
guillotine block 1

Mar 27th, 2020
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  1. The blade was set to cut right through people.
  2. And Kamijou had only just thrown his punch to Terra’s face.
  3. It was a difficult position to touch the guillotine with his right hand from. Same for
  4. dodging out of the way.
  5. (...!!)
  6. Kamijou quickly trampled the objects at his feet.
  7. All that was there was the thick anti-barrier shotgun from the powered suit Terra had
  8. defeated.
  9. The shotgun was lying diagonally slanted due to the rubble on the ground, so it moved
  10. like a see-saw when Kamijou stepped on it. The mass of metal stood up in front of him.
  12. “You’re too naïve!!”
  13. But Terra’s expression did not change.
  14. The anti-barrier shotgun was heavy, so Kamijou couldn’t pick it up easily. And even if he
  15. could grab the giant gun, it would take several seconds before he could aim it at Terra
  16. and pull the trigger. His last-ditch plan wasn’t going to work. As Kamijou desperately
  17. tried to grab the shotgun, it was slammed forcefully into his gut by Terra’s guillotine.
  18. A tremendous noise resounded through the Palace of the Popes.
  19. Red blood flew through the air.
  20. The liquid was dripping from Kamijou’s mouth as he doubled over. He hadn’t been able
  21. to block the attack with his right hand. He hadn’t been able to dodge out of the way. He
  22. had been hit by the attack as it came directly for his gut and strength fled his body.
  23. “Wha—?” came the shocked voice.
  24. But it was Terra of the Left’s voice, not Kamijou’s.
  25. But you couldn’t blame him.
  26. He had amplified the destructive power of the guillotine with his precedence magic and
  27. yet Kamijou’s body had not been sliced in two.
  28. “...”
  29. Kamijou smirked and used his right hand to grab the guillotine that had struck him in
  30. the gut.
  31. And with that the flour blade came apart.
  33. - Toaru Majutsu no Index Volume 14, Chapter 4 Part 7
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