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a guest
Apr 14th, 2017
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  1. [18:56:40] [main/INFO]: Loading tweak class name net.minecraftforge.fml.common.launcher.FMLTweaker
  2. [18:56:40] [main/INFO]: Using primary tweak class name net.minecraftforge.fml.common.launcher.FMLTweaker
  3. [18:56:40] [main/INFO]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.common.launcher.FMLTweaker
  4. [18:56:40] [main/INFO]: Forge Mod Loader version for Minecraft 1.8 loading
  5. [18:56:40] [main/INFO]: Java is Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, version 1.8.0_74, running on Mac OS X:x86_64:10.12.4, installed at /Applications/Minecraft
  6. [18:56:40] [main/INFO]: Loading tweaker optifine.OptiFineForgeTweaker from OptiFine_1.8_HD_U_H6_MOD.jar
  7. [18:56:40] [main/INFO]: Loading tweak class name net.minecraftforge.fml.common.launcher.FMLInjectionAndSortingTweaker
  8. [18:56:40] [main/INFO]: Loading tweak class name optifine.OptiFineForgeTweaker
  9. [18:56:40] [main/INFO]: Loading tweak class name net.minecraftforge.fml.common.launcher.FMLDeobfTweaker
  10. [18:56:40] [main/INFO]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.common.launcher.FMLInjectionAndSortingTweaker
  11. [18:56:40] [main/INFO]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.common.launcher.FMLInjectionAndSortingTweaker
  12. [18:56:40] [main/INFO]: Calling tweak class optifine.OptiFineForgeTweaker
  13. [18:56:40] [main/INFO]: [optifine.OptiFineForgeTweaker:dbg:56]: OptiFineForgeTweaker: acceptOptions
  14. [18:56:40] [main/INFO]: [optifine.OptiFineForgeTweaker:dbg:56]: OptiFineForgeTweaker: injectIntoClassLoader
  15. [18:56:40] [main/INFO]: [optifine.OptiFineClassTransformer:dbg:266]: OptiFine ClassTransformer
  16. [18:56:40] [main/INFO]: [optifine.OptiFineClassTransformer:dbg:266]: OptiFine URL: file:/Users/mb/Desktop/Generic/mc/mods/OptiFine_1.8_HD_U_H6_MOD.jar
  17. [18:56:40] [main/INFO]: [optifine.OptiFineClassTransformer:dbg:266]: OptiFine ZIP file: /Users/mb/Desktop/Generic/mc/mods/OptiFine_1.8_HD_U_H6_MOD.jar
  18. [18:56:40] [main/INFO]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
  19. [18:56:43] [main/INFO]: Found valid fingerprint for Minecraft. Certificate fingerprint cd99959656f753dc28d863b46769f7f8fbaefcfc
  20. [18:56:43] [main/ERROR]: FML appears to be missing any signature data. This is not a good thing
  21. [18:56:43] [main/INFO]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
  22. [18:56:43] [main/INFO]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.common.launcher.FMLDeobfTweaker
  23. [18:56:44] [main/INFO]: Loading tweak class name net.minecraftforge.fml.common.launcher.TerminalTweaker
  24. [18:56:44] [main/INFO]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.common.launcher.TerminalTweaker
  25. [18:56:44] [main/INFO]: [optifine.OptiFineForgeTweaker:dbg:56]: OptiFineForgeTweaker: getLaunchArguments
  26. [18:56:44] [main/INFO]: Launching wrapped minecraft {net.minecraft.client.main.Main}
  27. [18:56:50] [Client thread/INFO]: Setting user: Angry_Squid
  28. [18:56:58] [Client thread/INFO]: LWJGL Version: 2.9.2
  29. [18:56:58] [Client thread/INFO]: Forge Mod Loader has detected optifine OptiFine_1.8_HD_U_H6, enabling compatibility features
  30. [18:56:58] [Client thread/INFO]: Attempting early MinecraftForge initialization
  31. [18:56:58] [Client thread/INFO]: MinecraftForge v11.14.4.1577 Initialized
  32. [18:56:58] [Client thread/INFO]: Replaced 204 ore recipies
  33. [18:56:58] [Client thread/INFO]: Completed early MinecraftForge initialization
  34. [18:56:59] [Client thread/INFO]: Found 0 mods from the command line. Injecting into mod discoverer
  35. [18:56:59] [Client thread/INFO]: Searching /Users/mb/Desktop/Generic/mc/mods for mods
  36. [18:57:01] [Client thread/INFO]: Forge Mod Loader has identified 5 mods to load
  37. [18:57:01] [Client thread/INFO]: FML has found a non-mod file in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible.
  38. [18:57:01] [Client thread/INFO]: Attempting connection with missing mods [mcp, FML, Forge, QP, Toggler] at CLIENT
  39. [18:57:01] [Client thread/INFO]: Attempting connection with missing mods [mcp, FML, Forge, QP, Toggler] at SERVER
  40. [18:57:02] [Client thread/INFO]: Reloading ResourceManager: Default, FMLFileResourcePack:Forge Mod Loader, FMLFileResourcePack:Minecraft Forge, FMLFileResourcePack:QuakePro, FMLFileResourcePack:Toggler, Faithful 1.11.2 Edited, QuakePro
  41. [18:57:02] [Client thread/INFO]: Processing ObjectHolder annotations
  42. [18:57:02] [Client thread/INFO]: Found 384 ObjectHolder annotations
  43. [18:57:02] [Client thread/INFO]: Identifying ItemStackHolder annotations
  44. [18:57:02] [Client thread/INFO]: Found 0 ItemStackHolder annotations
  45. [18:57:02] [Client thread/INFO]: Configured a dormant chunk cache size of 0
  46. [18:57:02] [Forge Version Check/INFO]: [Forge] Starting version check at
  47. [18:57:02] [Client thread/INFO]: Applying holder lookups
  48. [18:57:02] [Client thread/INFO]: Holder lookups applied
  49. [18:57:02] [Client thread/INFO]: Injecting itemstacks
  50. [18:57:02] [Client thread/INFO]: Itemstack injection complete
  51. [18:57:02] [Forge Version Check/INFO]: [Forge] Found status: AHEAD Target: null
  52. [18:57:02] [Sound Library Loader/INFO]: Starting up SoundSystem...
  53. [18:57:02] [Thread-8/INFO]: Initializing LWJGL OpenAL
  54. [18:57:02] [Thread-8/INFO]: (The LWJGL binding of OpenAL. For more information, see
  55. [18:57:02] [Thread-8/INFO]: OpenAL initialized.
  56. [18:57:03] [Sound Library Loader/INFO]: Sound engine started
  57. [18:57:10] [Client thread/INFO]: Created: 8x8 textures-atlas
  58. [18:57:11] [Client thread/INFO]: Injecting itemstacks
  59. [18:57:11] [Client thread/INFO]: Itemstack injection complete
  60. [18:57:11] [Client thread/INFO]: Forge Mod Loader has successfully loaded 5 mods
  61. [18:57:11] [Client thread/INFO]: Reloading ResourceManager: Default, FMLFileResourcePack:Forge Mod Loader, FMLFileResourcePack:Minecraft Forge, FMLFileResourcePack:QuakePro, FMLFileResourcePack:Toggler, Faithful 1.11.2 Edited, QuakePro
  62. [18:57:11] [Client thread/INFO]: SoundSystem shutting down...
  63. [18:57:11] [Client thread/WARN]: Author: Paul Lamb,
  64. [18:57:11] [Sound Library Loader/INFO]: Starting up SoundSystem...
  65. [18:57:12] [Thread-10/INFO]: Initializing LWJGL OpenAL
  66. [18:57:12] [Thread-10/INFO]: (The LWJGL binding of OpenAL. For more information, see
  67. [18:57:12] [Thread-10/INFO]: OpenAL initialized.
  68. [18:57:12] [Sound Library Loader/INFO]: Sound engine started
  69. [18:57:21] [Client thread/INFO]: Created: 2048x1024 textures-atlas
  70. [18:57:39] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to start LAN server detection: Can't assign requested address
  71. [18:57:41] [Client thread/INFO]: Connecting to, 25565
  72. [18:57:48] [Netty Client IO #1/INFO]: Unexpected packet during modded negotiation - assuming vanilla or keepalives :
  73. [18:57:48] [Netty Client IO #1/INFO]: Aborting client handshake "VANILLA"
  74. [18:57:48] [Netty Client IO #1/INFO]: [Netty Client IO #1] Client side vanilla connection established
  75. [18:57:49] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] A new §eOptiFine§f version is available: §eHD Ultra H7§f
  76. [18:57:49] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  77. [18:57:49] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Welcome to Desteria. Help us reach the top and use /vote
  78. [18:57:49] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ingame! We thank you for all the support!
  79. [18:57:49] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  80. [18:57:49] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Shop:
  81. [18:57:49] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Forums:
  82. [18:57:49] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  83. [18:58:01] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Hey! Sorry, but you can't use that here.
  84. [18:58:03] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  85. [18:58:04] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [+]===============================================[+]
  86. [18:58:04] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  87. [18:58:04] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Welcome Adventurer! You've been moved to Idris!
  88. [18:58:04] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] (For the best experience, adjust chat width to 320px)
  89. [18:58:04] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  90. [18:58:04] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [+]===============================================[+]
  91. [18:58:05] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  92. [18:58:13] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  93. [18:58:17] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fya
  94. [18:58:19] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fty taco
  95. [18:58:22] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] You will be teleported in 3 seconds. Don't move!
  96. [18:58:22] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  97. [18:58:36] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 171407670 has no item?!
  98. [18:58:36] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 171407670 has no item?!
  99. [18:58:42] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fxows in ah
  100. [18:58:44] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fcows*
  101. [18:58:49] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Desteria] zOuros has supported the realms of Desteria at! 60% OFF!
  102. [18:58:49] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Desteria] zOuros has supported the realms of Desteria at! 60% OFF!
  103. [18:58:49] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Desteria] zOuros has supported the realms of Desteria at! 60% OFF!
  104. [18:58:52] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §egg
  105. [18:58:54] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fboi 40k
  106. [18:58:55] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#99§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§2I§aLi§fve§7OnE§8arth§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §f40k Wow
  107. [18:58:57] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7MyFamilyIsGone§r §f[§aPremium§f]§7: §f50cal_Sniper_Pal
  108. [18:58:57] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fye :>
  109. [18:59:00] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fexpensive much
  110. [18:59:03] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fhow much dey worth?
  111. [18:59:04] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  112. [18:59:04] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Our server market is stocked with lots of materials
  113. [18:59:04] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] for building with. Visit it at /shop!
  114. [18:59:04] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  115. [18:59:07] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fik it aint cheap
  116. [18:59:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fboom
  117. [18:59:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §ftaco put u out of business
  118. [18:59:17] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §f3 up for 25k
  119. [18:59:17] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§2Hunter§f] §7§7SimulacrumSoul§r§7: §fwho has some folwer pots?
  120. [18:59:27] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§2Hunter§f] §7§7SimulacrumSoul§r§7: §f*flower
  121. [18:59:28] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §foh crap
  122. [18:59:32] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fi listed 3 for 25k
  123. [18:59:40] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fnot individually
  124. [18:59:41] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Item purchased!
  125. [18:59:42] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7MyFamilyIsGone§r §f[§aPremium§f]§7: §fIftkics chill
  126. [18:59:43] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fkk im happy
  127. [18:59:58] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §eguys 19/2 ?
  128. [19:00:10] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fthis is mine now
  129. [19:00:15] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fdont shittalk ifty when u suck
  130. [19:00:24] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§cShadower§f] §7§7§4ILiveOnEnergia§r §f[§cLegend§f]§7: §fu didnt see that
  131. [19:00:24] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §f3 cows up on ah for 25k
  132. [19:00:50] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fguys buy my cows for 20k
  133. [19:00:54] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fnoone told me i couldnt kill you so
  134. [19:00:57] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fblame ur fac
  135. [19:00:57] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e30§f] §f[§cStealth§f] §7§7wheelerandrew39§r§7: §flol
  136. [19:01:03] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e43§f] §f[§cAssassin§f] §7§7Sp0rkify§r§7: §fty wheelerandrew39
  137. [19:01:03] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Sensei_Pirate, Shouko, SimulacrumSoul, Sp0rkify, Spastic_slink, St0rm_15, starwarsbee, Sweden_FTW
  138. [19:01:04] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  139. [19:01:04] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Sell items to other players safely and quickly
  140. [19:01:04] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] with /ah on our Auction House!
  141. [19:01:04] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  142. [19:01:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Welcome to the world of Idris, theyung!
  143. [19:01:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e30§f] §f[§cStealth§f] §7§7wheelerandrew39§r§7: §fnp
  144. [19:01:07] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fspider up for 5k
  145. [19:01:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e43§f] §f[§cAssassin§f] §7§7Sp0rkify§r§7: §fi needed it xD
  146. [19:01:21] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fzombie up for 15k
  147. [19:01:25] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fzombs r 10k
  148. [19:01:29] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fdumbo fac i have here
  149. [19:01:32] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fXD
  150. [19:01:38] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §f-_-
  151. [19:01:43] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fim just kiiiiiiiding
  152. [19:01:43] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  153. [19:01:43] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [!] Purchase ranks, over-powered kits & rare items at
  154. [19:01:43] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  155. [19:01:44] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] #### [DLAG] Mobs/Items are being cleared in 15 seconds! ####
  156. [19:01:45] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e3§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7Gabriel74437§r §f[§aPremium§f]§7: §f\
  157. [19:02:00] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ######### [DLAG] Mobs/Items have been cleared. #########
  158. [19:02:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fanyone want a firework party
  159. [19:02:22] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7MyFamilyIsGone§r §f[§aPremium§f]§7: §fok
  160. [19:02:25] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fu redy MyFamilyIsGone?
  161. [19:02:28] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§b50§8cal§7_§aSn§8ip§aer§7_§8pa§al§r §f[§3Legend§f]§7: §f3
  162. [19:02:29] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§b50§8cal§7_§aSn§8ip§aer§7_§8pa§al§r §f[§3Legend§f]§7: §f2
  163. [19:02:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  164. [19:02:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] (!) You have not voted in the last 24 hours!
  165. [19:02:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] If you enjoy our server, want to support it
  166. [19:02:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] and receive rewards, please vote now.
  167. [19:02:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Visit for amazing rewards!
  168. [19:02:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  169. [19:02:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] The last time you voted was: 2017-04-13 05:48:11
  170. [19:02:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7JayPlayzGames§r §f[§aPremium§f]§7: §f2
  171. [19:02:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7MyFamilyIsGone§r §f[§aPremium§f]§7: §fi need pots
  172. [19:02:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§b50§8cal§7_§aSn§8ip§aer§7_§8pa§al§r §f[§3Legend§f]§7: §f1
  173. [19:02:32] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7JayPlayzGames§r §f[§aPremium§f]§7: §fFight
  174. [19:02:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §f...
  175. [19:02:34] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§b50§8cal§7_§aSn§8ip§aer§7_§8pa§al§r §f[§3Legend§f]§7: §fGO
  176. [19:02:38] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fu need pots...
  177. [19:02:41] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fhere
  178. [19:02:45] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Lottery] CrazyHunter100 just bought 3 tickets!
  179. [19:02:49] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e3§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7Gabriel74437§r §f[§aPremium§f]§7: §fkill Iftkics he kille me
  180. [19:02:55] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fIftkics do u want personal firework show
  181. [19:02:59] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fOutie!
  182. [19:02:59] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fwho r these for
  183. [19:03:03] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fMyFamilyIsGone
  184. [19:03:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  185. [19:03:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Kill the NEX to conquer the End!
  186. [19:03:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] More information can be found at /nex.
  187. [19:03:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  188. [19:03:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fkk
  189. [19:03:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7MyFamilyIsGone§r §f[§aPremium§f]§7: §fBleachedTaco lets do it at wild
  190. [19:03:10] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fbitch named MyFamilyIsGone
  191. [19:03:10] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Lottery] Spastic_slink just bought 10 tickets!
  192. [19:03:14] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fget the fuck over here
  193. [19:03:15] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fsure
  194. [19:03:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fo
  195. [19:03:23] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fdont die
  196. [19:03:25] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [idris] [me -> InfinityStone] can you fix some stuff?
  197. [19:03:25] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fwho did it
  198. [19:03:27] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e43§f] §f[§cAssassin§f] §7§7Sp0rkify§r§7: §fcan i get the pots?
  199. [19:03:28] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Charlie8557's Balance: $97,088.75
  200. [19:03:29] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e43§f] §f[§cAssassin§f] §7§7Sp0rkify§r§7: §fnvm
  201. [19:03:29] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§b50§8cal§7_§aSn§8ip§aer§7_§8pa§al§r §f[§3Legend§f]§7: §fready?
  202. [19:03:34] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fwas it you
  203. [19:03:36] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [idris] [InfinityStone -> me] I am currently in the middle of an ocean
  204. [19:03:36] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§b50§8cal§7_§aSn§8ip§aer§7_§8pa§al§r §f[§3Legend§f]§7: §f3
  205. [19:03:38] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fwho shot me
  206. [19:03:39] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§b50§8cal§7_§aSn§8ip§aer§7_§8pa§al§r §f[§3Legend§f]§7: §f2
  207. [19:03:40] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fifty, if u dont harm my fac, i dont harm u
  208. [19:03:41] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§b50§8cal§7_§aSn§8ip§aer§7_§8pa§al§r §f[§3Legend§f]§7: §f1
  209. [19:03:42] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §for ur fac
  210. [19:03:45] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§b50§8cal§7_§aSn§8ip§aer§7_§8pa§al§r §f[§3Legend§f]§7: §fGO
  211. [19:03:45] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fpvp wise that is
  212. [19:03:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [idris] [me -> InfinityStone] oh, k. close to Taco Army?
  213. [19:03:49] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:step.anvil
  214. [19:03:49] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7Z00MZ00MG0§r§7: §fhow do we earn money
  215. [19:03:58] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fagree or nop?
  216. [19:03:59] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fk
  217. [19:04:02] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §falright
  218. [19:04:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e3§f] §f[§3Recruit§f] §7§7The1SlyWolf§r§7: §fAny faction willing to take me in?
  219. [19:04:14] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fcome to /wild if u wanna watch me and MyFamilyIsGone fight XD
  220. [19:04:20] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Recruit§f] §7§7MicroBrine§r§7: §fme
  221. [19:04:24] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fFUCK
  222. [19:04:29] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Villagers] Villager trading is disabled. Sorry!
  223. [19:04:29] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fi did /wild so i could fhome
  224. [19:04:32] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fand u fuckers r here
  225. [19:04:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7MyFamilyIsGone§r §f[§aPremium§f]§7: §ftaco u gonna destroy me lol
  226. [19:04:36] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fXD
  227. [19:04:37] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §f:>
  228. [19:04:40] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fthere we go
  229. [19:04:42] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fjump down MyFamilyIsGone
  230. [19:04:45] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:step.anvil
  231. [19:04:45] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:step.anvil
  232. [19:04:48] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fyeah
  233. [19:04:55] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fWaterInABottle u count down
  234. [19:04:57] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §f5
  235. [19:05:00] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §f4
  236. [19:05:00] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §f4321
  237. [19:05:02] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fgo
  238. [19:05:02] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fwen MyFamilyIsGone jumps
  239. [19:05:03] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §f3
  240. [19:05:04] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fnot now XD
  241. [19:05:04] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:step.anvil
  242. [19:05:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  243. [19:05:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Participate in King of the Hill for attractive prizes!
  244. [19:05:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Check when the next one is with /koth!
  245. [19:05:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  246. [19:05:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§cStealth§f] §7§7misterj123§r§7: §ffadkjs
  247. [19:05:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §f4
  248. [19:05:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §falright now count
  249. [19:05:11] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §f3
  250. [19:05:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §f2
  251. [19:05:15] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§cStealth§f] §7§7misterj123§r§7: §flol
  252. [19:05:15] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §f5
  253. [19:05:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §f1
  254. [19:05:20] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7JayPlayzGames§r §f[§aPremium§f]§7: §f7
  255. [19:05:22] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7JayPlayzGames§r §f[§aPremium§f]§7: §f2
  256. [19:05:22] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fgooooooooooooo
  257. [19:05:28] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e5§f] §f[§2Ranger§f] §7§7channing8§r§7: §fselling a god bow msg me
  258. [19:05:32] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] **YOU READY YOUR FISTS**
  259. [19:05:34] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §flol if
  260. [19:05:36] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fIftkics
  261. [19:05:36] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] **YOU LOWER YOUR FISTS**
  262. [19:05:38] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §f...u guys cannot count...
  263. [19:05:38] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§b50§8cal§7_§aSn§8ip§aer§7_§8pa§al§r §f[§3Legend§f]§7: §fso little hits
  264. [19:05:41] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fXD
  265. [19:05:42] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fim gonna stand between them and piss em off
  266. [19:05:52] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fthehobbit0727 dont make fun of me
  267. [19:05:59] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§b50§8cal§7_§aSn§8ip§aer§7_§8pa§al§r §f[§3Legend§f]§7: §fifty stop pls
  268. [19:06:02] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fimm not im just commenting lol
  269. [19:06:04] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:step.anvil
  270. [19:06:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fno its funny XD
  271. [19:06:14] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fnuh
  272. [19:06:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Warping to staffroom.
  273. [19:06:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] You will be teleported in 3 seconds. Don't move!
  274. [19:06:22] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e5§f] §f[§3Warrior§f] §7§7dawnshake§r§7: §freal
  275. [19:06:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fi keel u Iftkics
  276. [19:06:40] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Returning to previous location.
  277. [19:06:40] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] You will be teleported in 3 seconds. Don't move!
  278. [19:06:57] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §flook at those beats
  279. [19:07:03] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fgf
  280. [19:07:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  281. [19:07:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] We're always on the search for new Staff Members!
  282. [19:07:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Check our application section:
  283. [19:07:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  284. [19:07:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fo
  285. [19:07:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7MyFamilyIsGone§r §f[§aPremium§f]§7: §fg
  286. [19:07:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fi miseed it
  287. [19:07:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7MyFamilyIsGone§r §f[§aPremium§f]§7: §fgg
  288. [19:07:10] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §ftpa to me MyFamilyIsGone
  289. [19:07:11] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§cStealth§f] §7§7misterj123§r§7: §flelele
  290. [19:07:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fwhere r u guys?
  291. [19:07:15] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fweeeeeeeeeee
  292. [19:07:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§cStealth§f] §7§7misterj123§r§7: §ffking laggy
  293. [19:07:17] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §f./wild
  294. [19:07:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fmy pots
  295. [19:07:22] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Returning to previous location.
  296. [19:07:22] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] You will be teleported in 3 seconds. Don't move!
  297. [19:07:24] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §foh lol\
  298. [19:07:25] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§cAssassin§f] §7§7MitsuhaTachibana§r§7: §fWhat do you keep when the server wipes?
  299. [19:07:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fgive MyFamilyIsGone his gear back
  300. [19:07:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  301. [19:07:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] (!) You have not voted in the last 24 hours!
  302. [19:07:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] If you enjoy our server, want to support it
  303. [19:07:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] and receive rewards, please vote now.
  304. [19:07:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Visit for amazing rewards!
  305. [19:07:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  306. [19:07:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] The last time you voted was: 2017-04-13 05:48:11
  307. [19:07:32] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fhis pots r mine
  308. [19:07:32] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Returning to previous location.
  309. [19:07:32] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] You will be teleported in 3 seconds. Don't move!
  310. [19:07:34] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Welcome to the world of Idris, SavageCraft27!
  311. [19:07:40] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §feh
  312. [19:07:40] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§cAssassin§f] §7§7MitsuhaTachibana§r§7: §f.
  313. [19:07:43] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Welcome to the world of Idris, TheEpicLegend27!
  314. [19:07:44] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§cAssassin§f] §7§7MitsuhaTachibana§r§7: §fWhat do you keep when the server wipes?
  315. [19:07:45] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Returning to previous location.
  316. [19:07:45] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] You will be teleported in 3 seconds. Don't move!
  317. [19:07:49] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7MyFamilyIsGone§r §f[§aPremium§f]§7: §fmy armor
  318. [19:07:52] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Returning to previous location.
  319. [19:07:52] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] You will be teleported in 3 seconds. Don't move!
  320. [19:07:52] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Desteria] Kilotna has supported the realms of Desteria at! 60% OFF!
  321. [19:07:59] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fgive MyFamilyIsGone his armour back
  322. [19:08:01] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7JayPlayzGames§r §f[§aPremium§f]§7: §fpvp?
  323. [19:08:01] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fwho ever has it
  324. [19:08:03] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] You will be teleported in 3 seconds. Don't move!
  325. [19:08:07] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fBleachedTaco :)
  326. [19:08:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fMyFamilyIsGone wut gear u had?
  327. [19:08:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7MyFamilyIsGone§r §f[§aPremium§f]§7: §fdestroyer
  328. [19:08:19] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7CrazyHunter100§r§7: §fcome to spawn and get free money
  329. [19:08:21] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fo
  330. [19:08:23] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Returning to previous location.
  331. [19:08:23] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] You will be teleported in 3 seconds. Don't move!
  332. [19:08:25] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fill get u that later
  333. [19:08:28] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Recruit§f] §7§7CalebTheSmelly§r§7: §fhow much does gapples sell for
  334. [19:08:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Warping to staffroom.
  335. [19:08:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] You will be teleported in 3 seconds. Don't move!
  336. [19:08:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fi have his gear:)
  337. [19:08:36] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ~ Wilderness
  338. [19:08:38] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] _________________.[ Wilderness ].____________________
  339. [19:08:38] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Description:
  340. [19:08:40] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7MyFamilyIsGone§r §f[§aPremium§f]§7: §fIftkics gimme
  341. [19:08:43] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §flol
  342. [19:08:44] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Returning to previous location.
  343. [19:08:44] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] You will be teleported in 3 seconds. Don't move!
  344. [19:08:44] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7CrazyHunter100§r§7: §fy
  345. [19:08:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§cStealth§f] §7§7misterj123§r§7: §fsomeones here
  346. [19:08:47] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fi jking
  347. [19:08:49] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7CrazyHunter100§r§7: §fcome to spawn and get free money
  348. [19:08:52] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7MyFamilyIsGone§r §f[§aPremium§f]§7: §foh lol
  349. [19:09:01] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7JayPlayzGames§r §f[§aPremium§f]§7: §fCome to pvp
  350. [19:09:04] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fBleachedTaco has it
  351. [19:09:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  352. [19:09:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] See someone doing something they shouldn't?
  353. [19:09:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Please submit a report at:
  354. [19:09:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  355. [19:09:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fhes lying
  356. [19:09:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fGabriel74437
  357. [19:09:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  358. [19:09:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [!] Purchase ranks, over-powered kits & rare items at
  359. [19:09:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  360. [19:09:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7CrazyHunter100§r§7: §fy
  361. [19:09:28] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ~ Mystic -
  362. [19:09:28] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Owner(s): InfinityStone
  363. [19:09:28] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7CrazyHunter100§r§7: §fcome to spawn and get free money
  364. [19:09:40] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Recruit§f] §7§7CalebTheSmelly§r§7: §fhow much does gapples sell for?? anyone
  365. [19:09:53] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] You have listed an item on the auction house!
  366. [19:09:55] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fis everyone penis now?
  367. [19:09:55] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7MyFamilyIsGone§r §f[§aPremium§f]§7: §flmao
  368. [19:09:56] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Charlie8557 has purchased your auction listing for $10
  369. [19:09:57] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fye
  370. [19:10:07] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fim trying to title everyone in my fac penis
  371. [19:10:20] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fty
  372. [19:10:24] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fi tried
  373. [19:10:36] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fthis is sa
  374. [19:10:38] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fsad
  375. [19:10:51] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §ffuck it
  376. [19:10:53] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7JayPlayzGames§r §f[§aPremium§f]§7: §fIftkics
  377. [19:10:56] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7JayPlayzGames§r §f[§aPremium§f]§7: §fYou ok there?
  378. [19:10:58] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§cScout§f] §7§7dman45921§r§7: §fo
  379. [19:10:58] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fo shit
  380. [19:11:01] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fis dat ifty?
  381. [19:11:04] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fo
  382. [19:11:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  383. [19:11:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Hey, if you'd like to maintain a clean chat we always
  384. [19:11:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] recommend adjusting your chat width to 320px!
  385. [19:11:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  386. [19:11:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§cAssassin§f] §7§7MitsuhaTachibana§r§7: §fSelling enderman spawner. Msg me for offers.
  387. [19:11:15] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Lottery] dman45921 just bought 10 tickets!
  388. [19:11:20] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§cAssassin§f] §7§7MitsuhaTachibana§r§7: §f.
  389. [19:11:23] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Lottery] CalebTheSmelly just bought 10 tickets!
  390. [19:11:25] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] channing8, Charlie8557
  391. [19:11:32] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fnu
  392. [19:11:34] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [idris] [me -> InfinityStone] I'll be playing as Charlie8557 and messing with Taco Army. They don't know that
  393. [19:11:41] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [idris] [me -> InfinityStone] Charlie8557 is me or with us
  394. [19:11:43] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fprankster sword dont have fire aspect
  395. [19:11:47] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [idris] [InfinityStone -> me] Ok xD
  396. [19:11:50] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fand i have a fire aspect 3 book :>
  397. [19:11:58] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fbtw how much is a fire aspect 3 book?
  398. [19:12:01] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fnoice m8ty
  399. [19:12:02] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Welcome to the world of Idris, elvito555!
  400. [19:12:03] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [!] MicroBrine was beheaded by ILiveOnEnergia [!]
  401. [19:12:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  402. [19:12:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] (!) You have not voted in the last 24 hours!
  403. [19:12:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] If you enjoy our server, want to support it
  404. [19:12:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] and receive rewards, please vote now.
  405. [19:12:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Visit for amazing rewards!
  406. [19:12:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  407. [19:12:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] The last time you voted was: 2017-04-13 05:48:11
  408. [19:12:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Charlie8557§r§7: §fhello again Taco's!
  409. [19:12:35] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7CrazyHunter100§r§7: §fy
  410. [19:12:37] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7CrazyHunter100§r§7: §fcome to spawn and get free money
  411. [19:12:38] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fo hai
  412. [19:12:42] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §ffuck off charlie
  413. [19:12:44] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Charlie8557§r§7: §fTpa for Taco Army's base!
  414. [19:12:49] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fits ok thehobbit0727
  415. [19:12:51] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7CrazyHunter100§r§7: §fy
  416. [19:12:52] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fgo ahead lol
  417. [19:12:54] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §foh dang Charlie8557!
  418. [19:12:54] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7JayPlayzGames§r §f[§aPremium§f]§7: §fCharlie8557
  419. [19:12:56] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7CrazyHunter100§r§7: §fcome to spawn and get free money
  420. [19:13:01] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7JayPlayzGames§r §f[§aPremium§f]§7: §fYou dont have taco armys base
  421. [19:13:02] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fits not in use
  422. [19:13:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  423. [19:13:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] We have a TeamSpeak! You can use this address on
  424. [19:13:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TeamSpeak to communicate with players: /teamspeak
  425. [19:13:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  426. [19:13:07] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fhe does JayPlayzGames
  427. [19:13:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7JayPlayzGames§r §f[§aPremium§f]§7: §foh i thought yall unclaimed it
  428. [19:13:35] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fCharlie8557
  429. [19:13:40] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fi wunt to see :D
  430. [19:13:43] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Charlie8557§r§7: §fI won't accept Taco Army's tp's xD
  431. [19:13:47] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fwhy naught
  432. [19:13:48] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Charlie8557§r§7: §fone sec WaterInABottle then
  433. [19:13:51] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fyay
  434. [19:13:54] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fu should tpa me
  435. [19:14:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fpunch OP
  436. [19:14:20] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fye
  437. [19:14:21] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fi wunt to see baseeee
  438. [19:14:29] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fo fuck
  439. [19:14:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fget fucked kit
  440. [19:14:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fkid
  441. [19:14:37] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7JayPlayzGames§r §f[§aPremium§f]§7: §fify
  442. [19:14:41] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7JayPlayzGames§r §f[§aPremium§f]§7: §fur a porcupine
  443. [19:14:42] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fanti kb!
  444. [19:14:44] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§dShaman§f] §7§7Pastuul§r §f[§6Champion§f]§7: §fI'm just hoping someone notices the watermelon on my head at spawn ._. xD
  445. [19:15:00] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fwtf im low from this
  446. [19:15:03] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §f:
  447. [19:15:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  448. [19:15:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Our network supports Minecraft versions from 1.7-1.11!.
  449. [19:15:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] however, we strongly suggest using Minecraft 1.8!
  450. [19:15:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  451. [19:15:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §f:>
  452. [19:15:10] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§3Templar§f] §7§7GiacomoUgarelli§r §f[§7Donator§f]§7: §f2 witch spawners for low price on /ah!
  453. [19:15:15] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fCharlie8557 hacks
  454. [19:15:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7JayPlayzGames§r §f[§aPremium§f]§7: §fify you have thousands of arrows sticking out of you
  455. [19:15:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fkk
  456. [19:15:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fno i dont
  457. [19:15:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fyes i do
  458. [19:15:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fu should tpaccept Charlie8557
  459. [19:15:37] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §ffight me with ur hax
  460. [19:15:38] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Recruit§f] §7§7King487§r§7: §fcan you get back to your house once youm go to the shop?
  461. [19:15:38] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fhes fight ing me
  462. [19:15:40] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fi cursious
  463. [19:15:51] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fcombat
  464. [19:15:57] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fWAIT
  465. [19:16:04] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fymm
  466. [19:16:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fumm
  467. [19:16:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7JayPlayzGames§r §f[§aPremium§f]§7: §fu ok?
  468. [19:16:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fBleachedTaco
  469. [19:16:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fhe hacks
  470. [19:16:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §f?
  471. [19:16:15] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fno stop
  472. [19:16:27] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Recruit§f] §7§7MicroBrine§r§7: §fnore
  473. [19:16:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7JayPlayzGames§r §f[§aPremium§f]§7: §fill stop ify
  474. [19:16:32] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fcombat
  475. [19:16:35] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fello m8
  476. [19:16:42] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Recruit§f] §7§7MicroBrine§r§7: §fmore
  477. [19:16:44] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  478. [19:16:44] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [!] Purchase ranks, over-powered kits & rare items at
  479. [19:16:44] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  480. [19:16:45] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] #### [DLAG] Mobs/Items are being cleared in 15 seconds! ####
  481. [19:16:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fbase
  482. [19:17:00] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§c#TeamAmbush§f] §f[§cBrigand§f] §7§7§4Jus§ctin§fKite§r §f[§cLegend§f]§7: §fT
  483. [19:17:00] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ######### [DLAG] Mobs/Items have been cleared. #########
  484. [19:17:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  485. [19:17:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] If you're interested in purchasing ranks or perks,
  486. [19:17:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] be sure to check out our store at:!
  487. [19:17:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  488. [19:17:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fMod base fag
  489. [19:17:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Charlie8557§r§7: §fthanks!
  490. [19:17:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fNO
  491. [19:17:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fmag*
  492. [19:17:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§dShaman§f] §7§7Pastuul§r §f[§6Champion§f]§7: §fYayyy
  493. [19:17:14] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §e--
  494. [19:17:15] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Recruit§f] §7§7MicroBrine§r§7: §fmore plz
  495. [19:17:17] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§dShaman§f] §7§7Pastuul§r §f[§6Champion§f]§7: §fTy :)
  496. [19:17:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fCharlie8557 hacks btw
  497. [19:17:21] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fhe said mag Sho
  498. [19:17:24] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fi told u lol
  499. [19:17:24] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fShouko
  500. [19:17:27] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §eWaterInABottle ill mute u
  501. [19:17:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  502. [19:17:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] (!) You have not voted in the last 24 hours!
  503. [19:17:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] If you enjoy our server, want to support it
  504. [19:17:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] and receive rewards, please vote now.
  505. [19:17:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Visit for amazing rewards!
  506. [19:17:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  507. [19:17:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] The last time you voted was: 2017-04-13 05:48:11
  508. [19:17:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fayyyy Shouko
  509. [19:17:32] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fno please
  510. [19:17:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§3Templar§f] §7§7GiacomoUgarelli§r §f[§7Donator§f]§7: §f2 witch spawners for 115k each!!! on /ah!
  511. [19:17:35] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e15§f] §f[§2Cavalry§f] §7§7kenzie04210§r§7: §f'
  512. [19:17:37] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fi think he legit mistyped Shojun94
  513. [19:17:40] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §f*shouko
  514. [19:17:41] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7JayPlayzGames§r §f[§aPremium§f]§7: §fShouko
  515. [19:17:42] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Lottery] cotten3 just bought 10 tickets!
  516. [19:17:43] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fikr
  517. [19:17:44] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §ftpa
  518. [19:17:45] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §ereally?
  519. [19:17:45] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7JayPlayzGames§r §f[§aPremium§f]§7: §fcan u mute me for 1 min
  520. [19:17:48] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fi did .back
  521. [19:17:50] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fooops
  522. [19:17:51] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7JayPlayzGames§r §f[§aPremium§f]§7: §fi wanna see how it feels
  523. [19:17:53] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §eno I cant do that
  524. [19:17:54] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e69§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Inf§bini§3t§byst§8one§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fWHy would he say mag?
  525. [19:17:55] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7JayPlayzGames§r §f[§aPremium§f]§7: §faww
  526. [19:17:58] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7JayPlayzGames§r §f[§aPremium§f]§7: §fok then
  527. [19:18:00] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fmaggot
  528. [19:18:02] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fInfinityStone maggots
  529. [19:18:03] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fmag
  530. [19:18:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e69§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Inf§bini§3t§byst§8one§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fRiiiiight
  531. [19:18:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fmhm ;p
  532. [19:18:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §egood excuse
  533. [19:18:11] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fikr
  534. [19:18:11] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Recruit§f] §7§7MicroBrine§r§7: §fim salling tnt for dimind aremer
  535. [19:18:14] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §elast time okay
  536. [19:18:20] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e29§f] §f[§cStealth§f] §7§7MrStealYourBacon§r §f[§6Champion§f]§7: §flot in 4 min :D
  537. [19:18:20] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fok i wont anymo
  538. [19:18:29] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fWaterInABottle ur lucky Shouko is bae
  539. [19:18:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e43§f] §f[§cShadower§f] §7§7Revenant76§r §f[§7Donator§f]§7: §fbuying donator rank msg me
  540. [19:18:35] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fhe really is
  541. [19:18:47] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fShouko u should take my virginity
  542. [19:18:50] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Item purchased!
  543. [19:18:52] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Item purchased!
  544. [19:18:53] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fthats my job
  545. [19:18:55] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Item purchased!
  546. [19:19:01] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e29§f] §f[§cStealth§f] §7§7MrStealYourBacon§r §f[§6Champion§f]§7: §flottery in 3 minutes :D
  547. [19:19:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  548. [19:19:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Become part of the community, take part in our forums!
  549. [19:19:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Contribute to discussions and more at:
  550. [19:19:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  551. [19:19:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Lottery] BleachedTaco just bought 10 tickets!
  552. [19:19:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Recruit§f] §7§7MicroBrine§r§7: §fyou want it for dimind aremer
  553. [19:19:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §feven if we despise eachother now
  554. [19:19:10] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Lottery] Revenant76 just bought 1 ticket!
  555. [19:19:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7JayPlayzGames§r §f[§aPremium§f]§7: §fWaterInABottle
  556. [19:19:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Lottery] kenzie04210 just bought 5 tickets!
  557. [19:19:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fim still taking it
  558. [19:19:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Lottery] Revenant76 just bought 9 tickets!
  559. [19:19:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Lottery] TheHobbit0727 just bought 10 tickets!
  560. [19:19:14] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Lottery] The_Desterian just bought 10 tickets!
  561. [19:19:19] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fyes JayPlayzGames
  562. [19:19:21] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Lottery] channing8 just bought 1 ticket!
  563. [19:19:24] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e69§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Inf§bini§3t§byst§8one§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §f(suck ups.... xD)
  564. [19:19:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Recruit§f] §7§7MicroBrine§r§7: §fhey
  565. [19:19:35] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] You have listed an item on the auction house!
  566. [19:19:36] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7CrazyHunter100§r§7: §fu welcome Pastuul
  567. [19:19:39] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Charlie8557 has purchased your auction listing for $20,000
  568. [19:19:40] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §flol
  569. [19:19:44] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Recruit§f] §7§7MicroBrine§r§7: §fhey
  570. [19:19:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §ftp taco
  571. [19:19:47] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§3Templar§f] §7§7GiacomoUgarelli§r §f[§7Donator§f]§7: §f,
  572. [19:19:47] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Lottery] kenzie04210 just bought 5 tickets!
  573. [19:19:50] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7BenThePredator§r§7: §fanyone wanna realm trade?
  574. [19:19:51] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§3Templar§f] §7§7GiacomoUgarelli§r §f[§7Donator§f]§7: §f2 witch spawners for 115k each!!! on /ah!
  575. [19:19:54] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Lottery] Munchkin0602 just bought 1 ticket!
  576. [19:19:56] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Charlie8557§r§7: §fnext time please bring me gapples WaterInABottle
  577. [19:20:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7CrazyHunter100§r§7: §fi dont have any more money
  578. [19:20:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fso many claims at my mod base LOL
  579. [19:20:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Recruit§f] §7§7CalebTheSmelly§r§7: §feveryone buy lot tickets 2 min
  580. [19:20:10] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fCharlie8557
  581. [19:20:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fwerent u like
  582. [19:20:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Lottery] Munchkin0602 just bought 1 ticket!
  583. [19:20:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Recruit§f] §7§7MicroBrine§r§7: §fHEY
  584. [19:20:15] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fraiding tacoarmy
  585. [19:20:19] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fnow ur with them
  586. [19:20:22] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Charlie8557§r§7: §fno, I'm not
  587. [19:20:22] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fi just realised that
  588. [19:20:24] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7CrazyHunter100§r§7: §fy
  589. [19:20:28] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7CrazyHunter100§r§7: §fi dont have any more money
  590. [19:20:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fdid u guys know
  591. [19:20:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fthen why did u tp me there last night?
  592. [19:20:32] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Charlie8557§r§7: §fI just killed WaterInABottle
  593. [19:20:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Lottery] Munchkin0602 just bought 1 ticket! Draw in 1m 41s
  594. [19:20:36] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §for this morning
  595. [19:20:38] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Lottery] Shouko just bought 10 tickets! Draw in 1m 37s
  596. [19:20:39] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fidk which one
  597. [19:20:40] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fTaco backwards is still taco?
  598. [19:20:40] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fhe was until i knocke him off his platform
  599. [19:20:41] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Lottery] Iftkics just bought 10 tickets! Draw in 1m 33s
  600. [19:20:42] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §egonna win this lot
  601. [19:20:44] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7BenThePredator§r§7: §fi got 5 common, 2 regular, 1 ultra, 1 rare crates and 30k
  602. [19:20:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fand he whipped out his hacks
  603. [19:20:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Lottery] Infinitystone just bought 10 tickets! Draw in 1m 28s
  604. [19:20:48] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §f"ocat"
  605. [19:20:49] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Lottery] GiacomoUgarelli just bought 10 tickets! Draw in 1m 26s
  606. [19:20:49] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7BenThePredator§r§7: §f20k*
  607. [19:20:50] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fguys taco backwards is taco
  608. [19:20:50] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Lottery] WaterInABottle just bought 10 tickets! Draw in 1m 24s
  609. [19:20:51] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Lottery] Jakzio just bought 10 tickets! Draw in 1m 23s
  610. [19:20:53] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Charlie8557§r§7: §fcause I was pestering them and more people helps pester them
  611. [19:20:53] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7JayPlayzGames§r §f[§aPremium§f]§7: §fRevenant76
  612. [19:20:54] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Lottery] DemonFlames11 just bought 10 tickets! Draw in 1m 20s
  613. [19:20:55] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fno its not
  614. [19:20:55] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7JayPlayzGames§r §f[§aPremium§f]§7: §fJump in
  615. [19:20:57] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Lottery] MrDesteria just bought 10 tickets! Draw in 1m 17s
  616. [19:20:58] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fye it is
  617. [19:20:59] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Lottery] Munchkin0602 just bought 2 tickets! Draw in 1m 15s
  618. [19:21:02] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fkk Charlie8557
  619. [19:21:02] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §eWaterInABottle
  620. [19:21:04] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Lottery] Lloydzaq2035 just bought 10 tickets! Draw in 1m 10s
  621. [19:21:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  622. [19:21:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] You can always vote for our network and receive some
  623. [19:21:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] really nice rewards in return! For more info, use /vote.
  624. [19:21:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  625. [19:21:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §ejust remember
  626. [19:21:07] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Lottery] BenThePredator just bought 2 tickets! Draw in 1m 8s
  627. [19:21:07] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fyes sho?
  628. [19:21:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Item purchased!
  629. [19:21:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Recruit§f] §7§7MicroBrine§r§7: §fHey you want tnt for dimind aremer
  630. [19:21:10] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Lottery] ILiveOnEnergia just bought 10 tickets! Draw in 1m 4s
  631. [19:21:10] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Lottery] JayPlayzGames just bought 10 tickets! Draw in 1m 4s
  632. [19:21:10] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §eone more time 48hours mute
  633. [19:21:11] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Item purchased!
  634. [19:21:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fD:
  635. [19:21:15] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Recruit§f] §7§7King487§r§7: §fhow can i get wool
  636. [19:21:15] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fo dam
  637. [19:21:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e69§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Inf§bini§3t§byst§8one§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fDone, I rigged the lotto :>
  638. [19:21:17] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Item purchased!
  639. [19:21:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fi remember
  640. [19:21:19] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fCharlie8557 wait you werent the one shittalking me
  641. [19:21:21] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fim confused now
  642. [19:21:23] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fnever again :D
  643. [19:21:25] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#99§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§cs§bkir§fmish§aes§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §fShouko ur a nub
  644. [19:21:25] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Lottery] Munchkin0602 just bought 3 tickets! Draw in 49s
  645. [19:21:28] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fu can get muted for hackusations?
  646. [19:21:29] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#99§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§cs§bkir§fmish§aes§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §f<3
  647. [19:21:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Lottery] CrazyHunter100 just bought 1 ticket! Draw in 45s
  648. [19:21:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Lottery] ILiveOnEarth just bought 10 tickets! Draw in 44s
  649. [19:21:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7JayPlayzGames§r §f[§aPremium§f]§7: §fInfinityStone if u did i swear
  650. [19:21:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Charlie8557§r§7: §fI don't think so, I haven't played here much Iftkics
  651. [19:21:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fXD
  652. [19:21:38] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Lottery] Voyager33 just bought 1 ticket! Draw in 36s
  653. [19:21:38] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fim so fucking confused
  654. [19:21:40] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fGuys buy tickets so i get more money :D
  655. [19:21:41] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fthehobbit0727 ifty got banned for hacksuating me
  656. [19:21:42] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fXD
  657. [19:21:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Welcome to the world of Idris, hakulovepotatoes!
  658. [19:21:48] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Lottery] Munchkin0602 just bought 1 ticket! Draw in 26s
  659. [19:21:48] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fXD really!
  660. [19:21:51] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fye
  661. [19:21:57] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fOH
  662. [19:22:03] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Charlie8557§r§7: §fmy story is that I tpad to Taco Army, made my tiny fac, claimed a little space, tpad people
  663. [19:22:04] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fthe best way to get banned
  664. [19:22:07] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fim mixing you up with gabriel74437
  665. [19:22:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fnvm
  666. [19:22:10] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Charlie8557§r§7: §fand pvped them a bunch and annoyed them
  667. [19:22:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fcarry on with ur day
  668. [19:22:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §flotto win
  669. [19:22:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Charlie8557§r§7: §fok :D
  670. [19:22:14] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Lottery] Congratulations go to dman45921 for winning $185250 with 10 tickets
  671. [19:22:14] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Lottery] There was a total of 28 players buying 247 tickets
  672. [19:22:17] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §frigged
  673. [19:22:17] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fNUU
  674. [19:22:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fXD
  675. [19:22:21] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §edamn
  676. [19:22:21] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e69§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Inf§bini§3t§byst§8one§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fGosh darn it
  677. [19:22:22] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Lottery] MrDesteria just bought 10 tickets!
  678. [19:22:22] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§cScout§f] §7§7cotten3§r§7: §fk
  679. [19:22:24] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §frigged and hacked
  680. [19:22:28] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§cScout§f] §7§7dman45921§r§7: §fk
  681. [19:22:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  682. [19:22:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] (!) You have not voted in the last 24 hours!
  683. [19:22:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] If you enjoy our server, want to support it
  684. [19:22:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] and receive rewards, please vote now.
  685. [19:22:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Visit for amazing rewards!
  686. [19:22:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  687. [19:22:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] The last time you voted was: 2017-04-13 05:48:11
  688. [19:22:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7BenThePredator§r§7: §fanyone want to realmtrade to sepre?
  689. [19:22:32] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §eI thought I changed the lot to 100% shouko
  690. [19:22:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§cShadower§f] §7§7§4ILiveOnEnergia§r §f[§cLegend§f]§7: §fthats my alt XD
  691. [19:22:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *TacoArmy BleachedTaco: whos ur alt?
  692. [19:22:36] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] You have listed an item on the auction house!
  693. [19:22:36] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §flol
  694. [19:22:39] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] You have listed an item on the auction house!
  695. [19:22:43] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Charlie8557 has purchased your auction listing for $100
  696. [19:22:45] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Charlie8557 has purchased your auction listing for $100
  697. [19:22:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Recruit§f] §7§7MicroBrine§r§7: §fHEY
  698. [19:22:48] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *TacoArmy BleachedTaco: TELL ME
  699. [19:22:49] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *TacoArmy BleachedTaco: O-O
  700. [19:22:55] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7CrazyHunter100§r§7: §fi dont have enough still
  701. [19:23:00] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy JayPlayzGames: xD
  702. [19:23:02] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy WaterInABottle: nah m8
  703. [19:23:03] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§dShaman§f] §7§7Pastuul§r §f[§6Champion§f]§7: §fIt'd fine, haha
  704. [19:23:04] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Recruit§f] §7§7MicroBrine§r§7: §fOK
  705. [19:23:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  706. [19:23:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Level yourself up for access to better shops and more!
  707. [19:23:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] For more information, use /level!
  708. [19:23:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  709. [19:23:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy JayPlayzGames: xD
  710. [19:23:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§dShaman§f] §7§7Pastuul§r §f[§6Champion§f]§7: §fIt's*
  711. [19:23:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy JayPlayzGames: i wanna kill him
  712. [19:23:38] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7Iyx7§r§7: §ft
  713. [19:23:38] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §ehope I can get mentor
  714. [19:23:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Welcome to the world of Idris, Struck25!
  715. [19:24:02] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §edamn
  716. [19:24:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §eits mitsuha
  717. [19:24:10] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §e<3
  718. [19:24:14] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  719. [19:24:14] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [!] Purchase ranks, over-powered kits & rare items at
  720. [19:24:14] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  721. [19:24:25] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Charlie8557§r§7: §fTpa for Taco Army's base!
  722. [19:24:25] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e15§f] §f[§2Cavalry§f] §7§7kenzie04210§r§7: §fsome one ah a saddle now
  723. [19:24:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Doug_Dimadome§r §f[§aPremium§f]§7: §fKimi no na waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  724. [19:24:36] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §eyep
  725. [19:24:40] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §eYour name.
  726. [19:24:41] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Lottery] MrStealYourBacon just bought 10 tickets!
  727. [19:24:42] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§cAssassin§f] §7§7MitsuhaTachibana§r§7: §fWow thanks!
  728. [19:24:45] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§cStealth§f] §7§7misterj123§r§7: §fthat movie fked me up
  729. [19:24:50] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Doug_Dimadome§r §f[§aPremium§f]§7: §f:(
  730. [19:24:50] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§cStealth§f] §7§7misterj123§r§7: §fanime movie*
  731. [19:24:55] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§cAssassin§f] §7§7MitsuhaTachibana§r§7: §fbest movie
  732. [19:24:55] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §eone of my fav anime movie
  733. [19:24:56] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Recruit§f] §7§7King487§r§7: §fis wool for sale?
  734. [19:24:59] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§cAssassin§f] §7§7MitsuhaTachibana§r§7: §fChanged my life
  735. [19:25:04] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§cStealth§f] §7§7misterj123§r§7: §fmade me sad for like 5 days
  736. [19:25:04] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Doug_Dimadome§r §f[§aPremium§f]§7: §ffucking amazing
  737. [19:25:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  738. [19:25:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Obsidian breaks in 5 hits on our network.
  739. [19:25:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Hit an obsidian block with a potato to find its durability!
  740. [19:25:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  741. [19:25:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Lottery] cotten3 just bought 10 tickets!
  742. [19:25:19] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Lottery] Spastic_slink just bought 10 tickets!
  743. [19:25:20] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#99§f] §f[§3Berserker§f] §7§7§5g§5a§5b§5b§5y§5k§5h§5o§5o§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fhehe
  744. [19:25:22] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §ehehe
  745. [19:25:43] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e4§f] §f[§3Soldier§f] §7§7_XxAuroraxX_§r§7: §fWHAT
  746. [19:25:48] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7tiger19316§r§7: §fPiekid9012 youre alive
  747. [19:25:54] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7Piekid9012§r§7: §fyea i am
  748. [19:25:55] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7TooEasyPvp§r§7: §fdoing realm trade to krynn!!! invsee me
  749. [19:26:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7tiger19316§r§7: §ftpa to me
  750. [19:26:11] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§cAssassin§f] §7§7MitsuhaTachibana§r§7: §fhere
  751. [19:26:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§cAssassin§f] §7§7MitsuhaTachibana§r§7: §fcome
  752. [19:26:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Charlie8557§r§7: §fI'm at Taco Army's Mod base, tpa if you want
  753. [19:26:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e15§f] §f[§2Cavalry§f] §7§7kenzie04210§r§7: §fSomeone ah a saddle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  754. [19:26:54] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Recruit§f] §7§7MicroBrine§r§7: §fHEY
  755. [19:26:54] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§cAssassin§f] §7§7MitsuhaTachibana§r§7: §fsaddle in ah
  756. [19:26:55] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §ebtw
  757. [19:26:55] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Welcome to the world of Idris, EmaUnicorn!
  758. [19:26:57] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §eIftkics
  759. [19:27:03] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §ehave u c rin around?
  760. [19:27:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  761. [19:27:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Our server market is stocked with lots of materials
  762. [19:27:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] for building with. Visit it at /shop!
  763. [19:27:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  764. [19:27:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e3§f] §f[§3Recruit§f] §7§7The1SlyWolf§r§7: §fAny faction I may join?
  765. [19:27:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e69§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Inf§bini§3t§byst§8one§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fShe was just on yesterday
  766. [19:27:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  767. [19:27:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] (!) You have not voted in the last 24 hours!
  768. [19:27:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] If you enjoy our server, want to support it
  769. [19:27:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] and receive rewards, please vote now.
  770. [19:27:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Visit for amazing rewards!
  771. [19:27:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  772. [19:27:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] The last time you voted was: 2017-04-13 05:48:11
  773. [19:27:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §eah timezones
  774. [19:27:41] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7wiipla§r§7: §fis there any punishment for trade scamming between realms?
  775. [19:27:43] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fHes in bottom of ocean
  776. [19:27:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §ewiipla
  777. [19:27:48] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §eno
  778. [19:27:48] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Recruit§f] §7§7MicroBrine§r§7: §fHey you want to be my mom
  779. [19:27:50] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7wiipla§r§7: §fk
  780. [19:27:53] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7wiipla§r§7: §ffeelsbadman
  781. [19:27:58] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §ebut if you need to trade
  782. [19:28:00] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e15§f] §f[§2Cavalry§f] §7§7kenzie04210§r§7: §fi found horses
  783. [19:28:01] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §ejust pm me to middleman
  784. [19:28:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7wiipla§r§7: §fnah i just got scammed
  785. [19:28:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7wiipla§r§7: §frip
  786. [19:28:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Recruit§f] §7§7MicroBrine§r§7: §fCan you bye me stuff
  787. [19:28:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§dSorcerer§f] §7§7ParkerTheNut§r§7: §fwhat
  788. [19:28:38] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§3Templar§f] §7§7GiacomoUgarelli§r §f[§7Donator§f]§7: §f2 witch spawners for 105k each!!! on /ah!
  789. [19:29:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Recruit§f] §7§7MicroBrine§r§7: §fCan you bye me stuff plz
  790. [19:29:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  791. [19:29:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Sell items to other players safely and quickly
  792. [19:29:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] with /ah on our Auction House!
  793. [19:29:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  794. [19:29:15] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7tiger19316§r§7: §fhigh pt.2
  795. [19:29:19] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§dSorcerer§f] §7§7ParkerTheNut§r§7: §fwhat stuff
  796. [19:29:23] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7Piekid9012§r§7: §fface ass
  797. [19:29:25] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§3Templar§f] §7§7GiacomoUgarelli§r §f[§7Donator§f]§7: §fselling a Raid! /msg me!
  798. [19:29:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7tiger19316§r§7: §f:(
  799. [19:29:38] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7Piekid9012§r§7: §f11 hrs
  800. [19:29:39] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§cAssassin§f] §7§7MitsuhaTachibana§r§7: §fSelling a ZombiePigman and Enderman spawner! Msg me offers.
  801. [19:29:41] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Recruit§f] §7§7MicroBrine§r§7: §fLike god appls and dimind aremer
  802. [19:29:43] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Doug_Dimadome§r §f[§aPremium§f]§7: §fselling enderman spawner 200k /msg me
  803. [19:29:43] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7tiger19316§r§7: §fshH
  804. [19:29:48] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§3Templar§f] §7§7GiacomoUgarelli§r §f[§7Donator§f]§7: §fselling a Raid! /msg me! with 9 spawners! (pigman blaze witch)
  805. [19:29:58] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Recruit§f] §7§7MicroBrine§r§7: §fPlz im poor
  806. [19:30:03] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7Dvgossmeyer§r§7: §frealm trading my inv msg me!
  807. [19:30:10] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§cStealth§f] §7§7misterj123§r§7: §fwho is our cannoneer?
  808. [19:30:15] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §e<---
  809. [19:30:41] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§3Templar§f] §7§7GiacomoUgarelli§r §f[§7Donator§f]§7: §f,
  810. [19:30:41] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Lottery] dman45921 just bought 10 tickets!
  811. [19:30:44] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§3Templar§f] §7§7GiacomoUgarelli§r §f[§7Donator§f]§7: §fselling a Raid! /msg me! with 9 spawners! (pigman blaze witch)
  812. [19:30:48] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Recruit§f] §7§7MicroBrine§r§7: §fHI
  813. [19:31:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  814. [19:31:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Kill the NEX to conquer the End!
  815. [19:31:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] More information can be found at /nex.
  816. [19:31:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  817. [19:31:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Recruit§f] §7§7MicroBrine§r§7: §fHi im poor
  818. [19:31:23] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §ehi poor
  819. [19:31:44] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  820. [19:31:44] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [!] Purchase ranks, over-powered kits & rare items at
  821. [19:31:44] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  822. [19:31:45] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] #### [DLAG] Mobs/Items are being cleared in 15 seconds! ####
  823. [19:31:48] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e69§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Inf§bini§3t§byst§8one§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fMicroBrine that is all you do is go around and say "Hi im poor, give me dimind aremer
  824. [19:31:50] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e69§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Inf§bini§3t§byst§8one§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §f"
  825. [19:31:55] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Recruit§f] §7§7MicroBrine§r§7: §fCan you bye me stuff plz
  826. [19:32:00] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ######### [DLAG] Mobs/Items have been cleared. #########
  827. [19:32:03] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §ebye
  828. [19:32:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Recruit§f] §7§7MicroBrine§r§7: §fHI
  829. [19:32:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§dShaman§f] §7§7Pastuul§r §f[§6Champion§f]§7: §fHey
  830. [19:32:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  831. [19:32:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] (!) You have not voted in the last 24 hours!
  832. [19:32:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] If you enjoy our server, want to support it
  833. [19:32:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] and receive rewards, please vote now.
  834. [19:32:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Visit for amazing rewards!
  835. [19:32:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  836. [19:32:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] The last time you voted was: 2017-04-13 05:48:11
  837. [19:32:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Recruit§f] §7§7MicroBrine§r§7: §fIm soo poor can you bye me stuff like
  838. [19:32:52] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§dShaman§f] §7§7Pastuul§r §f[§6Champion§f]§7: §f...
  839. [19:33:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  840. [19:33:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Participate in King of the Hill for attractive prizes!
  841. [19:33:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Check when the next one is with /koth!
  842. [19:33:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  843. [19:33:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e69§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Inf§bini§3t§byst§8one§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fYou know when we find people likethat at the grocery store I work at, we tell them to get out of the
  844. [19:33:15] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e69§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Inf§bini§3t§byst§8one§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fparking lot
  845. [19:33:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7Qosy§r§7: §fRealm trading 140k for a ultra crate on krynn
  846. [19:33:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Lottery] CalebTheSmelly just bought 10 tickets!
  847. [19:33:19] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Recruit§f] §7§7MicroBrine§r§7: §fGod apolls and dimind aremer
  848. [19:33:24] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§cAssassin§f] §7§7MitsuhaTachibana§r§7: §fidk if i want
  849. [19:33:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7Qosy§r§7: §fRealm trading 140k for a ultra crate on krynn msg me
  850. [19:33:42] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Recruit§f] §7§7MicroBrine§r§7: §fPlz im soo poor
  851. [19:33:43] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§dShaman§f] §7§7Pastuul§r §f[§6Champion§f]§7: §fUmmm
  852. [19:34:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Recruit§f] §7§7MicroBrine§r§7: §fIll be your best friend
  853. [19:34:19] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§cAssassin§f] §7§7MitsuhaTachibana§r§7: §fX: 10179 Y: 85 Z: 5618
  854. [19:34:22] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§dShaman§f] §7§7Pastuul§r §f[§6Champion§f]§7: §fUm
  855. [19:34:27] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§cAssassin§f] §7§7MitsuhaTachibana§r§7: §f.
  856. [19:34:32] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§cAssassin§f] §7§7MitsuhaTachibana§r§7: §f.
  857. [19:34:32] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Recruit§f] §7§7MicroBrine§r§7: §fPLZZ
  858. [19:34:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§cAssassin§f] §7§7MitsuhaTachibana§r§7: §fX: 10179 Y: 85 Z: 5618
  859. [19:34:41] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §eMitsuhaTachibana dont spam
  860. [19:34:43] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§cAssassin§f] §7§7MitsuhaTachibana§r§7: §fsrry
  861. [19:34:48] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§dShaman§f] §7§7Pastuul§r §f[§6Champion§f]§7: §f...
  862. [19:34:54] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §ewhat is it Pastuul?
  863. [19:34:56] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7Iyx7§r§7: §fur mom was spamming
  864. [19:35:03] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7Qosy§r§7: §fRealm trading 140k for a ultra crate on krynn
  865. [19:35:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  866. [19:35:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] We're always on the search for new Staff Members!
  867. [19:35:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Check our application section:
  868. [19:35:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  869. [19:35:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e10§f] §f[§dShaman§f] §7§7OrionParker§r§7: §fsugar cane on ah for 1500$
  870. [19:35:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7Stephanie96368§r§7: §fe
  871. [19:35:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Recruit§f] §7§7MicroBrine§r§7: §fIll do anetheing for you
  872. [19:35:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§3Templar§f] §7§7GiacomoUgarelli§r §f[§7Donator§f]§7: §f,
  873. [19:35:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§3Templar§f] §7§7GiacomoUgarelli§r §f[§7Donator§f]§7: §fselling a Raid! /msg me! with 9 spawners! (pigman blaze witch)
  874. [19:35:19] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§dShaman§f] §7§7Pastuul§r §f[§6Champion§f]§7: §fI don't need anything ._.
  875. [19:35:19] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §eCalebTheSmelly
  876. [19:35:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§cAssassin§f] §7§7MitsuhaTachibana§r§7: §fSelling a ZombiePigman, Enderman spawner, and Hoppers! Msg me offers.
  877. [19:35:38] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Recruit§f] §7§7MicroBrine§r§7: §fSo you
  878. [19:35:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Welcome to the world of Idris, xEnded!
  879. [19:35:59] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Recruit§f] §7§7MicroBrine§r§7: §fIm sorry
  880. [19:36:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§dShaman§f] §7§7Pastuul§r §f[§6Champion§f]§7: §fIt's fine..
  881. [19:36:32] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§3Templar§f] §7§7GiacomoUgarelli§r §f[§7Donator§f]§7: §f,
  882. [19:36:37] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§3Templar§f] §7§7GiacomoUgarelli§r §f[§7Donator§f]§7: §fselling a Raid! /msg me! with 9 spawners! (pigman blaze witch) 500k
  883. [19:36:43] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7Iyx7§r§7: §ft
  884. [19:36:44] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §eGiacomoUgarelli
  885. [19:36:45] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fhai ppl
  886. [19:36:50] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §eraids dont go for that high
  887. [19:36:50] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fhey
  888. [19:36:51] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#99§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§cs§bkir§fmish§aes§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §f./f claimline 5
  889. [19:36:57] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fILiveOnEnergia?
  890. [19:36:59] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §eeven /f top base cost much lest
  891. [19:36:59] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fu here or afk
  892. [19:37:02] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §eless
  893. [19:37:02] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Desteria] _AVisconti_ has supported the realms of Desteria at! 60% OFF!
  894. [19:37:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  895. [19:37:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] See someone doing something they shouldn't?
  896. [19:37:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Please submit a report at:
  897. [19:37:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  898. [19:37:10] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fsome ppl com epvp
  899. [19:37:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §f*pvp
  900. [19:37:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fi wanna snipe ppl
  901. [19:37:19] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fwith mah bow
  902. [19:37:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  903. [19:37:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] (!) You have not voted in the last 24 hours!
  904. [19:37:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] If you enjoy our server, want to support it
  905. [19:37:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] and receive rewards, please vote now.
  906. [19:37:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Visit for amazing rewards!
  907. [19:37:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  908. [19:37:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] The last time you voted was: 2017-04-13 05:48:11
  909. [19:37:32] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dVancian§f] §7§7TimeW4tcher§r §f[§7Donator§f]§7: §fidk shouko some people will pay a lot depending on who it is
  910. [19:37:36] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §eyep
  911. [19:37:41] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §ebut not 600k
  912. [19:37:41] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e15§f] §f[§2Cavalry§f] §7§7kenzie04210§r§7: §fpay me 5 k and ill let you snipe me
  913. [19:37:45] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §efor a small base xD
  914. [19:37:52] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#HYPE§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7§5M§ds§2t§aa§bs§9h§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §fhey yall
  915. [19:37:55] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fhai Mstash
  916. [19:37:55] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §f§f » Death Pickle§f « who wants stuff?
  917. [19:37:57] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fim gunna dp!
  918. [19:37:58] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§3Templar§f] §7§7GiacomoUgarelli§r §f[§7Donator§f]§7: §f,
  919. [19:37:58] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dVancian§f] §7§7TimeW4tcher§r §f[§7Donator§f]§7: §fmruk was gonna pay 2 mil for a mystic base
  920. [19:38:03] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§3Templar§f] §7§7GiacomoUgarelli§r §f[§7Donator§f]§7: §fselling a Raid! /msg me! with 9 spawners! (pigman blaze witch)
  921. [19:38:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§cAssassin§f] §7§7MitsuhaTachibana§r§7: §fSelling a ZombiePigman, Enderman spawner, and 16 Hoppers! Msg me offers.
  922. [19:38:15] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§cShadower§f] §7§7§4ILiveOnEnergia§r §f[§cLegend§f]§7: §fgg
  923. [19:38:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§cShadower§f] §7§7§4ILiveOnEnergia§r §f[§cLegend§f]§7: §fez
  924. [19:38:21] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e69§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Inf§bini§3t§byst§8one§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fWow, my bases are worth that much?
  925. [19:38:28] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e69§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Inf§bini§3t§byst§8one§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fI might sell them xD
  926. [19:38:42] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dVancian§f] §7§7TimeW4tcher§r §f[§7Donator§f]§7: §fthats how much he was lookin for ya
  927. [19:38:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e69§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Inf§bini§3t§byst§8one§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fMan
  928. [19:38:48] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§3Templar§f] §7§7GiacomoUgarelli§r §f[§7Donator§f]§7: §f,
  929. [19:38:51] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§3Templar§f] §7§7GiacomoUgarelli§r §f[§7Donator§f]§7: §fselling a Raid! /msg me! with 9 spawners! (pigman blaze witch)
  930. [19:38:51] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e69§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Inf§bini§3t§byst§8one§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fAnd I thought we were friends
  931. [19:38:55] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e69§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Inf§bini§3t§byst§8one§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §f:(
  932. [19:39:00] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fInfinityStone
  933. [19:39:03] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fhai
  934. [19:39:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  935. [19:39:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Hey, if you'd like to maintain a clean chat we always
  936. [19:39:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] recommend adjusting your chat width to 320px!
  937. [19:39:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  938. [19:39:14] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e69§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Inf§bini§3t§byst§8one§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fHai
  939. [19:39:14] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  940. [19:39:14] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [!] Purchase ranks, over-powered kits & rare items at
  941. [19:39:14] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  942. [19:39:15] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dVancian§f] §7§7TimeW4tcher§r §f[§7Donator§f]§7: §fthat was a while back tho
  943. [19:39:24] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §e rank giveaway
  944. [19:39:24] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e69§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Inf§bini§3t§byst§8one§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fO
  945. [19:39:27] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fCJcre8s come on
  946. [19:39:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fguys
  947. [19:39:38] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e69§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Inf§bini§3t§byst§8one§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fZefranax Did you need anything from me?
  948. [19:39:41] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fno one hit CJcre8s with swords plz
  949. [19:39:43] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fnah infinity
  950. [19:39:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fjust sayin hi
  951. [19:39:47] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e69§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Inf§bini§3t§byst§8one§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fOkie
  952. [19:39:49] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e69§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Inf§bini§3t§byst§8one§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fHai :D
  953. [19:39:53] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §f:P
  954. [19:40:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Charlie8557§r§7: §fwhere'd you go WaterInABottle? xD
  955. [19:40:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e3§f] §f[§dCaster§f] §7§7CJcre8s§r§7: §fwhat?
  956. [19:40:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fILiveOnEnergia
  957. [19:40:15] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fshould i neutral and help u up the tree?
  958. [19:40:15] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§cShadower§f] §7§7§4ILiveOnEnergia§r §f[§cLegend§f]§7: §fyes?
  959. [19:40:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e69§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Inf§bini§3t§byst§8one§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fBuilding more player vaults... because 4 new members are waiting on me to finish this new base
  960. [19:40:20] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fshould i neutral and help u up the tree? cF
  961. [19:40:23] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §f*XD
  962. [19:40:35] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§3Templar§f] §7§7GiacomoUgarelli§r §f[§7Donator§f]§7: §fselling Avansies Base!
  963. [19:40:36] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§cShadower§f] §7§7§4ILiveOnEnergia§r §f[§cLegend§f]§7: §fwe are perm truce now btw
  964. [19:40:39] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§3Templar§f] §7§7GiacomoUgarelli§r §f[§7Donator§f]§7: §fselling Avansies Base! /msg me
  965. [19:40:40] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §flel
  966. [19:40:44] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fi can neutral xD
  967. [19:40:45] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Desteria] MrDesteria has supported the realms of Desteria at! 60% OFF!
  968. [19:40:45] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Desteria] MrDesteria has supported the realms of Desteria at! 60% OFF!
  969. [19:40:45] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Desteria] MrDesteria has supported the realms of Desteria at! 60% OFF!
  970. [19:40:45] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Desteria] MrDesteria has supported the realms of Desteria at! 60% OFF!
  971. [19:40:45] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Desteria] MrDesteria has supported the realms of Desteria at! 60% OFF!
  972. [19:40:45] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Desteria] MrDesteria has supported the realms of Desteria at! 60% OFF!
  973. [19:40:47] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fjust saying i wont
  974. [19:40:49] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7MrDesteria§r §f[§7Donator§f]§7: §fgg
  975. [19:40:49] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §eo nice
  976. [19:40:49] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#99§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§2I§aLi§fve§7OnE§8arth§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §fgg
  977. [19:40:53] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§cShadower§f] §7§7§4ILiveOnEnergia§r §f[§cLegend§f]§7: §fi mean we will keep it
  978. [19:40:54] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7MrDesteria§r §f[§7Donator§f]§7: §fxD
  979. [19:40:55] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§3Templar§f] §7§7GiacomoUgarelli§r §f[§7Donator§f]§7: §fgg
  980. [19:40:56] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fMrDesteria lol
  981. [19:40:56] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§cShadower§f] §7§7§4ILiveOnEnergia§r §f[§cLegend§f]§7: §fGGGG
  982. [19:40:57] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Welcome to the world of Idris, RileyZB!
  983. [19:41:01] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fMrDesteria
  984. [19:41:02] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §ehe got to hero
  985. [19:41:03] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7MrDesteria§r §f[§7Donator§f]§7: §fj
  986. [19:41:04] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7MrDesteria§r §f[§7Donator§f]§7: §fok
  987. [19:41:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  988. [19:41:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] We have a TeamSpeak! You can use this address on
  989. [19:41:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TeamSpeak to communicate with players: /teamspeak
  990. [19:41:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  991. [19:41:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §flol
  992. [19:41:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e43§f] §f[§cShadower§f] §7§7Revenant76§r §f[§7Donator§f]§7: §fbuying donator rank note msg me
  993. [19:41:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7MrDesteria§r §f[§7Donator§f]§7: §fget rdy to spam gg xDDDD
  994. [19:41:10] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [!] MrDesteria just redeemed a Sponsor upgrade gem!
  995. [19:41:11] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Welcome to the world of Idris, seismicfalls123!
  996. [19:41:14] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [!] MrDesteria just redeemed a Premium upgrade gem!
  997. [19:41:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [!] MrDesteria just redeemed a Champion upgrade gem!
  998. [19:41:17] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [!] MrDesteria just redeemed a Hero upgrade gem!
  999. [19:41:17] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Welcome to the world of Idris, ConnorMAZ!
  1000. [19:41:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#HYPE§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7§5M§ds§2t§aa§bs§9h§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §fwiw
  1001. [19:41:19] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fGG
  1002. [19:41:20] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#HYPE§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7§5M§ds§2t§aa§bs§9h§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §fwow
  1003. [19:41:20] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7MrDesteria§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fGggggggggg
  1004. [19:41:21] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#99§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§2I§aLi§fve§7OnE§8arth§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §fXD
  1005. [19:41:22] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#99§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§2I§aLi§fve§7OnE§8arth§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §fGG
  1006. [19:41:23] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#HYPE§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7§5M§ds§2t§aa§bs§9h§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §fggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg
  1007. [19:41:24] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fMrDesteria
  1008. [19:41:25] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7TheBestPotatoNA§r§7: §fGgggg
  1009. [19:41:27] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7MrDesteria§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §f???
  1010. [19:41:27] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §eguys
  1011. [19:41:28] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§3Templar§f] §7§7GiacomoUgarelli§r §f[§7Donator§f]§7: §fWoooooooo
  1012. [19:41:28] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fi can work on a /nick
  1013. [19:41:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §eslow down
  1014. [19:41:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §ffor u
  1015. [19:41:32] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fif u want
  1016. [19:41:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fgg m8
  1017. [19:41:36] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7MrDesteria§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fty
  1018. [19:41:40] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7MrDesteria§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fthank youuu
  1019. [19:41:44] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§cAssassin§f] §7§7MitsuhaTachibana§r§7: §f.
  1020. [19:41:50] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Charlie8557§r§7: §fhow WaterInABottle? If you offer no explaination I'll just ask of forums
  1021. [19:42:00] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fhow wut
  1022. [19:42:01] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e3§f] §f[§dCaster§f] §7§7CJcre8s§r§7: §fwho has 40000
  1023. [19:42:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fmeh
  1024. [19:42:07] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Charlie8557§r§7: §fhow'd you get out of the sand?
  1025. [19:42:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Welcome to the world of Idris, Nicholas3002!
  1026. [19:42:14] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fi did /spawn
  1027. [19:42:17] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fi wasnt in combat
  1028. [19:42:21] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fXD
  1029. [19:42:27] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e3§f] §f[§dCaster§f] §7§7CJcre8s§r§7: §fcan you buy my chicken spawner on ah
  1030. [19:42:29] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Charlie8557§r§7: §fthere's no tp count down?
  1031. [19:42:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  1032. [19:42:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] (!) You have not voted in the last 24 hours!
  1033. [19:42:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] If you enjoy our server, want to support it
  1034. [19:42:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] and receive rewards, please vote now.
  1035. [19:42:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Visit for amazing rewards!
  1036. [19:42:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  1037. [19:42:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] The last time you voted was: 2017-04-13 05:48:11
  1038. [19:42:32] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fthere is
  1039. [19:42:41] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fits called skill
  1040. [19:42:42] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fMicroBrine
  1041. [19:42:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fhai
  1042. [19:42:47] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Recruit§f] §7§7MicroBrine§r§7: §fwhat
  1043. [19:42:51] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Charlie8557§r§7: §fok, so I'll just ask on forums xD
  1044. [19:42:54] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §faight
  1045. [19:42:56] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e69§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Inf§bini§3t§byst§8one§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fWaterInABottle wow, never heard that one before
  1046. [19:43:00] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fu still dont want to join us?
  1047. [19:43:00] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fD
  1048. [19:43:04] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e10§f] §f[§dSorcerer§f] §7§7Jay0_o§r§7: §fhow much should i sel a witch spawner for
  1049. [19:43:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  1050. [19:43:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Our network supports Minecraft versions from 1.7-1.11!.
  1051. [19:43:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] however, we strongly suggest using Minecraft 1.8!
  1052. [19:43:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  1053. [19:43:11] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fjay about 125l
  1054. [19:43:14] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §f*125k
  1055. [19:43:15] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e10§f] §f[§dSorcerer§f] §7§7Jay0_o§r§7: §fok
  1056. [19:43:15] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Recruit§f] §7§7MicroBrine§r§7: §fme
  1057. [19:43:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fguys tp about to blow charlies base
  1058. [19:43:27] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e3§f] §f[§dCaster§f] §7§7CJcre8s§r§7: §fcan someone buy my chicken spawner on AH
  1059. [19:43:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Recruit§f] §7§7MicroBrine§r§7: §fwill you kill me
  1060. [19:43:35] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Charlie8557§r§7: §fyou guys are easy to stay ahead of xD
  1061. [19:43:36] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Dystopia Zefranax: DemonFlames11
  1062. [19:43:39] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e15§f] §f[§2Cavalry§f] §7§7kenzie04210§r§7: §fselling enchantment books msg about 1k each
  1063. [19:43:40] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy DemonFlames11: yo
  1064. [19:43:43] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§c#OG§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§2M§ar§7Dest§8eria§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fLike my nick???
  1065. [19:43:43] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7seismicfalls123§r§7: §fnew to the server need a fac
  1066. [19:43:45] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 180305644 has no item?!
  1067. [19:43:45] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 180305644 has no item?!
  1068. [19:43:45] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 180305644 has no item?!
  1069. [19:43:45] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 180305644 has no item?!
  1070. [19:43:45] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 180305644 has no item?!
  1071. [19:43:49] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Dystopia Zefranax: want to 1v1 with bows only?
  1072. [19:43:52] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy DemonFlames11: no
  1073. [19:43:54] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Dystopia Zefranax: like a sniper contest
  1074. [19:43:55] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Welcome to the world of Idris, TrickingDeath!
  1075. [19:43:56] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2#OG§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§2M§ar§7Dest§8eria§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fanyone like my nick??? :PPP
  1076. [19:43:57] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy DemonFlames11: nah
  1077. [19:43:59] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §enope
  1078. [19:44:00] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§cShadower§f] §7§7§4ILiveOnEnergia§r §f[§cLegend§f]§7: §fnopw
  1079. [19:44:00] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fMrDesteria
  1080. [19:44:01] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§cShadower§f] §7§7§4ILiveOnEnergia§r §f[§cLegend§f]§7: §fnope
  1081. [19:44:02] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §ecuz it has green
  1082. [19:44:02] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2#OG§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§2M§ar§7Dest§8eria§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fcrap
  1083. [19:44:04] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fsure :P
  1084. [19:44:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§cShadower§f] §7§7§4ILiveOnEnergia§r §f[§cLegend§f]§7: §fits garb
  1085. [19:44:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy DemonFlames11: oh so your umbral
  1086. [19:44:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fMrDesteria
  1087. [19:44:11] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2#OG§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§2M§ar§7Dest§8eria§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §f??????
  1088. [19:44:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fi can work on one for u
  1089. [19:44:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy DemonFlames11: i was like where is umbral
  1090. [19:44:15] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fif u want
  1091. [19:44:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Dystopia Zefranax: LOL
  1092. [19:44:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e10§f] §f[§dSorcerer§f] §7§7Jay0_o§r§7: §fSelling witch spawner on ah for 125k buy it now
  1093. [19:44:28] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *420penis Mordecaii disbanded the faction 420penis.
  1094. [19:44:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy DemonFlames11: 1v1
  1095. [19:44:32] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy DemonFlames11: sword?
  1096. [19:44:37] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Dystopia Zefranax: nah
  1097. [19:44:40] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy DemonFlames11: L
  1098. [19:44:42] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §flmao hobbit
  1099. [19:44:45] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Dystopia Zefranax: just dem bows
  1100. [19:44:53] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy DemonFlames11: xd
  1101. [19:44:55] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7Piekid9012§r§7: §fFInally
  1102. [19:44:56] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Welcome to the world of Idris, minecraft_chick0!
  1103. [19:44:59] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fyay
  1104. [19:45:00] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Dystopia Zefranax: want to???
  1105. [19:45:02] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §flol
  1106. [19:45:02] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7tiger19316§r§7: §fi didnt see
  1107. [19:45:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  1108. [19:45:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] If you're interested in purchasing ranks or perks,
  1109. [19:45:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] be sure to check out our store at:!
  1110. [19:45:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  1111. [19:45:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e10§f] §f[§dSorcerer§f] §7§7Jay0_o§r§7: §fhi
  1112. [19:45:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7Imabelian§r§7: §fOmggg
  1113. [19:45:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §faye
  1114. [19:45:10] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e10§f] §f[§dSorcerer§f] §7§7Jay0_o§r§7: §fSelling witch spawner on ah for 125k buy it now
  1115. [19:45:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e15§f] §f[§2Cavalry§f] §7§7kenzie04210§r§7: §fselling enchatment books abaout 700-1000 each msg <------------L()()K
  1116. [19:45:15] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Dystopia Zefranax: want to???
  1117. [19:45:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §flamo
  1118. [19:45:22] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §flmao*
  1119. [19:45:27] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [!] MicroBrine was beheaded by DemonFlames11 [!]
  1120. [19:45:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Welcome to the world of Idris, ys2son!
  1121. [19:45:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fnooo
  1122. [19:45:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fDemonFlames11
  1123. [19:45:34] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fy...
  1124. [19:45:36] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7Imabelian§r§7: §fHi
  1125. [19:45:37] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy DemonFlames11: gemme
  1126. [19:45:41] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fno
  1127. [19:45:43] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Hunter§f] §7§7seismicfalls123§r§7: §fnew to the server msg me if i can join a fac
  1128. [19:45:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy DemonFlames11: ill kill u
  1129. [19:45:48] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy DemonFlames11: if u dont
  1130. [19:45:50] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fdont kill him again
  1131. [19:45:53] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §f-_-
  1132. [19:45:54] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy DemonFlames11: fine
  1133. [19:45:56] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy DemonFlames11: gemme
  1134. [19:46:02] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fpromise
  1135. [19:46:04] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Warrior§f] §7§7Mordecaii§r§7: §fcan i join a faction?
  1136. [19:46:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy DemonFlames11: ye
  1137. [19:46:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e10§f] §f[§dSorcerer§f] §7§7Jay0_o§r§7: §fhi
  1138. [19:46:08] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 180830312 has no item?!
  1139. [19:46:08] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 180830312 has no item?!
  1140. [19:46:08] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 180830312 has no item?!
  1141. [19:46:08] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 180830312 has no item?!
  1142. [19:46:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e10§f] §f[§dSorcerer§f] §7§7Jay0_o§r§7: §fSelling witch spawner on ah for 125k buy it now
  1143. [19:46:14] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 180854096 has no item?!
  1144. [19:46:14] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 180854096 has no item?!
  1145. [19:46:14] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 180854096 has no item?!
  1146. [19:46:14] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 180854096 has no item?!
  1147. [19:46:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e3§f] §f[§dCaster§f] §7§7CJcre8s§r§7: §fwho wantas chicken spawner for 45000 on ah
  1148. [19:46:22] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§cAssassin§f] §7§7MitsuhaTachibana§r§7: §fSelling a ZombiePigman, Enderman spawner, and 16 Hoppers! Msg me offers.
  1149. [19:46:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fhe aint nearbye
  1150. [19:46:35] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fby
  1151. [19:46:36] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 180942558 has no item?!
  1152. [19:46:36] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 180942558 has no item?!
  1153. [19:46:36] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 180942558 has no item?!
  1154. [19:46:36] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 180942558 has no item?!
  1155. [19:46:36] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Warrior§f] §7§7Mordecaii§r§7: §fis anyone recruiting?
  1156. [19:46:37] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 180946914 has no item?!
  1157. [19:46:37] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 180946914 has no item?!
  1158. [19:46:37] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 180946914 has no item?!
  1159. [19:46:37] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 180946914 has no item?!
  1160. [19:46:44] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  1161. [19:46:44] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [!] Purchase ranks, over-powered kits & rare items at
  1162. [19:46:44] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  1163. [19:46:45] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] #### [DLAG] Mobs/Items are being cleared in 15 seconds! ####
  1164. [19:46:48] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 180990067 has no item?!
  1165. [19:46:48] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 180990067 has no item?!
  1166. [19:46:48] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 180990067 has no item?!
  1167. [19:46:48] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 180990067 has no item?!
  1168. [19:46:49] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 180992770 has no item?!
  1169. [19:46:49] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 180992770 has no item?!
  1170. [19:46:49] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 180992770 has no item?!
  1171. [19:46:49] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 180992770 has no item?!
  1172. [19:46:49] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 180993622 has no item?!
  1173. [19:46:49] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 180993622 has no item?!
  1174. [19:46:49] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 180993622 has no item?!
  1175. [19:46:49] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 180993622 has no item?!
  1176. [19:46:55] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 181018416 has no item?!
  1177. [19:46:55] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 181018416 has no item?!
  1178. [19:46:55] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 181018416 has no item?!
  1179. [19:46:55] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 181018416 has no item?!
  1180. [19:46:55] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 181019646 has no item?!
  1181. [19:46:55] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 181019646 has no item?!
  1182. [19:46:55] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 181019646 has no item?!
  1183. [19:46:55] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 181019646 has no item?!
  1184. [19:46:55] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 181020332 has no item?!
  1185. [19:46:55] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 181020332 has no item?!
  1186. [19:46:55] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 181020332 has no item?!
  1187. [19:46:55] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 181020332 has no item?!
  1188. [19:46:57] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 181026761 has no item?!
  1189. [19:46:57] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 181026761 has no item?!
  1190. [19:46:57] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 181026761 has no item?!
  1191. [19:46:57] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 181026761 has no item?!
  1192. [19:46:57] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 181027629 has no item?!
  1193. [19:46:57] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 181027629 has no item?!
  1194. [19:46:57] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 181027629 has no item?!
  1195. [19:46:57] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 181027629 has no item?!
  1196. [19:47:00] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ######### [DLAG] Mobs/Items have been cleared. #########
  1197. [19:47:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  1198. [19:47:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Become part of the community, take part in our forums!
  1199. [19:47:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Contribute to discussions and more at:
  1200. [19:47:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  1201. [19:47:13] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 181091329 has no item?!
  1202. [19:47:13] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 181091329 has no item?!
  1203. [19:47:13] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 181091329 has no item?!
  1204. [19:47:13] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 181091329 has no item?!
  1205. [19:47:14] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Welcome to the world of Idris, RyanTheSavage!
  1206. [19:47:15] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §finvsee me! dp at /spawn
  1207. [19:47:18] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 181112014 has no item?!
  1208. [19:47:18] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 181112014 has no item?!
  1209. [19:47:18] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 181112014 has no item?!
  1210. [19:47:18] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 181112014 has no item?!
  1211. [19:47:18] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 181113903 has no item?!
  1212. [19:47:18] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 181113903 has no item?!
  1213. [19:47:18] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 181113903 has no item?!
  1214. [19:47:18] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 181113903 has no item?!
  1215. [19:47:23] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e69§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Inf§bini§3t§byst§8one§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §f3 common crates on ah for 10k
  1216. [19:47:29] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 181156178 has no item?!
  1217. [19:47:29] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 181156178 has no item?!
  1218. [19:47:29] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 181156178 has no item?!
  1219. [19:47:29] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 181156178 has no item?!
  1220. [19:47:30] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 181157604 has no item?!
  1221. [19:47:30] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 181157604 has no item?!
  1222. [19:47:30] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 181157604 has no item?!
  1223. [19:47:30] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 181157604 has no item?!
  1224. [19:47:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  1225. [19:47:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] (!) You have not voted in the last 24 hours!
  1226. [19:47:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] If you enjoy our server, want to support it
  1227. [19:47:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] and receive rewards, please vote now.
  1228. [19:47:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Visit for amazing rewards!
  1229. [19:47:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  1230. [19:47:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] The last time you voted was: 2017-04-13 05:48:11
  1231. [19:47:51] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Warrior§f] §7§7Mordecaii§r§7: §fi have cool stuff, can i join a faction?
  1232. [19:47:52] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fdp at /spawn!
  1233. [19:47:58] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §finvsee me if u wanna know wut im dping!
  1234. [19:48:01] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 181273561 has no item?!
  1235. [19:48:01] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 181273561 has no item?!
  1236. [19:48:01] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 181273561 has no item?!
  1237. [19:48:01] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 181273561 has no item?!
  1238. [19:48:03] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fstarting in 2 min
  1239. [19:48:11] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fdp at /spawn!
  1240. [19:48:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fstarting in 2 min
  1241. [19:48:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Hunter§f] §7§7seismicfalls123§r§7: §fnew to the sever msg me if i can join a fac
  1242. [19:48:23] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dVancian§f] §7§7TimeW4tcher§r §f[§7Donator§f]§7: §fcheck the forums
  1243. [19:48:24] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §eILiveOnEarth
  1244. [19:48:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §eafk?
  1245. [19:48:27] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e41§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7§8GamerF§6oxKing§r §f[§6Legend§f]§7: §fEeryone go away this is my dp
  1246. [19:48:32] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#99§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§2I§aLi§fve§7OnE§8arth§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §fwhat
  1247. [19:48:35] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#99§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§2I§aLi§fve§7OnE§8arth§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §fno im here
  1248. [19:48:36] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fdp at spwan come! starting in 1.5 min!
  1249. [19:48:40] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §ei need some cash xD
  1250. [19:48:45] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#99§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§2I§aLi§fve§7OnE§8arth§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §fI need some cows
  1251. [19:48:52] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#99§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§2I§aLi§fve§7OnE§8arth§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §ftrade 1 stack of cows for 1.4m
  1252. [19:48:52] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §ewanna do a stack rn?
  1253. [19:48:59] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#99§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§2I§aLi§fve§7OnE§8arth§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §fis that a deal/?
  1254. [19:49:01] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Desteria] jparodi has supported the realms of Desteria at! 60% OFF!
  1255. [19:49:02] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §eye
  1256. [19:49:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#99§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§2I§aLi§fve§7OnE§8arth§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §fstaffroom
  1257. [19:49:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  1258. [19:49:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] You can always vote for our network and receive some
  1259. [19:49:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] really nice rewards in return! For more info, use /vote.
  1260. [19:49:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  1261. [19:49:17] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Warrior§f] §7§7archer2009§r§7: §frealm tradding message me if interested
  1262. [19:49:20] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fOML
  1263. [19:49:23] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fdp at spwan come! starting in 1 min!
  1264. [19:49:23] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7JayPlayzGames§r §f[§aPremium§f]§7: §fCharlie8557 u give up?
  1265. [19:49:28] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §finvsee me if u wanna know wut im dping!
  1266. [19:49:34] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e15§f] §f[§2Cavalry§f] §7§7kenzie04210§r§7: §fselling enchantment books invsee and msg
  1267. [19:49:41] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fsomeone put Rank: Admin in the shop as an emerald XD
  1268. [19:49:42] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#99§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§2I§aLi§fve§7OnE§8arth§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §fthanks
  1269. [19:49:53] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §flel
  1270. [19:49:56] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#99§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§2I§aLi§fve§7OnE§8arth§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §fIf you got anymore just msg me :P
  1271. [19:50:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fstarting dp in
  1272. [19:50:07] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §f3
  1273. [19:50:07] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Welcome to the world of Idris, ryman1115!
  1274. [19:50:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §e"got anymore"
  1275. [19:50:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §f2
  1276. [19:50:11] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §f1
  1277. [19:50:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#99§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§2I§aLi§fve§7OnE§8arth§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §fI dont have 1.4m for a nother stack but im seling cows constantly
  1278. [19:50:22] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#99§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§2I§aLi§fve§7OnE§8arth§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §fJust sitting here watching netflix xD
  1279. [19:50:22] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §ekk
  1280. [19:50:52] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e3§f] §f[§3Recruit§f] §7§7The1SlyWolf§r§7: §fQuite intresting seeing the school of fish.
  1281. [19:51:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  1282. [19:51:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Level yourself up for access to better shops and more!
  1283. [19:51:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] For more information, use /level!
  1284. [19:51:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  1285. [19:51:21] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §edesteria is top5 on server list lol
  1286. [19:51:36] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fgood
  1287. [19:52:00] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fgg m8s
  1288. [19:52:01] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [!] Skylar_Gaming32 was beheaded by MrDesteria [!]
  1289. [19:52:03] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fdp is dun
  1290. [19:52:07] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Warrior§f] §7§7Mordecaii§r§7: §fgg
  1291. [19:52:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Skusi was disbanded by PVP__Alexiis.
  1292. [19:52:24] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fGamerFoxKing is dping
  1293. [19:52:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fayyy PVP__Alexiis wassup
  1294. [19:52:27] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fcave spiders
  1295. [19:52:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  1296. [19:52:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] (!) You have not voted in the last 24 hours!
  1297. [19:52:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] If you enjoy our server, want to support it
  1298. [19:52:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] and receive rewards, please vote now.
  1299. [19:52:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Visit for amazing rewards!
  1300. [19:52:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  1301. [19:52:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] The last time you voted was: 2017-04-13 05:48:11
  1302. [19:52:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e41§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7§8GamerF§6oxKing§r §f[§6Legend§f]§7: §fguys look at me i has spawner im dropping them
  1303. [19:52:37] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e53§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7§3L§8il_§cH§8erb§r §f[§cLegend§f]§7: §fgang
  1304. [19:52:41] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §egang gang
  1305. [19:52:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7Stephanie96368§r§7: §fhold on
  1306. [19:53:02] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7Stephanie96368§r§7: §fcall me
  1307. [19:53:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  1308. [19:53:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Obsidian breaks in 5 hits on our network.
  1309. [19:53:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Hit an obsidian block with a potato to find its durability!
  1310. [19:53:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  1311. [19:53:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e69§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Inf§bini§3t§byst§8one§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fMaybe
  1312. [19:53:11] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Charlie8557§r§7: §fback :D
  1313. [19:53:14] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §eis that the real hypno or nah
  1314. [19:53:17] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §ffun -_--
  1315. [19:53:20] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  1316. [19:53:24] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [idris] [me -> InfinityStone] can you fix my stuff?
  1317. [19:53:24] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e53§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7§3L§8il_§cH§8erb§r §f[§cLegend§f]§7: §fyep
  1318. [19:53:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §e./names me
  1319. [19:53:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Welcome to the world of Idris, CyberPowers!
  1320. [19:53:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#99§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§2I§aLi§fve§7OnE§8arth§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §fAlright Shouko
  1321. [19:53:36] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#99§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§2I§aLi§fve§7OnE§8arth§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §fI have 1.4m
  1322. [19:53:38] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [idris] [me -> InfinityStone] pleaae?
  1323. [19:53:38] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  1324. [19:53:40] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#99§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§2I§aLi§fve§7OnE§8arth§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §fWanna do 1 more stack?
  1325. [19:53:41] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §eILiveOnE
  1326. [19:53:42] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §eget more
  1327. [19:53:43] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [idris] [me -> InfinityStone] please? XD
  1328. [19:53:45] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  1329. [19:53:47] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e53§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7§3L§8il_§cH§8erb§r §f[§cLegend§f]§7: §fwtf c418
  1330. [19:53:51] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e53§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7§3L§8il_§cH§8erb§r §f[§cLegend§f]§7: §fyou are staff
  1331. [19:53:54] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#99§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§2I§aLi§fve§7OnE§8arth§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §f1 stack for how much
  1332. [19:53:55] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7Stephanie96368§r§7: §fit wasnt tall enough..
  1333. [19:53:56] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §eye
  1334. [19:53:57] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e53§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7§3L§8il_§cH§8erb§r §f[§cLegend§f]§7: §fI thought you only really played league
  1335. [19:53:59] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §e1.3 is fine
  1336. [19:54:02] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#99§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§2I§aLi§fve§7OnE§8arth§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §fFR?
  1337. [19:54:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §eyep
  1338. [19:54:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#99§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§cs§bkir§fmish§aes§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §fLil_Herb hey
  1339. [19:54:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#99§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§2I§aLi§fve§7OnE§8arth§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §fThanks bb <#
  1340. [19:54:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#99§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§2I§aLi§fve§7OnE§8arth§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §f<3*
  1341. [19:54:14] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] **YOU READY YOUR FISTS**
  1342. [19:54:14] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  1343. [19:54:14] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [!] Purchase ranks, over-powered kits & rare items at
  1344. [19:54:14] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  1345. [19:54:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] **YOU LOWER YOUR FISTS**
  1346. [19:54:19] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#99§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§2I§aLi§fve§7OnE§8arth§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §f./staffroom
  1347. [19:54:23] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §enrn
  1348. [19:54:24] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e10§f] §f[§dSorcerer§f] §7§7Jay0_o§r§7: §fhi
  1349. [19:54:28] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e10§f] §f[§dSorcerer§f] §7§7Jay0_o§r§7: §fSelling witch spawner on ah for 125k buy it now
  1350. [19:54:32] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#99§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§2I§aLi§fve§7OnE§8arth§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §falright tell me when your done
  1351. [19:54:37] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e53§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7§3L§8il_§cH§8erb§r §f[§cLegend§f]§7: §fwaddup skirmishes
  1352. [19:54:45] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  1353. [19:54:51] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e41§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7§8GamerF§6oxKing§r §f[§6Legend§f]§7: §fdropping a pumpkin head at /spawn
  1354. [19:54:54] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  1355. [19:54:59] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [10] [Sorcerer] Jay0_o: how much does this sword go for [item]
  1356. [19:55:01] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] **YOU READY YOUR FISTS**
  1357. [19:55:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] **YOU LOWER YOUR FISTS**
  1358. [19:55:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  1359. [19:55:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Our server market is stocked with lots of materials
  1360. [19:55:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] for building with. Visit it at /shop!
  1361. [19:55:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  1362. [19:55:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fu need a rank to do §f » §d§o2015's Demolisher§f «
  1363. [19:55:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fu need doner lol
  1364. [19:55:14] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fi mean [item]
  1365. [19:55:15] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Doug_Dimadome§r §f[§aPremium§f]§7: §fwait
  1366. [19:55:17] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §f§f » bMob Slayer§f « anyone want
  1367. [19:55:21] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Doug_Dimadome§r §f[§aPremium§f]§7: §fwtf does this do?
  1368. [19:55:21] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fME
  1369. [19:55:23] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fGIVE
  1370. [19:55:25] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Charlie8557§r§7: §fI want it :D
  1371. [19:55:25] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fME
  1372. [19:55:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §f[item]
  1373. [19:55:27] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fDAT
  1374. [19:55:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §foh kewl
  1375. [19:55:32] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fNOW
  1376. [19:55:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fBOI
  1377. [19:55:34] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §e rank giveaway
  1378. [19:55:38] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fu want meh mob slayer?
  1379. [19:55:40] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e10§f] §f[§dSorcerer§f] §7§7Jay0_o§r§7: §fHow much does the End slayer go for and prankers sword
  1380. [19:55:41] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fYIS
  1381. [19:55:41] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  1382. [19:55:43] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2#OG§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§2M§ar§7Dest§8eria§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §f[item] hey, BleachedTaco it doesnt work
  1383. [19:55:44] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fidk Jay0_o
  1384. [19:55:49] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §flegend crate XD
  1385. [19:55:55] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:step.anvil
  1386. [19:56:00] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e10§f] §f[§dSorcerer§f] §7§7Jay0_o§r§7: §fSelling witch spawner on ah for 125k buy it now
  1387. [19:56:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §factually 15k
  1388. [19:56:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Converted all items into blocks.
  1389. [19:56:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e10§f] §f[§dSorcerer§f] §7§7Jay0_o§r§7: §ffor which one
  1390. [19:56:20] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  1391. [19:56:20] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Warping to staffroom.
  1392. [19:56:20] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] You will be teleported in 3 seconds. Don't move!
  1393. [19:56:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §f§f » bMob Slayer§f « BleachedTaco
  1394. [19:56:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fthey both probs sell for 20k tbh XD
  1395. [19:56:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Doug_Dimadome§r §f[§aPremium§f]§7: §fwait does the horsemans head actually protect you?
  1396. [19:56:40] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fyes
  1397. [19:56:48] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Doug_Dimadome§r §f[§aPremium§f]§7: §flike how good?
  1398. [19:56:53] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fChilllllll
  1399. [19:56:55] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Returning to previous location.
  1400. [19:56:55] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] You will be teleported in 3 seconds. Don't move!
  1401. [19:56:59] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §flegend crate
  1402. [19:57:01] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fXD
  1403. [19:57:02] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 183628906 has no item?!
  1404. [19:57:02] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7Stephanie96368§r§7: §fis their any silk touch books for sale?
  1405. [19:57:03] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 183633804 has no item?!
  1406. [19:57:03] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 183633804 has no item?!
  1407. [19:57:03] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §f..
  1408. [19:57:04] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 183636452 has no item?!
  1409. [19:57:04] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 183637235 has no item?!
  1410. [19:57:04] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 183638117 has no item?!
  1411. [19:57:04] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 183638847 has no item?!
  1412. [19:57:05] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 183640469 has no item?!
  1413. [19:57:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  1414. [19:57:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Sell items to other players safely and quickly
  1415. [19:57:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] with /ah on our Auction House!
  1416. [19:57:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  1417. [19:57:06] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 183646219 has no item?!
  1418. [19:57:06] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 183646219 has no item?!
  1419. [19:57:07] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 183647190 has no item?!
  1420. [19:57:07] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 183647190 has no item?!
  1421. [19:57:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fpls maybe
  1422. [19:57:09] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 183654377 has no item?!
  1423. [19:57:09] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 183654377 has no item?!
  1424. [19:57:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fits not like i have 13 legend crates
  1425. [19:57:09] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 183655298 has no item?!
  1426. [19:57:10] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 183658335 has no item?!
  1427. [19:57:10] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 183660170 has no item?!
  1428. [19:57:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fcmon gimme
  1429. [19:57:12] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 183666325 has no item?!
  1430. [19:57:14] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 183674551 has no item?!
  1431. [19:57:17] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Returning to previous location.
  1432. [19:57:17] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] You will be teleported in 3 seconds. Don't move!
  1433. [19:57:17] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§cAssassin§f] §7§7MitsuhaTachibana§r§7: §f.
  1434. [19:57:17] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §flegend crate plsssssss
  1435. [19:57:20] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e10§f] §f[§dSorcerer§f] §7§7Jay0_o§r§7: §fAny good facs i can join im good at pvp
  1436. [19:57:20] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fNU
  1437. [19:57:24] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ~ Wilderness
  1438. [19:57:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fthe nu mob slayer
  1439. [19:57:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  1440. [19:57:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] (!) You have not voted in the last 24 hours!
  1441. [19:57:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] If you enjoy our server, want to support it
  1442. [19:57:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] and receive rewards, please vote now.
  1443. [19:57:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Visit for amazing rewards!
  1444. [19:57:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  1445. [19:57:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] The last time you voted was: 2017-04-13 05:48:11
  1446. [19:57:34] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §ffack u
  1447. [19:57:38] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fbeg
  1448. [19:57:38] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §f;-;
  1449. [19:57:40] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§cAssassin§f] §7§7MitsuhaTachibana§r§7: §fSelling a ZombiePigman, Enderman spawner, and 16 Hoppers! Msg me offers.
  1450. [19:57:40] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e10§f] §f[§dSorcerer§f] §7§7Jay0_o§r§7: §fhi
  1451. [19:57:41] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fNU
  1452. [19:57:42] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e10§f] §f[§dSorcerer§f] §7§7Jay0_o§r§7: §fAny good facs i can join im good at pvp
  1453. [19:57:45] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §ftacos dont beg!
  1454. [19:57:52] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fsometimes but barely!
  1455. [19:57:55] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fu got any stuff
  1456. [19:58:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fcocaine
  1457. [19:58:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fscream collector
  1458. [19:58:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Welcome to the world of Idris, Yasmine!
  1459. [19:58:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fdeal
  1460. [19:58:11] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e10§f] §f[§dSorcerer§f] §7§7Jay0_o§r§7: §fyo BleachedTaco u recruiting
  1461. [19:58:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7Iyx7§r§7: §fjust raided iftics base
  1462. [19:58:14] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [idris] [me -> InfinityStone] I need stuffs repaired
  1463. [19:58:15] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fgimme cocaine
  1464. [19:58:17] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Returning to previous location.
  1465. [19:58:17] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] You will be teleported in 3 seconds. Don't move!
  1466. [19:58:20] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fnah
  1467. [19:58:22] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fD:
  1468. [19:58:22] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 183927414 has no item?!
  1469. [19:58:22] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 183927414 has no item?!
  1470. [19:58:23] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e10§f] §f[§dSorcerer§f] §7§7Jay0_o§r§7: §fight
  1471. [19:58:24] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 183932264 has no item?!
  1472. [19:58:24] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 183932885 has no item?!
  1473. [19:58:25] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 183934364 has no item?!
  1474. [19:58:25] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e10§f] §f[§dSorcerer§f] §7§7Jay0_o§r§7: §fAny good facs i can join im good at pvp
  1475. [19:58:25] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ~ Mystic -
  1476. [19:58:25] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Owner(s): InfinityStone
  1477. [19:58:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7OvenBakedCookies§r §f[§eSponsor§f]§7: §fyo poo
  1478. [19:58:32] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 183961419 has no item?!
  1479. [19:58:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fcocaine for mob slayer
  1480. [19:58:33] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 183964801 has no item?!
  1481. [19:58:33] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 183964801 has no item?!
  1482. [19:58:34] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 183967693 has no item?!
  1483. [19:58:34] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 183967693 has no item?!
  1484. [19:58:34] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 183968986 has no item?!
  1485. [19:58:37] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §ffine
  1486. [19:58:40] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §f1 sec
  1487. [19:58:40] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 183988991 has no item?!
  1488. [19:58:42] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §flemme get it
  1489. [19:58:46] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184011336 has no item?!
  1490. [19:58:47] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184014738 has no item?!
  1491. [19:58:47] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184014738 has no item?!
  1492. [19:58:47] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184015480 has no item?!
  1493. [19:58:49] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184019999 has no item?!
  1494. [19:58:49] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184019999 has no item?!
  1495. [19:58:49] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184021210 has no item?!
  1496. [19:58:49] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184021210 has no item?!
  1497. [19:58:50] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184025111 has no item?!
  1498. [19:58:50] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184025111 has no item?!
  1499. [19:58:52] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184031178 has no item?!
  1500. [19:58:52] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184031178 has no item?!
  1501. [19:58:52] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §ftime to name some sugar cocaine
  1502. [19:58:53] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184035899 has no item?!
  1503. [19:58:53] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184035899 has no item?!
  1504. [19:58:54] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184041502 has no item?!
  1505. [19:58:54] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184041502 has no item?!
  1506. [19:58:55] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184043282 has no item?!
  1507. [19:58:56] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184046175 has no item?!
  1508. [19:58:56] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184046175 has no item?!
  1509. [19:58:56] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184048582 has no item?!
  1510. [19:58:57] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184049244 has no item?!
  1511. [19:58:58] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184051624 has no item?!
  1512. [19:58:58] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184051624 has no item?!
  1513. [19:58:58] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184052490 has no item?!
  1514. [19:58:58] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184053085 has no item?!
  1515. [19:58:58] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184053896 has no item?!
  1516. [19:58:59] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184054701 has no item?!
  1517. [19:58:59] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184055404 has no item?!
  1518. [19:58:59] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184057104 has no item?!
  1519. [19:59:00] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184057866 has no item?!
  1520. [19:59:00] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184058533 has no item?!
  1521. [19:59:00] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184059476 has no item?!
  1522. [19:59:00] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184059476 has no item?!
  1523. [19:59:00] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184059476 has no item?!
  1524. [19:59:01] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184061129 has no item?!
  1525. [19:59:01] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184062036 has no item?!
  1526. [19:59:01] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184062976 has no item?!
  1527. [19:59:01] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184064142 has no item?!
  1528. [19:59:02] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184064734 has no item?!
  1529. [19:59:02] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184064734 has no item?!
  1530. [19:59:02] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184064734 has no item?!
  1531. [19:59:02] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184065330 has no item?!
  1532. [19:59:02] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7Yasmine§r§7: §ftrading a legend crate on here, for a legend crate on krynn
  1533. [19:59:03] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184067915 has no item?!
  1534. [19:59:04] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fyeaaaa
  1535. [19:59:04] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184073228 has no item?!
  1536. [19:59:04] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184074595 has no item?!
  1537. [19:59:05] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184075292 has no item?!
  1538. [19:59:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§b50§8cal§7_§aSn§8ip§aer§7_§8pa§al§r §f[§3Legend§f]§7: §fwhat do u mean
  1539. [19:59:05] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184078340 has no item?!
  1540. [19:59:05] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184078340 has no item?!
  1541. [19:59:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  1542. [19:59:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Kill the NEX to conquer the End!
  1543. [19:59:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] More information can be found at /nex.
  1544. [19:59:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  1545. [19:59:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fcome to /pvp for cociane
  1546. [19:59:07] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184082420 has no item?!
  1547. [19:59:07] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184082420 has no item?!
  1548. [19:59:07] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184083525 has no item?!
  1549. [19:59:07] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184084283 has no item?!
  1550. [19:59:08] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184086850 has no item?!
  1551. [19:59:08] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184087518 has no item?!
  1552. [19:59:11] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184097111 has no item?!
  1553. [19:59:11] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184098572 has no item?!
  1554. [19:59:11] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184099109 has no item?!
  1555. [19:59:11] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fWhoooooo
  1556. [19:59:12] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184101045 has no item?!
  1557. [19:59:12] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184101045 has no item?!
  1558. [19:59:13] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184105913 has no item?!
  1559. [19:59:13] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184105913 has no item?!
  1560. [19:59:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e30§f] §f[§cBrigand§f] §7§7MonkYTheBro§r§7: §fenderman spawner on /ah
  1561. [19:59:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§b50§8cal§7_§aSn§8ip§aer§7_§8pa§al§r §f[§3Legend§f]§7: §fCocaine
  1562. [19:59:15] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184113096 has no item?!
  1563. [19:59:16] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184114708 has no item?!
  1564. [19:59:16] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184114708 has no item?!
  1565. [19:59:16] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184115577 has no item?!
  1566. [19:59:17] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184119891 has no item?!
  1567. [19:59:17] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fcocaine?
  1568. [19:59:24] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§b50§8cal§7_§aSn§8ip§aer§7_§8pa§al§r §f[§3Legend§f]§7: §flets get high
  1569. [19:59:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7Yasmine§r§7: §fTrading legend crate on here for legend crate on krynn or sepre, you can invsee me
  1570. [19:59:32] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] You will be teleported in 3 seconds. Don't move!
  1571. [19:59:33] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184173124 has no item?!
  1572. [19:59:34] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fGive it to me
  1573. [19:59:35] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  1574. [19:59:40] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Welcome to the world of Idris, TechnoHasNoLife!
  1575. [19:59:41] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184202912 has no item?!
  1576. [19:59:42] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184207717 has no item?!
  1577. [19:59:42] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184207717 has no item?!
  1578. [19:59:42] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184208383 has no item?!
  1579. [19:59:42] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184208383 has no item?!
  1580. [19:59:43] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184210219 has no item?!
  1581. [19:59:43] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184210219 has no item?!
  1582. [19:59:43] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184211613 has no item?!
  1583. [19:59:43] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184212346 has no item?!
  1584. [19:59:45] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  1585. [19:59:45] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184218401 has no item?!
  1586. [19:59:45] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fXD
  1587. [19:59:45] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fSoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good
  1588. [19:59:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §f29 cocaine!
  1589. [19:59:49] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fthehobbit0727
  1590. [19:59:52] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fu gunna get muted XD
  1591. [19:59:52] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §f...
  1592. [19:59:53] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §ftaco here is mub slayer
  1593. [19:59:55] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184252199 has no item?!
  1594. [19:59:56] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fik lol
  1595. [19:59:57] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:step.anvil
  1596. [19:59:59] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §f§f » Cocaine§f « !!!!!!!!!!!1
  1597. [20:00:04] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fthehobbit0727
  1598. [20:00:06] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184294784 has no item?!
  1599. [20:00:06] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184294784 has no item?!
  1600. [20:00:07] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §f?
  1601. [20:00:07] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §f#muted
  1602. [20:00:10] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fXD
  1603. [20:00:11] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e20§f] §f[§cStealth§f] §7§7ThePurpleKnight5§r§7: §fhi
  1604. [20:00:13] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184321028 has no item?!
  1605. [20:00:13] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184321028 has no item?!
  1606. [20:00:13] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184321028 has no item?!
  1607. [20:00:15] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fchange my title
  1608. [20:00:17] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184333123 has no item?!
  1609. [20:00:17] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184333123 has no item?!
  1610. [20:00:17] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184333123 has no item?!
  1611. [20:00:17] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184333123 has no item?!
  1612. [20:00:17] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184333123 has no item?!
  1613. [20:00:17] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184333123 has no item?!
  1614. [20:00:17] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184333123 has no item?!
  1615. [20:00:17] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184333123 has no item?!
  1616. [20:00:19] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fNU
  1617. [20:00:21] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §f29million
  1618. [20:00:25] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fYAS
  1619. [20:00:25] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] **YOU READY YOUR PICKAXE**
  1620. [20:00:29] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] **YOU LOWER YOUR PICKAXE**
  1621. [20:00:36] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fBleachedTaco
  1622. [20:00:37] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184403227 has no item?!
  1623. [20:00:40] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fu wutn mub slayer
  1624. [20:00:40] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184417132 has no item?!
  1625. [20:00:42] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184421639 has no item?!
  1626. [20:00:43] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  1627. [20:00:44] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] **YOU READY YOUR FISTS**
  1628. [20:00:44] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184430921 has no item?!
  1629. [20:00:45] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7Stephanie96368§r§7: §fhow do you make a mob killer thingy?
  1630. [20:00:47] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184439578 has no item?!
  1631. [20:00:48] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] **YOU LOWER YOUR FISTS**
  1632. [20:00:49] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy JayPlayzGames: Hey Angry_Squid
  1633. [20:00:49] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184446258 has no item?!
  1634. [20:00:53] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7Stephanie96368§r§7: §fwe tried fall damage but it dousnt work
  1635. [20:00:54] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy JayPlayzGames: or should i say Charlie8557
  1636. [20:00:54] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Truce only chat mode.
  1637. [20:00:56] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184469083 has no item?!
  1638. [20:00:56] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +Mystic Angry_Squid: hi
  1639. [20:01:00] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy thehobbit0727: XD
  1640. [20:01:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy thehobbit0727: ty shouko
  1641. [20:01:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  1642. [20:01:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Participate in King of the Hill for attractive prizes!
  1643. [20:01:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Check when the next one is with /koth!
  1644. [20:01:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  1645. [20:01:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +Mystic Angry_Squid: ? Idk Charlie8557
  1646. [20:01:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Unkindled Shouko: xD
  1647. [20:01:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Unkindled Shouko: dont lie plz
  1648. [20:01:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy thehobbit0727: XD
  1649. [20:01:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +TacoArmy 50cal_Sniper_Pal: lol
  1650. [20:01:14] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  1651. [20:01:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +TacoArmy 50cal_Sniper_Pal: hacker
  1652. [20:01:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy JayPlayzGames: Shouko just ran a alts test on you
  1653. [20:01:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §ftaco
  1654. [20:01:18] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184546491 has no item?!
  1655. [20:01:20] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184554007 has no item?!
  1656. [20:01:20] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy thehobbit0727: he ran an ults test
  1657. [20:01:21] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §f?
  1658. [20:01:21] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Welcome to the world of Idris, steeeeephen!
  1659. [20:01:23] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Saved screenshot as 2017-04-14_20.01.22.png
  1660. [20:01:27] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  1661. [20:01:28] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Unkindled Shouko: should i get an ss?
  1662. [20:01:32] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +Mystic Angry_Squid: that's private info
  1663. [20:01:32] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy thehobbit0727: get banned m8
  1664. [20:01:33] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  1665. [20:01:36] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Unkindled Shouko: no
  1666. [20:01:36] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy JayPlayzGames: xD
  1667. [20:01:37] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +Mystic Angry_Squid: that's doxing by a staff
  1668. [20:01:38] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Unkindled Shouko: thats not xD
  1669. [20:01:38] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184627041 has no item?!
  1670. [20:01:38] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fyee
  1671. [20:01:41] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§cAssassin§f] §7§7MitsuhaTachibana§r§7: §fSelling ZombiePigman Spawner, Enderman Spawner, and 16 Hoppers. Msg me!
  1672. [20:01:42] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184639677 has no item?!
  1673. [20:01:42] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184639677 has no item?!
  1674. [20:01:43] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184645145 has no item?!
  1675. [20:01:43] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184645145 has no item?!
  1676. [20:01:43] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy JayPlayzGames: Private info?
  1677. [20:01:44] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  1678. [20:01:44] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [!] Purchase ranks, over-powered kits & rare items at
  1679. [20:01:44] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  1680. [20:01:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] #### [DLAG] Mobs/Items are being cleared in 15 seconds! ####
  1681. [20:01:51] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §f§f » Cocaine§f «
  1682. [20:01:52] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +Mystic Angry_Squid: it's info I didn't want shared that you did share to the public
  1683. [20:01:52] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy thehobbit0727: its protection of the server
  1684. [20:01:52] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +TacoArmy 50cal_Sniper_Pal: but he killed most of us all at once
  1685. [20:01:54] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§dShaman§f] §7§7AO_Playz§r§7: §fd
  1686. [20:01:56] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fcan i get muted for that/
  1687. [20:02:01] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ######### [DLAG] Mobs/Items have been cleared. #########
  1688. [20:02:08] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  1689. [20:02:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +Mystic Angry_Squid: well, idk, we can do one thing at a time
  1690. [20:02:11] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy JayPlayzGames: well you should have thought about that before using a alt to raid a truces base
  1691. [20:02:14] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +Mystic Angry_Squid: what do you want to do first?
  1692. [20:02:14] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *TacoArmy BleachedTaco: ANGRY SQUID
  1693. [20:02:14] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184770358 has no item?!
  1694. [20:02:15] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7Stephanie96368§r§7: §fhow can you a mob grinder?
  1695. [20:02:15] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 184774301 has no item?!
  1696. [20:02:15] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *TacoArmy BleachedTaco: FACK U
  1697. [20:02:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Welcome to the world of Idris, Lucky_ran!
  1698. [20:02:23] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e20§f] §f[§cStealth§f] §7§7thewolf1551§r§7: §fhow can you a mob grinder
  1699. [20:02:24] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy thehobbit0727: lol u go taco
  1700. [20:02:25] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e20§f] §f[§cStealth§f] §7§7thewolf1551§r§7: §fnice
  1701. [20:02:25] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +Mystic Angry_Squid: I'll take this to PM xD
  1702. [20:02:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  1703. [20:02:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] (!) You have not voted in the last 24 hours!
  1704. [20:02:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] If you enjoy our server, want to support it
  1705. [20:02:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] and receive rewards, please vote now.
  1706. [20:02:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Visit for amazing rewards!
  1707. [20:02:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  1708. [20:02:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] The last time you voted was: 2017-04-13 05:48:11
  1709. [20:02:35] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [idris] [me -> Shouko] what do you want to do first?
  1710. [20:02:38] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy JayPlayzGames: Mk
  1711. [20:02:39] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7Stephanie96368§r§7: §fhow can you make a mob grinder*
  1712. [20:02:41] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy JayPlayzGames: go ahead
  1713. [20:02:42] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [idris] [Shouko -> me] ?
  1714. [20:02:45] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +TacoArmy 50cal_Sniper_Pal: shouko
  1715. [20:02:48] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Unkindled Shouko: ye
  1716. [20:02:52] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §f§f » Cocaine§f «
  1717. [20:02:57] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [idris] [me -> Shouko] I assume there was more to this than sharing your privilaged information?
  1718. [20:03:00] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy thehobbit0727: ty shouko <3
  1719. [20:03:01] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +TacoArmy 50cal_Sniper_Pal: can u get banned for telling the public whose alt is whose
  1720. [20:03:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy thehobbit0727: no
  1721. [20:03:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  1722. [20:03:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] We're always on the search for new Staff Members!
  1723. [20:03:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Check our application section:
  1724. [20:03:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  1725. [20:03:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [idris] [me -> Shouko] do you want to SS or something?
  1726. [20:03:11] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  1727. [20:03:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +TacoArmy 50cal_Sniper_Pal: any punishments?
  1728. [20:03:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [idris] [me -> Shouko] discord chat?
  1729. [20:03:14] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fanyoen got exp bottles
  1730. [20:03:14] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy JayPlayzGames: you can get banned for hacking on alts xD
  1731. [20:03:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy DemonFlames11: uh
  1732. [20:03:19] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *TacoArmy BleachedTaco: tru tru
  1733. [20:03:19] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 185019112 has no item?!
  1734. [20:03:20] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  1735. [20:03:21] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 185022103 has no item?!
  1736. [20:03:21] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 185022973 has no item?!
  1737. [20:03:21] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Welcome to the world of Idris, howling_wolf0!
  1738. [20:03:23] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 185029084 has no item?!
  1739. [20:03:23] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 185029084 has no item?!
  1740. [20:03:24] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 185032324 has no item?!
  1741. [20:03:25] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 185038641 has no item?!
  1742. [20:03:26] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 185039786 has no item?!
  1743. [20:03:26] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 185042539 has no item?!
  1744. [20:03:26] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 185042539 has no item?!
  1745. [20:03:26] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 185043391 has no item?!
  1746. [20:03:27] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 185044837 has no item?!
  1747. [20:03:27] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 185045795 has no item?!
  1748. [20:03:28] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 185047374 has no item?!
  1749. [20:03:28] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 185047374 has no item?!
  1750. [20:03:28] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +TacoArmy skirmishes: Use a VPN
  1751. [20:03:28] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 185048787 has no item?!
  1752. [20:03:28] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 185048787 has no item?!
  1753. [20:03:28] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 185049742 has no item?!
  1754. [20:03:28] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 185049742 has no item?!
  1755. [20:03:29] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 185051938 has no item?!
  1756. [20:03:29] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 185051938 has no item?!
  1757. [20:03:29] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 185053424 has no item?!
  1758. [20:03:30] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 185054620 has no item?!
  1759. [20:03:30] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 185057294 has no item?!
  1760. [20:03:34] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  1761. [20:03:40] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +TacoArmy 50cal_Sniper_Pal: shouko can u get any punishments for telling whose alt is whose
  1762. [20:03:40] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e2§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7KINGMAN_1337§r§7: §fhell eah
  1763. [20:03:40] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  1764. [20:03:47] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7JayPlayzGames§r §f[§aPremium§f]§7: §fInfinityStone
  1765. [20:03:47] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Unkindled Shouko: nope
  1766. [20:03:47] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e2§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7KINGMAN_1337§r§7: §fi waited outn thus mute
  1767. [20:03:50] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  1768. [20:03:50] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e2§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7KINGMAN_1337§r§7: §fim back yall
  1769. [20:03:50] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy JayPlayzGames: InfinityStone
  1770. [20:03:52] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fimma get off people
  1771. [20:03:52] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +Mystic Angry_Squid: ik, too much trouble. I'll be at another location in a week
  1772. [20:03:55] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e40§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§1Water§fInA§7Bottle§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fbai bai
  1773. [20:03:56] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e2§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7KINGMAN_1337§r§7: §fcant simmer the zimmer
  1774. [20:03:57] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  1775. [20:03:57] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Welcome to the world of Idris, NekoNek11!
  1776. [20:03:58] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +TacoArmy 50cal_Sniper_Pal: i will say it in chat tho
  1777. [20:04:00] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 185174499 has no item?!
  1778. [20:04:02] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +TacoArmy 50cal_Sniper_Pal: kk?
  1779. [20:04:05] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 185191459 has no item?!
  1780. [20:04:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [idris] [InfinityStone -> me] Wait did yo utell them that you were hacking?
  1781. [20:04:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy JayPlayzGames: your mod is using alts to tpa people to us
  1782. [20:04:10] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +TacoArmy 50cal_Sniper_Pal: and no punishments?
  1783. [20:04:11] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +Mystic Angry_Squid: Im Charlie8557
  1784. [20:04:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Public chat mode.
  1785. [20:04:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] (!) The /fp command is currently disabled.
  1786. [20:04:14] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e51§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7Angry_Squid§r §f[§7Donator§f]§7: §fIm Charlie8557
  1787. [20:04:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy JayPlayzGames: Yes yoou are
  1788. [20:04:19] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e51§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7Angry_Squid§r §f[§7Donator§f]§7: §fha, they can't say it first
  1789. [20:04:20] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  1790. [20:04:20] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy DemonFlames11: taco
  1791. [20:04:23] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *TacoArmy BleachedTaco: ?
  1792. [20:04:24] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§cBandit§f] §7§7ChubbyBassett§r§7: §fhi charlie
  1793. [20:04:25] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [idris] [me -> InfinityStone] I'm not hacking but they think I do
  1794. [20:04:27] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e2§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7KINGMAN_1337§r§7: §fwhy does this server have such PC admins
  1795. [20:04:28] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 185274611 has no item?!
  1796. [20:04:28] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 185274611 has no item?!
  1797. [20:04:29] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy DemonFlames11: 1v1 in the arena that u made
  1798. [20:04:29] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e51§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7Angry_Squid§r §f[§7Donator§f]§7: §fhiiii
  1799. [20:04:29] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 185277690 has no item?!
  1800. [20:04:29] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:step.anvil
  1801. [20:04:30] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 185280960 has no item?!
  1802. [20:04:30] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 185280960 has no item?!
  1803. [20:04:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *TacoArmy BleachedTaco: \
  1804. [20:04:30] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 185282968 has no item?!
  1805. [20:04:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§b50§8cal§7_§aSn§8ip§aer§7_§8pa§al§r §f[§3Legend§f]§7: §fAngry_Squid is Charlie8557
  1806. [20:04:31] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 185285159 has no item?!
  1807. [20:04:31] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  1808. [20:04:32] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *TacoArmy BleachedTaco: i mean
  1809. [20:04:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy JayPlayzGames: who has the recordings of him hacking?
  1810. [20:04:34] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§b50§8cal§7_§aSn§8ip§aer§7_§8pa§al§r §f[§3Legend§f]§7: §fand its his alt
  1811. [20:04:37] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *TacoArmy BleachedTaco: i dont have a home set there XD
  1812. [20:04:37] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fand there we go the dick bag is revealed
  1813. [20:04:38] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e51§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7Angry_Squid§r §f[§7Donator§f]§7: §fI just said that 50cal_Sniper_Pal xD
  1814. [20:04:39] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  1815. [20:04:45] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy DemonFlames11: who does
  1816. [20:04:45] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +TacoArmy 50cal_Sniper_Pal: kiiriie does
  1817. [20:04:48] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e51§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7Angry_Squid§r §f[§7Donator§f]§7: §fcongrats on "revealing" me
  1818. [20:04:48] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 185344813 has no item?!
  1819. [20:04:49] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Ranger§f] §7§7DeadBat§r §f[§eSponsor§f]§7: §fasd
  1820. [20:04:49] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  1821. [20:04:51] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +TacoArmy 50cal_Sniper_Pal: i believe
  1822. [20:04:52] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy DemonFlames11: damn
  1823. [20:04:54] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy JayPlayzGames: Angry_Squid your getting banned
  1824. [20:04:55] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fthanks :D
  1825. [20:04:56] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§dShaman§f] §7§7AO_Playz§r§7: §fds
  1826. [20:04:59] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e51§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7Angry_Squid§r §f[§7Donator§f]§7: §fI'll reveal myself to you all ;)
  1827. [20:04:59] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  1828. [20:05:00] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy JayPlayzGames: hacking on alts isnt good
  1829. [20:05:00] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy thehobbit0727: yay
  1830. [20:05:02] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e51§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7Angry_Squid§r §f[§7Donator§f]§7: §flol, jk
  1831. [20:05:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §foh my
  1832. [20:05:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  1833. [20:05:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] See someone doing something they shouldn't?
  1834. [20:05:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Please submit a report at:
  1835. [20:05:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  1836. [20:05:06] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  1837. [20:05:10] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 185426842 has no item?!
  1838. [20:05:10] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 185426842 has no item?!
  1839. [20:05:10] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 185426842 has no item?!
  1840. [20:05:10] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 185426842 has no item?!
  1841. [20:05:10] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 185426842 has no item?!
  1842. [20:05:11] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e51§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7Angry_Squid§r §f[§7Donator§f]§7: §f:D
  1843. [20:05:14] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §f:D
  1844. [20:05:14] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  1845. [20:05:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Desteria] Kilotna has supported the realms of Desteria at! 60% OFF!
  1846. [20:05:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#99§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§2I§aLi§fve§7OnE§8arth§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §fShouko I don't mean to rush you, but do you have time to trade now?
  1847. [20:05:22] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e69§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Inf§bini§3t§byst§8one§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fI asked him to screenshare and he has vanilla 1.8.9 on
  1848. [20:05:24] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fDemonFlames11
  1849. [20:05:24] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §enope
  1850. [20:05:25] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  1851. [20:05:27] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e69§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Inf§bini§3t§byst§8one§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fSooooooo
  1852. [20:05:28] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy DemonFlames11: ?
  1853. [20:05:28] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy JayPlayzGames: InfinityStone
  1854. [20:05:29] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#99§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§2I§aLi§fve§7OnE§8arth§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §fAlright thanks
  1855. [20:05:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Warrior§f] §7§7c0rndog§r§7: §fhey guys
  1856. [20:05:32] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  1857. [20:05:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §f1v1 now
  1858. [20:05:38] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§2Cavalry§f] §7§7DemonFlames11§r§7: §fwait
  1859. [20:05:40] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e2§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7KINGMAN_1337§r§7: §fke
  1860. [20:05:40] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy JayPlayzGames: he is using alts to tpa people to our base
  1861. [20:05:41] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §f?
  1862. [20:05:43] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  1863. [20:05:45] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§2Cavalry§f] §7§7DemonFlames11§r§7: §fitems back
  1864. [20:05:48] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Unkindled Shouko: can someone pm kirrie
  1865. [20:05:52] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  1866. [20:05:53] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Unkindled Shouko: i need the vid
  1867. [20:05:56] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  1868. [20:05:56] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +TacoArmy 50cal_Sniper_Pal: i did
  1869. [20:05:59] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy JayPlayzGames: Kk
  1870. [20:06:01] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [idris] [me -> InfinityStone] yea, I'm not hacking, it's just depth strider and they find that comfusing or something xD
  1871. [20:06:03] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +TacoArmy 50cal_Sniper_Pal: he didnt respond
  1872. [20:06:03] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *TacoArmy BleachedTaco: wut does pm mean again? XD
  1873. [20:06:03] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#99§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§2I§aLi§fve§7OnE§8arth§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §fI wish f top would reload
  1874. [20:06:04] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  1875. [20:06:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§2Cavalry§f] §7§7DemonFlames11§r§7: §fstuffback
  1876. [20:06:10] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#99§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§2I§aLi§fve§7OnE§8arth§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §fWe are going to be number 3 I beleive
  1877. [20:06:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy JayPlayzGames: private message i think
  1878. [20:06:14] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *TacoArmy BleachedTaco: private mesege?
  1879. [20:06:15] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *TacoArmy BleachedTaco: p
  1880. [20:06:17] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 185681859 has no item?!
  1881. [20:06:17] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 185681859 has no item?!
  1882. [20:06:17] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 185681859 has no item?!
  1883. [20:06:17] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 185681859 has no item?!
  1884. [20:06:17] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 185681859 has no item?!
  1885. [20:06:17] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  1886. [20:06:17] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *TacoArmy BleachedTaco: o
  1887. [20:06:17] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#99§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§2I§aLi§fve§7OnE§8arth§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §ffrom number 7 to number 3
  1888. [20:06:19] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fye
  1889. [20:06:20] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e69§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Inf§bini§3t§byst§8one§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fWait yall think he is hacking because he used depth strider? xD
  1890. [20:06:24] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fthehobbit0727 u count down
  1891. [20:06:25] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [idris] [me -> InfinityStone] cause their base is above an ocean so I came prepared with the right enchants, it was awesome
  1892. [20:06:25] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§2Cavalry§f] §7§7DemonFlames11§r§7: §ffix
  1893. [20:06:26] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  1894. [20:06:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy JayPlayzGames: No
  1895. [20:06:27] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +TacoArmy 50cal_Sniper_Pal: just discord texted him
  1896. [20:06:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §f3
  1897. [20:06:32] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  1898. [20:06:32] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §f2
  1899. [20:06:34] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §f1
  1900. [20:06:34] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 185749564 has no item?!
  1901. [20:06:34] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 185749564 has no item?!
  1902. [20:06:34] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 185749564 has no item?!
  1903. [20:06:34] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 185749564 has no item?!
  1904. [20:06:34] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 185749564 has no item?!
  1905. [20:06:35] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy JayPlayzGames: 50cal_Sniper_Pal whats ur discord?
  1906. [20:06:36] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fgooo
  1907. [20:06:38] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [idris] [me -> InfinityStone] and right potions so I did pretty well against them :D
  1908. [20:06:40] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fwait
  1909. [20:06:41] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §f...nvm
  1910. [20:06:45] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e69§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Inf§bini§3t§byst§8one§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fYour base is above an ocean, wouldnt find that surprising
  1911. [20:06:45] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +TacoArmy skirmishes: Shouko
  1912. [20:06:49] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [idris] [me -> Shouko] do you think I hack?
  1913. [20:06:52] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Unkindled Shouko: mhm
  1914. [20:06:55] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [idris] [Shouko -> me] not sure
  1915. [20:06:59] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Warrior§f] §7§7c0rndog§r§7: §fcan i join a factiob
  1916. [20:07:01] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +TacoArmy skirmishes: U got a long one my frined
  1917. [20:07:02] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [idris] [me -> Shouko] I can SS if you need
  1918. [20:07:03] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +TacoArmy skirmishes: friend
  1919. [20:07:04] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [idris] [Shouko -> me] they said they recorded u
  1920. [20:07:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e2§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7KINGMAN_1337§r§7: §fnein
  1921. [20:07:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  1922. [20:07:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Hey, if you'd like to maintain a clean chat we always
  1923. [20:07:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] recommend adjusting your chat width to 320px!
  1924. [20:07:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  1925. [20:07:07] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fLil_Herb...
  1926. [20:07:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Warrior§f] §7§7c0rndog§r§7: §fplease
  1927. [20:07:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fi didnt say go!
  1928. [20:07:15] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Warrior§f] §7§7c0rndog§r§7: §fim lonely
  1929. [20:07:21] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [idris] [me -> Shouko] it's depth strider 3, no speed even
  1930. [20:07:22] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fDemonFlames11 stahp
  1931. [20:07:23] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:step.anvil
  1932. [20:07:27] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fO_O
  1933. [20:07:28] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e53§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7§3L§8il_§cH§8erb§r §f[§cLegend§f]§7: §fim raidng you
  1934. [20:07:29] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fkk 3
  1935. [20:07:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fo mah gawd
  1936. [20:07:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  1937. [20:07:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] (!) You have not voted in the last 24 hours!
  1938. [20:07:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] If you enjoy our server, want to support it
  1939. [20:07:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] and receive rewards, please vote now.
  1940. [20:07:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Visit for amazing rewards!
  1941. [20:07:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  1942. [20:07:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] The last time you voted was: 2017-04-13 05:48:11
  1943. [20:07:32] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §f2
  1944. [20:07:32] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e2§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7KINGMAN_1337§r§7: §fhow do you create a faction first of all
  1945. [20:07:34] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §f1
  1946. [20:07:38] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fgooo
  1947. [20:07:41] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [idris] [me -> Shouko] I haven't logged off as Charlie8557 yet so I can SS him
  1948. [20:07:44] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  1949. [20:07:52] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e15§f] §f[§2Cavalry§f] §7§7kenzie04210§r§7: §fselling enchantment books invsee and msg offers
  1950. [20:07:57] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fello herp
  1951. [20:07:57] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  1952. [20:08:00] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy JayPlayzGames: 50cal_Sniper_Pal
  1953. [20:08:05] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  1954. [20:08:11] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e2§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7KINGMAN_1337§r§7: §fanyone wanna buy a creeper spawn?
  1955. [20:08:14] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +TacoArmy skirmishes: Shouko
  1956. [20:08:16] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:step.anvil
  1957. [20:08:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +TacoArmy skirmishes: do /alts
  1958. [20:08:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Unkindled Shouko: ye
  1959. [20:08:20] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +TacoArmy skirmishes: do /alts
  1960. [20:08:21] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Unkindled Shouko: on?
  1961. [20:08:27] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +TacoArmy skirmishes: do /alts [Name]
  1962. [20:08:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Unkindled Shouko: ik
  1963. [20:08:40] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §f...
  1964. [20:08:42] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Welcome to the world of Idris, johnyy9488!
  1965. [20:08:44] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +TacoArmy skirmishes: Will u suck my _____?
  1966. [20:08:49] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §f....its a 1v1 man sthap
  1967. [20:08:52] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Welcome to the world of Idris, LostTragedy!
  1968. [20:08:53] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fumm
  1969. [20:08:54] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Recruit§f] §7§7howling_wolf0§r§7: §flol
  1970. [20:08:59] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: § k
  1971. [20:09:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Unkindled Shouko: nobody xD
  1972. [20:09:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  1973. [20:09:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] We have a TeamSpeak! You can use this address on
  1974. [20:09:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TeamSpeak to communicate with players: /teamspeak
  1975. [20:09:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  1976. [20:09:14] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  1977. [20:09:14] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [!] Purchase ranks, over-powered kits & rare items at
  1978. [20:09:14] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  1979. [20:09:17] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +TacoArmy skirmishes: Why are we truce to this faggot earth eww
  1980. [20:09:34] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 186399860 has no item?!
  1981. [20:09:48] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 186453498 has no item?!
  1982. [20:09:53] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e2§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7KINGMAN_1337§r§7: §fcan i join a faction
  1983. [20:09:57] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fherb stop
  1984. [20:10:00] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +TacoArmy skirmishes: Shouko thats a mute
  1985. [20:10:01] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fLil_Herb
  1986. [20:10:04] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +TacoArmy skirmishes: mute his ass
  1987. [20:10:04] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fwe 1v1
  1988. [20:10:05] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  1989. [20:10:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fing
  1990. [20:10:10] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fstahp!
  1991. [20:10:12] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  1992. [20:10:17] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fherb chill
  1993. [20:10:18] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  1994. [20:10:22] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e53§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7§3L§8il_§cH§8erb§r §f[§cLegend§f]§7: §fhe killed me
  1995. [20:10:24] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e53§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7§3L§8il_§cH§8erb§r §f[§cLegend§f]§7: §fso im killing him
  1996. [20:10:24] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e2§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7KINGMAN_1337§r§7: §fbased herb
  1997. [20:10:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §ffucking chrits
  1998. [20:10:27] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  1999. [20:10:29] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy JayPlayzGames: Shouko thanks for the help xD
  2000. [20:10:34] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Unkindled Shouko: lol
  2001. [20:10:38] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +TacoArmy skirmishes: Shouko
  2002. [20:10:38] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  2003. [20:10:38] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Warrior§f] §7§7c0rndog§r§7: §fmy grass blocks
  2004. [20:10:40] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e2§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7KINGMAN_1337§r§7: §f>fucking chrits
  2005. [20:10:40] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Unkindled Shouko: ye
  2006. [20:10:41] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy thehobbit0727: yeah get that kid banned
  2007. [20:10:44] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Unkindled Shouko: im getting spam hard
  2008. [20:10:45] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +TacoArmy skirmishes: mute ILiveOnEarth
  2009. [20:10:46] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  2010. [20:10:50] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fyeah the chrits
  2011. [20:10:52] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +TacoArmy 50cal_Sniper_Pal: did he get banned?????
  2012. [20:10:52] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  2013. [20:10:52] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Unkindled Shouko: no
  2014. [20:10:55] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fso many of them
  2015. [20:10:56] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +TacoArmy 50cal_Sniper_Pal: aww
  2016. [20:11:00] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  2017. [20:11:04] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Unkindled Shouko: saying thigs in f c f f c t is fine
  2018. [20:11:04] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +TacoArmy skirmishes: He said nig***
  2019. [20:11:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  2020. [20:11:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Our network supports Minecraft versions from 1.7-1.11!.
  2021. [20:11:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] however, we strongly suggest using Minecraft 1.8!
  2022. [20:11:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  2023. [20:11:07] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  2024. [20:11:10] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +TacoArmy skirmishes: NOOOO
  2025. [20:11:11] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +TacoArmy 50cal_Sniper_Pal: kiirie hasnt responded yet
  2026. [20:11:17] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [idris] [InfinityStone -> me] You should record or something
  2027. [20:11:17] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7Piekid9012§r§7: §fmsg tiger19316 join my faction its called Scrubs
  2028. [20:11:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy JayPlayzGames: Dang
  2029. [20:11:21] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +TacoArmy skirmishes: mute him i dont like him
  2030. [20:11:21] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  2031. [20:11:22] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [idris] [InfinityStone -> me] Or take screenshots
  2032. [20:11:23] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fback
  2033. [20:11:25] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e2§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7KINGMAN_1337§r§7: §fi just woke up from a nap have we nuked nk yet?
  2034. [20:11:28] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  2035. [20:11:29] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7Piekid9012§r§7: §flmao
  2036. [20:11:36] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [idris] [me -> InfinityStone] I recorded a bit, probably enough to show that I don't have hacks
  2037. [20:11:43] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fwat i miss?
  2038. [20:11:43] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +TacoArmy skirmishes: ewww no fuck no
  2039. [20:11:46] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  2040. [20:11:52] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e2§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7KINGMAN_1337§r§7: §fnk nuked yet?
  2041. [20:11:54] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [idris] [me -> InfinityStone] idk, I'm not sure which parts I'd need to record to show I don't have hacks
  2042. [20:11:56] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  2043. [20:12:01] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fwhos nk
  2044. [20:12:03] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [idris] [InfinityStone -> me] Did you record the fight?
  2045. [20:12:04] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e2§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7KINGMAN_1337§r§7: §fmy ass been waiting
  2046. [20:12:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §f\
  2047. [20:12:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy thehobbit0727: so...what we doing now???
  2048. [20:12:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e2§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7KINGMAN_1337§r§7: §fnorth korea
  2049. [20:12:11] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +TacoArmy skirmishes: Shouko if I post a ip in f c t will I get ban?
  2050. [20:12:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§2Cavalry§f] §7§7DemonFlames11§r§7: §fwild
  2051. [20:12:14] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fi wish
  2052. [20:12:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e2§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7KINGMAN_1337§r§7: §fsame
  2053. [20:12:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Unkindled Shouko: thats a yes
  2054. [20:12:19] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [idris] [me -> InfinityStone] and Shouko doesn't want to SS me so I can't do that
  2055. [20:12:21] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Warrior§f] §7§7c0rndog§r§7: §fwhat is goin on in the world
  2056. [20:12:22] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e2§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7KINGMAN_1337§r§7: §fradioactive glass
  2057. [20:12:24] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +TacoArmy skirmishes: FUCK
  2058. [20:12:24] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Warrior§f] §7§7c0rndog§r§7: §ffill me in
  2059. [20:12:29] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [idris] [me -> InfinityStone] I accidently recorded a bit of combat
  2060. [20:12:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  2061. [20:12:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] (!) You have not voted in the last 24 hours!
  2062. [20:12:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] If you enjoy our server, want to support it
  2063. [20:12:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] and receive rewards, please vote now.
  2064. [20:12:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Visit for amazing rewards!
  2065. [20:12:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  2066. [20:12:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] The last time you voted was: 2017-04-13 05:48:11
  2067. [20:12:38] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Unkindled Shouko: since it is someone's privacy
  2068. [20:12:39] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [idris] [me -> InfinityStone] so that might work lol
  2069. [20:12:45] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +TacoArmy 50cal_Sniper_Pal: Shouko
  2070. [20:12:47] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  2071. [20:12:47] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Unkindled Shouko: ye
  2072. [20:12:50] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +TacoArmy skirmishes: If I say I have someone's IP in F C T will I get ban?
  2073. [20:12:54] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §f..
  2074. [20:12:54] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +TacoArmy 50cal_Sniper_Pal: what are the requirements of becoming helper
  2075. [20:12:56] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  2076. [20:12:57] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 187212828 has no item?!
  2077. [20:12:57] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 187212828 has no item?!
  2078. [20:12:57] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 187212828 has no item?!
  2079. [20:12:57] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 187212828 has no item?!
  2080. [20:12:57] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 187212828 has no item?!
  2081. [20:12:59] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Unkindled Shouko: yes
  2082. [20:13:03] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Unkindled Shouko: 50cal_Sniper_Pal not much
  2083. [20:13:04] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  2084. [20:13:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy JayPlayzGames: 50cal_Sniper_Pal 40 forum post
  2085. [20:13:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Saved screenshot as 2017-04-14_20.13.06.png
  2086. [20:13:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  2087. [20:13:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] If you're interested in purchasing ranks or perks,
  2088. [20:13:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] be sure to check out our store at:!
  2089. [20:13:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  2090. [20:13:07] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Unkindled Shouko: 50 forum post
  2091. [20:13:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +TacoArmy skirmishes: So fuck
  2092. [20:13:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e2§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7KINGMAN_1337§r§7: §fyall see the MOAB we dropped?
  2093. [20:13:11] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e2§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7KINGMAN_1337§r§7: §fshits lit
  2094. [20:13:11] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy JayPlayzGames: 50*
  2095. [20:13:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +TacoArmy 50cal_Sniper_Pal: ugh
  2096. [20:13:15] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  2097. [20:13:22] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §f3
  2098. [20:13:22] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  2099. [20:13:23] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §flol its a party lol
  2100. [20:13:23] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §f2
  2101. [20:13:25] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §f1
  2102. [20:13:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +TacoArmy 50cal_Sniper_Pal: is that like responses or just making own threads
  2103. [20:13:31] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  2104. [20:13:38] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  2105. [20:13:45] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +TacoArmy skirmishes: Shouko
  2106. [20:13:47] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§aMentor§f] §7§7CatchTheRainbow§r§7: §aKingman_1337 please drop the topic
  2107. [20:13:48] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  2108. [20:13:49] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +TacoArmy skirmishes: Whats ur skype?
  2109. [20:13:50] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e2§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7KINGMAN_1337§r§7: §fwhy
  2110. [20:13:56] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fcatch
  2111. [20:13:58] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  2112. [20:13:58] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §f!!!
  2113. [20:14:00] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fhow ya doin?
  2114. [20:14:00] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Balance: $3,948,539.938
  2115. [20:14:02] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e2§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7KINGMAN_1337§r§7: §fam i going to get muted for another 24 hours
  2116. [20:14:04] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +TacoArmy skirmishes: Shouko Whats ur skype?
  2117. [20:14:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§aMentor§f] §7§7CatchTheRainbow§r§7: §ait can be Sensitive towards some people
  2118. [20:14:08] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  2119. [20:14:11] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e2§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7KINGMAN_1337§r§7: §for banned for no reason
  2120. [20:14:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Unkindled Shouko: I wont share skype
  2121. [20:14:15] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 187512223 has no item?!
  2122. [20:14:15] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 187512223 has no item?!
  2123. [20:14:15] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  2124. [20:14:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e2§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7KINGMAN_1337§r§7: §flmao.
  2125. [20:14:18] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 187525583 has no item?!
  2126. [20:14:19] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 187525583 has no item?!
  2127. [20:14:21] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 187534206 has no item?!
  2128. [20:14:21] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 187534206 has no item?!
  2129. [20:14:21] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +TacoArmy skirmishes: Why I use to have it nerd
  2130. [20:14:22] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 187538413 has no item?!
  2131. [20:14:22] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 187538413 has no item?!
  2132. [20:14:22] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 187539182 has no item?!
  2133. [20:14:22] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 187539182 has no item?!
  2134. [20:14:23] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 187541667 has no item?!
  2135. [20:14:23] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 187541667 has no item?!
  2136. [20:14:23] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§aMentor§f] §7§7CatchTheRainbow§r§7: §aI just asked you to drop it.
  2137. [20:14:25] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] $1500000 has been sent to Infinitystone.
  2138. [20:14:26] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  2139. [20:14:27] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Wait 12 seconds before you can use command /pay majestywolf 1500000 again.
  2140. [20:14:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fhai catchtherainbow!
  2141. [20:14:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e2§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7KINGMAN_1337§r§7: §fI asked for my justice
  2142. [20:14:34] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 187583879 has no item?!
  2143. [20:14:34] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 187583879 has no item?!
  2144. [20:14:34] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§aMentor§f] §7§7CatchTheRainbow§r§7: §ahey
  2145. [20:14:34] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fhow ya doin bud?
  2146. [20:14:36] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e2§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7KINGMAN_1337§r§7: §fi wanna report who banned me
  2147. [20:14:36] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  2148. [20:14:41] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 187611835 has no item?!
  2149. [20:14:45] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  2150. [20:14:45] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§aMentor§f] §7§7CatchTheRainbow§r§7: §aKingman_1337 you can do that on forums
  2151. [20:14:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [idris] [InfinityStone -> me] ?
  2152. [20:14:47] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [idris] [me -> InfinityStone] just incase I get temp banned or something we won't lose a couple mill
  2153. [20:14:48] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 187637358 has no item?!
  2154. [20:14:48] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 187637358 has no item?!
  2155. [20:14:49] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e2§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7KINGMAN_1337§r§7: §fnah
  2156. [20:14:49] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] $1500000 has been sent to MajestyWolf.
  2157. [20:14:51] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fcath
  2158. [20:14:52] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  2159. [20:14:54] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §f*catch
  2160. [20:14:55] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e2§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7KINGMAN_1337§r§7: §fi aint gettin a code from mc 1.8
  2161. [20:14:55] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 187664760 has no item?!
  2162. [20:14:55] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 187664760 has no item?!
  2163. [20:14:55] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 187664760 has no item?!
  2164. [20:14:59] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fy doesnt using tab work?
  2165. [20:15:00] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e2§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7KINGMAN_1337§r§7: §fthats a pain
  2166. [20:15:03] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +TacoArmy skirmishes: Shouko
  2167. [20:15:04] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  2168. [20:15:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  2169. [20:15:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Become part of the community, take part in our forums!
  2170. [20:15:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Contribute to discussions and more at:
  2171. [20:15:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  2172. [20:15:11] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 187724461 has no item?!
  2173. [20:15:11] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  2174. [20:15:23] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e2§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7KINGMAN_1337§r§7: §fget yalls teamspeak working again
  2175. [20:15:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [idris] [MajestyWolf -> me] why?
  2176. [20:15:37] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e20§f] §f[§cStealth§f] §7§7thewolf1551§r§7: §fWhy do people still use teamspeak
  2177. [20:15:37] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#99§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§cs§bkir§fmish§aes§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §fRainbow
  2178. [20:15:43] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§2Cavalry§f] §7§7DemonFlames11§r§7: §f..
  2179. [20:15:45] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e2§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7KINGMAN_1337§r§7: §fthewolf topkek
  2180. [20:15:45] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  2181. [20:15:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e20§f] §f[§cStealth§f] §7§7thewolf1551§r§7: §fisn't discord like a direct upgrade
  2182. [20:15:50] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7Stephanie96368§r§7: §fanyone willing to help us make a mob farm?
  2183. [20:15:50] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fit is
  2184. [20:15:53] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [idris] [me -> MajestyWolf] just incase I get tempbanned or something because Shouko thinks I might hack
  2185. [20:15:54] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  2186. [20:15:54] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e2§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7KINGMAN_1337§r§7: §fwerent u /b/ man
  2187. [20:15:56] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 187885752 has no item?!
  2188. [20:15:56] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 187885752 has no item?!
  2189. [20:15:56] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 187885752 has no item?!
  2190. [20:15:56] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 187885752 has no item?!
  2191. [20:15:56] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 187885752 has no item?!
  2192. [20:15:58] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e2§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7KINGMAN_1337§r§7: §fbefore i was banned
  2193. [20:16:00] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Warrior§f] §7§7McKennacat123456§r§7: §fplz
  2194. [20:16:02] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 187908459 has no item?!
  2195. [20:16:02] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 187908459 has no item?!
  2196. [20:16:02] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  2197. [20:16:04] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e20§f] §f[§cStealth§f] §7§7thewolf1551§r§7: §fyes
  2198. [20:16:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e2§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7KINGMAN_1337§r§7: §fu da mvp
  2199. [20:16:10] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [idris] [MajestyWolf -> me] so do i save it for you?
  2200. [20:16:10] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +TacoArmy 50cal_Sniper_Pal: what happened
  2201. [20:16:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e20§f] §f[§cStealth§f] §7§7thewolf1551§r§7: §f<4
  2202. [20:16:13] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 187948481 has no item?!
  2203. [20:16:13] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 187948481 has no item?!
  2204. [20:16:13] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 187948481 has no item?!
  2205. [20:16:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Warrior§f] §7§7c0rndog§r§7: §fcocoa beans in /ah!
  2206. [20:16:17] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  2207. [20:16:18] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 187966387 has no item?!
  2208. [20:16:18] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 187966387 has no item?!
  2209. [20:16:19] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [idris] [me -> MajestyWolf] no, you can keep it, I can get more $
  2210. [20:16:19] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 187969426 has no item?!
  2211. [20:16:19] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 187969426 has no item?!
  2212. [20:16:19] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 187970079 has no item?!
  2213. [20:16:20] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 187970079 has no item?!
  2214. [20:16:20] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 187971936 has no item?!
  2215. [20:16:20] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 187972714 has no item?!
  2216. [20:16:20] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 187972714 has no item?!
  2217. [20:16:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [idris] [MajestyWolf -> me] sure?
  2218. [20:16:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [idris] [me -> MajestyWolf] yea
  2219. [20:16:34] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 188023653 has no item?!
  2220. [20:16:34] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 188023653 has no item?!
  2221. [20:16:39] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e2§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7KINGMAN_1337§r§7: §fbut idek i have only ever used ts
  2222. [20:16:40] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Unkindled Shouko: brb
  2223. [20:16:43] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +TacoArmy skirmishes: Im not nerd
  2224. [20:16:44] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  2225. [20:16:44] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [!] Purchase ranks, over-powered kits & rare items at
  2226. [20:16:44] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  2227. [20:16:45] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e2§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7KINGMAN_1337§r§7: §fnever tried discord
  2228. [20:16:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] #### [DLAG] Mobs/Items are being cleared in 15 seconds! ####
  2229. [20:16:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e20§f] §f[§cStealth§f] §7§7thewolf1551§r§7: §fg r o s s
  2230. [20:16:48] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 188076906 has no item?!
  2231. [20:16:51] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +TacoArmy skirmishes: And hide behind a computer??
  2232. [20:16:51] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 188088723 has no item?!
  2233. [20:16:51] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 188088723 has no item?!
  2234. [20:17:00] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e2§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7KINGMAN_1337§r§7: §fagreed, ts is gross
  2235. [20:17:01] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7Stephanie96368§r§7: §fdoes anyone have a mob farm i can see?
  2236. [20:17:01] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ######### [DLAG] Mobs/Items have been cleared. #########
  2237. [20:17:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  2238. [20:17:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] You can always vote for our network and receive some
  2239. [20:17:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] really nice rewards in return! For more info, use /vote.
  2240. [20:17:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  2241. [20:17:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +TacoArmy skirmishes: How am I hiding behind a computer screen
  2242. [20:17:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§2Cavalry§f] §7§7DemonFlames11§r§7: §fLOL
  2243. [20:17:09] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  2244. [20:17:11] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] (DAC) archer2009 has been automatically permanently banned for using a blacklisted client.
  2245. [20:17:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fHAHA
  2246. [20:17:20] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +TacoArmy skirmishes: MHMMM Sure kid
  2247. [20:17:23] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 188208404 has no item?!
  2248. [20:17:23] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 188208404 has no item?!
  2249. [20:17:25] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 188213918 has no item?!
  2250. [20:17:25] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 188213918 has no item?!
  2251. [20:17:26] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 188218009 has no item?!
  2252. [20:17:26] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 188218009 has no item?!
  2253. [20:17:28] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 188225238 has no item?!
  2254. [20:17:28] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 188228024 has no item?!
  2255. [20:17:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  2256. [20:17:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] (!) You have not voted in the last 24 hours!
  2257. [20:17:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] If you enjoy our server, want to support it
  2258. [20:17:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] and receive rewards, please vote now.
  2259. [20:17:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Visit for amazing rewards!
  2260. [20:17:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  2261. [20:17:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] The last time you voted was: 2017-04-13 05:48:11
  2262. [20:17:32] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +TacoArmy skirmishes: Who are u?
  2263. [20:17:34] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 188250833 has no item?!
  2264. [20:17:34] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 188250833 has no item?!
  2265. [20:17:35] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 188255317 has no item?!
  2266. [20:17:35] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 188255317 has no item?!
  2267. [20:17:38] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 188264954 has no item?!
  2268. [20:17:41] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e2§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7KINGMAN_1337§r§7: §fi got raided while i was banned so i had to move fml
  2269. [20:17:42] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  2270. [20:17:47] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +TacoArmy skirmishes: Do u?
  2271. [20:17:50] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Welcome to the world of Idris, almajoja2point0!
  2272. [20:17:58] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7Stephanie96368§r§7: §fanyone?
  2273. [20:18:00] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  2274. [20:18:01] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7Stephanie96368§r§7: §fplease
  2275. [20:18:03] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e20§f] §f[§cStealth§f] §7§7thewolf1551§r§7: §fI'm not sure why I haven't gotten raided yet
  2276. [20:18:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +TacoArmy skirmishes: Did I?
  2277. [20:18:12] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 188396297 has no item?!
  2278. [20:18:12] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 188396297 has no item?!
  2279. [20:18:13] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 188399595 has no item?!
  2280. [20:18:13] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 188399595 has no item?!
  2281. [20:18:13] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 188400008 has no item?!
  2282. [20:18:13] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 188400008 has no item?!
  2283. [20:18:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e69§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Inf§bini§3t§byst§8one§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fSame wolf same
  2284. [20:18:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7Stephanie96368§r§7: §fi just wanna see how mob farms work XD
  2285. [20:18:14] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 188404641 has no item?!
  2286. [20:18:15] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 188408549 has no item?!
  2287. [20:18:16] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 188410597 has no item?!
  2288. [20:18:16] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 188410597 has no item?!
  2289. [20:18:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e2§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7KINGMAN_1337§r§7: §fstephanie are you a thot tho?
  2290. [20:18:17] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 188415068 has no item?!
  2291. [20:18:17] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 188415068 has no item?!
  2292. [20:18:19] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 188423638 has no item?!
  2293. [20:18:21] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 188429649 has no item?!
  2294. [20:18:21] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 188429649 has no item?!
  2295. [20:18:21] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 188430993 has no item?!
  2296. [20:18:21] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 188430993 has no item?!
  2297. [20:18:21] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e2§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7KINGMAN_1337§r§7: §fcause im on thot patrol
  2298. [20:18:22] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7Stephanie96368§r§7: §f.-.
  2299. [20:18:23] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 188437175 has no item?!
  2300. [20:18:23] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 188437175 has no item?!
  2301. [20:18:24] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 188439765 has no item?!
  2302. [20:18:24] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 188439765 has no item?!
  2303. [20:18:29] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 188457733 has no item?!
  2304. [20:18:29] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 188457733 has no item?!
  2305. [20:18:35] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +TacoArmy skirmishes: Never know I did
  2306. [20:18:36] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§2Cavalry§f] §7§7DemonFlames11§r§7: §fwait
  2307. [20:18:38] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Lottery] ViktorRegnander just bought 10 tickets!
  2308. [20:18:38] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e2§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7KINGMAN_1337§r§7: §fwhatchu needa see
  2309. [20:18:44] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 188524136 has no item?!
  2310. [20:18:44] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 188524136 has no item?!
  2311. [20:18:44] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 188524136 has no item?!
  2312. [20:18:44] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 188524136 has no item?!
  2313. [20:18:44] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 188524136 has no item?!
  2314. [20:18:45] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [idris] [me -> MajestyWolf] can you fix my stuff? xD
  2315. [20:18:49] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7Stephanie96368§r§7: §fa mob farm..
  2316. [20:18:49] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [idris] [me -> MajestyWolf] wrong msg
  2317. [20:18:52] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e2§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7KINGMAN_1337§r§7: §fwhy
  2318. [20:18:55] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [idris] [me -> InfinityStone] can you fix my stuff? xD
  2319. [20:18:56] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e2§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7KINGMAN_1337§r§7: §ffor what purpose
  2320. [20:18:56] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  2321. [20:18:58] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 188574841 has no item?!
  2322. [20:18:58] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 188574841 has no item?!
  2323. [20:18:59] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +TacoArmy skirmishes: Am I? Or are u?
  2324. [20:19:01] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e2§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7KINGMAN_1337§r§7: §fpor que
  2325. [20:19:02] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7Stephanie96368§r§7: §fthe one im trying to build isnt working
  2326. [20:19:04] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Infinitystone has requested that you teleport to them.
  2327. [20:19:04] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] To teleport, type /tpaccept.
  2328. [20:19:04] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] To deny this request, type /tpdeny.
  2329. [20:19:04] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] This request will timeout after 30 seconds.
  2330. [20:19:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  2331. [20:19:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Level yourself up for access to better shops and more!
  2332. [20:19:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] For more information, use /level!
  2333. [20:19:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  2334. [20:19:07] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Teleport request accepted.
  2335. [20:19:07] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Teleporting to Infinitystone.
  2336. [20:19:07] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] You will be teleported in 3 seconds. Don't move!
  2337. [20:19:10] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  2338. [20:19:10] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e2§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7KINGMAN_1337§r§7: §fyou need grass
  2339. [20:19:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e2§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7KINGMAN_1337§r§7: §fand light
  2340. [20:19:17] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy JayPlayzGames: So whats going on in chat?
  2341. [20:19:18] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 188646932 has no item?!
  2342. [20:19:18] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 188646932 has no item?!
  2343. [20:19:18] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 188646932 has no item?!
  2344. [20:19:20] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 188652810 has no item?!
  2345. [20:19:20] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 188652810 has no item?!
  2346. [20:19:20] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 188652810 has no item?!
  2347. [20:19:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7Stephanie96368§r§7: §fthe monster mob grinder8
  2348. [20:19:29] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e10§f] §f[§3Warrior§f] §7§7Coolcat§r§7: §frealm trading to krynn msg me
  2349. [20:19:36] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 188711333 has no item?!
  2350. [20:19:36] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 188711333 has no item?!
  2351. [20:19:40] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§aMentor§f] §7§7CatchTheRainbow§r§7: §aMajestyWolf did u play 5.0?
  2352. [20:19:42] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Welcome to the world of Idris, Phantom_Dagger!
  2353. [20:19:49] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +TacoArmy skirmishes: LOL
  2354. [20:19:57] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e2§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7KINGMAN_1337§r§7: §fbut fr anyone wanna buy a creeper spawner
  2355. [20:19:57] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Warrior§f] §7§7c0rndog§r§7: §fmore cocoa beans in /ah!!
  2356. [20:19:59] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2#OG§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§2M§ar§7Dest§8eria§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fcatchtherainbow
  2357. [20:20:01] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [idris] [me -> MajestyWolf] k, thanks :D
  2358. [20:20:02] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§aMentor§f] §7§7CatchTheRainbow§r§7: §ayes
  2359. [20:20:03] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy JayPlayzGames: Da fudge is happening
  2360. [20:20:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e69§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Inf§bini§3t§byst§8one§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fMajestyWolf is my gf, she joined when I did
  2361. [20:20:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [idris] [me -> MajestyWolf] wrong msg again xD
  2362. [20:20:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2#OG§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§2M§ar§7Dest§8eria§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fcan you get on so I can talk to you in private
  2363. [20:20:10] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [idris] [me -> InfinityStone] k, thanks :D
  2364. [20:20:10] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +TacoArmy skirmishes: Nah
  2365. [20:20:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7Stephanie96368§r§7: §fthe zombies and creepers wont die of fall damage//
  2366. [20:20:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] You will be teleported in 3 seconds. Don't move!
  2367. [20:20:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2#OG§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§2M§ar§7Dest§8eria§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fwith pm
  2368. [20:20:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§aMentor§f] §7§7CatchTheRainbow§r§7: §adiscord?
  2369. [20:20:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e69§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Inf§bini§3t§byst§8one§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fSo here in 8.0
  2370. [20:20:19] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e53§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7MajestyWolf§r §f[§eSponsor§f]§7: §fwhat is that?
  2371. [20:20:20] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e2§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7KINGMAN_1337§r§7: §ftopkek this mans got his gf playing
  2372. [20:20:20] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  2373. [20:20:21] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  2374. [20:20:21] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Staff online:
  2375. [20:20:21] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] hub5: akaStumpy
  2376. [20:20:21] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] krynn: Costy
  2377. [20:20:21] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ethra: _Cbass
  2378. [20:20:21] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] hub1: AnaTheOreoQueen
  2379. [20:20:21] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] There are 4 staff online.
  2380. [20:20:21] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  2381. [20:20:21] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2#OG§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§2M§ar§7Dest§8eria§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fI have skype
  2382. [20:20:21] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:step.anvil
  2383. [20:20:22] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Desteria] tmann2000 has supported the realms of Desteria at! 60% OFF!
  2384. [20:20:25] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:step.anvil
  2385. [20:20:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e14§f] §f[§cStealth§f] §7§7FuryAssaisn§r§7: §fhai
  2386. [20:20:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fDemonFlames11...
  2387. [20:20:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy ThePurpleKnight5: no it only make the conversation better
  2388. [20:20:32] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§2Cavalry§f] §7§7DemonFlames11§r§7: §fye
  2389. [20:20:35] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§aMentor§f] §7§7CatchTheRainbow§r§7: §aI don't add people on skype if you need me we can talk on discord
  2390. [20:20:36] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fdid u actually tpa out -.-
  2391. [20:20:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e53§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7MajestyWolf§r §f[§eSponsor§f]§7: §fno i dont think so
  2392. [20:20:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2#OG§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§2M§ar§7Dest§8eria§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fCatch
  2393. [20:20:51] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2#OG§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§2M§ar§7Dest§8eria§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fcan u just log on?
  2394. [20:20:53] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fget back here boi!
  2395. [20:20:56] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 189000601 has no item?!
  2396. [20:20:58] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Warping to staffroom.
  2397. [20:20:58] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] You will be teleported in 3 seconds. Don't move!
  2398. [20:21:00] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§aMentor§f] §7§7CatchTheRainbow§r§7: §aon what
  2399. [20:21:00] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e2§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7KINGMAN_1337§r§7: §fhmu on skype "yungdaggerdick"
  2400. [20:21:04] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ~ Wilderness
  2401. [20:21:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2#OG§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§2M§ar§7Dest§8eria§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fMC
  2402. [20:21:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  2403. [20:21:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Obsidian breaks in 5 hits on our network.
  2404. [20:21:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Hit an obsidian block with a potato to find its durability!
  2405. [20:21:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  2406. [20:21:11] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 189058022 has no item?!
  2407. [20:21:11] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 189058022 has no item?!
  2408. [20:21:11] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 189058022 has no item?!
  2409. [20:21:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§aMentor§f] §7§7CatchTheRainbow§r§7: §aI am on mc?
  2410. [20:21:14] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +TacoArmy skirmishes: Peace bitch
  2411. [20:21:19] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e69§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Inf§bini§3t§byst§8one§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fRainbow it says you are not online
  2412. [20:21:23] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2#OG§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§2M§ar§7Dest§8eria§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fyour using console
  2413. [20:21:25] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2#OG§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§2M§ar§7Dest§8eria§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fnot person
  2414. [20:21:28] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e69§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Inf§bini§3t§byst§8one§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fIf I messaged you a discord link would you join it?
  2415. [20:21:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§aMentor§f] §7§7CatchTheRainbow§r§7: §ano I'm just in /v
  2416. [20:21:32] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2#OG§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§2M§ar§7Dest§8eria§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fso I can't pm
  2417. [20:21:35] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Hey! Sorry, but you can't PvP here.
  2418. [20:21:35] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2#OG§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§2M§ar§7Dest§8eria§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fohhh
  2419. [20:21:38] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§aMentor§f] §7§7CatchTheRainbow§r§7: §asee
  2420. [20:21:38] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §ecan someone make me 10 stack of chest?
  2421. [20:21:41] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2#OG§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§2M§ar§7Dest§8eria§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fhello
  2422. [20:21:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §eill pay 10k
  2423. [20:21:52] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §eor more
  2424. [20:21:54] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2#OG§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§2M§ar§7Dest§8eria§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fCatch
  2425. [20:21:57] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§aMentor§f] §7§7CatchTheRainbow§r§7: §ahey
  2426. [20:22:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e20§f] §f[§cStealth§f] §7§7thewolf1551§r§7: §fCan someone put some rabbit feet on /ah
  2427. [20:22:10] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2#OG§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§2M§ar§7Dest§8eria§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fso
  2428. [20:22:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Lottery] Congratulations go to dman45921 for winning $52500 with 10 tickets
  2429. [20:22:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Lottery] There was a total of 7 players buying 70 tickets
  2430. [20:22:15] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#99§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§2I§aLi§fve§7OnE§8arth§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §fShouko just regular or 5 stacks regular and 5 stacks trapped?
  2431. [20:22:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2#OG§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§2M§ar§7Dest§8eria§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fcan u do /v so I can msg u
  2432. [20:22:20] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Lottery] Mstash just bought 10 tickets!
  2433. [20:22:21] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §eno
  2434. [20:22:23] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §eregular
  2435. [20:22:25] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e69§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Inf§bini§3t§byst§8one§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fRainbow unvanish so I can message you a discord link >.<
  2436. [20:22:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §ei can buy trapped
  2437. [20:22:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  2438. [20:22:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] (!) You have not voted in the last 24 hours!
  2439. [20:22:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] If you enjoy our server, want to support it
  2440. [20:22:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] and receive rewards, please vote now.
  2441. [20:22:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Visit for amazing rewards!
  2442. [20:22:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  2443. [20:22:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] The last time you voted was: 2017-04-13 05:48:11
  2444. [20:22:49] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§aMentor§f] §7§7CatchTheRainbow§r§7: §asure xD
  2445. [20:22:58] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] You will be teleported in 3 seconds. Don't move!
  2446. [20:23:03] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  2447. [20:23:03] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Staff online:
  2448. [20:23:03] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] hub5: akaStumpy
  2449. [20:23:03] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] theos: Amateurly
  2450. [20:23:03] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] idris: Shouko
  2451. [20:23:03] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ethra: _Cbass
  2452. [20:23:03] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] hub1: AnaTheOreoQueen
  2453. [20:23:03] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] hub3: Bae_Lee
  2454. [20:23:03] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] There are 6 staff online.
  2455. [20:23:03] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  2456. [20:23:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ~ Mystic -
  2457. [20:23:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Owner(s): InfinityStone
  2458. [20:23:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] **YOU READY YOUR FISTS**
  2459. [20:23:06] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  2460. [20:23:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  2461. [20:23:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Our server market is stocked with lots of materials
  2462. [20:23:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] for building with. Visit it at /shop!
  2463. [20:23:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  2464. [20:23:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2#OG§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§2M§ar§7Dest§8eria§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fcatch
  2465. [20:23:10] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] **YOU LOWER YOUR FISTS**
  2466. [20:23:10] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2#OG§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§2M§ar§7Dest§8eria§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §funvanish
  2467. [20:23:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2#OG§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§2M§ar§7Dest§8eria§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fso I can pm u
  2468. [20:23:17] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§aMentor§f] §7§7CatchTheRainbow§r§7: §aMrDesteria do /r
  2469. [20:23:19] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e20§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Oricksio§r §f[§aPremium§f]§7: §fis LittleCurt on?
  2470. [20:23:20] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 189527161 has no item?!
  2471. [20:23:20] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 189527161 has no item?!
  2472. [20:23:20] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 189527161 has no item?!
  2473. [20:23:20] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 189527161 has no item?!
  2474. [20:23:22] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2#OG§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§2M§ar§7Dest§8eria§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §foh
  2475. [20:23:22] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e2§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7KINGMAN_1337§r§7: §fLmao i just got broken up with
  2476. [20:23:22] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Desteria] Desyres has supported the realms of Desteria at! 60% OFF!
  2477. [20:23:25] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Returning to previous location.
  2478. [20:23:25] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] You will be teleported in 3 seconds. Don't move!
  2479. [20:23:25] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  2480. [20:23:27] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e2§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7KINGMAN_1337§r§7: §ffuck thots
  2481. [20:23:27] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +TacoArmy skirmishes: Shouko got it here bb
  2482. [20:23:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e69§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Inf§bini§3t§byst§8one§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fRainbow it still says you are in /v
  2483. [20:23:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ~ Wilderness
  2484. [20:23:34] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] __________________.[ Unkindled ].____________________
  2485. [20:23:34] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Description: :D go away.
  2486. [20:23:34] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Joining: invitation is required
  2487. [20:23:34] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Allies: Sarcasm
  2488. [20:23:34] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Truces: Prestige, MitchyPoop, Deception, Clifford, Syndicate, Natura, DealTho, Vanguard, TacoArmy, Mystic
  2489. [20:23:34] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Enemies: Mythril, Faithful, LOTRPeeps, niggga, TheGodZ, Leviathan, SlothClan, Guardianz, Gods, SassY, Despair
  2490. [20:23:34] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Land/Power/Maxpower: 147/241/265 (bonus: 5.0)
  2491. [20:23:34] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §6Members online: *[Co-Owner]Shouko§e
  2492. [20:23:34] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §6Members offline: +-_-Mr.Black-_-TheBeatDown§e, +xTNAx02(9)§e, +<(Leader)>StrangeDarkness§e, +<3SummeryCats§e, jewgarter2§e, -=-EzBakeOvenMaker-=-minecraftmc827§e, SkitlesCatchTheRainbow§e, MajesticMuffin§e, Vesk§e, Random_Zealot§e, UnchartedOrange§e, Bae_Lee§e
  2493. [20:23:44] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e2§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7KINGMAN_1337§r§7: §fyall dont trust woman
  2494. [20:23:49] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Saved screenshot as 2017-04-14_20.23.48.png
  2495. [20:23:49] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§3Slayer§f] §7§7TBoneARandomGuy§r§7: §finvsee me, LOL. Been saving this up for so long
  2496. [20:23:52] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e2§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7KINGMAN_1337§r§7: §fthey turn on yo ass
  2497. [20:23:53] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e20§f] §f[§cStealth§f] §7§7thewolf1551§r§7: §fmy woman is a nice guy
  2498. [20:23:55] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Returning to previous location.
  2499. [20:23:55] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] You will be teleported in 3 seconds. Don't move!
  2500. [20:23:58] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e2§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7KINGMAN_1337§r§7: §flel
  2501. [20:23:58] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Pending teleportation request cancelled.
  2502. [20:24:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Unkindled Shouko: thats trapped :(
  2503. [20:24:11] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Unkindled Shouko: xD
  2504. [20:24:14] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  2505. [20:24:14] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [!] Purchase ranks, over-powered kits & rare items at
  2506. [20:24:14] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  2507. [20:24:14] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +TacoArmy skirmishes: U dont want trapped? Nerd
  2508. [20:24:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e2§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7KINGMAN_1337§r§7: §fthe only womanm i got now is mary jane
  2509. [20:24:17] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Unkindled Shouko: ye
  2510. [20:24:20] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Unkindled Shouko: i said regular
  2511. [20:24:23] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Returning to previous location.
  2512. [20:24:23] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] You will be teleported in 3 seconds. Don't move!
  2513. [20:24:23] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e20§f] §f[§cStealth§f] §7§7thewolf1551§r§7: §fhell yeah brother
  2514. [20:24:28] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +TacoArmy skirmishes: Ur a nerd lol ILY
  2515. [20:24:31] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  2516. [20:24:32] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Unkindled Shouko: anyways thanks
  2517. [20:24:35] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fah an arrow
  2518. [20:24:36] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ~ Mystic -
  2519. [20:24:36] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Owner(s): InfinityStone
  2520. [20:24:39] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  2521. [20:24:42] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Unkindled Shouko: good try
  2522. [20:24:42] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 189822993 has no item?!
  2523. [20:24:42] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 189822993 has no item?!
  2524. [20:24:44] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 189832458 has no item?!
  2525. [20:24:44] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 189832458 has no item?!
  2526. [20:24:45] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Saved screenshot as 2017-04-14_20.24.45.png
  2527. [20:24:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e2§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7KINGMAN_1337§r§7: §feverytime i read the word brother i think of hulk hogan screaming it topkek
  2528. [20:24:48] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fah an arrow PLZ
  2529. [20:24:48] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  2530. [20:24:50] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  2531. [20:24:50] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Staff online:
  2532. [20:24:50] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] hub5: akaStumpy
  2533. [20:24:50] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] theos: Amateurly, Bae_Lee
  2534. [20:24:50] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] idris: Shouko
  2535. [20:24:50] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] hub1: AnaTheOreoQueen
  2536. [20:24:50] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ethra: _Cbass
  2537. [20:24:50] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] There are 6 staff online.
  2538. [20:24:50] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  2539. [20:24:53] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 189870932 has no item?!
  2540. [20:24:55] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +TacoArmy skirmishes: LOl
  2541. [20:24:56] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  2542. [20:24:57] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §foh
  2543. [20:24:57] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Desteria] Unknown command. Type '/help' for help.
  2544. [20:24:58] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +TacoArmy skirmishes: :(
  2545. [20:24:59] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fty InfinityStone
  2546. [20:25:02] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  2547. [20:25:02] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [+]===============================================[+]
  2548. [20:25:02] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  2549. [20:25:02] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Welcome Adventurer! You've been moved to Ethra!
  2550. [20:25:02] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] (For the best experience, adjust chat width to 320px)
  2551. [20:25:02] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  2552. [20:25:02] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [+]===============================================[+]
  2553. [20:25:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] _Cbass, _TriKru_, _wolfgirl1236_
  2554. [20:25:15] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] (!) Chat and commands are disabled until you select a class!
  2555. [20:25:15] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] If you believe this is a mistake, try re-logging.
  2556. [20:25:15] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [ethra] [me -> _Cbass] test
  2557. [20:25:20] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] (!) Chat and commands are disabled until you select a class!
  2558. [20:25:20] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] If you believe this is a mistake, try re-logging.
  2559. [20:25:20] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [ethra] [me -> _Cbass] are staff allowed to tell
  2560. [20:25:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] (!) Chat and commands are disabled until you select a class!
  2561. [20:25:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] If you believe this is a mistake, try re-logging.
  2562. [20:25:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [ethra] [me -> _Cbass] everyone who's someone's alt is?
  2563. [20:26:01] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] (!) Chat and commands are disabled until you select a class!
  2564. [20:26:01] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] If you believe this is a mistake, try re-logging.
  2565. [20:26:01] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [ethra] [me -> _Cbass] like if I have an alt and don't hack on it can staff say "Angry_Squid's alt is KittyK43"
  2566. [20:26:03] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Welcome to the world of Ethra, Camobones!
  2567. [20:26:07] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] You do not have anyone to reply to!
  2568. [20:26:07] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] (!) Chat and commands are disabled until you select a class!
  2569. [20:26:07] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] If you believe this is a mistake, try re-logging.
  2570. [20:26:25] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] (!) Chat and commands are disabled until you select a class!
  2571. [20:26:25] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] If you believe this is a mistake, try re-logging.
  2572. [20:26:25] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [ethra] [me -> _Cbass] is it ok for them to say that in a public chat?
  2573. [20:26:35] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] (!) Chat and commands are disabled until you select a class!
  2574. [20:26:35] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] If you believe this is a mistake, try re-logging.
  2575. [20:26:35] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [ethra] [me -> _Cbass] and are you afk?
  2576. [20:26:37] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Welcome to the world of Ethra, Krrrusher!
  2577. [20:26:59] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [ethra] [_Cbass -> me] No
  2578. [20:27:17] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] (!) Chat and commands are disabled until you select a class!
  2579. [20:27:17] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] If you believe this is a mistake, try re-logging.
  2580. [20:27:17] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [ethra] [me -> _Cbass] is that a No to they're not allowed to do that?
  2581. [20:27:38] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  2582. [20:27:38] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] (!) You have not voted in the last 24 hours!
  2583. [20:27:38] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] If you enjoy our server, want to support it
  2584. [20:27:38] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] and receive rewards, please vote now.
  2585. [20:27:38] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Visit for amazing rewards!
  2586. [20:27:38] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  2587. [20:27:38] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] The last time you voted was: 2017-04-13 05:48:11
  2588. [20:27:43] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Welcome to the world of Ethra, leomine05!
  2589. [20:27:43] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [ethra] [_Cbass -> me] I'm handling a problem with a player current;y
  2590. [20:27:52] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [ethra] [_Cbass -> me] currently*
  2591. [20:28:01] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] (!) Chat and commands are disabled until you select a class!
  2592. [20:28:01] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] If you believe this is a mistake, try re-logging.
  2593. [20:28:01] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [ethra] [me -> _Cbass] ok, I'll give you a min, msg when you're done with him please :D
  2594. [20:28:24] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [!] RocketMan234 was beheaded by SharpenedSword [!]
  2595. [20:28:28] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [!] TheReal_Romeo was beheaded by NoAgro [!]
  2596. [20:28:39] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] _Cbass, _TriKru_, _wolfgirl1236_
  2597. [20:28:40] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [ethra] [_Cbass -> me] Alright, what's up
  2598. [20:28:57] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [!] TheReal_Romeo was beheaded by akatypical [!]
  2599. [20:29:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] (!) Chat and commands are disabled until you select a class!
  2600. [20:29:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] If you believe this is a mistake, try re-logging.
  2601. [20:29:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [ethra] [me -> _Cbass] are staff allowed to say in public chat who someone's alt is?
  2602. [20:29:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] (!) Chat and commands are disabled until you select a class!
  2603. [20:29:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] If you believe this is a mistake, try re-logging.
  2604. [20:29:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [ethra] [me -> _Cbass] like if I have an alt and don't hack on it can staff say "Angry_Squid's alt is KittyK43"
  2605. [20:29:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [ethra] [_Cbass -> me] No, they are not
  2606. [20:29:32] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [ethra] [_Cbass -> me] Which staff member said this?
  2607. [20:29:35] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] (!) Chat and commands are disabled until you select a class!
  2608. [20:29:35] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] If you believe this is a mistake, try re-logging.
  2609. [20:29:35] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [ethra] [me -> _Cbass] ok, I'll report on forums in a min, Shouku did that less than an hour ago with me
  2610. [20:29:37] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Blend NotMyBanAppeal disbanded the faction Blend.
  2611. [20:29:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] (!) Chat and commands are disabled until you select a class!
  2612. [20:29:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] If you believe this is a mistake, try re-logging.
  2613. [20:29:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [ethra] [me -> _Cbass] except my alt is Charlie8557
  2614. [20:29:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [ethra] [_Cbass -> me] Do you happen to have a screenshot?
  2615. [20:29:47] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [!] CJWilcox was beheaded by WarCantPvp [!]
  2616. [20:29:54] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [!] kidshadows was beheaded by WarCantPvp [!]
  2617. [20:30:01] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] (!) Chat and commands are disabled until you select a class!
  2618. [20:30:01] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] If you believe this is a mistake, try re-logging.
  2619. [20:30:01] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [ethra] [me -> _Cbass] yup, well a recording
  2620. [20:30:01] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [ethra] [_Cbass -> me] you can go ahead and make a staff report then
  2621. [20:30:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] (!) Chat and commands are disabled until you select a class!
  2622. [20:30:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] If you believe this is a mistake, try re-logging.
  2623. [20:30:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [ethra] [me -> _Cbass] ok, thanks :D
  2624. [20:30:49] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Desteria] L0stDemon has supported the realms of Desteria at! 60% OFF!
  2625. [20:31:44] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  2626. [20:31:44] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [!] Purchase ranks, over-powered kits & rare items at
  2627. [20:31:44] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  2628. [20:32:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [CombatTag] RocketMan234 was killed due to combat logging!
  2629. [20:32:39] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  2630. [20:32:39] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] (!) You have not voted in the last 24 hours!
  2631. [20:32:39] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] If you enjoy our server, want to support it
  2632. [20:32:39] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] and receive rewards, please vote now.
  2633. [20:32:39] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Visit for amazing rewards!
  2634. [20:32:39] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  2635. [20:32:39] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] The last time you voted was: 2017-04-13 05:48:11
  2636. [20:34:54] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [!] CJWilcox was beheaded by TheReal_Romeo [!]
  2637. [20:35:21] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Welcome to the world of Ethra, Fabtabulosguy45!
  2638. [20:35:53] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [!] TheReal_Romeo was beheaded by SharpenedSword [!]
  2639. [20:36:54] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] #### [DLAG] Mobs/Items are being cleared in 15 seconds! ####
  2640. [20:37:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ######### [DLAG] Mobs/Items have been cleared. #########
  2641. [20:37:39] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  2642. [20:37:39] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] (!) You have not voted in the last 24 hours!
  2643. [20:37:39] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] If you enjoy our server, want to support it
  2644. [20:37:39] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] and receive rewards, please vote now.
  2645. [20:37:39] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Visit for amazing rewards!
  2646. [20:37:39] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  2647. [20:37:39] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] The last time you voted was: 2017-04-13 05:48:11
  2648. [20:39:15] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  2649. [20:39:15] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [!] Purchase ranks, over-powered kits & rare items at
  2650. [20:39:15] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  2651. [20:40:55] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Welcome to the world of Ethra, witherlord19!
  2652. [20:41:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [!] TheReal_Romeo was beheaded by XxCraftlionxX [!]
  2653. [20:42:39] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  2654. [20:42:39] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] (!) You have not voted in the last 24 hours!
  2655. [20:42:39] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] If you enjoy our server, want to support it
  2656. [20:42:39] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] and receive rewards, please vote now.
  2657. [20:42:39] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Visit for amazing rewards!
  2658. [20:42:39] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  2659. [20:42:39] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] The last time you voted was: 2017-04-13 05:48:11
  2660. [20:44:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] (!) Chat and commands are disabled until you select a class!
  2661. [20:44:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] If you believe this is a mistake, try re-logging.
  2662. [20:44:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  2663. [20:44:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Staff online:
  2664. [20:44:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] adair: AnaTheOreoQueen
  2665. [20:44:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] theos: Amateurly, Bae_Lee
  2666. [20:44:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] idris: Shouko, Unenvyous
  2667. [20:44:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] There are 5 staff online.
  2668. [20:44:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  2669. [20:44:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] (!) Chat and commands are disabled until you select a class!
  2670. [20:44:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] If you believe this is a mistake, try re-logging.
  2671. [20:44:34] [Client thread/INFO]: Applying holder lookups
  2672. [20:44:34] [Client thread/INFO]: Holder lookups applied
  2673. [20:54:20] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to start LAN server detection: Can't assign requested address
  2674. [20:54:22] [Client thread/INFO]: Connecting to, 25565
  2675. [20:54:23] [Netty Client IO #3/INFO]: Unexpected packet during modded negotiation - assuming vanilla or keepalives :
  2676. [20:54:23] [Netty Client IO #3/INFO]: Aborting client handshake "VANILLA"
  2677. [20:54:23] [Netty Client IO #3/INFO]: [Netty Client IO #3] Client side vanilla connection established
  2678. [20:54:24] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  2679. [20:54:24] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Welcome to Desteria. Help us reach the top and use /vote
  2680. [20:54:24] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ingame! We thank you for all the support!
  2681. [20:54:24] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  2682. [20:54:24] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Shop:
  2683. [20:54:24] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Forums:
  2684. [20:54:24] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  2685. [20:57:49] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  2686. [20:57:50] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [+]===============================================[+]
  2687. [20:57:50] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  2688. [20:57:50] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Welcome Adventurer! You've been moved to Idris!
  2689. [20:57:50] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] (For the best experience, adjust chat width to 320px)
  2690. [20:57:50] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  2691. [20:57:50] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [+]===============================================[+]
  2692. [20:57:50] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  2693. [20:57:52] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *TacoArmy BleachedTaco: ?
  2694. [20:57:57] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy Gabriel74437: 0.0
  2695. [20:57:57] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Truce only chat mode.
  2696. [20:57:58] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  2697. [20:57:59] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +Mystic Angry_Squid: I'm back :D
  2698. [20:58:00] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Desteria] Vozes has supported the realms of Desteria at! 60% OFF!
  2699. [20:58:02] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 197983368 has no item?!
  2700. [20:58:04] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *TacoArmy BleachedTaco: then id be pissed
  2701. [20:58:11] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy Gabriel74437: same
  2702. [20:58:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *TacoArmy BleachedTaco: bec im doing an openning at around 30-40 leg crates
  2703. [20:58:15] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *TacoArmy BleachedTaco: so ya
  2704. [20:58:20] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  2705. [20:58:23] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [!] Lofty_Affect was beheaded by Mstash [!]
  2706. [20:58:23] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +Mystic Angry_Squid: oh, come pvp me with them on you :D
  2707. [20:58:29] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *TacoArmy BleachedTaco: nahhhh
  2708. [20:58:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Unkindled Shouko: used to have 2 stack of them
  2709. [20:58:33] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 198102779 has no item?!
  2710. [20:58:35] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Unkindled Shouko: when mayhem is alive
  2711. [20:58:39] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *TacoArmy BleachedTaco: XD
  2712. [20:58:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +Mystic Angry_Squid: you can invite Shouko so he can see my "hacks" as I kill you xD
  2713. [20:58:51] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +Mystic Angry_Squid: jk, that's too much work
  2714. [20:58:53] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *TacoArmy BleachedTaco: XD
  2715. [20:58:55] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +Mystic Angry_Squid: too lazy to pvp
  2716. [20:59:07] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +Mystic Angry_Squid: I'll be a bit afk, cya
  2717. [20:59:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  2718. [20:59:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] We're always on the search for new Staff Members!
  2719. [20:59:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Check our application section:
  2720. [20:59:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  2721. [20:59:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] **Rolled**
  2722. [20:59:11] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy DemonFlames11: no one block me
  2723. [20:59:13] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  2724. [20:59:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *TacoArmy BleachedTaco: ME EITHER
  2725. [20:59:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [End Arena] NEX will be spawning in 00:01:13!
  2726. [20:59:21] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:none
  2727. [20:59:23] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy Gabriel74437: ME EITHER
  2728. [20:59:26] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 198294608 has no item?!
  2729. [20:59:27] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fZefranax chill for a sec i need my ec
  2730. [20:59:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *TacoArmy BleachedTaco: nobody cares bout u
  2731. [20:59:32] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *TacoArmy BleachedTaco: no jk XD
  2732. [20:59:36] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fno nex for u
  2733. [20:59:41] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e43§f] §f[§cAssassin§f] §7§7Sp0rkify§r§7: §flelelel
  2734. [20:59:45] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fenderchest -_-
  2735. [20:59:47] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy DemonFlames11: move
  2736. [20:59:49] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy DemonFlames11: MrDesteria
  2737. [20:59:56] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#HYPE§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7§5M§ds§2t§aa§bs§9h§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §ftaco, truce
  2738. [21:00:00] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +Dystopia Sp0rkify: anyone at end?
  2739. [21:00:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#HYPE§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7§5M§ds§2t§aa§bs§9h§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §fhobbit, truce
  2740. [21:00:17] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fUMM
  2741. [21:00:19] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#HYPE§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7§5M§ds§2t§aa§bs§9h§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §ftruce pls
  2742. [21:00:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#HYPE§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7§5M§ds§2t§aa§bs§9h§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §ftruce pls man
  2743. [21:00:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [End Arena] NEX has spawned with 1250 health, good luck!
  2744. [21:00:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Unkindled Shouko: do u guys think i will be able to get to moderator+
  2745. [21:00:39] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: § nex for me
  2746. [21:00:41] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7Phantom_Dagger§r§7: §fnex?
  2747. [21:00:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Unkindled Shouko: its a boss
  2748. [21:00:49] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §eits a boss
  2749. [21:01:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7Phantom_Dagger§r§7: §fwaht u get if u kill it
  2750. [21:01:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  2751. [21:01:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] See someone doing something they shouldn't?
  2752. [21:01:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Please submit a report at:
  2753. [21:01:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  2754. [21:01:14] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §eu will c in a moment
  2755. [21:01:14] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#HYPE§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7§5M§ds§2t§aa§bs§9h§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §ftacoarmy , pls truce
  2756. [21:01:15] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e43§f] §f[§cAssassin§f] §7§7Sp0rkify§r§7: §fif u get 1st place a legend crate
  2757. [21:01:19] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §esomething that cost 15$ irl
  2758. [21:01:25] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#HYPE§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7§5M§ds§2t§aa§bs§9h§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §fyay
  2759. [21:01:25] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  2760. [21:01:25] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] NEX Boss
  2761. [21:01:25] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  2762. [21:01:25] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] The NEX has been slain! Top damage dealt:
  2763. [21:01:25] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  2764. [21:01:25] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] 1. BleachedTaco - 26.75% - Legend Crate
  2765. [21:01:25] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] 2. DemonFlames11 - 26.48%
  2766. [21:01:25] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] 3. MrDesteria - 13.67%
  2767. [21:01:25] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  2768. [21:01:25] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [End Arena] NEX has been slaughtered!
  2769. [21:01:27] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Desteria] ChaozHD has supported the realms of Desteria at! 60% OFF!
  2770. [21:01:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7Phantom_Dagger§r§7: §fgg
  2771. [21:01:32] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#HYPE§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7§5M§ds§2t§aa§bs§9h§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §ftacoarmy , pls truce
  2772. [21:01:35] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §ffucking great
  2773. [21:01:36] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [End Arena] BleachedTaco has opened a NEX crate!
  2774. [21:01:37] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [End Arena] Sp0rkify has opened a NEX crate!
  2775. [21:01:39] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [End Arena] MrDesteria has opened a NEX crate!
  2776. [21:01:43] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [End Arena] 50cal_Sniper_Pal has opened a NEX crate!
  2777. [21:01:44] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e10§f] §f[§dSorcerer§f] §7§7xLegitBoss1§r §f[§eSponsor§f]§7: §fw
  2778. [21:01:45] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  2779. [21:01:45] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [!] Purchase ranks, over-powered kits & rare items at
  2780. [21:01:45] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  2781. [21:01:48] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] #### [DLAG] Mobs/Items are being cleared in 15 seconds! ####
  2782. [21:02:00] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fclose DemonFlames11
  2783. [21:02:03] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ######### [DLAG] Mobs/Items have been cleared. #########
  2784. [21:02:03] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fi swear to god
  2785. [21:02:07] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e43§f] §f[§cAssassin§f] §7§7Sp0rkify§r§7: §ffuck u demon and JayPlayzGames
  2786. [21:02:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *TacoArmy BleachedTaco: i just spammed both my buttons
  2787. [21:02:11] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Unkindled Shouko: i have no finger to do nex
  2788. [21:02:11] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cavalry§f] §7§7Shark269l§r§7: §fso do you have to do a certain amount of damage to get a nex crate?
  2789. [21:02:15] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *TacoArmy BleachedTaco: XD
  2790. [21:02:24] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *TacoArmy BleachedTaco: ?
  2791. [21:02:29] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Unkindled Shouko: I can ezly get nex tbh
  2792. [21:02:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  2793. [21:02:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] (!) You have not voted in the last 24 hours!
  2794. [21:02:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] If you enjoy our server, want to support it
  2795. [21:02:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] and receive rewards, please vote now.
  2796. [21:02:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Visit for amazing rewards!
  2797. [21:02:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  2798. [21:02:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] The last time you voted was: 2017-04-13 05:48:11
  2799. [21:02:34] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *TacoArmy BleachedTaco: doubt wut?
  2800. [21:02:35] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7sourfish50§r §f[§6Champion§f]§7: §fFirst one to say ( YOLO998 ) gets a free overlord kit
  2801. [21:02:36] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy DemonFlames11: almost got it
  2802. [21:02:39] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *TacoArmy BleachedTaco: ikr DemonFlames11 XD
  2803. [21:02:40] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy DemonFlames11: but people were blocking me
  2804. [21:02:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cavalry§f] §7§7Shark269l§r§7: §fYolo998
  2805. [21:02:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#HYPE§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7§5M§ds§2t§aa§bs§9h§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §fYolo998
  2806. [21:02:47] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e43§f] §f[§cAssassin§f] §7§7Sp0rkify§r§7: §fYolo998
  2807. [21:02:47] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *TacoArmy BleachedTaco: i dont use hacks
  2808. [21:02:47] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §eo its sourfish50 /names me
  2809. [21:02:48] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e4§f] §f[§2Ranger§f] §7§7Baeliplith§r§7: §fYOL998
  2810. [21:02:49] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Lottery] xLegitBoss1 just bought 1 ticket!
  2811. [21:02:51] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy DemonFlames11: taco
  2812. [21:02:54] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fy u so trooly
  2813. [21:02:55] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *TacoArmy BleachedTaco: i mean, ive only ued hax on badlion before
  2814. [21:02:56] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e43§f] §f[§cAssassin§f] §7§7Sp0rkify§r§7: §f( YOLO998 )
  2815. [21:02:59] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fcus xD
  2816. [21:03:00] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy DemonFlames11: i wouldve got it but i got blocked
  2817. [21:03:01] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *TacoArmy BleachedTaco: i used it twice XD
  2818. [21:03:03] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy DemonFlames11: i wouldve got it but i got blocked
  2819. [21:03:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *TacoArmy BleachedTaco: same DemonFlames11
  2820. [21:03:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7sourfish50§r §f[§6Champion§f]§7: §fShark269l wins
  2821. [21:03:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  2822. [21:03:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Hey, if you'd like to maintain a clean chat we always
  2823. [21:03:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] recommend adjusting your chat width to 320px!
  2824. [21:03:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  2825. [21:03:11] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#HYPE§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7§5M§ds§2t§aa§bs§9h§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §fdang
  2826. [21:03:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cavalry§f] §7§7Shark269l§r§7: §fyay
  2827. [21:03:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fMstash
  2828. [21:03:21] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fwhy r we neutralled
  2829. [21:03:22] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#HYPE§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7§5M§ds§2t§aa§bs§9h§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §fyas?
  2830. [21:03:29] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#HYPE§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7§5M§ds§2t§aa§bs§9h§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §fidk, the bow fight
  2831. [21:03:32] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fXD
  2832. [21:03:41] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#HYPE§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7§5M§ds§2t§aa§bs§9h§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §fi loved that fight
  2833. [21:03:50] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fwell time to go get some food imma be here a while
  2834. [21:03:56] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fanyone got a nex helm?
  2835. [21:03:58] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fill buy
  2836. [21:03:59] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#HYPE§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7§5M§ds§2t§aa§bs§9h§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §fme
  2837. [21:03:59] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Welcome to the world of Idris, Gaming_Panda_Man!
  2838. [21:04:02] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e10§f] §f[§dSorcerer§f] §7§7xLegitBoss1§r §f[§eSponsor§f]§7: §fanyone selling sheep spawners?
  2839. [21:04:04] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#HYPE§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7§5M§ds§2t§aa§bs§9h§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §fwhole set
  2840. [21:04:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fgimme O_O
  2841. [21:04:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fhelm only
  2842. [21:04:10] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fPingMeansLoss
  2843. [21:04:11] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cavalry§f] §7§7Shark269l§r§7: §fthanks
  2844. [21:04:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fplz stop
  2845. [21:04:15] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§3Slayer§f] §7§7PingMeansLoss§r §f[§eSponsor§f]§7: §fbruhhhh
  2846. [21:04:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#HYPE§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7§5M§ds§2t§aa§bs§9h§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §ffor 100k
  2847. [21:04:19] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§3Slayer§f] §7§7PingMeansLoss§r §f[§eSponsor§f]§7: §fI wanna do something
  2848. [21:04:22] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7sourfish50§r §f[§6Champion§f]§7: §fIm giving away ( $ 250,000 ) dollars
  2849. [21:04:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fu go that side
  2850. [21:04:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#HYPE§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7§5M§ds§2t§aa§bs§9h§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §fme
  2851. [21:04:27] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e10§f] §f[§dSorcerer§f] §7§7xLegitBoss1§r §f[§eSponsor§f]§7: §fme?
  2852. [21:04:27] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Desteria] TechnoChunk has supported the realms of Desteria at! 60% OFF!
  2853. [21:04:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#HYPE§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7§5M§ds§2t§aa§bs§9h§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §fhow/
  2854. [21:04:34] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§3Slayer§f] §7§7PingMeansLoss§r §f[§eSponsor§f]§7: §fLol can I get my bow
  2855. [21:04:41] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Smile646§r §f[§7Donator§f]§7: §fno
  2856. [21:04:42] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§3Slayer§f] §7§7XxDuck_SongxX§r §f[§7Donator§f]§7: §fLEFT
  2857. [21:04:44] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7sourfish50§r §f[§6Champion§f]§7: §fIm gonna say something and the first one to say it gets 250k
  2858. [21:04:49] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §eEats oreo
  2859. [21:04:54] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7AnaTheOreoQueen§r§7: §eo.o
  2860. [21:04:58] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#HYPE§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7§5M§ds§2t§aa§bs§9h§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §fok
  2861. [21:04:58] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e3§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7Gabriel74437§r §f[§aPremium§f]§7: §fselling nex chest plate msg me with price
  2862. [21:05:01] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§3Slayer§f] §7§7XxDuck_SongxX§r §f[§7Donator§f]§7: §fLEFT i said
  2863. [21:05:04] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §edip it in milk
  2864. [21:05:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  2865. [21:05:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] We have a TeamSpeak! You can use this address on
  2866. [21:05:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TeamSpeak to communicate with players: /teamspeak
  2867. [21:05:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  2868. [21:05:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e32§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Lambo_Aventador§r §f[§aPremium§f]§7: §fhelper I didn't get my 46th vite
  2869. [21:05:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7sourfish50§r §f[§6Champion§f]§7: §fWhantan1234567
  2870. [21:05:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e32§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Lambo_Aventador§r §f[§aPremium§f]§7: §fvote
  2871. [21:05:14] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fMstash pls 1v1!
  2872. [21:05:15] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7AnaTheOreoQueen§r§7: §eYou're scaring me!
  2873. [21:05:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7Phantom_Dagger§r§7: §fcan i have some arrows
  2874. [21:05:17] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#HYPE§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7§5M§ds§2t§aa§bs§9h§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §fWhatan1234567
  2875. [21:05:21] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §eLambo_Aventador it might be abit late
  2876. [21:05:28] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#HYPE§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7§5M§ds§2t§aa§bs§9h§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §fWhanmtan1234567
  2877. [21:05:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#HYPE§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7§5M§ds§2t§aa§bs§9h§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §fWhantan1234567
  2878. [21:05:34] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7sourfish50§r §f[§6Champion§f]§7: §fMstash was the only player and won
  2879. [21:05:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +Dystopia Sp0rkify: hells.
  2880. [21:05:49] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#HYPE§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7§5M§ds§2t§aa§bs§9h§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §fyas!!! money!!
  2881. [21:05:51] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fil stop
  2882. [21:05:51] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7sourfish50§r §f[§6Champion§f]§7: §f:)
  2883. [21:05:54] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fif u do
  2884. [21:05:58] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fK
  2885. [21:06:00] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#HYPE§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7§5M§ds§2t§aa§bs§9h§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §fi was poor
  2886. [21:06:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fbut that was sooooo fun
  2887. [21:06:07] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +Dystopia Sp0rkify: can u not demon
  2888. [21:06:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fi sniped so much
  2889. [21:06:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §
  2890. [21:06:27] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy DemonFlames11: matter Sp0rkify
  2891. [21:06:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TacoArmy DemonFlames11: s
  2892. [21:06:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TheShire was disbanded by thehobbit0727.
  2893. [21:06:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §foh sry xD
  2894. [21:06:34] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7Phantom_Dagger§r§7: §fenderpearls not work in pvp?
  2895. [21:06:51] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fim buying nex helms!
  2896. [21:06:52] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e41§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7§8GamerF§6oxKing§r §f[§6Legend§f]§7: §fWe the Penis crew
  2897. [21:06:59] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e41§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7§8GamerF§6oxKing§r §f[§6Legend§f]§7: §fwrong chat XD
  2898. [21:07:00] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§cBandit§f] §7§7EnTice_RepLayZ§r§7: §fhi
  2899. [21:07:02] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fLOL
  2900. [21:07:03] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *TacoArmy BleachedTaco: ?
  2901. [21:07:04] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §elol
  2902. [21:07:04] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#HYPE§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7§5M§ds§2t§aa§bs§9h§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §fomg lol
  2903. [21:07:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  2904. [21:07:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Our network supports Minecraft versions from 1.7-1.11!.
  2905. [21:07:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] however, we strongly suggest using Minecraft 1.8!
  2906. [21:07:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  2907. [21:07:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *TacoArmy BleachedTaco: ILL BUY
  2908. [21:07:11] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *TacoArmy BleachedTaco: 20k!
  2909. [21:07:14] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §edoes that deserve a mute?
  2910. [21:07:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §eor nah
  2911. [21:07:17] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fi got all night
  2912. [21:07:19] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#HYPE§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7§5M§ds§2t§aa§bs§9h§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §fna
  2913. [21:07:19] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *TacoArmy BleachedTaco: wut
  2914. [21:07:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fit doesnt Shouko XD
  2915. [21:07:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §eout of nowhere xD
  2916. [21:07:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  2917. [21:07:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] (!) You have not voted in the last 24 hours!
  2918. [21:07:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] If you enjoy our server, want to support it
  2919. [21:07:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] and receive rewards, please vote now.
  2920. [21:07:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Visit for amazing rewards!
  2921. [21:07:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  2922. [21:07:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] The last time you voted was: 2017-04-13 05:48:11
  2923. [21:07:37] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e41§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7§8GamerF§6oxKing§r §f[§6Legend§f]§7: §fnah im good no mute for me plz
  2924. [21:07:41] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7Phantom_Dagger§r§7: §fwhoever killed me ate my arrows
  2925. [21:07:45] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#HYPE§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7§5M§ds§2t§aa§bs§9h§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §fim still ;aughing
  2926. [21:07:47] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e32§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Lambo_Aventador§r §f[§aPremium§f]§7: §fwow that's dumb
  2927. [21:07:49] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §esame
  2928. [21:07:52] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2#OG§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§2M§ar§7Dest§8eria§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fShouko
  2929. [21:07:55] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §eye
  2930. [21:07:57] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2#OG§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§2M§ar§7Dest§8eria§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fit should be a warning
  2931. [21:08:01] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cavalry§f] §7§7Shark269l§r§7: §fdoes anyone need me to do anything for money?
  2932. [21:08:01] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §eit is
  2933. [21:08:01] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e32§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Lambo_Aventador§r §f[§aPremium§f]§7: §fwell there goes my first place in the votes
  2934. [21:08:02] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2#OG§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§2M§ar§7Dest§8eria§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fbecuase it was on accident
  2935. [21:08:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2#OG§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§2M§ar§7Dest§8eria§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fgood
  2936. [21:08:28] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §e#shoukobeststaff?
  2937. [21:08:32] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e3§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7Gabriel74437§r §f[§aPremium§f]§7: §fnex chest plate in action
  2938. [21:08:32] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2#OG§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§2M§ar§7Dest§8eria§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fno
  2939. [21:08:35] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §exD
  2940. [21:08:37] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fYIS
  2941. [21:08:38] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2#OG§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§2M§ar§7Dest§8eria§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fCatchTheRainbow is
  2942. [21:08:39] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#HYPE§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7§5M§ds§2t§aa§bs§9h§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §f#mstashforstaff
  2943. [21:08:42] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fi ruv u!
  2944. [21:08:44] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7Phantom_Dagger§r§7: §f;(
  2945. [21:08:47] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2#OG§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§2M§ar§7Dest§8eria§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fCatchTheRainbow is the very best
  2946. [21:08:54] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#HYPE§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7§5M§ds§2t§aa§bs§9h§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §fno, zectri
  2947. [21:08:54] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §ecatch is my idol
  2948. [21:08:54] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §f#TacoDid9/11
  2949. [21:08:59] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §ehe's not a staff
  2950. [21:09:00] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2#OG§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§2M§ar§7Dest§8eria§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fxD
  2951. [21:09:03] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#HYPE§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7§5M§ds§2t§aa§bs§9h§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §flol
  2952. [21:09:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §f:>
  2953. [21:09:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  2954. [21:09:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] If you're interested in purchasing ranks or perks,
  2955. [21:09:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] be sure to check out our store at:!
  2956. [21:09:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  2957. [21:09:15] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  2958. [21:09:15] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [!] Purchase ranks, over-powered kits & rare items at
  2959. [21:09:15] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  2960. [21:09:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7Phantom_Dagger§r§7: §fhey
  2961. [21:09:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fShouko
  2962. [21:09:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Welcome to the world of Idris, Sherlerk!
  2963. [21:09:20] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#HYPE§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7§5M§ds§2t§aa§bs§9h§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §f#simpsonfan
  2964. [21:09:21] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7Phantom_Dagger§r§7: §fi just want my pants
  2965. [21:09:23] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §emhm
  2966. [21:09:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#HYPE§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7§5M§ds§2t§aa§bs§9h§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §f#theonly1
  2967. [21:09:27] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fif i say ala alakbar in public chat
  2968. [21:09:28] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#HYPE§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7§5M§ds§2t§aa§bs§9h§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §f#sad
  2969. [21:09:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fwill i get muted>?
  2970. [21:09:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §flike wut i just did rn?
  2971. [21:09:34] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §eyes
  2972. [21:09:35] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fi swear to god rein
  2973. [21:09:36] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7Iyx7§r§7: §fanyone wanna join my fac?
  2974. [21:09:37] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fO_O
  2975. [21:09:37] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §esensitive subject
  2976. [21:09:38] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2#OG§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§2M§ar§7Dest§8eria§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fIm sooo bored
  2977. [21:09:41] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fo
  2978. [21:09:47] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7Iyx7§r§7: §fall members get a free unraidable vault
  2979. [21:09:50] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2#OG§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§2M§ar§7Dest§8eria§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fTacoNugget
  2980. [21:09:53] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2#OG§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§2M§ar§7Dest§8eria§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fBleachedTaco**
  2981. [21:09:53] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §f?
  2982. [21:10:00] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2#OG§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§2M§ar§7Dest§8eria§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fcan we ally? if not, when?
  2983. [21:10:02] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fcall me taco ffs
  2984. [21:10:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §eBleachedTaco do u know what it means?
  2985. [21:10:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7Phantom_Dagger§r§7: §fhe took my pants....
  2986. [21:10:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fno XD
  2987. [21:10:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#HYPE§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7§5M§ds§2t§aa§bs§9h§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §ffirst one to say Shouko's name before it changed, gets 10k
  2988. [21:10:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §exD
  2989. [21:10:17] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §emsgm e if u wanna know
  2990. [21:10:19] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fimma go kms
  2991. [21:10:22] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fMrDesteria why do u want to ally so badly?
  2992. [21:10:23] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cavalry§f] §7§7Shark269l§r§7: §fshouko
  2993. [21:10:25] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:step.anvil
  2994. [21:10:25] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §eye
  2995. [21:10:28] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fu have a home at one of our bases?
  2996. [21:10:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7Phantom_Dagger§r§7: §fi hust want my pants
  2997. [21:10:32] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:step.anvil
  2998. [21:10:41] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fhe's in my fac guys
  2999. [21:10:42] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2#OG§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§2M§ar§7Dest§8eria§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fBleachedTaco's previous name(one of them) was Egyptiankiller10
  3000. [21:10:44] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [!] xLegitBoss1 was beheaded by PingMeansLoss [!]
  3001. [21:10:44] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cavalry§f] §7§7Shark269l§r§7: §fdo you have to do a certain amount of damage to get a nex crate?
  3002. [21:10:49] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §ffucking finally
  3003. [21:10:52] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §eu need to do the most dmg
  3004. [21:10:52] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Charlie8557§r§7: §fTpa for Taco Army's base!
  3005. [21:10:54] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fBleachedTaco go ky!
  3006. [21:10:56] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fkys*!
  3007. [21:11:00] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#HYPE§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7§5M§ds§2t§aa§bs§9h§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §ffirst one to write what u think my name means, wins 20k
  3008. [21:11:02] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §ebro
  3009. [21:11:02] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fdo i gtet muted for that?
  3010. [21:11:04] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fXD
  3011. [21:11:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §eno
  3012. [21:11:07] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fgood
  3013. [21:11:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  3014. [21:11:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Become part of the community, take part in our forums!
  3015. [21:11:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Contribute to discussions and more at:
  3016. [21:11:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  3017. [21:11:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §ejust noticed
  3018. [21:11:10] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2#OG§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§2M§ar§7Dest§8eria§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fBleachedTaco
  3019. [21:11:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fBleachedTaco go fucking do a back flip off a skyscraper
  3020. [21:11:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fum Shouko y is Charlie8557 not banned?
  3021. [21:11:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2#OG§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§2M§ar§7Dest§8eria§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fthere is a way i could get u mooted :P
  3022. [21:11:21] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 201036098 has no item?!
  3023. [21:11:23] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Charlie8557§r§7: §fsuicide joke maybe but that would be wayyy too harsh
  3024. [21:11:23] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fo cool
  3025. [21:11:23] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2#OG§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§2M§ar§7Dest§8eria§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fxD
  3026. [21:11:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Charlie8557§r§7: §fShouko loves me <3
  3027. [21:11:35] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#99§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§2I§aLi§fve§7OnE§8arth§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §fI've already made a Final Moments with Skirmy video
  3028. [21:11:36] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Charlie8557§r§7: §fily2Shouko
  3029. [21:11:38] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Charlie8557§r§7: §fxD
  3030. [21:11:39] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 201105956 has no item?!
  3031. [21:11:39] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 201105956 has no item?!
  3032. [21:11:45] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fhey
  3033. [21:11:45] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fwtf
  3034. [21:11:47] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fearth
  3035. [21:11:47] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fi want some kills
  3036. [21:11:51] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Charlie8557§r§7: §fjk, lack of evindence
  3037. [21:11:56] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cavalry§f] §7§7Shark269l§r§7: §fgonna raid it charlie?
  3038. [21:11:57] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fwai u gotta get skirmy banned ;-;
  3039. [21:12:03] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2#OG§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§2M§ar§7Dest§8eria§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fbcause
  3040. [21:12:04] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fah i see
  3041. [21:12:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Charlie8557§r§7: §fI'm at Taco Army, tpa if you want!
  3042. [21:12:07] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2#OG§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§2M§ar§7Dest§8eria§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fhe is a irl threat BleachedTaco
  3043. [21:12:11] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §ffine
  3044. [21:12:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2#OG§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§2M§ar§7Dest§8eria§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §ffor ddossing
  3045. [21:12:19] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2#OG§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§2M§ar§7Dest§8eria§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fhe also burnt someone's router
  3046. [21:12:24] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fo dam
  3047. [21:12:25] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Charlie8557§r§7: §fby taco army I mean Taco Army's Mod base. I'm not really raiding it yet
  3048. [21:12:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2#OG§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§2M§ar§7Dest§8eria§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fits on video
  3049. [21:12:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  3050. [21:12:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] (!) You have not voted in the last 24 hours!
  3051. [21:12:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] If you enjoy our server, want to support it
  3052. [21:12:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] and receive rewards, please vote now.
  3053. [21:12:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Visit for amazing rewards!
  3054. [21:12:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  3055. [21:12:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] The last time you voted was: 2017-04-13 05:48:11
  3056. [21:12:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#HYPE§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7§5M§ds§2t§aa§bs§9h§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §fJeffpardy Time! Who can tell me what the name of Zefranax was before he joined dsety!
  3057. [21:12:35] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §faint dat illegal?
  3058. [21:12:38] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fZefranax plz..
  3059. [21:12:44] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fLittleCurt stop
  3060. [21:12:45] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2#OG§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§2M§ar§7Dest§8eria§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fBleachedTaco
  3061. [21:12:50] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2#OG§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§2M§ar§7Dest§8eria§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fit can get u into jail
  3062. [21:12:52] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cavalry§f] §7§7Shark269l§r§7: §fwhen you gonna raid charlie
  3063. [21:12:53] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2#OG§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§2M§ar§7Dest§8eria§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §firl
  3064. [21:12:55] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Charlie8557§r§7: §fyup MrDesteria
  3065. [21:13:00] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Dystopia TheDesiredOne: hey MrDesteria
  3066. [21:13:01] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fReindeer12345
  3067. [21:13:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fyas?
  3068. [21:13:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fif i dident have .fix....oh god
  3069. [21:13:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Dystopia TheDesiredOne: Hi ...
  3070. [21:13:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Charlie8557§r§7: §funrelated, tpa for Taco Army's Mod base!
  3071. [21:13:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  3072. [21:13:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] You can always vote for our network and receive some
  3073. [21:13:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] really nice rewards in return! For more info, use /vote.
  3074. [21:13:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  3075. [21:13:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §f:>
  3076. [21:13:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §esec
  3077. [21:13:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2#OG§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§2M§ar§7Dest§8eria§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fhai
  3078. [21:13:15] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fafk
  3079. [21:13:15] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2#OG§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§2M§ar§7Dest§8eria§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §foops
  3080. [21:13:17] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fXD
  3081. [21:13:25] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 201498680 has no item?!
  3082. [21:13:27] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7Phantom_Dagger§r§7: §fcan i just have the iron pants?...
  3083. [21:13:40] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fback
  3084. [21:13:40] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §f.f off Gabriel74437
  3085. [21:13:41] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fCharlie8557 u gunne sand trap me?
  3086. [21:13:44] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §f;p
  3087. [21:13:45] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Charlie8557§r§7: §fnope
  3088. [21:13:47] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fo
  3089. [21:13:50] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Charlie8557§r§7: §fnot tpa trap anyways
  3090. [21:13:51] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Dystopia TheDesiredOne: xD
  3091. [21:13:51] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§3Slayer§f] §7§7XxDuck_SongxX§r §f[§7Donator§f]§7: §ftaco y u have so many fac m8s
  3092. [21:13:52] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fZefranax only guys
  3093. [21:13:53] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e22§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7TheDesiredOne§r§7: §fxD
  3094. [21:13:59] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fi dunno XxDuck_SongxX
  3095. [21:14:02] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Charlie8557§r§7: §fI'd try to trap you if the opportunity arose
  3096. [21:14:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fi just multiply em u know
  3097. [21:14:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7tiger19316§r§7: §fnooo
  3098. [21:14:07] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cavalry§f] §7§7Shark269l§r§7: §fcharlie is at tacoarmy's base i assure you
  3099. [21:14:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2#OG§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§2M§ar§7Dest§8eria§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fXxDuck_SongxX he has max(30 members)
  3100. [21:14:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Charlie8557§r§7: §fTpa for Taco Army's Mod base!
  3101. [21:14:23] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2#OG§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§2M§ar§7Dest§8eria§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fwow
  3102. [21:14:28] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fhave fun :D tacos base is great
  3103. [21:14:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#HYPE§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7§4Ms§ata§4sh§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §fyay
  3104. [21:14:35] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2#OG§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§2M§ar§7Dest§8eria§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fI'm at 315k some how 0.0
  3105. [21:14:42] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Charlie8557§r§7: §fikr thehobbit0727! There's tons of loot that people drop
  3106. [21:14:45] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§3Slayer§f] §7§7XxDuck_SongxX§r §f[§7Donator§f]§7: §fi want cow spawners
  3107. [21:14:51] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [!] Phantom_Dagger was beheaded by LittleCurt [!]
  3108. [21:14:53] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Charlie8557§r§7: §fthey drop it after
  3109. [21:14:55] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Charlie8557§r§7: §fdying
  3110. [21:14:56] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e45§f] §f[§3Templar§f] §7§7ViktorRegnander§r §f[§aPremium§f]§7: §ftp again dude
  3111. [21:14:58] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cavalry§f] §7§7Shark269l§r§7: §fguys charlie really actually is at tacos mod base
  3112. [21:15:00] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Charlie8557§r§7: §fbut that's not the point
  3113. [21:15:02] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fyeah like cobwebs....just alot of cobwebs
  3114. [21:15:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  3115. [21:15:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Level yourself up for access to better shops and more!
  3116. [21:15:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] For more information, use /level!
  3117. [21:15:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  3118. [21:15:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fyeah XD
  3119. [21:15:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§3Slayer§f] §7§7XxDuck_SongxX§r §f[§7Donator§f]§7: §fi want cow spawners anyone selling for 30k or less?
  3120. [21:15:21] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fdang it
  3121. [21:15:24] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#HYPE§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7§aM§3s§2t§bash§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §filike this
  3122. [21:15:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fpiss off
  3123. [21:15:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e3§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7Gabriel74437§r §f[§aPremium§f]§7: §flol
  3124. [21:15:36] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §flet me get in my corner
  3125. [21:15:41] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#HYPE§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7§bMstash§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §for this
  3126. [21:15:44] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cavalry§f] §7§7Shark269l§r§7: §fhey charlie when you gonna raid it?
  3127. [21:15:45] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Z§7e§cf§4ra§cn§7a§8X§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §f;p
  3128. [21:15:51] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7Piekid9012§r§7: §ffuc
  3129. [21:15:54] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fthats better
  3130. [21:16:02] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fso close
  3131. [21:16:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Charlie8557§r§7: §fI'm not going to Shark269l
  3132. [21:16:14] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cavalry§f] §7§7Shark269l§r§7: §fhhmmmmmm
  3133. [21:16:22] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 202148864 has no item?!
  3134. [21:16:22] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 202148864 has no item?!
  3135. [21:16:22] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 202148864 has no item?!
  3136. [21:16:22] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 202148864 has no item?!
  3137. [21:16:22] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 202148864 has no item?!
  3138. [21:16:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Charlie8557§r§7: §fthere's other people who will do that. I'm just messing up their walls and killing them
  3139. [21:16:32] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 202181896 has no item?!
  3140. [21:16:35] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#99§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§2I§aLi§fve§7OnE§8arth§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §fRip Skirmishes
  3141. [21:16:38] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2#OG§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§2M§ar§7Dest§8eria§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fxDDD
  3142. [21:16:38] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 202201799 has no item?!
  3143. [21:16:38] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 202201799 has no item?!
  3144. [21:16:38] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 202201799 has no item?!
  3145. [21:16:38] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 202201799 has no item?!
  3146. [21:16:38] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 202201799 has no item?!
  3147. [21:16:40] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 202207819 has no item?!
  3148. [21:16:40] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 202207819 has no item?!
  3149. [21:16:40] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 202207819 has no item?!
  3150. [21:16:40] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 202207819 has no item?!
  3151. [21:16:40] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 202207819 has no item?!
  3152. [21:16:41] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2#OG§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§2M§ar§7Dest§8eria§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fcheck it out
  3153. [21:16:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  3154. [21:16:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [!] Purchase ranks, over-powered kits & rare items at
  3155. [21:16:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  3156. [21:16:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2#OG§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§2M§ar§7Dest§8eria§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fso f*****g hilarious
  3157. [21:16:48] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] #### [DLAG] Mobs/Items are being cleared in 15 seconds! ####
  3158. [21:16:50] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 202241041 has no item?!
  3159. [21:16:50] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Charlie8557§r§7: §fI took it all Gabriel74437
  3160. [21:16:58] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§3Slayer§f] §7§7XxDuck_SongxX§r §f[§7Donator§f]§7: §fi want cow spawners anyone selling for 30k or less? msg me pllz
  3161. [21:17:03] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e3§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7Gabriel74437§r §f[§aPremium§f]§7: §fcan i have it back plz
  3162. [21:17:03] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ######### [DLAG] Mobs/Items have been cleared. #########
  3163. [21:17:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  3164. [21:17:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Obsidian breaks in 5 hits on our network.
  3165. [21:17:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Hit an obsidian block with a potato to find its durability!
  3166. [21:17:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  3167. [21:17:17] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Charlie8557§r§7: §fno, you tried killing me after I accepted your tp :P
  3168. [21:17:23] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Charlie8557§r§7: §falso, you're Taco Army
  3169. [21:17:28] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e3§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7Gabriel74437§r §f[§aPremium§f]§7: §fbecause im tacoarmy
  3170. [21:17:32] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *TacoArmy BleachedTaco: ?
  3171. [21:17:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  3172. [21:17:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] (!) You have not voted in the last 24 hours!
  3173. [21:17:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] If you enjoy our server, want to support it
  3174. [21:17:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] and receive rewards, please vote now.
  3175. [21:17:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Visit for amazing rewards!
  3176. [21:17:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  3177. [21:17:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] The last time you voted was: 2017-04-13 05:48:11
  3178. [21:17:40] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *TacoArmy BleachedTaco: umm
  3179. [21:17:42] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *TacoArmy BleachedTaco: wuts dat?
  3180. [21:17:42] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7Phantom_Dagger§r§7: §faw
  3181. [21:17:45] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Charlie8557§r§7: §fif they're nice they'll give you more stuff
  3182. [21:17:45] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §flol
  3183. [21:17:47] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fGabriel74437 stfu
  3184. [21:17:50] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Charlie8557§r§7: §fthey have plenty of stuff
  3185. [21:17:56] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Mystic InfinityStone: Yeah
  3186. [21:18:00] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Mystic InfinityStone: So all these in the center
  3187. [21:18:02] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Mystic InfinityStone: Cow spawners :D
  3188. [21:18:02] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e3§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7Gabriel74437§r §f[§aPremium§f]§7: §fi now
  3189. [21:18:15] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Charlie8557§r§7: §fTpa for Taco Army's Mod base!
  3190. [21:18:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +Valhalla Shark269l: hey InfinityStone how it going
  3191. [21:18:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e10§f] §f[§dSorcerer§f] §7§7xLegitBoss1§r §f[§eSponsor§f]§7: §fcow spawners 25k?
  3192. [21:18:20] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Mystic InfinityStone: Hai
  3193. [21:18:42] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *TacoArmy BleachedTaco: ;-;
  3194. [21:18:52] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *TacoArmy BleachedTaco: i just like how u zoomed in on his mc head XD
  3195. [21:18:55] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *TacoArmy BleachedTaco: but im still sed ;-;
  3196. [21:18:57] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *TacoArmy BleachedTaco: i did
  3197. [21:18:59] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7Phantom_Dagger§r§7: §fis there an arena on this server?
  3198. [21:18:59] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Mystic InfinityStone: Wait
  3199. [21:19:04] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *TacoArmy BleachedTaco: o
  3200. [21:19:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Charlie8557§r§7: §fit's over there xLegitBoss1
  3201. [21:19:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§3Slayer§f] §7§7PingMeansLoss§r §f[§eSponsor§f]§7: §fIm out
  3202. [21:19:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  3203. [21:19:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Our server market is stocked with lots of materials
  3204. [21:19:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] for building with. Visit it at /shop!
  3205. [21:19:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  3206. [21:19:11] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Charlie8557§r§7: §fsee it?
  3207. [21:19:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Mystic InfinityStone: How did despair have that part where they had the packed ice at the bottom?
  3208. [21:19:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fthis is the arena...ish
  3209. [21:19:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *TacoArmy BleachedTaco: who?
  3210. [21:19:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Mystic InfinityStone: Without the hoppers?
  3211. [21:19:20] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e10§f] §f[§dSorcerer§f] §7§7xLegitBoss1§r §f[§eSponsor§f]§7: §fye
  3212. [21:19:24] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fi gtg rn
  3213. [21:19:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Charlie8557§r§7: §falso, here xLegitBoss1
  3214. [21:19:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Bl§3ea§bc§fh§be§3dTa§8co§r §f[§7Legend§f]§7: §fpce people
  3215. [21:19:38] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +Natura Sensei_Pirate: i will not say
  3216. [21:19:39] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e10§f] §f[§dSorcerer§f] §7§7xLegitBoss1§r §f[§eSponsor§f]§7: §fthanks lol
  3217. [21:19:41] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Charlie8557§r§7: §fnp xD
  3218. [21:19:45] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +Valhalla Shark269l: lol
  3219. [21:19:50] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Mystic InfinityStone: WHY NOT XD
  3220. [21:19:53] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Charlie8557§r§7: §fwell I got to go afk, hf
  3221. [21:19:57] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7Phantom_Dagger§r§7: §fHI twin
  3222. [21:20:07] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e30§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7LittleCurt§r§7: §fxD
  3223. [21:20:07] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +Valhalla Shark269l: did he do it
  3224. [21:20:10] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TheShire was disbanded by thehobbit0727.
  3225. [21:20:11] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +Valhalla Shark269l: dun dun dun
  3226. [21:20:24] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Mystic InfinityStone: Wait why did you put the pool at the bottom?
  3227. [21:20:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7Phantom_Dagger§r§7: §f....ik hed come back.....*sniffle*
  3228. [21:20:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +Natura Sensei_Pirate: testing
  3229. [21:20:40] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fzeus imma kick ur as
  3230. [21:20:42] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fass
  3231. [21:20:45] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7Phantom_Dagger§r§7: §fXD
  3232. [21:20:45] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +Dystopia Lil_Zeus: why?
  3233. [21:20:51] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e24§f] §f[§2Cavalry§f] §7§7Lil_Zeus§r §f[§6Champion§f]§7: §fwhy?
  3234. [21:20:55] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fidk im bored
  3235. [21:20:57] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Welcome to the world of Idris, Killz4life!
  3236. [21:20:59] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e24§f] §f[§2Cavalry§f] §7§7Lil_Zeus§r §f[§6Champion§f]§7: §flets go
  3237. [21:21:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +Valhalla Shark269l: whats mystics fac base like InfinityStone
  3238. [21:21:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  3239. [21:21:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Sell items to other players safely and quickly
  3240. [21:21:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] with /ah on our Auction House!
  3241. [21:21:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  3242. [21:21:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Mystic InfinityStone: Right now its a mess
  3243. [21:21:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e24§f] §f[§2Cavalry§f] §7§7Lil_Zeus§r §f[§6Champion§f]§7: §fdont cry
  3244. [21:21:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §f;-; too late
  3245. [21:21:39] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7Phantom_Dagger§r§7: §fgo go go
  3246. [21:21:50] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7Phantom_Dagger§r§7: §fno hitting spectator
  3247. [21:22:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Lottery] Congratulations go to IzzyTF for winning $24000 with 10 tickets
  3248. [21:22:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Lottery] There was a total of 5 players buying 32 tickets
  3249. [21:22:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Mystic InfinityStone: :D
  3250. [21:22:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  3251. [21:22:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] (!) You have not voted in the last 24 hours!
  3252. [21:22:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] If you enjoy our server, want to support it
  3253. [21:22:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] and receive rewards, please vote now.
  3254. [21:22:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Visit for amazing rewards!
  3255. [21:22:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  3256. [21:22:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] The last time you voted was: 2017-04-13 05:48:11
  3257. [21:22:36] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +Valhalla Shark269l: but is it functional meaning can't be raided, earns ya money
  3258. [21:22:47] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7Phantom_Dagger§r§7: §fgo hobbit
  3259. [21:22:55] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7Phantom_Dagger§r§7: §fwhat up
  3260. [21:23:00] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§cBrigand§f] §7§7baseclone§r§7: §fwhat up
  3261. [21:23:03] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§cBrigand§f] §7§7baseclone§r§7: §fi mean
  3262. [21:23:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§cBrigand§f] §7§7baseclone§r§7: §fsuh dude
  3263. [21:23:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  3264. [21:23:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Kill the NEX to conquer the End!
  3265. [21:23:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] More information can be found at /nex.
  3266. [21:23:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  3267. [21:23:21] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fwhere u go?
  3268. [21:23:23] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +Valhalla Shark269l: anyone selling donator rank note
  3269. [21:24:11] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §eused 15 stack of hoppers
  3270. [21:24:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7Phantom_Dagger§r§7: §fwatch from a distance
  3271. [21:24:14] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §efor my hopper system lol
  3272. [21:24:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  3273. [21:24:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [!] Purchase ranks, over-powered kits & rare items at
  3274. [21:24:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  3275. [21:24:20] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] (DAC) Daniel_HdTech has been automatically permanently banned for using a blacklisted client.
  3276. [21:24:25] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +Valhalla Shark269l: InfinityStone
  3277. [21:24:32] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7Phantom_Dagger§r§7: §fHEy
  3278. [21:24:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7TinaTheCatlady§r §f[§7Donator§f]§7: §fThat's a lot of hoppers
  3279. [21:24:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§3Slayer§f] §7§7XxDuck_SongxX§r §f[§7Donator§f]§7: §frip
  3280. [21:24:38] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7Phantom_Dagger§r§7: §fNo killing spectators
  3281. [21:25:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§cBrigand§f] §7§7baseclone§r§7: §fwanna play tag?
  3282. [21:25:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  3283. [21:25:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Participate in King of the Hill for attractive prizes!
  3284. [21:25:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Check when the next one is with /koth!
  3285. [21:25:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  3286. [21:25:09] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 204115356 has no item?!
  3287. [21:25:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7Phantom_Dagger§r§7: §frule 1#No Killing Spectators or pandas
  3288. [21:25:24] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7Phantom_Dagger§r§7: §fderpy pandas....
  3289. [21:25:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7Phantom_Dagger§r§7: §fwith war gear...
  3290. [21:25:39] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7Phantom_Dagger§r§7: §fsrry
  3291. [21:25:42] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e10§f] §f[§dSorcerer§f] §7§7xLegitBoss1§r §f[§eSponsor§f]§7: §fbuying cow spawner 30k
  3292. [21:25:52] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§cBrigand§f] §7§7baseclone§r§7: §fwanna play tag do you>
  3293. [21:26:00] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +Valhalla Shark269l: anyone have a grinder i could use?
  3294. [21:26:02] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7Phantom_Dagger§r§7: §fcan i sell u a cow for 30k...
  3295. [21:26:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e10§f] §f[§dSorcerer§f] §7§7xLegitBoss1§r §f[§eSponsor§f]§7: §fyes
  3296. [21:26:10] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§3Slayer§f] §7§7XxDuck_SongxX§r §f[§7Donator§f]§7: §fyes
  3297. [21:26:15] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7Phantom_Dagger§r§7: §fXD
  3298. [21:26:20] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§3Slayer§f] §7§7XxDuck_SongxX§r §f[§7Donator§f]§7: §fwe in same fac
  3299. [21:26:24] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +Valhalla Shark269l: anyone?
  3300. [21:26:25] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e10§f] §f[§dSorcerer§f] §7§7xLegitBoss1§r §f[§eSponsor§f]§7: §flol
  3301. [21:26:32] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7Phantom_Dagger§r§7: §fXD u didnt ge tthe joke
  3302. [21:26:36] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e24§f] §f[§2Cavalry§f] §7§7Lil_Zeus§r §f[§6Champion§f]§7: §fi want a rematch
  3303. [21:26:38] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fgg
  3304. [21:26:40] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e24§f] §f[§2Cavalry§f] §7§7Lil_Zeus§r §f[§6Champion§f]§7: §fbut i need pots
  3305. [21:26:42] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7Piekid9012§r§7: §focd much
  3306. [21:26:44] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§3Slayer§f] §7§7XxDuck_SongxX§r §f[§7Donator§f]§7: §f?
  3307. [21:26:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7Phantom_Dagger§r§7: §fi said "cow" not cow spawner
  3308. [21:26:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fwhos better now?'
  3309. [21:26:55] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Mystic InfinityStone: Wait pirate
  3310. [21:26:56] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§3Slayer§f] §7§7XxDuck_SongxX§r §f[§7Donator§f]§7: §fu did?
  3311. [21:26:58] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e24§f] §f[§2Cavalry§f] §7§7Lil_Zeus§r §f[§6Champion§f]§7: §fi am
  3312. [21:27:01] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7Phantom_Dagger§r§7: §fyea
  3313. [21:27:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fnaw i am fam
  3314. [21:27:07] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Mystic InfinityStone: Im not sure if this is the right level
  3315. [21:27:07] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§3Slayer§f] §7§7XxDuck_SongxX§r §f[§7Donator§f]§7: §fno you didnt
  3316. [21:27:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  3317. [21:27:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] We're always on the search for new Staff Members!
  3318. [21:27:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Check our application section:
  3319. [21:27:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  3320. [21:27:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fback
  3321. [21:27:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7Phantom_Dagger§r§7: §fi ment can i sell u A cow for 30k
  3322. [21:27:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§3Slayer§f] §7§7XxDuck_SongxX§r §f[§7Donator§f]§7: §fi just checked
  3323. [21:27:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e24§f] §f[§2Cavalry§f] §7§7Lil_Zeus§r §f[§6Champion§f]§7: §fgive me some
  3324. [21:27:22] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e10§f] §f[§dSorcerer§f] §7§7xLegitBoss1§r §f[§eSponsor§f]§7: §fnot cool
  3325. [21:27:22] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e24§f] §f[§2Cavalry§f] §7§7Lil_Zeus§r §f[§6Champion§f]§7: §fpots and we will see
  3326. [21:27:25] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §ftp
  3327. [21:27:27] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +Valhalla Shark269l: anyone on?
  3328. [21:27:29] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2#OG§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§2M§ar§7Dest§8eria§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fShouko
  3329. [21:27:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e24§f] §f[§2Cavalry§f] §7§7Lil_Zeus§r §f[§6Champion§f]§7: §fk
  3330. [21:27:32] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Unkindled Shouko: mhm
  3331. [21:27:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  3332. [21:27:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] (!) You have not voted in the last 24 hours!
  3333. [21:27:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] If you enjoy our server, want to support it
  3334. [21:27:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] and receive rewards, please vote now.
  3335. [21:27:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Visit for amazing rewards!
  3336. [21:27:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  3337. [21:27:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] The last time you voted was: 2017-04-13 05:48:11
  3338. [21:27:39] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fur gonna have to get ur own pots
  3339. [21:27:43] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fhealing i mean
  3340. [21:27:49] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Dris yyarn disbanded the faction Dris.
  3341. [21:27:52] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2#OG§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§2M§ar§7Dest§8eria§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fJust wondering, are you allowed to use h@cked clients such as BleachedTaco's???
  3342. [21:28:02] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §eno xD
  3343. [21:28:02] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7Phantom_Dagger§r§7: §f.....
  3344. [21:28:04] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2#OG§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§2M§ar§7Dest§8eria§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fok
  3345. [21:28:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7Phantom_Dagger§r§7: §fyes
  3346. [21:28:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7Phantom_Dagger§r§7: §foh
  3347. [21:28:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7Phantom_Dagger§r§7: §fno
  3348. [21:28:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2#OG§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§2M§ar§7Dest§8eria§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fjust wondering
  3349. [21:28:10] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +Valhalla Shark269l: ANYONE??
  3350. [21:28:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Charlie8557§r§7: §fTpa for Taco Army's base!
  3351. [21:28:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Mystic InfinityStone: Ok so lava here
  3352. [21:28:17] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§cBrigand§f] §7§7baseclone§r§7: §fput torches up
  3353. [21:28:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e41§f] §f[§dWarlock§f] §7§7§8GamerF§6oxKing§r §f[§6Legend§f]§7: §fhe dosent even hack
  3354. [21:28:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Mystic InfinityStone: Which means
  3355. [21:28:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §ehacking isnt allowed
  3356. [21:28:23] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §eeven ur the owner
  3357. [21:28:23] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2#OG§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§2M§ar§7Dest§8eria§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fok
  3358. [21:28:24] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Mystic InfinityStone: They need to fall 5 blocks
  3359. [21:28:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fagain?
  3360. [21:28:38] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Mystic InfinityStone: Thats too low
  3361. [21:28:49] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +Natura Sensei_Pirate: ye needs to go up about 4 blocks
  3362. [21:28:50] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2#OG§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§2M§ar§7Dest§8eria§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fwow, im at 701k!!!
  3363. [21:28:53] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Charlie8557§r§7: §fthis way baseclone
  3364. [21:28:54] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §f??????
  3365. [21:28:57] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e15§f] §f[§dSorcerer§f] §7§7Koalla_Power§r §f[§eSponsor§f]§7: §fim at 2 mill
  3366. [21:29:00] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fim better ik
  3367. [21:29:01] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#KOTH§f] §f[§dArcanist§f] §7§7§fIf§bt§dk§5ic§1s§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fim at 5.5mil
  3368. [21:29:02] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2#OG§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§2M§ar§7Dest§8eria§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fgrrrr
  3369. [21:29:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7Phantom_Dagger§r§7: §fcan someone kill me at pvp?
  3370. [21:29:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +Valhalla Shark269l: wht are you guys making?
  3371. [21:29:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  3372. [21:29:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] See someone doing something they shouldn't?
  3373. [21:29:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Please submit a report at:
  3374. [21:29:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  3375. [21:29:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7Phantom_Dagger§r§7: §fi have no hunger
  3376. [21:29:19] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7Phantom_Dagger§r§7: §fim suffering!
  3377. [21:29:19] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§cBrigand§f] §7§7baseclone§r§7: §fmy god
  3378. [21:29:32] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Charlie8557§r§7: §ftheir base is over there. I am not past their walls but that's their base
  3379. [21:29:49] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7Phantom_Dagger§r§7: §fu are saint
  3380. [21:29:51] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 205120979 has no item?!
  3381. [21:29:51] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 205120979 has no item?!
  3382. [21:29:52] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fdont die ;)
  3383. [21:30:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +Valhalla Shark269l: InfinityStone
  3384. [21:30:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7Phantom_Dagger§r§7: §f...
  3385. [21:30:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Mystic InfinityStone: Hold on
  3386. [21:30:10] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 205183283 has no item?!
  3387. [21:30:10] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 205183283 has no item?!
  3388. [21:30:11] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Mystic InfinityStone: Imn focusing
  3389. [21:30:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Charlie8557§r§7: §fTpa for Taco Army's base
  3390. [21:30:15] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +Valhalla Shark269l: sorry
  3391. [21:30:23] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§3Slayer§f] §7§7XxDuck_SongxX§r §f[§7Donator§f]§7: §fAnyone selling freaking cow spawners
  3392. [21:30:24] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#99§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§2I§aLi§fve§7OnE§8arth§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §fRip skirmishes
  3393. [21:30:25] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +Natura Sensei_Pirate: yes Shark269l?
  3394. [21:30:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7Xx_VoidSlayer_xX§r§7: §fwhy is the pack guns?!
  3395. [21:30:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fikr lol
  3396. [21:30:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +Valhalla Shark269l: what are you guys making
  3397. [21:30:39] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Mystic InfinityStone: Still too low
  3398. [21:30:41] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Mystic InfinityStone: Cow farm
  3399. [21:30:45] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§3Slayer§f] §7§7XxDuck_SongxX§r §f[§7Donator§f]§7: §fAnyone selling cowwww spawners 35k or less plzzzzz msg meee
  3400. [21:30:49] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +Valhalla Shark269l: sweet
  3401. [21:30:52] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#99§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§2I§aLi§fve§7OnE§8arth§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §f <3 Rip Skirmy
  3402. [21:30:55] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§dApprentice§f] §7§7Xx_VoidSlayer_xX§r§7: §fwa
  3403. [21:31:01] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Mystic InfinityStone: Pirate do you think that would be too low? ._.
  3404. [21:31:01] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 205363339 has no item?!
  3405. [21:31:01] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 205363339 has no item?!
  3406. [21:31:02] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +Natura Sensei_Pirate: that is six blocks
  3407. [21:31:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  3408. [21:31:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Hey, if you'd like to maintain a clean chat we always
  3409. [21:31:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] recommend adjusting your chat width to 320px!
  3410. [21:31:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  3411. [21:31:10] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +Natura Sensei_Pirate: not 5 XD
  3412. [21:31:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Mystic InfinityStone: needs to fall 5 then lava
  3413. [21:31:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Mystic InfinityStone: I think
  3414. [21:31:19] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7Phantom_Dagger§r§7: §fanyone wana bow fight with no armor(because i have absolutly nothing)
  3415. [21:31:19] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e24§f] §f[§2Cavalry§f] §7§7Lil_Zeus§r §f[§6Champion§f]§7: §fAhaha hobbit bad luck
  3416. [21:31:22] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +Natura Sensei_Pirate: i forgot about lava,,,
  3417. [21:31:24] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e24§f] §f[§2Cavalry§f] §7§7Lil_Zeus§r §f[§6Champion§f]§7: §fdont come to ur pot
  3418. [21:31:29] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §f?
  3419. [21:31:34] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e24§f] §f[§2Cavalry§f] §7§7Lil_Zeus§r §f[§6Champion§f]§7: §fty hobbit
  3420. [21:31:38] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7Phantom_Dagger§r§7: §flittlecurt y i u still my twin...
  3421. [21:31:39] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 205519900 has no item?!
  3422. [21:31:39] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 205519900 has no item?!
  3423. [21:31:40] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fnp
  3424. [21:31:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  3425. [21:31:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [!] Purchase ranks, over-powered kits & rare items at
  3426. [21:31:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  3427. [21:31:47] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e30§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7LittleCurt§r§7: §foops
  3428. [21:31:48] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] #### [DLAG] Mobs/Items are being cleared in 15 seconds! ####
  3429. [21:31:49] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fi alwayse got u bby
  3430. [21:31:50] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7Phantom_Dagger§r§7: §fXD
  3431. [21:31:53] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fdiscord?
  3432. [21:31:55] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Mystic InfinityStone: Alright SO
  3433. [21:31:55] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §f?
  3434. [21:32:00] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e24§f] §f[§2Cavalry§f] §7§7Lil_Zeus§r §f[§6Champion§f]§7: §fye
  3435. [21:32:03] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ######### [DLAG] Mobs/Items have been cleared. #########
  3436. [21:32:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Mystic InfinityStone: If the hoppers are here, there is not a lot of storage space
  3437. [21:32:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +Natura Sensei_Pirate: this just became to small for its own good
  3438. [21:32:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Mystic InfinityStone: Ikr
  3439. [21:32:17] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#99§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§2I§aLi§fve§7OnE§8arth§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §fHell yeah acro level 420
  3440. [21:32:17] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e30§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7LittleCurt§r§7: §fselling zombie pigman spawner msg me prices
  3441. [21:32:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Mystic InfinityStone: Like this is just too small
  3442. [21:32:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §elv468
  3443. [21:32:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§cBrigand§f] §7§7baseclone§r§7: §fguys tpa for tacoarmys base
  3444. [21:32:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Mystic InfinityStone: A cow farm is not efficient for this space
  3445. [21:32:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §ehehe
  3446. [21:32:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  3447. [21:32:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] (!) You have not voted in the last 24 hours!
  3448. [21:32:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] If you enjoy our server, want to support it
  3449. [21:32:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] and receive rewards, please vote now.
  3450. [21:32:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Visit for amazing rewards!
  3451. [21:32:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  3452. [21:32:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] The last time you voted was: 2017-04-13 05:48:11
  3453. [21:32:34] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +Natura SibirskyVolk: back
  3454. [21:32:34] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7Phantom_Dagger§r§7: §fchecks money.....
  3455. [21:32:34] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#99§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§2I§aLi§fve§7OnE§8arth§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §fIftkics
  3456. [21:32:40] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7Phantom_Dagger§r§7: §fhas 50$....
  3457. [21:32:42] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Mystic InfinityStone: WELL ****
  3458. [21:32:43] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§cBrigand§f] §7§7baseclone§r§7: §fguys tpa for tacoarmys base cmon
  3459. [21:32:43] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§3Slayer§f] §7§7XxDuck_SongxX§r §f[§7Donator§f]§7: §fLOL
  3460. [21:32:44] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#99§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§2I§aLi§fve§7OnE§8arth§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §fcan you send this video to Skirmishes?
  3461. [21:32:47] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +Natura SibirskyVolk: ...
  3462. [21:32:54] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7Phantom_Dagger§r§7: §f??????
  3463. [21:32:55] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§3Slayer§f] §7§7XxDuck_SongxX§r §f[§7Donator§f]§7: §fRIP Skirmished
  3464. [21:32:56] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §echeck money again
  3465. [21:32:57] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§3Slayer§f] §7§7XxDuck_SongxX§r §f[§7Donator§f]§7: §fRIP Skirmishes
  3466. [21:33:02] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e47§f] §f[§7#AprilJoker§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§8Th§7e§dHo§5bb§dit§707§827§r §f[§dLegend§f]§7: §fno sheep
  3467. [21:33:03] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Cadet§f] §7§7Phantom_Dagger§r§7: §f;( thank you
  3468. [21:33:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  3469. [21:33:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] We have a TeamSpeak! You can use this address on
  3470. [21:33:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] TeamSpeak to communicate with players: /teamspeak
  3471. [21:33:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  3472. [21:33:15] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +Natura Sensei_Pirate: i think you are giving this to many chests...
  3473. [21:33:20] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e25§f] §f[§3Slayer§f] §7§7XxDuck_SongxX§r §f[§7Donator§f]§7: §fAnyone selling cowwww spawners 35k or less plzzzzz msg meee
  3474. [21:33:32] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e30§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7LittleCurt§r§7: §fselling spawners msg me prices
  3475. [21:33:34] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§b50§8cal§7_§aSn§8ip§aer§7_§8pa§al§r §f[§3Legend§f]§7: §f-_-
  3476. [21:33:38] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§b50§8cal§7_§aSn§8ip§aer§7_§8pa§al§r §f[§3Legend§f]§7: §frly baseclone
  3477. [21:33:47] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§cBrigand§f] §7§7baseclone§r§7: §f?
  3478. [21:33:53] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +Natura Sensei_Pirate: yeah they only need 2 blocks infinity
  3479. [21:34:03] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§cBrigand§f] §7§7baseclone§r§7: §fi was watching something
  3480. [21:34:06] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§cBrigand§f] §7§7baseclone§r§7: §fguys tpa for tacoarmys base
  3481. [21:34:11] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§b50§8cal§7_§aSn§8ip§aer§7_§8pa§al§r §f[§3Legend§f]§7: §fi see u
  3482. [21:34:14] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Desteria] Altairian_Mage has supported the realms of Desteria at! 60% OFF!
  3483. [21:34:20] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§cBrigand§f] §7§7baseclone§r§7: §fwhat am i doing
  3484. [21:34:37] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§cBrigand§f] §7§7baseclone§r§7: §ftpa
  3485. [21:35:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  3486. [21:35:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Our network supports Minecraft versions from 1.7-1.11!.
  3487. [21:35:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] however, we strongly suggest using Minecraft 1.8!
  3488. [21:35:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  3489. [21:35:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Welcome to the world of Idris, spyguy4558!
  3490. [21:35:58] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#99§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§2I§aLi§fve§7OnE§8arth§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §fShouko Could I buy the stack of cows in the next 24 minutes?
  3491. [21:36:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §ewe can do it rn
  3492. [21:36:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#99§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§2I§aLi§fve§7OnE§8arth§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §fIm going to afk then for the rest of the night so I was just wondering
  3493. [21:36:14] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#99§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§2I§aLi§fve§7OnE§8arth§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §fsweet! staffroom?
  3494. [21:36:22] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §eye
  3495. [21:36:34] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §egonna go get em
  3496. [21:36:38] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +Valhalla Shark269l: pirate
  3497. [21:36:44] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Charlie8557§r§7: §fcan I ahev the link to the video of me "hacking"?
  3498. [21:36:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Charlie8557§r§7: §f* have
  3499. [21:36:51] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§3Savager§f] §7§7Charlie8557§r§7: §fI love seing those vids
  3500. [21:36:55] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +Valhalla Shark269l: is a 60k zombie pig spawner a good deal
  3501. [21:37:07] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§b50§8cal§7_§aSn§8ip§aer§7_§8pa§al§r §f[§3Legend§f]§7: §fi bored
  3502. [21:37:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  3503. [21:37:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] If you're interested in purchasing ranks or perks,
  3504. [21:37:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] be sure to check out our store at:!
  3505. [21:37:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  3506. [21:37:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#99§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§2I§aLi§fve§7OnE§8arth§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §f<#
  3507. [21:37:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §ety
  3508. [21:37:19] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#99§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§2I§aLi§fve§7OnE§8arth§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §f<3*
  3509. [21:37:21] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §ei need 2 buy igs
  3510. [21:37:21] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Mystic InfinityStone: Ok well what should I put here
  3511. [21:37:28] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Mystic InfinityStone: Cows and any passive mobs are out of the question
  3512. [21:37:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §ebuying igs /msg me
  3513. [21:37:34] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  3514. [21:37:34] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] (!) You have not voted in the last 24 hours!
  3515. [21:37:34] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] If you enjoy our server, want to support it
  3516. [21:37:34] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] and receive rewards, please vote now.
  3517. [21:37:34] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Visit for amazing rewards!
  3518. [21:37:34] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT]
  3519. [21:37:34] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] The last time you voted was: 2017-04-13 05:48:11
  3520. [21:37:36] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +Valhalla Shark269l: pirate, InfinityStone is a 60k zombie pigman spawner a good deal
  3521. [21:37:42] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 207834404 has no item?!
  3522. [21:37:42] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 207834404 has no item?!
  3523. [21:37:42] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 207834404 has no item?!
  3524. [21:37:42] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 207834404 has no item?!
  3525. [21:37:42] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 207834404 has no item?!
  3526. [21:37:44] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#99§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§2I§aLi§fve§7OnE§8arth§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §fI can sell then for the same price as warp emporium but you have that
  3527. [21:37:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Ranger§f] §7§7Phantom_Dagger§r§7: §fwoo lvl up
  3528. [21:37:47] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Mystic InfinityStone: Yes
  3529. [21:37:52] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §eye ik
  3530. [21:37:54] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§cBrigand§f] §7§7baseclone§r§7: §fguys tpa i found a base!
  3531. [21:37:55] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] +Valhalla Shark269l: so its worht it
  3532. [21:38:04] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§aMentor§f] §7§7CatchTheRainbow§r§7: §amemes
  3533. [21:38:07] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Welcome to the world of Idris, CrypticFuse!
  3534. [21:38:10] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §eoh skittle guy
  3535. [21:38:14] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§aMentor§f] §7§7CatchTheRainbow§r§7: §a:o
  3536. [21:38:19] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2#OG§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§2M§ar§7Dest§8eria§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fhai CatchTheRainbow
  3537. [21:38:22] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§aMentor§f] §7§7CatchTheRainbow§r§7: §aHey
  3538. [21:38:24] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2#OG§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§2M§ar§7Dest§8eria§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fum..
  3539. [21:38:28] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#99§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§2I§aLi§fve§7OnE§8arth§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §fCatchtherainbow, so a little backstory of why we dont like skirmishes
  3540. [21:38:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2#OG§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§2M§ar§7Dest§8eria§r §f[§3Hero§f]§7: §fwe made a vid bout skirmy
  3541. [21:38:37] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#99§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§2I§aLi§fve§7OnE§8arth§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §fhe ddosed not only our faction, but our truces
  3542. [21:38:38] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§aMentor§f] §7§7CatchTheRainbow§r§7: §aI saw
  3543. [21:38:38] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Ranger§f] §7§7Phantom_Dagger§r§7: §f*sniffle* baseclone i thought i was your spectator friend
  3544. [21:38:42] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e30§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7LittleCurt§r§7: §flag
  3545. [21:38:43] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§cBrigand§f] §7§7baseclone§r§7: §fi am
  3546. [21:38:44] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§cShadower§f] §7§7YungHomer§r §f[§7Donator§f]§7: §fgang gang
  3547. [21:38:44] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#99§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§2I§aLi§fve§7OnE§8arth§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §f Check this video out
  3548. [21:38:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Lottery] YungHomer just bought 4 tickets!
  3549. [21:38:48] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] *Mystic InfinityStone: I dont know what to put here >.<
  3550. [21:38:51] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §eILiveOnEarth
  3551. [21:38:51] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§cBrigand§f] §7§7baseclone§r§7: §fthat was my brother
  3552. [21:38:52] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§aMentor§f] §7§7CatchTheRainbow§r§7: §aILiveOnEarth I saw it on forums
  3553. [21:38:52] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§dCleric§f] §7§7§b50§8cal§7_§aSn§8ip§aer§7_§8pa§al§r §f[§3Legend§f]§7: §f
  3554. [21:38:54] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §etag me on forums
  3555. [21:38:55] [Client thread/ERROR]: Item entity 208258935 has no item?!
  3556. [21:38:56] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e1§f] §f[§2Ranger§f] §7§7Phantom_Dagger§r§7: §fXD
  3557. [21:38:56] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#99§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§2I§aLi§fve§7OnE§8arth§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §fits a little revenge for our buddy skirmy
  3558. [21:38:56] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§eHelper§f] §7§7§2Sh§aou§fko§r §f[§2Legend§f]§7: §e@cuddlingcat
  3559. [21:39:03] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e50§f] §f[§cShadower§f] §7§7YungHomer§r §f[§7Donator§f]§7: §fAnyone have a sponsor upgarde they wanna sell me
  3560. [21:39:07] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Lottery] Phantom_Dagger just bought 3 tickets!
  3561. [21:39:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  3562. [21:39:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Become part of the community, take part in our forums!
  3563. [21:39:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Contribute to discussions and more at:
  3564. [21:39:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] ───────────────────────────────────
  3565. [21:39:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §r§f[§e99§f] §f[§7#99§f] §f[§dEldritch§f] §7§7§2I§aLi§fve§7OnE§8arth§r §f[§dGod§f]§7: §fdid you find it entertaining?
  3566. [21:39:11] [Client thread/INFO]: Applying holder lookups
  3567. [21:39:11] [Client thread/INFO]: Holder lookups applied
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