016 6:27:46 PM] Drainerx: pets and pathing is bugged
  742. [7/1/2016 6:27:50 PM] Drainerx: can u implement the mmaps
  743. [7/1/2016 6:27:53 PM] Jožo Frytiks: I know very good
  744. [7/1/2016 6:27:57 PM] Jožo Frytiks: I said it
  745. [7/1/2016 6:28:01 PM] Drainerx: didn't read
  746. [7/1/2016 6:28:01 PM] Jožo Frytiks: I will port my fix
  747. [7/1/2016 6:28:09 PM] Drainerx: can you do it today
  748. [7/1/2016 6:28:16 PM] Jožo Frytiks: No
  749. [7/1/2016 6:28:19 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Tommotow
  750. [7/1/2016 6:28:23 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Tommorow
  751. [7/1/2016 6:28:29 PM] Drainerx: but you always say tommorow
  752. [7/1/2016 6:28:33 PM] Drainerx: why cant you do it today
  753. [7/1/2016 6:28:51 PM] Drainerx: first when we contacted you , you said this can be done in 1-2 days
  754. [7/1/2016 6:28:58 PM] Drainerx: and afterwards u keep saying tomorrow you wil add fixes
  755. [7/1/2016 6:34:21 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Do you know how big its fix ?
  756. [7/1/2016 6:34:35 PM] Jožo Frytiks: I need to re-extract mmaps and change about 3k lines
  757. [7/1/2016 6:34:53 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Re-extract need 6+houra
  758. [7/1/2016 6:42:13 PM] Drainerx: [Friday, July 1, 2016 6:28 PM] Jožo Frytiks:
  760. <<< No
  761. Tommotow
  762. Tommorow[Wednesday, June 22, 2016 1:14 AM] Jožo Frytiks:
  764. <<< gonna fix tommorow[Saturday, June 25, 2016 5:48 PM] Jožo Frytiks:
  766. <<< Tommorow im home and working[Saturday, June 25, 2016 9:30 PM] Jožo Frytiks:
  768. <<< Tommorow i will work[Sunday, June 26, 2016 5:02 PM] Jožo Frytiks:
  770. <<< Will send tommorow fixes in 1 zip, i will make some more[Tuesday, June 28, 2016 2:50 PM] Jožo Frytiks:
  772. <<< I'm thinking tommorow will be list done fully.[Wednesday, June 29, 2016 2:13 AM] Jožo Frytiks:
  774. <<< Tommorow will work from morning[Friday, July 1, 2016 6:23 PM] Jožo Frytiks:
  776. <<< Tommorow will have client
  777. [7/1/2016 6:42:20 PM] Drainerx: I'm thinking tommorow will be list done fully.
  778. [7/1/2016 6:42:26 PM] Drainerx: the last one is a big one
  779. [7/1/2016 6:42:29 PM] Drainerx: posted on tuesday
  780. [7/1/2016 6:42:35 PM] Drainerx: u said the next day whole list would be done.
  781. [7/1/2016 6:43:06 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Get me time to tommorow
  782. [7/1/2016 6:43:54 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Will i send tmrw mmaps
  783. [7/1/2016 6:43:58 PM] Jožo Frytiks: And fixes
  784. [7/1/2016 6:44:05 PM] Drainerx: our original release date is tommorow
  785. [7/1/2016 6:44:08 PM] Drainerx: and that wont happen
  786. [7/1/2016 6:44:30 PM] Jožo Frytiks: And i cant work while it ?
  787. [7/1/2016 6:44:48 PM] Jožo Frytiks: When u štart
  788. [7/1/2016 6:45:09 PM] Drainerx: we want to release server with 90% of the bugs fixes
  789. [7/1/2016 6:45:18 PM] Drainerx: when can u complete the whole list , not tommorow
  790. [7/1/2016 6:45:19 PM] Drainerx: say a proper date
  791. [7/1/2016 6:45:28 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: Be honest, when can this be done.
  792. [7/1/2016 6:56:28 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Real dáte ?
  793. [7/1/2016 6:56:32 PM] Jožo Frytiks: 2 days
  794. [7/1/2016 6:57:07 PM] Drainerx: k
  795. [7/2/2016 4:29:43 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Will you test list today ?
  796. [7/2/2016 4:29:43 PM] Jožo Frytiks: To send me rest bugs
  797. [7/2/2016 4:49:36 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: You never told us what you fixed or changed
  798. [7/2/2016 4:49:53 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: With the latest commit
  799. [7/2/2016 4:50:21 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: And also it's hard to tell if it's bugged or not if we don't have your mmaps.
  800. [7/2/2016 4:50:32 PM | Edited 4:50:36 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: Charge is completely bugged with this new commit, and same with fear (mmaps issue)
  801. [7/2/2016 5:23:29 PM] Jožo Frytiks: You tested something ?
  802. [7/2/2016 5:23:34 PM] Jožo Frytiks: From the list ?
  803. [7/2/2016 5:23:52 PM] Jožo Frytiks: I was sending a bug here and saying after that fixed
  804. [7/2/2016 5:25:35 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: Yes, but let's currently just focus on Mmaps
  805. [7/2/2016 5:25:55 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: You said you didn't port them over yet right?
  806. [7/2/2016 5:26:25 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Yes
  807. [7/2/2016 5:28:49 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: Ye, so lets focus on that first
  808. [7/2/2016 5:28:55 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: And it will lower the amount of "bugs"
  809. [2:42:40 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: Hi, any updates
  810. [3:00:15 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Yep almost done
  811. [3:00:23 PM] Jožo Frytiks: I made server again cause hdd crashed
  812. [4:55:18 PM] Drainerx: so any progress?
  813. [4:55:35 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Yep testing
  814. [4:55:40 PM] Jožo Frytiks: And improving
  815. [5:48:18 PM] Jožo Frytiks: how to add item ?
  816. [5:48:29 PM] Jožo Frytiks: ah nvm
  817. [5:48:31 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: .add item ID
  818. [5:48:33 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: or .additem ID
  819. [5:48:36 PM] Jožo Frytiks: ye
  820. [5:48:40 PM] Jožo Frytiks: i dont know it need lvl 5
  821. [5:48:51 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Any 271 item ?
  822. [5:48:52 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: are youi on our server?
  823. [5:48:54 PM] Jožo Frytiks: > 271
  824. [5:48:55 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: Live server
  825. [5:48:56 PM] Jožo Frytiks: yes
  826. [5:49:00 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: One sec
  827. [5:49:01 PM] Jožo Frytiks: our
  828. [5:49:03 PM] Jožo Frytiks: my
  829. [5:49:03 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: Account name?
  830. [5:49:05 PM] Jožo Frytiks: localhost
  831. [5:49:07 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: Oh
  832. [5:49:09 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: rip
  833. [5:49:15 PM] Jožo Frytiks: give me please any item
  834. [5:49:21 PM] Jožo Frytiks: what is beign deleted at relog
  835. [5:49:26 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: ok
  836. [5:49:27 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: 1 sec
  837. [5:49:59 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: 54572
  838. [5:50:02 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: 54573
  839. [5:50:04 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: 54571
  840. [5:50:07 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: 54569
  841. [5:50:25 PM] Jožo Frytiks: All items
  842. [5:50:27 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Or only trinkets
  843. [5:50:28 PM] Jožo Frytiks: ?
  844. [5:50:36 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: those items
  845. [5:50:40 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: are dissepearing
  846. [5:50:41 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: every relog
  847. [5:50:44 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: from inventory
  848. [5:51:53 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: inventory and equipment
  849. [6:00:26 PM] Jožo Frytiks: When you create
  850. [6:00:28 PM] Jožo Frytiks: A petition
  851. [6:00:32 PM] Jožo Frytiks: prob. you buy it
  852. [6:00:36 PM] Jožo Frytiks: It should say created by you yes ?
  853. [6:00:54 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: Yes
  854. [6:00:58 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: I think
  855. [6:01:10 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: Ye it should
  856. [6:01:17 PM] Jožo Frytiks: That's the hardest bug wtf
  857. [6:02:19 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: It didn't happen before
  858. [6:02:24 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: Like a few weeks ago
  859. [6:02:27 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: maybe its DBC?
  860. [6:03:07 PM] Jožo Frytiks: no
  861. [6:03:27 PM] Jožo Frytiks: ah fixed
  862. [6:03:28 PM] Jožo Frytiks: xD
  863. [6:03:57 PM] Jožo Frytiks: also gear deleting fixed too
  864. [6:04:07 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: cool
  865. [6:04:20 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Just made mmaps
  866. [6:04:31 PM] Jožo Frytiks: And you said, fear is good, but need less fear ?
  867. [6:04:40 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: Needs waaaay less movement
  868. [6:05:39 PM] Jožo Frytiks: and fear before was good ?
  869. [6:05:43 PM] Jožo Frytiks: before my fixing
  870. [6:05:46 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: Na
  871. [6:05:47 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: People got stuck
  872. [6:05:49 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: all the time
  873. [6:05:53 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: But pattern was 100% working
  874. [6:05:55 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: And movement
  875. [6:05:59 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: Only problem : people got stuck
  876. [6:21:57 PM] Jožo Frytiks: That flying mounts
  877. [6:22:06 PM] Jožo Frytiks: You want to let it be still flying
  878. [6:22:13 PM] Jožo Frytiks: or you want to remove flight totally from game ?
  879. [6:22:17 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: Na, flying mounts -> Ground Mounts
  880. [6:22:18 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Or make it just summon like with item
  881. [6:22:33 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: And make the flying mounts usable in arena
  882. [6:22:47 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: Actually, all you have to do
  883. [6:22:48 PM] Jožo Frytiks: You want to rework all fyling mount to ground ?
  884. [6:22:51 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: nono
  885. [6:22:53 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: We did that part
  886. [6:22:56 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: We just need you
  887. [6:23:01 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: To make flying mounts to be usable in arena
  888. [6:23:09 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: We already made flying in to ground mounts
  889. [6:23:20 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: But they cant be used in arena, because they count as flying mounts still
  890. [6:25:55 PM] Jožo Frytiks: only in arena ?
  891. [6:26:23 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: Currently flying mounts are ground mounts
  892. [6:26:31 PM | Edited 6:26:49 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: We can use those flying mounts outside of arena AS GROUND MOUNTS (They can not fly)
  893. [6:26:34 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: No problem
  894. [6:26:37 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: BUT we cant use them inside arena
  895. [6:27:11 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: Because I think the game still detects its a flying mount
  896. [6:27:15 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: and not ground mount
  897. [6:48:01 PM] Jožo Frytiks: what mount
  898. [6:48:03 PM] Jožo Frytiks: you changed ?
  899. [6:53:05 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: Ehm
  900. [6:53:09 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: Sec
  901. [6:53:41 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: normal Flying mount
  902. 54811
  903. 50250
  904. 44689
  905. 54069
  906. 40775
  907. 44558
  908. 37012
  909. 54797
  910. 44178
  911. 45802
  912. 32861
  914. wotlk flying arena mounts
  915. 46171
  916. 46708
  917. 47840
  918. 50435
  920. tbc flying arena mounts
  921. 30609
  922. 34092
  923. 37676
  924. 43516
  925. [6:54:45 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: I think that's it
  926. [7:05:47 PM] Jožo Frytiks: that idk
  927. [7:05:51 PM] Jožo Frytiks: will need editing dbc i think
  928. [7:06:01 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: Okay, we'll take care of it
  929. [7:06:02 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: skip that
  930. [7:18:18 PM] Jožo Frytiks: That pathing shit's
  931. [7:30:47 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: yes
  932. [7:57:26 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Next commit pushed
  933. [7:57:31 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Try a whole list please
  934. [7:57:40 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: Okay, we will
  935. [7:57:47 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: But what about the mmaps
  936. [7:58:07 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Test it too i have a test commit in pc but nôt re-extracted mmaps
  937. [7:58:24 PM] Jožo Frytiks: I make a small fix fór mmaps pets
  938. [7:58:28 PM] Jožo Frytiks: You should tryv
  939. [7:58:40 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: okay thanks, take a break for today
  940. [7:58:41 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Also upload an sql from custom sql folder :)
  941. [7:58:44 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: Appricate and good job
  942. [7:58:46 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: Of course
  943. [7:58:55 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Also you must delete cachce
  944. [7:59:00 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Cache
  945. [7:59:03 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: Ye
  946. [7:59:04 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: Thanks
  947. [7:59:18 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Will be here just pm fór something
  948. [7:59:26 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: Thanks
  949. [7:59:33 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: We will test once drainerx is home
  950. [8:13:07 PM] Fadel | Vampire Diaries #1: Nothing has been changed
  951. [8:15:18 PM] Jožo Frytiks: Gonna look
  952. [8:19:34 PM] Drainerx: back
  953. [8:19:35 PM] Drainerx: what
  954. [8:21:59 PM] Drainerx: is the list done or not
  955. [8:49:12 PM] Drainerx: need answers this is your last chance
  956. [8:49:16 PM] Drainerx: 2 days ago u said it could be done.
  957. [8:49:19 PM] Drainerx: where it at then.
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