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a guest
Oct 22nd, 2017
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  1. #This is all in 1.13 format
  2. #These are the most simple command types which need to be covered
  4. #Comment:
  5. #This is a comment - this entire line should have no highlighting
  6. say #This is not a comment, none of this line should have highlighting apart from the say.
  8. #If a line has a slash at the start, it should have an error
  9. /gamemode creative
  11. #Selectors. Everything beyond the testfor should be highlighted as described
  12. #Name/tag argument accepts any argument without spaces
  13. testfor @a[name=hello]
  14. #Name/tag argument doesn't accept argument with a space
  15. testfor @a[tag=with a space]
  16. #Name/tag argument accepts arguments with a space if they are quoted.
  17. testfor @a[name="with a space"]
  20. #The following only matter if using a full parser.
  21. #
  22. #Only one name argument should be available in a selector (Best practise - only useful if fully parsing code anyway)
  23. testfor @a[name=hello,name=hi2]
  24. #Multiple tag arguments should be accepted in a selector
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