
the code that never was (hghg code)

Feb 17th, 2019
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  1. Ahri
  2. (player1) runs a shop where you never know what's gonna come through that door.
  3. (Player1) walks in with a really obscure item. (Player2) somehow knows a guy who's an expert on really obscure items.
  4. Player1 tries to hit on player2 by showing off their parkour skills, but falls flat on their face immediately, causing everyone to laugh at them. (5p)
  5. (Player1) stars in an action movie and gets to ramp a motorcycle off a flaming pick up truck.
  6. (Player1) turns to the camera and says their signature catch phrase.
  8. (player1) paints a picture of (player2) to try and work out some emotions. It's coated in a fine layer of Jade.
  9. (player1) is destined to save HG.
  11. ------------
  13. Asgore
  14. As (Player1) and (Player2) are talking with each other, (Player3) suddenly butts in and begins talking with (Player1), leaving (Player2) as the a third wheel.
  15. (Player1) and (Player2) each hold the end of a limbo stick as (Player3) tries to limbo under. (Player2) lets go however, and the stick whacks (Player3) right in the face.
  16. Three tributes lay on the ground looking at the clouds, pointing out what objects certain ones resemble.
  17. (Player1) and (Player3) fight over possession of (Player2), with (Player1) tugging on (his/her2) arms and (Player3) yanking on (his/her2) legs.
  18. While playing baseball, (Player1) throws a pitch that (Player2) strikes with so much force, it sends the ball rocketing off into the sky before arcing downward...and hitting (Player3) square in the ass as (he/she3) is bending over.
  20. (Player1) grabs a Bop It toy from the Cornucopia and has a lot of fun playing with it with (Player2) and (Player3).
  21. Three tributes form the "HG Three Musketeers," and dress up in ye olde royal garb to really get into character.
  22. (Player1) asks (Player2) to do something for (him/her1), but (Player3) tells (him/her2) not to do it. What will (Player2) do?
  23. (Player1) roars into the Arena on a motorcylce, with (Player2) sitting right behind (him/her1) holding onto (his/her1) waist, and (Player3) in the sidecar.
  24. (Player1) confuses (Player2) and (Player3) and thinks each is the other person for the rest of the game.
  26. Asgore Fatal:
  27. (Player1) says a forbidden word and is immediately expelled from the game.
  29. -------------
  30. Asuna Fatal:
  31. (Player1) throws (his/her1) hat at (Player2) and possesses them, stomping on (Player3)'s head, killing them instantly.
  32. -------------
  34. Aussa
  35. While (Player1) is talking with (Player2), (Player3) sneaks up behind (Player1) and crouches down. Mid-sentence (Player2) pushes (Player1) who gets tripped by (Player3) and falls on (his/her1) ass.
  36. (Player1), (Player2), and (Player3) bake a cake together. (Player3) makes it creepy by licking some batter off of (Player2)'s nose.
  37. (Player1) attempts to convince (Player2) that (Player3) is (his/her1) evil twin.
  38. (Player1), (Player2), and (Player3) decide to go to the beach. It starts raining the instant they all step outside.
  39. (Player2) and (Player3) fight over the last bit of food they have. (Player1) casually reaches over and eats it while (he/she1) watches the pair slug it out.
  41. (Player1) tries to run away from the game, but (Player2) lassos and (Player3) hogties (him/her1), dragging (him/her1) with them.
  42. (Player1), (Player2), and (Player3) coordinated their outfits for this.
  43. (Player3) rides in driving a cart pulled by (Player1) and (Player2), cracking a whip over their heads occasionally.
  44. (Player1) is already hating having to share the general vicinity with (Player2) and (Player3).
  45. (Player2) had to be forced to leave the house by (Player1) and (Player3)
  47. Aussa Fatal:
  48. (Player1) wades in to a body of water to spear fish, only to get attacked by a crocodile. (He/she1) doesn't make it out.
  49. (Player1) knowingly enters a bear's cave for shelter, and accidentally wakes it, getting mauled to death in the process.
  50. (Player1) slips on a rock as (he/she1) climbs up a mountain, and falls all the way back down.
  51. (Player1)'s hands are too shaky from nerves and lack of sleep as (he/she1) tries to cut something, and (he/she1) manages to nick one of (his/her1) arteries, and can't stop the flow in time.
  52. Refusing to stop for shelter, (Player1) passes out from exhaustion, succumbing to the elements while unconcious.
  54. As (Player2) starts to leave, (Player1) trips (Player2) and bashes (him/her2) in the back of the head repeatedly.
  55. (Player1) drives in on a motorcycle, running over (Player2) almost immediately. Unfortunately, this wrecks the bike.
  56. (Player1) is too lazy for this shit, and just sics an attack dog on (Player2).
  57. (Player1) tackles (Player2) to the ground while (he/she2) is looting, stabbing (him/her2) repeatedly.
  58. (Player1) came to hunt the most dangerous game. (Player2) was just the warmup.
  60. (Player1) shoots (Player2) in the ankle, letting (Player2) hobble away for a bit before finishing (him/her2) off.
  63. -------------
  64. Blocky:
  65. (Player1) and (Player2) arm wrestle. (Player2)'s arm wounds up getting broken due to the sheer strength of (Player1)
  66. (Player1) builds a planetary doom weapon. However, their plans were soon thwarted after (player2) pulls the plug on their device.
  68. Blocky Fatals:
  69. (player1) uses black magic to make (player2) a doll. (player1)'s dog promptly tears it to shreds afterwards
  70. (Player1) builds a gigantic house of cards. (Player2) then bumps the table, causing (player1) to drown in a mountain of cards.
  73. -------------
  74. Craig
  75. (Player1) finds an item from their childhodd stashed amongst the supplies. Is it a nostalgic item, or one that holds painful memories?
  76. (Player1) bumps their head on the way into the Arena and receives mild amnesia.
  77. (Player1) reflects on their past experiences within previous arenas.
  78. (Player1) gains a courtesy skill point before the game begins and can invest in one of three attributes: Strength, Dexterity or Intelligence.
  79. (Player1) finds a journal detailing their life up until this moment within the supplies, not written by them
  81. (Player1) finds a photo of (him/her1) and (Player2) hanging out at a bar, but doesn't remember when it was taken.
  82. A brutal fight leaves both (Player1) and (Player2) grievously wounded. To survive, they have to nurture each other back to health.
  83. (Player1) hurls a javelin at (Player2), but it falls pathetically at (his/her1) feet.
  84. (Player1) unknowingly grabs a rubber knife from the supplies and throws it at (Player2). The knife bounces off of (his/her2) face.
  85. (Player1) accidentally saves (Player2)'s life after (his/her1) throwing knife kills the goblin that was sneaking up behind (him/her2)
  87. (Player1) and (Player2) fall into a hole in the ground while sprinting to the supplies and end up in an underground cave. To escape, they'll have to work together.
  88. (Player1) repeatedly punches (Player2)'s face to make (him/her2) uglier.
  89. (Player1) and (Player2) find an erotic novel hidden in the supplies. The novel features them as the two lovers.
  90. (Player1) holds (Player2) at gunpoint. A mere ruse, as the gun has no ammunition.
  91. (Player1) issues a personal threat to (Player2) as they both enter the Arena.
  93. (Player1) relentlessly attacks (Player2), but (he/she2) shrugs off (his/her1) every blow.
  94. (Player1) shoots (Player2) between the eyes. (He/She2) then respawns, so (Player1) shoots them again. No matter how many times (Player1) keeps shooting, (Player2) keeps respawning.
  95. While trying to pickpocket (Player1), (Player2) accidentally pulls down (his/her1) pants.
  96. (Player1)'s life flashes before (his/her1) eyes as (he/she1) sees an arrow speeding towards him. At the last moment, (Player2) pushes them out of the arrow's path. Whether it was on purpose or an accident, (Player2) saves (Player1)'s life.
  97. (Player1) and (Player2) both fight over a gun they found in the supplies until a bird swoops in and takes it from them.
  99. (Player1) hallucinates (Player2) and (Player3) as two of (his/her1) close friends and treats them as such upon entering the games.
  100. (Player1), (Player2) and (Player3) open up a booby-trapped bag that blows magical smoke in their face, causing them to switch bodies! (Player1) enters (Player2)'s body, (Player2) enters (Player3)'s and (Player3) enters (Player1)'s.
  101. (Player1) wonders why (his/her1) supply bag is so heavy. When (he/she1) goes to check it, (Player2) and (Player3) jump out.
  102. (Player1) hands (Player2) and (Player3) a can of Pringles each. When they open it up, a bunch of snakes spring out. They aren't pretend snakes, either - they're real.
  103. (Player1) hallucinates (Player2) and (Player3) as two of (his/her1) most hated enemies and treats them as such upon entering the games.
  105. (Player1) finds a map within the supplies that shows (Player2) and (Player3)'s whereabouts at all times.
  106. (Player1) finds a computer keyboard that allows (him/her1) to control (Player2)'s movements. (He/She1) uses (Player2) to mess with (Player3).
  107. (Player1) finds a magical ring that when worn, allows (him/her1) to read the thoughts of others. (He/She1) uses this ring and reads the thoughts of (Player2) and (Player3).
  108. (Player1), (Player2) and (Player3) find a stray dog within the supplies and compete for its affection.
  109. (Player1) is pulled into the pile of supplies by (Player2) and (Player3). After a short scuffle, (Player1) manages to escape from them.
  111. (Player1), armed with a weapon, confronts (Player2) and (Player3) and forces them to hand over what they got in the supplies.
  112. (Player1) finds a Ressurection Stone in the supplies just (Player2) and (Player3) kill (him/her1). The stone revives (him/her1) shortly after they walk away.
  113. (Player1), (Player2) and (Player3) find three individual pieces to a map that when combined, will lead them to a legendary treasure.
  114. (Player1), (Player2) and (Player3) find a bunch of photos that depict them in explicit, sexual situations. These photos were fabricated by the host, but they don't need to know that.
  115. (Player1) and (Player2) run away from the supplies after (Player3) grabs a gun. (Player3) follows them.
  117. (Player1) opens up a backpack and unleashes a bunch of spirits upon the arena, posessing the tributes and changing their emotions during the Bloodbath. (Player1) is posessed by the Depression Spirit, (Player2) is posessed by the Anger Spirit, (Player3) is posessed by the Kindness Spirit and (Player4) is posessed by the Cynical Spirit.
  118. (Player1) flies into the arena in a gunship. (Player2) and (Player3) sit in the gunner seats and attempt to shoot down (Player4), who is flying in (his/her4) own gunship.
  119. (Player1) uses a device (he/she1) found in the Cornucopia to steal the skills of various tributes to add to (himself/herself1). (He/She1) steals some of (Player2)'s strength, some of (Player3)'s dexterity and some of (Player4)'s intelligence.
  120. (Player1) establishes an adventuring party based on the supplies found within the Cornucopia. (Player1) found a sword and is the party leader, (Player2) found a staff and is the wizard, (Player3) found a summoning book and is the summoner and (Player4) found a bottle of hairspray and is the hairdresser.
  121. (Player1) gains the power to temporarily change tributes into various animals. (Player2) is made into a lion, (Player3) is made into a duck and (Player4) is turned into a gazelle.
  123. (Player1) fucks around.
  125. Craig Fatal:
  126. (Player1) catches a bus to get to the game, but instead of the Arena it takes (him/her1) to a tropical island. Enjoy!
  127. (Player1) opens a supply bag only for a goblin to jump out and stab (him/her1) repeatedly.
  128. (Player1) arrives at a fork in the road, not knowing which direction leads to the game. (He/She1) takes a right and ends up at a theme park instead.
  129. (Player1) rides a shark into the Arena! The shark then throws (Player1) off of him and eats (him/her1).
  130. (Player1) is flown into the Arena via helicopter. The pilot then ejects (his/her1) seat from the vehicle, and (Player1) is shredded by the helicopter's blades.
  132. (Player1) assures (himself/herself1) that (he/she1) doesn't need a map and drives to the Arena without one. A couple weeks later (his/her1) car is found submerged in a lake with (his/her1) body floating in the trunk.
  133. (Player1) finds a boomerang and throws it away to make room for something better. The boomerang comes back and strikes (him/her1) in the head, cracking open (his/her1) skull.
  134. (Player1) finds a scroll with the instructions "DO NOT READ." (He/She1) reads the scroll and immediately catches fire.
  135. (Player1) falls for an obvious trap and ends up with (his/her1) head squished between two swinging logs.
  136. (Player1) arrives into the Arena on horseback on a wild horse. The untamed horse throws (him/her1) off of its back and tramples (him/her1) to death.
  138. (Player1) climbs a massive tree to get a supply bag that's stuck on the topmost branch. Once (he/she1) reaches it the branch snaps and (he/she1) falls to (his/her1) death.
  139. (Player1) finds a magical book with spells that can only be cast by high-level mages. (Player1) tries to give it a go and (he/she1) immediately explodes.
  140. A werewolf is employed by the Host to guard the supplies and make it more difficult for the tributes to get them. (Player1) tries to sneak past it but (he/she1) gets mauled to death.
  141. A lightning storm breaks out as the tributes rush to the supplies. (Player1) grabs a bag loaded with metallic objects and attracts a bolt of lightning that strikes (him/her1) down.
  142. (Player1) forgoes any supplies to escape into the Arena faster than the other tributes. This comes back to bite (him/her1) on the ass later as (he/she1) dies from dehydration.
  144. (Player1) disguises (himself/herself1) as a security guard and stands at the Arena entrance. When (Player2) tries to get in, (Player1) acts as security and denies (him/her2) entrance.
  145. (Player1) finds a Position Swapper within the supplies. (He/She1) uses it just as (Player2) throws a throwing knife at (him/her1), causing them to swap positions and for (Player2) to get the knife instead.
  146. (Player1) finds a Portal Gun within the supplies. (He/She1) shoots a portal at (Player2)'s feet then shoots another portal on the moon's surface, causing (Player2) to fall through and end up in outer space.
  147. (Player1) realises (his/her1) supply bag is ticking. (He/She1) throws the bag at (Player2) just as it blows up.
  148. (Player1) opens up a Backpack of Infinite Space . (Player2) sneaks up behind (him/her1) while (he/she1) looks through it and kicks (him/her1) inside of the backpack, sealing (him/her1) within it.
  149. -------------
  151. DDD
  152. A brightly-colored van drives right into the arena before abruptly stopping just right beside The Cornucopia. The van's door slides open from the right and out pops four tributes wielding various instruments. (Player1), holding a bass guitar under (his/her1) shoulders. (Player2), an electric keyboard tethered onto (his/her2) back. (Player3), holding not an instrument, but a microphone. And last but not least, (Player4) with the electric guitar. ||
  153. (Player1) takes a surprisingly hefty backpack from The Cornucopia and scurries off into a safe hiding spot before opening it. Inside is (Player2) wearing (his/her2) own backpack! (Player2) proceeds to open up (his/her2) backpack and out comes out (Player3) with (his/her3) own backpack. (Player3) opens (his/her3) own backpack and out comes (Player4) with, again, (his/her4) own backpack. (Player4) takes a peek into (his/her4) own backpack and finds some fishing gear that (he/she4) passes to (Player1) before they all go back into their own backpacks. ||
  154. As soon as the horn goes off signaling that the tributes can begin, (Player1) starts (his/her1) trip running towards The Cornucopia but ultimately has to halt right at (his/her1) own footsteps as a fridge was flung out from the sky and directly in front of (him/her1). Opening the fridge, (Player1) finds out that (Player2), (Player2), and (Player3) were inside the fridge as they stumble out from it, dazed and confused as to where they've landed. ||
  155. (Player1) and (Player2) have been together next to each other's podiums this entire time. Given this, they decided to team up before the horn actually went off. (Player1) begins throwing rocks at (Player3) and (Player4) who were fighting over a backpack full of canned food. As they take notice to what (Player1) is doing, they begin storm off to (his/her1) location, dropping everything that they're doing and chasing (Player1) as (he/she1) skedaddles into the woods. Meanwhile, (Player4) sneakily runs off to the location that (Player2) and (Player3) were fighting at, takes the bag, and retreats off somewhere else in the woods. ||
  156. (Player1) and (his/her1) team soon arrives onto the scene with a bunch of cameras and other recording software as they're being suspended by some kind of hovering vehicle. Not too far from the ground so they can catch all the action, but not too close to where they put themselves into needless danger. With (Player1)'s vehicle being attached to an oversized professional camcorder. (Player2 and (Player3) are in charge of recording the sounds of the arena, floating around the place with microphones attached to their vehicles but being sure to stay out of the camcorder's sights. And finally, (Player4) floating danerously close by to various tributes when necessary to interview them what's happening and their thoughts on the matter as to fighting to the death.
  158. Alt: (Player1) and (his/her1) news team fly into the arena in a helicopter. (Player1) is the cameraman, (Player2) is the guy who finds stories to report on, (Player3) is the sound guy and (Player4) is in charge of interviewing the other tributes.
  160. -------------
  161. DMG
  164. Hey (player1) remember that embarrassing thing you did in highschool?
  167. -------------
  168. FP
  169. Out of nowhere, a fan wearing (Player1)s face knocks out (Player2) stonecold. The fan removes (his/her1) mask and reveals that (he/she1) was (Player1) all along.
  172. -------------
  173. Fyxe
  174. (player1) recieves a (player2) body pillow to make up for this lonely solo event (1P meta "broken" event)
  175. (player1) and (player2) work together to create THE ultimate weapon of mass destruction
  176. (player1) and (player2) go to the arena's fastfood and feast on to celebrate the fact they're still alove. They end up fatter than Eggman-kun
  177. (player1) recieves a new shiny car from an unknown sponsor. (he/she1) puts on his favorite tune and get (player2) into a fast ride across the arena.
  178. (player1) and (player2) find a treasure chest containing the meaning of life. But it can only be opened by finding the password with these letters: X.F.E.Y
  179. Bonus:
  180. "Redongo bongo!" (1P event for BB)
  181. "Thankaranya for hosto bosto" (1P event for BB too)
  183. (player1) gets infected with the Ultimate Cancer after stepping on a dirty syringe. (player1) turns into (player2).
  184. Trying to escape (player2), (player1) jumps into a pile of garbage, (he/she1) is indistiguishable from (his/her1) surroudings.
  185. (player1) plays a cursed depressive tune to (player2). (player2) gets so moody a little cloud appears above his head, raining whenever (he/she2) goes.
  186. (player1) and (player2) travel back into the past and end up in the Bloodbath again. They steal (player3)& (player4) in front of their eyes and return to the present.
  187. (player) climbs the tower at the center of the arena where (he/she1) can see everywhere and beyond. (player1) sees (player2) flying with a rocket.
  189. (player1), (player2) and (player3) go to the arena's casino. After 12hours of straight gambling, (player1) ends up richer than an african king while (player2) gets cribbled with debts for a lifetime. (player3) lost all of (his/her3) clothes at strip poker.
  190. (player1)'s shitbox is getting chased by (player2) and (player3)'s monstertrucks. (player1) puts a SUPER EUROBEAT CD into the radio, boosting (his/her1) car speed by 3, and escapes.
  191. (player1) and (player2) buys some sick mechanical wings and fly in the sky together. So freeee!
  192. (player1) is an easy lover! (he/she1)'ll get an hold on you, believe me!
  193. (player1) travels to the deepest part of the arena to discover the meaning of life. After a journey full of harships, he finally discover the scroll of truth: It only shows a picture of (player2)
  195. (player1) is very sad, please give (him/her1) a hug... Anything...
  196. (player1) shots (player2) in the head, in the knees, in the tummy, in the foot, in the back, in the heart. (player2) survives
  197. (player1) is actually (player2) from the future and the grandfather of (player3) who is the reincarnation of (player4) the long lost brother of (player5)
  198. [This event was removed because we have no budget. Just talk to each others or something. I don't wanna hear any RPer complains]
  199. The HG Hosting guild sends an army of skilled shitposters to take down (player1). As (he/she1)'s about to die, (player2) arrives and take them down.
  200. Maybe someday your name will be in lights. Saying (player1) Tonight!'"
  202. (player1) is the cancer killing this community
  203. (player1) is the hero we need, but don't deserve
  204. (Player1) creates aesthetically pleasing images while listening to funky music.
  205. p1 leaves that nine to five upon the shelf and just enjoy himself1
  206. p1 gets nostalgic for a decade he1 wasn't even alive in
  209. p1, p2 and p3 takes a little trip to McDonaldsโ„ข during the night service
  210. p1 and p2 drive on the coastal highway, the sea breeze in their faces, a funky tune in the air.
  211. p1 is an easy lover, he1'll take your heart but you won't feel it!
  212. p1, be careful of what you do. Don't go around breaking young girls' hearts"
  213. p1 puts on a nice jacket and some cool shades raising his1 overall freshness to unpreceded levels.
  215. Keep on with the force, p1! Don't stop 'til you get enough.
  216. p1 and p2 are part time lovers : strangers by day, lovers by night; knowing it's so wrong, but feeling so right.
  218. Fyxe Fatal:
  219. (player1) shoves (player2) into a penis costume and throws (him/her2) into ERP. (player2) is shredded into pieces by all the horny sluts.
  220. (player1) finds a window lying on the ground and uses it to defenestrate (player2). The window was actually a door to another world and (player2) is trapped forever inside the worst HG timeline.
  221. (Player1) says a forbidden word and is immediately expelled from the game.
  222. (player1), the avatar, channels the power of (player1), the avafag; and godmods the shit out of (player2) & (player3). They explode in a flurry of bad RP and sexual innuendos. They like this.
  223. (player1) obliterates (player2) with THE ULTIMATE WEAPON. The remains are never recovered.
  225. (player1) smashes (player2) into a computer screen. (player1) is forever trapped into the greenhill wallpaper of Windows XP 2003
  226. (player1) died. Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.
  227. (player1) the vampire sucks (player2)'s blood. (Player1) dies of AIDS
  228. (player1) gives a kiss to (player2). (player2) explodes.
  229. (player1) and (player2) use the power of friendship to defeat, beat down and murder (player3) in a violent way
  231. (player1) sets up an Aikawa. (player2) falls into it and dies.
  232. The HG Hosting guild sends an army of skilled shitposters to take down (player1). (he/she1) doesn't survive
  233. (player1) locks (player2) into a room blasts Asgore's playlist on repeat. (player2)'s ears bleed until (he/she2) dies
  235. -------------
  236. Grimes
  238. (Player1) just can't get to sleep so (Player2) delightfully knocks them out with a tree branch
  240. -------------
  241. Hat Kid
  242. (player1) is stupid enough to fall for (player2)'s cookie in the bear trap.
  244. -------------
  245. Karen
  246. p1 goes to the bathroom and hops in the toilet before pulling the chain to enter the arena.
  247. p1 tries loot a couple of houses in the middle but all he only finds are slices of pizza scattered on the floor.
  248. p1 cheats into the game with god abilities but his god abilities are deleted by the anti-cheat system.
  249. p1 hears the signal to start the game and stumbles at the beginning, filling his mouth with dirt.
  250. p1 grabs knives, a pistol and duct tape to fabric a pistol that can shoot knives.
  252. p1 prepares a sandwich using his hopes and dreams and then he gives the sandwich to p2.
  253. p1 looks at the distance and notices how p2 is humping against a tree for some reason.
  254. p1 falls asleep in the middle of the desert and p2 drags him to a safe place.
  255. p1 hates p2 from the bottom of his heart but whenever he meets p2 he can't stop acting nice.
  256. p1 grabs a pen and p2 grabs a pineapple. HUGH they make a pineapple pen.
  258. (Player1) and (Player2) ride a bike to escape away from (Player3) but (Player3) morphs into a car and chases after them.
  259. (Player1) is eating a sweet cake that has a cherry on the top and (Player2)'s greediness shows off when he tries to pick the cherry with (his/her2) fork. (Player3) jumps out of the cake with the fork buried on his nose.
  260. (Player3) opens a portal to another dimension just to land on the reality where (Player1) and (Player2) are eldritch creatures.
  261. (Player1), (Player2) and (Player3) have a truce until the next day but they cross their fingers during the deal.
  262. (Player1) wants to revive (his/her1) spirit animal on a far away mountain. (Player2) and (Player3) are worried about (his/her1) safety and if (he/she1) really has a spirit animal to begin with.
  264. (Player1) and (Player2) arrive on buggy loaded with explosives. On the other side of the arena (Player3) and (Player4) try to hide so they won't be caught up on the kamikaze explosion.
  265. (Player1) reloads his gun, ready to enter the arena along with (Player2), (Player3) and (Player4) who don't have a gun but they got style.
  266. (Player1) runs with a briefcase on his hand and when he enters the arena he opens the briefcase. (Player2) flies out of it and crashes against a nearby wall where (Player3) and (Player4) are enjoying tea before the game starts.
  267. (Player1) grabs (Player2) like a gun while (Player3) looks at them without knowing what's going on. Little did he know that (Player4) would come behind him and grab him like a gun as well, ready to fight against (Player1)
  268. (Player1) flies off from the cannon of (Player2) as (Player3) comes along to reload the cannon with (Player4)
  270. Karen Fatal:
  271. (Player1) grabs a weapon and reloads. When (he/she1) pulls the trigger the weapon explodes in (his/her1) hand and against logic the bullet fires backwards and kills (him/her1).
  272. (Player1) tries to do a backflip to impress but (he/she1) breaks (his/her1) neck on landing.
  273. (Player1) hunts for other tributes but forgets to hide (his/she1) obvious weak spot. (He/she1)'s killed on sight when wild animals attack (he/her1).
  274. (Player1) slips on a banana peel and goes flying off to the sky as if earth didn't have gravity at all. (He/she1) dies when he leaves the atmosphere.
  275. (Player1) doesn't have shelther for the night and so he fabricates one of (his/her1) own but (he1/she1) wasn't aware that the ceiling of leaves are from a poisoned plant. This was the last time (he/she1) closed (his/her1) eyes.
  277. (Player1) finds an ancient weapon capable of controlling other people's minds. (He/she1) uses it on (Player2) to end (his/her2) life.
  278. (Player1) jumps on top of (Player2) for a piggy ride but he forgot they're near a cliff. By doing so he pushes (Player2) off the cliff purely by accident.
  279. (Player1) finds (himself/herself1) in front of (his/her1) arch enemy (Player2). After a clash of powers and a extensive monologue between the two, (Player2) gets the upper hand and finishes (him/her1).
  280. (Player1) is in love with (Player2), so much that (he/she1) is crazy enough to swear if (he/she1) can't have (him/her2) no one can. (He/she1) ties (Player2) up, killing (him/her2) with an overwhelming amount of love.
  281. (Player1) wants to recreate the perfect prank of Jackass along with (his/her1) sidekick (Player2) but (Player2) dies horribly during the prank. Never try it at home kids.
  283. (Player1) rides the elevator to reach the arena but (Player2) is already on top. When the elevator reaches the top, it crushes the metal frame with (Player1) inside of it against the floor of (Player2)'s elevator.
  284. (Player1) invites (Player2) for a nice picnic before the game starts. Little did (Player2) know that (he/she2)'s walking into a trap and a poisoned sandwich.
  285. (Player1) slips on a banana peel, breaking his neck. (Player2) laughs at (him/her1) but when (he/she2) notices that (he/she1)'s not moving (he/she2) pokes him with a stick but he doesn't move anymore.
  286. (Player1) finds a weapon early in the game and uses it to pop (Player2)'s eyes out, and (his/her2) life.
  287. (Player1) chops (Player2)'s head off with a piece of paper and uses (his/her2) head as an ornament to inspire fear on the other tributes.
  289. (Player1) climbs on top of the scoreboard to grab (Player2)'s portrait and kill (him/her2) with it but (he/she1) forgot about how (he/she1)'s going to walk down. (He/she1) dies while (Player2) stares at (him/her1) from below.
  290. (Player1)'s starving to death. Thankfully for him (Player2) has a lot of supplies but (he/she2) doesn't want to share them. (Player1) eats (Player2)'s body instead.
  291. (Player1) puts a straw on top of (Player2)'s body and sucks in air to leave a red mark. By accident (he/she1) ends up swallowing (Player2)'s body on its entirely.
  292. (Player1) rushes towards the center of the arena but (Player2)'s already prepared the area with traps all over the place. (Player1) was never seen again.
  293. (Player1) uses a bunch of awls to pin (Player2)'s body on the platform (he/she2) stood on to entered the game and leaves (him/her2) to serve as wolf bait.
  295. (Player1) puts (his/her1) shiny helmet on and walks into the arena but (Player2) is waiting for (him/her2) with a piercing weapon. (He/she2) crushes (Player1)'s head, destroying (his/her1) beloved helmet.
  296. (Player1) sits on top of (Player2)'s head. (Player2) enjoys it way too much that (his/her2) body melts under the butt.
  297. (Player1) finds (Player2)'s traps hiding in the bushes and avoids them. However, (Player2) (himself/herself2)'s waiting on the other side with a giant flyswatter, stamping on the ground forever.
  298. (Player1) kneels and grabs (Player2)'s hand to show (him/her2 a surprise. It was too much for (Player2)'s poor heart and dies of an heartattack.
  299. (Player1) rides (his/her1) bike to the arena while (Player2)'s clings on (him/her1) by the waist. A single branch of a tree was enough to destroy (Player2)'s face and head but (Player1) didn't stop.
  300. -------------
  301. Mars
  302. (Player1) breaks down in front of (Player2), only to be laughed at.
  303. (Player1) forgot to set their clocks for daylight savings and missed the bloodbath.
  304. Look in awe, tributes! (Player1) has blessed you with their presence!
  307. Mars Fatal:
  308. (Player1) drops a bombshell on (Player2). Literally.
  309. (Player1) tries to dropshot (Player2) but sprays between their legs and teamkills (Player3)
  310. -------------
  312. Ocelot
  313. p1 hides behind a tree, stalking p2 as (he/she2) walks away from the cornucopia
  314. p1 hands p2 a bag with rations and weapons and tells (him/her2) to follow (him/her1)
  315. p1 sneaks behind p2 and knocks (him/her2) out, taking all (his/her2) belongings right after.
  316. p1 quickly takes a shotgun hoping to get the first kill on p2 but p2 took all the shotgun shells. They just stare at each other before running away in opposite directions
  317. p1 notices p2 rushing towards (him/her2) with a knife, (he/she1) takes out a flash grenade and tosses it in the air giving (himself/herself1) time to run away from p2
  319. Ocelot Fatal:
  320. (P1) notices (P2) driving on the road near the hill (he/she1) standing up. (P1) takes out (his/her1) Kar98k and shoots the right front tire causing the car to crash in a nearby tree. (P1) finishes the job with a headshot as (P2) jumps out of (his/her2) car.
  321. (P1) camps at (his/her1) window with a sniper. (He/She1) does not hear (P2) entering the house and approaching (him/her1) silently. (P2) knocks out (P1) with a pan before finishing (him/her1) with a bullet in the end.
  322. (P1) shoots at (P2) from the second floor of (his/her1) house but misses every shots (he/she1) takes. (P2) makes (his/her2) way near the house and throws every single grenades (he/she2) has, completely destroying the second floor and (P1) in it.
  323. (P1), in order to camp properly, places a few Claymore and mines behind (him/her1) to make sure no one kills (him/her1) from behind. Later on, (P2) doesn't notice the traps and rushes (P1), stepping on a mine on (his/her2) way and exploding into a thousand pieces.
  324. (P1) tries to sneak away from (P2)'s sight using the bushes and the trees but (P2) isn't fooled and waits for the perfect moment to land an accurate headshot on (P1)
  326. --------------
  327. Ruka Fatal:
  328. (Player1) flicks a smoke onto the ground. What (he/she1) didn't know is that there was a small trail of gasoline in front of (him/her1), leading to a gas station. The small flame blows up the whole station while (player2) fills up gas.
  329. As (Player1) and (Player2) walk together in the arena, they find a small note with the letters "De geso" on it. When they both begins to chant to, a fucking huge squid girl tramples them down.
  330. (Player1) puts on an animal mask and walks into a grocery store with a metalbat and starts smashing the head off various customers. A little while after (Player2) comes in, wearing a hockey mask and a huge ass axe, splitting (Player1) in half.
  331. (Player1) ziplines down a cliff and takes out (Player2) silently.
  332. (Player1) shoves some TNT up (Player2)'s ass. Unfortunately (Player1) can't make it out of the blast radius and gets caught in the explostion
  334. -------------
  336. Sol
  337. P1 doesn't need supplies. All he1 needs is his1 fists.
  338. P1 has overpacked, and has tired himself1 out before the starting horn with how heavy his1 bag is.
  339. P1 scans the other tributes to determine potential friends...and potential enemies.
  340. P1 does some jumping jacks to warm himself1 up before the fight.
  341. P1 double checks his1 supplies to make sure he1 hasn't forgotten anything.
  343. P1 finds arrows but no bow. P2 finds a bow and no arrows. They're unable to come to a compromise.
  344. P1 and P2 team up to take as much stuff as possible from the Cornucopia.
  345. P1 gives whatever he1 doesn't want out of his supplies to P2. Unfortunately for P2, it's all useless junk.
  346. P1 takes a knife and stabs P2 in the leg before bolting. P2 survives, and vows to take revenge with his2 new knife.
  347. P1 and P2 nod at each other a lot and make several odd hand symbols. By the time they've said what they want to say, all the decent supplies have been taken.
  349. (Player1) and (Player2) both can't shake an eerie feeling when they see (Player3).
  350. (Player1), (Player2) and (Player3) decide to make a secret handshake so they can identify each other, but can't decide how it goes.
  351. (Player1) makes (Player2) and (Player3) (his/her1) pack mules in exchange for keeping them alive.
  352. (Player1) switches (Player2)'s and (Player3)'s bags when they aren't watching to confuse them.
  353. (Player1), (Player2), and (Player3) fight over a bag that's heavy with "supplies". In reality, it's just full of rocks.
  355. (Player1), (Player2), (Player3), and (Player4) form a secret 13th team. Who knows how long it'll last.
  356. (Player1) and (Player2) challenge (Player3) and (Player4) to a fight, but are spared out of pity by them for their poor dueling skills.
  357. (Player1) convinces (Player2) and (Player3) that (he/she1) is an adept leader. (Player4) is not convinced.
  358. (Player1) is ganged up on by (Player2), (Player3), and (Player4), all (his/her1) supplies being stolen.
  359. Much to (Player1)'s irritation, (Player2), (Player3), and (Player4) have come to (him/her1) for motivation and tips before the match.
  361. -------------
  363. Squid
  364. p1 seaks into the arena by hiding in a dumpster, waiting for a garbage truck to pick him1 up and jumping out as it passes through the area.
  365. The ground crumbles and gives way to p1 as he1 rises from the remains of past tributes in a pillar of flame and death.
  366. The horn which signals the beginning of the match blares across the arena. p1 sleeps through it despite how loud it is and enjoys a nice nap.
  367. p1 prepares himself1 for battle by putting spikes on his1 armor and then putting spikes on those spikes.
  368. p1 finds a note among the supplies he1 collected. It reads "Do not take these supplies. Nothing good will come of it. Signed, Future p1".
  370. p1 gives p2 a wild piggyback ride on their way into the arena.
  371. p1 and p2 both grab onto the same bag when they go for supplies. They both awkwardly wait for the other person to let go.
  372. p1 pulls a knife starts running towards p2 as soon as the match starts. p2 makes a break for it.
  373. p1 and p2 are cuffed together at the wrists before the game starts. You know, for fun.
  374. p1 can feel p2 staring daggers at him1 and decides to flee instead of going for supplies.
  376. (Player1) invites (Player2) to come grab supplies with (him/her1) once the game starts, but when (Player1) goes to meet (him/her2) it seems that (he/she2)'s dragged (Player3) along uninvited.
  377. (Player1) and (Player2) help push (Player3)'s broken down car into the arena while (he/she3) sits inside and listens to (his/her3) favorite music.
  378. (Player1), (Player2) and (Player3) all agree to settle their rivalries right at the start in a fight to the death but none of them show up at the assigned location.
  379. (Player1) grabs (Player2) in one arm and (Player3) under the other and sprints away at full speed with both of them.
  380. (Player1), (Player2) and (Player3) would make a great team, but they just can't stop arguing with eachother and decide to go their seperate ways.
  382. (Player1) and (Player2) exchange some supplies they've gathered. (Player3) throws (Player4) at the two of them just as (Player2) is about to hand (Player1) a bag and (Player4) is able to grab it and run away.
  383. As the horn blows, (Player1), (Player2) and (Player3) form a human pyramid so that (Player4) can climb atop them and leap towards a pile of supplies.
  384. (Player1) looks through a pair of binoculars, watching (Player2) and (Player3) tie (Player4) up to a tree. Once they leave, (Player1) comes in and helps (Player4) out of (his/her4) bindings so (he/she4) can get away.
  385. (Player1) is offered a bribe by (Player2), who asks (him/her1) to make (Player3) look like a fool in front of (Player4) for the rest of the game.
  386. (Player1), (Player2), (Player3) and (Player4) were going to perform as a barbeershop quartet this game, but (Player3) forgot to bring (his/her3) uniform and is kicked out of the group.
  388. Squid Fatal:
  389. p1 threatens to defenestrate p2. While p2 is busy googling what the hell that means, p1 picks him2 up and throws him2 out the window, breaking every bone in his2 body.
  391. -------------
  392. Tricky
  393. (Player1) spends all day painting a life-like portrait of (Player2). It comes out like shit.
  394. (Player1) begins to believe (Player2) is part of an evil cult. (Player2) doesn't deny their claim.
  395. (Player1) spends a few moments sketching a drawing of (Player2). It comes out looking like the Mona Lisa.
  396. (Player1) eats an entire watermelon. Fucking pig.
  397. (Player1) predicts that it will rain! (He/She1) is probably wrong, though.
  399. (Player1) bathes under a waterfall, using (Player2) as a sponge.
  400. fatal
  401. (Player1) buys some clothes online. The clothing arrives, and much to (his/her1) dismay, are Chinese bootlegs. (Player1) runs around naked for the rest of the game.
  402. (Player1) walks on the runway. The judges give their posing and outfit a final score... [5 player event]
  403. (Player1) is an attentionwhore.
  404. (Player1) pays Spongebob to pleasure (him/her1).
  406. (Player1) can't stand (Player2).
  407. (Player1) saves a family from a housefire. The moment they crack any kind of offensive joke, however, (he/she1) is called worse than Hitler.
  408. (Player1) is a piece of shit human being and I fucking hate them
  409. (Player1) deserves to have their head run over by a monster truck.
  410. (Player1) is a prick, but everyone seems to love them.
  412. (Player1) goes to an arcade, and wins a doll of (Player2). (He/She1) seems to have a really close connection to it.
  414. Tricky Fatal:
  415. (Player1) gets hypothermia, and dies.
  416. (Player1) dips themselves in ketchup. (Player2) vores them, thinking they're a french fry.
  417. (Player1) stands on a tripwire after a long hike, and after a few moments, is struck by (Player2)'s hidden anvil.
  418. (Player1) gives (his/her1) friend, (Player2), half of their snack. (Player1) had secretly laced that half of the snack with poison.
  419. (Player1) takes out their power fantasies and bans (Player2) from this game the moment they have any sort of ability to enforce rules, just like Mars.
  421. -------------
  422. Yukine
  423. p1 is probably going to die horribly here, but p2 tells hm/hr to look at the bright side of life
  424. p1 and p2 immediately begin to arm wrestle with an empty plastic bag sitting in the cornucopia at stake
  425. p1 attempts to use bitcoin to buy a child slave off p2 right at the start
  426. p1 and p2 agree to not kill eachother, but will it last?
  427. as p1 is rummaging through a pile of supplies p2 sneaks up behind and puts p1 in a sleeper hold until h/s is knocked out
  429. Yukine Fatal:
  430. (Player1) tries to run away from it all, but ends up in a minefield, where more than just a mine goes missing.
  431. (Player1) is screaming so hard their muscles expland and blood starts to come out of their eyeballs as their brain explodes from a testosterone overdose
  432. (Player1) is trying to weightlift more and more to prepare, but (he/she1) drops the bench bar on (his/her1) head, snapping it right off (his/her1) neck
  433. (Player1) is making nitro glycerin based bombs. (Player1) accidentally drops one of the completed mixtures, causing (him/her1) and (his/her1) lab to explode in a single massive blast
  434. (Player1) steps on a stick and gets an infection. (Player1) kills (himself/herself1) to stop the pain.
  435. -------------
  437. Yuno
  438. (Player1) and (Player2) try to cooperate to build a shelter but everything around them ends up on fire by sundown.
  439. (Player1) hones their mind and prepares (himself/herself1) for the trials to come.
  440. (Player1) warms up for all the murders they're about to commit by doing some relaxing yoga.
  441. (Player1) checks (his/her1) supplies and practices (his/her1) battle techniques one last time before heading off.
  442. (Player1) falls asleep while waiting for arena to begin and is joltled awake by the starting horn.
  444. -(Player1) and (Player2) make silly faces at one another while waiting for the game to start.
  445. -(Player1) scoops everything he can into a bag and runs off, but (he/she1) later discovers everything fell out because of a large hole in the bottom.
  446. -(Player1) loads up on medical supplies and heads away from the Cornucopia.
  447. -(Player1) arrives by parachute and lands gracefully enough to catch the attention of (Player2), but nobody else manages to notice.
  448. -(Player1) picks up (his/her1) podium and carries it off in the hopes of reverse engineering it into a dangerous explosive device.
  450. (Player1) looks upon (his/her1) bag of supplies in horror as (he/she1) discovers that they've already eaten all of the rations that they packed.
  452. Yuno's Events to be Salvaged:
  453. p1 offers to work together with p2, but he/she2 refuses.
  454. p1 is chased out of his/her1 camp in the night by a wandering bear and is forced to sleep in the cold
  455. p1 makes some cordage material using some small sapplings
  456. p1 scavenges an abandoned hunting lodge for supplies
  457. p1 impresses p2 by starting a fire using nothing but two rocks
  458. p1 makes a snare trap using a few bits of wood and cordage material
  459. p1 fashions a fishing hook out of a piece of wood
  460. forest fire
  461. following tracks but they just lead to p2 base
  462. p1 sleeps in den find bear
  463. find abandoned camp
  464. make lean to
  465. catch rain with plastic bag
  466. boil water to make potable
  467. p1 caught in p2 foot trap
  468. cut down tree fall on
  469. fall down ontop of p2 as pass below
  470. spear out of stick
  471. bow out of sapling and cordage material
  472. (Player1) fashions a bag to carry stuff in using cordage material.
  473. eat mushroom
  474. (Player1) ties a few tall sapplings together with rope to make a comfortable tent.
  475. (Player1) spands the day working on creating a boat to escape with.
  476. (Player1) combs the shore line, searching for any washed up supplies.
  477. (Player1) picks up a few small crabs to cook and eat while walking along the beach.
  478. (Player1) gathers berries from bush to eat later.
  479. (Player1) tries to start fire with magnifying glass (he/she1) found, but fails.
  480. (Player1) manages to start a fire, and rests at it in the hopes (he/she1) will respawn there if they die.
  481. (Player1) finds a pile
  482. (Player1) boils some mushrooms to make a refreshing tea.
  483. (Player1) falls ill, but heals (himself/herself1) by making a remedy using herbs (he/she1) gathered.
  484. (Player1) comes across an old worn out roadway while exploring.
  486. Yuno Fatal:
  487. -(Player1) decides to immediately bee line for (Player2) and strangle (him/her2) to death, to avoid having to deal with them later.
  488. -(Player1) throws (his/her1) shoe at (Player2), causing (him/her2) to fall off the podium and explode.
  489. -As (Player1) is parachuting into the arena, (Player2) shoots a hole in the chute, causing (him/her1) to free tumble to the ground at terminal velocity and land with a comedic splat.
  490. -(Player1) and (Player2) play rock, paper, scissors to decide who gets a bag. (Player1) beats (Player2) to death with a rock and wins.
  491. -(Player1) jumps out of a bag (Player2) was about to grab and scares (him/her2) by stabbing (him/her2) in the throat.
  493. -(Player1) sets a fire in (Player2)'s hideout and blocks the entrance off, leaving (him/her2) to burn up inside.
  494. -(Player1) falls into a spiked pitfall set up by (Player2) and becomes perforated.
  495. -(Player1) drops down from a tree onto (Player2) as (he/she2) passes below and snaps (his/her2) neck.
  496. -(Player1) lunges forward at (Player2) and inflicts a fatal wound with (him/her1) weapons before (he/she2) can react.
  497. -(Player1) sneaks out from behind cover to (Player2) and silently cuts (his/her2) throat.
  499. -Seeing and opening in (Player1)'s defense, (Player2) quickly moves forward and stabs (him/her1) in the abdomen, killing (him/her1).
  500. -(Player1) throws a rock to distract (Player2), while (he/she2) is investigating the sound (Player1) sneaks up and beats (him/her2) to death with an even bigger rock.
  501. -(Player1) unleashes several caged wild dogs to seek out (Player2)'s scent and kill (him/her2), but instead they immediately bee line for (Player1) and devour (him/her1).
  502. -(Player1) empties (Player2)'s canteen while (he/she2) is sleeping, leaving them without any water.
  503. (Player1) falls ill, but (Player2) uses some local herbs to make a remedy to heal them, however they cause an allergic reaction, killing (him/her1).
  505. -(Player1) and (Player2) team up to take down (Player3), but (he/she3) pulls out a gun and shoots them both.
  506. -(Player1) uses a ballastia to fire a bolt that skewers (Player2) and (Player3).
  507. -As (Player1) and (Player2) head inside of a cave to explore, (Player3) pushes a huge boulder infront of the entrance, leaving them trapped inside to die.
  508. -(Player1) opens up a lemonaide stand and sells a glass to both (Player2) and (Player3), who both find out much too late that their drinks were poisoned.
  509. -(Player1) informs (Player2) and (Player3) to meet (him/her1) at a certain rendezvous location. When they arrive, they are both caught off guard by savage bear that tears them both apart and devours them.
  511. -(Player1) comes across (Player2) scavenging for food on (his/her1) land, and responds by spearing (Player2) to death.
  512. (Player1) is stabbed with a sword. (He/She1)'s dead. Fucking dead. By the wound. Murdered, killed, no longer breathing. Heart stopped beating and (his/her1) brain stopped working. (He/She1) is a corpse now. (His/Her1) ashes spread out across Disney Land.
  513. A firetruck rolls down a hill into (Player1)'s appartment building. The large metal ladder breaks through the wall and impales (him/her1).
  514. (Player1) climbs into (Player2)s window at night and kills (him/her2).
  515. A Grand Piano slips from the grasp of several workers simulationusly, falls, and crushes (Player1).
  517. While (Player1) and (Player2) are stopped at a red light, a gas tanker in front of them simutaniously explodes, killing them.
  518. A vase falls from a high shelf and breaks over (Player1)'s head which sends them into wild convulsions for several minutes until they eventually die of spinal shock.
  519. A tree falls over into (Player1) and crushes (his/her1) lungs,
  520. A speeding truck runs a redlight and hits (Player1), (Player2) and (Player3), killing them instantly.
  521. While (Player1) is riding an elevator to the top of a parking lot, the cord snaps and they plummet multiple floors to their death.
  523. ---------------
  524. Yuno + Vert Racing Code:
  525. (Player1) stops to fill up (his/her1) gas tank but descovers the gas port has been completely replaced by a coin operation system.
  526. (Player1)'s car transforms into a giant robot and runs away from (him/her1) to go become (Player2)'s car instead.
  527. (Player1) performs a pit maneuver on (Player2)'s car, causing (him/her2) to spiral out of control as (Player1) passes (him/her2) by.
  528. (Player1) presses a button that causes oil to spew out the back of (his/her1) car and slicks up the road, which causes (Player2) to lose control of (his/her2) vehicle.
  529. (Player1)'s speed limiter sound turns on, warning (him/her1) to slow down, but (Player1) ignores it and pushes down harder on the gas pedal.
  531. (Player1) does a sick burnout to try an impress (Player2) but both of (his/her1) back tires pop in the process.
  532. (Player1) drifts around a corner with (his/her1) eyes closed.
  533. (Player1) accidently brakes too quickly, causing (him/her1) to bash (his/her1) head into the steering wheel.
  534. The roof of (Player1)'s car is torn off as the drive though a low clearance overpass.
  535. (Player1) cuts (Player2)'s brake lines while they are sleeping
  537. (Player1) angrily honks at (Player2) for cutting (him/her1) off.
  538. (Player1) ramps off of a drawbridge as it's being raised and lands on the other side, narrowly avoiding plummeting into the waters below.
  539. One of (Player1)'s tires pops, but (he/she1) ignores it and keeps driving on, leaving a trail of sparks in (his/her1) wake.
  540. (Player1) stops at a gas station to refuel, and notices (Player2) is there as well. They stare intensly at each other while filling up their tanks.
  541. (Player1)'s car transforms into a boat as (he/she1) moves in to cross a lake, (Player2) tries driving into the water to see if (he/she2) can transform as well but nothing happens and (his/her2) car simply sinks.
  543. (Player1) comes into a mechanic for a quick check up. (Player2), masquerading as a mechanic, sabotages (his/her1) engine making it perform much worse.
  544. (Player1) rigs (his/her1) car to explode and drives it into (Player2), jumping out at the last second.
  545. (Player1) stops at a drive through to order fast food, but ends up staying there all day waiting for (his/her1) order.
  546. A semi backs out into the middle of the road, (Player1) narrowly slides under it but (Player2)'s car doesn't fit, and (he/she2) crashes.
  547. (Player1) and (Player2) get into a car crash. (Player1) gets out, only to be shot by (Player2) to "leave no witnesses".
  550. ////////////////////////
  552. We really should get working on this again or at least I'd hope to. One of my many questions is; what is keeping us from continuing the community code? There can be many reasons, time, inspiration, mood, wanting to work on your own code. I think there's kind of a misconception here, too. The events you write for the community code are yours, they're supposed to be yours and part of the comminity code as a result. If you want to use those events on your own code or rewrite the same idea into another shape, you're free to do so. It won't be a collective mash of codes being slapped together into one, it's the ideas an events of the community into one. There's no harm in using those events in your own code and reusing them for your personal interest.
  553. I dunno if the reasons I listed above are the reasons why this is getting delayed more than a should. At least in my opinion. If we all take five minutes or less out of our time to write a couple of events, this could be finished in no time and it can be a breeze for all of us as well.
  554. So, let's make this a suggestion box. What do you think about the commnity code? Why did we stop? What can be done about it?
  556. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
  558. If I could hold a gun to people's heads and force them to write 5 events a day, that would be great. If I were allowed to do that, I would. But I can't, people get scared, people get mad, people don't want to do it if they weren't going to do it of their own free will anyway. The Guild code was a measure of how far a collection of hosts would get when writing a code together. I already knew that most of us were having a hard time finishing our own codes, given that fact I decided to propose we try to do it anyway. You can't just focus on the code and why it isn't moving. "It's a community so why isn't anyone contributing?", is the ususal question. You're forgetting that this community is made out of individual people with their own lives and their own reasons. They have their own problems to sort out before they can contribute to a community code. "So hoshi? You knew that it was not going to work before you started it?", I never planned for this to succeed in the first place. I wanted to see how things were going to go with this, so it's closer to an experiment. It would be really nice if it could be finished, and given enough time it will. Listen to me It Will. Just because people aren't working on it now doesn't mean it's dead, but because it's on unofficial hiatus doesn't mean it shoud be killed. It's nice we have a place to throw some events into a collective community piggy bank and then crack it open when it's ready.
  559. This isn't a progressive project. It's voluntary passive one.
  560. If nobody has change, nobody is going to go out of their way to put coins in the piggy bank.
  561. And if the economy is hard, nobody is going to put money or have money to put in the piggy bank to begin with.
  562. "Oh, nobody's been putting money in the piggyback lately" let's just get rid of all of it, or we should pressure everyone into making change on purpose to fill up the piggy bank.
  563. No, that's against the spirit of the Guild Code to begin with.
  564. The name of this channel has been from the start "We TRY to write a code"
  565. The direction should be getting as many codes out there for the community to enjoy in our games, if I can get a personal code out faster than a new code will be made by adding to the Guild Code, I encourage people to finish thier games first over the Guild Code.
  566. I think the person who feels the most enthusiastic and strongly about it should be the one contributing through example.
  567. Not every project that we start is going to work. I'm not paying any of you, I'm not getting paid. If people just don't feel like doing it, they're not going to do it. This is the price for us getting things for free when people want to give it to us.
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